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Whatever it takes 👊
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I think this photo says it all!
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Country Heat
So I have been doing Country Heat for 2 weeks now. I am loving it! I have what I call a “bad leg” and during this program it hasn’t bothered me once. I’ve tried running and every time I do my shins hurt, my ankles hurt, it does not feel good. I’ve done the elliptical before and the funny thing about that is that my toes go numb. 
Country heat is so easy literally anyone can do it If you can count to 8 you can do this. They are only 30 minutes workouts too! There are days that I feel like I just started, but the workout is already done and I’m soaked with sweat. 
It is also a great program for beginner! For me it is very simple, but I’ve been a dancer my whole life and so the moves were familiar to me, but also being a dance teacher I know that these moves anyone can learn. They are basic and simple. 
If anyone is interested in learning more let me know. 
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So today after deciding in July that I had had enough gaining and I was up 148.8 I have defeated my first goal! I have not been here since 10/19/15. Onward and downward? Hahaha
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I was cranky!
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Okay so this is me yesterday being completely out of my comfort zone video taping myself doing a bit of Country Swing! So much fun!
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More relatable quotes about life here
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These are my before. Can't wait for the after!
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This is my journey. This is where it begins! Time to eat right and get fit!
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Learning Social Media
I’ve been on social media for awhile and I thought I was pretty good with it, but I’m learning I’m not as proficient as I thought I was. I’m loving my Beachbody journey, but tumblr seems to be the one form I can’t keep up with. Trying hard and learning. Having fun and trying to keep up. 
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It came today!!! Challenge starts Monday! Can't wait to be transformed!
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Goal set!
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Clear your mind here
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Always up for talking about Beachbody and shakeology!! Hit me up!
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