bedparasite · 3 years
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… … …。
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… … … :‖ D.C.
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‖: duet :‖
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bedparasite · 3 years
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Would you like to make a wish upon a starfish?
This comic is a little different than my usual stuff, I thought maybe you needed a break from the tears. (Unless you still find it sad, then I apologize.)
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bedparasite · 3 years
This is awesome lmao
what if AU where death note is just an in-universe work of fiction and all of them are just actors. i call this my coping AU LOL
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I LOVE this AU!!
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bedparasite · 3 years
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Saw this on my Twitter feed and thought this was so important. If you, or someone you know is fighting this battle, know you are not alone. You matter, your life matters. Take it a day at a time but please keep fighting because YOU ARE IMPORTANT, more importantly you are LOVED.
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bedparasite · 3 years
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bedparasite · 3 years
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I can’t, I can’t win
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bedparasite · 3 years
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‘quirrel is dead’ this and ‘quirrel drowned at the blue lake’ that. well what about ‘quirrel gets some help and also a new life purpose as a landscape painter’ huh??????? what about th *starts crying*
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bedparasite · 4 years
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I’m having the good old “everything I draw ain’t looking so good” vibes so I have to take a break from art for a bit, but I did manage a couple super serious doodles before it took over completely.
These may or may not have been inspired by a conversation I had recently concerning cats.
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bedparasite · 4 years
Thank you!!!
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Hello artists of Hollow Knight, here have these dream catchers I made in Illustrator! They are in png format and I hope they can be made into brush patterns in your preferred softwares. 
The followings are how they look like when I applied them in my comic. Due to certain issue the first part of the Grimm troupe comic does not appear in the search, so again, here is the link if you missed it: https://polyvolchant.tumblr.com/post/172316680527/it-is-finally-here-the-comic-eggroyalty-and-i
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bedparasite · 4 years
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doin a few of these myself before they get old
incorrect quotes generator <–
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bedparasite · 4 years
Any art tips?
art tips... i've got a few but honestly you've probably all heard them before aha... nevertheless i'll share what i can!
might end up rambling, sorry about that;;
Draw: which probably sounds obvious,, if you want to improve and don't know where or how to start, just draw. it could be anything! it could be from reference or memory, things you like or things you want to improve on, but either way just draw a little everyday and whatever comes to mind.
Another tip that expands on the first one would be to keep your art. even if you think it's 'bad' or it's not going the way you want it to, keep it. come back after a day and look at it again, i've always found either motivation to fix it or i ended up liking it because my perspective about it changes after a while. it helps you see where you need to improve and helps develop a positive mindset for your art and thats super important :)
draw a variety of things. if you find something difficult and you've attempted to draw it for a few days now, try drawing something else entirely. i used to have a hard time drawing people (still kinda do) so i'd retreat to subjects like robots, buildings, my ocs, or these days, hollow knight. then you can always come back to trying to draw people again, and i found my process to be much more refreshing. it helps keeps artblock away too. (also give yourself time in-between what you're learning. i can't remember exactly what this type of learning was called again;; something like space-memory retention? just try and learn something right before you forget it and it tends to stick better!)
draw loosely- it's better to use as few lines as possible and just try and get the overall picture first rather than start with details or perfect every shape and it's alot easier to fix or add details to simpler pictures. i find this skill useful for another reason, which is... that i hate lineart lol so if the sketch is neat enough i'll just color that right away instead. saves time. alot of animators use and advise this too! you can always look up their take :)
i think that's all i can come up with for now, tldr: draw everyday, keep your art and reflect, draw alot of different things, and use fewer lines.
another point i think i should mention.. everyone has a different process or learning style. try and embrace that rather than force yourself to learn a specific way; ie i used to feel upset over the fact that i couldn't use references or guidelines to learn something new. i would rather draw from memory or imagination and that kind of learning required drawing stuff over and over again, but thats ok! it's worth it because i find it fun :) so try and figure out which process works best for you and stick to it.
sorry if this is barely coherent.. putting my thoughts into words is difficult these days. if you need anything more specific please feel free to ask. i'll try my best to help you.
(if anyone wants to add to this please do !)
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bedparasite · 4 years
Small Text of Wanderer’s Journal Is Hard to Read: Let’s Transcribe! (Pt 1)
You can pre-order the Wanderer’s Journal on the fangamer website! It’s officially released May 31st and is $29 plus shipping. I very much want it but alas I have no money so must content myself with deciphering what I can from the preview images for now, or at least as much as I can! Feel free to add in your own suggestions to any words I can’t figure out.
