behappyitsemmalie ¡ 4 months
jj x john b’s little sister will always have a special place in my heart. Especially when she’s been pining over him since they were kids, the built up tension, the way they act like a couple but they’re not, ugh!
no bc this is my favourite trope with jj 😭 it's just so fitting and honestly nothing hits like a good brother's best friend trope (at least for me)
You were lying in bed, mindlessly scrolling through your phone when you hear your front door open, followed by the clunking of heavy shoes against the hardwood floors as they walked their way through your home.
At first, you panicked. Was this it? Were you about to get murdered in the comfort of your own home, warm and cozy in your bed? But then it clicked. There was only one person you knew who had loud footsteps like that. He had messy blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, a cheeky grin. He was most likely wearing one of his worn out cut-offs, and black timberland boots.
Those staple shoes of his were definitely the culprit.
Your doorknob twisted open slowly, and there JJ was. Stumbling into your room with a hazy smile on his face. He tripped over his foot upon entry, leading him to kick his boots off clumsily.
"J, what the hell are you doing? I thought you were Freddy Krueger or something, jeez."
He plopped onto your bed, using one hand to pluck your phone from your hand and toss it to the other side of your bed. He laid between your legs, resting his head against your stomach and wrapping his arms around your waist.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach instantly. Being this close and cozy wasn't new for the two of you; you'd been touchy since you were kids. Endless piggyback rides, cuddling sessions during movie nights, playing with each other's hair, that was just the two of you in your normal state. That's what happens when you've known someone since you were in elementary school.
"Hi," he murmured, nuzzling into you as he got comfy. "You smell good."
Your brows furrowed as you held back a laugh. "Are you drunk?"
"No." A moment of silence passed, and then he spoke up again. "Maybe."
"Okay, and where's my brother?"
"Ditched me for his kook girlfriend."
You hummed in response, starting to weave your fingers through his sun-kissed locks. You heard him sigh in content, and he hooked his legs over one of yours.
"D'you wanna get high?" JJ asked, breaking the silence.
Your hand crept down to his cheek, stroking it with your thumb gently. "I think you're intoxicated enough, Maybank."
He picked his head up, his chin now resting where the left side of his face was previously smushed against. He smiled, his eyelids half closed. "You're always takin' care o'me. So sweet, like candy."
"You always need to be taken care of," you joked in response. The small huff of laughter he let out was like music to your ears. You could listen to it on repeat for the rest of your days, and it'd always be your favourite soundtrack.
His eyes seemed to glimmer as he zoned in on yours again. He released a sigh, before reaching up and cupping your cheek. "You're so beautiful."
Your heart fluttered. You were used to JJ's unrelenting flirtations, but he'd never said anything like that to you. It'd always been lookin' good, mini routledge, or we should makeout. y'know, for science.
"Don't. You're only saying that 'cause you're drunk. It's mean."
His brow arched. "Me thinking you're beautiful is mean? I don't get it."
"It's mean because it's just the alcohol talking," you explained. "You don't really mean it, J."
"I do mean it. Why do you think I'm starin' at you all the time? I have to force myself to keep my eyes off you."
He was pulling at your heartstrings, saying all the things you'd been longing to hear from his mouth for as long as you could remember. It almost felt cruel; the fact that he could say these things so casually as if the memory wouldn't be burned into your brain until the end of time.
"Go to sleep, JJ. We'll talk in the morning," you spoke, eyes darting away from his as you changed the topic.
JJ removed himself from your hold, scooting up next to you and using his index finger and thumb to guide your gaze onto him. His eyes were softened, so vulnerable as they looked at you. He wore a small pout, too, only making you want to plant a kiss on it and wash it away.
"I know 'm an idiot. But one of these days, I'm gonna get my head outta my ass and tell you that I got a major thing for you," he said. "You're gonna be my girl, princess. I'm not sure of much, but I am sure of that."
And with that, he laid his head down on the pillow next to yours, slinging an arm over your waist and cuddling into your side.
"Good night, beautiful."
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 4 months
Mine - JJ Maybank One Shot
+18 Minor
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Based off an ask I lost 🫣 sorry!!
JJ x female reader
Fluff & Angst
JJ’s ex is pregnant and the baby is his💕♡
Warnings: language, name calling, child birth and it's side effects.
Lightly edited Disclaimer: Jiara is null 💕
Master list: link
Taglist: link
Tags: @imyourdaninow @lana @romaescapes @jayla @waywardsoul113 @struckstarkey @floredaqueen @gri959
Y/N's POV:
JJ has come by every day since the breakup, never at the same time. His beautiful blue eyes still find a way to catch mine. I iced him out completely, ghosting him only a few weeks after we made it official.
