begoes · 3 years
Atsumu Food Poisoning
Hey! I finally posted a fic, this is a sick atsumu one I hope you enjoy!
"Why did you even buy that? We have enough food at home."
"Oh shut up 'Samu, yer sounding like our mom. I have extra money and I can get what I want!"
Osamu and Atsumu were walking home from afternoon practice and on the way Atsumu saw some pork buns on sale and decided to buy some. They were half off so why not?
Osamu rolls his eyes at his brother as they walk up to their house. Their parents were out for the week leaving them alone. Once they enter and take off their shoes, Atsumu opens up his food and starts eating, receiving a look from Osamu.
"I'm not giving ya any," Atsumu says sticking his tongue out and Osamu cringes at him showing the food in his mouth. "God, close yer mouth. Like hell I'd want any of yer gross shit. They're probably expired anyway." He walks over to the fridge to get his own food, some rice balls from the day before, and sits on the couch.
I'm sure they're not expired. Atsumu looks at the discarded packaging at the end of the table and looks for the date. Oh. The expiration date was the day before. Oh whatever, one day's not killin' anyone, he thinks as he finishes his first one.
After finishing all of his food he joins Osamu on the couch. They watch some recorded volleyball matches, commenting on the different attacks the players do and how they could replicate them on their own.
But after watching the screen for almost an hour, all the bright colors of the stadiums start to make Atsumu's head hurt. He disregards it, of course, thinking it's just that he's been watching for too long or sitting too close to the monitor. He gets up, ignoring the slight discomfort in his stomach. "I'm goin' back to our room," he gets a distracted nod from Osamu, too busy watching the games to really care, and leaves the room.
Atsumu grabs a volume of some random manga and sits on the bottom bunk to try reading it. It doesn't take long for the small words to look jumbled as he gets distracted by a headache and the growing discomfort in his belly. He sighs, throwing the book off to the side and falls back on his bed.
Shit. Maybe it was bad food... Atsumu turns to his side on his bed and puts a hand over his stomach. He can feel it gurgling under his touch and curls in on himself.
He can only feel his stomach start to ache more and he lets out a quiet groan. Suddenly, his stomach clenches and he can feel something crawling up his throat and he quickly tries to swallow it back down. He slaps a hand over his mouth and all but runs to the bathroom. Atsumu falls in front of the toilet, luckily the seat was already up. He immediately gags up a mouthful of liquidy vomit before silently cursing to himself.
Before he's even able to take a deep breath, he retches loudly as his stomach forces up a thick stream of vomit. He violently coughs into the toilet bowl and groans, resting his arms over the seat and putting his head down.
Footsteps approach the bathroom and Atsumu doesn't even bother looking up, knowing it's his brother. Also knowing he's definitely wearing his 'I told you so' face. His assumption being correct, Osamu says, "I told ya that you shouldn't have bought those. I also just read the expiration date, you dumbass."
Atsumu simply responds with a grunt, his nausea was skyrocketing and if he had the energy he'd definitely be wiping the floor with his brother's ass. The thought was unfortunately cut short as his stomach clenches, more forcefully this time. Atsumu gags and almost chokes on the chunky vomit coming up.
He hears a small sigh before feeling a hand rest on his back. Atsumu can feel his muscles relaxing before letting out a tired sigh of his own. "Water?" Osamu already had a small cup of water from the sink and offered it to Atsumu.
Atsumu just shakes his head, "N-not yet," he leans over the bowl and lets out a wet burp. "Ugh..." Osamu begins to run small circles on Atsumu's back, coaxing another burp from him. Atsumu harshly gags and brings up what seems to be the last of everything. It splashes heavily into the bowl and Atsumu is left coughing.
Osamu firmly pats him on the back, "Don't suffocate now." As his coughing fit dies down, Atsumu leans against the wall and closes his eyes.
Atsumu nods as Osamu hands him a wad of toilet paper to wipe his mouth with. After doing so he throws the paper into the toilet and Osamu hands him the cup of water. "Thanks 'Samu."
He takes a sip of water before swishing it around in his mouth and spitting into the toilet. He does this a few more times until the foul taste in his mouth is gone. Osamu takes the cup from him to go wash and before he leaves says, "Go brush yer teeth and go to bed." And then a more characteristic, "And take that bucket that's under the sink with you. I'm not cleanin' if ya gross ass pukes on the bed." He says it like an insult, but it lacks it's usual bite.
Once Osamu walks out, Atsumu slowly brings himself up using the sink counter as support. He lazily brushes his teeth before grabbing the bucket and heads back to his room.
Once in the room, he sets the bucket next to his bed and looks for some fresh clothes. He finds a basic t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts and changes into them before unceremoniously slumping into his bed.
He lies on his back and drapes an arm over his eyes and sighs heavily for the umpteenth time. He is tired.
He's about to doze off before Osamu comes in. Atsumu sits up slightly to see his brother carrying two water bottles. "Here," he says handing the sick boy the bottle.
Atsumu didn't really think he was thirsty, but now that he's holding the bottle he feels the dryness of his throat and mouth and starts gulping down the water. "Stop that you idiot," Osamu pushes the bottle away from Atsumu's mouth. "Drink slowly or yer gonna get sick again." Atsumu simply nods and starts taking smaller sips of the water.
He drank about a third of the water in the bottle, stopping before his stomach started hurting. "I'm tired." He flops back down on his bed, resuming the position he was in before getting water. "Gee, I can only image why," Osamu deadpans. Atsumu rolls his eyes under his arm.
"Just go to sleep already. And don't forget the bucket." That, Atsumu can agree with. He makes a small noise of agreement and before he knows it, he's out like a light.
welp moral of the story is that we don't buy discount food without checking best buy dates. or any food for that matter tbh.
anywayy thanks for reading my first haikyuu fic! I really wanted to see sick atsumu but I'm still working on osamu and atsumus sibling dynamic. my next fics is probably gonna be a suga fic for a request but my asks are still open :).
Constructive criticism always appreciated!
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begoes · 3 years
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just some sick oikawa for the soul. might write some iwaoi soon..
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begoes · 3 years
hey! i'm a newish sickfic writer when it comes to tumblr. i'm really into haikyuu right now and i'm looking to take requests! if you look at my ao3 i have an mha fic but i don't really keep up with the show much a more (^^; ) so uh i dont really know what to say of if anyone will really see this, but if you do thanks for reading this haha
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