berryberrybunny · 1 year
Summary: Din is absolutely sure that you know that he’s courting you. He wants to makes the offer formally anyways. 
Pairing: Din Djarin x gn!Reader
Word Count: ~3.9k
Warnings: pining, absolute FOOLS in love, bit of grumpy x sunshine, Din thinking he's being so obvious while not showing a single emotion, self doubt and insecurity (Din), lil angst, probably incorrect lore, fluff, Mando'a (translations at the end)
A/N: This is the prequel to Significant! It's not necessary to read Significant first, though I do, of course, recommend it. You can read them in either order, or one and not the other. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!
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Din examines the blade closely, shifting it one way and then another.
The gleaming metal catches the light of the sun, reflecting back into the visor. He waits for a moment, until the clouds drifting through the sky obscure the rays again and he can more easily see the symbols engraved along the edge of it. 
“So?” The man across from him asks. “Obviously it’s no beskar,” he says, eyeing Din when he glances up. “But good enough, I hope?” 
“Beskar is not used for weapons,” he says. “Only for protection.” When the man bows his head in acknowledgement, Din slides the necessary credits across the table. “And the sheath?” 
The credits are collected in gnarled hands before the smith slides the leather sheath across the table. It’s soft and well oiled. “Pleasure doing business with you, Mando,” he says, sitting back in his chair as Din stands. “I hope your, ah, partner, enjoys it.” 
Din glances down at the blade and then back at the man. “It will be sufficient.” 
He hopes so, at least. 
The man is correct that it isn’t beskar, and so not as good of a gift as he could have hoped. But you are precariously and curiously weapon deficient for a person who’d spent years traveling the galaxy alone before joining him on the Crest. 
Probably because you’re disarmingly charming. You can talk your way out of practically anything.
Din sticks the blade into its holster and then tucks it against his back, the cloak falling forward to conceal it. “Thank you.” 
“Good luck,” his contact says, leaning back in his chair and folding his hands against his stomach.
The sun emerges from behind the clouds again as he searches the market for you and the child. It’s not a particularly dangerous planet, but you have a knack for trouble, not that you don’t also have a particular way of wriggling out of it. 
He sighs when he rounds a corner and finds you chatting with two people at a stall selling food. You’re focused on the woman in front of you, actively listening even as your hand sneaks food to the little green hand that pops out of the woven bag at your hip every few seconds. 
Din approaches and stops a few paces away, leaning against the corner of a wall and folding his hands in front of him to wait until you’re done. 
He’s content enough to indulge you in this, to wait until you’re done chatting. Though, as he’s come to realize recently, he’s content to indulge you in most things. He sometimes feels guilty that you’re often trapped with only him and the child in the Crest for days on end when you so clearly enjoy talking with people. You’re outgoing and talkative to his stoic and reserved. 
Your eyes flick to him, the grin on your face tugging a bit wider before you glance back to the people next to you. Though he would have waited there for you all day if that was what you required, he’ll be glad to have you back by his side. 
As Din watches you say your goodbyes to your temporary friends, that word flits through his mind again. 
Dangerous, hope laden. 
He tramps the thought down as he always does, buries the possessive twinge that the word works through his heart. 
You wave and turn away to approach him, your hand pushing back the blanket you’d layered over the top of the bag on your hip. To keep the sun off the baby, and keep prying eyes away from him. 
Long green ears poke up above the rim of the bag, suspicious chewing sounds echoing from within. 
“Find what you need?” You ask as Grogu finally pokes his head out, cooing up at him. Din settles a hand on the kid’s head for a moment before nodding at you. 
You tip your head to the side. “Well, I think we’re all done. The baby might be hungry-,” 
Grogu burps then, before he makes a sound that Din supposes must be a giggle. “I saw you feeding him,” he shares. 
You huff, “Well, he’s always hungry. Besides, that was just a snack.”
Din doesn’t respond. A smile tugs at his mouth as you pass another neon blue cracker down to the little waiting hand from the sleeve of them inside the shopping bag on your shoulder. He waits until the cracker has been taken from your fingers before subtly offering his arm to you as you begin your trek back to the ship. 
As always, a peel of anxiety settles in the pit of his gut as he waits for you to take it. And, as always, you take it without hesitation. 
Your hand settles firm and warm in the crook of his elbow. You tighten your grip and lean into him and he’s left to  wonder if it's conscious on your part, if you might be as drawn to him as he is to you. 
Either way, your weight is comfortable against him, your hand warm. The scent of you drifts up to him, your soap mixed with market scents, ash from cookfires, sun warmed leather, the breath of this humid world’s sweet air. 
There’s a curious hope that’s beginning to take shape in his chest. One that feels wrong almost, in its intensity. 
This is not something he could have ever hoped for, should have ever hoped for. 
And yet - 
First, the kid. 
Then you, tempering his initial meeting with Peli on Tatooine, protecting the child in his stead. He remembers Peli’s assurance when you accepted his offer to travel with him, of your penchant for job hopping. Never stays anywhere more than a couple months, had been her exact words, only been here a couple weeks. He had been assured that you’d be off on another adventure, with another person, on another world, within weeks. 
And, at the time, he hadn’t needed anything more than that. Temporary help. 
But years have passed, and you’re still by his side. 
Or, rather, he’s still by your side. If you decided to suddenly remove yourself from the Crest, he’s not sure what he’d do. He’s not sure how they’d fill the hole you would leave behind. 
You wouldn’t though. You are a part of the tiny clan he calls home. 
It’s unthinkable, the prospect, the notion, of you leaving him, them. 
What he intends to do next, then, is harder. 
Offering you the blade is only the first step of many. It’s an overdue one. He should have presented you with a weapon of your own long ago. He should have given you a courting gift long ago. Before he kissed you, shared a bed with you, let your fingers trace over the planes of his face, even if your eyes remained firmly shut. 
“So what did you need so urgently to pick up?” You ask as you emerge from the market and take a turn out of the center of the small town, still feeding pieces of the crackers to the child with your free hand. 
The world is a lush one, verdant with green undergrowth and prone to bouts of driving rain and humidity. The sun is still working its way through the sky as you cross out of the village and into the surrounding forest. 
“I never said it was urgent,” Din replies dryly, steadying you when you nearly trip over an exposed root. 
You smile and squeeze his elbow in thanks. “And that did not answer my question.” 
Din doesn’t answer immediately, instead watching the curve of your cheek, the way the sunlight catches in the feathering of your lashes. 
Din is always glad of the helmet. It provides safety. It lets him uphold his creed. But he’s none more grateful for it than recently. It allows him to watch you without fear of being caught, with the knowledge that you can’t see the way you make him blush and smile. 
“No,” he agrees. 
You roll your eyes at him, nudging your shoulder into his. “Cryptic,” you hum, your voice amused. 
When the ship comes into view, you release his arm and pull ahead of him. He automatically lowers the ship's ramp with the vambrace. You disappear inside the ship where he can hear you cooing to the child, banging around the hull as you settle in again and sort out whatever purchases you had made. 
It’s an oddly domestic moment, considering everything about your circumstances together. He has no doubt you’re indulging Grogu in something else. 
The dagger he means to give you weighs heavily against his spine, along with the pressure of the task he needs to complete, the offer he needs to make to you, officially. 
His relationship with you is a strange one. It’s one that seems to have started at the end and gone backwards, one that circles itself and eats its own tail. 
There are times he can’t imagine you not knowing that he intends you as his, and that he hopes that you feel the same. Like when he lies with you in the dark, helmet discarded somewhere near his feet, your careful hands tracing features you’ve never once asked to see. 
Seeing your face with his naked eyes for the first time, your features for the first time not distorted by the visor, had nearly upended everything inside him. How trustingly you’d tipped your head into his hands, waiting patiently for him to tell you what to do, or make a move. 
He could tell you felt no urge to open your eyes, no urge to take something from him he could never give you, not without making serious and lasting vows. 
Riduurok. Marriage. More literally: a love bond. 
Din longs to tell you to open your eyes in those moments, to let you see him as clearly as he sees you. Without any barriers. 
He shouldn’t have been able to see you like that, shouldn’t have been able to kiss you, shouldn’t have been able to touch you, sleep with you in his arms. 
He’s been lax, bending rules to the point of near breaking. 
Which is both dishonorable and unfair to you. You’re worth more than broken rules and fumblings in the dark. 
Still, he has to do something properly. And this is the thing he will do correctly, as is your right. As is his duty to you. 
It’s what you deserve. A proper offer, proper courting. Not whatever he’s been playing at so far. 
You are not Mandalorian, and you should also be afforded the chance to learn of his culture. To make a complete decision about him. Though he’s been teaching you some Mando’a phrases, you should see it all. Traditions and language and myths. To understand what you would be a part of. 
You and Grogu both, if he’s honest with himself. 
All he can do is lie everything at your feet and hope that he’s not found wanting. 
Something seizes in his heart, because you could reject it. You could easily reject the formality of it, tell him it had never been that serious to begin with. 
Din follows you into the Crest to find you patiently listening to the unintelligible chatter of the child. Wide brown eyes shift from you to him, tiny arms lifting. You smile and laugh, fidgeting with Grogu’s collar as Din shifts to lift him into his arms. 
He should give you the blade now, make promises to prove himself to you as an ally and partner, as worthy of you, capable of protecting you and the clan. But you’re already turning away, chattering about a bolt of cloth you’d seen in the market that you want to go back for before you have to leave the planet. 
“You should eat,” you remind him lightly, like he would forget if you didn’t tell him. Which, he supposes, is sometimes true. He forgets there’s more than ration packs to eat. “I’m going to shower.” You point to your bag, “Food for you.” 
“Yes,” he agrees. Then hastily says, “Wait.” He steps forward and snags your wrist in his hand before you can go any further.  
He shifts Grogu to the cradle of his other arm, nerves running up the inside of his skin. Cold sweat prickles at the back of his neck. 
You turn and lift a questioning brow. Whatever he meant to say sticks in his throat and he can’t find the words to say what he needs to. 
A smile plays around your lips. “You okay?” 
His hand is still on your wrist and he hastily releases you. “Yes.” 
“Okay,” you laugh. “So, what is it?” 
Din swallows, unsure if he’s going about this the right way. He knows what he should do, but he’d never seen it done before. There were few couples among the covert, and there had been periods without any couples at all.
He’s never had to do it before, never had to declare himself quite like this. “Nothing, cyare. It can wait.” 
You tilt your head. He can tell you’re amused. 
Instead of teasing him, you lean forward and tug at the lip of his helm. “Cyare,” you coo back at him before releasing him and turning into the fresher. 
There’s heat in his cheeks when the door slides closed.
“Mesh’la,” he hears you sing to yourself from within.
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“It’s not really the same, is it?” 
Din is only pretending to look at the stars that are scattered in the darkened sky above the Razor Crest. The faintest rays of sunlight can still be seen on the horizon. The sun never quite sets on this world, perpetually lit with just the barest brushes of light. Purple spills into midnight blue, the sun a smear of tangerine and honey.
He’s watching you from the corner of his eye. You’re lounging in the co-pilot’s chair, one hand braced on Grogu’s floating pod. 
“You can’t see the stars properly with that light,” you grouse. “I always miss sleeping in hyperspace anyway.”
Din still doesn’t answer, watching the line of your throat, the shape of your curled legs, the shine of your eyes in the relative darkness. It's an imitation of the routine you have in hyperspace, watching the stars until you fall asleep, or until you’re ready to go to bed. 
Your gaze shifts from the sky to him, your eyes abruptly meeting his. “Are you alright?” When he just tilts his head at you, you roll your eyes. “You’re quieter than usual. Which means you’ve been very, very silent all day. Since we got back from the market.” 
“I enjoy listening to you,” he hedges. 
“Is that so? What was I just talking about?” 
“The stars,” he answers easily, not really entirely sure that’s true. 
Your gaze narrows. “An easy guess.” 
He chuckles lowly. “Then you should have picked a more difficult question, cyare.” 
Your mouth pulls up into a smile. “So, what’s wrong?”
The worry that’s been gnawing a slow hole through his stomach all day beats back to life. It clenches his lungs in a tight fist that doesn’t compute. 
Of all the things to give him pause. Of all the things to frighten him. 
It had to be this. 
This thing he has no experience of, no knowledge of, no one that he could have watched when he was younger to at least imitate. 
His mind slides past the covert, all the way back to his mother and father. He remembers the gentle moments between them, the easy love, even in hard times, that should have lasted for decades. 
That's how he feels with you. Like everything is easy.
Din swallows the image down, courage returning to him. 
“Cyar’ika,” he answers, turning to face you directly. “I have something I’d like to give you.”
You perk up at that, straightening in your seat. “Oh? Is that what you were being mysterious about earlier?” 
You’re smiling, the words a joke. 
Din just nods, too nervous to attempt teasing you back, though it doesn’t show. He’s as still and silent as he always is. Instead he holds out a hand. 
You readily stand, placing yourself between his legs, your fingers still on his. 
He stares up at you, admiring the way those last dregs of light you complained of wash your skin in a low orange and pink haze. He must look at you for too long, because you suddenly jut out an impatient hip and fist your free hand on your waist, cocking an eyebrow at him. 
Despite himself, he huffs out a laugh. 
Din takes a steadying breath and reaches behind himself for the sheathed weapon at his back from beneath his cloak.
When he presents it to you, there isn’t a single word he can think to say. All those crashing thoughts of proving himself, of making vows to you someday and everyday in between, falls away, and he’s left adrift with nothing but the blade in his gloved hand.
He really isn’t even sure if he should say something. He’s not sure if it's normally done. 
He looks from your face, down to the knife and back again. 
A small frown has embedded itself on your face. You release his hand and reach out for it with both. Din hands it over carefully, watching you closely. 
You pull the blade from the sheath slowly, eyes roving over the dark metal, the polished handle. You align your fingers over the grip before your lips part softly, brow scrunching. Din opens his mouth, but you shake your head, peering at the lettering along the side of the blade. 
The language and script is foreign to you, he knows, etched in Mando’a. 
“It’s beautiful, but I can’t accept this.” His heart plummets, the air around him seeming thicker than before, hard to breathe. It all seems like a terrible miscalculation all of a sudden. His fear had been that you might reject it, but a much worse worry swims to the front of his mind. 
You could leave. If it offends you. 
“Din, this must have cost so much - you have so many weapons I can borrow. I’m not a fighter. I don’t even carry-,” you break off and shake your head again. “It’s too much.” 
Some of the tension in his chest releases. 
Din covers your hand, stopping the motion of you sliding the dagger back into the leather. His shoulders loosen by a fraction more, his heart not galloping quite so hard. “Please accept this.” A note of desperation slips into his voice, which he makes no effort to clear away. 
“I’m not a fighter, Din,” you repeat as your mouth pulls into a small smile. “It’s too much. It’s better with you, really.” 
He frowns at you, tilting his head. “That is not the point, cyare.” Din cups his hand around yours and guides it to the grip of the knife. “The point is that it’s yours. That I am offering it to you.” 
There are other things he should say to you, other promises he should make, he knows that, but he can’t bring himself to speak them. “It is yours,” he repeats. “As you are owed”  
You tilt your head and consider the blade again, pulling it slowly from the holster. “Owed,” you echo, a thread of confusion still laced in your voice, a question mark perched on the tip of your tongue. “But it is beautiful,” you say again, more confidently this time, turning it in your grip. 
He relaxes a little more when you seem to understand its meaning. 
“But the cost-,” 
He almost scoffs. He’s offering you his heart and you are worried about the cost. 
“It’s nothing. The smith owed me a favor,” Din says, watching as the smile on your face grows into something genuine. 
Unlike yourself, almost shyly, you ask, “It’s really mine?” 
He gives a simple nod of his head. “You’re proficient with knives,” he attempts to explain his choice. In a perfect world, he would have gifted you something cast from beskar. A piece of armor. But, the world wouldn’t be perfect then, you would be a very different person if you were one to wear armor as he does. 
“I had a good teacher,” you tease. “Thank you. You…didn’t have to go through all this though.” You peer at him from beneath your lashes. 
Din doesn’t answer, a smile easing onto his own face. He feels lighter, now. “What is this?” You point to the letters engraved on the blade. “I’ve never seen this script before.” 
“Take a guess, cyare.” 
You blink at him. “It’s not Mando’a is it?” You ask excitedly.
“It is.” 
“Well,” you say impatiently, lifting the metal closer to your face. “What does it say?”
He huffs a small laugh at your demanding tone. 
“Kar'taylir darasuum,” he says, taking your hand to lower the blade a fraction, pointing to each word as he speaks it. “To hold in the heart.” 
To hold in the heart forever, he should say. He should tell you that its literal equivalent in Basic is essentially to love. 
He doesn’t, his coward’s heart in this thing alone rising up again. 
You blink at him, a strange expression pulling over your features before you seem to shake the thought away. 
“Say it again,” you request. 
He repeats the words slowly, and you sound them out after him. You smile widely when he says, “Your accent is good.” 
“Thank you, Din,” you say, finally sliding the blade back into its sheath. His eyes flash up to yours when you press your free hand to the slide of his helmet. He doesn't blink, can't even draw a breath as you tilt his head up and bring your forehead to his in a gentle tap.
You rest like that for a moment, eyes fluttering closed, before you abruptly pull away.
He's done so much with you, seen more of you than he should have, but nothing rivals that moment, the kiss of your forehead to his.
“We should probably take the little one to bed, don’t you think?” You straighten and drop your hand. “I won’t sleep up here tonight,” you point to the sun. 
Din stands, presses a hand to your back. He’s more than happy to follow you down into the dark hull. Once the baby is settled and you’re pressed together, he removes his helmet and kisses you, first your closed eyelids, a thank you for something he isn’t sure he deserves. 
He wonders for just a moment, when you grin against his mouth, if you understand what just happened. 
But he pushes the thought away. 
There’s no way such a gift could be interpreted any other way. 
This is the beginning of him doing something right. He’ll teach you more Mando’a, he’ll share the myths held sacred by his people, he’ll remove his armor before you. 
He would lie all at your feet and hope that it might be enough. 
One day, he might actually be able to call you what he has trouble reminding himself you aren’t already. 
You’re molded to him in the dark, and the promise is more than enough for now. 
There's no way you don't know what it all means.
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Thank you for reading! Please let me know your thoughts!
Riduur - spouse, partner, wife, husband
Cyare - beloved
Cyar'ika - darling, sweetheart
4K notes · View notes
berryberrybunny · 1 year
Gotham!Riddler x GN!Reader, word count: 650 commission: gotham!riddler getting some very well-deserved love and affection after getting in a lil scrape commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, some minor injury
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“It went that bad, huh?”
“It didn’t go bad, they just didn’t… follow my plan.”
Edward stared at the ground, his glasses broken and askew on his face, usually tidy hair messed up and falling down into his eyes.
“And your plan was…?”
“My plan was to get those officers back for their cruel taunts, I thought if I called them out on the way they spoke to you, to us, that they might at least engage in some kind of… reasonable conversation. Maybe I could get them to see the error of their ways.”
“And instead?”
“Well… instead, they got angry, and opted to take that aggression out in a physical manner. I hardly think it’s my fault that they were too stupid to learn how to take criticism. I take enough of it, from people who definitely don’t know better. And I do know better. I know what’s right and what they should do and ow!”
His ranting was cut short as he hissed loudly, the Neosporin stinging his gentle, soft skin as you passed it over the grazes on his knuckles.
“I can see you gave back as good as you got though.”
“I tried…”
His gaze remained towards the floor, but you could make out the slight smile on his cheeks, which flushed with a hint of blush.
“You poor, sweet thing. You’re a hero in my books, anyway.”
Finally, he looked up, meeting your eyes with a gaze that searched for truth and sincerity in your words.
“Of course, Edward. You’re very brave, to stand up for what you believe in.”
He smiled, adjusting his glasses and pushing them up the bridge of his nose, twitching it from side to side to get them to settle in place. Smiling back at him, you brushed his hair back into place as best as you could, and without thinking, you leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on his now visible forehead.
Jumping back with an embarrassed, spluttering cough, you got back to work cleaning up his knuckles. He’d thrown punches, defending himself and by extension you. In fact, you suspected that a lot of it was for you. His face hadn’t stopped beaming since you gave him the small, sweet kiss. His eyes didn’t drift back to the floor, they were stuck on you, intense in their gaze.
“There, all done.”
Lifting his hands to your mouth, you kissed the knuckles, tilting them forward to kiss the back of his hands too.
“Kissing it better, it might help, you never know.”
“It… it might. The placebo effect has been proven time and time again to offer legitimate healing and preventative properties, all established through rigorous and extensive huh-”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to listen, but the way he spoke, the way his lips moved, his nose twitching with the words, it was impossible not to kiss him. So you interrupted him, his mumbles muffling against your mouth before he stopped completely, silent but for a few soft moans as he leaned into the affections.
Feeling his hand reach behind you, the moment felt perfect, until he pulled back with a yelp.
“What’s wrong?”
“My… hand. Fingers still hurt a bit, can’t really… offer you much in the way of reciprocated affections.”
Taking the offending digits, the ones which throbbed in pain as he tried to hold your head steady into the embrace, you kissed them again.
“Just means they need some more sweet placebos then, hm?”
Bashful, but attempting to push through it, he smiled, wide enough to push his cheeks up and shift his glasses.
“I would never turn down effective medical assistance.”
Clearing his throat, he made an attempt to apologise for how clunky his flirting was, but you were already silencing him with another kiss. You weren’t going to let him talk himself out of his deserved affections this time.
165 notes · View notes
berryberrybunny · 1 year
Please may I have yandare! Arkham Asylum Scarecrow kidnapping, being touchy and doting over the gn or male reader who just so happens to work as a psychologist at Arkham?
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Are you Afraid?
Arkham Asylum! Scarecrow x G/N reader
Note: I didn’t specify the gender of the reader, cause there was no need to include it.
Warnings: Kidnapping, yandere themes, slightly suggestive at the end of it.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“What-..what the…?” You softly said, your vision blurring as you came back to reality. Your ears ringing, all other sounds were hard to make out, mixed together, you couldn’t even make it all out. The only thing you could make out in fact was a voice speaking to you, a high pitched laugh erupting through the room.
As your vision unblurred, the black spots fading away, but the light was hard to adjust to. It wasn’t like it was very bright, but the contrast was hard to but aside.
When you finally are able to focus your eyes you came to find yourself, strapped down, lying completely on a medical table. The lamp shining down on your had a cloth taped over it, dampening the source.
Bandages seemed to be wrapped around your mouth, being securely held by medical tape around the front. The tightness of the bond made it impossible for you to move your mouth. You turned your head, trying to get a good look at your surroundings. It was obvious that you were no longer in the asylum, which is where you last were. You had fallen asleep at your desk, then you woke up here.
As you looked around you heard subtle thumping behind you, or maybe above you. You couldn’t see what, or who it was, your neck couldn’t look that far up, plus a rolly medical table was also positioned at the top of the table. The array and assortment of tools blocked your view of the noises.
“Who are you?” You shouted, wiggling around on the table, trying to break free of your confinements. The man laughed, the sound echoed through the room, a shudder went down your spine. The noise was eerily familiar, something you had heard before.
Writhing and wriggling, thrusting your torso up against the leather strap holding you tight to the table, barley being able to breath properly with how strict the grip was. It made you claustrophobic, the pressure against your chest and stomach made you panic as you began to thrash on the table.
Worry flooded through your body, a pit of terror sitting in your gut, you couldn’t move your legs, your arms barley had wiggle room, and you couldn’t lift your hands up enough to even loosen any of your restraints.
Tears clouded your vision, the loud, shrieking lighter almost drowned out the blaring ringing in your ears.
The thumping approached you, you figured they were footsteps as they had a pattern to them, you saw a figure, a shadow behind the light. Your panic got worse, you began to squirm your way to the opposite side of the table, trying to get as far away from the looming man as possible.
He leaned forward, you could feel something that hung from his neck tickling yours as he got closer.
When you gathered the courage to look at him you did, and what you were met with shot horror through your body.
A masked face, under a torn and worn hood. The mouth hole of the mask was almost fully sewn together, leading strings to dangle off of the hole, some holding it shut, but you could almost see inside through the small holes left.
The eyes were a mesh sorts, small holes in the burlap material providing the man proper sight as he gazed into your eyes, peeling away your person to reveal the soul within, his undying stare…
Another laugh erupted from his mask, his eyes closing tightly, leaning his head down to rest on your quickly rising and falling chest. You could see what was tickling your neck, a cut off noose hung from his neck, the loose little things frilling off of the end of the rope.
As he looked back up, slightly turning his head as he leaned forward, his chin right above your neck as he looked over you, bloodshot eyes never blinking.
You paused, why was this man’s eyes so familiar to you? It seemed like you had stared into them before, the swirl of the red, mixed in with the natural hazel to brown ratio of his iris… you had come to a sudden realization.
“Crane?” You exclaimed, pushing back against the table once more, you could see the madman’s smile that crooked onto his face as you realize who he was.
“Doctor…” he said, soft giggles and cackles escaping his lips in between the syllable of your title. He was acting strange, maybe it was his power he had, the constant laughing out you on edge.
“What the fuck? What the hell are you doing?” You shouted, your loud voice not fazing him as he he swiftly hopped up into the table, almost straddling you as he only slightly was raised above you. Pressing the side of your face into the table trying to get away from him.
“Havent I made it most clear?” He voice was sharp as he rushed his words out, he gently caressed your exposed neck with his gauntlet, the grazing of the needles caused your breath to hitch.
“Obvi-Obviously not..” your hissed, scrunching your face up, preparing for the incision of his needles into the vulnerability of your neck.
He leaned down, removing the needles, replacing it with the material of his mask, pressing his nose on your neck through it, deeply inhaling, you cringed as he let out an oddly pleasurable sigh. He pressed his body back down into you, resting his body on yours.
“Uh- hey man,” you struggled between the already tense restraints, and the whole person resting on you.
You couldn’t deny the fact that before this, you had gotten attached to this man through your sessions, trying to talk him through everything. He had only been compliant with you, not resisting anything, willingness to follow your instructions, he was different with you then the other psychologists.
So the fact that he was snuggling into your neck was only slightly alarming, it made your face heat up as he rises from his resting point. You stared into his eyes, the beautiful colors shining back at you.
“I believe you’ve gotten the message now, doctor..” he said, his high-pitched voice going softer. You nodded, if you were getting his messages, you became oddly excited, your eyes darted around his masked face as gently pulled it up, revealing the man underneath.
He was older, not really old, but definitely older then you. He was sharp and soft features at the same time, several scars covering the soft skin on his face. Speaking of that, he was skinny, very skinny, his cheeks hollow as he gave you the wide, mad smile he was originally hiding under his mask.
He lowered his face onto yours, pressing his lips into yours. They were chapped, and thin, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as you lifted your face up to lean into him, gently kissing him back. He reached down, swiftly undoing your arm and torso restraints, allowing you to lean up, grabbing his body.
You ran your finger through his now exposed hair, it was slightly knitted and tangled, but as you continued to make out with him, you gently worked your fingers through those.
He pulled away, his eyes soft, his hands running and rubbing over your body. He ran his hand down, and down, slipping it under your white button up your normally wore under your coat, but he had taken that off prior to strapping you down.
He ghosted his finger tips over the bottom of your torso, dancing his jagged and chipped fingernails over the soft skin, occasionally pressing into, just enough to turn the skin around it a soft red.
He trailed his hand up to the top buttons, slowly undoing them, one at a time, his slow, steady pace got your breath to speed up in excitement. He looked up at you after finishing, leaving the cloth hanging on your form, not yet taking it off despite it being unbuttoned.
He leaned down, pressing kisses onto your collarbone and neck, hot, it felt like every time he would press his lips to your skin, for every open mouthed kiss, it felt like he burnt a hole in the skin of your neck. He tilted his head up, his lips outside your ear.
“Tell me doctor.. are you afraid?”
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
An Unexpected Entrance
BTAA Scarecrow x gn! Reader (NSFW)
(1,426 words)
Summary: You find the Scarecrow in a compromising position and decide to have some fun with him.
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Warnings/Tags: 18+, masturbation, dom! reader, sub! scarecrow, blackmail, fear play, pain play (kinda)
Notes: lmao sorry I was gone for so long, I just started a new semester at college and I’ve been trying to adjust. anyway, I finally got around to listening to BTAA over christmas break and it was SO GOOD and I am down so incredibly bad for scarecrow so uh, here’s this. enjoy the fic
You could see the pale sky beginning to darken outside. Finishing up organizing the documents, your final task of the day was to deliver the files to your boss’ office upstairs. It was getting late and there was nobody else in the warehouse but you.