We had been pining after each other for years, rushing into everything when we finally got what we both wanted. We never once thought about playing it safe, fucking raw in the back of his Bronco that night, and every chance we got after that. We couldn't get enough of each other... Every time we were alone, our hands were on each other, clothes thrown across the room, tangled up in sheets.
"Fuck that," was the last thing I heard him mumble to John B before he and his friends disappeared for weeks. They talked about hooking up, girlfriends, and how the last thing they want to deal with is a pregnant one after John B. and Sarah had a scare of their own. 'We're too young. They're too expensive. I'm not ready for that shit. Are you fuckin' kiddin' me? There's no way in hell'.
And here I stand.
Nine months and five days along, hiding it from him because, at this point, I'd instead go at it alone. I didn't know where he went, and when he came back, something had happened. I could tell something was going on with him and Kiara. The longer I was away, the closer they got. He seemed happier with her. I can do this myself... even though I don't want that. Not at all.
He still calls me from time to time. Usually late at night when I'm already asleep. JJ doesn't always leave a message, but when he does, it's a jumbled mess of drunken words.
I've shut out all my friends. The only people that know are my parents and the little old lady next door. They think it's some random tourists. My parents kicked me out on my ass after I decided to keep the baby. 'You think you're so grown? You think you can handle this pinching pennies? What kind of life is that?' They gave me up that day. 'If you want to act like trash, you can live like trash.'
But who's the actual trash here?
As much as I wanted to return to my simple life, I couldn't do it; I couldn't bring myself to get the abortion they were more than willing to pay for. I went from a Kook to a Pogue in a matter of seconds. And, at my twenty-week appointment, when I saw that little boy in my tummy, I knew I made the right choice.
I snagged an office job pretty fast: a beautiful spot, a real-estate agency close to the beach. The clientele is great, Pogues with just enough money to hire someone to sell their little shacks instead of doing it themselves. Work, community college, sleep, rinse, and repeat. I've saved enough to buy a crib and some basics... Stopping by the thrift store just off Figure 8 to nab some Kook's hand-me-downs. I want to give this little boy the life he deserves... I want to prove my parents wrong.
I'm sure they'll have a change of heart after the baby is born, rushing to plunge that silver spoon straight into his mouth and 'save him from all this.' But, come to find out, this life saved me. An existence under their thumb is not where I wanted to be. I don't want to raise a Kook. I want to raise a Pogue. I just wish I knew what I was doing. I really wish I had Jayj.
You look out the large front window, watching as he passes by, surfboard looped under his arm as he steps toward beach access. His eyes drift your way, turning ahead before he disappears again. Shit. You look down at your stomach, watching the baby turn, your round tummy rolling with the baby's movements.
Like clockwork, you're hit with a braxton hicks contraction. Your belly squeezes taunt, breathing strained, causing you to draw little breaths, blowing them slow. You look up at the wall, watching the clock strike 5. Yes. Grabbing the armrest, you struggle to stand, pressing yourself up. You waddle toward the door, turning the open sign to close before nabbing your keys.
The warm summer air kisses your skin as you pass through the door; the sunset paints the sky in the west. Fuck. Your stomach contracts again, a contraction so intense you have to grab the brick wall for support, eyes screwing shut as you breathe through it again. "Hey..." Your heart sinks, eyes flashing open as you meet JJ's wide gaze.
"Hi," you force the word through tight lips, still clutching the wall.
"Are you okay?" He asks gently. JJ's stare falls down your body, landing on your bump, your hand cradling the bottom out of sheer practice.
"M'fine," you whimper as you turn quickly, clipping toward your shitty little car before he can ask anymore, tears brimming in your eyes.
I watch her car slow-roll over the speed bump, steering through the parking lot into her tiny carport. My muscles are tense; emotion pooled in my eyes as I watch her battle to get out of her car. I know she's pregnant. I didn't ask. It was the first thing I wanted to blurt out. Even though my dad's a grade-A asshole, he still taught me that shit ain't polite. I just didn't think she would disappear that fast. She grabs the handrail, heading up the steps, pulling open the apartment door before falling out of sight.
Everything was fine until I left... And, when I came back, she was gone. She fuckin' vanished, dropping me for no one, from what I've seen, at least. She's shut herself in completely, never coming out.
I couldn't help but check on her every chance I got. Make sure she's okay. I should have known something was off. Her family's loaded. There's no reason that Kook Princess should be hanging out around here. She should be off at some fancy-ass college, living the dream. The second I saw her in that office, red flags should have been waving left and right, but they didn't.
