beatrixacepanda · 2 years
Hi there, I hope you’re doing better now! I’ve missed you!
I was wondering, could you do a one shot/headcanons of platonic Yandere Michael afton finally taking Evan?
Executing the Plan
His method of transportation when the time comes is that they have to run away by train.
He decides that he will execute his plan the moment Evan’s school day is over.
Michael is planning on taking them back home, where they used to live with the rest of the Afton family before they died. In hopes, that it will recover Evan’s memories. However, a few memories have been coming back. Only small snippets and pieces of them, but Evan still doesn’t recognize Michael or who these people are in his “visions”.
Evan’s adoptive family are worried as to why Evan isn’t at the front of the school waiting for them to pick him up. So they decide to ask around on the remaining people left on campus but to no avail. Someone from the office offers to check on the security cameras and that’s how they find out Evan has been kidnapped.
3 months before Evan was kidnapped, Michael was already stalking the family. Which led to them to contact the police to identify who it is. The police started a full blown investigation but it was hard to determine who it was. They have their suspicions but they refuse to believe they’re chasing a dead guy. That is until they somehow manage to find and contact the hospital Michael was brought to after his home burned down. The entire police department were in shock but they finally had a lead. It still proved to be difficult because Michael goes by a different name and identity.
However, the police now know what he looks like thanks to the security cameras of the school. Michael did take this into account. Since the police will be trying to track him down, he has to change his appearance which is difficult to do since the half of his body is burnt, but he’ll make do. He will also try to change Evan’s appearance the moment he grabs him from school with a change of clothes and hair dye for both him and Evan.
The police release a photo of Evan through the television so they can find him before it’s too late. Since Evan and Michael changed their appearance, it’s not gonna be much help.
During the entire escapade, Michael is coercing Evan to go with him willingly, he doesn’t want to resort to physical restraint. He doesn’t want to scare him and he doesn’t want to hurt him, not again. Evan, although as terrified as he may be, he decides to play along. He’s afraid of what Michael is capable of doing if he doesn’t comply.
There was a moment where Michael took his eyes off of Evan, because he was trying to buy some snacks and refreshments for the train ride. Evan takes this opportunity to approach someone and slips them a note saying “Please help. Call the police”
By the time Evan and Michael are going to aboard the train, Michael finds himself cornered by the New York Police Department. But what the police wasn’t expecting was for Michael to reach into his sweater and pull out a gun.
Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the cliffhanger but I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity.
P.S I’m actually not planning on doing a one-shot or fanfic on this. But! If anyone wishes to have a go for it, you’re welcome to do so. If someone does make it, please send me the link.
The next post will be about “The Ending”
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
Hello! I really love your Yandere Platonic Michael Afton and was wondering if you could make some more headcannons/oneshot?
Maybe where Michael finally goes with his plan and how everything goes?
If you can't I totally understand! Writing things is really hard and I respect the work you put in them <3
Hey~ 👋
More Headcannons
The name Michael goes by so people don’t know what is his true identity is Lucas Scout.
There was one time when he kinda snapped while he was following Evan around the city:
Michael was trying to tell him the truth about his life before he was sent to an orphanage but Evan was just plain out scared of him. So he tried to run away but Michael had grabbed him by the arm hard. He immediately let go when he realized he was hurt Evan and decided to let him leave for the time being. He was so angry with himself that when he left to go back to Bronx, he started trashing his apartment.
Everything the family does everyday as a routine is written down in a journal Michael has. He has another one that is meant for Evan only.
During the time he has lost the majority of his sanity, he has made the family’s life a living hell and has tried to intimidate them:
He once destroyed the family’s luxurious car; Michael had broken all the windows, slashed the car tires, left a bunch of small dents around it, and drew graffiti on the car seats and on the outside of it. The parents were shocked and scared but they were also confused because none of the belongings they had in their car had been stolen.
There was another time in which he had sent a letter to the their condo in Manhattan that had a bunch polaroids of them. In one of them the mother was seen leaving her workplace, another polaroid had the father in it where he was waiting for the subway train, and the rest were about the kids. You could see that in one of them, the little girl was eating an ice cream and in another, her twin was kicking a soccer ball in Central Park. In the last Polaroid, the oldest son was leaving his high school. These were just the first of the many that would be sent later. However, there was never a polaroid of Evan and the reason behind this is because Michael keeps those in the journal he has for Evan.
Quick Announcement:
The part in which Michael executes his plans will be posted shortly after this post.
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
Hey Guys, I’m Back~
Sorry for the long wait, but here I am. Let’s get back to business don’t you think?
Feel free to ask anything about this AU
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
I apologize since I haven’t posted in a while and probably won’t for the time being.