Not a single soul.
So when you heard a faint voice coming from within the walls, it was enough to make you shit your pants.
In this warehouse, the feeling of fear was inevitable to anyone who entered it. From low level grunts, to helpless test subjects, and to those who were just trying to get by such as yourself, fear was the one vulnerability that nobody could hide. The more one defied their fears and faced them, the less likely they were to get the axe (literally, in some cases). Although your boss, the Scarecrow, loved to see the courage, nothing pleased him more than the wailing and panic of the frightened.
Keeping your mantras of courage in mind, you pressed onward up the stairs- determined to deliver the documents, and to finally go home for the weekend. It seemed that the further you proceeded, the voice only became clearer. You could make out hushed grunts followed by the sound of your name. Trying to tune out the eerie moans and reach you destination as quickly as you could, you practically all but crash through the door of your boss’ office, where you were greeted to the source of the noise.
“Sorry to disturb you so late, but I have the-” Your words trailed off as you looked up from your papers. In front of you was Dr. Jonathan Crane, completely red in the face, leaning over his desk in an awkward position. He seemed to be trying (and failing) to mask his surprise at your unexpected entrance. He was definitely hiding something, and with the implications of what you just heard, your cheeks began to redden.
“Dr. Crane,” you murmur. Looking him up and down, Jonathan’s expression of feigned collectedness begins to falter as you toss the files on the side drawer and make your way in front of his desk, leaning forward ever so slightly. “Were you just…”
“I don’t think I know what you’re talking about.” He says slowly, in a pathetic attempt at gaslighting. Detecting the slightest quiver in his voice, your inquisitive expression forms into a knowing smirk, realizing that for the first time since you’ve taken this job, you now have leverage over Gotham’s mastermind of fear.
“There’s no need for mind games, Doctor.” You chuckle darkly. Crossing the threshold of his desk, you briefly glance down and notice the unmistakable tent in his pants, proving your assumptions to be correct. Spurred on by his obvious excitement at your presence, you continue to toy with him. “There’s no shame in wanting to feel good you know.”
You could feel him tense up after placing your hand softly on his shoulder. “However, I do suggest maybe locking the door next time.” Your hands slowly trail up and down him arms. “I don’t think you realize how lucky you are that it was me who caught you and not someone like, I don’t know, Oswald Cobblepot?” You could hear his breath hitch.
Working around the warehouse, you often heard things that you probably shouldn’t have been hearing. You heard things that if repeated out loud, could land you in the Scarecrow’s clutches, with fear toxin running through your bloodstream or a kill collar around your neck.
“How did you..?” Crane grits out.
“I wonder what he would think after he saw what I saw.” You continue to probe. Having the Scarecrow in such a vulnerable position not only increased your adrenaline and growing arousal, but also allowed you to get away with the words you knew could get you into some deep shit. “I wonder how that would affect your deal with him on the conflict regarding Harvey Dent.”
“Oh please,” he groaned, “So, you know about one of my higher-profile patients? Big whoop.”
“It’s not about who your patient is, but rather what kind of experiments you’ve been conducting on him.” While placing a strong kiss on his cheek, you whisper in his ear. “Let’s just say, I know that it’s not your usual brand of medicine.”
Before he could protest, Jonathan let out a low whine when he felt your mouth on his neck. Your hands began to twist down his chest, beginning to unbutton his shirt. You could feel him shiver at the sensation of your hands grazing over his chest as each button became undone.
“You know, I checked,” You whisper, pressing soft kisses down his neck. “On the paper work, there was an unnamed compound along with your usual shipment.” With deft hands, Dr. Crane’s shirt was completely open, leaving your hands to wander across his chest. “The compound came from an ACE Chemicals facility which, rumor has it, experiments on pharmaceuticals- typically used by psychiatrists such as yourself, with that of the Joker’s laughing gas.” Harshly gripping at his chest for emphasis, Crane winced; your blackmail seeming to increase his arousal. “…Care to explain?”
For the first time since you entered his office, Jonathan looked back where his eyes met yours. He looked intense, and dangerous- almost like a warning, but God, also so desperate. Refusing to speak, you knew that he was trying to defy you at your game. Luckily, you don’t often like to play fair.
“Ok fine,” you sigh, with artificial defeat. “You don’t have to tell me about that, instead, let’s talk about what you were doing before I came in.” You soothe your hands up to his shoulders, delicately tracing down to his collarbones. “I want to hear you say it.”
For some reason, that seemed to shake him more than your discovery of whatever shady dealings he had going on. Jonathan seemed hesitant, debating if he should tell the truth or not. When he took too long to answer, you grew impatient. He let out a loud whimper when you sharply nipped at his neck, biting just shy of drawing any blood.
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” You chuckle. Your hand makes its way up to Jonathan’s throat and wraps around him firmly. Not hard enough to choke him out, but enough to show that you mean business. “C’mon doc, you usually have so much to say! No need to get all shy on me now, you’re only making it worse for yourself.”
“I was jerking off.” He confesses almost immediately. Christ, he was pathetic and you fucking loved it.
“There we go!” You laugh. “Now, was that so hard?”
Jonathan shakes his head. You can see him burning with shame and trepidation at your next move. You now begin to understand why the Scarecrow is so obsessed with fear, as you drink up Jonathan’s nerves like if it were that ice cold water bottle on your nightstand after waking up from a nap with a dry throat- Excruciatingly satisfying.
You rake your nails along the back of his neck, fingernails biting gently into his skin. “Look at me, Jonathan.” You order him.
He gives a low whine as he complies, turning around and gazing at your lips. Taking his chin in between your fingers, you tilt his head to bring your lips to his in a tender kiss.
Letting his guard down, Crane practically melts, giving you the perfect opening to slip in your tongue. As the kiss grew more heated, you grip Jonathan tighter; holding him in place for when you finally decide to nip at his lips.
When he yelps in surprise, you seize the opportune time to flip him back around to face over his desk, and unbuckle his belt.
“You are going to finish what you started, understand?”
Crane nods his head.
“Say it.”
“Yes,” he whimpers.
“Good.” In a shared effort, Jonathan’s pants fall to the ground as you see him reach for his aching cock.
“…And as you fuck yourself, you are going to tell me what you were thinking about and what you want me to do to you, got it?”
“Oh God, Yes.” He groans, feeling your mouth leave marks on his sensitive neck.
“I want you to say my name, as you begin to lose yourself; just like before.”
Hearing a compliant moan erupt from his throat, Jonathan’s hand begins to jerk himself off at a steady pace, already eager to listen to you.
“…And remember, don’t let my being here stop you.”
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
Congrats on your 3000 followers!! 💜 You're amazing and you deserve all of them!
Could I pretty please request a SFW prompt and an Angst prompt with a female reader and, I'm sure you're totally surprised, with Hunter? 😉🥰
Angst: "I don’t like you. I can barely tolerate you."/"Then why do you keep coming back?"
SFW: "You’re not alone. you never were."
I can't wait to see what you come up with! Love you, sweetheart!! 💜💜
Prompt List Celebration 3000 followers
Hunter x F!Reader
word count: 1.7k
“I don’t like you. I can barley tolerate you.” • “Then why do you keep on coming back?”
“You’re not alone, you never were.”
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warnings: little bit of angst and a little bit of fluff and minor mention of alcohol. Reader is described as lonely and female.
authors note: hope you enjoy beautiful and sorry for the wait photogirl894 💜
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In the vast expanse of the galaxy, being alone was a daunting prospect, especially for someone like you. With no other means of survival than picking up odd jobs here and there, your life changed when you crossed paths with a group of rogue clones known as The Bad Batch.
Sitting at Cid's parlour, you couldn't help but overhear their briefing when Hunter, the group's leader, questioned the Trandoshan about a remote location you happened to know. Summoning some liquid courage, you approached the group and introduced yourself to the boys and Omega, which eventually led to becoming one of their closest allies. However, Hunter was not your biggest fan, and the feeling was almost mutual.
Despite this, the others recognized your reliability, trustworthiness, and skill with a blaster. But this sergeant, known to Cid as "dark and broody," seemed to eye you suspiciously, as if waiting for you to turn on them. Though you understood the need for caution, you hoped that after seven missions together, he would have developed some level of trust in you. Perhaps he did and didn’t want to voice it in case it bit him in the behind in the future which was fine with you, you were just glad that you had some company for once.
After a mission where everyone barely made it out alive, Omega begged you to stick around for a while. Ordinarily, they would have dropped you off back on Ord Mantell, but this time, given the star's location, it made sense for you to stay aboard the Marauder.
“That’s up to Hunter,” you fold your arms over your chest and glance over to the sergeant who was piloting the ship.
You spot his shoulders tense the second you speak his name and quickly glances over his shoulder to look at you, and then a pleading Omega who had her little hands cupped together as if to beg Hunter to let you stay.
Hunter chewed on the inside of his cheek before nodding, saying nothing. As Omega excitedly tugged on your arm, eager to play, you stole another glance at Hunter and saw him smiling. But just as quickly, he looked away, and his smile disappeared. It was all rather peculiar.
As the hours ticked by, Omega's unrelenting energy had gradually dwindled down to a gentle hum. Eventually, she lay sprawled out on the floor, her head nestled in your lap, cradling her beloved Lula the Tooka and Bad Batch doll. You watched her chest rise and fall with each peaceful breath, mesmerized by her innocent slumber. It would have been a shame to disrupt her bliss, but as you heard footsteps approaching, you knew you had to act fast.
Without warning, Hunter materialised before you, his sharp eyes glancing down at the two of you on the ground. You caught his attention with a hushed whisper, requesting his assistance. He nodded silently, and with a surprising tenderness, picked up Omega in his sturdy arms, tucking her into her room aboard the ship with utmost care.
As he turned to leave, you couldn't help but seize the opportunity to engage him in conversation, hoping to delve deeper into his enigmatic persona. “Thanks, I thought I’d wake her if I tried to do that.” You thanked him warmly, grateful for his considerate gesture.
Hunter paused, his piercing gaze scanning your face intently, as if analysing you for hidden motives. He leaned against the wall, folding his arms against his chest, his expression inscrutable.
"She's a light sleeper usually, so it's nice to see her sleeping well for once," he remarked with a soft tone, his words laced with a hint of protectiveness.
"And you?" you inquired, curious to learn more about his habits.
"Me?" he repeated, his brows furrowing in thought. "It depends. If I feel cautious, I tend to sleep lightly or not at all. But if I feel safe and relaxed, I sleep heavily."
You nodded, intrigued by his response, and couldn't resist teasing him with a playful question. "How do you think you're going to sleep tonight with me onboard?"
Hunter's reaction caught you off guard. His stomach twisted with a sudden jolt, and his breath caught in his throat. His inner turmoil was palpable.
"I..." he trailed off, shaking his head dismissively. "I need to pilot the ship."
Undeterred by his evasion, you trailed after him, determined to uncover the truth. "Why do I get the feeling you don't like me?" you prodded, taking a seat opposite him. His sidelong glance spoke volumes, but he refused to meet your gaze. A nagging suspicion tugged at the back of your mind. "Or are you hiding something else from me?"
To your surprise, Hunter's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and he averted his gaze even further. The thought of Hunter possibly harboring feelings for you was wild and almost delusional but his reaction almost sealed it for you. Your intuition buzzed with excitement as you pressed him for answers. "Oh," you exclaimed, "you do like me?"
"I don't like you," he protested, his words faltering and jumbled, “I can barely tolerate you.” But his resistance only fueled your suspicion.
"You're a bad liar," you teased, playfully kicking his chair to face you. "Then why do you keep coming back?"
Hunter's composure faltered as your question left him bewildered. His gaze fixated on you, as if he was seeing you for the first time. He was hesitant, almost deterred, his tough exterior now beginning to crack under your gaze. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice rough with emotion.
You allowed yourself a small, smug smirk as you reveled in the fact that you had taken him off guard. "Well," you began, "for someone who claims to not ‘like’ me, you don't seem to have a problem working alongside me. You say you can barely tolerate me, yet here I am, sitting across from you because you allowed me to stay."
Hunter couldn't deny the truth of your words. He had never been able to tolerate you, but that was only because being around you made his senses go wild with an unbearable pleasure. As a soldier of war, he wasn't accustomed to such feelings, and they made him uneasy. "What about you?" he asked, trying to divert the conversation. "You must have had an idea that I was off around you. So why did you come back?"
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, leaning forward in your seat with a small, knowing smile on your lips. "I take your avoidance as a confirmation that you do, in fact, like me," you said quickly, before he could object to which… he doesn’t. "And the reason why I come on these crazy missions? Because it's fun."
Hunter raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Nothing we do is fun."
"Of course it is!" you exclaimed, laughing lightly though you quickly lowered your voice, not wanting to wake the others. "I haven't had an adventure like this in a long time. Plus, the company isn't too bad either." You playfully tapped his knee with your foot, and he felt his heart swell at the gesture and your words.
As he stared at you, watching the reflection of the beautiful blue hyperspace on your features, he couldn't help but feel more drawn to you. He had wasted so many missions backing away from you and secretly longing from afar to let any more opportunities go a miss. Softly, he asked, "Who were you with before?"
You blinked and turned your head to look at him, shaking your head. "I've always been alone," you said quietly. For as long as you could remember, you had never felt like you belonged to anyone or anywhere until this very moment. But who were you to decide your place with this team?
"Family? Friends?" Hunter pressed.
Again, you shook your head, looking down at the control panel. "Nope," you sighed. "Just me. But can I be honest with you?"
“For so long I’ve wondered what it’s like to belong. To have a true click with some people but all I’ve ever had was betrayal.” You bring your knees to your chest on the chair, resting your chin on top of them. “The galaxy is so big for a girl like me who is always seeking adventures yet I feel alone. I am alone. But when I met you guys?” You look over at him, gauging his reaction at your next choice of words, “I’ve never felt more at home than I do here with you.”
“I know it’s bold of me to ever think I could be allowed to stay but to just be friends with you all is enough for me.”
His heart aches at your words and even more so at the glossy look in your eyes as you speak freely. “You’re not alone,” ever so gently he mimics your action from before and kicks your chair lightly to spin you to face him, leaning forward just a little, “you never were.”
You tilt your head at him and that’s when he ever so gently places a hand on top of yours. “Not anymore, anyway.���
Your eyes light up and your lips part. “You’d let me stay?”
An inch of a smile nudges onto his lips and before he could even nod, you’ve flung yourself at him and wrapped your arms around him and thanked him a thousand times. “I can’t believe this! Really?!” You enthuse, pulling away to look him dead in the eye.
Hunter has his hands placed under the seat of the chair as if it hold himself up, completely stunned as you were now literally in his lap and clouding his senses to the point he almost collapses. He can see every detail of your features, each more perfect than the next as his voice box snaps open and shut as he tries to manage his words.
“If you’d like,” he gulps, internally screaming at himself for not sounding as cool and collected as he would have hoped.
In return however, instead of teasing him for his flustered state you squeal and hug him tighter than before and then jump off and try to stop yourself from punching the air in excitement. “Thank you Hunter, you won’t regret this!”
You bound out of the cockpit, probably to celebrate in private which leaves Hunter feeling both a mixture of amusement and somewhat nerves. Here’s hoping that one day, he plucks up the courage to ask you out on a date.
After all, you knew he liked you anyway.
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Tags: @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @imalovernotahater @swiftiexstarwarssimp @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi i @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @rintheemolion @seriowan @agenteliix @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid @the-good-shittt @whore4rex @imperialclaw801
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
Dano is so silly. He killed corrupt members of the city and flooded the place.
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It's so easy to forget. I often have to reconcile with myself that this baby-faced numbers guy is the one beneath the mask.
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
All Dolled Up🎀
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Pairing: Tech × Reader
Warnings: SFW, fluff, body dysmorphia, trying new things, exploring out of comfort zone, shyness, praise and encouragement.
Summary: Tech finds that bows, frills and bright colors suit you. He takes you on a experimental shopping spree to deck you out with all the things you would typically deny yourself, wrought with the belief that you are undeserving of such extravagant attire.
Read on ao3 & wattpad - about 2k words
Masterlist   -   My kofi ✨
Keep reading
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
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Scarecrow PC Wallpapers || Batman Adventures Edition
Free to use, but please do not repost elsewhere If you’d like a wallpaper with a different color scheme or pattern, just ask!
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
(This is me coming back from the dead to push more Na’vi-are-just-really-big-blue-cats-you-can’t-change-my-mind headcanons lmao)
So, this headcanon will need a bit of context. You know how cats ‘knead bread’? That’s because when they were kittens, they did that gesture on their mom’s tummy so that her milk could come out more easily. Anyway, onto the headcanon
I think, that Na’vi babies do the exact same thing, except on the mother’s breast.
Just imagine, you’re feeding your half-human half-Na’vi baby (which is already a feat, since those little ones have fangs), when all of a sudden, they start kneading your breast.. ouch.
Sure, it does make the milk come out faster, but this makes breastfeeding intolerable! You find out that you have to have your mate reallllly close if you want this to work. They’ll put their hands around your breast (protecting it) to take the assault of kneading.
ALSO Na’vi toddlers do that when they’re hungry! They’ll be sleepy on their blanket and then start absently kneading it. (That makes it so much easier to know what’s wrong when they start crying. They’ll be crying as if you killed their entire family, but kneading their blanket/anything they’re laying on franctically)
I think that even as adults, Na’vi like kneading things, so to show their mate that they love them, they’ll sometimes just come up to them to massage them. That’s when everyone involved in the massage start purring wildly
-🐋 anon
okay this is so genuinely cute, but my titties hurt at the thought 😭 you just know that that baby is getting yeeted to their daddy when you need a damn break lmaoooo
but na'vi kneading impulse is so cuuuuuute AHHHHHH i love the idea of it being instinctive even when they reach adulthood! i can imagine human reader being a little bewildered about why their Na'vi made keeps kneading their shoulders and rubbing their back and shoulders, but damn it's not like you're gonna complain?! and the purring - they probably enjoy the kneading more than you, especially since you're so much smaller than them. they like feeling you melt under their fingers; it makes them feel accomplished!
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
That or he hooks an arm under you and carries you at his side like your wood he just collected
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this with tsu’ tey and y/n 😭😂
once tsu'tey gets in the habit of lifting you good fucking luck to you, because this man will never put you down. and it will never be in a dignified or romantic manner, either.
he'll be carrying around the village tucked under his arm like a football
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
I’m gonna need a live Tsu’tey reaction-
Human reader showing off their stretch marks to their Na’vi partner like, “I have stripes just like you!”
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
ミgood loving
🍓pairing: tsu'tey x human fem reader
🍓tags: nsfw, interspecies relationship, size kink, human x na'vi, jake is an embarrassing friend (but we're very grateful to him), oral sex (fem receiving), p in v sex, squirting, overstimulation
🍓word count: 16.6k (when i say i have no self control i mean it)
reblogs are always enormously appreciated!
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The Omaticaya clan gather around the cook fire every evening; communal meals are a huge part of their community, and it had taken quite a while after the expulsion of the RDA before the humans that had stayed on-planet were allowed to take part. It was a huge concession on the part of the clan, but it’s one that is met with great eagerness.
You join the clan for dinner almost every night. It’s taken some trial and error for you to discover what you can and can’t eat; some of the spices and meats don’t agree with human digestive systems, but you thoroughly enjoy the vegetables and sweet fruit desserts.
The company, too, is far more enjoyable than the company back at the science outpost. No offense to the science guys or anything, but you were never very close with any of them and spending extended amounts of time with them made you feel like you were losing your mind. 
No, you much preferred spending time with the Na’vi. 
“Strawberry milkshakes,” You say with a wistful little sigh, lounging by one of the fires.
Jake thinks for a moment, his big blue alien face all scrunched up. It had taken a long while to get used to seeing him like this, but you can still see his human features if you look closely. 
“Gatorade.” He decides at last. “The grape flavoured one.”
It’s a stupid game, listing out the things you miss most from Earth, and you know he’s mostly just humouring you. Jake is more at home here amongst the Na’vi in his Avatar body than he ever was back amongst humans – while you grow nostalgic and wistful, Jake seems as unaffected as if he were recalling a poorly remembered dream.
“Chocolate.” You say, tilting your head back to stare up at the darkening sky. Though it’s past eclipse, the forest is still alive with life – the trees overhead and the moss all around you glows, so beautiful that you wonder, once again, how any of this is real.
“You’ve said chocolate like, three times.” Jake points out, grinning. 
“Yeah, well, I really mean that one.” You sigh.
That makes him laugh, and he reaches out to shove hard at your shoulder. It’s something he used to do a lot when he was human and you had gotten too absorbed in your work at the lab, but now he’s twice your size and strong – you go flying straight off the log you’ve been sitting on and sprawl into the dirt.
“Oh, shit.” As always, he sounds surprised, as though his strength is still catching him unawares. “Sorry.”
You grumble a little as you push yourself up out of the dirt, but you’re not really annoyed. It’s good to see Jake in such good form – being blue and nine feet tall suits him more than his human body ever did, and you can’t drum up any irritation when he’s so visibly happy. 
“Ma’Jake.” A call comes from the forest behind you, and you turn your head.
The sound of Neytiri’s voice and soft footsteps has you trying to push yourself up and look unaffected; she’s always so elegant and composed, and it’s embarrassing to be caught sprawled on the forest floor like an idiot.
But then you catch sight of another figure following behind Neytiri, and you scramble up to your feet so quickly that you nearly overbalance entirely.
Tsu’tey is probably one of the most terrifying people you’ve ever met in your whole life. The Na’vi are all intimidating, courtesy of their enormous size and general dislike of humans, but Tsu’tey seriously takes the cake for being the scariest of all of them. He’s so rarely seen without a scowl on his face, and he tends to radiate an aura of authority and power that’s scary enough to have your knees weakening. And yet, after a period of outright hostility towards you and your kind, he’s finally started to soften just a little. You think your constant presence around the place has finally started to wear him down.
You fancy the hell out of him.
As Neytiri joins Jake and murmurs a soft greeting in his ear, you’re left staring stupidly at Tsu’tey. Damn, he’s so pretty. His proportions are exotically attractive, all broad shoulders and sculpted abdominals and an insanely narrow waist. You hope that it’s not obvious that you’re gaping at him like a fool, but since he’s not blind, you’re sure he notices.
“Hi.” You manage to say, though it comes out a little strangled.
Tsu’tey just looks at you with that same odd expression he always wears around you, as though he doesn’t quite know what to make of you. He's always been a little hostile towards humans, though he's never been anything but polite around you (and maybe a little awkward). You try not to delude yourself into thinking it means anything; most likely, he's trying to be cordial for Jake's sake.
“Demon,” He greets, frowning. “You have a stick in your hair.” 
“Oh,” You breathe, reaching up to bat at it. “Shit.”
That seems to mark the end of his attention towards you, because he turns back towards Jake and Neytiri before sitting opposite them on the log that Jake had accidentally shoved you off. Neytiri had already settled in beside Jake and handed him a waterskin filled with something that makes Jake grimace fondly after he takes a deep drink from it.
For a moment, you hover beside the three sitting Na’vi awkwardly. You’re uncomfortably aware that you’re just a human among them, an interloper on this planet and in this village. You’ve been friends with Jake for a long time now, ever since you both arrived on Pandora, but sometimes moments like this remind you just how much things have changed. Your friend isn’t human anymore, and you feel the familiar pang of loneliness settle deep in your chest.
“Hey, kid, you ever had unilpay?” Jake says suddenly, turning back to you and holding out the waterskin. “Try it.”
You’re startled out of the melancholy sort of air that had settled over you. You had been lost in self-pity, assuming that your presence had been forgotten – it’s a pleasant surprise to find Jake grinning at you as he holds out what you know is the Na’vi version of alcohol made from some sort of fermented sap.
His stupid grin reminds you of old times, and you grab at the waterskin eagerly. It’s probably a terrible idea to try alien alcohol, but you’re seized with the desire to fit in amongst this little group. Besides, you and Jake have never been known for thinking things through – Norm was usually the one to pull the two of you back, and he’s not around right now.
As you take a deep breath before carefully lifting your breathing mask up so you can sip at the unilpay, Tsu’tey continues scowling at you. He’s always so stern, so carefully guarded – you imagine he probably disapproves of you being allowed to join in on Omaticaya customs.
“Is that wise?” Tsu’tey asks, looking to Jake with a frown. 
Jake just snorts. “She’s had worse than this.”
That makes you snort too, and you don’t argue as you sip at the drink that he’s offered you. It’s far sweeter than you had expected, with a thick texture that coats your mouth and throat like syrup. It’s missing the acridity that you associate with human alcohol, but you can feel the familiar burn that you associate with alcohol creeping up your throat and into your nose, making you cough.
You hurry to press your mask back to your face as you cough and reach out to pass the waterskin back to Jake. “Damn, that’s strong.”
Jake takes it back then passes it to Tsu’tey, who drinks from it deeply. It looks as though he’s gotten over his disapproval of you drinking the Na’vi alcohol, at least for now, and you take the opportunity to subtly admire the soft bobbing of his throat as he drinks.
“I thought of something else,” Jake says, drawing your attention away from Tsu’tey. 
You glance at him, surprised yet undeniably delighted that he hasn’t forgotten about you entirely now that Neytiri and Tsu’tey have arrived.
“Oh yeah?”
The grin on Jake’s face is all teeth, and in this moment he looks more like his human-self than he has in a long time. 
“A nice, iced beer.” He drawls, looking immensely satisfied with himself.
Your mouth twitches, delighted that he’s still engaging in your silly little game. “I was always more of a cocktail girl myself.”
Jake laughs and nods in approval. “Oh yeah, good point. How good does a Sex on the Beach sound right now?”
Beside him on the log, Tsu’tey chokes on the unilpay. His expression betrays his shock, and the beads in his hair all clack together as his head whips around to stare at Jake in disbelief. Neytiri looks similarly surprised, but she seems to be familiar enough with Jake’s human idiosyncrasies that she’s willing to wait for an explanation.
You start to giggle, both in response to Jake’s comment and to Tsu’tey’s reaction. “Yeah, that does sound pretty good.”
Tsu’tey looks rather scandalised, and he whips around to watch Neytiri for a reaction. She’s too busy watching Jake with a narrow-eyed expression that’s scary enough that you wonder how Jake doesn’t realise that he’s in danger.
Taking pity on the two of them, you explain. “It’s a type of drink from Earth. Like this.” You gesture at the waterskin. “But sweeter and fruity.”
Neytiri’s face softens in understanding, and her shoulders relax as she leans against Jake once more. Tsu’tey, meanwhile, is still looking a little confused – mercifully, he drops it, and instead begins passing the waterskin around again.
For the next two hours or so, you sit with the trio of Na’vi in the flickering firelight. Your initial anxiety that they didn’t want you around begins to fade slowly but surely. It’s a little awkward at first, but Jake makes an obvious attempt to include you in conversations and soon you’re relaxed and happy in their presence. 
The three of them are so big that they take up most of the space on the log, but Jake manages to squeeze you in to sit in between him and Tsu’tey. You side-eyed him heavily at the time (he knows exactly what he’s doing, you just know it, but Jake pretends that he’s gone temporarily blind to your scowling), but now you’ve relaxed into the warmth radiating from their stupidly big bodies.
You can probably attribute your newfound relaxation to the effects of the unilpay – you feel comfortably loose and calm, your thoughts coming slow and easy as you lean into Jake’s side on the log. It’s not the same kind of tipsiness that you’re used to with Earth alcohol, but rather a softer and more comfortable sort of easy-going tranquility.
 For the most part, the three Na’vi converse among themselves. You’re content just to sit in the light of the crackling fire as you bask in the warmth of the smoky forest air, listening to the conversations going on over your head. They speak almost exclusively in Na’vi, but thankfully your language skills have improved massively since you’ve arrived on Pandora – you’re able to follow along with minimal difficulty.
The unilpay has made you a little sleepy, and your eyelids feel heavy as you relax into your little spot between Jake and Tsu’tey. You’re grateful for how easy the evening feels; sitting in their company feels effortless in a way that you’ve been missing dearly. Since Jake had left to live full-time with the Omaticaya, you’ve found yourself without any close friends among the rest of the humans in the outpost.
You may not be as familiar with Neytiri and Tsu’tey, but you still feel comfortable enough in the cosy light of the fire that there’s no awkwardness between the four of you.