She didn't want to talk. I could tell... The look in her eye was enough to let me know to stay the hell away. That, paired with the fact that she never called me back. Most of the time I wasted... I can't lie. It was probably for the best. But she saw my number and chose to ignore it; decided to leave it unanswered. Somethin's goin' on... Maybe she's gotta new boyfriend. There's no reason why she'd be here otherwise... Unless there's more to the story. 
Maybe all this is 'cause I told her I loved her. I don't know, but that's the last thing I said before I left. And I still feel it. I still love that woman. Maybe she wasn't ready. Maybe she was ready, and I left, and she started to second guess everything. I mean, how could she not? I vanished, then she did... Can I really fault her for doing the same exact shit?
My body jumps, chills running down my spine as headlights flood my rearview mirror. Goddamnit. I've gotta make a decision, in or out; am I gonna do this or not? I stomp on the gas, speeding ahead, barreling away as my tears break free.
She was a good girl before she met me. I wasn't a virgin, but she was. She gave that to me. I don't think she was sleeping around with anyone else.
That baby's mine. I know it.
Y/N's POV:
You drag your body over to the microwave, snagging your TV dinner. The apartment is quiet, just the lull of the evening news playing in the background. Plopping down on the weathered couch, you snag the remote, flicking through the channels aimlessly until you find your comfort show, snuggling in a little more as you swirl your spaghetti on your fork.  
Grabbing the remote, you turn it a little louder, trying your best to drown out the thoughts raging in your head. The interaction with Jayj, the horror in his eyes, the way you left, fleeing the scene altogether. I miss him. Every part of him. God, he is so fucking beautiful. Those goddamn eyes, and that perfect face, his voice. I - DRIP. DRIP.
You look between your thighs, a wet spot gathering on your sweatpants, dribbling onto the floor below. You pinch the bridge of your nose, expiring a frustrated breath. As if this day wasn't mortifying enough, let me add pisses your pants to the list... You close your eyes softly as a tinge of nausea sets in as well.
Maybe if I take a shower, I'll feel better... You rise to your feet, liquid continuing to trickle its way down your leg.
Is this it? It wouldn't be far-fetched. I'm past my due date. Did my water just break? You feel your bottom lip wobble, muscles stiffening as you face reality that that might be the case.
Fuck. You look down at your soaked pants. I don't want anyone seeing me like this.
"One sec, Dot," you call out for your neighbor.
"Umm... Hey. I-It's JJ," you hear his muffled voice behind the closed door. Everything stops; your body, frozen as you watch him through the little kitchen window, just a crack of sight through your curtain. No. You shuffle toward the bathroom, clutching your stomach, a new sensation of emptiness you hadn't felt before.
"Ow... Ow... Oh my god," you gasp, holding the bottom of your stomach. "It's fucking happening... No. Fuck!" You scream, another contraction rocking you. The soft knocking turns into a loud bang. "Let me in, y/n. P-Please. Are you okay? What's going on? Talk to me, sweetheart."
You grip the doorframe tightly, trying to center yourself, to no avail. The room starts to spin around you, stomach churning, mouth salivating. Am I going to throw up? Why am I gonna throw up? You trip slightly on the rug, falling to your knees, crawling the rest of the way toward the toilet.
"Y/n?" JJ yells as he frantically fiddles with the doorknob, knocking at the glass trying to open that as well.
"Ja-" You go to answer, letting out a cough instead, emptying your stomach into the bowl. Then you hear it: metal on metal as the doorknob twists.
"Y/n?" JJ stutters, his boots bounding toward the bathroom. "Are you okay? Are you sick?"
"Yeah," you cry as you see a look of sheer panic in his eyes. "Why are you here?" You whisper.
"I-I... Umm... I don't know?" He spurts as he moves a little closer. "Do you want me to c-call your parents?"
"No!" You shout. "Don't. Please. I don't want them here," you yell. JJ's eyes open wider.
"I'm sorry..."
"No, Jayj. Don't apologize."
He kneels close, rubbing your back softly. "Did you need me to clean up out there for you? Do you want me to get you a new pair of pants? Or maybe a glass of water? A rag? You want a rag? Yeah?" You throw up in the toilet again, causing JJ to release a sympathetic gag.
"Jayj... you can't do that," you groan.
"I'm sorry. M'sorry, y/n," he sighs, trying to compose himself. "Here." He grabs a scrunchie off the counter, gathering your hair in a ponytail.