Right now, I’m not doing so well mentally and I think I’ll need a break from tumblr for a while. I’ll see if I can come back later on but I think I need some time for myself for a my well-being, I guess.
Sorry guys . . .
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
Hello! Love the platonic Yandere Michael AU! I was wondering if you could make more head cannons or a oneshot about it? Ty! <3
Hey there! 👋
I wouldn’t mind sharing some more head cannons on this AU!
After multiple times of leaving small gifts for Evan on the front door, he decides to install a small tracker in one of the plushies. (Easiest way to locate your brother anytime right?)
The more sanity Michael loses, the more aggressive he gets
Evan and his family lives in a condo in Manhattan. The family can afford it because they have more than enough money. It has a beautiful view with a large space with huge windows. A total of 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Every kids dream!
Michael isn’t as lucky. He has to work on several part-time jobs so he can have food on his table and for the rent of the apartment. The apartment is so small, he can barely walk into the kitchen because the area doesn’t have enough space. He lives in Bronx.
The leftover money is used on personal items that a person needs not wants, such as body wash, toothpaste, clothes etc. However, he always makes sure to leave some for Evan’s gifts.
How does he even have an apartment, isn’t it required to be 18 to have one? Well, he may or may not have stolen someone else’s identity. Therefore he goes by another person’s name.
At some point, Michael begins to plot ways on how to kidnap Evan and get him the hell out of New York City so the brothers can start anew
Here’s the thing, when it comes to actually making a fanfic of my own. It’s cringe. Although, sometimes I feel tempted to try again.
So how about a deal! If this post can get 100 hearts. I might consider it~
See you guys later! 😉
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
Oooh I'm loving your fnaf au!!! what happened to Henry? Did William die before he could kill Charlie and the other 5?
Also what are Evan's adoptive siblings like that Michael is growing envious of?
Hey Hey~!
Okay so…
What happened to Henry?
Well, (you might hate me for this), but the reason why everybody believes Michael died in the fire was because 4 bodies were found after the building collapsed. It was Henry…
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Anyway, onto the next one
Did William die before he could kill Charlie and the other 5?
Let’s just say in this AU he isn’t a serial killer. Just a heartbroken man that is in denial about the fact that his youngest child has low chances of surviving.
I want this AU to be more focused on how Michael is losing his sanity and Evan is just trying to live a peaceful life. Therefore . . . ✨Michael and Evan have the spotlight here~
What are Evan’s adoptive siblings like that Michael is growing envious of?
The Twins:
They’re fraternal twins. The girl is the most hyper out of her twins, making her the perfect playmate. She is always encouraging Evan to get out of his comfort zone and be more social. She can be protective a times when she sees a classmate bothering her brother (Evan) and therefore, he feels safe whenever he is around her.
The boy likes to hang out with Evan just as much but is much more calmer. Evan feels that he can tell anything to the twin because he comes out as being the best listener in the family and is just as shy as Evan. He is the most understanding and empathetic brother anyone could have. Evan feels like he has found his soul twin (the irony)
The Oldest Son
He can be the kindest out of all three but he can be a troublemaker as well. He is also very intelligent and loves to read bedtimes stories to his little siblings whenever he has free time. He is caring and generous, especially with Evan when he was on his first days with them after the adoption was official. He, along with his parents, makes sure Evan doesn’t feel out of place or uncomfortable just for being adopted.
In Michael’s mind, they’re everything he failed to be as an older brother. Especially when it comes to the oldest son. To summarize in one sentence, he is envious that the reason for Evan’s happiness is the family and not him.
P.S thx for finding my AU! interesting. ☺️
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
YOOO- I love your fnaf au, I hope to see more soon!
Well, it also depends as to what exactly do people want to see more about this au. For example, how I believe the ending would be to this au or the details as to how Michael found Evan. But, I’ll definitely keep on updating to this au, so no worries 😌
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
I'm respectfully looking at your latest au
Aww thanks, I appreciate it!
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
Hello Again!
First of all, apologies from me for posting extremely late. School isn’t taking it easy on me. 😥
This is based off my previous post for my
AU! Platonic Yandere Michael.
Question #1
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I said I would go into detail later on so here we go!
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Michael’s possessiveness comes from two main reasons.
Reason #1: Evan is all he has left
The day Michael woke up, was also the day his life would take a horrifying turn. The nurses had to give him the sad news of the events that happened (obviously) when they found out who exactly was their patient. Michael was devastated and was in denial at first. Later on, he would accept the truth and this gave him more of a reason to be there for his brother.
Michael knows that he was to blame for the incident of the Bite of 83. Ever since that day he would wake up screaming Evan’s name in the middle of the night, only to wake up in his bedroom and realize it was just a bad dream. The thing was that his nightmare was real and Evan was in critical condition to the point where he was left in a coma.