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The Town of Dirtmouth
Sly’s Shop Adventuring gear
Bench Take a load off!
Stag Station Travel the kingdom with speed
Map Shop Maps of [____] [____]
The Well
Graveyard Dirthmouth’s Departed
Nestled in the valley between the Howling Cliffs and Crystal Peak, the once-breathing village of Dirtmouth offers a respite for weary travellers on their way to or from Hallownest.
In the glory days of the kingdom, visitors came from far and wide to set eyes upon the king and his shining palace. But a devastating infection claimed the lives of much of Hallownest’s society, and all paths to and from the kingdom were sealed in order to prevent it from spreading.
Now this little village is all that remains of that glorious kingdom.
With all other paths closed off for generations following the calamity that destroyed the kingdom, a dried up old well now serves as the only way into or out of Hallownest.
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Memorial to the Hollow Knight
In the city square, the rainwater overflows a fountain with a sculpture depicting a large, intimidating knight surrounded by three smaller figures.
Perhaps this has something to do with that ominous temple near the surface, but few seem to remember this mysterious knight, and even[?] [____] recall what sort of “sacrifice” it might have made.
A red-cloaked bug with an imposing aura, and speed and skill to match. She wields her needle and thread in battle with grace and finesse; these tools also allow her to expertly navigate Hallownest’s terrain.
I was sure she noticed me, but she seemed not to care. I suppose I’m not the one she’s after right now.
Little is known about this self-proclaimed wandering observer; he himself seems to have no memories prior to his arrival in Hallownest.
But the way he handles a nail suggests there is more to this mysterious character than meets the eye.
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A dark and fascinating place deep below the kingdom, full of twisting tunnels and nasty crawling things; the only light in most of its passages is the faint glow of a bioluminescent fungus that grows sparsely.
The creatures of Deepnest completely refused the Pale King’s rule, choosing instead to live as they always had, cloaked in darkness. Even so, the infection seems to have just begun to take hold here as well.
Huge, terrible monstrosities called Garpedes burrow their way through extensive networks of tunnels in the rocky terrain, trampling any bug who would carelessly wander into their path. The incessant rumbling is enough to drive any decent bug insane.
Keep rising[?], and watch out for disturbances in the soil … Those horrible dirtcarvers are everywhere!
Rows of decaying husks line carved out holes in the cavern floors, their fangs and pincers creating insurmountable spike pits. The web walking critters seem to have little trouble traversing them, though.
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Temple of the Black Egg
A short distance from the bottom of Dirtmouth’s well there stands a temple, fashion from the colossal shell of some ancient bug. It’s ornately framed windows cast a pale light onto the road outside that hints at some historical importance, but all anyone can remember is that it’s called the Temple of the Black Egg. Upon entering the temple, the origin of its name becomes clear.
The temple has such a [____] [____]
True to the name, a gargantuan black egg sits silently in the centre of the temple. No one seems to remember its purpose, nor the identities of the three masks that adorns the sealed door on its face. But the whole temple exudes an ominous air; perhaps some things are better left unknown.
Were the three beings depicted by those masks somehow involved in the building of the temple, or even the egg itself?
In any case, they clearly bear some significance here. I hope to learn more about them during my journeys.
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The Hive
In the early days of the kingdom, as the king spread his influence across the land, there were those who chose to reject his rule and separate themselves from Hallownest’s society. The Hive is one such [____]. To this day, the bees maintain their isolation, unmarred by the spread of the infection.
A few husks have wandered into the hive and somehow merged with small hives. The little bee warriors they carry will fiercely protect them, as well as the rest of the greater Hive.
Ferocious warriors who attack by spinning their compound stingers into a threatening drill.
These large, lumbering bees put all of their weight into fending off intruders, and have been known to crash right through walls and other structures in the process.
Hive Knight
The queen’s most valiant and skilled knight, commander of the Hive’s forces, and its last line of defense against invasion.
During Hallownest’s reign, the bees sealed up all of the Hive’s entrances and exits, erasing every trace of the Hive’s existence from the outside world save for the occasional Hiveling patrol. In the intervening[?] time, the queen passed away in solitude, leaving her bees to fend for themselves.
Her knight continues to stand by her side, ready to shut down any who would intrude upon her throne, though seemingly unaware of her fate.
His speed and technique are impressive, as is his ability to call forth[?] a seemingly endless rain of Hivelings!
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Zote the Mighty
A diminutive bug with a big mouth and a penchant for getting into trouble. He boasts of his many victories against ferocious beasts, though the simple fact that his nail is made of shellwood and therefore ineffective as a weapon calls the legitimacy of his claims into question.