"Thank you." You grip the toilet tightly, trying your best to calm down, but it's simply momentary. "Fuck," you howl, your pain wrapping around your back to your front.
"Y/n, s-shit," JJ whimpers, dropping his head in his hand. His own personal panic setting in. "Are you - fuck," JJ tries to speak, but the words aren't easy. "Are you pregnant?"
"Is that not clear, Jayj," you cry. "I have to go to the bathroom."
"I have to go to the bathroom, JJ!" You scream, voice bouncing off the walls as you feel pressure building between your thighs.
"O-Okay. Of course. Do you need help standing?"
"Will you get me a bucket first?" JJ nods at you rapidly. You let out a loud cry, whole body pain, indescribable hurt. "Fuck!" You scream.
"Should I call 9-1-1?"
"The bucket, JJ. Please!"
"Okay. Alright. Sorry. S-Sorry!" he panics, running out of the bathroom. You hear him bang around in the kitchen, talking himself into a frenzy.
"Grab anything, JJ! Please!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Jesus Christ. It's fucking hot in here." You rip off your shirt, tossing it to the side.
"This! Okay... This will work," he cheers breathlessly, running back into the bathroom with a pot. You quickly tug your pants down, taking a seat on the toilet. You draw the pot under your chin, breathing deeply.
"Fuck... this feels so much better." You moan, feeling slight relief in this new position. A new heat rises in your cheeks, humiliation brewing as you feel the weight of JJ's gaze on you. The last night he saw me, I was in a paisley sundress, his arms around me, lips locked on mine. I felt beautiful. JJ always made me feel that way. He told me he loved me. That girl. Not this one. I can't believe he's seeing me this way: tummy round, naked, sweaty, sick, and in pain. All I can do is cry.
JJ walks over, kneeling before you as his beautiful blue eyes search for yours. "Y/n, we gotta get you to the hospital. Okay?" His voice is gentle and calm. JJ tucks some sweaty strands of hair behind your ear as you match his watch. You can see his eyes getting glassy; he's also completely and utterly overwhelmed, still trying to stay calm for you.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you," you mewl.
"Hey, s'okay. You're gonna be alright. We just gotta go, baby."
Baby. The guilt hits you next, hard and fast. How would I feel if roles were reserved? How would I feel if this secret was kept from me?
"JJ... I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
JJ swallows thickly; the tears pooled in his beautiful blue eyes break free as he looks back at you. "The baby's mine?" He fights the words past his lips."This is amazing... I just - I. Fuck. It's okay, honey. But, why - Why wouldn't you just tell me, y/n?" He whispers, his voice hoarse and broken with emotion.
"I didn't want to ruin your life, Jayj. We had just started dating-"
"Ruin my life? Why would this ruin my life?" He cuts you off in disbelief. Your muscles tighten, a sharp pain radiating as you try to remain in the moment with him. You can see his face change with yours, seeing the pain in your eyes. "Let's go. Let's get you to the hospital," he whispers as he rests one hand on your cheek, the other set lightly on your tummy.
"I can't move, J," you whimper.
"I can carry you. Okay? The hospital is only five minutes away. I can get you there in three. Fanciest driver in The Cut. You know that. Yeah? We'll be there in a heartbeat. Everything'll be fine. We're okay. Okay?" He sniffles, lifting the neck of his white tee shirt to wipe the emotion out of his eyes. "Let me get you some clothes, sweetheart." You nod in reply, gripping the counter tightly as you battle through the pain of another contraction.
JJ races back into the bathroom as fast as he came out, handling you carefully as he tugs on your oversized t-shirt and shorts. He guides you to your feet, helping you into your Converse sneakers, tying them tight before lifting you into his arms. You clutch onto him as you ride out another contraction, burying yourself in the crook of his neck. Your tears wet his shirt as he walks with you toward the door, stepping out into the night. "You're okay, baby. You're alright," he soothes, kissing you gently on the temple.
JJ tugs open the door of the Bronco, setting you inside before sprinting around the front. JJ flicks the keys, making the engine roar. He throws it in reverse, peeling out of the parking lot before skirting onto the main street, making you clutch the grab rails for support. "Shit. Sorry, princess," JJ winces as he sees the fright in your eyes. He thrusts his hand into his pocket, thumbing through his cell phone as he dodges through traffic.
You can see the tears still sparkling in his stare; JJ's jaw coiled tight as he listens to the ringing on the other end of the line. He's terrified, just like you, his phone trembling in his hand. "Hi. Uhh... Shit. My girlfriend and I are on our way in. She - she's..."
"In labor," you whisper, helping him along.
