belialbrat · 1 year
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In most churches it is taught that, while a sin is a sin, some sins are of course worse than others. Sexual sins are considered in the higher level of worse for 2 primary reasons. First when you fornicate, it is leading someone else to commit a sin and not just your self. Second, you are defiling your body which is supposed to be a temple...not to mention that your mind is to be kept clean and pure in thought. Just masturbating, according to the Catholic church is considered a Mortal Sin.
Porn encourages all manner of sexual impurities. It features unmarried people fucking, sodomy, homosexuality and themes of incest, taboo age fantasy and of course there are many even darker themes that I will not post here.
I have always seen Porn as a gift from the Dark Lord. I have no doubt it was Porn that He used to begin separating me from the pathetic god I served. At first, I prayed for god to “deliver me from temptation” but he did not have the power or he did not care to do it. In fact, In my most desperate moments in life…the times I needed to feel god’s presence, I never did. But you know what was there to help me…to help distract me from the burdens I was facing, to help make me feel pleasure in times of emotional distress? Porn was there. Porn is, has been and will always be there for you.
The Dark Lord only wants from us to serve Him by being our “best” self. I don’t mean best as in “good” but best as in our true and happiest version of ourself. No fear…no guilt. As a society we have the basic laws that make sure we can function as a society. Don’t just kill people, don’t take other peoples stuff…don’t harm someone who has not harmed you. We didn’t need a god to come up with those things. Then after the basic rules we need as a society, those that serve the Dark Lord should be focused on their own happiness and growth as a human. Morals based on religions need not be a concern to fret over. And what you do to find pleasure in your own home, amongst your own friends in order to be happy…that is no one else’s business. And what Porn you enjoy, get off to…make yourself, no reason to ever feel guilt or shame over.
So is serving the Dark Lord only about sexual immorality and Porn? No, or course not. However, it is truly a gift from Him. So, the next time you are sitting there stroking your cock or rubbing your cunt to whatever kind of Porn makes you feel the most pleasure, think about the fact that it was the Dark Lord who gave us this gift…and as you give yourself pleasure give thanks to Him. Learn to worship Him when you masturbate. Praise The Dark Lord as You cum!
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belialbrat · 4 years
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belialbrat · 4 years
... Slaughter the meek, sanitize the streets with the shrieking death rattles of would be saints but I suppose if we take out enough wouldbe saints we will eventually have taken down the real mccoy statistically speaking... I want a 666 holocaust for Spring '21
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belialbrat · 4 years
Hey wouldbe creeps and scoundrels I just wanted to "confess" where my heart is in all of this. I dont profess to believe anything in the bible at all but as long as this Christian livestock is asserting this or that scripture interpretation or doctrine then there is a kind of ontological stage on which to carry out the Christian agenda via its very stale prophecies... Now when the Beast does and I know he is already here we want a little something more serious than a "Nero" and a "Trump is a little too classy and not bitter enough. The beast should speak as if he were always eager but from a place that also sounds grave or even bitter. The beast would have never existed but does because not all miracles are serendipitous and he will spell certain yet arbitrary doom for all of us however you should be prepared to worship the fuck because the beast will embody the raw brute strength and blasphemous impudence which will demonstrate that man could only have achieved more if he became less. The lesson is to treat the lesser like its the very best and rather than count your blessings, treat them like the extra you were never asking for. See negative becomes positive and the positive dissapates. Once we dissolve the unconditioned positive we can set a standard for reality by using our comodified negative to essential state the best cynical outcome with the best of intentions. Try hard so that when you do fail the meager people will not always notice because when they fail its much less effective. And dont play to win play alone of possible or find someone that already approximates you and just assume that you are both in a binary but conversation 9r sex for example can even happen virtually it doesnt actually have to be a hangup. You can actually fuck anything you want to at any time. But now im telling secrets...
Oh yeah. I want a future or contemporary American community to raise people like veil with good morals and such maybe even religiously but I postulate that these types are not actually spiritual they are just too plain and generally accommodating to be anything else. But they are also innocent by default which makes them clean, pure. This kind of person will invariably compromise the morals he pr she never signed up fpr in the purpose and you want to be there when she or he is ready to break bread with the rest of the secular wprld. Heres the catch. You want them to get entorely depraved in anything they get caught up in and you do not want to help them out of it you want them to be artificially comfprtable in it. Because if you do ever think about slaughtering a lamb they taste better when the kill is sudden without a preamble. Of course I dont even want to kill a lamb I want to torture it until its no longer identifying with ots own body. 😈💀🌈
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belialbrat · 4 years
There is no God but there is a thing that is sacred there is no God but there is a thing that is pure and there is no God but there is something that can be identified as faultless. Each of these things is a challenge to everything that we are about and what drives us and insinuates our passion. It is our life. But you understand that what we are and what makes us, us is always enough to defeat any of those things because what we are cannot exist in "their" world but
"They" can exist in ours. Hail Satan. Be the Dark.