Or at least, almost no awkwardness.
“What about Saeyla?” Jake is asking, his eyebrows wagging cheekily as he speaks to Tsu’tey over the top of your head.
A significant portion of your sleepiness had vanished the second Jake had started teasing Tsu’tey about the women in the clan. It had taken everything in you to keep from visibly perking right up at the topic – it’s a little embarrassing to be so goddamn invested in his answer, and even more embarrassing to feel the little embers of jealousy stirring in your chest, as if you would ever stand a chance with him. God, you’re so stupid. 
Neytiri clicks her tongue, answering in Tsu’tey’s place. “No. She is too arrogant, not suited well to him.”
Tsu’tey rolls his eyes, but looks amused at Neytiri’s insistence on answering for him. “It is as Neytiri says. I have no interest in her, and I have already denied her.”
“Ninat, then.” Neytiri says, raising the waterskin to her mouth and smiling coyly over the top of it. “She would make a fine mate.”
It doesn’t escape your notice that Jake’s eyes keep straying to her as though he can hardly stand to tear his gaze away from her, and you feel something in you ache wistfully at the sight of it. You’ve never looked at Jake in any sort of romantic sense – he’s only ever been your closest friend, but seeing that soft look in his eye has you wishing for a relationship like that for yourself. 
Pandora can be a lonely place for a human so far from home. Your eyes slide back up to Tsu’tey, though he doesn’t seem to notice. If anything, he seems to be avoiding looking at you.
Tsu’tey hums, giving it some thought. You try to keep yourself as unobtrusive as possible, curling into the side of Jake’s big avatar body and trying to hide the little glances you keep shooting up at Tsu’tey’s face as he considers Ninat as a potential mate.
“She would.” He says at last, but he doesn’t sound particularly enthused about it. “But I do not desire her, either.”
You have to try not to let your emotions show on your face. It would be stupid to get your hopes up about anything to do with Tsu’tey. He may not be Olo’eyktan anymore, having handed that mantle over to Jake during his near brush with death, but he’s still a significant figure within the village. 
His reputation is important, and he is so careful with what he says and does and how he interacts with the world around him. Even if he was able to get over his distaste for the entire human race, it’s not likely that he’d deign to lower himself to your level.
Maybe Jake can tell that he’s not going to get any juicy gossip out of Tsu’tey, because then he turns to look down at you. You recognise that glint in his eye, and find yourself tensing where you’re trapped in between the two big Na’vi men.
“What about you?” He asks, a grin beginning to grow across his face. “Max mentioned you went on a little date last week with that guy you were seeing. What was his name again? Toby, or something?”
Your eyes narrow. “There is no way he told you that.”
“He did.” He says smugly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You push yourself up with a sigh so that you’re not leaning into his side so much anymore. This means that you’re pressed a little closer to Tsu’tey, but you’re too preoccupied with being the sole focus of Jake’s attention to be self-conscious about it – it always means trouble when he’s focused on you like this.
“Because it was a bust, obviously, and all you’ve ever done is complain about him.” You say, scowling at him.
God, you just know Jake is bringing this up in front of Tsu’tey to try and fluster you. He’s such a dick – you’re gonna kick his ass later.
“You didn’t get lucky?”
Your eyes widen, and you immediately slap at his arm hard. Your smacking at him doesn’t seem to phase him in the slightest; he doesn’t even move away from you, just snickering as you slap at his arms. 
“Asshole!” You hiss at him. “Don’t ask me that in front of other people!”
The blank expressions on Tsu’tey and Neytiri’s faces are proof enough that they have no idea what that particular human phrase means, but that isn’t enough to ease your mortification.
“We’re all friends here.” Jake says, swatting your slapping hands away with ease. “No need to be embarrassed. What, was it not good?”
Oh, he’s doing this on purpose. He knows that you’re embarrassed, and he’s enjoying watching you squirm beside Tsu’tey. You are so going to get him back for this later. 
“We didn’t fuck.” You say bluntly, fighting past the burn in your cheeks so you can glare at him. “It wasn’t worth it.”
You can feel Tsu’tey react from beside you, but you’re not brave enough to turn and look at his face. Oh god, you don’t want to know what he thinks of this conversation. No doubt his face is all scrunched up in his usual expression of disgust, and you don’t think you can handle seeing it right now.
Jake clicks his tongue, though he’s clearly amused. “If he was bad in bed, you should have just told him. I told you that faking orgasms wouldn’t end up well – you’ve given him a big head now-”
“I told you not to tell anyone about that!” You hiss, taking a swipe at his head. Infuriatingly, even though you’re all sitting down he’s still too tall for you to reach him as he just leans back.
Because Jake is an asshole, he just laughs. And to think you had just been feeling so grateful for his friendship. Now you just want to throttle him.
Neytiri leans forward so that she can see you around the bulk of Jake’s body, her brow all furrowed. After a brief hesitation, she hands the waterskin out to you. 
“I do not understand,” She says as you take it. “He does not pleasure you, but you pretend that he does?”
Oh, sweet fucking lord. You push your mask up and chug at the unilpay, relishing the sweet burn in the back of your throat and praying that you somehow blackout in the next couple of seconds. The next time you manage to get Jake alone, you’re going to break his kneecaps. 
Your plan to drink yourself into oblivion is cut short when Tsu’tey’s big hand wraps around the waterskin and tugs it away from your mouth. Disgruntled, you let him take it and press your breathing mask hastily back over your face – you’re still not able to look up at his expression.
“Some guys don’t know how to please women.” Jake answers for you, his arm looping around Neytiri’s shoulders as he leans in to murmur into her ear. “Lucky we don’t have that problem, huh?”
“Ma’Jake.” Neytiri scolds, but she doesn’t really sound angry. If anything, she sounds pleased, as though she’s only chastening him for public appearances. Sickening.
The unilpay is strong, enough so that it mellows out some of the furious embarrassment that had felt as though it were choking you. It’s not quite a feeling of drunkenness, but it relaxes you enough that you feel pleasantly loose and tipsy.
“Is this a problem for Sky People?” Neytiri asks, apparently unwilling to let the subject go. “Not being able to please their women? They are not good lovers?”
You try not to wince. Fuck, this is so humiliating. It’s one thing joking about this with Jake – he’s your best friend, and he’s always poked fun at you for shit like this. You probably could have handled Neytiri’s questions too, though not without a little embarrassment. 
But the real source of your burning mortification is sitting to your immediate left; Tsu’tey’s body dwarfs you where you’re sitting, and his silence during this conversation is worse than anything he could have said.
“No,” Jake hurries to answer his mate, apparently concerned about what she might think about him and his own ability in bed. “No, it’s only a few-”
“I’ve never been with a man who’s a ‘good lover’,” You interrupt. Admittedly, you just say it to get a little vengeance on Jake for bringing up this conversation in the first place, but you’re still being truthful. “They’re always clumsy, rough, and totally fucking unaware of themselves, just hammering away at a vagina. They just turn into a sweaty animal hunched over you and grunting “baby you like that?” directly in your ear as they breathe all over you. It's not pleasant.”
Neytiri wrinkles her nose at the mental image that seems to conjure in her head. “Ah.”
“Damn,” Jake whistles, his eyes darting at something over your head before his grin widens impossibly further. “Someone’s frustrated.”
This time it’s Neytiri that swats at him, to your delight. Jake’s ears actually lower this time as he glances at her, but even the risk of Neytiri’s displeasure isn’t enough to shut him up for long.
“I’m just saying, obviously the guys you’ve been with have got no game.” Jake insists, making you scoff.
“Oh, and you know all about pleasing women?” 
Neytiri hums. “He is quite good at it.”
Your face collapses into a scowl, unable to control your expression, and Tsu’tey grunts in disgust beside you. Well, this is just typical. How did the attention all land so squarely on you, anyway? You had just been trying your best to keep to yourself and enjoy your damn evening.
Jake looks stupidly smug now, his arm slung around Neytiri tugging her closer to him. 
“What makes Sky demons good at mating, then?” Neytiri asks with poorly disguised interest. For all her distrust around the human scientists that have remained on the planet, she’s clearly curious – you can only guess that her interest stems from wanting to understand Jake’s human roots.
You can feel Tsu’tey shift beside you, and shrink down a little in the little crevice that you’re crammed into between him and Jake. Fuck, he must be so uncomfortable right now. You’re surprised that he hasn’t just stormed off yet, considering the topic of conversation.
It’s a small mercy that Jake answers in your stead, because you feel so mortifyingly aware of Tsu’tey’s big, overwhelming presence looming beside you.
“Easy,” Jake says pompously, smiling in self-satisfaction. “Three specific qualities.” He holds up three fingers, counting them out. “Excellent at foreplay, good stroke game, eats pussy.”
“Oh my god,” You groan, but you can’t suppress the laugh that bubbles out of you. “You’re disgusting.”
“I do not know this word.” Tsu’tey says suddenly. “Pussy. What does it mean?”
It’s the first time that he’s spoken in a while, ever since the conversation had turned towards human sex, and you’re mortified that this is the first question he’s asked. You choke, and Tsu’tey’s big honey-coloured eyes slide to you as you splutter, as though he’s curious about your reactions.
When Jake translates the word into Na’vi, Tsu’tey’s expression melts into understanding. “Yes, I see. And the other words? What do they mean?”
Jake’s expression turns sly. “Let me explain-”
That’s just about all you can take, and you struggle to wriggle your way out from between the two of them. “Alright! I think that’s my cue to go to bed!”
Jake is still laughing as you push yourself to your feet, but the majority of your attention is taken up by the way Tsu’tey is staring at you. He clearly can’t understand your reaction, which only humiliates you further. 
The Na’vi are so much more open about sex and relationships than humans are, viewing it as just a fact of life. It’s clear that neither he nor Neytiri can understand why you’re so embarrassed by this conversation, but Jake finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious. 
“You don’t want to help me explain foreplay to Tsu’tey?” He asks faux-innocently, his head tilting to the side as his lips tug in a grin.
“Jake.” You hiss at him, eyes narrowing. “I am going to fuck you up later, I swear to god.”
Jake looks as though he’s winding himself up to make another stupid comment, but a sharp look from Neytiri has him changing his mind. You’re impossibly grateful for her; you always thought she didn’t like you, but her intervention now along with her somewhat sympathetic expression has you wondering if perhaps she likes you more than you had thought. Or maybe she’s showing sympathy towards Tsu’tey; her gaze is darting over your head at his face, after all.
You take your opportunity to flee before anyone can say anything else. You’ve already suffered enough embarrassment tonight, you think as you bid them a hasty goodbye before beating a retreat.
As you disappear into the trees, you hear Tsu’tey’s voice murmuring, “Sky people have much shame when it comes to mating. It is strange.”
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The water is warm and earthy-smelling, crystal clear as it laps against your skin like wet silk. The hot springs are like an open secret among the Omaticaya, and it had been with great delight that Jake had shown you how to get to them beneath the shelter of an arched cave weeks ago.
Unilpay may not have been like any human alcohol you had ever experienced, but the hangover you had woken up with the next morning was very familiar. Amidst the dull throbbing of your head and the light nausea, you decide that the only thing that could possibly help was a bath.
Now that you’re submerged in the silky hot water of the natural spring, you think that it just might have been the best idea you’ve ever had. Your face is flushed with a light sheen of sweat from the heat of the water, and you have your head pillowed in your arms where you’re half-hanging over one of the moss-covered rocks that line the pool.
It really is beautiful in here. The entire cavern is dimly illuminated by phosphorescent algae growing in the water and along the dampest patches of the walls, glowing a luminous blue. Along the rocky ceiling, it grows and glows like stars. Even the rocks glow a soft shade of green, padded by a soft, cushy sort of moss.
You’re lucky too that you’ve come to the springs so early in the morning. It’s rare to find them empty, and you delight in the fact that you’re able to enjoy the blissful solitude. The only problem is now that you’re alone, there’s no way to escape your thoughts.
The conversation from the night before keeps repeating inside your head, and every time it replays you find yourself sinking lower and lower into the rock you’re laying on. The unilpay must have been really dampening your reactions, because in the light of day the mortification is positively staggering.
Having a conversation about disappointing sex would be one thing, but to have that same conversation in front of Tsu’tey? The most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen in your life? The man already thinks that you’re a demon, and the thought of him sitting there and listening to a conversation about your embarrassingly disappointing sex life makes you want to curl up into a ball and die.
How are you ever going to look him in the eye again? You know that Jake had started that stupid conversation on purpose, just to embarrass you – he knows about your silly little crush, and never fails to poke fun at you when he can.
You’re broken out of your thoughts by the sound of bare feet scuffling against rock, and you blink your bleary eyes open and squint through the curling steam rising from the water.
For a moment, you think that what you’re seeing is a figment of your imagination conjured by the fact that you had just been thinking of him.
But then Tsu’tey keeps stepping forward, approaching the pool of water, and you realise that he is very real and very present.
“Hello, tawtute.” He greets, sounding bizarrely casual. It’s as if he had expected to see you here.
You startle, both at his presence and the fact that he’s actually greeting you. Your brain has stalled a little from his surprise arrival, and so it takes you a long time to comprehend exactly what he could be here for.
It’s only when his long fingers reach for the ties of his tewng that you fully register that you’re both in the hot springs for one reason – a bath.
“Oh!” You blurt stupidly, averting your gaze. Your entire upper body is exposed as you lay across the mossy rock with only your legs submerged in the water, but you’re quick to push yourself off and drop back into the pool in an effort to cover yourself.
Your modesty is wasted on him. The Na’vi are comfortable in their own skin, and nudity isn’t a taboo in their culture in the same way it is for humans. He barely even looks at you as he walks his way into the pool, though you can’t keep your own gaze from trailing back towards him.
The loincloth was the only thing he had removed. The rest of his jewelry remains tied around his neck and forearms, and you glance appreciatively at his narrow waist and the delicate white glowing freckles all over his firm pectoral muscles. He’s not the first Na’vi male you’ve seen nude, but this is the first one you’ve really wanted to see.
His legs are long and lean, and you try not to stare at his thighs as they flex when he wades into the hot water of the pool. Your eyes jump away when they reach the junction of his thighs, but not before catching a glimpse of what he’s packing there.
A little panicked, you duck down into the water until you’re submerged up to your nose, your gaze averted. Nudity may not be taboo to the Na’vi, but it still carries taboo connotations to you, especially considering this is a man that you’re attracted to.
You try to stifle your reaction as best as you can – it would be all too humiliating to have him realise just how you’re looking at him.
“I’m sorry,” You blurt, raising your arms so you can cross them over your chest. “I didn’t know there was anyone else here, but I was just leaving-”
Tsu’tey spares you a glance, though his eyes don’t linger on you. You can’t decide if the lack of attention is reassuring or insulting. 
“Stay.” He grunts, wading further into the centre of the pool, further than you had dared to go. It’s far deeper there, the water lapping steadily at his shoulders. 
He doesn’t say anything further, and so you end up hovering awkwardly in the shallow end of the pool with your back pressed up against the mossy rock you had been laying on. Though Tsu’tey isn’t paying you any attention, you keep your arms pressed tight to your chest in a weak attempt to cover your breasts.
Tsu’tey sighs softly as his shoulders relax in the warm water, one of his hands cupping the back of his neck as he rolls his head on his neck. The cave is quiet, the sounds of the softly bubbling water amplified against the wet rock walls, and you feel terribly self-conscious as you watch him dip himself in the water.
“You left quickly last night.” He says, his quiet voice almost lost amidst the soft sounds of the water.
You blink. It takes a moment for you to understand – he so rarely initiated conversation with you, always preferring to simply watch you in silence as you talked away.
“Oh.” You feel your face grow hot, and attempt to dip even lower in the water. “Right. Sorry about that. Um, Jake loves fucking around like that. He’s not very funny though.”
Tsu’tey hums, though his mouth quirks in amusement. “He is not funny,” He agrees. “But I learned much about human males. I did not realise they were so disappointing.”
“Oh my god.” You mutter faintly, eyes widening. The only thing you can think of that’s more embarrassing than standing in front of Tsu’tey naked is continuing the conversation about your disappointing lovers as you both stand nude in a bath.
Your soft exclamation draws his attention, and this time his eyes linger on your face. 
“Their inability to please you causes you shame?” He wonders.
You almost choke, recoiling a little at that question. Fuck, you always forget how blunt the Na’vi are, and Tsu’tey is even more straight-forward than most. But still, you’ve never spoken to him like this before. Yet here he is, asking you a very personal question indeed.
“I- I guess.” You manage to say, though it comes out a little strained. “I mean- it is a little embarrassing.”
Tsu’tey has hardly blinked as he watches you, and the intensity of his stare makes you unbelievably nervous. It takes everything you have not to fidget as he watches you; it feels as though he’s reading your thoughts right off your face.
Finally, after an impossibly long moment, he grunts dismissively before wading towards the edge of the pool. You watch him go, squinting to see what he’s doing as he reaches for something hidden among the glowing flora growing around the hot springs.
When he pulls back, there’s some sort of glowing flower clasped in his hand. It’s a pretty pink colour, luminous against Tsu’tey’s vibrant blue skin. You watch with interest as he dips it in the water before beginning to rub it along his arms and chest. You can’t see any point to it, and you squint curiously as he massages his skin with the silky petals.
“What is that?” You’re finally brave enough to ask. 
“Yursyulang.” Tsu’tey says, though he doesn’t raise his head to look at you. “The flowers are used to wash.”
You don’t reply, too distracted by the fact that his hands are now dipping lower in the water so he can wash at his thighs. You look away hastily, growing flustered, before turning to take a look at the vegetation growing around the edge of the pool just behind you. 
Sure enough, there are a few of the delicate flowers growing in the crevices between the rocks all around the pool.
You pluck one, peering at it carefully. The petals are a little bit waxy, though when they come into contact with your wet fingers the waxy texture turns oily. The stamen protrudes from between the petals, dropping white pollen all over your fingers.
Experimentally, you swipe the flower over your arm. It leaves an odd trail of oily residue in its wake, and you squint at it in confusion. 
When you look up again, you’re surprised to find that Tsu’tey has stepped much closer to you. You reach up to cover your chest again, startled.
“You are using it wrong.” He says bluntly, reaching for the flower in your hand. “Give it.”
You hand it over without a word, though you can’t figure out what he wants with it. You don’t think you’d be able to argue with him even if you tried.
He steps closer again, and you take a nervous step back. The mossy rock presses against your spine, halting your retreat. Tsu’tey steps forward again, before reaching for your arm.
You let him take it, taking a breath and holding it as his thick four-fingered hand closes around your wrist. Even in the heat of the pool, his touch feels scorching. 
“Like this.” He murmurs, gripping the flower and stroking it softly over the skin of your arm. 
Your mouth goes dry, and you watch with wide and confused eyes as he cups his hand in the water and pours it over the oily residue left by the flower petals. The water causes it to emulsify, turning milky against your skin.
By all rights, that should have been the end of his little demonstration. But to your bewilderment, he just keeps going. He’s more gentle than you would have guessed by his size and scowl, and you feel your already traitorous heart shiver and grow even softer. 
The yursyulang leaves your arm feeling clean but soft, without the usual dried-out feeling you get from soap.
You swallow thickly as his touch glides up your arm and over your shoulder, the silky sensation of the flower on your collarbones making you shiver despite the heat in the pool. 
When Tsu’tey speaks again you jolt, startled as the peaceful quiet of the cave is broken.
“You are too little,” He murmurs, one of his fingers tracing over your collarbone. “It is difficult to reach. Come here.”
He lowers himself down to your level, and your eyes follow him as he sits on a stone ledge built into the side of the pool. He gestures at you to come closer, and you follow his direction mindlessly. You spare a brief moment to wonder if you’re imagining this, but you really don’t care – you’re willing to soak up any little bit of attention he’s willing to give you.
You let out a soft noise of surprise when he grips your arm and pulls you up onto the ledge next to him. You hurry to cover your breasts again, despite the fact that he’s made no move to glance down.
“Why do you do this?” He wonders, reaching forward and tugging at your forearm where it’s held tight to your chest. 
“Um-” Your laugh is high-pitched and nervous, and you wince at the sound of it. “Humans aren’t as confident in their bodies as the Na’vi tend to be, I guess.”
He hums, then reaches out and drags the yursyulang across your chest, just over the swell of your breasts. You take a sharp inhale through your nose at the touch, though there don’t seem to be any ulterior motives behind it.
“Your people are strange.” He murmurs, cupping more water and letting it drip over your chest. “You do not like your own bodies, you do not connect with nature, you do not touch each other. It is no wonder that tawtute males are bad lovers.”
“Oh my god,” You roll your eyes, but you think he just might have a point. “Can we stop talking about this?”
Tsu’tey’s mouth twitches, and he tugs at your arm one more time. Reluctantly, you allow your arms to drop. This time, he does look at your tits, and you feel hyper-aware of the way your nipples have firmed up in the steamy air as he touches you.
“I have been thinking about what Jakesully said last night,” He murmurs, gliding his hand lower over the swell of your breasts. “He explained, after you were gone.”
You stare at him, wondering if you were imagining the tension that’s singing between the two of you. Why is he bringing this up now? He had been so quiet last night that you had just assumed he was as disgusted as he usually was around humans. You can hardly believe he’s touching you right now, and voluntarily too, as he brings up the subject again.
“I’m… not altogether sure I want to know what he said.” You admit a little hesitantly.
He chuckles at that, and startles you by closing his hands around your hips and hoisting you up over his lap. You end up sitting with your legs splayed around one of his thighs, your hands pressed against his chest as you grab at him for balance.
You let out a weird warble of surprise as he settles you firmly on his thigh, but he doesn’t seem to notice your bewilderment at all. He’s still acting as though what he’s doing is perfectly normal, and maybe it is.
Maybe you’re the one being weird. Communal bathing is normal among the Na’vi, and you know that it’s considered a type of bonding for them too. Maybe this act of washing you is supposed to symbolise his acceptance of you among the clan? 
“Tsu’tey,” You whisper, your brow furrowing in confusion as he washes your stomach. “What’s happening right now?”
One of his arms winds around your waist, and you melt against him when he drags the yursyulang over the bare skin of your back. His grip is so strong, his hand so large and warm that it makes your thoughts scatter into nothingness.
“You do not like me touching you?” He asks. His voice is a little huskier than usual, but he still sounds unbelievably casual considering the position the two of you are in. 
"That's- no, I don't mean that-"
It doesn't seem as though Tsu’tey is paying the slightest bit of mind to the way you’re getting flustered, because he just gives you a careless little smirk as his head tilts. He moves like a particularly graceful cat, and you shift a little nervously on his thigh.
"No?" His lips are beginning to curve up into a tiny, amused smile as he watches you scramble. "You seem confused."
You take a little breath in a weak attempt to collect yourself. You feel overheated and shivery, your thoughts slow and soupy. Fuck, you’re aroused. It’s the worst time possible to be sitting naked in Tsu’tey’s lap, and you’re just so grateful that the water your lower half is submerged in is covering how you’ve grown slick and sticky.
His gentle touch all over your body in the name of washing is one thing, but when one of his hands slides up into your hair you freeze. 
You may not have been certain about the connotations of bathing, but you know perfectly well what the connotations of him washing your hair is. This is an intimate touch on a level that you’re not sure a human could ever understand – a Na’vi’s hair is especially revered considering the proximity to their neural queue. This is a touch that is usually reserved for family or for mates.
When you glance up at his face, you find that he’s already watching you with those intense amber eyes of his, as though trying to read you for a reaction.
“Tsu’tey?” You ask, your voice wobbling a little. “Is this- I mean, are you-?”
“I have been thinking,” He interrupts, his blunt fingers massaging at your scalp. “About your unworthy human mate.”
“They’re not-” You begin, your eyes fluttering shut as he scratches softly through the roots of your hair. “He’s not my mate.”
Tsu’tey grunts, though he sounds pleased as one of his hands drifts low over your belly with the yursyulang. 
“Good. It does not sound like there are any tawtute males worthy of mating with.” 
You laugh, breathless and a little awkward as you try to pretend that your stomach hasn’t just clenched up like a fist at the feeling of his hand trailing over your navel.
“Well,” Your murmur, a little wryly. “Maybe if human men had to go through a big rite of passage before choosing a mate, they’d be a little more appreciative.”
Tsu’tey’s brow crinkles slightly. “They do not deserve iknimaya. And they do not deserve a mate.”
You laugh again, but this time it comes out strangled and weak. You’re beginning to get far too flustered sitting in his lap like this, but you can’t work up the willpower to clamber off him. Does he even realise that the way he’s touching you is considered sexually intimate for humans? You’re naked for god’s sake.
But then he must realise, you think. He’s washing your hair, and that’s a huge display of intimacy for Na’vi. Is there something you’re missing here?
Then he speaks again, and your doubts are very firmly shattered.
“I want to give you pleasure.” He says. His voice is low and rumbly and quiet, and yet in the quiet of the cave he may as well have been shouting. “Since you have never experienced it with a lover.”
You goggle at him like an absolute moron. Your thoughts have gone utterly, totally blank. It’s like your brain has been shocked into a hard reboot, and you stare uncomprehendingly as his words sink in. He watches you right back, the picture of patience. The only sign of his impatience is the flick of his ear.
Before you can answer, he buries his face into your neck and lays a hot, biting kiss against the sensitive flesh just beneath your jaw. You jerk in his lap, eyes blowing wide at the feeling of his hot, rough tongue and his sharp teeth. 
Oh god, this is actually happening. He’s actually touching you, kissing you, holding you. 
“What about Ninat?” You ask stupidly, then curse yourself. Why the fuck are you bringing up Ninat? Talk about self-sabotage.
Tsu’tey doesn’t even bother to respond immediately. He just takes a hold of your hips and lifts, gathering you into his strong arms effortlessly as he stands in the water. The movement comes as a surprise, and you clutch at him with wide eyes as he turns and settles you down on the same moss-covered rock you had been lounging on beside the pool when he had first come in.
Now that you’re no longer in the hot water, gooseflesh breaks out all over your skin and your nipples firm up obviously. You shiver a little as you watch his eyes drift down over your breasts and linger, before dropping lower over your belly.
“What about her?” He asks at last, though he seems to get distracted by the way your thighs are rubbing together.
You push yourself up to a sitting position on the mossy rock, your fingers curling into the soft vegetation. “Didn’t you say you were courting her?”
“No.” Tsu’tey says bluntly, crawling up onto the rock beside you and situating himself between your legs as he leans in to kiss your collarbones. “I did not say this. I am not courting anybody yet, despite my efforts.”
When his mouth drifts lower over your breasts, you forget your train of thought entirely. His tongue is big and rough as he licks over your nipple. He’s big enough that when he goes to take your breast into his mouth, he covers almost the entire swell of it. 
You push your chest into the wet heat of his mouth with a soft breath, but then he reaches up and pushes you right back down. His strength takes you by surprise, and all you can do is lay there and gasp as he licks at your tits like a man starving.
“Oh fuck.” You breathe, raising your hand to cup the back of his head. Your fingers wind into his braids, clutching at them as he bites unmistakable hickeys into your tits.
Even through your mask, you can tell he smells like the sweet-scented flower he had been using to bathe. The pleasant smell goes to your head, leaving you all hazy and wanting.
When Tsu’tey’s mouth leaves you, you nearly whine out a complaint. He hardly gives you an opportunity to make a sound though, because his hands keep running all over your body. The pads of his fingers trace over your shoulders, his palms coast over your breasts and belly, he grips and gently squeezes at the soft flesh of your thighs.
“Jakesully-” Tsu’tey begins, before pausing. A small frown furrows his brow, and he seems to be struggling with how to phrase his next words. “He courted you? Before he became one of the People?”
The shock of that question causes you to jolt, startled right out of your dazed state of arousal. 
“What?” You almost screech, attempting to sit up. Tsu’tey’s hand closes around your waist, keeping you still, but you still manage to scowl up at him in utter bewilderment. “No, fuck! We’re friends! We’ve always been friends! It’s not like that at all!”
Tsu’tey’s shoulders loosen, as though some tension you hadn’t even noticed he was carrying is beginning to leak away. “Ah. He seemed... familiar with your pleasure. Or lack of it.”
"We talk! Jesus-"
You’re still a little shell-shocked by the question as Tsu’tey returns to pressing kisses down the length of your stomach. Why would he have asked you that? Surely it was obvious that you and Jake were just friends? Neytiri would have struck you down if you were anything more, you were sure. 