He seemed to be in quite the pickle, but he refused my help several times.
Nailmaster Sheo
One of the three famed Nailmasters, and the keeper of the ancient technique known as the Great Slash. He may have traded in his nail for a brush and canvas, but his skills have surely not dwindled; he’ll pass down his knowledge to those who dedicate themselves to the art of the nail.
Strewn about his moss-covered hut are canvases and sketches of various objects as well as portraits of a number of different bugs. Perhaps some of these are bugs who’ve braved the thorny path to visit his home and learn his technique.
Who could this powerful-looking little fellow be?
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Fog Canyon
An exotic region that strikes a delicate balance between wonder and danger. Electricity arcs through the air on the wings of Lumaflies while bubbles filled with explosive gas and lakes of acid make for treacherous travel. The scenery is both beautiful and terrifying.
And I think the humidity is beginning to make[?] my [____] [____]!
Some of the natural geological features of the area strongly resemble those in Greenpath, suggesting the two regions might have been one at some point.
A guard outpost lies abandoned, populated now by only the lifeless husks of a few guards; the inhospitable environment seems to have claimed the few bugs left here in the wake of the infection.
Pockets of swirling gases easily become trapped in bubbles, leading to interesting acoustic[?] effects through the area.
Be wary of bubbles with a strange glow within them. I [____] this the hard way!
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bedparasite · 4 years
Oh no
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bedparasite · 4 years
Small Text of Wanderer’s Journal Is Hard to Read: Let’s Transcribe! (Pt 2)
Let’s just jump straight into it this time (you can pre-order the journal on the fangamer website). And again, if you have any suggestions on words I wasn’t able to figure out, please tell me!
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Fiends of Crystal Peak
SHARDMITE                  GLIMBACK
The beasts of burden used in Crystal Peak’s mining operations have begun to wander aimlessly with no one left to command them; the crystal protrusions growing from their bodies now make navigating around them a perilous endeavor.
When the infection claimed their minds, many of the miners simply continued digging away as if by instinct. Now finding themselves armed with pickaxes, they can prove quite the hazard for travellers, especially if encountered in groups.
Some of the miners in the upper levels of the mines have begun to grow crystals within their bodies; their ability to create carefully-aimed light beams through these crystals makes them a significant threat.
Many of the creatures in the mines have adapted the mountain’s crystals into weapons; some are able to launch crystalline growths at intruders, while others use crystal [____] to focus beams of searing light at their targets.
A miner overtaken by the infection, its face completely encased in the mountain’s crystals. Driven mad by the light of these crystals, it savagely attacks any who disturb it by unleashing concentrated beams of energy from its body, as well as from other crystal formations in its territory.
Be mindful of the beams that shine down from above as the guardian jumps about, but be sure not to stay in one spot for too long!
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Residents of Dirtmouth
Driven into hiding or enticed by the promise of riches in the depths, many of the village’s residents have disappeared, leaving an eerie stillness in the air.
Even in the village’s current run-down state, the Elderbug is always there to welcome visitors and to warn them of the dangers of Hallownest below.
The first friendly face I encountered in my journey.
The proprietress of the map shop in Dirtmouth, Iselda has said she was a warrior of some sort before she settled here with her husband, Cornifer. The various accessories she provides are most helpful for navigating Hallownest’s terrain.
This mysterious conjurer kept herself locked away in a deep slumber for ages. She speaks of regrets as though they have physical form, and seems to have the power to summon them. She can grant anyone the chance to confront their regrets in exchange for her favorite food.
An odd … creature? It speaks with such an unusual rhythm. One can only wonder what lies beneath that shiny steel shell.
This peculiar little merchant deals in all sorts of wares, many of which he has simply found lying around while exploring.
He carries quite a few handy items, though his prices are a bit steep.
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Fiends of Greenpath
The ancient denizens of Greenpath have developed natural mossy camouflage, allowing them to blend perfectly with their surroundings. Some use this camouflage to hide from dangers, while others take advantage of their abilities to ambush invaders.
A strange plant-like being that emerges briefly from the canopy to spit venom-filled balls of thorns at intruders.
Its spit balls can be [____] back at it!
SQUIT              OBBLE
The flying creatures have their own way of dealing with dangers and prey, including razor-sharp stingers and acidic venom.
A large trapping plant that clamps tightly shut when it detects prey passing by.
Keep an eye out for its little “teeth”
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A timid warrior who wanders the deepest, darkest corners of Hallownest in search of powerful opponents in her quest to become braver and stronger. She wields her club, carved from the tooth of an ancient husk, with cautious strength … when she isn’t hiding from danger, that is.
