benlindsaymedia 5 years
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benlindsaymedia 5 years
I have chosen this advert as nobody likes adverts but this one makes a clear effort to stand out with the comedy and doesnt make it annoying when it comes on therefor more people would watch it and be intrigued by it. It does all of this and yet clearly states what it is selling in a fun lighthearted manner. However contriverisally I belive this video doesnt sell its product that well from having a live chicken to sell meat of the same animal.
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benlindsaymedia 5 years
I like this music video due to the way it presents various of the genre codes sucsesfully from the variety of comedic sequences and the ability to also display the action side with that. Additionally the intelligent way of cutting through segments of the trailor and showing a clear progression of the same thing and yet the out of ordinary events through simple camera choices such as the opening crane movement up simon peggs leg with the diagetic sound of a yawn and yet foreshadowing the later outbreak.
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benlindsaymedia 5 years
I like this music video as it symbolises variouse different messages essential for the society we live in today. From this I get variouse clear steriotypes which fit social conventions such as at the end as the boys smeared pink as a tear connoting women are more emotional and the girls smeared it as if it was camo connoting the strengh. These are steriotypes that men are stronger and women more emotional but this video displays it as thye are able to be both. Further more the whole idea of social norms and conventions are displayed here and from the two people breaking out of the conventions and then being happier after which connotes their acceptance of who they are outside of the conventions therefore portraying aveyr positive message to a younger audoence as it symbolises you can be who you want and at begining may be difficult portryed by other people in that area but once you sucseed you will positivly effect others around you and yourself.
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benlindsaymedia 5 years
I'm Ben Lindsay and I have chosen media at A-level as after the GCSE I realised how this subject has the ability to open up my eyes to a lot of what companies try to hide, steriotypes and keeps me updated with various things happening world wide which previously were hidden to me. I would like to carry on looking deeper into these aspets but also to improve my skills in camera work, to get the perfect shot and to understand various ways to present one thing with multiple shots. These things intrigue me as then in life I will ahve the skills to acknolwadge what media companies have done and why.
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