#tag tba.
dropsofjupitcr · 23 days
  ˖ ✶ Something didn't feel right but that didn't stop Eliza from continuing on her walk, gaze often turning attention to behind her. Was she being followed or was it all in her head? Her thoughts now accompanying her had her heart beating faster in her chest, steps even more hurried as she walked home. "Just leave me alone…" She kept muttering, probably looking crazy to anyone walking by. "Leave me ALONE!" Eliza turned, now face to face with the other, eyes widening at the close proximity.
// closed starter for @curscdxblccd
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multiicolor · 3 months
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FOUGHT WITH THE COLORS AND WON!!! i present ur local necromancer kitsune, Rei !!!
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vesselmade · 6 months
itadori's thoughts post nanamin ( first person pov )
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you’re  not  here  anymore  and  everything’s  worse.
no  matter  how  many  have  fallen  i’m  trying  to  keep  fighting  just  like  you  told  me.  you’ve  got  it  from  here  ,  your  last  words  still  held  close  to  my  heart. i’m  trying  ,  i  really  am. 
it’s  my  role  to  make  up  for  the  lives  lost  and  to  keep  living  for  them.  even  if  their  lives  were  taken  because  of  me  and  my  weakness.  your  words  are  just  an  extension  of  that.  
you  know  ,  you  remind  me  so  much  of  my  grandfather.  both  so  stern  and  serious  but  i  know  there’s  a  softness  hidden  underneath  that  seemingly  cold  exterior. 
but  good  things  only  seem  to  be  coming  to  the  worst  people  —  the  cursed  spirits  and  users  got  exactly  what  they  wanted  and  now  we  continue  to  lose  more  and  more  people. 
you  smiled  at  me  before  you  died  as  if  all  of  this  wasn’t  my  fault. how  many  more  lives  will  be  taken  by  my  hands ?  how  many  more  bodies  on  my  shoulders  before  i  buckle  underneath  the  weight ?  how  much  time  until  my  mind  just  breaks ?
i’ve  always  been  someone  who  could  run  forever. you  tell  me  what  needs  to  be  done  and  i’ll  go  through  anything  ,  i’ll  keep  fast  and  cross  over  any  terrain  for  however  long  no  matter  how  bad  i’m  hurting.  but  ,  nanamin  ,  for  the  first  time  i  don’t  think  i  can  keep  running  anymore. 
for  the  first  time  since  i  was  a  kid  i  want  to  quit. i  want  to  lie  down  and  give  up  and  give  in  and  just  stop  fighting.  i’m  so  tired.  i  don’t  know  how  you  did  it  for  so  long.  but  you’re  you  and  i’m  .  .  .  a  failure. 
at  this  point  i  only  get  in  the  way  of  those  i  care  about  ,  i’m  not  strong  enough  yet.  
todo  tells  me  to  snap  out  of  it  ,  it  doesn’t  matter  if  i’m  here  or  not  because  i’m  a  jujutsu  sorcerer  and  i  just  have  to  live  with  things  like  that.  honestly  i  wanted  to  tell  him  to  fuck  off  but  he’s  right. 
if  i  stop  here  then  they  win.  if  i  stop  here  i’ll  never  get  to  see  megumi  again.  if  i  stop  here  gojo  may  be  sealed  forever. 
i’m  sorry  i  almost  lost  my  way  ,  nanamin. i  should’ve  never  ignored  your  last  words. i  swear  on  everything  i  have  that  i’ll  finish  this  for  you.  you’re  suffering  is  mine  now  and  i’ll  take  it  and  bear  it.  
i’ve  got  it  from  here.
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cmdrgraves · 1 year
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀continued from here ( x ) with @lt-ghxst.
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[ MSG : Ghost ]: If I had a death wish, I’d be dead already.
[ MSG : Ghost ]: If I had waited, we wouldn’t of gotten valuable information.
[ MSG : Ghost ]: Why do you want to know? If I tell you, are you going to come and find me and threaten me? Cause if so, I’d rather not tell you then.
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catvclysmic · 1 year
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𝚗𝚘𝚠  𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐  .  .  .  !
