beebckr · 2 years
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bro’s majestic
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beebckr · 2 years
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stranger things + text posts // steve harrington
6K notes · View notes
beebckr · 2 years
Ah, yes. My favorite family in the entire Stranger Things universe.
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4K notes · View notes
beebckr · 2 years
Don’t go
Gifs not mine - first fanfic -
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-disclaimers - violent Billy - sexual undertones - this would be it season 4 part 2 didn’t happen- Billy is still alive- Steve and Eddie are both interested in you- swearing- only a little smut rn-I have proof read a little bit but not the whole thing I just need to get my thoughts in the universe - I’m sorry for anything you don’t like I’m literally trying my best - thanks for being here
You don’t fancy yourself a partier. You don’t even like to waste any of your precious off days. With working at the arcade and preparing for college next year you have little to zero free time as it is.
BUT unfortunately being a good friend comes first. Because hopefully these guys will be with you till you die of old age a good ways down the road. So when robin and Steve come from next door finishing a shift at family video begging you to wing man and come to a party with them you can do very little to resist both sets of their puppy dog eyes. Which has nothing to do with the fact that you’ve had a crush on Steve “the hair” Harrington since junior year, and you would literally put your life on the line for Robin at any given moment.
“So what do you guys expect me to do at this party anyways?” You lean across the arcade counter already dreading the crowds of college kids you’ll have to avoid at this party.
“Well Robin’s crushing on this girl who’s leaving for Purdue in a month, so if she can manage to actually talk to her then we might not see her for the rest of the night if we’re lucky” Steve says jokingly.
“Steve I think you mean if SHE gets lucky” You high five Steve but Robin quickly shews your hands away.
“ While I appreciate your guy’s confidence in me I’m not even sure Veronica likes me like that so we can’t assume anything will happen. There are a few things I’ve noticed but I can’t be sure and throwing myself at every woman is not exactly a good plan for not looking like raging lesbian”
“ We’ll just have to get you girls alone then at the party so you can work your magic in peace then” You say while switching out the change in the quarter machine.
“What we should REALLY be focusing on if the fact that our good friend Steve is going the be making His Move tonight” Robin says chuckling as she approaches you at the machine.
Steve’s hand slips on the counter that he was holding himself up with.
“Hey Robin I feel like we just talked about we weren’t going to talk about this exact subject just a few minutes ago” Steve glares at Robin, and she just rolls her eyes.
Clearly you’re left out of whatever’s going on, but Steve and Robin are super close and you don’t want to interrupt whatever best friend beef is unfolding in your arcade.
You sigh and hopefully say something that will change the topic “Do you guys think Eddie will be there?”
Steve and Robin both turn their heads to look at you with laser focus
“What, we’re going to need weed right? And he’s not the freak that everyone makes him out to be. He’s actually a real sweetie…” you started your sentence off strong but gradually got quieter because Robin and Steve both seem to be panicking looking between you and each other frantically. “Is something going on with you both that I need to be worried about? I feel like you aren’t telling me something”
“Nope, No, Absolutely Nothing at all that you have to worry your pretty little heart about. We’re all going to the party tomorrow night at 9 and I’ll pick you both up. Okay good great everything’s settled. Robin can you please get the car started outside and I’ll be there in a minute?” Steve says hurriedly to Robin while throwing her his keys.
“Uh Huh sure thing stud” She throws finger guns at him while winking and backing up through the front door of the arcade.
You’re staring at Steve throw a obscene hand gesture at Robin and can’t help but giggle to yourself. How could this absolutely stunning guy be your friend. He’s everything you’ve ever wanted. Funny, caring, sweet, and probably the best singer you’ve ever heard in your life. Not to mentioned everything he’s done for Robin. If it was socially acceptable you’d melt into a puddle just at the sight of him. You unconsciously sigh at your daydreaming. Steve turns to catch you staring at him and your first instinct to turn away rams your face right into the frogger machine.
“Oh shit” you hear Steve say while jogging over to you. “Do you have a first aid kid in the back”
“Oh god no please just let me die of embarrassment and bleed out here” you joke as he wraps his arm around your waist and leads you to a chair in the back.
“YOU’RE BLEEDING!?” His voice higher and louder than normal.
“Jesus Steve I swear I’m fine. I’m just kidding this happens all the time. One of the perks to working in an arcade and also wearing glasses with bad depth perception. I’ll be alright I promise.”
He gives you a concerned look but you pat his hand reassuring him.
