bella-noel · 1 year
The toxic side of Escort Clubs in SecondLife. (RANT)
Do you all know how many places(adult clubs) I've worked at that are severely toxic? Not just the other workers, for the most part they are very nice. I mean THE OWNERS of these clubs. These adult clubs, specifically escort clubs, are so strict and when you bring concerns up to the owners, the owners will 100% gaslight and manipulate you into thinking they do these things for a good reason, which for the most part... They don't. They have these rules set in place to be strict, money grabbing assholes. Places I've worked at have 100% over worked their employees, and when the employees (myself included) expressed how overworked they felt, or tired they are after a long week and because of such, they are incapable to complete the agreed hours. Hours being 4 hours bare minimum, 7-8 hours for exclusive employees, 10+ for management, and THEN SOME. Now it seems more popular that the hours are being less, but likely because of these specific clubs either being exposed for their unacceptable hours, or they're actually owned by nice people. As someone who has a pretty busy RL, and uses SL as a hobby, I and many others, cannot sit down at a computer on SL all day every day. We have Real Life to tend to. Work, kids, family matters, etc. I understand a lot of club owners pour their hard earned money/Lindens into SL and their club and want the club(s) to be a success, but that DOES NOT excuse abusing their staff. Staff members have been humiliated, lied to, manipulated, verbally abused and even fired for little to nothing. Do you know what happens when you can't make your agreed hours? You risk being fired. Especially if you fail to message the owners " in time" due to simply forgetting from being so busy with RL. Even if you explain why, for example, I was in the hospital once for mental health issues and even giving the owners of the club I worked at at that time updates, and explaining I won't be online or at least at the club( In escort clubs you HAVE GOT to be flirty CONSTANTLY). Understandably, I was NOT in a flirty mood, and know what happened? I had the owner and her clique of managers up my ass and around the corner about when I "can be on stage" when I literally just got out of the hospital for a mental break down. The stress escort clubs put their employees under is simply not excusable.
ALSO, Most of these club owners have their own PRIVATE DISCORD where they get together and shit talk EVERY EMPLOYEE THEY DON'T LIKE, and with almost all of these club owners being in the same discord, and having that " hive mentality" they can easily BLACKLIST ANY EMPLOYEE THEY DISLIKE, and the worst of it, they blacklist employees before giving employees a chance to defend themselves. My friend got blacklisted by these very people, and she was out of work for a LONG TIME because of it all. She was miserably depressed, stressed and anxious about the thought of being completely blacklisted from almost all escort clubs on the grid. She loves the escort community on SL, and the fact she was too afraid to find another place to work and have fun at because of these narcissistic, gaslighting and manipulative abusers is sickening. Does LL know about the discord server, More than likely no, they don't. Otherwise every. Single. Club. Would get either shut down or have LL checking on them 24/7. Luckily my friend did find another place, but even that place was just as toxic, if not worse than a lot of the others, and she ended up quitting because the owners WOULD NOT LET UP on messaging her. She explained how stressed out she was, and how she couldn't keep up with it anymore, so she quit. For the love of fucking god, please STOP abusing other people on SL, as many others do actually use this specific community to pay their RL bills. Treating them like work horses drug through dog shit is not acceptable on any level, regardless of SL being a virtual world or not.
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bella-noel · 3 years
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New secondlife avatar. <33
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bella-noel · 4 years
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bella-noel · 4 years
Children never judge!!
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personal jesus.
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bella-noel · 4 years
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SL snapshot of my avatar. 
Wish I could be just as pretty. lol If editing looks shitty it was done it clip studio paint. :/ 
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