bellaswansupremacy · 2 months
Gaza is not starving. Gaza is being starved by Israel. their condition is so bad that they are forced to consume animal feed just to keep their stomach full. but it isn't providing them any nutrition which is causing malnutrition. this is one of the most well documented genocide of all time and yet there are people who deny it or worse, they don't care. please don't turn away from their suffering and keep talking about Gaza.
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
Twilight fans: Haha the cast HATES twilight that's hilarious
POC (especially Natives): we hate it too
Twilight fans: hey :(
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
hey, did yall know the quileute nation’s still (it is april 2021 as i write) trying to raise money to move out of that potential tsunami hazard zone and onto higher ground? i remember it was trending for a little while on tumblr when the twilight book came out but my corner of the web’s been quiet on it since.
there’s a lot going on all over the world right now but if you can spare them even 5 bucks, thats 5 bucks they wouldnt have had without you! please help them if you can.
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
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This is not a natural disaster. This was not inevitable. They didn't grow up like this. It was inflicted on them by the vilest sadists on earth.
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
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Organised by the Asad sisters, Leena, Amanda and Loren with Pious Projects.
— At $20 each, this kit will include - but is not limited to - sanitary pads, a hair brush, tooth brush, toothpaste, cotton swabs, wipes, tissues, and other hygienic items depending on availability!
You can donate as little as $5 if you just want to help out, or donate a bulk of kits for between $100 to $1,000!
Access to the right hygeine products is essential for Palestinian people, as the Israeli blockade has left millions without access to proper hygeine that can lead to potentially fatal infections and diseases.
Do your part today:
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
and she’d be right
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Or something like that
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
Twilight au where Edward obsesses over Bella just for her to come out to him
Edward: you are my life now.
Bella: my truck is my life. I’m a lesbian.
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bellaswansupremacy · 4 months
cause it was the dumbest shit ever if we’re being honest.
we don’t talk enough about the deleted scene in BD1 where edward hears jacob’s thoughts after he imprinted on respirator and edward, without a single word just turns around, snaps jake’s arm and goes back to what he was doing.
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
i have so many edward girlie friends and they know i hate that man with a passion lol
team jacob fans and team edward fans being friends in 2021
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
Hello. I need some more wolf pack fan friends 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
If jasper was a racist than how was he attracted to a Mexican vampire
You’re either joking or serious. If it’s the latter...bye. I’m not going to be the one in this ‘relationship’ to do the heavy lifting.
There are tons of evidence and discussions on this matter all over the fandom. It’s not even difficult to find...
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
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lesbians love and support our trans sisters 💖💖
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
yeah i definitely don’t agree with bella wanting to only be a vampire for edward either. i could be wrong but i feel like anon is saying that her want for edward to want her to be one was a bit greater? which i do get. because she constantly feels imbalanced with the cullens being immortal and her being human. she’s contantly scared he’ll leave and she is in need of security in her relationship, but also to protect herself! carlisle could have changed her, emmett could have, alice could have, but she only ever really wanted edward to. she’s willing to go through so many changes and compromise heavily to get it. she wants that security and reassurance. so like i get it but for anon to say bella solely wanted to be one for edward that’s way off for sure.
bella never wanted to be a vampire for herself, she just wanted edward to want her to be one. because if she really wanted immortality, she wouldn’t have waited three books to get it. i love her but let’s be honest here
baby what????????????? she consistently begged edward since the first book and he refused???????????????? she only got her way because it was ultimately safer for her to become a vampire instead of staying human, STILL against edward’s wishes?????????????? she even says verbatim in eclipse that she wants to be a vampire not only for him?????????
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
y’all say edward respected bella’s boundaries because when he breaks them and bella is forced to make the decision to either stay away from him or enable him, she enables him and chooses to write it off. that’s not the same as respecting her boundaries lmao. both of these men crossed the line, team jacob versus team edward is killing my people. get rid of it!
Jacob is toxic as hell, and he actually did keep his personality from new moon- he never respected Bella’s boundaries, unlike Edward
y’all have to realize at some point that neither of these people are ideal or even good partners to bella and edward doesn’t even have the excuse of being a brown kid being written by a racist like edward was literally written to be the ideal man and he’s still a manipulative piece of shit like neither of these boys are nice!! we should abolish team jacob vs. team edward and form one team trash bag because that’s what they both are
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
y’all can, but my black ass will not. sorry, but it’s easy to say that when his backstory didn’t affect your community’s right to survive.
Hot take- people should let other people like Jasper.
i ask this respectfully i really do because you’re entitled to your opinion of him but why do y’all wanna like a racist so bad? the fictional white supremacist isn’t gonna fuck u
have your “i’m just gonna say it” moment and drop your unpopular opinions about twilight anonymously in my inbox
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bellaswansupremacy · 3 years
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Legitimate *pro bono legal services* don’t exist without a good reason. In a few of the exmormon groups I’m in you’ll see regular posts saying stuff like “Look what my lawyer sent me today!” with a pic of their resignation confirmation letter from the church.
You know. Just stuff that a normal average church that is definitely not actually a cult would do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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