You hear honks coming from the front of the arcade and you hear Steve “tsk” with his tongue and it gives you goosebumps.
“Please try to stay in once peace for tonight I’ve got something planned I want you to see.” He pats your hair and kisses your forehead before running out the front door leaving you speechless with your jaw hanging open. He had never done that before. You almost wish he hadn’t because now you know what his lips feel like. Now you’ll never not want Steve’s lips on you. Is it possible to be sexually attracted to someone’s lips.
Keith knocks on the back room door with his cheeseball fingers waking you up from your trance and making you jump.
“Hey I’m closing early so you can leave after you clean both bathrooms, but hurry up because I’m not sitting around waiting for you”. Keith stalks out the door to another corner or the arcade. You never really disliked Keith but his general way of talking always upsets you. The bathrooms got done fairly fast and you were able to make it out of there within the hour.
On your walk home a van passes you but you quickly see the reverse lights come on and back up. They roll down their passenger seat window and you see a familiar face.
“Good evening madam, you seem to be a far way from your kingdom. Fancy a ride home from Eddie the Brave?”
Your laugh turns to a snort as you grab the passenger door and hop in.
You haven’t told Robin or Steve how close you are with Eddie. Not because they would judge you. Definitely not. Maybe it was because you were jealous of how close they both were with each other and you wanted someone like that. Eddie was always real with you. You viewed him as your older punk brother that you had to keep in line and always could count on when you needed him. “Why didn’t you call? I would’ve given you a ride ya know” Eddie says as he starts driving towards your house.
“Yeah yeah I know, but Kieth let me off early last minute and I didn’t want you to have to rush over. Walking home is no big deal to me. I barely live 5 minutes away by car” You relax a bit by putting your feet up on the dash.
“I get it, but walking in the dark? Somebody would snatch a pretty young thing like you in a second. You remember that Ted Bundy guy right?” Eddie’s staring at you and waiting for an answer.
You grab his leg and reassure him “ Yes yess Eddie I’m sorry okay I just wanted to get home. Geez you and Steve keep babying me today. “
Eddie slows down to a stop in front of your house and turns to you. “ I just wanna make sure the most important person in my life stays alive and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Obviously Harrington feels the same way so you shouldn’t make fun of us for it.”
“Fuck Eddie, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that. I know what happened with Chrissy last year. I’ll be safer and I’ll borrow my parents car if I need to next time. Scouts honor. “ You cross your heart and salute him hoping that gets your point across.
He chuckles at you and brings you in for a hug “Don’t worry about it sweetheart. Just wanna make sure I can still see that smile for many more years”
You smile at him but turn to hide your blush and get out of the van “ Hey are you going to the party tomorrow? The one at that girls house by lake Monroe?”
He smiles back while putting his car in reverse “ If you’re there then I wouldn’t miss it for the world”. You watch his van leave until it rounds a corner out of site wondering what mayhem will happen tomorrow.
Morning went by normal for you. Having breakfast with your mom and baby sister. Dad long divorced and not apart of any of your lives anymore, but the whole family seems to be better for it. Your mom went off for a lunch/play date with some of the other moms which left you plenty of time to figure out what I’m gods name you’d be wearing to this even tonight.
All of your friends constantly told you that you can’t dress so this party is giving you heart palpitations. Assuming it’s not a costume party are you supposed to dress hot so you can catch Steve’s attention, maybe cute so Eddie will shower you with compliments all night, or maybe as a third wild card you can dress like a milf an get your ex Billy’s mouth drooling. You can’t control your laughter until you hear your phone ring downstairs.
You run downstairs and pick up the phone “Smith residence” you say in your best customer service voice.
“Y/n is that really how you answer the phone?” Robin makes fun of you over the phone.
“Well yeah what if one of my mom’s work friends call? Not like I’m super close with them Robin am I?” It comes out a lot more smart alecky then you were wanting but it does the trick.
“ okay fair enough, but hey I wanted to tell you that for the party tonight you should wear something RED. Red lipstick, red dress, red bow. The whole 9. The party tonight is a karaoke party and Steve is going to be wearing red so I just wanted to tell you but make sure to be ready at 9. I gotta go but I’ll see you soon y/n . Bye!” Robin speaking in her normal a mile a minute fashion I had no room to interject and I’m 95% certain she never took a breath.
Very very interesting you say as you walk up to your room with a smirk on your face.