You’re so preoccupied with your thoughts that it takes a moment to realise that Tsu’tey has stopped trailing kisses down your belly. Instead he’s come to a halt, and you can feel him staring down between your legs. The sudden interest has your breath catching and your cheeks burning.
When you try to close your thighs, his hands clamp firmly around your legs to keep you spread open and still. 
“You have hair here.” He comments, his brow all puckered in bewilderment as he reaches a finger out and drags it through the curls of your pubic hair.
“Yeah.” You say stupidly. You imagine it must look bizarre to one of the Na’vi, who are naturally hairless everywhere except for the thick, glossy hair on their heads.
“What is its purpose?”
You open your mouth, and then slowly close it, then open it again. “I, uh… I don’t know, really. It grows when humans reach puberty.”
He cards a finger through it, eyes sharp and curious. It’s a pretty weak explanation, but Tsu’tey seems satisfied enough with it. 
His touches grow bolder, his fingers moving with purpose down towards your swollen cunt. You had just started to curse yourself for not shaving, but then the pads of his fingers run over the puffy hood of your clit and you moan quietly as your thoughts scatter.
You pleasured little sounds seem to encourage him, because his touches get bolder. His fingers trace over the contours of your cunt, in between the slick folds as though testing to see how wet you are, before returning to your clit again. 
His other hand wanders down towards your legs, and he hooks his fingers around the soft pudge of your thigh. He squeezes lightly, and makes a soft grunt of amusement.
“Are all Sky People so soft?” He wonders, pressing his face into the swell of your tits as his mouth curves up in a smirk.
You don’t even answer, raising your hand to cup the back of his neck in an attempt to keep his head where it is. Your stomach is twisting in excitement and arousal, your chest heaving as you attempt to keep your breath steady inside your breathing mask. God, you want his mouth on your tits again.
He seems to know what you’re thinking, because he lifts his head up to grin at you. You’ve never seen him so expressive before – he’s usually so blank-faced and scowly, so to see his sharp teeth all bared in a wild grin, the skin around his eyes crinkling, nearly takes your breath away.
He kisses your left breast again, his rough-textured tongue rasping over your nipple and making you let out a soft, breathy little whimper.
“You like this.” He murmurs. There’s a little bit of wonderment in his voice, as though he’s pleasantly surprised by your reaction.
“Yeah,” You breathe, a little embarrassed. “It feels good. But- could you-”
He kisses your other tit, nipping gently at the underside of it, before lifting his face to look at you again. That amused expression hasn’t faltered at all, and one corner of his mouth twitches up into a smirk as he watches you struggle to express your desires.
“I will do what you wish,” He murmurs, “But you must tell me first.”
He bows his head and drags his nose up along your breastbone towards your collarbones. His breath tickles at your wet skin, and his plump lips trace little kisses all over you as he goes. He’s so gentle, but his touch feels positively electric and leaves a line of goosebumps breaking out in his wake.
You feel like you’ve been clubbed over the head. You’ve been crushing on Tsu’tey for so long, but never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined a situation like this, with him looming large and imposing between your legs and asking how you want him to please you.
What the fuck? You think wildly, before shoving your confusion aside. Who cares how you got here – you’re going to seize this opportunity with both hands.
“Will you touch me again?” You breathe, reaching down and wrapping your fingers around his large wrist. His hand is still between your legs, though it’s gone still as he waits for you to direct him. “My- my clit, just there-”
His ears twitch, and then he shifts and pushes himself down your body. He only pauses when his head is level with your hips, and you see his nostrils flare as he scents you between your legs.
Though you had asked him to touch you, your legs twitch shut as you try to close your thighs. You want him so badly, but it’s mortifying to see him sniffing at you like that.
He clicks his tongue, and grabs at your thighs to press them open again. He’s so strong, and regardless of how gentle he’s being you don’t stand a chance at resisting him. As soon as he has your legs splayed out wide once again, his head bullies its way between your thighs and keeps you all spread open. 
You can hear him breathing you in, taking deep eager breaths as he snuffles at your cunt before leaning in closer. His breathing sounds positively desperate, as though he’s just short of hyperventilating.
“You smell sweet, tawtute,” He groans, leaning his head against the plushness of your thigh. “I did not expect this.” 
Your clit is aching so hard that it feels like your whole cunt is pulsing between your legs. Honestly, a significant part of you had expected to be manhandled and fucked within an inch of your life after he had declared his intention to please you; that’s what the men you’ve encountered before have considered pleasing you, after all. And while you’re a little terrified to think about the sheer size of the weapon he’s got between his legs, that doesn’t seem to be what Tsu’tey is planning at all.
Instead, he demonstrates an abundance of patience as he spends his time mapping out every inch of your flesh with his hands, pressing kisses all along the inside of your thighs. You shiver under the attention, shuffling a little as you spread your legs wider; your self-consciousness is forgotten in your eagerness to feel his mouth on you properly.
Finally, finally, he nips and kisses his way up to the meeting of your thighs and lays his hot, eager tongue along the heat of your cunt. His tongue is… not particularly soft. It has a rough, almost sand-papery texture, though it’s slick and wet and it feels so, so good against your swollen and over-heated flesh.
“Oh, fuck!” You wheeze, tossing your head back against the squishy moss that coats the rock beneath you. 
When you wiggle a little, trying to encourage his mouth a little higher, his hands grasp at your thighs hard to keep you still.
“Relax, demon,” He rumbles against you, mouth curving up in a sharp grin. “Be patient. You will have your pleasure.”
It’s a different sensation to anything you’ve ever felt before. It’s not the first time you’ve been eaten out, of course. You’ve had partners offer in the past, but it had never done much for you. Your last partner would only do it to get you wet, and then his focus would switch without preamble to getting his cock inside you. You had never experienced a tongue that played between your legs with such obvious relish before.
As your body goes lax against the mossy rock, Tsu’tey rumbles in delight and pulls your thighs up over his shoulders so that his head is bracketed by your plush thighs. You try not to thrash too much, to relax like he’s told you to. He makes it easier when he bars one of his arms over your hips and presses them down, keeping you from squirming.
The action alone makes you a little flustered, and the fact that you now feel like you can barely move an inch has your head swimming.
Tsu’tey continues to lave his tongue against you. It feels much rougher than a human tongue; it reminds you a little of a cat’s. The texture isn’t painful…in fact, it’s kind of mind-blowing. It creates such a glorious friction that it has you squirming despite your best intentions.
“Oh god,” You wheeze as he drags that rough tongue over your sensitive clit, hips jerking out of your control at the sensation of it. “Oh god, yes-”
Tsu’tey seems to take every breath, sigh and whimper as a cue, trying to match his movements to what makes you react the most. Your toes clench uselessly along his back where your legs are still thrown over his shoulders, leaving you entirely powerless in his hold. 
When your breath hitches, he bears down with more intent and it’s too much, too fast. You shudder as an orgasm washes over you, vision whiting out as hot static pleasure radiates from your cunt out into every extremity. The release takes you by surprise, and you can’t stop yourself from whining and moaning and writhing while Tsu’tey keeps you as still as he can, never erring in his ministrations.
He only pulls back when the last shivering aftershock races through your nerves, and even then he only pulls back far enough to press a sloppy kiss to the inside of your thigh.
“That is one.” He murmurs to himself, his chest rumbling in a loud purr. The vibrations shoot right into through your nerves, and you’re oversensitive enough that you shudder mindlessly at the feeling.
You stare wide-eyed at the ceiling of the cave, chest heaving as you catch your breath. You’re still trying to wrap your head around what’s just happened.
“Holy shit,” You breathe, craning your head up so you can look down at him. “I’ve never- I mean, no one else has ever made me come before.”
Tsu’tey is still nuzzling his wide, flat nose into your inner thigh as he takes deep breaths, clearly enjoying the smell of your arousal, but your words draw him out of his relaxed state. He blinks, then frowns up at you.
“You have wasted your time with unworthy males,” He murmurs, his brow furrowed in aggravation. “I will fix this.”
With that, he lowers his mouth to your oversensitive clit and begins to lick at you again. In the same moment, he slides a single finger inside of you. Even one of his fingers is thick, and you let out a sharp, surprised sound, your head tilting back against the cushy moss as your eyes shut tight against the onslaught of sensation as he begins to stretch you out.
You can’t believe he’s still eating your pussy. You had massively underestimated his commitment and his drive, it seems; he isn’t showing any signs of stopping anytime soon. His eyes are closed as he devotes his entire attention to burying his face into your cunt and lapping at your clit. 
It’s almost like he’s trying to smother himself in you, as though tongue-fucking you is infinitely more important than breathing. You just barely catch on to the way his hips are moving; he’s grinding his cock into the spongey moss beneath him, letting out soft grunts into your pussy as he focuses solely on making you feel good.
After that first orgasm, there is no resisting anything he does. His head is between your thighs, his tongue is on your clit. You’re convinced that you’re about to reach heaven, because nothing has ever felt this good in your life.
And then he purrs, and you lose your mind completely. It’s like having the best vibrator in the world, pressed right up into you as he licks you wet and sloppy. 
You come again, squealing. He holds your hips still, making it so you can’t escape the pure onslaught of pleasure and sensation as his tongue rolls up into you, deeper than any human has ever reached before. 
“Two.” He mumbles against your cunt, the word wetly muffled.
This orgasm doesn’t last quite as long as the first one, and soon you’re whimpering, overwhelmed. He doesn’t slow down, but his movements do turn gentle. He adds another finger; you’re wet enough from both your own arousal and from Tsu’tey’s eager mouth that the slide of the second finger is easy, though the stretch still burns a little. 
His two thick fingers roll inside you, gentle but insistent. Your face screws up as he hits the spongey sweet spot deep inside of you, the sweet heat that blooms throughout your lower belly making your toes curl.
“Tsu’tey,” You choke out, sweat breaking out across your temples as you shudder. “Oh, fuck! Oh god, please, please, please-”
The steady rumbling purr is interrupted briefly by his chuckle. Encouraged by your reactions, his fingers start to rub over your sweet spot so insistently that your breath catches in your chest and your eyes roll back.
When his lips wrap around your clit and he sucks, you let out an honest to god scream as another orgasm slams into you, sending your vision whiting out like static. Tsu’tey seems to like that, moaning happily as you writhe against his face and taking the opportunity to add another finger. 
“Three,” He mumbles to himself, so quietly you hardly hear.
You’re stuffed full and trembling like a leaf, your eyes rolled back and your mouth dropped open as you pant like a moron.
“S’too much,” You moan, your words coming out all slurred and stupid. “Fuck, fuck, Tsu’tey, too much.”
With great reluctance, Tsu’tey pulls his face away from your cunt. He looks utterly debauched. His lips are slick and swollen, drool and slick smeared all over his mouth and chin, his hair all dishevelled from your tugging at it, and a hazy, lusty look gleaming in his eyes.
Fuck, you’ve never seen him look so pleased with himself.
Despite the fact that you’re still shivering from the electric little jolts that keep shooting up your spine from your poor, oversensitive clit, you find yourself anticipating his next move. However improbable, you want more.
Tsu’tey pushes himself up, his large palms coming to rest over your hips as he leans up to lay some more hot, biting kisses against your shoulder.
“You make such lovely noises, tawtute,” He murmurs, his lips dragging over the hot skin at the base of your throat. 
You’re still wide-eyed and short of breath, but you tilt your head back eagerly and loop your arms around his neck. He’s so much bigger than you that it feels as though his entire body engulfs you as he leans over you, and it sends an excited little thrill through you.
“Holy fuck,” You wheeze, your fingers curling into his hair. “Oh my god. I’ve never… shit. I think you’ve just ruined me for human men for life.”
That seems to do wonders for his ego, because he lifts his face from your shoulder so that you can see his stupidly smug expression. His tail is wiggling in the air, a clear sign of satisfaction. God, he’s adorable.
He still hasn’t pulled his fingers out of you, and you sigh stupidly as you feel them curl languidly inside of you. Your thighs are still spread wide, trembling a little from the muscle strain as Tsu’tey settles himself between your legs.
“Tawtute males have nothing to offer.” He says, with an obvious edge of loftiness in his voice. 
You wheeze a laugh, before pushing yourself up onto your elbows so that you can peer down the length of your bodies. Though his body is pressed tight to yours, you can still see the evidence of his arousal hanging heavy between his legs. He’s so hard, and yet he hasn’t made any move to climb atop you and start hammering away at you like you’re used to. It’s a little startling to realise that you kind of want him to.
Tentatively, you reach for his cock. He groans as soon as your fingers make contact with his erection, his head dropping down to rest against your chest.
“You do not have to, demon.” He murmurs, though his voice is strained and his hips rock a little into your grip as though he can’t help it. “I will keep using my mouth until you are satisfied.”
Well, that’s certainly a very enticing offer. You had never experienced anyone use their mouth like Tsu’tey had, so eager and driven and motivated by nothing but getting you off, and you can imagine getting addicted to his mouth with ease. 
Warm fondness blooms in your chest as you look at him all crouched between your legs, brow furrowed as he watches your face. Even with your hand on his dick, he’s not pushing you for anything more. Your crush on him seems to swell, your heart fluttering in time with your pussy as you reach for him.
“Your mouth is very good,” You breathe, a grin beginning to curve your mouth up. “But…”
Tsu’tey lifts his head, his eyes narrowing as his gaze darts all over your face. It’s like he’s trying to read what you want from your expression, to guess what you’re looking for before you can say it aloud. It reminds you of earlier, when he had said that he would do whatever you wanted, so long as you told him what it was.
Your fingers tentatively coast down the length of his stiff cock in an exploratory type of touch. It’s thick, but it feels… manageable. Na’vi cocks seem to follow similar proportions to Na’vi bodies; long, but narrow. That still makes him very thick compared to a human, but it feels only a little larger than an ex-partner you once had that was especially well endowed. Granted, that sex was terrible because he didn't know how to use it, but you’re positive this will be different. This is Tsu’tey, and you’re beginning to trust him whole-heartedly with your body; he certainly seems to know what he’s doing.
“Will you fuck me?” You ask. 
Your voice comes out a little shakier than you had intended, but it's just the nerves getting the better of you. It’s a bold question to be asking, and you’re asking it of Tsu’tey; one of the scariest people you’ve ever met and the one that you’ve been crushing on for months.
He expels a sharp breath of air as though it’s been punched out of him, and his face drops down to push into the curve of your shoulder.
“Yes, tawtute,” He groans, lips dragging against your neck. “I would be very pleased to, if you are sure.”
Your grin turns anticipatory, and then you wrap your hand around his cock and give it a proper stroke. He grunts, his hold on you tightening a little as his body curves around you, his hips humping into your fist.
The sense of power that washes over you is a little startling. Tsu’tey is over nine feet tall and stacked, and yet you have him grunting and groaning as he humps his cock into your tiny fist. He’s so sweet about it too, only taking what you give him and never demanding more. Fuck, it makes you want to give him the world.
His eyes are all scrunched shut, and as your fist twists over the mushroomed head of his cock, an honest to god moan is punched out of his chest, the deepness of the sound vibrating into you beneath him. It’s probably the hottest thing you’ve ever heard in your life, and your legs fall even farther apart in response to it.
Not only is his cock thick and long, but it has little raised patterns along it that seem to mimic the darker stripes across the rest of his skin. The velvety skin of his cock is also dotted with raised little nubs all over, and every time your hand strokes over them, Tsu’tey shivers a little as his ears twitch.
Apparently Na’vi males aren’t meant to be a smooth ride. You feel your clit actually pulse at the thought.
“Tsu’tey,” You gasp, your grip on his cock firming. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my fucking life.”
He lets out a breath, one that sounds like pure anticipation, before rolling off of you. 
You blink, bewildered as he shuffles himself off the rock and away from you. That is absolutely not what you wanted.
“Where are you going?” You ask, trying not to sound miffed.
“Patience, yawntutsyìp.” He says as he reaches for the loincloth he had placed aside when he had first come into the spring.
He sounds amused, which actually helps to settle you. He didn’t appear to have any intentions of leaving you here, wet and loose and ready to be fucked, which was a relief.
You watch him curiously, desperate to know just what it is that he’s looking for. He seems to be rooting around in a little leather pouch tied to his loincloth, though you can’t get a good look at what he’s searching for.
“Tsu’tey-” You start to say, but he straightens up and turns back to you before you can finish.
He moves back to you swiftly, his agility as impressive as ever as he leaps back around the mossy rock you’re all laid over. Within seconds, he’s resituated himself back between your thighs as though he never left, leaning over you and giving you an eager, anticipatory grin.
He looks genuinely excited, and you feel your stomach flip in response. Oh, you’re so fucked. Literally as well as figuratively, you hope.
“What were you-”
You’re interrupted again when he holds up a hand; clasped in it is a bottle that’s bizarrely familiar. For a long second all you can do is blink at it, bewildered.
“Where did you get lube-”
“It will make it better for you, will it not?” He asks, fumbling to snap the bottle open.
Your expression softens, mouth wobbling into a shy little smile, before reaching to open the bottle cap yourself.
“Yeah,” You murmur, watching him dribble the lube over his long, lithe blue fingers. “It will, but where did you get it?”
“I asked for it.” Is all he says, before dipping his fingers between your legs once again.
You abandon your line of questioning with a satisfied sigh, leaning your head back as he fingers you with one hand. Three of his large fingers stretch you wide as his thumb rolls over your clit, moving deftly. With his other hand, he reaches to rub some of the slick and gooey lube over his cock.
“Okay,” You breathe, your hips twitching a little as his thumb rubs smooth circles over the swollen nub of your clit. “Come on, come on, give it to me-”
He breathes a soft snort, his eyes bright and wild as he watches the way your hips move towards him. He seems to be enamoured with the fact that you’re apparently so desperate for him, and if he hadn’t worked you up so much you might be embarrassed about it.
“Patience, little demon.” He rumbles out, lowering his chest so that he’s pressed against you. “You still doubt my ability to please you?”
His chest reverberates against yours as he purrs, and you shiver in delight at the sensation. It feels as though he’s sending vibrations right down into your bones, and you arch your back as you push your breasts into him. 
“No,” You say it with a breathless laugh. “No, I trust you.”
“Good.” He hums, his teeth glinting as he grins.
When the thick head of his cock presses against your slicked entrance, you let your thighs fall open even further. When he starts to press in, all you can manage to do is shut your eyes tight and whimper. 
“Breathe, yawntutsyìp.” He whispers into your ear, his lips brushing over the shell of your ear.
He’s stretched you out well, and you’re loose and relaxed thanks to the orgasms he’s given you already, but he’s still big. He takes it slow and careful, but the stretch still burns and forces all the air out of your lungs. 
You take a shaky inhale as he works himself into you, somewhat stunned by the steady, inescapable pressure and the impossible feeling of fullness. Your body keeps clenching and relaxing, alternately accepting his girth and seizing up to try and force him out; Tsu’tey takes it as slow as he can manage, attempting to make it as easy for you to take him as possible.
“Oh god, oh god,” You warble, reaching up to cling onto his shoulders. 
Fuck, you feel like you’re on fire. You can’t think of the last time that you were so alight with desire. You ache, a sweet subtle hurt like a pure animal demand to be satisfied.
Your hips spasm towards him, frustrated by his slow pace, but he reaches down and snatches at your hipbones to keep you still.
“Don’t force it,” He whispers to you. You can hear the amusement in her voice, but he strokes his thumbs in circles around your hipbones to soothe you as you struggle with his size. “You can take it; just give yourself a moment.”
His grip on your hips is like steel, and you’re not sure you could move even if you tried. You’ve no option but to do as he says, and you go as still as possible.
“Fuck, your dick is big.” You wheeze, turning your face to the side and squeezing your eyes shut. You can’t quite bear to look at his face, and you’re mortified at the thought of him seeing your expression.
Tsu’tey rumbles what sounds like a chuckle, but his voice is strained again. It seems like taking it slow is a struggle for him too, no matter how cool and collected he seems to be.
It feels like it takes an eternity, but at last Tsu’tey bottoms out – he can’t fit entirely inside of you, but still you’re so stuffed full that you can hardly take a breath.
Tsu’tey has gone still too, and his own breaths are shuddering in and out of him in short bursts. It’s clear he’s in ecstasy, caught up in the tight fit of you, and he takes a moment just to breathe and collect himself as he holds you tight.
“Look at me, tawtute,” Tsu’tey grits out from between his teeth, nuzzling his flat nose along the length of your jaw. “Want to watch you.”
Once you open your eyes you have to blink several times in an attempt to focus on him. His deep blue skin is all dewy from the balmy heat of the hot springs and from a thin layer of perspiration, and the little dots of white sprinkled over his face and chest glow softly. 
Your eyes drop lower, over his wide shoulders and the well-built musculature of his chest and abdomen. Fuck, he’s so pretty.
You shift your hips just slightly, testing how he feels in you. The stretch doesn’t burn anymore, your body having adjusted to the size of him, but you still feel as though you’re being stretched to your limits. 
You bear down a little, flexing your muscles around his cock just to see his reaction. The growl it forces out of him almost takes you by surprise, especially when he rears back so that he’s sitting on his haunches.
In the same move, he uses his grip on your hips to pull you forward so that your ass is resting on top of his well-muscled thighs. It allows him to lift your hips a little, and you realise that this position gives him more control over the angle he can fuck you at.
“Are you alright?” He asks, his expression taut from the effort it’s taking not to move.
“Yes,” You breathe, arching your back so that your ass is pushed further into his lap, your shoulders pressed against the mossy rock you’re laying on. “Fuck yes.”
Finally, finally, Tsu’tey begins to move.
At first, he starts slow. His thrusts feel almost experimental. He’ll move, then adjust his angle and move again. When you feel pleasure rocket up your spine on his next thrust, you let out a gasped moan, tilting your head back and squeezing your eyes shut.
Tsu’tey gives a rumbling purr and leans forward so that he’s all hunched over you, his hands braced over your hips as he pulls you into him. He keeps that same angle as he starts to work himself up to a rhythm, his pace and strength increasing with every movement until he’s finally built up the perfect cadence.
All you can do is writhe underneath him helplessly, taking it. The mossy rock you’re laying on is smooth and slick, and you’re driven up it as he fucks you. The only source of stability you have is him, and his grip on your hips is the only thing that anchors you against his thrusts.
He’s moving with all the power and consistency of a goddamn machine. The rhythm he sets is almost hypnotic, so precise that time starts slipping away from you briefly as you’re caught in the roil of it. You count the seconds in breaths punched out of your lungs, your hands scrabbling uselessly at the wet mossy stone beneath you.
Holy fuck, you think wildly to yourself. Excellent at foreplay, good stroke game, eats pussy.
The three qualities Jake had listed as being important in human mating. Tsu’tey may not have understood the phrase when Jake had first said it, but he is nothing if not thorough and determined. It seems as though he’s making it his goal to embody those qualities as he fucks you.
As he sinks home once more in a smooth, long stroke, you think this might actually be the death of you. You can’t help the litany of moans and garbled half-words that’s pouring out of you. Everything feels so good and so hot. The humidity from the bath, the heat from Tsu’tey’s damp velvety skin where he lets some of his weight lie against you, just enough to make you feel trapped and breathless.
You’re content to just take whatever Tsu’tey deigns to give you… and blessedly, he is a benevolent and considerate partner.
His rhythm still hasn’t faltered, and it’s tearing you down to your very foundations, floor by floor. It feels like a constant assault on every button of yours he could possibly press, all of your senses being assaulted at once. Your free hand forsakes the smooth floor to latch onto Tsu’tey’s wrist, and for the first time, his hips stutter every so slightly before he falls back into that unfailing cadence.
You feel that familiar coil in your stomach tightening, and that’s when you start pleading. You aren't even asking for anything in particular, just a dozen instances of please interspersed with encouragements and hissed praises. 
You can hardly believe it’s possible, but you’re quickly rocketing toward another orgasm, and Tsu’tey’s consistent rhythm is swiftly unraveling you like a spool of yarn. Sweet, hot pressure is building between your legs, stealing your breath and blanking your mind.
You think you may be only seconds from madness when you reach up and clutch at Tsutey’s braids, gasping out a desperate, “Tsu’tey —please-!” 
It’s unintentional, but when you grab his hair you also grab his queue. You don’t pull hard or anything, but it seems as though just tugging at it lightly is enough to garner a reaction.
You had known that the neural queue is the most sacred and sensitive parts of the Na’vi body, but you’re still not expecting the low moan that’s punched from his chest, nor the way the whites of his eyes flash as his eyes roll back in his head a little from what appears to be overwhelming pleasure. That perfect rhythm of his falters for a second, his hips stuttering, but then his big hands squeeze at your ass and he devotes himself even more furiously to fucking you like a machine.
“Careful, tawtute,” He growls, his fingers flexing around the soft swell of your ass. “You can play with my kuru another time.”
His voice contains an element of promise, as though he’s excited about the idea, and it makes you grin a little in turn. You don’t tug at the long braid in your hand again, but you don’t let go of it either – his reaction was too thrilling to abandon your hold on him entirely.
He uses his grip on your hips to pull you further into his lap, lifting your hips up so that he can grind his cock into you at a better angle. The next time he ruts into you has you squealing like a moron. The swollen head of his cock hits against the spongey part inside of you with every thrust, and the little nubs and ridges along his length rub deliciously inside you every time he pulls out.
He keeps grinding against that one spot inside you that makes you feel as though you’re about to shake apart into pieces, your toes curling so hard they nearly cramp up. It’s all so intense, and every time he ruts into you it forces the air from your lungs, but you try to speak anyway, pushing the words out even as they almost catch in your throat.
 “Feels- feels good-!” You moan, one hand clutching at his shoulder as the other holds his queue. “I think I’m– oh fuck, I’m gonna come again, I’m gonna-”
“Yeah?” Tsu’tey pants, leaning forward to lay an eager kiss between your breasts. His hand wanders down from your belly to your pussy, and starts rubbing quick circles into your clit. 
You don’t know how he’s managing to maintain his dexterity, his lithe fingers working your clit and driving you higher and higher as he rubs at you while maintaining those long, smooth strokes of his hips. His breathing is heavy, interspersed with soft little pleasured grunts, but he still manages to hold his strength in place, never moving hard enough to hurt.
The combination of his cock rubbing and grinding against the soft spongey part inside of you and the messy stimulation of your clit has your legs trembling and heat growing rapidly in your belly. It feels like you’re being strung tighter and tighter as your orgasm draws closer, and your breath begins coming in rapid pants. The pressure in your abdomen feels a little different than usual, and you take it as a sign that you’re about to come really hard.
“Tsu’tey,” You choke out, mouth dropping open as your chest heaves. “Oh, fuck-”
It feels like a star exploding inside you when it starts. Your cunt spasms around him, gripping him so tight he has no choice but to slow his hips down, your body squeezing like a vice around his cock. He gives you two more solid strokes to your sweet spot before stilling completely. He lifts your hips up into his lap once more as he settles himself in you, knocking his cockhead into your g-spot and keeping it there so that he can just grind.
With that you cry out, your eyes rolling back and jaw dropping open as sweet release unfurls from your belly and washes over you in a warm wave of pure white. Your pussy grows so hot, warm and wet as the pressure in your cunt builds and crests and culminates in a veritable spray of release from you. 
You feel so overwhelmed, your back arching up in a smooth curve as you practically wail, unable to constrain yourself. You don’t think you’ve ever come so hard in your life, not with your fingers nor your vibrators nor that stupid removable showerhead installed back at the human outpost, and you’re startled by the sheer flood of liquid arousal that gushes out of you around Tsu’tey’s cock.
You’ve heard of squirting before, of course, but you had always thought it was just some unrealistic thing in porn. But the way Tsu’tey’s cock is bullying its way inside of you, grinding away at that spongey spot that makes your knees shake makes it feel as though not squirting would be the bigger challenge. You writhe beneath him, clutching him tight as you shake apart on his cock. It feels like your orgasm goes on forever, your whole body shuddering around him as everything goes white and hazy.
By the time you finally start to come down from your high, you feel as though your brain has been goddamn liquefied. It feels as though you’re hearing in colour, your skin sweat-slick and hot as your muscles tremble from the sheer onslaught of sensation.
Tsu’tey is still working his hips inside of you, prolonging the lingering waves of pleasure that keep jolting down your spine. You can’t believe he’s still going, moving like a fucking machine, his thrusts still calculated and steady to break you down.
“Amazing, yuey,” He whispers to you, his voice rough and gritty. “So beautiful like this.”
