belovedmachine · 7 months
(I do free weights mostly these days but the same applies for machines. I can also add info about at home workouts as well if you'd like. The principles are the same at their core, but it'll be a little different since a lot people dont have full gyms or a wide set of weights at home)
Easing in and misc information: start at a low weight and focus on form, 100%. You can still go up in weights its just form is important (a lot of the time if I'm feeling pain trying to do a lift its because my form was off). Do warm-up sets to warm up the muscles. So if you're doing 40 lbs on a machine instead of jumping right to that weight you'd use do a set of 30 then a set of 35 and then start doing your 40s. Pick a weight that challenges you but not to the point where you cant properly do the exercise or control your movement, for example using your whole body momentum to lift the weight or letting the machine slam back in place instead of gently releasing. To build muscle you have to have weights that are heavy enough to cause muscle damage that way the body heals the muscle and they heal stronger. So increasing weight is an important part of that muscle building. Of course once you get to a place you're happy with and don't care about gains and would rather maintain the muscle you have, you can do the opposite. Lift weights but put no particular effort into progressing your strength building.
As for recovery: eating, resting, and stretching.
Recovery Eating: you have to eat to support working out. it reduces the length of time youre sore and fuels the workout itself. it sounds like youre wanting to change body composition without losing weight which means youd want to gain then maintain muscle and lose body fat. it is possible for the body to start cannibalizing muscle during workouts if theres no where else to pull that energy from. protein is very also important since that is what the body uses to repair muscle.
Rest: don't do too much. meaning outside of your workouts don't also go training for a marathon or other strenuous activities. itll be counter productive; bodies can only take so much. a nice walk, yoga, or mobility work won't hurt so on off days those are no problem. it gives your body rest to build and repair on those days you dont workout. Sleep is important its when the body repairs and regrows tissue, muscle, etc.
Stretching: I don't have much to say, general mobility helps. A regular stretch routine will help, I do a simple 5 minute one before my workout and unless I'm feeling a little tight I rarely need to go longer. 5 Minute Daily Mobility Routine! | Follow Along | Full Body (youtube.com) This is the one I used a lot. On days off I find a yoga youtube video and do 15-30 mins.
Soreness I can't say how long is too long. But no workout should leave you so sore to the point that sitting down is be painful. You can look at soreness as the gap between the exercise and what you did to rebuild them in the hours and days afterwards in terms of getting proper amounts of water, food, and rest. If you set the right pace for yourself and do the necessary things for recovery there's really no time you should feel debilitatingly sore after a workout. On days where I may have pushed myself a little too hard on a previous workout I'll go on a walk or spend some time doing relaxed stretching on off days.
Recomposition I mentioned this at the beginning but what youre aiming for is recomp. So while you cant target specific fat building muscle will help overall. The reason is that muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does. Without getting too deep into it that means through the day you will burn more calories while just doing your normal day to day. which means the body is drawing on fat storage more throughout the day for that energy
Routine The best routine is one you can stick with. There were way too many times I made a 5 days a week routine that was me lifting in the gym, doing gymnastics things, and doing hour long yoga. It was unsustainable and after a point I stopped working out altogether. Now I'm at 3-4 times a week, I allow plenty of flexibility. meaning if I miss day 2 that's on Wednesday for whatever reason, it's fine I can do it Thursday then day 3 on Saturday and it'll be a week where I do 3 workouts and thats fine. Personally, I don't like spending a lot of time in the gym or working out lol. So unless I am doing more exercises than usual, it doesn't go over an hour and is normally about 45 minutes.
This is a quick and dirty run down. If you have any questions or want specific information or routine help or anything like that let me know and I'll help. And honestly if you don't find lifting weights fun there's so many activities that'll still help build muscle. I did pole dancing for 2 years and did very simple weights once a week. Right now I'm trying to find a rock climbing place because I need a break from lifting. hope this helps :)
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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Partow, Pre-Fall 2022
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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belovedmachine · 1 year
When these came out around the 1900′s, I thought I was living in the year 3000! 
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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beds for a quiet little exhibition
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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some pages from my current journal pt 2 (n.89/2022)
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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some pages from my current journal, maybe one of my fav so far (n.89/2022)
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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belovedmachine · 1 year
I was high off my ass last night and had this dream where I was in this dense ass forest and sitting there was a tall woman. She was so tall I couldn’t see her face but she was wearing gold and I was like “uh…hi?” And she said “I made you, do you know that?” And I nodded and she was like “I hear your thoughts. Why do you hate my creation? Why do you try to destroy yourself? I made you perfect as you are. Please don’t break my heart”. Then she started crying and it flooded and I woke up with fucking heart palpitations like what does it Mean™️????
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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🏚️ haunted house commissions are back! 🏚️
is your house (or apartment, or rv, or a house you really like from down the street, or a house from a story) haunted? do you wish it was? for a small fee, i'll put ghosts in it for you!
i'm trying out a google form for commissions this time around rather than a first-come-first-serve model. this form will be open for a limited time. probably till around the end of may. i'll have a handful of commission slots to begin with, and i'll pull from the form response pool once more slots start opening up.
want a haunted house? fill out the form here! (reblogs are super appreciated to spread the word! 🫀)
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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35K notes · View notes
belovedmachine · 1 year
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being a little handsy
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belovedmachine · 1 year
hey :) do you use stencils for the large letters you sometimes use in your collages? i'm really bad at doing them freehand and i can't find any that are of a similar font style online. also i know you said you get most of your stickers from your local stores but if you have any that are from online please could you link some if you don't mind, the only stickers in my local stores are minion stickers lol. thank you i can't wait for your next edits :))
Hey!! I don’t use stencils and always either cut out letters that I printed out or I’ll print out letters and then use my light up pad to trace them onto colourful paper! Sometimes I’ll also just free hand them if that messy look matches the vibes.
Oh man I wish I could help you but pretty much all of the stickers I use I either bought myself in a local shop or got send from friends who also bought them in stores nearby :/
I do have some stickers that I ordered maybe 4 years ago off of Wish! I can’t link you since I don’t even think I have an account for that app anymore but I know that a lot of people get their supplies from on there! I definitely recommend to read the reviews though as the products from that website can be very hit or miss.
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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Gerhard Richter, Fuji Series
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belovedmachine · 1 year
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Shrimps in front of a brazilian aquarium
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