beethedork · 10 months
not to be horny or anything but i'd listen to your problems and run my fingers through your hair
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beethedork · 10 months
If you follow or want to follow the current DC Comics titles, I have just updated my r/DCComics schedule with the solicitations for March 2024's releases.
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beethedork · 1 year
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Gendergp prescription arrived. The journey begins!
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beethedork · 1 year
GenderGP have completed my review and sent my prescription to be signed by the doctor. Just gotta wait for it to be posted to me now. I'm so happy, I'm finally going to be able to start physically transitioning 🥰
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beethedork · 1 year
Heard back from GenderGP and everything is fine with my report, they found no concerns to be raised. So whenever they send my prescription + however long it takes to get here = Me finally starting physical transition.
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beethedork · 1 year
Had an appointment with GenderGP. It went very well, and if they don't need anything else from me, I should have my prescription within about 6 or so weeks.
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beethedork · 1 year
It's looking like, with the help of GenderGP, that I might finally be getting hormones to move forward with my life and be happier... I'm almost hesitant to post this in case it somehow doesn't work out. But fingers crossed. 🤞
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beethedork · 1 year
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My beautiful, wonderful spouse got me the Sweetheart shoes by Melanie Martinez x Koi, and I am so in love with them.
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beethedork · 1 year
Forging ahead, got in contact with GenderGP and put in my appraisal form. Here's hoping it all goes smoothly. Am very excite.
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beethedork · 1 year
If you follow or want to follow DC Comics, I run a schedule post over on r/DCcomics, which I've just updated with all the comics coming out in November https://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/comments/kg3mhp/the_dc_schedule_an_infinite_frontier/
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beethedork · 1 year
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beethedork · 1 year
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beethedork · 1 year
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beethedork · 1 year
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Can't take any good pictures atm due to back being messed up, but these just came.
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beethedork · 1 year
*crouches to go into stealth*
the cracking of my knees alerts the guards, I am immediately killed
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beethedork · 1 year
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i think katy and saguaro would get along really well.
(meme source!)
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beethedork · 1 year
I hospital with my back seized up. Great fun /s
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