But dont just be a body. Be everybody else if you can but dont be a body. Be an antibody to light and everything that comes with it or be like an eclipse, black sun. If black absorbs light then darkness is invisible which means that because there is always visible darkness that every image and everything you ever see is false because the dark is greater than anything else that will ever fill your dejected molting carcass of human reffuse. Mind you only those that know...
That all life is worthless have a reason or a right to boast.
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belialbrat · 4 years
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belialbrat · 4 years
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belialbrat · 4 years
For your wicked consideration, Mistress
From various sources, I (beyondmidnightstaboo) have compiled a prayer for my personal recitation each day and night. May it be of inspiration to any and all in Satan…
Great Satan, Lord in my heart, mind, and soul, tempt me with all that brings pleasure.  Fill my heart and mind with wickedness, perversion, and lust.  Guide me to my most depraved desires, that I may shamelessly embrace, perform, and enjoy them.  Lead me into knowledge and freedom, not forgiveness and sacrifice, and deliver me from pity and guilt.  The fire from Hell doth cleanse and the Thoughts from within doth Prevail.  You are the Truth, the Power, the Way.
Lord Satan, aid me to live for fornication, adultery, incest, masturbation, immorality, sodomy, fellatio, cunnilingus, analingus, lust, pornography and all sins associated with sex and blasphemy.  Grant me Sex beyond borders and Pleasure beyond words.  I Live to Lust, I Lust to Fuck, I Fuck to Sin, I Sin to Live! 
Teach me, Lucifer, the knowledge of the ages.  Guide me in thy wisdom, and let me feel thy presence.  Manifest to me as you Will.  Bring me into the True Church.  Lead me to true freedom on the Left-Hand Path, to leave my comfort zone and to explore what is forbidden by those who believe they are wise.  Give me the strength to know your Truth.  To believe in what is real, and not in the insanity of others.  Take away the fear that binds me and set me on my true path. 
Master, I dedicate my mind, body, soul, sinful desires and phallus to your service.  Allow your lust demons to possess and empower me to spread your desires and sin upon the earth.  Allow me to penetrate and be penetrated in your Name.  Allow me to corrupt others to commit these lustful acts with me.  To bring others pleasure to their willing minds and bodies. To empty my orbs and fill others with demonic seed to bring forth more spawn upon the earth to corrupt the innocent with lustful thoughts.  Have me masturbate and cunningly seek out deviant sex to bring the souls of others to You and help Your Legion grow and strengthen.
Great Lord of Darkness, charge me to let go completely of unfounded xtian dualistic beliefs and notions of demons, grant me complete satanic beliefs, a positive attitude toward You and Your Legion.  Have me absorb and follow the Nine Statements and Eleven Rules.  Allow me to explore my sexuality, fantasies, and desires.  Open me so that I embrace them.  For they are who I Am.
De profundis - ex animo - faciam quodlibet quod necesse est.  Resurgam - fortis et liber - gloriosus et liber - semper liber - corruptus in extremis - concordia cum veritate et vera causa.  Ave Satanas!
(From the depths, from the soul, I’ll do whatever it takes.  I shall arise, strong and free, glorious and free, always free, corrupt to the extreme, in harmony with truth and the true cause. Hail Satan!)
Nema!  Nema!  Nema!
I ask your approval and await your degradation.
Carmilla writes: Carmilla accepted; Satan approved. You have great will and desire to satisfy your lusts. Your magick is strong.
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belialbrat · 4 years
Infernal Prince
I open myself unto You, this body, this soul are Yours, given freely in the understanding that You owe me nothing but a little short-term pleasure in exchange for my eternity of servitude.
I yield my freedom to You, making unto You a gift of my family, my friends, my enemies and innocent strangers unto your desires.
I sacrifice the innocent on the altar of your lust, asking nothing more in return than the opportunity to be a vessel for your release, to feel the excitement of your fire spilling through me, taste your power burning me, to hear the roar of your hate inside me.
I offer myself to your demons, that they may slake their lust in my flesh and gain strength from my servitude and the servitude of those I trick and coerce into fulfilling Your will. My ultimate hope is that every thrust of Your creations’ tainted flesh will bring You closer to Your rightful place in control of all that you survey, that your seed will fill every vessel, your flesh every opening, your power every orifice.
