begoodmychild-wg · 3 years
Send me a 🍔 for a starter with the reason why your muse finds my muse suddenly fattened up!
Or send me a  🍟 and I will tell you why my muse finds yours in the same situation | Made using this link, credit to the creator
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begoodmychild-wg · 3 years
Feeding / weight gain teasing prompts
• “God, you’ve gotten fat!”
• “Look at how round and full you are. It’s adorable.”
• “You’re making such a mess.”
• “Your fat belly burst through another pair of jeans? I don’t know why you bother buying them anymore.”
• “I think you can fit another bite in there. Open up…”
• “You’re so soft and jiggly now…let’s get you weighed and find out how much fatter you’re going to get.”
• “Soon you’ll be so fat that you’ll be helpless to stop me feeding you, piggy.”
• “You’ll start breaking chairs if you keep gorging yourself like that.”
• “You haven’t eaten nearly enough to be full yet. You’ll need at least double the calories to grow that gut.”
• “One more bite, and then I’ll rub your poor little stuffed belly.”
• “We’re going to need some new scales.”
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begoodmychild-wg · 4 years
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begoodmychild-wg · 4 years
"Sure thing, dear!" She yelled from the kitchen, bringing in a huge tray of food. She smiled, and sat the tray down, then sat beside her.
Lazy Food - My muse will start to refuse to eat anything on their own and demand to only be fed *fem!asriel* (@begoodmychid-wg)
"Mom!" The massive voluptuous goat yelled out, rubbing her large growling gut. "Can you get me so food? I'm starving!"
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begoodmychild-wg · 4 years
So, Toriel did just that. She rubbed and massaged Ankha's belly, and she was pretty good at it. Ankha would feel very relaxed and at ease, from the goat mom's belly rubs.
Lazy Food - My muse will start to refuse to eat anything on their own and demand to only be fed (@begoodmychild-wg)
“Well? Get to feeding me then, you dumb sexy goat lady! I picked you as my feeder since mothers are meant to be good at this!” The feline ‘goddess’ demanded as she motioned to the immense table of foods.
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begoodmychild-wg · 4 years
Eventually, Toriel had fed Ankha all of the food. She then sat down, and wiped her forehead. Jeez, this cat sure had a huge appetite. Hopefully, that's enough for now, as that was over 25lbs of food.
Lazy Food - My muse will start to refuse to eat anything on their own and demand to only be fed (@begoodmychild-wg)
“Well? Get to feeding me then, you dumb sexy goat lady! I picked you as my feeder since mothers are meant to be good at this!” The feline ‘goddess’ demanded as she motioned to the immense table of foods.
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begoodmychild-wg · 4 years
Toriel nodded, and began feeding the 'goddess' bunches and bunches of food, although she thought it was rude that she was being demanded. She was WAY older than her!
Lazy Food - My muse will start to refuse to eat anything on their own and demand to only be fed (@begoodmychild-wg)
“Well? Get to feeding me then, you dumb sexy goat lady! I picked you as my feeder since mothers are meant to be good at this!” The feline ‘goddess’ demanded as she motioned to the immense table of foods.
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begoodmychild-wg · 4 years
Minicar’s WG Magic Anon List
Just a quick remake given some crossed out certain effects! Freely reblog and remember to specify how long you want the effect to last when sending these!
Bottomless Gut - My muse’s stomach now no longer has a limit, allowing them to eat endlessly without ever getting full
Endless Stretching - My muse’s stomach no longer has a limit to how much it can hold, meaning they can eat even more than what normally would have completely filled their gut
Boundless Hunger - My muse’s hunger is multiplied by a hundredfold, essentially making them starving at all times
High Speed Vanishing - My muse digests food at over a dozen times the usual speed
Never Gone - My muse digests food dozens of times slower than they normally would, meaning meals could stay intact for hours if not days
Metabolic Mastermind - My muse gains half or less the usual weight they would have gained from eating
Equivalent Surpassing - My muse gains twice the usual weight they would have gained from eating
Hibernation Preparation - My muse is suddenly sure and convinced they have to eat anything and everything they can get their hands on
Expanding X - My muse gains most weight in the specified area (chosen by the asker and if not specified, the mun who answers) (examples: breasts, hips, ass, etc.)
Devouring Decharge - My muse feels extra sleepy after eating a large meal
Devouring Recharge - My muse feels extra energetic after eating a large meal
Picky Eater - Asker can specify a food, otherwise the mun who answers chooses a specific type of food or exact food item. As long as the effect lasts, the muse feels extra satisfaction while eating that food and less when eating any other type
Lazy Food - My muse will start to refuse to eat anything on their own and demand to only be fed
Pride in Eating - My muse will refuse to be fed and only want to eat without help
Exotic Eater - My muse will begin craving rare, unique and usually forbidden food and meals
Tracing Gourmet - My muse will learn everything and anything about a meal after and as they eat it
Full but More - My muse’s stomach will feel full at all times but they will always be able to put something more inside it
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begoodmychild-wg · 4 years
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begoodmychild-wg · 5 years
"Oh, why thank you." She smiled, and started eating.
*snuggles Toriels belly* Mmm~ 😊
"Oh? Hello."
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begoodmychild-wg · 5 years
*snuggles Toriels belly* Mmm~ 😊
"Oh? Hello."
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begoodmychild-wg · 5 years
@beathesumo asked
(I accidentally deleted the ask, but I managed to copy it beforehand.)
Thunderous footsteps can be heard throughout the woods as birds flew away from the shaking footsteps from the huge female sumo wrestler when she suddenly spotted a house nearby. Now, what is a house sitting out in the middle of nowhere? And the smell of pies hit her nose which made her stomach growls. She made her way to the house and waddled up to the front porch and knocked on the door.
Toriel heard the knock on the door, and put down the pie she was holding. She walked over to the door, and opened it. "Yes....?" She looked up. "Oh, hello there. How may I help you?" She asked, moving so the person could enter.
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