"She's in labor. We're about two minutes away. Uh... Umm, let me ask," he breathes, eyes snapping your way. "How far apart are they? Have you been timing them?"
"Timing what?" You ask sheepishly, watching as JJ's eyes lighten on yours.
"Your contractions, baby."
"I don't know," you whimper, cheeks hot with shame again, your ignorance on display. He probably thinks I'm an idiot. I should know this. Why don't I know this?"
"S'okay," he whispers. JJ looks down at the dash, eyeing the little clock.
"Fuck, Jayj," you sob, the pressure of another contraction setting in.
"Shit. Sorry - sorry, I'm here. Umm... Like four minutes tops? Yeah. Mhmm... She's close," he whispers, making your heart skip a beat. "Yeah. Yeah - The front. We'll meet you out there." You try your best to keep your eyes open, vision blurry as you see the hospital sign glowing like a beacon in the night. JJ stuffs his phone back in his pocket, reaching for your hand instantly, weaving his finger in yours before drawing them up to his lips. He kisses your hand, lingering on your skin, hiding his quivering lips.
"Motherfucker!" You scream, driving your heels into the floor of the SUV; yet another contraction barrelling through your body as you pull up to the curb. JJ grits his teeth as you squeeze his hand tight, surely drawing blood.
"Take a deep breath for me, y/n," the nurse aids. Y/n's eyes slam shut, her beautiful face scrunching in discomfort as the nurse checks her further. "Okay... 10 centimeters," she says calmly. "I see some hair." Y/n's eyes remain shut in fear as she nods her head frantically. Her little hand squeezes mine again; the only relief she can get this far along. I can't believe she almost did this alone - all by herself. What if she couldn't have made it to the phone? 
Why can't she call her parents? Why is she alone in the first place? Why wouldn't she just tell me? I feel my thoughts start to race with the beating of my heart. "Y/n," I whisper. Her gaze matches mine, sending me into a spiral as I see the speckles of red against the whites of her eyes, popped blood vessels, and tears pooled in the corners. Heat rises behind my eyes again as I swallow the lump in my throat. "You're doing so good, y/n."
"M'not," she hiccups, hand clutching her little bucket as she waits for her tummy to turn again. "I let you down, Jayj. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm scared. M'not fucking ready-"
"Y-You're ready," I stammer; the stutter in my voice deceives me, but I mean every word. "You didn't let me down. I went into your room, y/n. I saw the crib, all the clothes you have hung in your closet, the baby book with all the Post-it notes sticking out. You're ready. 'Course you're scared..." My voice fades to a hush as she tucks herself in my neck. I'm instantly struck with Deja Vu, thrown back into the night that changed everything. The last night she was mine... I clear my throat, beating my lashes shut.
"The baby's a boy, Jayj," she whispers gently.
"Yeah?" I ask happily as I choke back tears, feeling her nod against my shoulder.
"M'sorry, Jayj. I-" Y/n fleeting words turn into a wail, nails digging into my forearm.
"Please don't apologize, y/n," I soothe, kissing her head. "You're so strong, baby girl," I whisper in her ear, feeling her muscles contract.
"We're going to need you to start pushing, y/n."
"I can't," she whimpers.
"You can, baby. You can."
"You know how you feel like you need to go to the bathroom? Push like that. Okay?" Y/n shakes her head no.
"You've got to, baby. A'ight? You're amazing, y/n," I breathe, moving closer. She presses her forehead against mine, gritting her teeth. "You're safe. Okay? You're safe." Y/n presses her quivering lips against mine, taking my breath away. Those lips... Holy shit. My hand wraps around the back of her neck, drawing her even closer. "I missed you," I whisper shakily. 
"I missed you too, JJ," she echoes.
"Yeah, Jayj," she whimpers.
"M'not goin' anywhere. M'not leavin' you. Okay?"
"Okay," she sobs.
"Y/n?" The nurse calls. "What's your pain level when you have a contraction?"
"10," she soughs.
"You're going to have a contraction in a few seconds. We're going to need you to push hard. When you feel it coming on, take some deep breaths. When you hit 10, push. Okay? JJ, we will need you to count to ten for her. Y/n, we want you to push all 10 seconds." I can see the shift in her face; her pain, increasing. Her grip on my hand gets tighter. Y/n's eyes shift to mine, giving me a nod.
"10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."
"F-Fuck!" She screams, her eyes slam shut as her body trembles in pain. "S'not working," she snivels.
"It's working. You're doing a great job. Just a few more pushes," the doctor assures. "This next one might be it, but you'll have to push really hard."