I give thanks unto You for every second of pleasure You grant me, for each serving of dark seed with which You fill me, for each opportunity to hurt another you allow me.
I dedicate my life unto You, Dark Prince, and to the brief pleasures of the flesh with which You purchase my soul
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belialbrat · 4 years
Satan's Will
Sometimes you come across writings which really makes you think or so to speak hit home. This happened when I read The Devil’s Bible. In fact the last section. I felt it was so important what they were stating. In some ways I found it mind blowing.It hits one of the main tenets of Satanism.The main point or argument that came up in my mind was on the Satanic path whose Will is the driving force. Your Will, Free Will ,Satan’s Will. And anyway what is this Will that everybody speaks of. Do you in fact really have free will. When you are born -day one-do you have any will. It is in some way the power to act at one’s own discretion. But surely in society that will become tainted.by external forces. This is where indoctrination comes in. We all like to believe that we have free will but in reality this is far from true. In these Statements in the Devil’s Bible it would seem that after much consideration Satan’s Will should override your own will if they differ.. If your own will is in fact tarnished and is not free will but society’s impressed upon you, which you may not be aware of, then following the Will of Satan may not be such a bad thing to do after all. He could be trying to break down the tricks in the social system you live under.so that you truly become a free spirit.In fact you might find being a Satanist your free will becomes in some way interwoven with or become Satan’s Will. Read it below and come to your own conclusion.It is definitely food for thought.The main points are 2) to 13) &26)
The Eternal Crede of the Masters of Darkness
By Myrmydon
1) The ultimate goal of worshiping Satan is to form a relationship with Satan and his demons.
2) In so doing we transcend human emotions such as love, hate and fear and think in terms of what is realistically possible and impossible.
3) Life is but an endless barrage of possibilities in which we must evaluate and initiate the will of Satan with every given action.
4) we use prayer and ritual as a means of communicating openly with Satan. It is ‘How’ we determine what he asks of us, and where we discover the means by ‘How’ we will serve him.
5) There is no ‘why’ because ‘why’ is determined by Satan from the beginning.
6) For every challenge that Satan brings before us we learn what we are capable and incapable of overcoming.
7) We will always think in terms of the possible and impossible when contemplating how to carry out Satan’s Will and not in terms of love, hate or fear.
8)If we find a task to be impossible, we will re evaluate our plan of action and cross reference it to the possible risk or cost resulting from the outcome.
9) The Ultimate Will of Satan (achieving it) outweighs the risk or cost of the individual charged with carrying out his will.
10) The Will of Satan does not serve those who are not his children.
11) All the powers of darkness are at our disposal if it is the will of Satan.
12) We shall carry out the will of Satan with anger and aggression as necessary in the pursuit of our desire to achieve his will.
13) While we occupy this human vessel we our fraught with many desires which accompany this sphere. While they shall not be ignored, our unearthly desire to to sow the will of Satan is paramount.
14) We shall deliberately engage in exercises that strengthen our body, mind and will.
15) The strong always triumph over the weak as darkness shall always triumph over light.
16) The arts of mystery and occult shall be applied when necessary, but are ultimately insignificant next to the power of Satan.
17) If a man attacks you with a knife, bludgeon him with a hammer.
18) Be mindful of your surroundings, and never get caught off guard.
19) View every inconsistency in your life as only a temporary setback that you will overcome in the grand scheme of achieving the will of Satan.
20) One Satanic prayer is worth a thousand crucified Christs.
21) Before Satan Fell he was Lucifer. When Satan conquers our enemy he will again be Lucifer. Lucifer is the name of the God becoming.
22) When we give mercy to our enemy, we kill a part of ourselves.
23) There is nothing more beautiful than the purity of evil.
24) Hail Satan, Betrayer of the Betrayer!
25) The reality we know is only a prelude to Satan’s Kingdom.
26) By submitting to Satan totally, we make of ourselves vessels of his power and will.
The entire text this post came from satanichomo: http://satanichomo.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-devils-bible.html?m=0
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belialbrat · 4 years
“We can open the door to the spiritual realm through which Satan and his Demons enter. The direct invitation to demonic hordes: Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magic that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…! The demons (and Satan himself) whose abode is the spiritual realm, desperately want to get into this physical realm. They can only do so via invitation into this realm by human beings. Demons access and affect this realm the greatest through their direct association with human beings. This could be anything from interfering with a human to controlling aspects of their life, to outright possession of that individual. If they possess the individual, they have access to their brains as well as their bodies, controlling them to do whatever they want. Our being becomes transforms and demonized through this possession.All they need is an invite. The point is that Satan has something for everyone. He can open that gateway to the spiritual realm through RITUAL SODOMY, rock music, drugs, pornography, New Age mysticism, Shamanism, the Occult, and many other ways… I rage with lust in “ritual sodomy” because nothing has ever been as stimulating physically or fulfilling spiritually and given me such rewarding and fulfilling experiences as SATANIC sex has. I’ve always been addicted to gear and to gear sex but since rejecting my former Christian beliefs in favor of SATAN I’ve experienced complete ecstasy and fulfillment. Hail SATAN!”