That’s when he remembered that he hasn’t heard about the whereabouts of his baby brother. He asked one of the nurses what hospital he was in and if she knew a patient by the name of Evan Afton. Remember, Michael was sent to a different hospital but he doesn’t know that.
The nurse didn’t think it was a good idea. She knew who the Aftons were and what had happened to the youngest child through the television. But Michael didn’t take the news of his family’s death well so for now all she said was that the name of the hospital but she didn’t know anyone by the name Evan Afton.
It was only a matter of time until Michael found out about his brother being sent to an orphanage. He heard about it from the newspaper.
The newspaper was a few months old but it gave him enough information about the fire and Evan. How he had woken up a few days after the fire and had been sent to an orphanage.
Michael thought Evan must have been terrified! To wake up in a hospital wondering where your parents are and why weren’t they sitting beside his bed, just like he had. Only to find out they have been killed and you didn’t even get to say goodbye. And to top it off, you’re sent to an orphanage the next day and adopted by a bunch of strangers.
Michael reached a terrifying thought: He might never see his little brother again. This drove him into a path of despair. Without Evan, he has nothing left in this world. The rest of his family is already gone. Without thinking twice, he had yanked out his IV causing a stinging pain at once.
He looked at the newspaper one more time before heading out one of the exit doors from the hospital the moment he saw the hallway was clear.
Reason #2: Jealousy
(Time Skip: 2 years later)
Michael is 15 and Evan is 10.
Around this time, Michael finally manages to track down Evan. Michael finds himself in New York City.
Michael started stalking Evan when he realized Evan didn’t know who he was. When he decided to talk to Evan the first time in 2 years, his baby brother said he was confused and that he only had one older brother (he’s talking about his older adoptive brother). Michael is heartbroken at this and wonders if he really ruined his relationship with Evan to the point where Evan had be this defensive. Or could it be because of his burns that he doesn’t seem recognizable. The house fire did a big number on his appearance.
Later on, Michael would find out Evan has amnesia and has problems remembering the past.
Michael didn’t want to scare away his brother but still wanted to know what Evan’s life had been like in the past 2 years since he hadn’t been a part of it. So in his mind, he thought he wasn’t stalking but simply “watching from afar”. He started taking note about everything Evan had been doing: What time he left home for school, when was it recess or lunch at school, when was it his bedtime, etc.
Another reason as to why Michael follows Evan all around New York is for Evan’s safety. It’s a big city, anything can happen. A robbery, attempted murder, homicide, etc. He almost lost Evan on 1983, he won’t let an accident like that happen again.
After a while, he decided to leave gifts for Evan. He buys like a dozen animatronic plushies and leaves them on the doorstep of where Evan lives, knowing how much his brother used to love them. He also starts leaving snacks, chips, candies, ya name it.
Michael tries to talk to him repeatedly and Evan refuses because he thinks Michael looks scary, because of his scars of course. He’s merely a child therefore he doesn’t know any better. After multiple encounters with Michael, he decides to tell his family about the strange guy that he has been bumping into for several weeks already that seem too . . . Coincidental.
Michael tried to take it easy on his brother because Evan isn’t at fault that he can’t remember. But he becomes impatient.
He had been waiting for 2 god damn years for this, only to stand aside and watch how Evan prefers that family over him. How Evan would choose them over his real brother, the only one alive that shares his skin and blood. He know’s what he did is wrong but he came here to mend his mistakes and life can’t seem to give him even that.
This is when Michael’s stalking takes it to a whole new level
He then starts following the whole entire family. Trying to see what the hell made them better and he was only considered second best.
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beatrixacepanda · 2 years
✨Prompt Time✨
Fandom: FNAF
The Bite of 83 was the tragedy that nearly ruined the Afton family. Yet no one could have predicted that the worst was yet to come.
A small cigarette that led to a fire on the Afton household. Leaving the eldest son alive, but everyone believes the entire family that was in the house have died. A few days later, Evan Afton would wake up from his coma. He may have survived his head injury but he suffers from amnesia. He would then be sent to an orphanage while Michael is unconscious and fighting to survive from his burns in another hospital.
A few months pass, and Evan is adopted by a loving family. Two beautifully and caring parents who already have twins (both identical to their mother but with their father’s eyes)and an older boy, a carbon copy of his father. Once the adoption is official, the family would later on move away due to a job offer from a successful company. They moved away to New York City and a few weeks later, Michael would wake up in a hospital bed only to discover his parents and sister are dead and his baby brother had been sent to an orphanage. Will the two brothers ever find each other again? If they do, will Evan Afton even remember his biological family?
What if it was best to leave things as it was for the sake of Evan Afton’s happiness?
AU! Platonic Yandere Michael
If any of you have a curious brain, go ahead and ask more about this AU!
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