"Did you hear that, baby?" I breathe, my lips resting on her forehead. "You're doing so good."
"You're doing a great job, Y/n," the nurse whispers. Y/n's eyes flutter shut, wincing in pain, tears streaming down her cheeks. She doesn't believe a word of it.
"10... 9... 8... 7... 6..."
"Ow... Ow... No. It burns," she wails. The words catch my throat as I push back tears.
"We have him. Keep pushing."
"5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."
She lets out a guttural scream; the doctor catches a baby, drawing him out. "Oh my god," I breathe.
"Oh... H-Holy shit," she whimpers. "Is the baby okay? Is he breathing?" I hear the baby's high-pitched cry. A wave of relief crashes over me. Y/n dissolves in my arms as we look out for our little boy. 
This was the last thing I expected, the furthest thing from my mind when I woke up this morning. But, now, here I am. Here he is. Here she is, my beautiful fucking girl. We made him... He's ours.
"I'm so glad you came, Jayj," she cries.
"Me too, baby. Holy shit." I grab a towel from the nurse, blotting the tears and sweat from Y/n's face. "You did so well, y/n. Fuck. You okay, honey?" I mumble before meeting her lips.
"M'okay." God, I can't stop. I kiss her deeper, making y/n smile against my lips. "I missed you," she whispers.
"I missed you. Fuck, I missed you so damn much," I sigh.
"You're going to be such a good dad-"
"You're going to be such a good mom. The best mom. The baby's so lucky to have you as a mom," I babble, kissing her forehead and cupping her dewy cheek. I hold y/n tightly, watching the nurse cradle the baby in her arms. She sets him on the towel, cutting and clamping the umbilical cord.
She walks over, resting the baby on Y/n's chest, and in that moment, I feel a shift. Everything seems a little clearer: her, him, and they're both mine. My heart feels like it could fucking burst as I look at him in her arms. He's so tiny, so small and fragile. I just want to keep him safe.
Y/n's lips rest on his tiny head, a pink and blue striped bonnet covering a mess of blonde hair, just like mine. "Jayj," she whispers, extending him to me. I draw the baby close, blinking, my tears gone. He's so peaceful; his eyes shut tight. I can feel the warmth of his little breaths against my skin.
"Wow," I sigh, looking up at the ceiling as tears fall. Y/n rests her head on my shoulder. We're okay. Everything's okay.
"You look beautiful," I breathe.
"You're a liar, JJ Maybank." Her nose scrunches, eyes rolling away. Fuck. I missed her.
"I'm not. I promise."
"You're never going to want to have sex with me again," she chuckles through a sigh, hands resting on her once-rounded tummy. 
"You jokin'?" I scoff. "Been dreamin' about that for the last, what, nine months now? S'the first thing we're gonna do when we get outta here." Y/n chuckles as she raises an eyebrow, making me double back.
"6 weeks, Jayj," she whispers as her flushed cheeks blush even more.
"No..." I gasps. "You sure? I thought you said you didn't know what you were doin', princess. Gonna need to fact-check that shit." I give her a taunting look, making her roll her. "M'just kiddin', sweetness." Taking out my phone, I flick to the calendar, checking the dates. "The 24th, baby girl." Y/n lets out a sleepy little laugh, tucking herself in my arms again.
"Mhmm... Whoever you want," I soothe.
"Sarah and Pope."
"Ah, Cameron and Heyward. Couldn't agree more, baby." She snuggles in a little closer, her eyes on the little bassinet, watching the baby sleep. "So..." I sigh as I take a deep breath.
"You wanna know why I'm officially a Pogue, Jayj?" She asks weakly.
"Yeah... I've got a few questions, princess. That's a good start," I mumble, resting my lips against her temple. She takes a deep breath, expelling a laborious sigh.
"Umm... Well, my parents didn't want me to have the baby-"
"Stop," you whisper, shaking your head 'no.' "I think I know where you're goin' with this, and I can't hear it. Alright? I don't want you to say it either. Please." Y/n bites her cheek. "I'm so fucking sorry - m'so, so sorry." I cup her cheek, kissing her lips. "You got me... You got all my friends - you're friends. This baby will be so loved, y/n. I swear."
"Okay, Jayj."
"Thank you for not doin' that, baby. I just - I can't even imagine that now," I breathe, feeling my throat tighten as I watch his little chest rise and fall.
"It was never an option, Jayj," she whispers.
"Why didn't you tell me, y/n? Why did you think it would ruin my life? Why did you break up with me-"
"JJ," she breathes as she rests her hand on my chest, grounding me again. "That was a huge fucking mistake. I'm so sorry. We had just started dating, and then you left. And, right before you left-"
"I was talking to John B about what a nightmare this shit would be..." I cut her short, dropping my head, nodding as I put the pieces together.
