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           “That amazing moment when your crush has a crush on you. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing that the person who you want to be in a relationship with likes or loves you back.”
            Kukai Souma             &            Amu Hinamori          written by: Squirt                      written by: Bren            @theskyjack-k                      @checkered-pinkette
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“It would be too easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible, and entirely ignored.”
David Levithan, Every Day
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Starter call!
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i heard! there’s gonna be a life is strange 2!! and i’m excited for whatever that may be!!! 
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booyvh replied to your post: “How long do you think it’ll take to clean this...
aw ;P
//For some reason that whole meme looks like it’s something made for them tbh. xD
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You look good today
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“Ehm.. thanks?” Somewhat startled, the brunette brushed some of her bangs behind her ear, using the opportunity to avert her gaze again. Don’t think too much of it Max, it can easily be another prank. Convincing herself it was most likely foul play, she walked off again.
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“How long do you think it’ll take to clean this up?”
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Crossing her arms over her chest, she hoped her not so amused facial expression would say plenty. Obviously it was mainly the other’s fault that it got so messy, but she couldn’t deny she had some fun herself. “Probably at least twice as long as you took to make it.” Even though she wanted to be snarky, the grin forming on her features couldn’t be helped.
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Making a Mess Sentence Starters
“Oh no! I just tracked a whole bunch of mud inside!”
“I know the cake needed some flour, but I think the countertops and the floor could have done without it.”
“How long do you think it’ll take to clean this up?”
“Now that the craft is done, let’s see if we can get the paint off the table.”
“Why didn’t we think to lay down newspapers to keep everything clean?”
“Where do you keep the mop/broom?”
“Why am I so clumsy? I can’t believe I spilled my drink everywhere.”
“Well, we got paint everywhere but on the canvas.”
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     When a door closes..                                                          a window opens..                                                                                           ..or something like that?
                                New independent, semi-selective blog for Max Caulfield from Life is Strange                                                                 written by Bren.
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Please reblog/like this post if you’re more than fine doing dark/mature threads so that it’ll be easier for the others to interact with you! This means you’re open to do threads like torture, abuse, drugs, smut, blood and many more.
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“That was.. something.” Putting it lightly, the brunette didn’t actually enjoy that movie all that much. But it distracted her from all the work that has to be done.. that’s something at least, right?
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TAGGED BY:  Stole it from @hcirtrigger
1ST RULE:   tag 9 muses you would like to know better.
Anyone who wants to do it~
2ND RULE:   BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
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i am 5'7" or taller
i wear glasses (sometimes)
i have at least one tattoo
i have at least one piercing
i have blonde hair
i have brown eyes
i have short hair
my abs are at least somewhat defined
i have or have had braces
i love meeting new people
people tell me that I’m funny
helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
i enjoy physical challenges
i enjoy mental challenges
i’m playfully rude with people i know well
i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it
there is something i would change about my personality
i can sing well
i can play an instrument
i can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
i’m a fast runner
i can draw well
i have a good memory
i’m good at doing math in my head
i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
i have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
i know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
i know how to throw a proper punch
i enjoy playing sports
i was on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
i have learned a new song in the past week
i work out at least once a week
i’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
i have drawn something in the past month
i enjoy writing
fandoms are my #1 passion
i do or have done martial arts
i have had my first kiss
i have had alcohol
i have scored the winning goal in a sports game
i have watched an entire season of a tv show in one sitting
i have been at an overnight event
i have been in a taxi
i have been in the hospital or er in the past year
i have beaten a video game in one day
i have visited another country
i have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
i’m in a relationship
i have a crush on a celebrity
i have a crush on someone I know
i have been in at least 3 relationships
i have never been in a consensual relationship
i have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
i get crushes easily
i have had a crush on someone for over a year
i have been in a relationship for at least a year
i have had feelings for a friend
i have at least one person i consider a “best friend”
i live close to my school
my parents are still together
i have at least one sibling
i live in the united states
there is snow right now where I live
i have hung out with a friend in the past month
i have a smartphone
i have at least 15 CD’s
i share my room with someone
i have breakdanced
i know a person named Jamie
i have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
i have dyed my hair
i’m listening to one song on repeat right now
i have punched someone in the past week
i know someone who has gone to jail
i have broken a bone
i have eaten a waffle today
i know what i want to do with my life
i speak at least 2 languages
i have made a new friend in the past year
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Artists always talk about music bringing people together, but ironically I feel like a lot of the time artists are so competitive with each other in our own industry… We want to do that for the world but we don’t do it between ourselves. I remember when I went to an awards show for the first time and I expected for everybody to be like, ‘Hey how are you’, but everybody was with their own team and unless you’re already friends nobody really talks to each other. If we’re trying to unify the world, why can’t we just start with the room we’re in?
Camila talking to BBC (x)
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Sometimes the reason good things are not happening to you is because you are the good thing that needs to happen to other people.
Unknown (via lovelustquotes)
ιc, ,
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from the bottom of my heart, please know, that i’d appreciate being slammed against a wall with your hand down my pants and your breath against my neck saying that I am yours and only yours
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