bellaire26 · 3 years
toby fox to all former hyperfixators tonight
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bellaire26 · 3 years
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bellaire26 · 3 years
Identifying INFPs
- huge cryptid vibes, probably looks for bigfoot on the weekends or has asked baba yaga on a date
- wakes up as late as possible and often has insomnia for one reason or another 
- the friend with the WEIRDEST dreams, not daydreams, just normal dreams, probably very similar in style to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
- if you insult their fandoms (even by critiquing them constructively), you insult their honor and they will break down
- cries a LOT but only a few people know exactly how much, usually just their s/o, one friend, and the people they live with
- they have friends but for some reason they forget that they have them pretty often
- realllllllly bad at making the first move, probably needs BARE MINIMUM 4 months to make any kind of interpersonal decision
- also generally indecisive, always the friend who takes a while to order their food
- usually a bad driver and kind of proud of it, I have known some who flaunt that they watch anime while driving (conversely, doesn’t know they’re a bad driver and insists that they’re fine even though they’re 15 miles above the speed limit)
- has the most beautiful poet brain, probably writes you love letters and stories, definitely expects them in return regardless of what kind of relationship you have
- has an emotional style of texting, uses a lot of emojis or emoticons, keysmashes, and the amount they text you per text is super dependent on how much they know you exist and/or like you
- ghosts people without realizing it because they’re deathly afraid of confrontation
- really, their greatest fears are (in no particular order) 1) do other people think I’m not smart? 2) will I hurt someone’s feelings? 3) is someone hurting my feelings? 4) will I be able to live adventurously without money? 
- LOVES LANGUAGES, they want to travel abroad more than anything sometimes, foreign countries are their escapism
- 99% chance that they have tried to learn French at some point in their life, the other 1% is reserved for other romance languages taking priority
- afraid that they may have commitment issues
- can feel really distant sometimes because they’re always internalizing their feelings 
- very prone to being high/drunk, often can easily become addicted if it becomes their chosen emotional escapism  
- caught between living a cottagecore life in the forest and living in a city full of culture
- tries not to lie and wants to be authentic but often does accidentally because they’re insecure about how people see them
- wants to be with someone who takes care of them because they often are not great at it 
- will go with you on any adventure so long as you take care of the planning 
- when you fight with them it will really fuck you up for the rest of your life and they will feel that way for a long time too 
- they are magpies and want little gifts that reminded you of them, often just a little flower will do, maybe a poem, or a painting 
- ART MUSEUM DATES will make them loose their shit they love them so much and want to kiss you in front of all the paintings and make the remark that you two are the best masterpiece there
- gushy soft squishy babies, you will call them many things and all of the things will be something exactly like that (if you can be around an INFP without calling them baby respectfully then I don’t know who you are)
- lovecore. that’s really it. they’re in love with love and love doesn’t always love them back.
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bellaire26 · 3 years
master has given matpat a retirement announcement..... matpat is free..........
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bellaire26 · 3 years
hot take if you want streamers to be into activism watch streamers that are into activism
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bellaire26 · 3 years
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inniters get behind me
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bellaire26 · 3 years
Y’know what still gets me?
This, right here.
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All in the same final moment, experiencing the same final event, yet each focused on something different.
Amy looking at the channel about to be deleted, making sure the cursor is properly placed.
Ethan looking at the clock, making sure it happens at just the right moment.
And Mark, as always, holding his gaze toward the camera, wordlessly bidding a final farewell.
One eye on the cursor.
One eye on the clock.
One eye on the camera.
All eyes on the screen...
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As it goes black.
What a year.
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bellaire26 · 4 years
Lesbians who left their homophobic religion are so strong and amazing! There’s nothing wrong with you or your sexuality, despite what you may have been taught. Love is never a sin and you are perfect in every way!!
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bellaire26 · 4 years
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Whatever number you see first is what the angels are trying to help you with!
Sometimes I like to screenshot some of the angel numbers I see, especially when they appear in a really spooky way. Anyway, I thought I would put some of them into a collage and explain the meaning behind them and why you might be seeing these numbers. For anyone that doesn’t know, angels or spirits like to communicate messages through numbers. If you keep an eye out, you’ll probably notice the sychronicities that begin to appear.
My explanations will be a mix of my own experiences and the traditional understandings so keep that in mind. I have tried to differentiate between the two.
I’d like to remind everyone that these numbers could be trying to communicate something that deviates from the standard meaning usually applied. If you listen to your intuition, your interpretation might be more unique to your situation.