"When you came back, Jayj, I didn't know what to do. And, I saw you with Kie, and you looked like the two of you had somethin' goin' on. Between that and my parents, I felt it would be easier for everyone if I went at it alone."
"Kie is just a friend. Alright? She always has been. And life isn't easy, y/n," I whisper. "You know that just as well as me. Doesn't mean that the hard isn't worth going through. I swear I will be here for you both if you'll let me."
"Really?" Y/n asks shakily.
"Please, y/n."
"I need you, J. I want you in my life," she whispers, an unease in her tone like you may say anything but the apparent 'yes.'
"I need you too, princess."
"I wasn't lying to you, Jayj. I don't know what I'm doing," she warns. "I have read books, sure, but if today showed me anything, it let me know I'm not fucking ready."
"S'not true, honey. I've seen you with him already, and you're a natural. We'll figure this whole parenting thing out together," I smile. "Yeah?"
"Yeah, Jayj."
The lights are low; the sky is dark, only the glow of the television casting light in the room. Drawing back the blankets, I climb inside, pulling her back into my chest. I focus on the sound of her breathing, the way she fits in my arms, just like I remembered, just like I dreamt about. Her soft, supple skin and the sweetness of her perfume surrounds me.
There's a soft knock on the door. "Come in," she calls. A hospital worker walks in with a bouquet. Y/n smiles brightly, setting them down on the counter. Reaching over, I snag the card from the top and pass it to her; a little smile stretches on her lips from the sweet gesture alone. "To our newest little Pogue. Welcome to the family, baby boy. Love, Aunt Sarah, Uncle John B, Aunt Kiara, and Uncle Pope."
Y/n reaches up, brushing the tears from her eyes as I do the same. "Your friends are pretty special, Jayj," she whispers.
"Our friends, baby," I smile. "They're gonna be so happy to have you around again."
She smiles and nods before tucking the little note back into the bouquet. Tonight was horrifying... a stark contrast to this moment. The woman I love is no longer in tears, no longer in agony, no longer scared. She's my light... My safe place.
"What were you gonna name him, y/n? I'm sure you already have something in mind."
"Jaxon James."
"JJ?" I hum happily as I pull her in tight. Her sparkling eyes match mine, a blissful smile setting in her perfect lips.
"He looks just like you, Jayj; your nose, your hair, your eyes," she sighs dreamily. "He's perfect."
"He's so damn cute. Oh my god," I whisper; catching a glimpse of his round cheeks and pouty lips.
"Can he have your last name, Jayj?"
"Oh wow," I breathe, her question alone conjuring up yet another round of tears. I flutter my lashes, doing my best to keep it together. "Of course, baby. Thank you. That means a lot to me... You mean a lot to me," I whisper.
"You two mean everything to me, Jayj."
I hold her cheek in my hand, brushing her buttery-soft skin with my rough thumb. "We'll start with him, then you, of course. When the time's right."
"Yeah, Jayj?" She whimpers through tears.
"I never stopped lovin' you, y/n. Of course, I wanna be with you forever. Let's start with the first step. Huh? Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?"
She grabs my face, lips crashing into mine as her body language alone screams 'yes'. My hands fall down her body; the familiarity of her in my arms feels just like home.
"Of course, Jayj."
"6 weeks. Huh?" I tease, peppering kisses on her beautiful face through a gravelly laugh as she giggles and smiles.
"I love you, JJ."
"I love you too, baby."
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 6 months
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RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — More than half a million people in Gaza — a quarter of the population — are starving, according to a report Thursday by the U.N. and other agencies that highlights the humanitarian crisis caused by Israel’s bombardment and siege on the territory in response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. The extent of the population’s hunger eclipsed even the near-famines in Afghanistan and Yemen of recent years, according to figures in the report. The report warned that the risk of famine is “increasing each day,” blaming the hunger on insufficient aid entering Gaza. “It doesn’t get any worse,’’ said Arif Husain, chief economist for the U.N.’s World Food Program. “I have never seen something at the scale that is happening in Gaza. And at this speed.” ... At the start of the war, Israel stopped all deliveries of food, water, medicine and fuel into the territory. After U.S. pressure, it allowed a trickle of aid in through Egypt. But U.N. agencies say only 10% of Gaza’s food needs has been entering for weeks. (Dec. 21, 2023 | Source)
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 8 months
This is what misinformation + selective outrage + indifference looks like
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Me: Gotdammit
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 9 months
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this is me all day
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 9 months
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#The 90s yellowjackets scenes are the funniest assortment of characters you’ve ever seen (insp)
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 9 months
jeff is the only malewife because he’s like Yeah my wife murdered her piece on the side and then dismembered him with such precision that it was surgical but in all fairness she lost her baby and the girl she had a homoerotic friendship with when she was 17 so like who am i to judge… in fact, this is My burden as well… i should turn myself in for her :/
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 9 months
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It’s already chosen who should lead us.