Mister Mushroom
One of the few mushrooms to have so far escaped the infection’s grasp, this peculiar traveller has been spotted in many different locations, mumbling to himself in some forgotten language.
I’d like to hear stories of his travels, but I can’t understand him.
A damsel in distress in one of the lower chambers of the wastes. She somehow wandered into danger and found herself trapped amongst the twisted, thorny passages above; now she awaits a saviour to come to her rescue.
Later in my journey, I found her back in Dirtmouth, sitting nervously[?] on a bench.
Was she waiting for someone yet again?
Leg Eater
This skittish[?] bug has made himself a home among the husks of the dead in the upper reaches of the Fungal Wastes. He may be unable to see, but his powerful sense of smell more than makes up for it. For a price, he offers a number of useful charms, though they’re quite delicate and easily broken, and he [____] also provides a repair service.
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Colosseum of Fools
Seated atop the [____] cliffs of Kingdom’s Edge and carved out of the shell of a massive, ancient bug, the Colosseum of Fools draws warriors from across Hallownest and beyond with the promise of riches and glory.
I [____] [____] [____] in fighting (or dying) [____]
Those who fail face the cruelest of fates as they’re ridiculed by the crowd, only to have their lifeless shells unceremoniously cast into the chasm below. But for the would-be champions who frequent this place, the colosseum offers a chance to become something more than just another foolish bug, if only for a short time.
Much like their wild relatives in Greenpath, these bulbous creatures float around hurling their acidic spit in all directions. But their combat training, not to mention their armor, makes them a much greater threat.
Like their cousins, these critters can curl themselves into tight balls and roll at their foes, but their plated shells can withstand quite a bit more damage.
A larger, faster, and stronger variety of Squit bred exclusively in the colosseum.
Powerful combatants gather for even the earliest of the Colosseum’s trials; some fight with traditional nails and shields, while others toss bladed weapons from a distance. All of them are strong, and all of them are determined, so overcoming them all to take the title of champion is no small feat.
Only the most skilled contenders survive to discover what awaits them in further trials.
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Fiends of the Ancient Basin
Possibly a more primal relative of the Crawlid with a stronger shell, these shuffling things can be found pacing about on walls and ceilings as well as floors.
A fast-moving beast with sharp claws and an overabundance of teeth; it can also hurl [____] acid spit at distant targets.
An overgrown mawlek that has lost the ability to move; it now waits for prey to wander near, and attempts to use its highly acidic spit to dissolve that prey. How it then digests its quarry is unclear.
The mawleks seem to be native to this region, but the brooding mawlek I encountered in the crossroads was surrounded by the remains of others of its kind …
Do these creatures migrate closer to the surface in order to breed?
A tiny, scurrying creature that has swollen greatly in size due to infection; it typically hides in small groups out of sight, but will try to run to safety if it senses danger.
A globule of pus and light gases, capable of floating through the air by its own power. It gently wafts about until other creatures draw near, then gives chase in an attempt to further spread its infection.
The hollowed-out shell of a fallen warrior, reanimated and driven mad by the spreading plague. In life, this creature was likely a very talented nail wielder, and many of its skills persist even in its current unfortunate state. And the infection has only made it stronger, giving it enhanced agility and strength.
It seems to use infectious globs as weapons as well. Stay sharp!
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Scattered throughout the caverns and byways of Hallownest, benches serve as relics of a more peaceful time. The residents of the kingdom’s regions constructed these benches in a number of different designs to reflect the aesthetics of their territories; a few makeshift seats can be found here and there as well, formed from hollowed-out shells and the like.
Though their simple stone and iron frames may not provide the most comfort, they do offer time to rest, reflect, and prepare for the next leg of one’s journey.
Word[?] of this [____] was [____] [____] sitting in these benches, in fact.
[____] [____] [____]
This dangerous-looking fellow seems unwilling to share his seat. How rude!
Hot Springs
The earth beneath Hallownest is dotted with natural geothermal vents, and the kingdom has clearly taken advantage of the phenomenon by building each into a relaxing hot spring. These springs, found all over the kingdom, are the perfect place to unwind after a harrowing journey through hostile bug-infected lands.
The strange waters help restore body and soul!
Hot springs can be a good spot to meet other weary travelers.
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bedparasite · 4 years
Happy 4th anniversary to Hollow Knight! I made a little parody animation for it (unmute please!)
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bedparasite · 4 years
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They perch
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bedparasite · 4 years
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choose your character
Keep reading
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