The compliment is unexpected, and you wheeze a surprised breath when he lets go of your hips and leans forward so that his entire large body is caging you in against the rock beneath you. His chest presses against your own, squishing your breasts, his hands coming to plant beside your head to support his weight.
“Oh, god,” You arch away from him a little, beginning to grow overwhelmed and oversensitive from the way his cock is lighting up every damn nerve in your pussy, the way he presses you so firmly into the mossy rock. “Holy fuck, Tsu’tey, fuck-”
He buries his face into your neck, and you can feel him grin against your throat. He’s so fucking proud of himself, self-satisfaction is practically radiating off him in waves.
You remember the way he had reacted before when you had pulled on his kuru, and your fingers tighten just a little around the smooth hair protecting it. Even that minor bit of pressure has him groaning softly into your shoulder, sharp teeth scraping against your bare skin.
You adjust your grip on the glossy braid, holding it close to the skull before tugging gently. His reaction startles you – he roars, the sound reverberating through you and shaking you to your bones. His eyes roll back once more, his mouth dropping open in a look of genuine surprise as pleasure seems to blindside him.
You feel heat filling you, and realise that his cum must be spilling out of you and mixing with the slickness of your own release between your legs. His fists clench hard in the moss by your head, his loud snarl tapering off into a low moan as he keeps humping his hips into you, pace sloppy and uneven.
He’s murmuring away to you as he shivers against you, his voice low and rough as he sighs in unmistakeable delight. It’s all in Na’vi, and while your grip on his language is decent, your brain is far too fried to be translating anything right now.
“What?” You mumble tiredly, your arms looping lazily around his neck as he begins to drop his weight onto you.
His hips finally begin to roll to a stop as he grows too sensitive to continue, though he keeps his face pressed carefully into your shoulder.
“Such a sweet thing,” He murmurs to you, one hand coming to rest on your hip and squeezing you there softly. “Better than I could have imagined. Are you okay, tìyawn?”
“Mmm.” Is all you can manage, head still spinning as you struggle to regain your wits. 
Even with your thoughts all slow and soupy and stupid, you can feel the way Tsu’tey tenses all of a sudden over you. You blink, confused by his sudden change in demeanor, and look up at him to find that he has raised his head to look over at the entrance to the hot springs.
“What?” You mumble, bringing your hands from his neck to stroke down over his shoulders. The muscles shift under your fingertips, hard and defined beneath the smooth velvet of his skin. The feeling of it distracts you, and you feel your cunt flutter around his spent cock despite your exhaustion.
He grunts softly at the feeling of you trembling around him, but his attention is still focused on the cave entrance. You had forgotten, so caught up in lust and the insane novelty of Tsu’tey wanting you, that the hot springs were a public amenity that was used often among the Omaticaya.
So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise when a young man steps around the corner, already undoing the tie to his loincloth. If anything, you think you should probably be surprised that someone hadn’t walked in on you earlier.
Tsu’tey bares his teeth in a snarl, a deep growl erupting out of his chest at the sight of this newcomer. He doesn’t look familiar to you, but judging by his lack of hair ornaments and bare waist, he appears to be a young warrior in training.
“Out.” Tsu’tey snarls, his expression nothing short of dangerous.
The young Na’vi takes one look at the two of you, eyes wide and shocked, before turning on his heel and swiftly disappearing back the way he had come.
An exhausted, mildly hysterical giggle escapes you. You think you should probably be embarrassed, but you’ve just been fucked six ways to Sunday and you can’t drum up the energy to care. 
One thing has surprised you, however; you had expected Tsu’tey to be ashamed on some level. Not necessarily of being caught in a compromising position like this, but of being caught in this position with a Sky Person. He’s a prideful man and an important figure within the clan, and you know he guards his reputation carefully. But he doesn't seem embarrassed at all; just annoyed and oddly protective, considering he's lowered his body over yours to cover you from prying eyes.
“Fuck,” You sigh, digging your fingers into his chest in an attempt to catch his attention. “Is that… is that bad? That he saw?”
You’re unsure if this was meant to be kept a secret or not, but Tsu’tey just makes a face at you as though you’ve asked him a very stupid question.
“No. The village will know soon anyway.”
That is an oddly ominous statement that your fucked-out mind can’t quite make sense of, so you elect to just ignore it. 
You’re distracted anyway by the way Tsu’tey shifts above you, his cock still overwhelmingly big even as it begins to soften inside of you. You think you’d like to keep it inside you forever, filling you up and igniting that sweet ache between your thighs, but Tsu’tey has other ideas.
His hands pet soothingly down your flank as he pulls out, his chest vibrating with a calming purr when you hiss in discomfort as his cock finally leaves you. There’s a sting between your legs as a dribble of cum begins to leak out of you now that he’s no longer plugging you up, and your face scrunches up into a little grimace of discontent.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this empty in your whole life, and you find yourself clenching down on nothing as you shiver.
“Did I hurt you, oeyä vrrtep?” He wonders, his hands tracing soft and gentle patterns over your skin.
His concern warms you, and you smile tiredly at him. “Only the good kind.”
That doesn’t seem to appease him at all. A frown creases the skin of his brow, and he pulls back so that his chest is no longer pressed tight against yours. You let out a small noise of protest, but it seems that he’s too busy checking you over to hear it.
“I did not intend to hurt you at all.”
“You’re big, Tsu’tey,” You point out, pushing his hands away when he attempts to pull back and peer between your legs. “Of course it hurt a little. But I liked it. Fuck, couldn’t you tell? I squirted all over you.”
That finally seems to placate him, if only because it soothes his male pride. His expression softens, his mouth tugging into a soft, smug smile, and he leans forward to gather you into his arms.
You squeal a little as he lifts you, exhausted muscles aching as you scramble to wrap your arms around his neck. He’s so strong, and you feel your cheeks grow warm as he lifts you so effortlessly.
“Squirt.” He repeats with relish, clearly enjoying the new word he’s just learned. “Is that what you call it?”
You just snort and push your face into his chest in an attempt to hide your expression. “Don’t ever tell Jake about this.”
You can feel the gentle rumble of his laugh deep in his chest, and you close your eyes and hide a smile of your own. He has such a lovely laugh; you don’t hear it nearly often enough. 
Tsu’tey takes great pains not to jostle you as he clambers back into the pool of water with you, holding you close to his chest as the hot water envelops the two of you. It’s soothing against your aching muscles, and you hum a satisfied little sigh against Tsu’tey’s chest as he strokes his big palm down the length of your spine.
“Why not?” He wonders, though you can hear the playful smirk in his voice anyway. “I must thank him, anyway.”
“What for?”
“He has been giving me advice on human courting.”
Your brain, already slow after the many excellent orgasms he has given you, takes a very long time to process that statement. Even after the words manage to sink in, you wonder if you had heard him properly.
You straighten up in his arms, pulling your masked face away from his chest so that you can stare at him. He stares right back at you, his expression calm and earnest as though he hasn’t just completely upended all of your expectations.
“Courting.” You repeat, all of his actions beginning to rewrite themselves in your head. The careful bathing, the washing of your hair, the insistence on being a good lover by human standards. The fucking pet names that you barely understood.
Holy fuck.
“Yes.” Tsu’tey says simply. He doesn’t seem to notice the way you’re gaping at him in starry-eyed bewilderment. “I thought a human mating display would be the best place to start.”
You’re still staring at him, though your confusion is beginning to grow. “Human mating display?”
Tsu’tey just nods, using a palmful of hot water to carefully wash between your legs. When you hiss a little and try to pull away, he lets out a soft little rumble of apology.
“Jakesully tells me that displays of sexual prowess are important in human courting.” Tsu’tey murmurs, and his chest puffs out a little. “I have proved myself, have I not?”
“Oh my god.” You breathe, squeezing your eyes shut. 
That dick. Trust Jake to bend the truth in an attempt to solve your sexual frustration. You knew that he knew that you fancied Tsu’tey (he’s been forced to listen to you wax lyrical about his abs many times), but you certainly didn’t expect him to take things into his own hands like this. From showing you the hot springs to orchestrating that conversation about good lovers to telling Tsu’tey that fucking you good is a human courting custom, to the fucking lube, Jake has been planning this whole damn thing.
You don’t know whether you want to kill Jake or to send him flowers.
One of Tsu’tey’s big hands curls around your back as he holds you close, dipping down into the soothing hot water with you balanced in his lap. He’s gotten so affectionate, his flat nose nuzzling against your temple as he reaches for a yursyulang to rub over your bare back.
“I have pleased you?” He asks, lips brushing over your jaw. “More than the other tawtute?”
“Yes,” You sigh, unable to help it. “Yes, fuck. It was so good.”
The noise he makes is pure satisfaction, his arms looping tight around your waist as he holds you up in the water. 
“You accept, then?” He asks, his big honey-coloured eyes gazing at you expectantly. “My advances?”
You had thought your reactions were obvious, but still you grin. “Are you being serious?”
“I am always serious.” He says simply, as though he can’t understand the meaning of your question. 
“I thought you didn’t like Sky People.” You say, an edge of insecurity creeping into your voice. “I thought you hated us.”
“I do hate Sky People.” He grumbles, his face falling into a little scowl even as one of his large palms coast down the length of your spine. “But I do not hate you.”
It feels a little like a dream, but you can’t help the shy grin that’s growing across your face. His eyes are sharp and intense, and he watches every shift of your expression like a hawk as though he’s trying to read your thoughts right off your face.
“I will be courting you in the tradition of my People, also,” He adds, as though he’s worried you need convincing. The idea is laughable. “I have a bracelet that I have woven for you, but I wished to prove myself in the tradition of your people first.”
Oh fuck, that’s so sweet. How can such a big and terrifying man be so generous and tender?
“Jakesully has approved already,” Tsu’tey continues, his tone turning cautious. “But I need to hear your answer.”
Fucking hell, he’s already asked Jake for permission? For a moment you feel a little indignant, before you remember that your friend is Olo’eyktan now, and that Tsu’tey is probably obliged to ask his clan leader if he can pursue someone outside of his own clan, nevermind someone not even his own species.
“You really mean this.” You breathe, your grin turning a little disbelieving. “Fucking hell. Yes. Obviously the answer is yes.”
Tsu’tey’s expression is carefully controlled, but he can’t seem to stop his mouth from settling into a smug grin and his eyes from brightening in clear delight. 
“Good. This is good, tawtute.” He murmurs, reaching up to brush some of your damp hair away from your face. “I will prove to you my ability as a potential mate, yawntutsyìp. Both in my tradition and yours.”
You return his grin, biting at your lip as he returns his attention to washing you with the same careful reverence from earlier. Is it really possible that you’ve hit the jackpot like this? That all the time you’ve been looking at Tsu’tey, he’s been looking back?
Flowers, you think hazily as you shut your eyes and lean into his chest. I’m definitely sending Jake flowers.
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
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Bruh this fic completely rearranged the wires in my brain to the point I did art for it.
Reblogging twice because it’s a delicious story, everyone go read it now NOW-
ミgood loving
🍓pairing: tsu'tey x human fem reader
🍓tags: nsfw, interspecies relationship, size kink, human x na'vi, jake is an embarrassing friend (but we're very grateful to him), oral sex (fem receiving), p in v sex, squirting, overstimulation
🍓word count: 16.6k (when i say i have no self control i mean it)
reblogs are always enormously appreciated!
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The Omaticaya clan gather around the cook fire every evening; communal meals are a huge part of their community, and it had taken quite a while after the expulsion of the RDA before the humans that had stayed on-planet were allowed to take part. It was a huge concession on the part of the clan, but it’s one that is met with great eagerness.
You join the clan for dinner almost every night. It’s taken some trial and error for you to discover what you can and can’t eat; some of the spices and meats don’t agree with human digestive systems, but you thoroughly enjoy the vegetables and sweet fruit desserts.
The company, too, is far more enjoyable than the company back at the science outpost. No offense to the science guys or anything, but you were never very close with any of them and spending extended amounts of time with them made you feel like you were losing your mind. 
No, you much preferred spending time with the Na’vi. 
“Strawberry milkshakes,” You say with a wistful little sigh, lounging by one of the fires.
Jake thinks for a moment, his big blue alien face all scrunched up. It had taken a long while to get used to seeing him like this, but you can still see his human features if you look closely. 
“Gatorade.” He decides at last. “The grape flavoured one.”
It’s a stupid game, listing out the things you miss most from Earth, and you know he’s mostly just humouring you. Jake is more at home here amongst the Na’vi in his Avatar body than he ever was back amongst humans – while you grow nostalgic and wistful, Jake seems as unaffected as if he were recalling a poorly remembered dream.
“Chocolate.” You say, tilting your head back to stare up at the darkening sky. Though it’s past eclipse, the forest is still alive with life – the trees overhead and the moss all around you glows, so beautiful that you wonder, once again, how any of this is real.
“You’ve said chocolate like, three times.” Jake points out, grinning. 
“Yeah, well, I really mean that one.” You sigh.
That makes him laugh, and he reaches out to shove hard at your shoulder. It’s something he used to do a lot when he was human and you had gotten too absorbed in your work at the lab, but now he’s twice your size and strong – you go flying straight off the log you’ve been sitting on and sprawl into the dirt.
“Oh, shit.” As always, he sounds surprised, as though his strength is still catching him unawares. “Sorry.”
You grumble a little as you push yourself up out of the dirt, but you’re not really annoyed. It’s good to see Jake in such good form – being blue and nine feet tall suits him more than his human body ever did, and you can’t drum up any irritation when he’s so visibly happy. 
“Ma’Jake.” A call comes from the forest behind you, and you turn your head.
The sound of Neytiri’s voice and soft footsteps has you trying to push yourself up and look unaffected; she’s always so elegant and composed, and it’s embarrassing to be caught sprawled on the forest floor like an idiot.
But then you catch sight of another figure following behind Neytiri, and you scramble up to your feet so quickly that you nearly overbalance entirely.
Tsu’tey is probably one of the most terrifying people you’ve ever met in your whole life. The Na’vi are all intimidating, courtesy of their enormous size and general dislike of humans, but Tsu’tey seriously takes the cake for being the scariest of all of them. He’s so rarely seen without a scowl on his face, and he tends to radiate an aura of authority and power that’s scary enough to have your knees weakening. And yet, after a period of outright hostility towards you and your kind, he’s finally started to soften just a little. You think your constant presence around the place has finally started to wear him down.
You fancy the hell out of him.
As Neytiri joins Jake and murmurs a soft greeting in his ear, you’re left staring stupidly at Tsu’tey. Damn, he’s so pretty. His proportions are exotically attractive, all broad shoulders and sculpted abdominals and an insanely narrow waist. You hope that it’s not obvious that you’re gaping at him like a fool, but since he’s not blind, you’re sure he notices.
“Hi.” You manage to say, though it comes out a little strangled.
Tsu’tey just looks at you with that same odd expression he always wears around you, as though he doesn’t quite know what to make of you. He's always been a little hostile towards humans, though he's never been anything but polite around you (and maybe a little awkward). You try not to delude yourself into thinking it means anything; most likely, he's trying to be cordial for Jake's sake.
“Demon,” He greets, frowning. “You have a stick in your hair.” 
“Oh,” You breathe, reaching up to bat at it. “Shit.”
That seems to mark the end of his attention towards you, because he turns back towards Jake and Neytiri before sitting opposite them on the log that Jake had accidentally shoved you off. Neytiri had already settled in beside Jake and handed him a waterskin filled with something that makes Jake grimace fondly after he takes a deep drink from it.
For a moment, you hover beside the three sitting Na’vi awkwardly. You’re uncomfortably aware that you’re just a human among them, an interloper on this planet and in this village. You’ve been friends with Jake for a long time now, ever since you both arrived on Pandora, but sometimes moments like this remind you just how much things have changed. Your friend isn’t human anymore, and you feel the familiar pang of loneliness settle deep in your chest.
“Hey, kid, you ever had unilpay?” Jake says suddenly, turning back to you and holding out the waterskin. “Try it.”
You’re startled out of the melancholy sort of air that had settled over you. You had been lost in self-pity, assuming that your presence had been forgotten – it’s a pleasant surprise to find Jake grinning at you as he holds out what you know is the Na’vi version of alcohol made from some sort of fermented sap.
His stupid grin reminds you of old times, and you grab at the waterskin eagerly. It’s probably a terrible idea to try alien alcohol, but you’re seized with the desire to fit in amongst this little group. Besides, you and Jake have never been known for thinking things through – Norm was usually the one to pull the two of you back, and he’s not around right now.
As you take a deep breath before carefully lifting your breathing mask up so you can sip at the unilpay, Tsu’tey continues scowling at you. He’s always so stern, so carefully guarded – you imagine he probably disapproves of you being allowed to join in on Omaticaya customs.
“Is that wise?” Tsu’tey asks, looking to Jake with a frown. 
Jake just snorts. “She’s had worse than this.”
That makes you snort too, and you don’t argue as you sip at the drink that he’s offered you. It’s far sweeter than you had expected, with a thick texture that coats your mouth and throat like syrup. It’s missing the acridity that you associate with human alcohol, but you can feel the familiar burn that you associate with alcohol creeping up your throat and into your nose, making you cough.
You hurry to press your mask back to your face as you cough and reach out to pass the waterskin back to Jake. “Damn, that’s strong.”
Jake takes it back then passes it to Tsu’tey, who drinks from it deeply. It looks as though he’s gotten over his disapproval of you drinking the Na’vi alcohol, at least for now, and you take the opportunity to subtly admire the soft bobbing of his throat as he drinks.
“I thought of something else,” Jake says, drawing your attention away from Tsu’tey. 
You glance at him, surprised yet undeniably delighted that he hasn’t forgotten about you entirely now that Neytiri and Tsu’tey have arrived.
“Oh yeah?”
The grin on Jake’s face is all teeth, and in this moment he looks more like his human-self than he has in a long time. 
“A nice, iced beer.” He drawls, looking immensely satisfied with himself.
Your mouth twitches, delighted that he’s still engaging in your silly little game. “I was always more of a cocktail girl myself.”
Jake laughs and nods in approval. “Oh yeah, good point. How good does a Sex on the Beach sound right now?”
Beside him on the log, Tsu’tey chokes on the unilpay. His expression betrays his shock, and the beads in his hair all clack together as his head whips around to stare at Jake in disbelief. Neytiri looks similarly surprised, but she seems to be familiar enough with Jake’s human idiosyncrasies that she’s willing to wait for an explanation.
You start to giggle, both in response to Jake’s comment and to Tsu’tey’s reaction. “Yeah, that does sound pretty good.”
Tsu’tey looks rather scandalised, and he whips around to watch Neytiri for a reaction. She’s too busy watching Jake with a narrow-eyed expression that’s scary enough that you wonder how Jake doesn’t realise that he’s in danger.
Taking pity on the two of them, you explain. “It’s a type of drink from Earth. Like this.” You gesture at the waterskin. “But sweeter and fruity.”
Neytiri’s face softens in understanding, and her shoulders relax as she leans against Jake once more. Tsu’tey, meanwhile, is still looking a little confused – mercifully, he drops it, and instead begins passing the waterskin around again.
For the next two hours or so, you sit with the trio of Na’vi in the flickering firelight. Your initial anxiety that they didn’t want you around begins to fade slowly but surely. It’s a little awkward at first, but Jake makes an obvious attempt to include you in conversations and soon you’re relaxed and happy in their presence. 
The three of them are so big that they take up most of the space on the log, but Jake manages to squeeze you in to sit in between him and Tsu’tey. You side-eyed him heavily at the time (he knows exactly what he’s doing, you just know it, but Jake pretends that he’s gone temporarily blind to your scowling), but now you’ve relaxed into the warmth radiating from their stupidly big bodies.
You can probably attribute your newfound relaxation to the effects of the unilpay – you feel comfortably loose and calm, your thoughts coming slow and easy as you lean into Jake’s side on the log. It’s not the same kind of tipsiness that you’re used to with Earth alcohol, but rather a softer and more comfortable sort of easy-going tranquility.
 For the most part, the three Na’vi converse among themselves. You’re content just to sit in the light of the crackling fire as you bask in the warmth of the smoky forest air, listening to the conversations going on over your head. They speak almost exclusively in Na’vi, but thankfully your language skills have improved massively since you’ve arrived on Pandora – you’re able to follow along with minimal difficulty.
The unilpay has made you a little sleepy, and your eyelids feel heavy as you relax into your little spot between Jake and Tsu’tey. You’re grateful for how easy the evening feels; sitting in their company feels effortless in a way that you’ve been missing dearly. Since Jake had left to live full-time with the Omaticaya, you’ve found yourself without any close friends among the rest of the humans in the outpost.
You may not be as familiar with Neytiri and Tsu’tey, but you still feel comfortable enough in the cosy light of the fire that there’s no awkwardness between the four of you.
Or at least, almost no awkwardness.
“What about Saeyla?” Jake is asking, his eyebrows wagging cheekily as he speaks to Tsu’tey over the top of your head.
A significant portion of your sleepiness had vanished the second Jake had started teasing Tsu’tey about the women in the clan. It had taken everything in you to keep from visibly perking right up at the topic – it’s a little embarrassing to be so goddamn invested in his answer, and even more embarrassing to feel the little embers of jealousy stirring in your chest, as if you would ever stand a chance with him. God, you’re so stupid. 
Neytiri clicks her tongue, answering in Tsu’tey’s place. “No. She is too arrogant, not suited well to him.”
Tsu’tey rolls his eyes, but looks amused at Neytiri’s insistence on answering for him. “It is as Neytiri says. I have no interest in her, and I have already denied her.”
“Ninat, then.” Neytiri says, raising the waterskin to her mouth and smiling coyly over the top of it. “She would make a fine mate.”
It doesn’t escape your notice that Jake’s eyes keep straying to her as though he can hardly stand to tear his gaze away from her, and you feel something in you ache wistfully at the sight of it. You’ve never looked at Jake in any sort of romantic sense – he’s only ever been your closest friend, but seeing that soft look in his eye has you wishing for a relationship like that for yourself. 
Pandora can be a lonely place for a human so far from home. Your eyes slide back up to Tsu’tey, though he doesn’t seem to notice. If anything, he seems to be avoiding looking at you.
Tsu’tey hums, giving it some thought. You try to keep yourself as unobtrusive as possible, curling into the side of Jake’s big avatar body and trying to hide the little glances you keep shooting up at Tsu’tey’s face as he considers Ninat as a potential mate.
“She would.” He says at last, but he doesn’t sound particularly enthused about it. “But I do not desire her, either.”
You have to try not to let your emotions show on your face. It would be stupid to get your hopes up about anything to do with Tsu’tey. He may not be Olo’eyktan anymore, having handed that mantle over to Jake during his near brush with death, but he’s still a significant figure within the village. 
His reputation is important, and he is so careful with what he says and does and how he interacts with the world around him. Even if he was able to get over his distaste for the entire human race, it’s not likely that he’d deign to lower himself to your level.
Maybe Jake can tell that he’s not going to get any juicy gossip out of Tsu’tey, because then he turns to look down at you. You recognise that glint in his eye, and find yourself tensing where you’re trapped in between the two big Na’vi men.
“What about you?” He asks, a grin beginning to grow across his face. “Max mentioned you went on a little date last week with that guy you were seeing. What was his name again? Toby, or something?”
Your eyes narrow. “There is no way he told you that.”
“He did.” He says smugly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You push yourself up with a sigh so that you’re not leaning into his side so much anymore. This means that you’re pressed a little closer to Tsu’tey, but you’re too preoccupied with being the sole focus of Jake’s attention to be self-conscious about it – it always means trouble when he’s focused on you like this.
“Because it was a bust, obviously, and all you’ve ever done is complain about him.” You say, scowling at him.
God, you just know Jake is bringing this up in front of Tsu’tey to try and fluster you. He’s such a dick – you’re gonna kick his ass later.
“You didn’t get lucky?”
Your eyes widen, and you immediately slap at his arm hard. Your smacking at him doesn’t seem to phase him in the slightest; he doesn’t even move away from you, just snickering as you slap at his arms. 
“Asshole!” You hiss at him. “Don’t ask me that in front of other people!”
The blank expressions on Tsu’tey and Neytiri’s faces are proof enough that they have no idea what that particular human phrase means, but that isn’t enough to ease your mortification.
“We’re all friends here.” Jake says, swatting your slapping hands away with ease. “No need to be embarrassed. What, was it not good?”
Oh, he’s doing this on purpose. He knows that you’re embarrassed, and he’s enjoying watching you squirm beside Tsu’tey. You are so going to get him back for this later. 
“We didn’t fuck.” You say bluntly, fighting past the burn in your cheeks so you can glare at him. “It wasn’t worth it.”
You can feel Tsu’tey react from beside you, but you’re not brave enough to turn and look at his face. Oh god, you don’t want to know what he thinks of this conversation. No doubt his face is all scrunched up in his usual expression of disgust, and you don’t think you can handle seeing it right now.
Jake clicks his tongue, though he’s clearly amused. “If he was bad in bed, you should have just told him. I told you that faking orgasms wouldn’t end up well – you’ve given him a big head now-”
“I told you not to tell anyone about that!” You hiss, taking a swipe at his head. Infuriatingly, even though you’re all sitting down he’s still too tall for you to reach him as he just leans back.
Because Jake is an asshole, he just laughs. And to think you had just been feeling so grateful for his friendship. Now you just want to throttle him.
Neytiri leans forward so that she can see you around the bulk of Jake’s body, her brow all furrowed. After a brief hesitation, she hands the waterskin out to you. 
“I do not understand,” She says as you take it. “He does not pleasure you, but you pretend that he does?”
Oh, sweet fucking lord. You push your mask up and chug at the unilpay, relishing the sweet burn in the back of your throat and praying that you somehow blackout in the next couple of seconds. The next time you manage to get Jake alone, you’re going to break his kneecaps. 
Your plan to drink yourself into oblivion is cut short when Tsu’tey’s big hand wraps around the waterskin and tugs it away from your mouth. Disgruntled, you let him take it and press your breathing mask hastily back over your face – you’re still not able to look up at his expression.
“Some guys don’t know how to please women.” Jake answers for you, his arm looping around Neytiri’s shoulders as he leans in to murmur into her ear. “Lucky we don’t have that problem, huh?”
“Ma’Jake.” Neytiri scolds, but she doesn’t really sound angry. If anything, she sounds pleased, as though she’s only chastening him for public appearances. Sickening.
The unilpay is strong, enough so that it mellows out some of the furious embarrassment that had felt as though it were choking you. It’s not quite a feeling of drunkenness, but it relaxes you enough that you feel pleasantly loose and tipsy.
“Is this a problem for Sky People?” Neytiri asks, apparently unwilling to let the subject go. “Not being able to please their women? They are not good lovers?”
You try not to wince. Fuck, this is so humiliating. It’s one thing joking about this with Jake – he’s your best friend, and he’s always poked fun at you for shit like this. You probably could have handled Neytiri’s questions too, though not without a little embarrassment. 
But the real source of your burning mortification is sitting to your immediate left; Tsu’tey’s body dwarfs you where you’re sitting, and his silence during this conversation is worse than anything he could have said.
“No,” Jake hurries to answer his mate, apparently concerned about what she might think about him and his own ability in bed. “No, it’s only a few-”
“I’ve never been with a man who’s a ‘good lover’,” You interrupt. Admittedly, you just say it to get a little vengeance on Jake for bringing up this conversation in the first place, but you’re still being truthful. “They’re always clumsy, rough, and totally fucking unaware of themselves, just hammering away at a vagina. They just turn into a sweaty animal hunched over you and grunting “baby you like that?” directly in your ear as they breathe all over you. It's not pleasant.”
Neytiri wrinkles her nose at the mental image that seems to conjure in her head. “Ah.”
“Damn,” Jake whistles, his eyes darting at something over your head before his grin widens impossibly further. “Someone’s frustrated.”
This time it’s Neytiri that swats at him, to your delight. Jake’s ears actually lower this time as he glances at her, but even the risk of Neytiri’s displeasure isn’t enough to shut him up for long.
“I’m just saying, obviously the guys you’ve been with have got no game.” Jake insists, making you scoff.
“Oh, and you know all about pleasing women?” 
Neytiri hums. “He is quite good at it.”
Your face collapses into a scowl, unable to control your expression, and Tsu’tey grunts in disgust beside you. Well, this is just typical. How did the attention all land so squarely on you, anyway? You had just been trying your best to keep to yourself and enjoy your damn evening.
