becomingmydreamgirl · 3 months
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that girl lifestyle
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becomingmydreamgirl · 5 months
Moon Phase Journaling
-> Journaling by the phases of the moon and working with their energies.
-> Helps track patterns in moods and thoughts, connect to the universe and make the most of energy changes.
What new beginnings am I ready to embrace?
What seeds am I planting?
What steps can I take to achieve my goals and intentions?
Where do I desire change?
How do I need to show up in order for these seeds to grow?
What new opportunities are presenting themselves in my life?
What challenges am I facing? How can I overcome them?
What is draining my energy? How can I protect my energy?
How can I nurture and express my creativity and inspiration?
What have I accomplished since the last full moon?
What has made me happy?
What am I grateful for?
What is my intuition telling me?
What is the present moment bringing up for me?
What habits or patterns am I ready to release?
What lessons have I learnt during this lunar cycle?
What self-care practices can I incorporate into my routine?
What in my life needs attention or healing?
How will I honour myself?
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becomingmydreamgirl · 5 months
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becomingmydreamgirl · 6 months
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becomingmydreamgirl · 6 months
You need to draw and make art or else all the images will stay in your head and you'll get sick
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becomingmydreamgirl · 6 months
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becomingmydreamgirl · 6 months
i’m at my clits end
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becomingmydreamgirl · 6 months
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lifestyle update
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becomingmydreamgirl · 9 months
“You are very intense about things” yes and I will continue to be so going into the next year!!! I’ll fall in love w strangers and write them love letters I will never send!!!! I’ll cry for hours listening to music I loved when I was 16!!!!! I’ll mourn lost friendships and things that never came to be!!!! I’ll pick up 8987 new hobbies 92727 new languages and 68194 books!!! I will not allow hurt over severed connections to stop me from loving & living to my fullest capacity!!!!!!!
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becomingmydreamgirl · 9 months
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becomingmydreamgirl · 10 months
be your best version before 2024
i have come up with a kind of challenge to become our best version before the end of the year.
with this habit we are going to implement healthier habits in our lives and abandon those that are not benefiting us, also get to know ourselves better and manifest our desires or goals for the next year.
the challenge has a duration of 21 days but obviously after that we have to continue with this healthy lifestyle that we have created.
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- habits to implement on a daily basis
drink two liters of water a day (recommended for physical and mental health).
movement (training at home, at the gym, going for a walk, running, yoga, pilates, any activity that allows you to exercise your body)
commit yourself to one habit during these 21 days, for example journaling.
choose a meditation on something you want to improve in your life, it can be self-love, relationships, economic abundance, health and do it daily (i recommend before going to sleep) during all the days of the challenge.
also choose a video of affirmations, a subliminal, mantra that has to do with the meditation you chose and listen to it at least once a day and if you can more, whenever you feel like it.
print, make or buy a calendar to keep track of this challenge and mark the days you met, if you miss one, start again, propose it.
go to bed an hour earlier than you usually go to bed and get up half an hour earlier than you usually get up.
- habits you need to start replacing now
screen time, stop being so much connected to social media and do something outside or even at home but you don't have to use your phone.
in any social media, stop following 10 accounts that you think are "hurting" you and in turn follow 5 new ones that you think will help you in your personal growth and development or at least inspire you something positive, the time you are going to use social media at least see things that nourish you.
stop worrying, when a problem or difficulty of any kind comes up, write in a journal how you feel, do a meditation or anything else that keeps you focused on something other than the problem, if necessary you can feel the anger or sadness, but don't get stuck in those thoughts.
instead of spending time watching tv or any streaming platform, read a book or listen to a spiritual/personal growth podcast.
- journaling ideas
during these days you can write in your diary these kinds of things:
how you would like your year 2024 to be.
all your goals for the next year.
how you would like your best version of yourself to be from now on.
an extraordinary event that you would like to happen before the end of this year.
a letter of forgiveness to someone who hurt you (it can be yourself too).
a list of 10 things you would do or would like to happen to you if you believe that everything is possible for you.
list of books you want to read from now and this 2024
a mantra or affirmation that you will write daily every morning for the next 21 days. write one that comes to mind or one that resonates with you.
- how to do the challenge?
organize your day to implement the habits i mentioned at the beginning such as exercise, journaling, drinking the two liters of water, doing the meditation you chose, listening to the affirmations you chose.
if one day you don't do any of these things, propose to start again from day 1.
you don't have to exercise daily either, if you are just starting out it can be 3 or 4 days but for example the other days go for a walk or do a stretching routine.
what i have proposed are small habits that can be done daily and complement the routine you have right now, you can do it and after those 21 days you will see a significant change in your life.
this challenge is just a kind of game to make it more fun and have more motivation to implement these habits in your day and start doing it now and not when the year begins. that your best version does not wait any longer to come to light.
and i hope you tell me how it went 🤍
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becomingmydreamgirl · 11 months
I love being alive, I really do. So many good foods to eat, movies to watch, songs to hear, outfits to enjoy, jokes to hear, daydreams to have, hugs to give, pictures to view, bodies of water to swim in, places to go, and I love that I am here another day for it all! I never everrrr take it for granted.
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becomingmydreamgirl · 11 months
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becomingmydreamgirl · 11 months
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. November will bring blessings.
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becomingmydreamgirl · 11 months
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reminders for your bad days
✧ you will get to where you want to be
✧ you are sexy and beautiful and you will continue becoming more so as time passes
✧life still has so much good in store for you
✧you are an untouchable princess and a bad day has nothing on you
✧you deserve compassion and patience
✧you are immensely lovable and magnetic and nothing can ever change that
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