bejillsvalentine · 11 days
I have a keyboard again!
It's as if my life has begun anew.
Now I can finally catch up over here, finish the new blog and launch it!
I know I've got quite the backlog so it'll take me awhile, but I'm gonna get on it and do my best! I'm looking forward to writing with y'all again😊😊❤️❤️❤️
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bejillsvalentine · 26 days
➤ Jill Valentine & Claire Redfield wearing Bikinis in Biohazard Team Survivor!
Did you enjoy finally seeing the two of them together in Death Island?
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bejillsvalentine · 27 days
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bejillsvalentine · 1 month
Just a quick life update to let everyone know where I've been and what's been going on.
I am, in fact, still alive. I started my ADHD treatment a couple weeks ago and it's been helping a lot! That said, my activity levels and focus levels are fluctuating a lot: I'm taking it slowly, one step at a time, to see what I am or still am not comfortable with.
I also confess I got a little burned out on here, and I ended up needing more of a break than I thought I did. My keyboard also broke the other day, and that was my backup, so my ability to literally write is currently severely impaired. I'm hoping to come back soon, but no promises, so it might be best to treat me as Low Activity for now.
I do, however, have a new roleplay blog in the works with a new muse from a new fandom I have been quite taken with the past month or so. She's well on her way to completion and I'm really excited to introduce her: I hope you take to her even a fraction as much as I have.
I may toss some stuff in the queue here, but in all likelihood the next time I post will be when the new blog goes up.
Until then, thanks in advance for your understanding, and I hope everyone stays happy and healthy <3
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bejillsvalentine · 2 months
Send 'Hit The Showers' for our muses to have trained/sparred with each other, and afterwards have sex while showering together.
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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bejillsvalentine · 2 months
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Heaven Sent.
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
Stay inside her after u finished so she can feel it throbbing inside her
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
Fill her up with love, confidence, and cum
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
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"It's, um, a very intricate latticework of thin gold chain. You have to be pretty careful...!"
Now she's blushing😊
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And Ashley sends a message:“OK the lighting’s not great, yeah, but what’re you gonna do when you’re trying to have a photoshoot on top of an abandoned Spanish castle in the middle of the night?”
Karine sends in response:
“Damn! Looks great but I have one question, how is that staying on? Not that I’d want it to stay on if I saw you in that ;D" 
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
Muses are fickle. Reblog if you understand that your partner’s muse can sometimes wonder off for a while, but that you will still be willing to write with them when they come back.
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
give me two characters who are each other’s home. two characters who feel completely safe, warm and protected in each other’s presence, and who are completely respected by the other. two people who, on some level or another, were missing that little extra spark they needed to feel fully confident and accepted as their whole selves until the other came along. they don’t “fix each other” or “make each other better”–they give the other the support they need to build on what was already inside them. sure they might kiss, or make goo-goo eyes, but they can also just…talk, and make each other laugh and smile, because for once they feel comfortable enough in themselves and with each other to be vulnerable in that way. two complete people who finally find someone to share all of themselves with. and no matter what they do or how far they go, they’ll always have each other to come back home to. 
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
I want someone to kiss my neck & tell me how much they want me
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
Blog info meme!
Send ⚠️ for an important, need to know fact about the muse or mun Send 🥣 for a useful fact. Send 🪧 for a Rules fact (why it's in place, an example or worry, etc.) Send 🎨 for a fandom/series fact (for people who haven't watched/read the original media, including OC lore you published) Send 😹 for a funny fact (or joke, shitpost, etc.) Send 🦖 for a worldbuilding fact Send ☕ for an AU or Verse fact (compare/contrast, etc.) Send 🐏for community/mutuals/dash fact Send ಠ_ಠ for a stupid/unbelievable fact Send (❁´◡`❁) for a sweet fact Send (¬‿¬) for a naughty/mischievous fact Send ಥ_ಥ for a sad fact Send (ˉ﹃ˉ) for a cozy fact Send (^∀^●)ノシ for an infuriating :))) 🙃💢fact
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
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Too Sweet
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
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bejillsvalentine · 3 months
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Off Duty
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