Jake looks stupidly smug now, his arm slung around Neytiri tugging her closer to him. 
“What makes Sky demons good at mating, then?” Neytiri asks with poorly disguised interest. For all her distrust around the human scientists that have remained on the planet, she’s clearly curious – you can only guess that her interest stems from wanting to understand Jake’s human roots.
You can feel Tsu’tey shift beside you, and shrink down a little in the little crevice that you’re crammed into between him and Jake. Fuck, he must be so uncomfortable right now. You’re surprised that he hasn’t just stormed off yet, considering the topic of conversation.
It’s a small mercy that Jake answers in your stead, because you feel so mortifyingly aware of Tsu’tey’s big, overwhelming presence looming beside you.
“Easy,” Jake says pompously, smiling in self-satisfaction. “Three specific qualities.” He holds up three fingers, counting them out. “Excellent at foreplay, good stroke game, eats pussy.”
“Oh my god,” You groan, but you can’t suppress the laugh that bubbles out of you. “You’re disgusting.”
“I do not know this word.” Tsu’tey says suddenly. “Pussy. What does it mean?”
It’s the first time that he’s spoken in a while, ever since the conversation had turned towards human sex, and you’re mortified that this is the first question he’s asked. You choke, and Tsu’tey’s big honey-coloured eyes slide to you as you splutter, as though he’s curious about your reactions.
When Jake translates the word into Na’vi, Tsu’tey’s expression melts into understanding. “Yes, I see. And the other words? What do they mean?”
Jake’s expression turns sly. “Let me explain-”
That’s just about all you can take, and you struggle to wriggle your way out from between the two of them. “Alright! I think that’s my cue to go to bed!”
Jake is still laughing as you push yourself to your feet, but the majority of your attention is taken up by the way Tsu’tey is staring at you. He clearly can’t understand your reaction, which only humiliates you further. 
The Na’vi are so much more open about sex and relationships than humans are, viewing it as just a fact of life. It’s clear that neither he nor Neytiri can understand why you’re so embarrassed by this conversation, but Jake finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious. 
“You don’t want to help me explain foreplay to Tsu’tey?” He asks faux-innocently, his head tilting to the side as his lips tug in a grin.
“Jake.” You hiss at him, eyes narrowing. “I am going to fuck you up later, I swear to god.”
Jake looks as though he’s winding himself up to make another stupid comment, but a sharp look from Neytiri has him changing his mind. You’re impossibly grateful for her; you always thought she didn’t like you, but her intervention now along with her somewhat sympathetic expression has you wondering if perhaps she likes you more than you had thought. Or maybe she’s showing sympathy towards Tsu’tey; her gaze is darting over your head at his face, after all.
You take your opportunity to flee before anyone can say anything else. You’ve already suffered enough embarrassment tonight, you think as you bid them a hasty goodbye before beating a retreat.
As you disappear into the trees, you hear Tsu’tey’s voice murmuring, “Sky people have much shame when it comes to mating. It is strange.”
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The water is warm and earthy-smelling, crystal clear as it laps against your skin like wet silk. The hot springs are like an open secret among the Omaticaya, and it had been with great delight that Jake had shown you how to get to them beneath the shelter of an arched cave weeks ago.
Unilpay may not have been like any human alcohol you had ever experienced, but the hangover you had woken up with the next morning was very familiar. Amidst the dull throbbing of your head and the light nausea, you decide that the only thing that could possibly help was a bath.
Now that you’re submerged in the silky hot water of the natural spring, you think that it just might have been the best idea you’ve ever had. Your face is flushed with a light sheen of sweat from the heat of the water, and you have your head pillowed in your arms where you’re half-hanging over one of the moss-covered rocks that line the pool.
It really is beautiful in here. The entire cavern is dimly illuminated by phosphorescent algae growing in the water and along the dampest patches of the walls, glowing a luminous blue. Along the rocky ceiling, it grows and glows like stars. Even the rocks glow a soft shade of green, padded by a soft, cushy sort of moss.
You’re lucky too that you’ve come to the springs so early in the morning. It’s rare to find them empty, and you delight in the fact that you’re able to enjoy the blissful solitude. The only problem is now that you’re alone, there’s no way to escape your thoughts.
The conversation from the night before keeps repeating inside your head, and every time it replays you find yourself sinking lower and lower into the rock you’re laying on. The unilpay must have been really dampening your reactions, because in the light of day the mortification is positively staggering.
Having a conversation about disappointing sex would be one thing, but to have that same conversation in front of Tsu’tey? The most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen in your life? The man already thinks that you’re a demon, and the thought of him sitting there and listening to a conversation about your embarrassingly disappointing sex life makes you want to curl up into a ball and die.
How are you ever going to look him in the eye again? You know that Jake had started that stupid conversation on purpose, just to embarrass you – he knows about your silly little crush, and never fails to poke fun at you when he can.
You’re broken out of your thoughts by the sound of bare feet scuffling against rock, and you blink your bleary eyes open and squint through the curling steam rising from the water.
For a moment, you think that what you’re seeing is a figment of your imagination conjured by the fact that you had just been thinking of him.
But then Tsu’tey keeps stepping forward, approaching the pool of water, and you realise that he is very real and very present.
“Hello, tawtute.” He greets, sounding bizarrely casual. It’s as if he had expected to see you here.
You startle, both at his presence and the fact that he’s actually greeting you. Your brain has stalled a little from his surprise arrival, and so it takes you a long time to comprehend exactly what he could be here for.
It’s only when his long fingers reach for the ties of his tewng that you fully register that you’re both in the hot springs for one reason – a bath.
“Oh!” You blurt stupidly, averting your gaze. Your entire upper body is exposed as you lay across the mossy rock with only your legs submerged in the water, but you’re quick to push yourself off and drop back into the pool in an effort to cover yourself.
Your modesty is wasted on him. The Na’vi are comfortable in their own skin, and nudity isn’t a taboo in their culture in the same way it is for humans. He barely even looks at you as he walks his way into the pool, though you can’t keep your own gaze from trailing back towards him.
The loincloth was the only thing he had removed. The rest of his jewelry remains tied around his neck and forearms, and you glance appreciatively at his narrow waist and the delicate white glowing freckles all over his firm pectoral muscles. He’s not the first Na’vi male you’ve seen nude, but this is the first one you’ve really wanted to see.
His legs are long and lean, and you try not to stare at his thighs as they flex when he wades into the hot water of the pool. Your eyes jump away when they reach the junction of his thighs, but not before catching a glimpse of what he’s packing there.
A little panicked, you duck down into the water until you’re submerged up to your nose, your gaze averted. Nudity may not be taboo to the Na’vi, but it still carries taboo connotations to you, especially considering this is a man that you’re attracted to.
You try to stifle your reaction as best as you can – it would be all too humiliating to have him realise just how you’re looking at him.
“I’m sorry,” You blurt, raising your arms so you can cross them over your chest. “I didn’t know there was anyone else here, but I was just leaving-”
Tsu’tey spares you a glance, though his eyes don’t linger on you. You can’t decide if the lack of attention is reassuring or insulting. 
“Stay.” He grunts, wading further into the centre of the pool, further than you had dared to go. It’s far deeper there, the water lapping steadily at his shoulders. 
He doesn’t say anything further, and so you end up hovering awkwardly in the shallow end of the pool with your back pressed up against the mossy rock you had been laying on. Though Tsu’tey isn’t paying you any attention, you keep your arms pressed tight to your chest in a weak attempt to cover your breasts.
Tsu’tey sighs softly as his shoulders relax in the warm water, one of his hands cupping the back of his neck as he rolls his head on his neck. The cave is quiet, the sounds of the softly bubbling water amplified against the wet rock walls, and you feel terribly self-conscious as you watch him dip himself in the water.
“You left quickly last night.” He says, his quiet voice almost lost amidst the soft sounds of the water.
You blink. It takes a moment for you to understand – he so rarely initiated conversation with you, always preferring to simply watch you in silence as you talked away.
“Oh.” You feel your face grow hot, and attempt to dip even lower in the water. “Right. Sorry about that. Um, Jake loves fucking around like that. He’s not very funny though.”
Tsu’tey hums, though his mouth quirks in amusement. “He is not funny,” He agrees. “But I learned much about human males. I did not realise they were so disappointing.”
“Oh my god.” You mutter faintly, eyes widening. The only thing you can think of that’s more embarrassing than standing in front of Tsu’tey naked is continuing the conversation about your disappointing lovers as you both stand nude in a bath.
Your soft exclamation draws his attention, and this time his eyes linger on your face. 
“Their inability to please you causes you shame?” He wonders.
You almost choke, recoiling a little at that question. Fuck, you always forget how blunt the Na’vi are, and Tsu’tey is even more straight-forward than most. But still, you’ve never spoken to him like this before. Yet here he is, asking you a very personal question indeed.
“I- I guess.” You manage to say, though it comes out a little strained. “I mean- it is a little embarrassing.”
Tsu’tey has hardly blinked as he watches you, and the intensity of his stare makes you unbelievably nervous. It takes everything you have not to fidget as he watches you; it feels as though he’s reading your thoughts right off your face.
Finally, after an impossibly long moment, he grunts dismissively before wading towards the edge of the pool. You watch him go, squinting to see what he’s doing as he reaches for something hidden among the glowing flora growing around the hot springs.
When he pulls back, there’s some sort of glowing flower clasped in his hand. It’s a pretty pink colour, luminous against Tsu’tey’s vibrant blue skin. You watch with interest as he dips it in the water before beginning to rub it along his arms and chest. You can’t see any point to it, and you squint curiously as he massages his skin with the silky petals.
“What is that?” You’re finally brave enough to ask. 
“Yursyulang.” Tsu’tey says, though he doesn’t raise his head to look at you. “The flowers are used to wash.”
You don’t reply, too distracted by the fact that his hands are now dipping lower in the water so he can wash at his thighs. You look away hastily, growing flustered, before turning to take a look at the vegetation growing around the edge of the pool just behind you. 
Sure enough, there are a few of the delicate flowers growing in the crevices between the rocks all around the pool.
You pluck one, peering at it carefully. The petals are a little bit waxy, though when they come into contact with your wet fingers the waxy texture turns oily. The stamen protrudes from between the petals, dropping white pollen all over your fingers.
Experimentally, you swipe the flower over your arm. It leaves an odd trail of oily residue in its wake, and you squint at it in confusion. 
When you look up again, you’re surprised to find that Tsu’tey has stepped much closer to you. You reach up to cover your chest again, startled.
“You are using it wrong.” He says bluntly, reaching for the flower in your hand. “Give it.”
You hand it over without a word, though you can’t figure out what he wants with it. You don’t think you’d be able to argue with him even if you tried.
He steps closer again, and you take a nervous step back. The mossy rock presses against your spine, halting your retreat. Tsu’tey steps forward again, before reaching for your arm.
You let him take it, taking a breath and holding it as his thick four-fingered hand closes around your wrist. Even in the heat of the pool, his touch feels scorching. 
“Like this.” He murmurs, gripping the flower and stroking it softly over the skin of your arm. 
Your mouth goes dry, and you watch with wide and confused eyes as he cups his hand in the water and pours it over the oily residue left by the flower petals. The water causes it to emulsify, turning milky against your skin.
By all rights, that should have been the end of his little demonstration. But to your bewilderment, he just keeps going. He’s more gentle than you would have guessed by his size and scowl, and you feel your already traitorous heart shiver and grow even softer. 
The yursyulang leaves your arm feeling clean but soft, without the usual dried-out feeling you get from soap.
You swallow thickly as his touch glides up your arm and over your shoulder, the silky sensation of the flower on your collarbones making you shiver despite the heat in the pool. 
When Tsu’tey speaks again you jolt, startled as the peaceful quiet of the cave is broken.
“You are too little,” He murmurs, one of his fingers tracing over your collarbone. “It is difficult to reach. Come here.”
He lowers himself down to your level, and your eyes follow him as he sits on a stone ledge built into the side of the pool. He gestures at you to come closer, and you follow his direction mindlessly. You spare a brief moment to wonder if you’re imagining this, but you really don’t care – you’re willing to soak up any little bit of attention he’s willing to give you.
You let out a soft noise of surprise when he grips your arm and pulls you up onto the ledge next to him. You hurry to cover your breasts again, despite the fact that he’s made no move to glance down.
“Why do you do this?” He wonders, reaching forward and tugging at your forearm where it’s held tight to your chest. 
“Um-” Your laugh is high-pitched and nervous, and you wince at the sound of it. “Humans aren’t as confident in their bodies as the Na’vi tend to be, I guess.”
He hums, then reaches out and drags the yursyulang across your chest, just over the swell of your breasts. You take a sharp inhale through your nose at the touch, though there don’t seem to be any ulterior motives behind it.
“Your people are strange.” He murmurs, cupping more water and letting it drip over your chest. “You do not like your own bodies, you do not connect with nature, you do not touch each other. It is no wonder that tawtute males are bad lovers.”
“Oh my god,” You roll your eyes, but you think he just might have a point. “Can we stop talking about this?”
Tsu’tey’s mouth twitches, and he tugs at your arm one more time. Reluctantly, you allow your arms to drop. This time, he does look at your tits, and you feel hyper-aware of the way your nipples have firmed up in the steamy air as he touches you.
“I have been thinking about what Jakesully said last night,” He murmurs, gliding his hand lower over the swell of your breasts. “He explained, after you were gone.”
You stare at him, wondering if you were imagining the tension that’s singing between the two of you. Why is he bringing this up now? He had been so quiet last night that you had just assumed he was as disgusted as he usually was around humans. You can hardly believe he’s touching you right now, and voluntarily too, as he brings up the subject again.
“I’m… not altogether sure I want to know what he said.” You admit a little hesitantly.
He chuckles at that, and startles you by closing his hands around your hips and hoisting you up over his lap. You end up sitting with your legs splayed around one of his thighs, your hands pressed against his chest as you grab at him for balance.
You let out a weird warble of surprise as he settles you firmly on his thigh, but he doesn’t seem to notice your bewilderment at all. He’s still acting as though what he’s doing is perfectly normal, and maybe it is.
Maybe you’re the one being weird. Communal bathing is normal among the Na’vi, and you know that it’s considered a type of bonding for them too. Maybe this act of washing you is supposed to symbolise his acceptance of you among the clan? 
“Tsu’tey,” You whisper, your brow furrowing in confusion as he washes your stomach. “What’s happening right now?”
One of his arms winds around your waist, and you melt against him when he drags the yursyulang over the bare skin of your back. His grip is so strong, his hand so large and warm that it makes your thoughts scatter into nothingness.
“You do not like me touching you?” He asks. His voice is a little huskier than usual, but he still sounds unbelievably casual considering the position the two of you are in. 
"That's- no, I don't mean that-"
It doesn't seem as though Tsu’tey is paying the slightest bit of mind to the way you’re getting flustered, because he just gives you a careless little smirk as his head tilts. He moves like a particularly graceful cat, and you shift a little nervously on his thigh.
"No?" His lips are beginning to curve up into a tiny, amused smile as he watches you scramble. "You seem confused."
You take a little breath in a weak attempt to collect yourself. You feel overheated and shivery, your thoughts slow and soupy. Fuck, you’re aroused. It’s the worst time possible to be sitting naked in Tsu’tey’s lap, and you’re just so grateful that the water your lower half is submerged in is covering how you’ve grown slick and sticky.
His gentle touch all over your body in the name of washing is one thing, but when one of his hands slides up into your hair you freeze. 
You may not have been certain about the connotations of bathing, but you know perfectly well what the connotations of him washing your hair is. This is an intimate touch on a level that you’re not sure a human could ever understand – a Na’vi’s hair is especially revered considering the proximity to their neural queue. This is a touch that is usually reserved for family or for mates.
When you glance up at his face, you find that he’s already watching you with those intense amber eyes of his, as though trying to read you for a reaction.
“Tsu’tey?” You ask, your voice wobbling a little. “Is this- I mean, are you-?”
“I have been thinking,” He interrupts, his blunt fingers massaging at your scalp. “About your unworthy human mate.”
“They’re not-” You begin, your eyes fluttering shut as he scratches softly through the roots of your hair. “He’s not my mate.”
Tsu’tey grunts, though he sounds pleased as one of his hands drifts low over your belly with the yursyulang. 
“Good. It does not sound like there are any tawtute males worthy of mating with.” 
You laugh, breathless and a little awkward as you try to pretend that your stomach hasn’t just clenched up like a fist at the feeling of his hand trailing over your navel.
“Well,” Your murmur, a little wryly. “Maybe if human men had to go through a big rite of passage before choosing a mate, they’d be a little more appreciative.”
Tsu’tey’s brow crinkles slightly. “They do not deserve iknimaya. And they do not deserve a mate.”
You laugh again, but this time it comes out strangled and weak. You’re beginning to get far too flustered sitting in his lap like this, but you can’t work up the willpower to clamber off him. Does he even realise that the way he’s touching you is considered sexually intimate for humans? You’re naked for god’s sake.
But then he must realise, you think. He’s washing your hair, and that’s a huge display of intimacy for Na’vi. Is there something you’re missing here?
Then he speaks again, and your doubts are very firmly shattered.
“I want to give you pleasure.” He says. His voice is low and rumbly and quiet, and yet in the quiet of the cave he may as well have been shouting. “Since you have never experienced it with a lover.”
You goggle at him like an absolute moron. Your thoughts have gone utterly, totally blank. It’s like your brain has been shocked into a hard reboot, and you stare uncomprehendingly as his words sink in. He watches you right back, the picture of patience. The only sign of his impatience is the flick of his ear.
Before you can answer, he buries his face into your neck and lays a hot, biting kiss against the sensitive flesh just beneath your jaw. You jerk in his lap, eyes blowing wide at the feeling of his hot, rough tongue and his sharp teeth. 
Oh god, this is actually happening. He’s actually touching you, kissing you, holding you. 
“What about Ninat?” You ask stupidly, then curse yourself. Why the fuck are you bringing up Ninat? Talk about self-sabotage.
Tsu’tey doesn’t even bother to respond immediately. He just takes a hold of your hips and lifts, gathering you into his strong arms effortlessly as he stands in the water. The movement comes as a surprise, and you clutch at him with wide eyes as he turns and settles you down on the same moss-covered rock you had been lounging on beside the pool when he had first come in.
Now that you’re no longer in the hot water, gooseflesh breaks out all over your skin and your nipples firm up obviously. You shiver a little as you watch his eyes drift down over your breasts and linger, before dropping lower over your belly.
“What about her?” He asks at last, though he seems to get distracted by the way your thighs are rubbing together.
You push yourself up to a sitting position on the mossy rock, your fingers curling into the soft vegetation. “Didn’t you say you were courting her?”
“No.” Tsu’tey says bluntly, crawling up onto the rock beside you and situating himself between your legs as he leans in to kiss your collarbones. “I did not say this. I am not courting anybody yet, despite my efforts.”
When his mouth drifts lower over your breasts, you forget your train of thought entirely. His tongue is big and rough as he licks over your nipple. He’s big enough that when he goes to take your breast into his mouth, he covers almost the entire swell of it. 
You push your chest into the wet heat of his mouth with a soft breath, but then he reaches up and pushes you right back down. His strength takes you by surprise, and all you can do is lay there and gasp as he licks at your tits like a man starving.
“Oh fuck.” You breathe, raising your hand to cup the back of his head. Your fingers wind into his braids, clutching at them as he bites unmistakable hickeys into your tits.
Even through your mask, you can tell he smells like the sweet-scented flower he had been using to bathe. The pleasant smell goes to your head, leaving you all hazy and wanting.
When Tsu’tey’s mouth leaves you, you nearly whine out a complaint. He hardly gives you an opportunity to make a sound though, because his hands keep running all over your body. The pads of his fingers trace over your shoulders, his palms coast over your breasts and belly, he grips and gently squeezes at the soft flesh of your thighs.
“Jakesully-” Tsu’tey begins, before pausing. A small frown furrows his brow, and he seems to be struggling with how to phrase his next words. “He courted you? Before he became one of the People?”
The shock of that question causes you to jolt, startled right out of your dazed state of arousal. 
“What?” You almost screech, attempting to sit up. Tsu’tey’s hand closes around your waist, keeping you still, but you still manage to scowl up at him in utter bewilderment. “No, fuck! We’re friends! We’ve always been friends! It’s not like that at all!”
Tsu’tey’s shoulders loosen, as though some tension you hadn’t even noticed he was carrying is beginning to leak away. “Ah. He seemed... familiar with your pleasure. Or lack of it.”
"We talk! Jesus-"
You’re still a little shell-shocked by the question as Tsu’tey returns to pressing kisses down the length of your stomach. Why would he have asked you that? Surely it was obvious that you and Jake were just friends? Neytiri would have struck you down if you were anything more, you were sure. 
You’re so preoccupied with your thoughts that it takes a moment to realise that Tsu’tey has stopped trailing kisses down your belly. Instead he’s come to a halt, and you can feel him staring down between your legs. The sudden interest has your breath catching and your cheeks burning.
When you try to close your thighs, his hands clamp firmly around your legs to keep you spread open and still. 
“You have hair here.” He comments, his brow all puckered in bewilderment as he reaches a finger out and drags it through the curls of your pubic hair.
“Yeah.” You say stupidly. You imagine it must look bizarre to one of the Na’vi, who are naturally hairless everywhere except for the thick, glossy hair on their heads.
“What is its purpose?”
You open your mouth, and then slowly close it, then open it again. “I, uh… I don’t know, really. It grows when humans reach puberty.”
He cards a finger through it, eyes sharp and curious. It’s a pretty weak explanation, but Tsu’tey seems satisfied enough with it. 
His touches grow bolder, his fingers moving with purpose down towards your swollen cunt. You had just started to curse yourself for not shaving, but then the pads of his fingers run over the puffy hood of your clit and you moan quietly as your thoughts scatter.
You pleasured little sounds seem to encourage him, because his touches get bolder. His fingers trace over the contours of your cunt, in between the slick folds as though testing to see how wet you are, before returning to your clit again. 
His other hand wanders down towards your legs, and he hooks his fingers around the soft pudge of your thigh. He squeezes lightly, and makes a soft grunt of amusement.
“Are all Sky People so soft?” He wonders, pressing his face into the swell of your tits as his mouth curves up in a smirk.
You don’t even answer, raising your hand to cup the back of his neck in an attempt to keep his head where it is. Your stomach is twisting in excitement and arousal, your chest heaving as you attempt to keep your breath steady inside your breathing mask. God, you want his mouth on your tits again.
He seems to know what you’re thinking, because he lifts his head up to grin at you. You’ve never seen him so expressive before – he’s usually so blank-faced and scowly, so to see his sharp teeth all bared in a wild grin, the skin around his eyes crinkling, nearly takes your breath away.
He kisses your left breast again, his rough-textured tongue rasping over your nipple and making you let out a soft, breathy little whimper.
“You like this.” He murmurs. There’s a little bit of wonderment in his voice, as though he’s pleasantly surprised by your reaction.
“Yeah,” You breathe, a little embarrassed. “It feels good. But- could you-”
He kisses your other tit, nipping gently at the underside of it, before lifting his face to look at you again. That amused expression hasn’t faltered at all, and one corner of his mouth twitches up into a smirk as he watches you struggle to express your desires.
“I will do what you wish,” He murmurs, “But you must tell me first.”
He bows his head and drags his nose up along your breastbone towards your collarbones. His breath tickles at your wet skin, and his plump lips trace little kisses all over you as he goes. He’s so gentle, but his touch feels positively electric and leaves a line of goosebumps breaking out in his wake.
You feel like you’ve been clubbed over the head. You’ve been crushing on Tsu’tey for so long, but never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined a situation like this, with him looming large and imposing between your legs and asking how you want him to please you.
What the fuck? You think wildly, before shoving your confusion aside. Who cares how you got here – you’re going to seize this opportunity with both hands.
“Will you touch me again?” You breathe, reaching down and wrapping your fingers around his large wrist. His hand is still between your legs, though it’s gone still as he waits for you to direct him. “My- my clit, just there-”
His ears twitch, and then he shifts and pushes himself down your body. He only pauses when his head is level with your hips, and you see his nostrils flare as he scents you between your legs.
Though you had asked him to touch you, your legs twitch shut as you try to close your thighs. You want him so badly, but it’s mortifying to see him sniffing at you like that.
He clicks his tongue, and grabs at your thighs to press them open again. He’s so strong, and regardless of how gentle he’s being you don’t stand a chance at resisting him. As soon as he has your legs splayed out wide once again, his head bullies its way between your thighs and keeps you all spread open. 
You can hear him breathing you in, taking deep eager breaths as he snuffles at your cunt before leaning in closer. His breathing sounds positively desperate, as though he’s just short of hyperventilating.
“You smell sweet, tawtute,” He groans, leaning his head against the plushness of your thigh. “I did not expect this.” 
Your clit is aching so hard that it feels like your whole cunt is pulsing between your legs. Honestly, a significant part of you had expected to be manhandled and fucked within an inch of your life after he had declared his intention to please you; that’s what the men you’ve encountered before have considered pleasing you, after all. And while you’re a little terrified to think about the sheer size of the weapon he’s got between his legs, that doesn’t seem to be what Tsu’tey is planning at all.
Instead, he demonstrates an abundance of patience as he spends his time mapping out every inch of your flesh with his hands, pressing kisses all along the inside of your thighs. You shiver under the attention, shuffling a little as you spread your legs wider; your self-consciousness is forgotten in your eagerness to feel his mouth on you properly.
Finally, finally, he nips and kisses his way up to the meeting of your thighs and lays his hot, eager tongue along the heat of your cunt. His tongue is… not particularly soft. It has a rough, almost sand-papery texture, though it’s slick and wet and it feels so, so good against your swollen and over-heated flesh.
“Oh, fuck!” You wheeze, tossing your head back against the squishy moss that coats the rock beneath you. 
When you wiggle a little, trying to encourage his mouth a little higher, his hands grasp at your thighs hard to keep you still.
“Relax, demon,” He rumbles against you, mouth curving up in a sharp grin. “Be patient. You will have your pleasure.”
It’s a different sensation to anything you’ve ever felt before. It’s not the first time you’ve been eaten out, of course. You’ve had partners offer in the past, but it had never done much for you. Your last partner would only do it to get you wet, and then his focus would switch without preamble to getting his cock inside you. You had never experienced a tongue that played between your legs with such obvious relish before.
As your body goes lax against the mossy rock, Tsu’tey rumbles in delight and pulls your thighs up over his shoulders so that his head is bracketed by your plush thighs. You try not to thrash too much, to relax like he’s told you to. He makes it easier when he bars one of his arms over your hips and presses them down, keeping you from squirming.
The action alone makes you a little flustered, and the fact that you now feel like you can barely move an inch has your head swimming.
Tsu’tey continues to lave his tongue against you. It feels much rougher than a human tongue; it reminds you a little of a cat’s. The texture isn’t painful…in fact, it’s kind of mind-blowing. It creates such a glorious friction that it has you squirming despite your best intentions.
“Oh god,” You wheeze as he drags that rough tongue over your sensitive clit, hips jerking out of your control at the sensation of it. “Oh god, yes-”
Tsu’tey seems to take every breath, sigh and whimper as a cue, trying to match his movements to what makes you react the most. Your toes clench uselessly along his back where your legs are still thrown over his shoulders, leaving you entirely powerless in his hold. 
When your breath hitches, he bears down with more intent and it’s too much, too fast. You shudder as an orgasm washes over you, vision whiting out as hot static pleasure radiates from your cunt out into every extremity. The release takes you by surprise, and you can’t stop yourself from whining and moaning and writhing while Tsu’tey keeps you as still as he can, never erring in his ministrations.
He only pulls back when the last shivering aftershock races through your nerves, and even then he only pulls back far enough to press a sloppy kiss to the inside of your thigh.
“That is one.” He murmurs to himself, his chest rumbling in a loud purr. The vibrations shoot right into through your nerves, and you’re oversensitive enough that you shudder mindlessly at the feeling.
You stare wide-eyed at the ceiling of the cave, chest heaving as you catch your breath. You’re still trying to wrap your head around what’s just happened.
“Holy shit,” You breathe, craning your head up so you can look down at him. “I’ve never- I mean, no one else has ever made me come before.”
Tsu’tey is still nuzzling his wide, flat nose into your inner thigh as he takes deep breaths, clearly enjoying the smell of your arousal, but your words draw him out of his relaxed state. He blinks, then frowns up at you.
