bennysrphub · 3 years
blog list !
as of right now, my blogs are:
@meowchemist , post-ending Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist
@intothedorkness Wirt of Over The Garden Wall! Headcanon heavy, often discusses dark themes such as death and the affects of nearly drowning.
@neverhurtstohelp Wander of Wander Over Yonder!
@thekidcomic The Kid of Kid Cosmic!
@shcrttempered Dan of Dan VS!
@cookiebandit Gary Goodspeed of Final Space!
@freaksqud Billy, Nergal Junior, and Irwin from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy!
@sweatervestjinx Milo Murphy of Milo Murphy's Law!
@sinisterlysweaty Oscar from Fish Hooks as a Luca style sea monster !
@livedfantasy Luz Noceda from The Owl House & Marcy Wu from Amphibia!
List will be updated as needed!
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bennysrphub · 3 years
also sometime all of my blogs will be quiet at once but that doesnt mean im uninterested in rping at all, just that i dont have the energy to keep reblogging content for all of them to keep them all semi active.
esp since some of my muses are a bit obscure and have less content for me to reblog. always feel free to dm me or ask for my discord if u wanna talk or plan something! (please dont dm me here, dm the respective blog ur interested in. i dont log in here too often)
just a notice: just bc i haven't used a blog in a while doesn't mean im uninterested in using it! unless i have marked a blog as inactive, im still up for rps on it, even if it takes a while for me to actually.... get around to it lol
I just tend to fixate on one or two blogs at a time. im gonna try and fix that, though!!
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bennysrphub · 3 years
when u find a really good blog but theyre anti kin :/
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bennysrphub · 3 years
since the reboot is actually pretty good so far, i might bring my Johnny Test blog back..
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bennysrphub · 3 years
Patience isn’t a virtue in roleplay.
It’s a fucking necessity.
There is a real person behind that screen. There’s a human writing your favorite blog. They don’t function on your schedule. And you should not expect them to. There are things such as time zones, we don’t all live where it’s after work hours or before work hours or even midnight at the same time.
Some of us have disabilities. Adhd. We get distracted. We are human.
Your partner does not clock in for roleplay.
Your partner is not getting paid to roleplay.
Your partner does not exist soley for your entertainment.
You can not reply and expect an immediate answer. You may get one, if they’re online. If they’re vibing the thread. You may wait a week? maybe two. Maybe your reply is in the queue system. maybe something happened and they can’t be online to write for a while. Maybe they’re not feeling well.  Maybe they just don’t want to roleplay right at that second. People have many hobbies other than writing.
Role-play is a hobby. You need to be patient with your partners so it can be a fun hobby and not a stressful one.
Communicate, be patient, and realize you’re NOT playing a Single Player Game here. If you can’t do that?
you shouldn’t be roleplaying.
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bennysrphub · 3 years
Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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bennysrphub · 3 years
Does anyone else just get super happy when they see your partners response to the thread?? Like you just fell so giddy and excited because their writing is just amazing and you’re just so happy because your muse gets to interact with theirs and you just freak out because holy shit this is so cool and this thread is just amazing
Because I do, like almost 99% of the time I’m roleplaying with someone
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bennysrphub · 3 years
just a notice: just bc i haven't used a blog in a while doesn't mean im uninterested in using it! unless i have marked a blog as inactive, im still up for rps on it, even if it takes a while for me to actually.... get around to it lol
I just tend to fixate on one or two blogs at a time. im gonna try and fix that, though!!
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bennysrphub · 3 years
Tumblr media
Still setting everything up, but it’s Rena with a new roleplay blog again. This time, Nina from Fullmetal Alchemist. Would you like/reblog this if you are interested in roleplaying with an innocent little girl and her dog who got experimented on by her own father?
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bennysrphub · 3 years
blog list !
as of right now, my blogs are:
@meowchemist , post-ending Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist
@intothedorkness Wirt of Over The Garden Wall! Headcanon heavy, often discusses dark themes such as death and the affects of nearly drowning.
