beneficentsouls · 6 years
     the boy speaking looks positive princely, from his attire to his regal posture, and charlotte nearly falls off the park bench she’s sitting on at the sight of him. “ you may absolutely interrupt, sugar, ” she replies, lips curving into a welcoming smile as if she herself is the mayor of this town. re-adjusting her position to ensure her legs are properly crossed at the ankles like a proper princess, she continues, “ we’re in a quaint, little town named winterwall, somewhere in the state of colorado.” proper, proper, be proper, charlotte. “ oh heavens, where ever are my manners ? i’m charlotte la bouff, from new orleans. and i do believe there’s a hotel a few blocks away. i can show you, if you’d like. ”
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                    the answer she gives him confuses him more. winterwall ? colorado ? there were no states in auradon named as such & he should know, having been tasked to memorize all the kingdoms he would majorly rule over back when he was just a prince. still. it IS an answer. a clue to where he is. his lips curve in to a grateful smile, widening further at the offered help,  “  benjamin florian of auradon,  ”  the young king isn’t sure where new orleans is but it sounded like a kingdom, the way she presented it. an arm is placed across his stomach, another behind his back, as he bows in greeting,  “  it’s an honor to meet you, miss charlotte. & if it’s not of any inconvenience then i’d be glad to accept the privilege of your company.  ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
closed starter for mal fae ( @rvlcthcworld )
                    “  do you trust me ?  ”  hazel green hues stare at mal with unconcealed affection & understanding. the smile almost permanently painted on his lips is softer, truer, now that he’s out of public view & in sight of one of the most precious people in his life. in his hand he waves a yellow handkerchief, folded neatly for a makeshift blindfold.  “  i promise to guide you all the way & that you won’t trip, not even once.  ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
“uhm sure…” normally will wasn’t so fond of helping out strangers because lately, he never knew what someone’s intentions were. it was hard to trust people. “i mean, we both need a place to stay and two pairs of eyes are better than one.” he smiled softly, not really seeing anything wrong with the other. he seemed nice and the way he talked was way too polite to be some secret serial killer or something. “i’m will, by the way.”
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                    “  great !  ”  his tone's cheerful, grateful, knowing that he'd both be able to help a stranger & have someone around during this troubling time.  “  it's a pleasure to meet you, will,  ”  the young king offers his hand in greeting, a friendly grin on his lips,  “  my name's benjamin, but please, call me ben.  ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
“It seems to be, people have just been showing up day after day as if they’re escaping something,” he explained. “But besides that I’m clueless”
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                      “  escaping ? what for ?  ”  worry fills the young king. not for him & his situation but for those people this stranger mentioned. what are they running away from & how can he help ?  “  it's alright,  ”  his smile is gentle & grateful, a hand reaching forward to clasp tommen's shoulder in appreciation,  “  it was more than enough. thank you.  ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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“Good…. afternoon,” Rey replied, a little confused, but still trying to be polite as well. Though, the way this guy was talking seemed odd to her, for whatever reason. “Wintervall, Colorado. And do you mean something like… a hotel?” That was what Rey had been told when asking for a similar place herself. “I know one. But you will need money to be able to stay there.”
                    “  yes !  ”  his smile widens, head nodding in time with his word,  “  a hotel would very much be preferred but a motel or something of that kind would work as well.  ”  all he needed is a shelter for the night & a chance to rest his mind before working out a better strategy on how to either get out of this place or how to survive. his optimistic attitude takes a hit for a moment when she asked about money, only to regain it back when he feels the wallet inside his suit. hopefully, they accept his currency. if not, then he'll have to figure out what to do next,  “  what currency's used in this town ?  ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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favorite ben moments from descendants 2 (requested by anonymous)
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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#bennyboo looking adorable af
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
his voice. it’s everything to mal. enough to bring her nerves right down to a cool and calm level. a grin forming on plump lips as the male made his way towards her. pulling in close to the male as the arm extended, she sighed at his question. it wasn’t that she wasn’t alright per say, but that she was stressed. everyone now looked to her get them out of the situation and worse it felt just like she was back on the isle again. “i am as alright as anyone can  be ben.” she began, arms still wrapped tightly around the male. a familiar scent from the male as green hues turned towards his. “’bout a week now. has it been that long since i disappeared?” words trailing as hues stared. “i missed you.” the words quiet, almost a mumble into his chest.
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                        “  i was stuck in a meeting all day when i disappeared but i'm certain you weren't gone for that long.  ”  his arms wrap tighter around mal, pulling her as close to him as possible, lips press against the top of her head in an attempt to comfort her. it breaks his heart to know that she's been stuck here for a while now, with him none the wiser. ben could barely blame himself— auradon, when he left it, still had mal. he's learned more about her, after she went back to the isle, after cotillion. & he can only wonder what burdens she placed upon herself & how he could help lift them.
                       “  i missed you as well,  ”  the young king speaks clearly even with his tone filled with emotions, the manners instilled upon him making sure of that. he may have not had the gap of a week to miss her as much as she probably misses him, but it's true, every moment apart makes him miss mal.  “  mal...  ”  a hand lightly clasps her arm, thumb brushing circles,  “  we'll be alright. i promise. i may not know a lot about magic but i can help in researching. &..  ”  he trails off with a chuckle, a bright smile, a strong optimistic attitude, & the slightest hint of mischief in his eyes,  “  if we ever need money, evie, carlos, & jay taught me how to steal.  ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
will raised his brow at the stranger. he seemed awfully cheerful, and that’s not what he needed right now but he was going to try and act civil. it’s just that he was too confused about this place and no one seemed to have any answers. at least not anyone that he had already asked. it was starting to annoy him. “honestly, i have no idea where we are. we seem to be going through the same thing. i’d like to know all of that too. i’m sure there has to be a motel around here somewhere.”