“You have wasted your time with unworthy males,” He murmurs, his brow furrowed in aggravation. “I will fix this.”
With that, he lowers his mouth to your oversensitive clit and begins to lick at you again. In the same moment, he slides a single finger inside of you. Even one of his fingers is thick, and you let out a sharp, surprised sound, your head tilting back against the cushy moss as your eyes shut tight against the onslaught of sensation as he begins to stretch you out.
You can’t believe he’s still eating your pussy. You had massively underestimated his commitment and his drive, it seems; he isn’t showing any signs of stopping anytime soon. His eyes are closed as he devotes his entire attention to burying his face into your cunt and lapping at your clit. 
It’s almost like he’s trying to smother himself in you, as though tongue-fucking you is infinitely more important than breathing. You just barely catch on to the way his hips are moving; he’s grinding his cock into the spongey moss beneath him, letting out soft grunts into your pussy as he focuses solely on making you feel good.
After that first orgasm, there is no resisting anything he does. His head is between your thighs, his tongue is on your clit. You’re convinced that you’re about to reach heaven, because nothing has ever felt this good in your life.
And then he purrs, and you lose your mind completely. It’s like having the best vibrator in the world, pressed right up into you as he licks you wet and sloppy. 
You come again, squealing. He holds your hips still, making it so you can’t escape the pure onslaught of pleasure and sensation as his tongue rolls up into you, deeper than any human has ever reached before. 
“Two.” He mumbles against your cunt, the word wetly muffled.
This orgasm doesn’t last quite as long as the first one, and soon you’re whimpering, overwhelmed. He doesn’t slow down, but his movements do turn gentle. He adds another finger; you’re wet enough from both your own arousal and from Tsu’tey’s eager mouth that the slide of the second finger is easy, though the stretch still burns a little. 
His two thick fingers roll inside you, gentle but insistent. Your face screws up as he hits the spongey sweet spot deep inside of you, the sweet heat that blooms throughout your lower belly making your toes curl.
“Tsu’tey,” You choke out, sweat breaking out across your temples as you shudder. “Oh, fuck! Oh god, please, please, please-”
The steady rumbling purr is interrupted briefly by his chuckle. Encouraged by your reactions, his fingers start to rub over your sweet spot so insistently that your breath catches in your chest and your eyes roll back.
When his lips wrap around your clit and he sucks, you let out an honest to god scream as another orgasm slams into you, sending your vision whiting out like static. Tsu’tey seems to like that, moaning happily as you writhe against his face and taking the opportunity to add another finger. 
“Three,” He mumbles to himself, so quietly you hardly hear.
You’re stuffed full and trembling like a leaf, your eyes rolled back and your mouth dropped open as you pant like a moron.
“S’too much,” You moan, your words coming out all slurred and stupid. “Fuck, fuck, Tsu’tey, too much.”
With great reluctance, Tsu’tey pulls his face away from your cunt. He looks utterly debauched. His lips are slick and swollen, drool and slick smeared all over his mouth and chin, his hair all dishevelled from your tugging at it, and a hazy, lusty look gleaming in his eyes.
Fuck, you’ve never seen him look so pleased with himself.
Despite the fact that you’re still shivering from the electric little jolts that keep shooting up your spine from your poor, oversensitive clit, you find yourself anticipating his next move. However improbable, you want more.
Tsu’tey pushes himself up, his large palms coming to rest over your hips as he leans up to lay some more hot, biting kisses against your shoulder.
“You make such lovely noises, tawtute,” He murmurs, his lips dragging over the hot skin at the base of your throat. 
You’re still wide-eyed and short of breath, but you tilt your head back eagerly and loop your arms around his neck. He’s so much bigger than you that it feels as though his entire body engulfs you as he leans over you, and it sends an excited little thrill through you.
“Holy fuck,” You wheeze, your fingers curling into his hair. “Oh my god. I’ve never… shit. I think you’ve just ruined me for human men for life.”
That seems to do wonders for his ego, because he lifts his face from your shoulder so that you can see his stupidly smug expression. His tail is wiggling in the air, a clear sign of satisfaction. God, he’s adorable.
He still hasn’t pulled his fingers out of you, and you sigh stupidly as you feel them curl languidly inside of you. Your thighs are still spread wide, trembling a little from the muscle strain as Tsu’tey settles himself between your legs.
“Tawtute males have nothing to offer.” He says, with an obvious edge of loftiness in his voice. 
You wheeze a laugh, before pushing yourself up onto your elbows so that you can peer down the length of your bodies. Though his body is pressed tight to yours, you can still see the evidence of his arousal hanging heavy between his legs. He’s so hard, and yet he hasn’t made any move to climb atop you and start hammering away at you like you’re used to. It’s a little startling to realise that you kind of want him to.
Tentatively, you reach for his cock. He groans as soon as your fingers make contact with his erection, his head dropping down to rest against your chest.
“You do not have to, demon.” He murmurs, though his voice is strained and his hips rock a little into your grip as though he can’t help it. “I will keep using my mouth until you are satisfied.”
Well, that’s certainly a very enticing offer. You had never experienced anyone use their mouth like Tsu’tey had, so eager and driven and motivated by nothing but getting you off, and you can imagine getting addicted to his mouth with ease. 
Warm fondness blooms in your chest as you look at him all crouched between your legs, brow furrowed as he watches your face. Even with your hand on his dick, he’s not pushing you for anything more. Your crush on him seems to swell, your heart fluttering in time with your pussy as you reach for him.
“Your mouth is very good,” You breathe, a grin beginning to curve your mouth up. “But…”
Tsu’tey lifts his head, his eyes narrowing as his gaze darts all over your face. It’s like he’s trying to read what you want from your expression, to guess what you’re looking for before you can say it aloud. It reminds you of earlier, when he had said that he would do whatever you wanted, so long as you told him what it was.
Your fingers tentatively coast down the length of his stiff cock in an exploratory type of touch. It’s thick, but it feels… manageable. Na’vi cocks seem to follow similar proportions to Na’vi bodies; long, but narrow. That still makes him very thick compared to a human, but it feels only a little larger than an ex-partner you once had that was especially well endowed. Granted, that sex was terrible because he didn't know how to use it, but you’re positive this will be different. This is Tsu’tey, and you’re beginning to trust him whole-heartedly with your body; he certainly seems to know what he’s doing.
“Will you fuck me?” You ask. 
Your voice comes out a little shakier than you had intended, but it's just the nerves getting the better of you. It’s a bold question to be asking, and you’re asking it of Tsu’tey; one of the scariest people you’ve ever met and the one that you’ve been crushing on for months.
He expels a sharp breath of air as though it’s been punched out of him, and his face drops down to push into the curve of your shoulder.
“Yes, tawtute,” He groans, lips dragging against your neck. “I would be very pleased to, if you are sure.”
Your grin turns anticipatory, and then you wrap your hand around his cock and give it a proper stroke. He grunts, his hold on you tightening a little as his body curves around you, his hips humping into your fist.
The sense of power that washes over you is a little startling. Tsu’tey is over nine feet tall and stacked, and yet you have him grunting and groaning as he humps his cock into your tiny fist. He’s so sweet about it too, only taking what you give him and never demanding more. Fuck, it makes you want to give him the world.
His eyes are all scrunched shut, and as your fist twists over the mushroomed head of his cock, an honest to god moan is punched out of his chest, the deepness of the sound vibrating into you beneath him. It’s probably the hottest thing you’ve ever heard in your life, and your legs fall even farther apart in response to it.
Not only is his cock thick and long, but it has little raised patterns along it that seem to mimic the darker stripes across the rest of his skin. The velvety skin of his cock is also dotted with raised little nubs all over, and every time your hand strokes over them, Tsu’tey shivers a little as his ears twitch.
Apparently Na’vi males aren’t meant to be a smooth ride. You feel your clit actually pulse at the thought.
“Tsu’tey,” You gasp, your grip on his cock firming. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my fucking life.”
He lets out a breath, one that sounds like pure anticipation, before rolling off of you. 
You blink, bewildered as he shuffles himself off the rock and away from you. That is absolutely not what you wanted.
“Where are you going?” You ask, trying not to sound miffed.
“Patience, yawntutsyìp.” He says as he reaches for the loincloth he had placed aside when he had first come into the spring.
He sounds amused, which actually helps to settle you. He didn’t appear to have any intentions of leaving you here, wet and loose and ready to be fucked, which was a relief.
You watch him curiously, desperate to know just what it is that he’s looking for. He seems to be rooting around in a little leather pouch tied to his loincloth, though you can’t get a good look at what he’s searching for.
“Tsu’tey-” You start to say, but he straightens up and turns back to you before you can finish.
He moves back to you swiftly, his agility as impressive as ever as he leaps back around the mossy rock you’re all laid over. Within seconds, he’s resituated himself back between your thighs as though he never left, leaning over you and giving you an eager, anticipatory grin.
He looks genuinely excited, and you feel your stomach flip in response. Oh, you’re so fucked. Literally as well as figuratively, you hope.
“What were you-”
You’re interrupted again when he holds up a hand; clasped in it is a bottle that’s bizarrely familiar. For a long second all you can do is blink at it, bewildered.
“Where did you get lube-”
“It will make it better for you, will it not?” He asks, fumbling to snap the bottle open.
Your expression softens, mouth wobbling into a shy little smile, before reaching to open the bottle cap yourself.
“Yeah,” You murmur, watching him dribble the lube over his long, lithe blue fingers. “It will, but where did you get it?”
“I asked for it.” Is all he says, before dipping his fingers between your legs once again.
You abandon your line of questioning with a satisfied sigh, leaning your head back as he fingers you with one hand. Three of his large fingers stretch you wide as his thumb rolls over your clit, moving deftly. With his other hand, he reaches to rub some of the slick and gooey lube over his cock.
“Okay,” You breathe, your hips twitching a little as his thumb rubs smooth circles over the swollen nub of your clit. “Come on, come on, give it to me-”
He breathes a soft snort, his eyes bright and wild as he watches the way your hips move towards him. He seems to be enamoured with the fact that you’re apparently so desperate for him, and if he hadn’t worked you up so much you might be embarrassed about it.
“Patience, little demon.” He rumbles out, lowering his chest so that he’s pressed against you. “You still doubt my ability to please you?”
His chest reverberates against yours as he purrs, and you shiver in delight at the sensation. It feels as though he’s sending vibrations right down into your bones, and you arch your back as you push your breasts into him. 
“No,” You say it with a breathless laugh. “No, I trust you.”
“Good.” He hums, his teeth glinting as he grins.
When the thick head of his cock presses against your slicked entrance, you let your thighs fall open even further. When he starts to press in, all you can manage to do is shut your eyes tight and whimper. 
“Breathe, yawntutsyìp.” He whispers into your ear, his lips brushing over the shell of your ear.
He’s stretched you out well, and you’re loose and relaxed thanks to the orgasms he’s given you already, but he’s still big. He takes it slow and careful, but the stretch still burns and forces all the air out of your lungs. 
You take a shaky inhale as he works himself into you, somewhat stunned by the steady, inescapable pressure and the impossible feeling of fullness. Your body keeps clenching and relaxing, alternately accepting his girth and seizing up to try and force him out; Tsu’tey takes it as slow as he can manage, attempting to make it as easy for you to take him as possible.
“Oh god, oh god,” You warble, reaching up to cling onto his shoulders. 
Fuck, you feel like you’re on fire. You can’t think of the last time that you were so alight with desire. You ache, a sweet subtle hurt like a pure animal demand to be satisfied.
Your hips spasm towards him, frustrated by his slow pace, but he reaches down and snatches at your hipbones to keep you still.
“Don’t force it,” He whispers to you. You can hear the amusement in her voice, but he strokes his thumbs in circles around your hipbones to soothe you as you struggle with his size. “You can take it; just give yourself a moment.”
His grip on your hips is like steel, and you’re not sure you could move even if you tried. You’ve no option but to do as he says, and you go as still as possible.
“Fuck, your dick is big.” You wheeze, turning your face to the side and squeezing your eyes shut. You can’t quite bear to look at his face, and you’re mortified at the thought of him seeing your expression.
Tsu’tey rumbles what sounds like a chuckle, but his voice is strained again. It seems like taking it slow is a struggle for him too, no matter how cool and collected he seems to be.
It feels like it takes an eternity, but at last Tsu’tey bottoms out – he can’t fit entirely inside of you, but still you’re so stuffed full that you can hardly take a breath.
Tsu’tey has gone still too, and his own breaths are shuddering in and out of him in short bursts. It’s clear he’s in ecstasy, caught up in the tight fit of you, and he takes a moment just to breathe and collect himself as he holds you tight.
“Look at me, tawtute,” Tsu’tey grits out from between his teeth, nuzzling his flat nose along the length of your jaw. “Want to watch you.”
Once you open your eyes you have to blink several times in an attempt to focus on him. His deep blue skin is all dewy from the balmy heat of the hot springs and from a thin layer of perspiration, and the little dots of white sprinkled over his face and chest glow softly. 
Your eyes drop lower, over his wide shoulders and the well-built musculature of his chest and abdomen. Fuck, he’s so pretty.
You shift your hips just slightly, testing how he feels in you. The stretch doesn’t burn anymore, your body having adjusted to the size of him, but you still feel as though you’re being stretched to your limits. 
You bear down a little, flexing your muscles around his cock just to see his reaction. The growl it forces out of him almost takes you by surprise, especially when he rears back so that he’s sitting on his haunches.
In the same move, he uses his grip on your hips to pull you forward so that your ass is resting on top of his well-muscled thighs. It allows him to lift your hips a little, and you realise that this position gives him more control over the angle he can fuck you at.
“Are you alright?” He asks, his expression taut from the effort it’s taking not to move.
“Yes,” You breathe, arching your back so that your ass is pushed further into his lap, your shoulders pressed against the mossy rock you’re laying on. “Fuck yes.”
Finally, finally, Tsu’tey begins to move.
At first, he starts slow. His thrusts feel almost experimental. He’ll move, then adjust his angle and move again. When you feel pleasure rocket up your spine on his next thrust, you let out a gasped moan, tilting your head back and squeezing your eyes shut.
Tsu’tey gives a rumbling purr and leans forward so that he’s all hunched over you, his hands braced over your hips as he pulls you into him. He keeps that same angle as he starts to work himself up to a rhythm, his pace and strength increasing with every movement until he’s finally built up the perfect cadence.
All you can do is writhe underneath him helplessly, taking it. The mossy rock you’re laying on is smooth and slick, and you’re driven up it as he fucks you. The only source of stability you have is him, and his grip on your hips is the only thing that anchors you against his thrusts.
He’s moving with all the power and consistency of a goddamn machine. The rhythm he sets is almost hypnotic, so precise that time starts slipping away from you briefly as you’re caught in the roil of it. You count the seconds in breaths punched out of your lungs, your hands scrabbling uselessly at the wet mossy stone beneath you.
Holy fuck, you think wildly to yourself. Excellent at foreplay, good stroke game, eats pussy.
The three qualities Jake had listed as being important in human mating. Tsu’tey may not have understood the phrase when Jake had first said it, but he is nothing if not thorough and determined. It seems as though he’s making it his goal to embody those qualities as he fucks you.
As he sinks home once more in a smooth, long stroke, you think this might actually be the death of you. You can’t help the litany of moans and garbled half-words that’s pouring out of you. Everything feels so good and so hot. The humidity from the bath, the heat from Tsu’tey’s damp velvety skin where he lets some of his weight lie against you, just enough to make you feel trapped and breathless.
You’re content to just take whatever Tsu’tey deigns to give you… and blessedly, he is a benevolent and considerate partner.
His rhythm still hasn’t faltered, and it’s tearing you down to your very foundations, floor by floor. It feels like a constant assault on every button of yours he could possibly press, all of your senses being assaulted at once. Your free hand forsakes the smooth floor to latch onto Tsu’tey’s wrist, and for the first time, his hips stutter every so slightly before he falls back into that unfailing cadence.
You feel that familiar coil in your stomach tightening, and that’s when you start pleading. You aren't even asking for anything in particular, just a dozen instances of please interspersed with encouragements and hissed praises. 
You can hardly believe it’s possible, but you’re quickly rocketing toward another orgasm, and Tsu’tey’s consistent rhythm is swiftly unraveling you like a spool of yarn. Sweet, hot pressure is building between your legs, stealing your breath and blanking your mind.
You think you may be only seconds from madness when you reach up and clutch at Tsutey’s braids, gasping out a desperate, “Tsu’tey —please-!” 
It’s unintentional, but when you grab his hair you also grab his queue. You don’t pull hard or anything, but it seems as though just tugging at it lightly is enough to garner a reaction.
You had known that the neural queue is the most sacred and sensitive parts of the Na’vi body, but you’re still not expecting the low moan that’s punched from his chest, nor the way the whites of his eyes flash as his eyes roll back in his head a little from what appears to be overwhelming pleasure. That perfect rhythm of his falters for a second, his hips stuttering, but then his big hands squeeze at your ass and he devotes himself even more furiously to fucking you like a machine.
“Careful, tawtute,” He growls, his fingers flexing around the soft swell of your ass. “You can play with my kuru another time.”
His voice contains an element of promise, as though he’s excited about the idea, and it makes you grin a little in turn. You don’t tug at the long braid in your hand again, but you don’t let go of it either – his reaction was too thrilling to abandon your hold on him entirely.
He uses his grip on your hips to pull you further into his lap, lifting your hips up so that he can grind his cock into you at a better angle. The next time he ruts into you has you squealing like a moron. The swollen head of his cock hits against the spongey part inside of you with every thrust, and the little nubs and ridges along his length rub deliciously inside you every time he pulls out.
He keeps grinding against that one spot inside you that makes you feel as though you’re about to shake apart into pieces, your toes curling so hard they nearly cramp up. It’s all so intense, and every time he ruts into you it forces the air from your lungs, but you try to speak anyway, pushing the words out even as they almost catch in your throat.
 “Feels- feels good-!” You moan, one hand clutching at his shoulder as the other holds his queue. “I think I’m– oh fuck, I’m gonna come again, I’m gonna-”
“Yeah?” Tsu’tey pants, leaning forward to lay an eager kiss between your breasts. His hand wanders down from your belly to your pussy, and starts rubbing quick circles into your clit. 
You don’t know how he’s managing to maintain his dexterity, his lithe fingers working your clit and driving you higher and higher as he rubs at you while maintaining those long, smooth strokes of his hips. His breathing is heavy, interspersed with soft little pleasured grunts, but he still manages to hold his strength in place, never moving hard enough to hurt.
The combination of his cock rubbing and grinding against the soft spongey part inside of you and the messy stimulation of your clit has your legs trembling and heat growing rapidly in your belly. It feels like you’re being strung tighter and tighter as your orgasm draws closer, and your breath begins coming in rapid pants. The pressure in your abdomen feels a little different than usual, and you take it as a sign that you’re about to come really hard.
“Tsu’tey,” You choke out, mouth dropping open as your chest heaves. “Oh, fuck-”
It feels like a star exploding inside you when it starts. Your cunt spasms around him, gripping him so tight he has no choice but to slow his hips down, your body squeezing like a vice around his cock. He gives you two more solid strokes to your sweet spot before stilling completely. He lifts your hips up into his lap once more as he settles himself in you, knocking his cockhead into your g-spot and keeping it there so that he can just grind.
With that you cry out, your eyes rolling back and jaw dropping open as sweet release unfurls from your belly and washes over you in a warm wave of pure white. Your pussy grows so hot, warm and wet as the pressure in your cunt builds and crests and culminates in a veritable spray of release from you. 
You feel so overwhelmed, your back arching up in a smooth curve as you practically wail, unable to constrain yourself. You don’t think you’ve ever come so hard in your life, not with your fingers nor your vibrators nor that stupid removable showerhead installed back at the human outpost, and you’re startled by the sheer flood of liquid arousal that gushes out of you around Tsu’tey’s cock.
You’ve heard of squirting before, of course, but you had always thought it was just some unrealistic thing in porn. But the way Tsu’tey’s cock is bullying its way inside of you, grinding away at that spongey spot that makes your knees shake makes it feel as though not squirting would be the bigger challenge. You writhe beneath him, clutching him tight as you shake apart on his cock. It feels like your orgasm goes on forever, your whole body shuddering around him as everything goes white and hazy.
By the time you finally start to come down from your high, you feel as though your brain has been goddamn liquefied. It feels as though you’re hearing in colour, your skin sweat-slick and hot as your muscles tremble from the sheer onslaught of sensation.
Tsu’tey is still working his hips inside of you, prolonging the lingering waves of pleasure that keep jolting down your spine. You can’t believe he’s still going, moving like a fucking machine, his thrusts still calculated and steady to break you down.
“Amazing, yuey,” He whispers to you, his voice rough and gritty. “So beautiful like this.”
The compliment is unexpected, and you wheeze a surprised breath when he lets go of your hips and leans forward so that his entire large body is caging you in against the rock beneath you. His chest presses against your own, squishing your breasts, his hands coming to plant beside your head to support his weight.
“Oh, god,” You arch away from him a little, beginning to grow overwhelmed and oversensitive from the way his cock is lighting up every damn nerve in your pussy, the way he presses you so firmly into the mossy rock. “Holy fuck, Tsu’tey, fuck-”
He buries his face into your neck, and you can feel him grin against your throat. He’s so fucking proud of himself, self-satisfaction is practically radiating off him in waves.
You remember the way he had reacted before when you had pulled on his kuru, and your fingers tighten just a little around the smooth hair protecting it. Even that minor bit of pressure has him groaning softly into your shoulder, sharp teeth scraping against your bare skin.
You adjust your grip on the glossy braid, holding it close to the skull before tugging gently. His reaction startles you – he roars, the sound reverberating through you and shaking you to your bones. His eyes roll back once more, his mouth dropping open in a look of genuine surprise as pleasure seems to blindside him.
You feel heat filling you, and realise that his cum must be spilling out of you and mixing with the slickness of your own release between your legs. His fists clench hard in the moss by your head, his loud snarl tapering off into a low moan as he keeps humping his hips into you, pace sloppy and uneven.
He’s murmuring away to you as he shivers against you, his voice low and rough as he sighs in unmistakeable delight. It’s all in Na’vi, and while your grip on his language is decent, your brain is far too fried to be translating anything right now.
“What?” You mumble tiredly, your arms looping lazily around his neck as he begins to drop his weight onto you.
His hips finally begin to roll to a stop as he grows too sensitive to continue, though he keeps his face pressed carefully into your shoulder.
“Such a sweet thing,” He murmurs to you, one hand coming to rest on your hip and squeezing you there softly. “Better than I could have imagined. Are you okay, tìyawn?”
“Mmm.” Is all you can manage, head still spinning as you struggle to regain your wits. 
Even with your thoughts all slow and soupy and stupid, you can feel the way Tsu’tey tenses all of a sudden over you. You blink, confused by his sudden change in demeanor, and look up at him to find that he has raised his head to look over at the entrance to the hot springs.
“What?” You mumble, bringing your hands from his neck to stroke down over his shoulders. The muscles shift under your fingertips, hard and defined beneath the smooth velvet of his skin. The feeling of it distracts you, and you feel your cunt flutter around his spent cock despite your exhaustion.
He grunts softly at the feeling of you trembling around him, but his attention is still focused on the cave entrance. You had forgotten, so caught up in lust and the insane novelty of Tsu’tey wanting you, that the hot springs were a public amenity that was used often among the Omaticaya.
So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise when a young man steps around the corner, already undoing the tie to his loincloth. If anything, you think you should probably be surprised that someone hadn’t walked in on you earlier.
Tsu’tey bares his teeth in a snarl, a deep growl erupting out of his chest at the sight of this newcomer. He doesn’t look familiar to you, but judging by his lack of hair ornaments and bare waist, he appears to be a young warrior in training.
“Out.” Tsu’tey snarls, his expression nothing short of dangerous.
The young Na’vi takes one look at the two of you, eyes wide and shocked, before turning on his heel and swiftly disappearing back the way he had come.
An exhausted, mildly hysterical giggle escapes you. You think you should probably be embarrassed, but you’ve just been fucked six ways to Sunday and you can’t drum up the energy to care. 
One thing has surprised you, however; you had expected Tsu’tey to be ashamed on some level. Not necessarily of being caught in a compromising position like this, but of being caught in this position with a Sky Person. He’s a prideful man and an important figure within the clan, and you know he guards his reputation carefully. But he doesn't seem embarrassed at all; just annoyed and oddly protective, considering he's lowered his body over yours to cover you from prying eyes.
“Fuck,” You sigh, digging your fingers into his chest in an attempt to catch his attention. “Is that… is that bad? That he saw?”
You’re unsure if this was meant to be kept a secret or not, but Tsu’tey just makes a face at you as though you’ve asked him a very stupid question.
“No. The village will know soon anyway.”
That is an oddly ominous statement that your fucked-out mind can’t quite make sense of, so you elect to just ignore it. 
You’re distracted anyway by the way Tsu’tey shifts above you, his cock still overwhelmingly big even as it begins to soften inside of you. You think you’d like to keep it inside you forever, filling you up and igniting that sweet ache between your thighs, but Tsu’tey has other ideas.
His hands pet soothingly down your flank as he pulls out, his chest vibrating with a calming purr when you hiss in discomfort as his cock finally leaves you. There’s a sting between your legs as a dribble of cum begins to leak out of you now that he’s no longer plugging you up, and your face scrunches up into a little grimace of discontent.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this empty in your whole life, and you find yourself clenching down on nothing as you shiver.
“Did I hurt you, oeyä vrrtep?” He wonders, his hands tracing soft and gentle patterns over your skin.
His concern warms you, and you smile tiredly at him. “Only the good kind.”
That doesn’t seem to appease him at all. A frown creases the skin of his brow, and he pulls back so that his chest is no longer pressed tight against yours. You let out a small noise of protest, but it seems that he’s too busy checking you over to hear it.
“I did not intend to hurt you at all.”
“You’re big, Tsu’tey,” You point out, pushing his hands away when he attempts to pull back and peer between your legs. “Of course it hurt a little. But I liked it. Fuck, couldn’t you tell? I squirted all over you.”
That finally seems to placate him, if only because it soothes his male pride. His expression softens, his mouth tugging into a soft, smug smile, and he leans forward to gather you into his arms.
You squeal a little as he lifts you, exhausted muscles aching as you scramble to wrap your arms around his neck. He’s so strong, and you feel your cheeks grow warm as he lifts you so effortlessly.
“Squirt.” He repeats with relish, clearly enjoying the new word he’s just learned. “Is that what you call it?”
You just snort and push your face into his chest in an attempt to hide your expression. “Don’t ever tell Jake about this.”
You can feel the gentle rumble of his laugh deep in his chest, and you close your eyes and hide a smile of your own. He has such a lovely laugh; you don’t hear it nearly often enough. 
Tsu’tey takes great pains not to jostle you as he clambers back into the pool of water with you, holding you close to his chest as the hot water envelops the two of you. It’s soothing against your aching muscles, and you hum a satisfied little sigh against Tsu’tey’s chest as he strokes his big palm down the length of your spine.
“Why not?” He wonders, though you can hear the playful smirk in his voice anyway. “I must thank him, anyway.”
“What for?”
“He has been giving me advice on human courting.”
Your brain, already slow after the many excellent orgasms he has given you, takes a very long time to process that statement. Even after the words manage to sink in, you wonder if you had heard him properly.
You straighten up in his arms, pulling your masked face away from his chest so that you can stare at him. He stares right back at you, his expression calm and earnest as though he hasn’t just completely upended all of your expectations.
“Courting.” You repeat, all of his actions beginning to rewrite themselves in your head. The careful bathing, the washing of your hair, the insistence on being a good lover by human standards. The fucking pet names that you barely understood.
Holy fuck.
“Yes.” Tsu’tey says simply. He doesn’t seem to notice the way you’re gaping at him in starry-eyed bewilderment. “I thought a human mating display would be the best place to start.”
You’re still staring at him, though your confusion is beginning to grow. “Human mating display?”
Tsu’tey just nods, using a palmful of hot water to carefully wash between your legs. When you hiss a little and try to pull away, he lets out a soft little rumble of apology.
“Jakesully tells me that displays of sexual prowess are important in human courting.” Tsu’tey murmurs, and his chest puffs out a little. “I have proved myself, have I not?”
“Oh my god.” You breathe, squeezing your eyes shut. 