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 9 months
you're natalie scatorccio. you take some acid the night before your team leaves for nationals. next day your plane goes down somewhere in the canadian wilderness. one of your coaches dies the other loses a leg btw the girl you hallucinated at the party last night destroyed the black box and you're stuck here for 18 months now. you start a fling with the guy they send you out hunting with but the homecoming queen wants to lose her virginity before she dies so she throws you under the bus and takes your man in a gay way, but you don't even really have time to deal with that because your other teammates are trying to have a murder orgy and sacrifice him at the alter of the wilderness gods. you save his ass and then spend the next two months hiking in below zero temperatures on a major caloric deficit trying to locate your man's missing brother who is definitely probably dead and you're definitely probably going to die if you keep looking so you fake his death and that goes pretty bad because the resident witch says she can still sense his aura and it turns out against all odds the teenage brother did survive two months in the wilderness alone, but happy endings right? wrong. your boyfriend can't get it up unless he's thinking about backwoods jesus and you're all starving to death. group decides short straw dies for the good of the group and who draws it but you? the wilderness wills the hunter bring food to the table. run. now the boy you killed/saved/killed says you can trust me I know a place and the earth opens up and swallows him and you reach for him because he asks you to and because in another life that's the kind of person you are. but here you're the hunter and you know how to love the thing in your scope but still pull the trigger if it puts meat on the table, especially if it means the meat isn't your own. you have nine months left. there's nowhere to run.
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 10 months
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 10 months
'Charter' Moodboard
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A Moodboard for @blueicequeen19 OBX smut fic, 'Charter' (Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4). Hope I need a good job on this!
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 11 months
"writers deserve attention more than actors" literally only 2% of actors can pay the bills with acting. For every megastar on screen there are a dozen other people in the shot who are SAG. Acting gets so glamorized but there are SO MANY people in SAG who NEED residuals to live on. Background Party Girl #4 needs her check too!!!! There are people who play recurring characters on syndicated shows who cant afford health insurance!!! Ke Huy Quan gave an oscar winning performance and LOST HIS HEALTH INSURANCE the next year.
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 1 year
Some of y’all act like basic manners, general human decency, and kindness to others is SO MUCH emotional labor. I don’t like that shit.
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 1 year
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 1 year
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all that he cares about is their daughter
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 1 year
─ 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐅𝐢𝐜 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐬 ๋࣭ ⭑
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505 - @lvstcd
wiped out! - @/lvstcd (all her jj works are amazing <3)
cockwarming w jj - @rafesmuse
make-up sex - @/rafesmuse (one of the best obx writers)
no nute november - @thecameronchronicles
aftermath - @maybaenk
kindred souls - @maybanksangel
that's my shirt - @winchester-books
stay still - @pankhoeforlife
who's the guy? - @surftrips
camping confessions - @cherryobx
let me show you - @loveharlow
shaved confessions - @pixelated-pogues
best served cold - @drewbooooo
hot tub - @ lovelyjj
if we go down - @starryblueeyesandstarryblueskies
b team - @ceceswriting
simple favor - @urfavemcustan
hush - @hybridluv (one of my fav authors)
safe haven - @/hybridluv
eye contact - @thatfangirl42
loving you - @oncasette
six times he realises he loves you - @fandomtravels
swell - @the-maidofgevaudan
too much to drink - @pankowholland
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tags 🔖 @cassadilasworld
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behappyitsemmalie ¡ 1 year
Thursday March 2.
The People's Princess: Jennifer Coolidge.
All hail the Mother of Camp! Cometh the hour, cometh the queen. She is unstoppable, and this year alone has swept the Emmys, Golden Globes, and Critics Choice Awards for her performance on The White Lotus. It was a performance that gripped the eyes of the world as she locked, loaded her way to an unfortunate demise on a megayacht, and delivered the iconic line: “These gays, they’re trying to murder me!” This couldn't be further from the truth, as these gays happen to love the woman in question. You may know her as Tanya McQuoid, or you may know her as Stifler's Mom. But you will certainly know her as #jennifer coolidge.
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