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                     it’s concerning. to find yet another person in the same situation as him. it makes him wonder if a few citizens of auradon— both mainland & the isle, have also been sent to this place. worry fills him as the idea of mal, evie, carlos, jay, & the others ending up here creeps into his mind.  “  if you wish… it could be a great idea for us to stick together in search for answers ?  ”  he didn’t want to impose but as the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers.
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
Alright, if he thought he was cheery he was nothing in comparison to this excited string bean. “Uh,” he took a small step back, “it’s a state called Colorado, and there is a motel just a bit from here” he explained. “Did you just appear here?”
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                     “  colorado ? ”  the young king repeats, testing the unusual word. his eyebrows furrow for a moment in confusion before being quickly replaced by a grateful smile. the stranger didn’t have to answer him, he could have ignored him even, & yet he didn't— he’s ever so thankful for that. “  i did. is it a normal occurrence here ?  ”  how else could the man know if not for it being something usual in this town ?
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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“good afternoon.” samandriel repeats, returning the smile easily enough even if the action doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “i don’t mind the interruption.” he wanted to help, he was happy to help and this was something he could do easily enough. something that anyone could do, a step towards being good. even if it was small. “there’s an inn a few blocks away, it’s where i’ve been staying. i could show you, if you’d like?”
                     “  if it’s not too much of a bother,  ” ben’s been raised to believe that the world didn’t revolve around him, no matter how much the non-royal citizens of auradon believed that. he can’t ask someone to waste their time to help him, even if, in doing so, it makes his life easier.
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
“oh benny boo!” the female heckled from the distance. she could see him interacting with a stranger as she made her way closer to him. it was the moment she saw him that she had actually begun to relax. he was that person. he calmed her nerves. especially after everything that had happened with uma. he’d loved the true her. and that was more than enough for her. she loved him for the kind, gentle soul that he was. and having him by her side was going to make her feel much better. 
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                      it’s a faint sound, barely heard from his position. but the familiar tone, no matter how weak it is, makes ben look away from his conversation, green eyes searching around in attempts to find the source. she’s a good distance away & yet the sight of her familiar hair color brings the brightest grin on ben’s face.  “  mal ?... ... mal !  ”  his response is eager after the first wave of confusion, hand raised & waving in greeting. he hadn’t expected to meet anyone he knew in this town. but the sight of mal brings comfort to his heart, comfort he surely needed underneath all his optimism. quickly turning to apologize to the stranger for leaving so soon & wasting their time, the young king jogs towards her position, arm extending to offer her a warm hug.  “  are you alright ? have you just arrived, as well ?  ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
                    “  good afternoon,  ”  ben’s hands clasp tightly together in front of his chest as he greets the nearest person with a warm grin. he’s found himself in an unusual town, with nothing but the clothes on his back & the items he keeps close to himself. even so, he doesn’t allow it to affect his mood, knowing full well that whatever troubles he’s found himself in, he could get out off.  “  if i may interrupt, for just a quick moment, your day. i was wondering if you can tell me where this town is & if you can point me to the nearest place a traveler can stay in ? ”
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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                                                 benjamin florian + text posts 1 / ? 
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beneficentsouls · 6 years
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[ accessing files … ] benjamin florian is a 18 year old canon character from descendants. according to the available files, he is pansexual. [ saving data … ]
what’s canon? everything up to the end of descendants 2. so that would be descendants 1, descendants 2, descendants: wicked world season 1 & 2, isle of the lost book, & return to the isle of the lost. i haven’t read rise of the isle of the lost but if someone could tell me what happens, then i can add it.
king of auradon. son of belle & prince adam/beauty & the beast. stressed every day due to his royal duties & school but can’t complain since it puts him in a position to help everyone.
what he deserves: cuddles. what he gets: struggles
believes that his father had a good concept of the isle but faltered in the details: aka the kids, food situation, etc. he plans on fixing his father’s mistakes & giving everyone who deserves a second chance— a second chance.
give him even the slightest bit of affection or just talk to him once & he will willingly die for you. he goes from 0 to 100 in liking people. even villains. as long as they showcase a potential to change & be good
everyone’s giving him shit for not getting teens/kids out of the isle faster but like, wth? first of all, the rotten four were a trial (& they did do that coronation thing that would make his council hesitate on bringing more kids in), every adult is against him on bringing the kids to auradon, it was just coronation, it’s only been 6 months. he’s working on it. leave him be. he’s doing his best.
headcanons added:
can actually go beast mode at will. he’s been raised in auradon where magic is prevalent, so he’d been taught at an early age to control it. it sometimes slips though whenever he’s pissed.
^ main reason why he’s so pacifistic & positive all the time. any huge bursts of anger could cause him to go beast mode
loves anyone & everyone. give him all the love. make him poly. his heart is big enough for more than one person
worried about the affairs of auradon, now that he’s away. & hoping that his parents can step up again while he’s gone
guilty that he’s happy about not having to worry about his royal work. it’s just been too stressful lately that he thinks of this place as a much needed vacation
looking for his friends & anyone he might now.
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