benevolentthorn · 12 days
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benevolentthorn · 13 days
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Energy company has got some sass
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benevolentthorn · 16 days
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Gorou's dress holding on for dear life
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
i love the idea of ryan getting his fascination with horror for being an avid reader as a kid and sharing his dad's collection of old copies of goosebumps. he probably keeps them too, but he stops reading them once they begin falling apart
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
I’m only speaking for TQ and UD since I haven’t played/watched playthroughs of the other games but I’m glad to see someone talking about this actually. When I finished the quarry and went to explore the fandom I was SHOCKED when I saw so much Ryan hate. I absolutely loved him when playing the quarry!! He’s one of the most important characters of the game in my honest opinion and he’s not “boring” at all! He goes through a lot of development throughout the game and I thought he was a total badass that was one of the most helpful characters in the whole group! Also I love his whole emo/grunge aesthetic and how he’s a big paranormal nerd like I am!
I understand how people might think it’s a little silly how he denied Laura saying werewolves exist after Nick transformed into one right in front of him, but it’s a normal human reaction to be in denial in a situation like this. Not everyone reacts the same to such a scary situation and that’s okay!! It doesn’t make him a bad character!!
And as for anyone who hates on him for not wanting to kill Chris: that’s his father figure!! It’s already established in chapter 1 of the game that his parents are not present in his and his sisters’ lives and that he is very close with Chris, Kaylee and Caleb Hackett. They’re family to him and it’s very strongly implied that Chris is a strong father figure for him, between the pictures of them together and the way they speak with each other like they’re father and son. How would you feel if someone told you your father/father figure who you were very close with was dangerous and needed to be killed?? It’s very normal for him to get upset and be in denial when you have this type of close family relationship with someone.
As for Matt from UD, who the hell could hate on him?? He does NOTHING bad in the game and just because he’s a minor character doesn’t mean he’s “boring”! He’s the most innocent character aside from Sam and a sweetheart, plus he still has his helpful moments! Leave him alone!
I'm sorry but it's the way I will ALWAYS see SMG fans have such aggressive hatred towards black characters and their only reason for it is "he's boring." and this kind of energy never seems to be extended to white characters they think are boring
You see it with Matt, Ryan, Alex, Nick K and Mark. Like yeah you don't have to like them, but people will put so much energy into hating these "boring" characters. Like if they're so boring surely you can just... not enjoy them and move on but no, it always has to be full on hate. Can't think why...
There's also something to be said about how SMG may often put less thought into characters who are poc which is an issue itself, but just focusing on the fandom here, the hate these specific characters get seems so iffy to me.
Anyway yeah, the SMG fandom has a racism issue. It has a lot of issues.
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
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The Quarry but they’re in Scream!
I was doing requests over on my Instagram and someone suggested the characters in scream and I got a little carried away and kinda ended up making an AU… I kinda wanna keep drawing more of the Quarry characters as Scream characters/scenes.
Nick and Jacob are Billy and Stu with their kinda dubious gay vibes and overall pairing vibe.
Abi is Sidney. Obviously some personality differences but I think Abi could dish out a killer “not in my movie” line.
Emma is Tatum (RIP)
And Maybe: Max is Dewey, Laura is Gale Weathers, and Dylan is Randy
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
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drew my beautiful wife today.....hes as beautiful as i remember
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
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Their dynamic is literally this meme
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
Feel free to send me headcanon requests for resident evil/the quarry before I go on vacation next week!
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
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idk what cafe collab this was that had this toko outfit but i needed to draw it otherwise the giant centipede that lives in the corner of my room was going to EAT ME!!!
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
Chapter 8 of the quarry:
Ryan and Laura:
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The hacketts:
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
Can I offer you some miscellaneous Quarry memes in these trying times? (Feat. extra Dylan because he's my Epcot Ball.)
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
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drew the gay camp counselors again hello everybody
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
These two are the same and you can't convince me otherwise.
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
Rylan headcanons:
(This is for the anon from the last post who also requested Rylan headcanons! Here ya go!)
Their relationship is long distance post-game since Dylan stays in New York for college and Ryan goes to Boston for animation school. Once they both graduate they moved in together.
Dylan took Schrödinger with him to get an apartment with Ryan and Ryan decides to get a dog. He ends up adopting a German shepherd puppy.
Dylan sometimes lifts Ryan up to kiss him due to their height difference.
Dylan always gets the high-to-reach things for Ryan since Ryan is so short lol
Dylan is an early bird while Ryan likes to sleep in. Dylan likes to give Ryan a small kiss on the forehead before he gets up for the day 💕
Ryan is usually responsible for cooking since Dylan sucks at cooking lol. Dylan cannot even make toast without messing it up. Ryan is so much better at it and even helps Dylan cook basic things like pasta and eggs.
Ryan and Dylan love to stay up late playing video games together. Ryan likes survival horror games like dead space and silent hill while Dylan prefers more peaceful games like Minecraft and stardew valley.