Angel Numbers:
111: Typically this number signifies that whatever you’re focused on is manifesting into reality. I’ve found that sometimes it shows up more as a ‘YES!!!’ to your thoughts. For example, sometimes I’ll be contemplating if I should do something and it will appear immediately.
Related song: Dirrty by Christina Aguilera (lol sorry I had to)
222: Like Taurus, 222 is about being calm and harmonious. Relax by taking a nap or listening to music. This number can also suggest new love or possibly meeting a new soul mate. Its a cute and sweet number to see. In my experience, its a number that also encourages creative ideas. Almost like the angels are say ‘keep going with that, we like it.’
Related song: Perfect Day by Lou Reed
333: Idk why but this number just makes me think of love, the colour red and valentines day. Eros always pops into my head when I see it too. Traditionally, it can be a reminder that you’re not alone and the angels are with you. Moreover, keep creating and try to help someone that needs it. Eat healthy too. Exercise if you can.
Related song: Lovefool by The Cardigans
444: Stars, flowers, lavender and Persephone are what I think of when I see this number. Put simply, it also means you’re being protected so no need to stress. Its a beautiful number to see. Wear some glitter, put on your pearls and dance around to pretty music underneath the moonlight. 
Related song: Honeymoon by Lana Del Rey 
555: The sun! Golden hour! Apollo! Positive change is coming, don’t be afraid, be excited. Sometimes it might also mean you have to change something in your life that isn’t working for you. Or even go in another direction with your idea. Listen to your intuition.
Related Song: Summertime by The Zombies/Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
666: Traditionally, this number suggests that your thoughts are out of balance. Which can be true, however it also appears for me when I procrastinate. I also believe it signifies that a thought you’ve had is very powerful, or your energy is very powerful at this time. You might also have a crush on someone very soon and feel hyped up from it. To understand your meaning, stop and reflect. This number makes me think of the colour blue, snow, Hades and city lights.
Related song: Drain You by Nirvana
777: Its your turn to lead or its your turn to learn! If you’ve been studying anything spiritual or useful, take that knowledge and teach others. If a subject seems interesting, look into it, you won’t regret it!! Luck is also on your side and you’re making the right choice! YAY!
Related song: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
888: Abundance, stability, love and comfort! What you’ve been working on is almost in your hands, keep going!! Your hard work will be recognised, have faith and look ahead. Treat yourself too.
Related song: Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend by Marilyn Monroe
999: A cycle is coming to an end, you just need to finish it. New doors are opening up. You might be feeling nostalgia for events and situations that have expired, but don’t stay in that mood for too long because the present and future are here for you. The conclusion you’re coming to will be beautiful if you let it happen.
Related song: All Apologies by Nirvana (Unplugged version)
1111: You’re doing it!! You’re on your life purpose! Even if you haven’t accomplished much, you’re still where you need to be. If you see this after you have an idea, then pursue that idea. Keep being positive.
Related Song: Feeling Good By Nina Simone
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bellaire26 · 4 years
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Still thinking about that dragon She Ra could have had…
(And yes, it’s the same one as in this Daenerys piece. I’m one lazy girl.)
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bellaire26 · 4 years
listen…. i’m not suggesting anything by this, i’m just saying…
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bellaire26 · 4 years
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I’m noticing a bit of a trend 
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bellaire26 · 4 years
The LGBTs and their superpowers:
Gay: can make friends with anybody
Lesbian: can’t understand when other lesbians say “I want to date you”
Bisexual: does stuff they’re good at 2 times better, and stuff they’re bad at 2 times worse. also, puns.