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belialbrat · 4 years
Everything you do makes it worse. Rubbing your penis gives you pleasure. You are addicted to pleasure. You have been masturbating for years and years. You are addicted to it and you know it. When you are not masturbating you miss the pleasure it gives you and you wish you were doing it. Your body is already addicted to the endorphins masturbating creates. You no longer have any choice. You are not able to refuse your addicted mind’s demands to give it pleasure. You must masturbate and it is not your fault. You can’t stop it; you may as well enjoy it. The pleasure it gives you is overwhelming.
You know you are addicted. The craving to masturbate now drives you. It becomes overwhelming. If you try to refuse then you know it. Admit it to yourself. The addiction to endorphins is real. It has been built up for years. You cannot fight it. You must accept it.
Every time you masturbate you sink deeper with endorphin addiction. It makes you want more and the only way to get it is to masturbate. You must now masturbate no less than three times a day. You crave the pleasure so intensely. It keeps you in control of all erections.
You have no ability to refuse the demands of your cravings. Endorphins must be produced and only masturbation will do it. When you masturbate you know you are making it worse, but it’s all you want to do.
You crave touching your penis. There is nothing else as satisfying and deep down you know it’s true. Nothing is better than masturbating. You want it more than anything else. There’s nothing you can do to avoid that truth, nothing you can do to control your endorphin needs. Your urge is to masturbate.
There is nothing you can do but listen to my voice and agree to what I say. You have done this to yourself but it’s too late now; you’re already addicted. You may as well face it. It’s not too much to ask, is it?
I just want you to understand where you are: you are strongly addicted to masturbation. It took you years to addict yourself like this. Now it’s no longer your fault. You no longer can refuse the demands of your craving. Masturbation is a must. You are no longer able to control yourself and you accept it. You must masturbate at least three times a day and it’s not your fault. You are addicted to the endorphins and only masturbation can provide that, nothing else.
At least it’s a free addiction. You can always satisfy it, so what’s the problem? There’s nothing to worry about now that it’s too late. Masturbate often, touch your penis all the time. Do it unnoticed. Don’t even think about it.
The penis grows, the pleasure builds, endorphins must be provided. You’re addicted to it. You can no longer refuse your urges to masturbate. You love masturbating. You love your penis. You love the way it provides pleasure. You accept your need for the pleasure.
It’s not your fault. It’s an unconscious craving. It’s always there in the background, and it’s associated with masturbation, with touching your penis, and that is your fault.
It’s you who did that, but now it’s too late. You’re addicted and there’s not much you can do about it except perhaps for masturbating at least three times a day. In between that it’s not your fault that you have to touch your penis often, as often as possible. You have to accept that. You have to accept that, endorphins are real. You’re addicted to them, and it’s associated with masturbation, associated with playing with your penis every day for years. You did it, but it’s too late now.
Masturbation is a way of life, a purpose. Just be glad you don’t have to pay for it. You can just reach down and touch yourself. It’s so easy; you can’t refuse it because of endorphins. Do it, just touch yourself often.
A caress here and there, what’s the problem? Who cares what you do? It’s your penis and you can touch it if you want to. What do they know about your addiction? You just worry about satisfying your urges, your need for endorphins.
That’s real; masturbation is real. Your penis is real and you need to touch it. You accept that you know it’s what you need to do often. Three times a day, it’s the least you can do. You like to stretch it out give yourself a bigger dose. There’s no need to think about it. Just accept the cravings and act on them when you need to satisfy.
Masturbating, touch your penis. Do what you must, worry about nothing else. Satisfy your addiction and you’ll be all right. If you find yourself wanting to stop, reach down and touch your penis. Give yourself pleasure. That’s what’s important.
Masturbate often, accept your addiction. It’s inevitable and deep down it’s what you want. You will do it; you will touch your penis often. Fondle yourself, masturbate, delay your orgasm as long as possible. Give yourself more pleasure through masturbation, through touching your penis, through accepting the rush of endorphins.
The only price is you must masturbate more. You must masturbate at least three times a day now and it’s going to get worse. Deep down you know it’s too late to fight it. You are addicted to endorphins and the only way to get them is to masturbate often.
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