Their favorite type of date to go on is coffee and thrifting dates! They both love to get iced lattes, breakfast sandwiches and check out thrift/antique stores and book stores.
Dylan likes a classic iced vanilla latte while Ryan prefers an iced hazelnut latte. They both like to get bacon egg and cheese sandwiches on everything bagels!
They also both really love to go to concerts. Dylan loves classic rock/pop and indie concerts while Ryan is more of a metalhead.
Ryan dragged Dylan with him to a metal concert one time and they both went into the mosh pit. Dylan was terrified at first but he eventually got into it!
One time Dylan got very drunk and sang “emo boy” by Ayesha erotica to Ryan. Ryan thought it was both cringeworthy and hilarious at the same time. Once Dylan was hungover the next morning he teased him relentlessly about it.
They both suffer from night terrors and insomnia as a result of the events at hackett’s quarry. If either of them are having a bad night, they’ll stay up late and hold each other until morning.
Dylan is such a sweet brother-in-law to Sarah. Whenever Dylan sleeps over at Ryan’s house, he loves to paint her nails and play dolls with her!
Dylan tends to be the big spoon most of the time, but will sometimes switch with Ryan, especially if he’s having a bad mental health day.
Dylan often suffers from phantom pain after he lost his hand :( Ryan is always there with medication, a warm drink and a hot/cold compress for him. Ryan cuddles him and puts on a movie to help him get his mind off of it
Ryan becomes deeply depressed post-game, since he lost Chris who was a father figure to him. Dylan likes to do little things for Ryan to help cheer him up, like buying him small gifts, helping him tidy up or taking him on nature walk dates. Dylan even asks Nick for tips to cook better so he can make Ryan nice meals.
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benevolentthorn · 1 month
ryan erzahler head canons!! (and maybe some rylan?🗣️🗣️)
Hey anon thanks for the ask! I’m just gonna do the Ryan headcanons in this post and make a separate post right after this one for Rylan because it would be way too long of a post for me to include both here LOL. I hope you enjoy!
Ryan Erzahler headcanons
This sounds really basic but I think Ryan’s favorite food would be pizza. He especially loves a good surpreme pizza.
For a sweet treat, Ryan really loves warm chocolate chip cookies! He especially loves making them with Sarah every Friday night :)
Ryan is really into horror movies, especially classic horror. His favorite movies are Texas chainsaw massacre, the original halloween, hellraiser, alien and the Friday the 13th series.
Ryan’s favorite time of year is fall and he loves Halloween! While Ryan isn’t typically into parties, he goes to at least one Halloween party every year and shows up in the most elaborate costume out of everyone. On Halloween night, he doesn’t go to any parties because he takes Sarah trick or treating. He also likes to help Sarah make a Halloween costume.
Ryan also loves a nice rainy day. He likes to cozy up with a good book, music and a lit candle.
He loves warm, spicy scents like patchouli and cinnamon.
Ryan also loves earthy scents, like pine, sandalwood and the smell of rain.
Ryan loves survival horror video games. Some of his favorites series are dead space, silent hill, resident evil, and the evil within.
Ryan owns a pair of Tripp Nyc pants and they’re his favorite pants ever.
In general, Ryan’s fashion style is reminiscent of late 90s/early 2000s mall goth. He likes to shop at hot topic but he also loves thrifting and altering clothes.
He paints his nails black from time to time.
Ryan and Abi have been close friends since childhood and first met each other at camp.
Ryan plays bass guitar in his free time.
Ryan had a childhood crush on Zak Bagans from ghost adventures
Ryan has a septum and eyebrow piercing, along with multiple ear piercings.
Surprisingly, Ryan does not have any tattoos. However, he would love to get a large one on his back someday.
His favorite colors are dark purple, grey and black.
He likes to wear black eyeliner and mascara on some occasions.
His favorite music genres are nu metal and 2000s rock. Some of his favorite bands are Deftones, Korn, Slipknot, linkin park, System of a Down, creed, three days grace, evanescence, kittie, tool and static-x. Also likes some smaller alternative bands like title fight and quannic.
Post game, Ryan becomes highly claustrophobic (due to when he had to hide from Bobby when being chased by him) and he gets panic attacks and nausea from being in tight spaces.
Ryan also hates anyone other than Dylan touching his sides. It reminds him too much of when he was stabbed by Bobby.
While I think all of the counselors would suffer from depression, anxiety and PTSD post-game, Ryan would especially get hit with the worst depression. Growing up, Ryan’s father was not in his life and while he loves his grandparents his grandfather couldn’t be much of a father figure to him. Him and Chris had a father-son-like bond. Shooting him was as painful for him as losing a parent.
Post game, Ryan decides to go to school in Boston, Massachusetts for animation.
As an adult, I feel like he would become a television show animator for adult swim or Comedy Central and would create an adult cartoon series.
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