bemoremuse · 4 years
@azotas​ | sync & kanata
      “I am so sorry about him!” Kanata apologized for probably the third time. He held Meakyu close to his chest to prevent him from slipping away and darting around peoples feet again. They were supposed to be keeping a low profile, but how very in line for them to cause a little trouble or disrupt someones day at the first possible chance.
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      “He didn’t make you drop anything, did he? Uhh, I don’t have much in the way of coin to repay you...”
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bemoremuse · 4 years
@gemviribus​ | yuna & kanata
      Kanata was delighted to have Yuna on board their little team (even though it was only because she got condemned). Trying to decipher the truth between her little white lies was a challenge in of itself, but he hoped maybe this time he would be able to catch on. Having located her on their brand new stolen boat Kanata decided to jump right into it.
       “Hey, Yuna! Mind if I ask you something?”
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       “How long have you known Vicious? Or, ah, how long were you two working together before all this?”
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bemoremuse · 4 years
@sinnersall​ | vicious & kanata
      “Hey, Vicious, can I ask you something?” Technically he just did, but Kanata pressed on. “When we first met, you said I was the first person to not be consumed by my blood sin. So does that mean ... you’ve tried it on other transgressors before me?”
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      What he really wanted to ask was ‘why can you do that?’ but Kanata wasn’t sure he’d get a straight answer. In spite of travelling together Vicious remained a mystery, and Kanata just wanted to know something about his, for lack of a better word, companion.
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bemoremuse · 4 years
@feraliix​ | vicious & kanata
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      “C’mon, Vicious, can’t I just hem the edges a little?” He gestured to the Great Transgressor’s tattered tailcoat. “I get you’ve got a whole aesthetic going on but there’s a fine line between aesthetic and falling apart!” 
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bemoremuse · 4 years
@feraliix​ | vicious & ... vicious(?)
      Oh, great. Did someone clone him while he was asleep? What lunatic would want more than one Great Transgressor running around? Maybe he had a bit too much hooch and was seeing things...
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        “Hahh? What are you supposed t’be? Ya some kinda bootleg me?” Squints. “Don’t think they got my face right...”
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bemoremuse · 4 years
      “Hmn?” Not that he was paying much attention, the waves muffled Aegis’s complaints fairly well, but there was only so long a person could stare at the water without going nuts. Perfect time to be a menace, and Aegis inadvertently volunteered to be Vicious’s victim.
      “What, you in a hurry?” Gold plated heels scuffed across the wood as Vicious strode over and leaned over the sitting knight to get a better look at the map. Directions and coordinates weren’t really his thing, especially when out at sea and no way to tell your current location. “All that matters is goin’ in the right direction, yeah? Who cares how long it takes.”
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      And just to be a pest, Vicious prodded the back of Aegis’s head with his knee. “Yer the only guy I know who's still an uptight dipwad in the middle of the goddamn ocean. Where’s your sense of adventure?”
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      A former knight sits cross legged on the deck of he and his party’s recently acquired ship—an abridged symbol of the reality he’s no longer anywhere near as perturbed by as he ought to be. Instead, his fixation lies solely with the sea chart he’s spread out across his thighs. More specifically, the faint line he’s drawn from the dock they shoved off of and due coordinates.
      “If I’m to believe the compass fixed to the helm, then our route thus far hasn’t been especially efficient,” he soon declares.
      To whom? Perhaps himself. Aegis’s companions can be rather fickle.
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bemoremuse · 4 years
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OKAY I GOT VICIOUS AND KANATA ALL SET UP unfortunately its 1am and im now sleeby BUT if anyone sees this in the AM and wants to start anything just reply to this w/ who you wanna write with, and your muse if youre a multi, and ill throw something atcha! 
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bemoremuse · 4 years
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OKAY I GOT VICIOUS AND KANATA ALL SET UP unfortunately its 1am and im now sleeby BUT if anyone sees this in the AM and wants to start anything just reply to this w/ who you wanna write with, and your muse if youre a multi, and ill throw something atcha! 
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bemoremuse · 4 years
      While the circumstances behind their journey across the worlds were undoubtedly grim, it was the little things that made Niko selfishly glad they were on this journey in the first place. Little things like a world inhabited by toys, a world of madness and talking card soldiers, and now an entire festival! Leave no stone unturned and all that, Niko was more than happy to throw themself headfirst into the bustle and excitement. Besides, think how the environment would enhance their reunion if Amari were here!
         Every which way, every path, there was something new to see and Niko took it all in with big starry eyes. Vendors calling out to prospective customers, delicious scents wafting through the air, and the music! No matter where they walked Niko did it with a skip in their step and shimmy in their shoulders. Skillfully avoiding bumping into any one all the way, fortunately. If there’s one thing Niko is its they’re light on their feet! Their shuffling led them all the way to a group of musicians and one very electrifying dancer!
