bernardelli · 30 minutes
Hello, I hope you and your family are well.👋🙏
Could you please help me recycle the post on my account to support rescuing my family from the war in Gaza?💔🍉🍉
I would be very grateful for your time and efforts in helping us.❤️
Thank you so much.
I reposted, here is the link as well
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bernardelli · 33 minutes
Hi everyone. Mohammed Khalil (@ahmed0khalil) has asked me to share his story, and I’m writing on his behalf. Mohammed created the donation campaign for his little brother 6-year-old Ahmed, and he aims to raise funds to evacuate his family of 8. You can see in his blog how much he loves and worries for 6-year-old Ahmed. Mohammed is only 19 years old. This is not normal. He should have been in school, not begging for our attention to try and raise enough funds so that they can buy food, water, medicine, and a chance to evacuate to safety.
In Gaza, where the sounds of bombing blend with the cries of children, Mohammed and Ahmed's family experienced days they never imagined they would endure. Mohammed (19) and Ahmed (6) have four other siblings: Fathi, Aya, Anas and Abdullah. Aya (21) is a uni nursing student and Anas (15) is also a school student. Neither of them can study anymore with the current genocide. This war is especially hard on Fathi (23), who is blind and suffering from coronary artery disease, Abdullah (11) who is autistic and does not understand what is happening, and Ahmed (6), a small child who had barely started kindergarten before his education came to a halt.
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The destruction that struck the area left them with no place to live. The sounds of explosions fill the horizon, and the homes that once sheltered them have become piles of rubble. They suddenly found themselves outside their home, homeless.
The bombing not only destroyed their home, but also severely injured Mohammed. Mohammed was sitting at the entrance of the school his family was sheltering in when three bombs were dropped in front of him. The bombs destroyed a residential tower in front of Mohammed. Dust filled the air and the resulting rubble and shrapnel fell on Mohammed, injuring him in the leg. Mohammed was so severely wounded that he could not walk, and he had to lie there, hurt and bleeding, for 2 hours before the Palestinian Red Crescent came and carried him to the hospital.
The bombing shattered the glass in the school Mohammed and his family was staying at, but thankfully the children sustained no serious injuries. Soon after, they were asked to evacuate the school immediately as there were news that the IOF were going to bomb the Abbas prison near it. And so even though Mohammed was wounded, he could not rest and wait for his leg to heal, but had to leave again with his family.
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Now they are living in a small tent in a refugee camp. Mohammed told me that they had to bathe in polluted water and the place smelled of sewage and corpses. Camp life was difficult not only because of the scarcity of food, the infectious disease, and the polluted water, but also because of the psychological torture they endure. Looking at all the devastation, and how the world seems indifferent to their suffering, Mohammed told me that they, including young innocent 6-year-old Ahmed, had begun to lose hope for a better future.
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Internet is unstable and often lacking in the refugee camp. Mohammed is using the precious time when Internet is available to tell me his story. I hope you will not turn away their calls for help. They urgently need donations to provide for shelter, food, and medicine, as well as to evacuate out of Gaza. Donations are coming in really slowly for Mohammed’s campaign, and I beg all of you, please, don't turn a blind eye to his story. 
Mohammed’s campaign has been shared by 90-ghost and I’ve also been talking extensively with him. He is a very nice person and he just really wants to help his family survive. Please, please, help Mohammed evacuate himself, his 5 siblings and his parents! Little 6-year-old Ahmed does not deserve to live in fear of falling bombs every day, and neither does Mohammed and the rest of his family. 
Really low funds! Only €1,185 raised of €50,000 target!!
Please share/reblog and donate to help a family of 8! These are children we are talking about, and my heart breaks for what they have to endure.
Please follow Mohammed and Ahmed on @ahmed0khalil to get updates on their situation!
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bernardelli · 35 minutes
🚨 Urgent Humanity Appeal 🚨
A Father from Gaza Pleads to Save His Children
I’m Mounes Al-Kafarna, a father of two young children in Gaza. My youngest urgently needs milk, and my other child suffers from a skin disease that requires immediate treatment.
💔 We are struggling to survive due to the war, and I am asking for your help to save their lives.
Your donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference.
👉 Donate now 👇
By re-sharing the post from my personal page, posting it on your pages, and sending it to your friends, you can help.
🙏 Thank you for your kindness.
Of course I will share, here is the link
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bernardelli · 41 minutes
learning that people want you in their lives is a skill you can develop if it does not come naturally
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bernardelli · 4 hours
Had irl oomf over today (1st time hanging out w someone at my place other than my bf in like forever. Plus my first irl friend i made as an adult) and i took a bong rip from my big ass bong and smoked the whole bowl down and oomf was like bewilderd and amazed i did that. I felt so powerful and awesome
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bernardelli · 7 hours
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bernardelli · 7 hours
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I need everyone to see this tweet
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bernardelli · 7 hours
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real exchange i overheard between two of my bosses. ????
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bernardelli · 13 hours
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even our ancestors sang Popipo
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bernardelli · 13 hours
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bernardelli · 2 days
also there's no one stopping you from loving a badly written woman. in fact sometimes a badly written woman will crawl inside your brain and live there forever.
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bernardelli · 2 days
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We're insane
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bernardelli · 2 days
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he’s had a long day
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bernardelli · 2 days
mutuals if you were a video game character I would do every step of your questline and get your good ending
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bernardelli · 2 days
Hey. You. The American teenager inexplicably reading this. Don't join the US military. You're better than that. The military is a bunch of cops. Are they technically diverse and inclusive? On some level, kind of, almost. But their job is to kill people. They kill innocent people every day. They abuse their own members, especially their members who aren't white cis het middle class Christian men. The US exists through perpetual violence against the global working class, including its own working class. The military is how it carries out a large portion of that violence. You deserve better. You're better than that. Don't join.
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bernardelli · 2 days
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My botw link has a triforce scar (he made it) which I thought would be interesting since it’s not there in totk bc arm.
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bernardelli · 2 days
i cannot bring myself to tag my mutuals in things i think they would like cause it makes me feel like this
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