@neverhurtstohelp Wander of Wander Over Yonder!
@thekidcomic The Kid of Kid Cosmic!
@shcrttempered Dan of Dan VS!
@cookiebandit Gary Goodspeed of Final Space!
@freaksqud Billy, Nergal Junior, and Irwin from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy!
@sweatervestjinx Milo Murphy of Milo Murphy's Law!
@sinisterlysweaty Oscar from Fish Hooks as a Luca style sea monster !
List will be updated as needed!
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bennysrphub · 3 years
just a little reminder:
you are not obligated to maintain your blog or upkeep of content. sometimes i feel like we get wrapped up in the fact that tumblr always has to be on. always posting content, always responding, consistently churning out new things but that can be really draining. don’t burn yourself out for the sake of this website. if you need to take time away or just want to stop it all together, that’s absolutely 100% valid. and if anyone’s ever made you feel like it’s not, i’m here to tell you it is! you do what’s best for you. and i always say, the minute it starts feeling like a job, take a step back and reflect. that’s not what this is about you know? sometimes it can get stressful and chaotic, but at the end of the day we’re all just tryna have fun. 
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bennysrphub · 3 years
usually when i make a new blog i gravitate to those ive rped with before so i apologize if im overwhelming at all.,
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bennysrphub · 3 years
blog list !
as of right now, my blogs are:
@meowchemist , post-ending Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist
@intothedorkness Wirt of Over The Garden Wall! Headcanon heavy, often discusses dark themes such as death and the affects of nearly drowning.
@neverhurtstohelp Wander of Wander Over Yonder!
@thekidcomic The Kid of Kid Cosmic!
@shcrttempered Dan of Dan VS!
@cookiebandit Gary Goodspeed of Final Space!
@freaksqud Billy, Nergal Junior, and Irwin from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy!
@sweatervestjinx Milo Murphy of Milo Murphy's Law!
List will be updated as needed!
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bennysrphub · 3 years
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy quote starters ... 2 !!
"Sometimes you drink the milk, sometimes the milk drinks you."
"Love makes you do stupid things. "
"See what happens when you do nice things for people? They die. "
" No one feels pain as deeply as I do. No one suffers like I do. "
" You can run. You can hide. But you can't escape my love. "
" I'm not the cool stud you think I am! "
" And keep your FILTHY MITTS OFF MY PANTS!! "
" They're evil and strangely... delightful. "
" Destroying stuff makes me feel so ALIVE! "
" I don't need YOU to make ME look bad! I can do that all on my own. "
"  I don't know whether to be flattered or terrified. "
"  I don't need your pathetic sympathy! "
" When a praying mantis devours her mate, it's because she loves him. When I do it, it's because I'M CRAZY! "
" I'm not a loser. Loser...bean, BEAN, LOSER! "
" What do you know about me?! Nothing! You don't even know my name! "
" How come every time I take you kids to a mall it burns to the ground? "
" You're a nerd! So what? Nerds play an important role in the world. "
" So, you like to be a jokester, do ya, Mr. Funny Guy? Mr. Comedian, eh? "
" Yeah, but you didn't count on one thing: I can't read! "
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bennysrphub · 3 years
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy quote starters
" If you are what you eat, I could be you by morning. "
" Mayonnaise makes my skin all soft and touchable. "
" Just trying to get my mojo flowin'. "
" Are you some kinda idiot? "
" I can't move my legs, yo. I'm too...terrified. "
" Get away from [name], [they're] my property! "
" It's punchin' me kidneys! "
" Kid never heard of mouthwash... "
" Revenge is a dish best served with corn. "
" Gross, they gave me anchovies! "
" You'll have to forgive [name) — [they're) an idiot. "
" [Name], you've stolen my heart. Good thing I've got three or four more in the freezer. "
" I'll let you know when I start to care. "
" I suppose you know I don't give a-- "
" Oh, come on, what did I ever do to you?  Heh-heh... I mean, besides the kidnappings and electrocutions?
" Of course, all the good things in life must be taken by force." 