                                   "  a  golden  cage  is  still  just  a  cage.  ”
name.                               narcissa euphemia malfoy ( née black )  . age.                            thirty  -  one  . gender.                       cis female  . blood status.               pureblood  . occupation.                 owner  of  chercher .     allegiance.                   death eater ally  . magical specialisation. diabolist  . face claim.                   elsa hosk  .
positive.                 loyal  ,  nurturing  ,  witty  ,  intelligent  ,  quick thinking  . negative.                 prejudiced  ,  cold  ,  deceptive  ,  apprehensive  .
                i.  it’s true what they say  —  that the youngest child ( usually in the context of three ) is usually the child most doted on. they are the apple of their father’s eye and a youthful mirror for their mother to look through. those dynamics mean something a little different in the black household. as cherished as you are for what you are, who you are is of no consequence. you’re dismissed from doing anything of significance and your pathway is either made for you ( assumed to be upheld with no complaint ) or left to your own devices without any care or importance, your achievements valued half as much. for narcissa, it was simply expected of her to married off to a respectable pureblood family as that was her one and only use. her blonde tresses and striking beauty only supported the notion that her sole purpose was to be a trophy for a husband and to continue on the sacred twenty  -  eight legacy.
                ii.  as much as it quietly infuriated her, narcissa was no rebel. she wasn’t outspoken or forthright like her sisters, she believed in honour and duty. despite her contrary feelings, she also felt it her responsibility to do what must be done, choices didn’t simply exist. luckily for her, her soon-to-be husband was someone she had been taken with since their school years  —  it was almost too perfect. it wasn’t his charm or the way he commanded a room ( although certainly those were things to admire also ), but it was the way lucius looked at her and the silent way they had a mutual understanding. her girlhood crush turned into a deep, irrevocable love the more they shared parts of each other. he was the only one that made her feel she didn’t need to hide from.
                iii.  through voldemort’s downfall and the struggles of power between factions, narcissa stood by her husband’s side. his ambition and need for power were goals that she supported him in and assisted in any way she could. she would sparkle for him, not because he asked her to, but because she wanted to. anything he wanted she would gladly give to the best of her ability —  his wants, were her wants. she had finally found her equal. it was during this time that narcissa began to have feelings of her own, to become more than the cookie cutter shape created for her; to expand her horizons. she had been sitting on the idea of a supper club, something exclusive where gentlemen and ladies alike could dine and be entertained without having to be disturbed by non purebloods. narcissa and lucius had spent part of their honeymoon in paris, so she had fond memories of the place  —  in addition, regulations for dark magic were less restrictive. 
                iv.  named chercher, a french term which meant to look for. the club allowed narcissa to keep busy; to have a project of her own, something she could pour her potential and energies into. it would be an achievement, something she could look at say i did this myself. now it is one of the finest establishments in the wizarding community and to hold a membership there is something people use to lord over others with pride. after finding out she was pregnant however, narcissa hired a manager to handle the day  -  to  -  day  upkeep, her main priority is her baby boy draco, but she still has final say over all decisions at chercher.
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miirci · 2 years
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Keeping this short because I’m tired and ready to go to sleep but!! Guess I’ll quickly make a permanent inbox/starter call too!!
Like this if I can
IM you
Send you random asks
Throw random starters at you
Tag you in things
Throw random plot ideas at you
Have Mai randomly yeet your muse /j
Yeet headcanons, aus, etc at you
Of course, you can absolutely do the same towards me!!! This goes both ways uwu
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thecodekeeper · 2 years
     “ They think that any culture or state that diverges is degenerate. That we are degenerate, until we speak, dress, act, and worship just like them. ”
@musecraft​ (calypso) - sent me a ✐ for a random sentence starter from my muse (accepting)
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icecreampizzer · 4 months
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Presenting a compilation of all of my IEYTD OCs so far! They have their own plot going on but idk if I have the energy to talk about that here and now. I already made a post about Black Mamba so they get to have one (1) pic only. Here's some introductory blurbs I wrote for them under the cut!
Mina Magpantay is an aspiring detective with unshakeable determination, even if the situation gets rough. She enjoys solving mysteries and playing in escape rooms. She's also socially adept and enjoys bonding with people. After the Peacemaker fiasco, she has vowed to keep her eyes open for any slip-up Zoraxis tries to make again. Unfortunately, her curiosity ended up getting her involved with a very dangerous operative, after an agent tried to protect her.