You see headlights approaching your house that looks like Steve’s BMW and your heart lights up. Per Robin’s suggestion you wear your signature Marilyn Monroe lip with a cute A line dress that’s shorter than you’d like which makes it perfect. Your mom did your hair in the most perfect Jerry Hall curls and if looks could kill you’d be deadly. You kiss your mom and sister goodnight as you run out of the house to meet Steve and Robin.
As you approach the car parked in your driveway you see Steve and Robin are having a conversation so he hasn’t seen you yet. You slow your pace and slowly tap on the glass of Steve’s window. You look down at him while swinging your purse and coat waiting for him to say something. He stares into your eyes for the longest time but slowly his eyes drift lower over your curves that your dress perfectly accentuates. You see his Adam’s apple bob and he turns forward and runs his left hand through his hair while his right hand grips the steering wheel tighter.
Just the reaction you were looking for. Steve still hasn’t said anything when you grab the back drivers side door and crawl in the back seat.
“ y/n I know Steve hasn’t said anything but I think you look positively radiant. Not a star in the sky could compare yourself to your beauty. Is that what you were thinking mr Harrington?” Robin teases as Steve shifts the car into drive and just agrees with a quick
“Yep, something like that” not making eye contact with you the whole drive to the party.
Steve parks in the grass at the party and Robin races I’m before you both. Steve turns to you and lightly grazes your hand to get your attention. “ hey um *clears throat* I wanted to let you know even though Robin said it first you do look amazing tonight, AND every other night too I don’t mean that you don’t always look “
You put a finger up to his lips to stop his babbling
“ Thank you Steve, I think you look amazing tonight too.” You drop your hand and walk confidently in front of him into the party not far behind Robin.
You see she’s already found her POI which you’re assuming is Veronica who she was talking about yesterday. And when she looks your way you give her two thumbs up .
“ Hey stranger”
You tighten your fist as you turn around. Dreading this conversation but also knowing it was inevitable. “Hey Billy, nice to see you here” you say through gritted teeth. You and Billy never really got along. Not to say he didn’t bang your brains out from time to time in the not too distant past. If that’s what you’d call a relationship then you both were certified exes and enemies now. Billy never took rejection well.
“Not that I don’t love the view I’m seeing tonight y/n, but what miracle has happened that you blessed us here with your presence”
“ yeah haha Billy very funny I was invited here same as you.” You try to brush him off and move in deeper to the party when he grabs your arm and pulls you back.
“You know that’s funny that you say that y/n because this party is couple’s only and I can’t help but remember that you a desperately single at the moment. Can’t get a single dick hard to save your life. Must be a damn shame. You know if you’re still having that problem in a month I might have an opening so I can toss you a pity lay if you’re still hopelessly horny with no one to fuck”
You’re equally embarrassed and alight with flame. Tears coming to your eyes as you try to rip Billy’s grip off your arm you feel a chest come against your back and you see a fist knock Billy to the ground. Your two knights in shining armor. Steve and Eddie. Steve turns around and grabs your face with both to check and see if you’re okay. You give him a quick nod that he needed to see and he brings your palm up to his mouth to give it a long kiss while never breaking his eye contact with you. You let out a small sob as Steve lets your hand drop when he grabs Billy by the collar to take him outside. You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. Eddie is still behind you holding him close to him. His hand gently resting on your chest helping you breathe with him. Smelling his leather and weed is comforting to you and makes you feel safe. Satisfied that you’ve calmed down enough he brings you to another room in the house so you two can talk. You sit down on the stranger’s bed and fiddle with the bottom of your dress to keep yourself from crying. Eddie crouches down in front of you and takes your fingers and rests them on his face.
“What can I do sweetheart? How can Eddie make it better?”
You close your eyes as you try to hold back a sob.
“You know what I think might help. I think you need to be distracted.”
Eddie starts pressing soft, gentle kisses on your fingers
“Eddie, please”
Eddie smiles as he takes your pointer finger and slowly puts it in his mouth.
Your eyes pop open immediately
Eddie holds your stare as he starts sucking on your finger and starts circling it with his tongue.
“Eddie” you say a little surprised because you did not expect your best friend to be doing this to you at a strangers house after your ex berated you and your crush is beating him up outside. But reality snaps back to you as Eddie adds another finger to his mouth.
You let out a slight *gasp*
“Use your words sweetheart. I’ll stop whenever you want.”
You weren’t sure you wanted him to stop, but you should right? You love Steve. It was wrong to use your best friend like this. You’ve told him about your feelings for Steve. Right as you open your mouth to say something Steve comes in the bedroom door and closes it abruptly behind himself.
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