         Soon enough Niko joined the growing crowd of onlookers, gazing in awe and wonder as the boy performed a series of movements that Niko thought for sure would leave him tangled like a pretzel. Flips and handstands? How cool was that?! But what really caught Niko’s eye wasn’t the breakdancing (was that the correct term for it? Amari would know. She knew everything). It was the fact he summoned an odd shaped weapon from no where, then following it up with magic. Granted they hadn’t spent much time in the Kingdom of Corona but Niko imagined if any of the inhabitants could use magic they would’ve noticed by now. Or at least sense it, being magic and light incarnate themself. Which led Niko to only one conclusion:
         He’s not from this world.
         Perhaps he knew something that Niko didn’t that could help them in their search! Maybe he had seen Amari on another world! Bit of a stretch but Niko had to snatch up any lead presented. With that thought in mind and a new spring in their step, Niko shimmied up the blond boy and playfully bumped shoulders.
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      “Mind if I cut in?” Niko giggled, positively beaming. Clapping their hands together Niko drew his palms apart to reveal a ball of light generating in the space between. Niko pinched a corner and drew back what resembled a piece of glowing string before throwing the ball into the air. However the ball morphed and transformed into a bird, animated wings flapping excitedly, then it took to soaring around the space. A bright bird sailing through the magic induced night sky, leaving glittering trails of star dust behind with each flap. Feathers of light wafted off the light bird and into the crowd and, if touched, would burst into a tiny flurry of sparkles.
         The music swelled into a roaring crescendo so to top it all off Niko made the bird grow in size. The small bird’s wings extended to three times it size and it gave one last swoop over the crowd until bursting into twinkling particles of light. Drifting from the air like a faint snow fall in the winter. Niko nodded firmly like a thank-you to the light construct then waved to the cheering crowd. “Thank yooou! Enjoy the festivities! Try some of that bee sting cake, it’s delicious!”
         Now for the breakdancing blond! Niko rocked back and forth on their feet. “That was soooo cool! That thing you did with the stars and gravity? I’ve never thought to try that before! That’s some next level stuff right there-- you’re so cool!”
★;; starter for @bemoremuse​ { niko } ! 
      To Ventus, there’s always been a charm about the Kingdom of Corona that seems to pervade the air itself, but today is special. A festival is ongoing, laughter, food stands and entertainment abound. What was originally going to amount to a leisurely walk through the cobblestone streets evolves into something a little more sprightly. Namely, a flourishing desire to see and experience anything and everything that the celebration has to offer.
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      He’s sat among a group of children to observe a dramatic puppet show, enjoyed a slice of something the vendor that beckoned to him called bee sting cake and had a surprisingly intricate, glittering golden design painted on his left cheek by the time he happens upon a middle aged woman who’s garnered quite a bit of attention spinning on her heels and spritzing confetti to the tune of another’s mandolin. Observation gives rise to waves of inspiration and the very second after it occurs to him that he didn’t get the most fulfilling exercise out of his mission of the day, he’s cartwheeling into a handstand on the street opposite. Momentum turns a few sideways flips into a proper break dance that soon catches the wandering eyes of several passerbys.
      Is he being a bit of a show off? Absolutely. Would this count as an abuse of power? To Master Eraqus, it probably would, especially if he were to take the munny that’s occasionally being thrown at his feet into consideration. The flicker of rebellion that sparks inside of his heart at the thought is plenty justification for the blonde to carry on with his fun. With a toothy, self-assured grin, he transitions from his dance to twirling Wayward Wind as if it were a baton. When its grip parts with one hand, it lands in the other. Dashes of light and gravity magic supply starlike twinkles and pitch black backdrops that have the small crowd that’s now amassed parting their lips to coo.
      If becoming a keyblade master doesn’t pan out in the end, maybe Ventus could take an unorthodox route of putting the kibble on the table for his future rabbits, cats, dogs and birds with street performances.
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bemoremuse · 4 years
radical i got kanata and vicious’s pages done Time to find me the crestoria rpers
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bemoremuse · 4 years
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kanata tag drop!
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bemoremuse · 4 years
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        “T-Two of him... Two Vicious...”
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bemoremuse · 4 years
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       he’s gonna take one look and take a long sip.
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oh god there’s more of him.
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bemoremuse · 4 years
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vicious tag dump
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bemoremuse · 4 years
pokes my head out of the ground
hewwo ive come to add tales of crestoria characters to my muse list
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bemoremuse · 4 years
@hyenatm​:  "Reese you'll hide me if Rook comes by right? Right. Thanks you're a real bro-"
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      “Bro, we ride together we die together. ‘Cept I highkey don’t plan on dyin’ so like-- just hide in one of the Ramshackle Dorm rooms or somethin’.”
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bemoremuse · 4 years
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       “What the fresh hell did Ruggie do t'make Vil wanna snipe him-?”
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