Franz Marshall is a very serious agent whose first priority is the safety of everyone involved. Her time in the field changed her worldview a hundred times over, and her disdain for the Agency is almost as intense as her disdain for Zoraxis. It only got more intense after Dr. Prism left, as she was all for her Robot Agent project. She wanted to return to the field after her handling agent got extremely injured, and she vowed to finish their mission. Whatever it takes.
"Dr. Schaden Freude" is a graduate student who's starting their supervillain career early by applying as a part-time assistant in Zoraxis. They're clever, observant, and strangely friendly. They're starting to be more aware of how Zor treats their subordinates, though, and they have...some notes. But it's not like they have the power to argue with them anyhow. As an assistant they ended up being given the task of handling Mamba, despite their lack of experience in being a support agent.
Operative Black Mamba is the fruit of Zoraxis's obsession with the one and only Agent Phoenix, with the express purpose of creating a perfect rival to the Agency's greatest weapon. The problem is that this clone had the gall to build a personality of her own, fueled by her own confusing emotions and motivations, to the point that she's becoming more of a liability than an asset. They still keep her around though...but maybe she's one slip-up away from being discarded completely.
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tetrangel · 5 months
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dropsofjupitcr · 8 days
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multiicolor · 3 months
OKOK i got more of a solid concept for my kitsune- i wanted smth to do with them dealing in souls n death n the works. so i figured they offer a service ; to bring people back from the dead. for a price ofc- money, offerings, your own soul even! 9/10 it usually works, somewhat. no one who died ever comes back the same but you get what u pay for! and when they dont? well, tough luck. you still gotta pay up or they are sending other demons after ya to hunt you down.
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82mitsu · 3 days
{18Trip} The Homescreen Voice Lines Vault
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Collection of all the voice lines I have translated on my Twitter account. Uploading it on here for archival purposes.
Note: A lot of them were made to fit the Twitter character limit, sometimes they're a bit freestyled.
Mostly Raito oriented, with some others thrown in the mix.
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Chihiro: Raiting, you spend a lot of time watching vids, don'tcha~ What channels got you hooked?
Raito: Let me see, channels all about information over ramen and the occult stuff like Muu☆Tan's are vital to me.
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Raito: Kuguri, you can do what you want but, have you considered to stop sleeping naked from time to time? No doubt you'll catch a cold.
Kuguri: I'd prefer for you to leave me be. A certain Someone who can't properly wake up in the morning has no right to police others on how they sleep.
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Raito: According to this scripture of taboos that I procured on my own, it appears that Pandora's Box will open up again soon. The theory of hope remaining at the bottom is plausible but, let's just wait and see...
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Akuta: Uugh... I can't... I can't go on like this anymore.... Raito-san, please do the usual thing again tonight!!
Raito: A hopeless guy, aren't you... Got it, I'll take care of you. I will... feed you the best late night ramen that there is.
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Netaro: Raito~! Trouble's afoot! There's hearsay of a unfamiliar flickering luminant body appearing behind the dormitory~!
Raito: What!? An unidentified flying object, in other words!? We must unravel its true identity! Let's go right away, Netaro!
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Kuguri: Sometimes Nanaki looks at me cutely and pleads for advice on composing music. Well, my involvement is limited to hearing him out and giving a nudge, however.
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Kuguri: I don't disagree with your way of living, Ten... It smells sweet, exclusively so. How about we go on a drive together again sometime.
Ten: Aha, it's an honor to get invited by someone like Kuguri-san~ I don't mind the kinda relations where you stay outta each others affairs either.
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Chihiro: Geez~! Taotao, you play Anigun way too much! Didn't you like promise you'd go shopping with Chii today! And here I sat looking forward to it~!
Tao: Sorry. To think there'd be an event out of nowhere... I'll buy you some pudding as apology. So let's go shopping. Okay?
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Akuta: Like, during flower viewing... adults do /that/, right... Y'know... the thing... s- s- s- strip rock paper scissors....!
"yakyuuken" is a Japanese game on based rock paper scissors, where the loser ends up stripping.
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Akuta: Ten-san, I heard you talking to a woman on the phone earlier, but is she for real... wrapped around your finger!? Like both hands all over a beaut and...!