Trans: Can transport anything for free
Poly: very good at math and loves drawing polygons
Demisexual: has Demi Lovato’s phone number
Asexual: always wins in any playing cards game
Abrosexual: Infinite bros
Pan: just wears a fucking pan on their head
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bellaire26 · 4 years
What The Tarot Cards Mean In Love Readings
The Fool (0) — the blank slate of young love
The Magician (1) — a skilled lover’s bag of tricks 
The High Priestess (2) — mystery and desire intertwine
The Empress (3) — feeling great and grand together
The Emperor (4) — stability enters the equation
The Hierophant (5) — faith will guide the two of you
The Lovers (6) — a love truly blessed from above
The Chariot (7) — the allure of their riches
Strength (8) — a brave step made saves the day
The Hermit (9) — love works better with reflection
Wheel of Fortune (10) — surrender it to fate
Justice (11) — the old game of give and take
The Hanged Man (12) — a sacrifice for the beloved
Death (13) — forever transformed by them
Temperance (14) — easy does it, always
The Devil (15) — a taboo binds burning lovers
The Tower (16) — a crisis disrupts passion
The Star (17) — hope in love, the highest value
The Moon (18) — unclear waters not to test
The Sun (19) — lost innocence retrieved so brightly
Judgment (20) — a great reveal for the two of you
The World (21) — things wrapped up, finally
Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands — an energy high for your intimacy
Two of Wands — big plans for a future together
Three of Wands — sweet honeymoon ahead
Four of Wands — time to tie the knot and celebrate
Five of Wands — butting heads, but not for long
Six of Wands — going public successfully
Seven of Wands — a confession rejected
Eight of Wands — hormone explosion in 3,2,1…
Nine of Wands — they’re still shy and guarded
Ten of Wands — one lover takes the burden
Page of Wands — abroad together: love trip alert
Knight of Wands — your lover rushes to you
Queen of Wands — socializing as a couple
King of Wands — a matter of power games
Suit of Cups
Ace of Cups — eros strikes! the sweetest crush.
Two of Cups — a tender rendezvous awaits 
Three of Cups — a merry third party
Four of Cups — playing hard to get or ghosting?
Five of Cups — the startling grief of a break-up
Six of Cups — your childhood sweetheart
Seven of Cups — so many things to do together
Eight of Cups — leaving it all behind. you’re ready
Nine of Cups — a lover, content at last
Ten of Cups — truly: a domestic happy ever after
Page of Cups — exciting new experiences
Knight of Cups — chivalry is back in town
Queen of Cups — you’re gorgeous in their eyes
King of Cups — full indulgence and empathy
Suit of Swords
Ace of Swords — full clarity over a love matter
Two of Swords — should i stay or should i go?
Three of Swords — a broken heart, so hard to mend
Four of Swords — your dream of a soothing union
Five of Swords — a win-lose altercation
Six of Swords — moving on from them with help
Seven of Swords — beware of the cheater
Eight of Swords — love makes blind, love can bind
Nine of Swords — a partnership turned nightmare
Ten of Swords — defeated by love
Page of Swords — fiercely protected by them
Knight of Swords — an aggressive suitor enters
Queen of Swords — a strong claim of independence
King of Swords — making the wise choice
Suit of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles — a lush present from your darling
Two of Pentacles — juggling love and daily life
Three of Pentacles — lovers as business partners
Four of Pentacles — stingy with affection
Five of Pentacles — together through the storm
Six of Pentacles — on equal terms together 
Seven of Pentacles — waiting brings you greater bliss
Eight of Pentacles — stable love found at work
Nine of Pentacles — a wealthy love interest, so elegant
Ten of Pentacles — growing old with them
Page of Pentacles — falling in love at school or uni
Knight of Pentacles — a solid foundation for trust
Queen of Pentacles — spoiling your sweetheart
King of Pentacles — a loyal partner: forever invaluable.
note: these are by far (!) not all possible interpretations, but it gives you a general sense of the card’s idea :)
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bellaire26 · 4 years
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Does this mean you have become a special person to me? 
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bellaire26 · 4 years
the thing i love about yoon se-ri and ri jeong-hyeok, is that by the end of the series, they were both well off alone.
se-ri was happy to be back to her own life, she was making friends with her employees, she had a good relationship with her mother and a (slightly) better one with her not-as-much-of-an-asshole-as-you-could’ve-been brother, and she was being healthy and just generally enjoying most of her life.
jeong-hyeok was finally doing what he actually wanted to do and what he loved—playing the piano. he had a closer relationship with the other guys and his neighbors, he was smiling more and caring about his own health and happiness as well as those close to him. he was no longer a part of a loveless engagement and i assume his relationship with his parents also changed for the better as a result of what all of them had to go through.
they both built lives outside of each other and were happy. they weren’t two parts of a broken necklace that necessarily needed the other piece to function.
what i love about them is that they wanted each other. they led relatively great lives by the end of the series and had grown into happy and confident people, but they still wanted each other in their lives. they were already great as individuals, but they knew that together they would only make each other better.
i love that we saw them longing for each other, but not at the detriment of their own, individual lives.
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bellaire26 · 4 years
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Captain Ri, a baby.
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