" All I ever wanted was to be loved. To care... to be cared for! "
" I'm busy. Go play in traffic. "
" Have you been drinking out of the toilet again?
" There's nothing that a bucket of spiders can't fix. "
" I'm pretty sure my mother doesn't allow me to go to the netherworld. "
" You could never have enough friends. "
" Fish don't have feelings, they're made of foam latex! "
" That story was so beautiful, it gave me gas. "
" You don't want to make me mad! I get angry when I'm mad! "
" You're trying to mess with me, aren't ya, [name]? Well, I'm not gonna letcha! Ya hear?! I'm not gonna letcha! "
" Yeah, that was pretty special. Wanna see my emotional scars? "
" I know you're close, you dirty human! "
" Hey, I'm not dirty, I just had a bath fifteen days ago! "
" That answers one question, yet raises so many others... "
" Alright, you dumbclucks! There's a new pecking order! "
" I'm not interested in the test. I'm interested in REVENGE! "
" The only thing I keep in me robe are terrible cursed objects! "
" Hey, boy. Trying to think, huh? "
" Young man, you can be rude, break furniture, run up phone bills, shave the cat, and even harrass your mother! But when you touch the pomp, it's GO TIME! "
" All we had to do was shake him and yell. It's the answer to everything! "
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bennysrphub · 3 years
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy quote starters
" If you are what you eat, I could be you by morning. "
" Mayonnaise makes my skin all soft and touchable. "
" Just trying to get my mojo flowin'. "
" Are you some kinda idiot? "
" I can't move my legs, yo. I'm too...terrified. "
" Get away from [name], [they're] my property! "
" It's punchin' me kidneys! "
" Kid never heard of mouthwash... "
" Revenge is a dish best served with corn. "
" Gross, they gave me anchovies! "
" You'll have to forgive [name) — [they're) an idiot. "
" [Name], you've stolen my heart. Good thing I've got three or four more in the freezer. "
" I'll let you know when I start to care. "
" I suppose you know I don't give a-- "
" Oh, come on, what did I ever do to you?  Heh-heh... I mean, besides the kidnappings and electrocutions?
" Of course, all the good things in life must be taken by force." 
" All I ever wanted was to be loved. To care... to be cared for! "
" I'm busy. Go play in traffic. "
" Have you been drinking out of the toilet again?
" There's nothing that a bucket of spiders can't fix. "
" I'm pretty sure my mother doesn't allow me to go to the netherworld. "
" You could never have enough friends. "
" Fish don't have feelings, they're made of foam latex! "
" That story was so beautiful, it gave me gas. "
" You don't want to make me mad! I get angry when I'm mad! "
" You're trying to mess with me, aren't ya, [name]? Well, I'm not gonna letcha! Ya hear?! I'm not gonna letcha! "
" Yeah, that was pretty special. Wanna see my emotional scars? "
" I know you're close, you dirty human! "
" Hey, I'm not dirty, I just had a bath fifteen days ago! "
" That answers one question, yet raises so many others... "
" Alright, you dumbclucks! There's a new pecking order! "
" I'm not interested in the test. I'm interested in REVENGE! "
" The only thing I keep in me robe are terrible cursed objects! "
" Hey, boy. Trying to think, huh? "
" Young man, you can be rude, break furniture, run up phone bills, shave the cat, and even harrass your mother! But when you touch the pomp, it's GO TIME! "
" All we had to do was shake him and yell. It's the answer to everything! "
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bennysrphub · 3 years
blog list !
as of right now, my blogs are:
@meowchemist , post-ending Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist
@intothedorkness Wirt of Over The Garden Wall! Headcanon heavy, often discusses dark themes such as death and the affects of nearly drowning.
@neverhurtstohelp Wander of Wander Over Yonder!
@thekidcomic The Kid of Kid Cosmic!
@shcrttempered Dan of Dan VS!
@cookiebandit Gary Goodspeed of Final Space!
@freaksqud Billy, Nergal Junior, and Irwin from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy!
List will be updated as needed!
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