Ten: Aha, the hell man. Don't slander me. She's just a plain ol' friend. Maybe you're still too young for this though~?
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Akuta: That freakin' Kiroku, he put a kinda bracelet that girls would wear in his desk. Ah, wonder if he's like also doing the do with her...
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Ushio: Oi Stupidtake, record what I make all you want but don't snatch food while i'm not looking. You itching to get banned or something?
Akuta: Geh... got caught, huh... I regret my actions! Please spare me from being exiled! Oh great god from heavens above Ushio-samaaa~!
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Nanaki: Kugunii, come over whenever you feel like it again. I'm sure Dad, Mom and Big Bro all are eager to see you.
Kuguri: Perhaps so. ...I'll go if the mood strikes me.
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Nanaki: Spring is the season of encounters, huh... I already have crossed paths with my G.O.A.T though.
GOAT: Gen Z slang, means "Greatest Of All Time".
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Ushio: Listen Murakumo-san, I know you're fooling around, but can you please refrain from putting any weird ideas into the younger guys' heads?
Ten: Oh-hoh~ look at you sounding all cool there. Dunno what you mean with "weird ideas" though.
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Ushio: ....I curse the freaking guy who dared to use my shampoo without permission to go bald from losing 10 hairs every second...!
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Ryui: Toi, your hair's sticking out. Here, sit still. I'll fix it to make it pretty.
Toi: Wah... Thank you dearest Big Bro. My beloved Big Bro really is the coolest in the whole wide world... My heart's skipping a beat...
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Toi: A mature seductiveness like Yodaka-san's... How can i end up having that too? I'm jealous, you see.
Yodaka: Fufu, but Toi. Don't you have your own kind of charm that I lack. I admit I'm also envious on that front.
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cmdrgraves · 1 year
⠀ ⠀ NICO ⠀& ⠀PHILLIP ⠀: ⠀FROM ⠀HERE. ( @innsaeid )
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with a sleek roll of his shoulders, his position is shifted, and he is peering at the back of a man’s head, finger hovering above the trigger as he waits for the private’s call. one, two, three. the bodies fall down in unison, and the only sign that graves is even satisfied with the outcome, is a small hum leaving his lips. he does another once over, making sure there are no others before he shifts, slowly beginning to crawl his way to the next position. the mud already coating his arms and legs, the rain not making it much better. only then does he begin to talk again, “ i thought i told you not to call me that, private. ” he responds to his earlier statement, having been preoccupied with something else, he only answers now, “ also the only spark between us is going be if we blow somethin’ up together. y’know? boom. ” he wouldn’t actually be opposed to the idea – he does like blowing things up. with his next comment, he glances up to the heavens, only to have a particular large drop of water hit his cheek. not only are they going to be drenched, they will stink of rainwater and mud for at least a day or two. of course, nico takes this as another opportunity to flirt. why is he surprised? “ listen, amigo, the only shower you’re going to be having, is a cold one. ” nico: 0, graves: 2. his attempt to flirt still has not worked. at last though, if he keeps at it, he might actually succeed.
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ask-the-roommate-au · 4 months
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This is the official askblog for the "and they were roommates AU", ran by @sunnyys-jarss, it's a tsams au where Sun, Eclipse, and Ruin all bond and become besties!! Turns out, they have a lot more in common than both you and they would think.
You can ask these little guys anything that's not NSFW or just gross in general. Basically I will delete and block any ask that I think crosses boundaries and makes me uncomfortable.
Some content warnings before we start! This blog will/might feature mentions of (and possibly images showing):
Emotional and physical abuse
MENTIONS of suicide (not the actual thing, will not be going that far)
Robot injury
Body horror (maybe?? still deciding, depends on how far this thing goes, I honestly don't expect all of these warnings to come into play but let's hope <3)
With all of that said, enjoy!! (Any questions go to my main, which has been mentioned above!)
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thecodekeeper · 2 years
“People pay you less attention when you don’t leave a trail of bodies in your wake.’
@paddyfuck​ - sent me a ✐ for a random sentence starter from my muse (accepting)
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askthelovenest · 2 months
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B: Looks like someone is in LOOOOOOOVE~
D: Oh my gosh! That's so cute!! Who are the lucky borgs?!
A: I-I don't like anyone, alright? (Totally lying)
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