That dick. Trust Jake to bend the truth in an attempt to solve your sexual frustration. You knew that he knew that you fancied Tsu’tey (he’s been forced to listen to you wax lyrical about his abs many times), but you certainly didn’t expect him to take things into his own hands like this. From showing you the hot springs to orchestrating that conversation about good lovers to telling Tsu’tey that fucking you good is a human courting custom, to the fucking lube, Jake has been planning this whole damn thing.
You don’t know whether you want to kill Jake or to send him flowers.
One of Tsu’tey’s big hands curls around your back as he holds you close, dipping down into the soothing hot water with you balanced in his lap. He’s gotten so affectionate, his flat nose nuzzling against your temple as he reaches for a yursyulang to rub over your bare back.
“I have pleased you?” He asks, lips brushing over your jaw. “More than the other tawtute?”
“Yes,” You sigh, unable to help it. “Yes, fuck. It was so good.”
The noise he makes is pure satisfaction, his arms looping tight around your waist as he holds you up in the water. 
“You accept, then?” He asks, his big honey-coloured eyes gazing at you expectantly. “My advances?”
You had thought your reactions were obvious, but still you grin. “Are you being serious?”
“I am always serious.” He says simply, as though he can’t understand the meaning of your question. 
“I thought you didn’t like Sky People.” You say, an edge of insecurity creeping into your voice. “I thought you hated us.”
“I do hate Sky People.” He grumbles, his face falling into a little scowl even as one of his large palms coast down the length of your spine. “But I do not hate you.”
It feels a little like a dream, but you can’t help the shy grin that’s growing across your face. His eyes are sharp and intense, and he watches every shift of your expression like a hawk as though he’s trying to read your thoughts right off your face.
“I will be courting you in the tradition of my People, also,” He adds, as though he’s worried you need convincing. The idea is laughable. “I have a bracelet that I have woven for you, but I wished to prove myself in the tradition of your people first.”
Oh fuck, that’s so sweet. How can such a big and terrifying man be so generous and tender?
“Jakesully has approved already,” Tsu’tey continues, his tone turning cautious. “But I need to hear your answer.”
Fucking hell, he’s already asked Jake for permission? For a moment you feel a little indignant, before you remember that your friend is Olo’eyktan now, and that Tsu’tey is probably obliged to ask his clan leader if he can pursue someone outside of his own clan, nevermind someone not even his own species.
“You really mean this.” You breathe, your grin turning a little disbelieving. “Fucking hell. Yes. Obviously the answer is yes.”
Tsu’tey’s expression is carefully controlled, but he can’t seem to stop his mouth from settling into a smug grin and his eyes from brightening in clear delight. 
“Good. This is good, tawtute.” He murmurs, reaching up to brush some of your damp hair away from your face. “I will prove to you my ability as a potential mate, yawntutsyìp. Both in my tradition and yours.”
You return his grin, biting at your lip as he returns his attention to washing you with the same careful reverence from earlier. Is it really possible that you’ve hit the jackpot like this? That all the time you’ve been looking at Tsu’tey, he’s been looking back?
Flowers, you think hazily as you shut your eyes and lean into his chest. I’m definitely sending Jake flowers.
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
Look At Me
Anakin x Plus Size Fem!Reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings: 18+, established relationship, smut, fingering, improper use of the force (duh), body insecurities, anakin being a lil sweetie🥹
A/N: I haven’t written for ani in so long. I am so excited to write for him again!!!
Request for @darthxdaddi 💕
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Supple caresses traced your nipple as Anakin’s fingers navigated your body. You breathed out in the anticipation of what he planned to do to you.
Anakin was annoyed. He was frustrated. You’d talked down on yourself one too many times tonight, and he wouldn’t stand it not one second longer. The self-conscious thoughts would never leave you alone, and you felt as though you’d never overcome them. You carried extra weight, something you’d struggled with your whole life, and it broke Anakin’s heart when you’d talk negatively about yourself around him. He loved you…every single inch of you.
Every time you looked into a mirror all you saw were your imperfections throughout your body, but all Anakin saw was perfection.
“I’m going to show you just how beautiful you are to me” He whispered against your ear as he hovered above you. Your pants remained snug against your skin, but he would have you out of them soon enough.
“Ani…the party” You whimpered. He’d pulled you away from your friends at the gathering you were hosting, back to your bedroom to shut you up and worship your body.
“They’ll be fine, they won’t even notice we’re gone,” he began, “unless you get too loud” he giggled. Stars, that fucking laugh. He’d be the death of you.
“We have to be quick” You insisted, giving in to his lips pressed gently against the skin of your neck.
Anakin scoffed playfully, “I don’t need much time”
Anakin tried so hard not the abuse the force, he really did, but the temptation to pleasure you always took over any willpower he held. The phantom vibration against your clit caused your body to jolt suddenly.
“Shit…Maker, I never get tired of that” You smirked, your head thrown back in an expression of satisfaction as it rubbed soft circles between your legs.
He removed his robes and shirt, leaving himself only his pants. In the meantime, you tried to pull your leggings from your body, but Anakin quickly stopped you.
“I got you, pretty girl” He cooed, sweeping in to pull the material from your legs himself, bringing your undergarments with them. Anakin moaned at the sight of your body, as he always did every time he saw it come to view. Every curve was a dream to him, Anakin could stare at you forever and never grow tired of that view.
The tingling sensation remained on your sensitive bud, even as Anakin’s actual fingers found their way to your soaked entrance.
“Always ready for me, aren’t you?” He teased, feeling how aroused you were already.
You whimpered and nodded to him, needing to feel any part of him inside of you now. The curling of his digits as they slid into your cunt sent a shiver of pleasure through your core. You rocked your hips against his hand as he pumped them steadily.
You leaned up, inching toward his lips. He met you halfway, devouring you with the most passionate of kisses, his tongue spilling over his lips and into your mouth.
Keeping his pace with the motions of his fingers, he pulled his lips from yours to let him explore your body with his mouth. Both of you tried hard to keep quiet, but as he reached more sensitive areas upon your skin, you whimpered just a little louder.
The use of the force against your clit was relentless, and grew more intense as Anakin pumped his digits faster now. A fluttering of pleasure coiled in your belly with the approach of your orgasm. He could always get you off so quickly with just his fingers, so his twisted use of the force was just cheating at this point, but you wouldn’t dare complain.
He sensed that you were close, and ripped away his fingers quickly before suddenly burying his cock inside you as you came. The sudden pressure and fullness intensified your climax. He fucked you passionately, but rough, overstimulating all of your senses and causing a very loud crying moan to leave your lips. The unbelievable sensation forced your eyes shut, but Anakin wasn’t having that. Not at all.
“Look at me, baby, right here” he commanded ever so gently while he thrusted himself into you, fucking you through your orgasm, “so perfect, and all mine”
Stars, it was all too much, it felt too fucking good. His eyes shot daggers into your own, his brows pressing together as your pussy clenched tightly around him. 
“Fuck, Anakin” You cried out, and he chuckled in aroused amusement of your delicate state.
“You look so pretty when you come” He praised, giving you no time to wind down from your high as he fucked you harder, chasing his own release now.
You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him close to you while he reveled in the slickness of your release. Anakin always knew how to be so gentle with you when he wanted to be, and somehow even with the quick pace of his thrusts, there was passion and gentleness in the way he handled you, and the way his hands roamed every inch of you as you lie pinned beneath him.
"I love you, Y/N" He breathed through his delicate moans, "You are so perfect"
Your heart swelled with love for him while the intimacy of your position heated the blood in your veins.
"Come inside me, Ani" You begged, not giving him much of a choice regardless, considering your ankles were locked around his waist. Just hearing those words was nearly enough for him, but as you pulled him in close to suck at the skin on his neck, he lost it, slowing himself and grunting desperately as his cum painted your walls.
You both tried to catch your breath quickly, as you knew there was a party to get back to, but nothing in the galaxy would've made you want to leave this moment.
"Don't you ever..." He began, still resting inside of you, "talk about yourself like that ever again"
The tone in his voice was intimidating, yet endearing, and you smiled warmly at him with a nod of agreeance. Anakin got up to gather your clothes as well as his own.
"Why? What happens if I do it again?" You teased.
"You just want to find out, don't you?" He laughed, before leaning down to plant one more kiss on your swollen lips.
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
ミgood loving
🍓pairing: tsu'tey x human fem reader
🍓tags: nsfw, interspecies relationship, size kink, human x na'vi, jake is an embarrassing friend (but we're very grateful to him), oral sex (fem receiving), p in v sex, squirting, overstimulation
🍓word count: 16.6k (when i say i have no self control i mean it)
reblogs are always enormously appreciated!
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The Omaticaya clan gather around the cook fire every evening; communal meals are a huge part of their community, and it had taken quite a while after the expulsion of the RDA before the humans that had stayed on-planet were allowed to take part. It was a huge concession on the part of the clan, but it’s one that is met with great eagerness.
You join the clan for dinner almost every night. It’s taken some trial and error for you to discover what you can and can’t eat; some of the spices and meats don’t agree with human digestive systems, but you thoroughly enjoy the vegetables and sweet fruit desserts.
The company, too, is far more enjoyable than the company back at the science outpost. No offense to the science guys or anything, but you were never very close with any of them and spending extended amounts of time with them made you feel like you were losing your mind. 
No, you much preferred spending time with the Na’vi. 
“Strawberry milkshakes,” You say with a wistful little sigh, lounging by one of the fires.
Jake thinks for a moment, his big blue alien face all scrunched up. It had taken a long while to get used to seeing him like this, but you can still see his human features if you look closely. 
“Gatorade.” He decides at last. “The grape flavoured one.”
It’s a stupid game, listing out the things you miss most from Earth, and you know he’s mostly just humouring you. Jake is more at home here amongst the Na’vi in his Avatar body than he ever was back amongst humans – while you grow nostalgic and wistful, Jake seems as unaffected as if he were recalling a poorly remembered dream.
“Chocolate.” You say, tilting your head back to stare up at the darkening sky. Though it’s past eclipse, the forest is still alive with life – the trees overhead and the moss all around you glows, so beautiful that you wonder, once again, how any of this is real.
“You’ve said chocolate like, three times.” Jake points out, grinning. 
“Yeah, well, I really mean that one.” You sigh.
That makes him laugh, and he reaches out to shove hard at your shoulder. It’s something he used to do a lot when he was human and you had gotten too absorbed in your work at the lab, but now he’s twice your size and strong – you go flying straight off the log you’ve been sitting on and sprawl into the dirt.
“Oh, shit.” As always, he sounds surprised, as though his strength is still catching him unawares. “Sorry.”
You grumble a little as you push yourself up out of the dirt, but you’re not really annoyed. It’s good to see Jake in such good form – being blue and nine feet tall suits him more than his human body ever did, and you can’t drum up any irritation when he’s so visibly happy. 
“Ma’Jake.” A call comes from the forest behind you, and you turn your head.
The sound of Neytiri’s voice and soft footsteps has you trying to push yourself up and look unaffected; she’s always so elegant and composed, and it’s embarrassing to be caught sprawled on the forest floor like an idiot.
But then you catch sight of another figure following behind Neytiri, and you scramble up to your feet so quickly that you nearly overbalance entirely.
Tsu’tey is probably one of the most terrifying people you’ve ever met in your whole life. The Na’vi are all intimidating, courtesy of their enormous size and general dislike of humans, but Tsu’tey seriously takes the cake for being the scariest of all of them. He’s so rarely seen without a scowl on his face, and he tends to radiate an aura of authority and power that’s scary enough to have your knees weakening. And yet, after a period of outright hostility towards you and your kind, he’s finally started to soften just a little. You think your constant presence around the place has finally started to wear him down.
You fancy the hell out of him.
As Neytiri joins Jake and murmurs a soft greeting in his ear, you’re left staring stupidly at Tsu’tey. Damn, he’s so pretty. His proportions are exotically attractive, all broad shoulders and sculpted abdominals and an insanely narrow waist. You hope that it’s not obvious that you’re gaping at him like a fool, but since he’s not blind, you’re sure he notices.
“Hi.” You manage to say, though it comes out a little strangled.
Tsu’tey just looks at you with that same odd expression he always wears around you, as though he doesn’t quite know what to make of you. He's always been a little hostile towards humans, though he's never been anything but polite around you (and maybe a little awkward). You try not to delude yourself into thinking it means anything; most likely, he's trying to be cordial for Jake's sake.
“Demon,” He greets, frowning. “You have a stick in your hair.” 
“Oh,” You breathe, reaching up to bat at it. “Shit.”
That seems to mark the end of his attention towards you, because he turns back towards Jake and Neytiri before sitting opposite them on the log that Jake had accidentally shoved you off. Neytiri had already settled in beside Jake and handed him a waterskin filled with something that makes Jake grimace fondly after he takes a deep drink from it.
For a moment, you hover beside the three sitting Na’vi awkwardly. You’re uncomfortably aware that you’re just a human among them, an interloper on this planet and in this village. You’ve been friends with Jake for a long time now, ever since you both arrived on Pandora, but sometimes moments like this remind you just how much things have changed. Your friend isn’t human anymore, and you feel the familiar pang of loneliness settle deep in your chest.
“Hey, kid, you ever had unilpay?” Jake says suddenly, turning back to you and holding out the waterskin. “Try it.”
You’re startled out of the melancholy sort of air that had settled over you. You had been lost in self-pity, assuming that your presence had been forgotten – it’s a pleasant surprise to find Jake grinning at you as he holds out what you know is the Na’vi version of alcohol made from some sort of fermented sap.
His stupid grin reminds you of old times, and you grab at the waterskin eagerly. It’s probably a terrible idea to try alien alcohol, but you’re seized with the desire to fit in amongst this little group. Besides, you and Jake have never been known for thinking things through – Norm was usually the one to pull the two of you back, and he’s not around right now.
As you take a deep breath before carefully lifting your breathing mask up so you can sip at the unilpay, Tsu’tey continues scowling at you. He’s always so stern, so carefully guarded – you imagine he probably disapproves of you being allowed to join in on Omaticaya customs.
“Is that wise?” Tsu’tey asks, looking to Jake with a frown. 
Jake just snorts. “She’s had worse than this.”
That makes you snort too, and you don’t argue as you sip at the drink that he’s offered you. It’s far sweeter than you had expected, with a thick texture that coats your mouth and throat like syrup. It’s missing the acridity that you associate with human alcohol, but you can feel the familiar burn that you associate with alcohol creeping up your throat and into your nose, making you cough.
You hurry to press your mask back to your face as you cough and reach out to pass the waterskin back to Jake. “Damn, that’s strong.”
Jake takes it back then passes it to Tsu’tey, who drinks from it deeply. It looks as though he’s gotten over his disapproval of you drinking the Na’vi alcohol, at least for now, and you take the opportunity to subtly admire the soft bobbing of his throat as he drinks.
“I thought of something else,” Jake says, drawing your attention away from Tsu’tey. 
You glance at him, surprised yet undeniably delighted that he hasn’t forgotten about you entirely now that Neytiri and Tsu’tey have arrived.
“Oh yeah?”
The grin on Jake’s face is all teeth, and in this moment he looks more like his human-self than he has in a long time. 
“A nice, iced beer.” He drawls, looking immensely satisfied with himself.
Your mouth twitches, delighted that he’s still engaging in your silly little game. “I was always more of a cocktail girl myself.”
Jake laughs and nods in approval. “Oh yeah, good point. How good does a Sex on the Beach sound right now?”
Beside him on the log, Tsu’tey chokes on the unilpay. His expression betrays his shock, and the beads in his hair all clack together as his head whips around to stare at Jake in disbelief. Neytiri looks similarly surprised, but she seems to be familiar enough with Jake’s human idiosyncrasies that she’s willing to wait for an explanation.
You start to giggle, both in response to Jake’s comment and to Tsu’tey’s reaction. “Yeah, that does sound pretty good.”
Tsu’tey looks rather scandalised, and he whips around to watch Neytiri for a reaction. She’s too busy watching Jake with a narrow-eyed expression that’s scary enough that you wonder how Jake doesn’t realise that he’s in danger.
Taking pity on the two of them, you explain. “It’s a type of drink from Earth. Like this.” You gesture at the waterskin. “But sweeter and fruity.”
Neytiri’s face softens in understanding, and her shoulders relax as she leans against Jake once more. Tsu’tey, meanwhile, is still looking a little confused – mercifully, he drops it, and instead begins passing the waterskin around again.
For the next two hours or so, you sit with the trio of Na’vi in the flickering firelight. Your initial anxiety that they didn’t want you around begins to fade slowly but surely. It’s a little awkward at first, but Jake makes an obvious attempt to include you in conversations and soon you’re relaxed and happy in their presence. 
The three of them are so big that they take up most of the space on the log, but Jake manages to squeeze you in to sit in between him and Tsu’tey. You side-eyed him heavily at the time (he knows exactly what he’s doing, you just know it, but Jake pretends that he’s gone temporarily blind to your scowling), but now you’ve relaxed into the warmth radiating from their stupidly big bodies.
You can probably attribute your newfound relaxation to the effects of the unilpay – you feel comfortably loose and calm, your thoughts coming slow and easy as you lean into Jake’s side on the log. It’s not the same kind of tipsiness that you’re used to with Earth alcohol, but rather a softer and more comfortable sort of easy-going tranquility.
 For the most part, the three Na’vi converse among themselves. You’re content just to sit in the light of the crackling fire as you bask in the warmth of the smoky forest air, listening to the conversations going on over your head. They speak almost exclusively in Na’vi, but thankfully your language skills have improved massively since you’ve arrived on Pandora – you’re able to follow along with minimal difficulty.
The unilpay has made you a little sleepy, and your eyelids feel heavy as you relax into your little spot between Jake and Tsu’tey. You’re grateful for how easy the evening feels; sitting in their company feels effortless in a way that you’ve been missing dearly. Since Jake had left to live full-time with the Omaticaya, you’ve found yourself without any close friends among the rest of the humans in the outpost.
You may not be as familiar with Neytiri and Tsu’tey, but you still feel comfortable enough in the cosy light of the fire that there’s no awkwardness between the four of you.
Or at least, almost no awkwardness.
“What about Saeyla?” Jake is asking, his eyebrows wagging cheekily as he speaks to Tsu’tey over the top of your head.
A significant portion of your sleepiness had vanished the second Jake had started teasing Tsu’tey about the women in the clan. It had taken everything in you to keep from visibly perking right up at the topic – it’s a little embarrassing to be so goddamn invested in his answer, and even more embarrassing to feel the little embers of jealousy stirring in your chest, as if you would ever stand a chance with him. God, you’re so stupid. 
Neytiri clicks her tongue, answering in Tsu’tey’s place. “No. She is too arrogant, not suited well to him.”
Tsu’tey rolls his eyes, but looks amused at Neytiri’s insistence on answering for him. “It is as Neytiri says. I have no interest in her, and I have already denied her.”
“Ninat, then.” Neytiri says, raising the waterskin to her mouth and smiling coyly over the top of it. “She would make a fine mate.”
It doesn’t escape your notice that Jake’s eyes keep straying to her as though he can hardly stand to tear his gaze away from her, and you feel something in you ache wistfully at the sight of it. You’ve never looked at Jake in any sort of romantic sense – he’s only ever been your closest friend, but seeing that soft look in his eye has you wishing for a relationship like that for yourself. 
Pandora can be a lonely place for a human so far from home. Your eyes slide back up to Tsu’tey, though he doesn’t seem to notice. If anything, he seems to be avoiding looking at you.
Tsu’tey hums, giving it some thought. You try to keep yourself as unobtrusive as possible, curling into the side of Jake’s big avatar body and trying to hide the little glances you keep shooting up at Tsu’tey’s face as he considers Ninat as a potential mate.
“She would.” He says at last, but he doesn’t sound particularly enthused about it. “But I do not desire her, either.”
You have to try not to let your emotions show on your face. It would be stupid to get your hopes up about anything to do with Tsu’tey. He may not be Olo’eyktan anymore, having handed that mantle over to Jake during his near brush with death, but he’s still a significant figure within the village. 
His reputation is important, and he is so careful with what he says and does and how he interacts with the world around him. Even if he was able to get over his distaste for the entire human race, it’s not likely that he’d deign to lower himself to your level.
Maybe Jake can tell that he’s not going to get any juicy gossip out of Tsu’tey, because then he turns to look down at you. You recognise that glint in his eye, and find yourself tensing where you’re trapped in between the two big Na’vi men.
“What about you?” He asks, a grin beginning to grow across his face. “Max mentioned you went on a little date last week with that guy you were seeing. What was his name again? Toby, or something?”
Your eyes narrow. “There is no way he told you that.”
“He did.” He says smugly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You push yourself up with a sigh so that you’re not leaning into his side so much anymore. This means that you’re pressed a little closer to Tsu’tey, but you’re too preoccupied with being the sole focus of Jake’s attention to be self-conscious about it – it always means trouble when he’s focused on you like this.
“Because it was a bust, obviously, and all you’ve ever done is complain about him.” You say, scowling at him.
God, you just know Jake is bringing this up in front of Tsu’tey to try and fluster you. He’s such a dick – you’re gonna kick his ass later.
“You didn’t get lucky?”
Your eyes widen, and you immediately slap at his arm hard. Your smacking at him doesn’t seem to phase him in the slightest; he doesn’t even move away from you, just snickering as you slap at his arms. 
“Asshole!” You hiss at him. “Don’t ask me that in front of other people!”
The blank expressions on Tsu’tey and Neytiri’s faces are proof enough that they have no idea what that particular human phrase means, but that isn’t enough to ease your mortification.
“We’re all friends here.” Jake says, swatting your slapping hands away with ease. “No need to be embarrassed. What, was it not good?”
Oh, he’s doing this on purpose. He knows that you’re embarrassed, and he’s enjoying watching you squirm beside Tsu’tey. You are so going to get him back for this later. 
“We didn’t fuck.” You say bluntly, fighting past the burn in your cheeks so you can glare at him. “It wasn’t worth it.”
You can feel Tsu’tey react from beside you, but you’re not brave enough to turn and look at his face. Oh god, you don’t want to know what he thinks of this conversation. No doubt his face is all scrunched up in his usual expression of disgust, and you don’t think you can handle seeing it right now.
Jake clicks his tongue, though he’s clearly amused. “If he was bad in bed, you should have just told him. I told you that faking orgasms wouldn’t end up well – you’ve given him a big head now-”
“I told you not to tell anyone about that!” You hiss, taking a swipe at his head. Infuriatingly, even though you’re all sitting down he’s still too tall for you to reach him as he just leans back.
Because Jake is an asshole, he just laughs. And to think you had just been feeling so grateful for his friendship. Now you just want to throttle him.
Neytiri leans forward so that she can see you around the bulk of Jake’s body, her brow all furrowed. After a brief hesitation, she hands the waterskin out to you. 
“I do not understand,” She says as you take it. “He does not pleasure you, but you pretend that he does?”
Oh, sweet fucking lord. You push your mask up and chug at the unilpay, relishing the sweet burn in the back of your throat and praying that you somehow blackout in the next couple of seconds. The next time you manage to get Jake alone, you’re going to break his kneecaps. 
Your plan to drink yourself into oblivion is cut short when Tsu’tey’s big hand wraps around the waterskin and tugs it away from your mouth. Disgruntled, you let him take it and press your breathing mask hastily back over your face – you’re still not able to look up at his expression.
“Some guys don’t know how to please women.” Jake answers for you, his arm looping around Neytiri’s shoulders as he leans in to murmur into her ear. “Lucky we don’t have that problem, huh?”
“Ma’Jake.” Neytiri scolds, but she doesn’t really sound angry. If anything, she sounds pleased, as though she’s only chastening him for public appearances. Sickening.
The unilpay is strong, enough so that it mellows out some of the furious embarrassment that had felt as though it were choking you. It’s not quite a feeling of drunkenness, but it relaxes you enough that you feel pleasantly loose and tipsy.
“Is this a problem for Sky People?” Neytiri asks, apparently unwilling to let the subject go. “Not being able to please their women? They are not good lovers?”
You try not to wince. Fuck, this is so humiliating. It’s one thing joking about this with Jake – he’s your best friend, and he’s always poked fun at you for shit like this. You probably could have handled Neytiri’s questions too, though not without a little embarrassment. 
But the real source of your burning mortification is sitting to your immediate left; Tsu’tey’s body dwarfs you where you’re sitting, and his silence during this conversation is worse than anything he could have said.
“No,” Jake hurries to answer his mate, apparently concerned about what she might think about him and his own ability in bed. “No, it’s only a few-”
“I’ve never been with a man who’s a ‘good lover’,” You interrupt. Admittedly, you just say it to get a little vengeance on Jake for bringing up this conversation in the first place, but you’re still being truthful. “They’re always clumsy, rough, and totally fucking unaware of themselves, just hammering away at a vagina. They just turn into a sweaty animal hunched over you and grunting “baby you like that?” directly in your ear as they breathe all over you. It's not pleasant.”
Neytiri wrinkles her nose at the mental image that seems to conjure in her head. “Ah.”
“Damn,” Jake whistles, his eyes darting at something over your head before his grin widens impossibly further. “Someone’s frustrated.”
This time it’s Neytiri that swats at him, to your delight. Jake’s ears actually lower this time as he glances at her, but even the risk of Neytiri’s displeasure isn’t enough to shut him up for long.
“I’m just saying, obviously the guys you’ve been with have got no game.” Jake insists, making you scoff.
“Oh, and you know all about pleasing women?” 
Neytiri hums. “He is quite good at it.”
Your face collapses into a scowl, unable to control your expression, and Tsu’tey grunts in disgust beside you. Well, this is just typical. How did the attention all land so squarely on you, anyway? You had just been trying your best to keep to yourself and enjoy your damn evening.
Jake looks stupidly smug now, his arm slung around Neytiri tugging her closer to him. 
“What makes Sky demons good at mating, then?” Neytiri asks with poorly disguised interest. For all her distrust around the human scientists that have remained on the planet, she’s clearly curious – you can only guess that her interest stems from wanting to understand Jake’s human roots.
You can feel Tsu’tey shift beside you, and shrink down a little in the little crevice that you’re crammed into between him and Jake. Fuck, he must be so uncomfortable right now. You’re surprised that he hasn’t just stormed off yet, considering the topic of conversation.
It’s a small mercy that Jake answers in your stead, because you feel so mortifyingly aware of Tsu’tey’s big, overwhelming presence looming beside you.
“Easy,” Jake says pompously, smiling in self-satisfaction. “Three specific qualities.” He holds up three fingers, counting them out. “Excellent at foreplay, good stroke game, eats pussy.”
“Oh my god,” You groan, but you can’t suppress the laugh that bubbles out of you. “You’re disgusting.”
“I do not know this word.” Tsu’tey says suddenly. “Pussy. What does it mean?”
It’s the first time that he’s spoken in a while, ever since the conversation had turned towards human sex, and you’re mortified that this is the first question he’s asked. You choke, and Tsu’tey’s big honey-coloured eyes slide to you as you splutter, as though he’s curious about your reactions.
When Jake translates the word into Na’vi, Tsu’tey’s expression melts into understanding. “Yes, I see. And the other words? What do they mean?”
Jake’s expression turns sly. “Let me explain-”
That’s just about all you can take, and you struggle to wriggle your way out from between the two of them. “Alright! I think that’s my cue to go to bed!”
Jake is still laughing as you push yourself to your feet, but the majority of your attention is taken up by the way Tsu’tey is staring at you. He clearly can’t understand your reaction, which only humiliates you further. 
The Na’vi are so much more open about sex and relationships than humans are, viewing it as just a fact of life. It’s clear that neither he nor Neytiri can understand why you’re so embarrassed by this conversation, but Jake finds the whole thing absolutely hilarious. 
“You don’t want to help me explain foreplay to Tsu’tey?” He asks faux-innocently, his head tilting to the side as his lips tug in a grin.
“Jake.” You hiss at him, eyes narrowing. “I am going to fuck you up later, I swear to god.”
Jake looks as though he’s winding himself up to make another stupid comment, but a sharp look from Neytiri has him changing his mind. You’re impossibly grateful for her; you always thought she didn’t like you, but her intervention now along with her somewhat sympathetic expression has you wondering if perhaps she likes you more than you had thought. Or maybe she’s showing sympathy towards Tsu’tey; her gaze is darting over your head at his face, after all.
You take your opportunity to flee before anyone can say anything else. You’ve already suffered enough embarrassment tonight, you think as you bid them a hasty goodbye before beating a retreat.
As you disappear into the trees, you hear Tsu’tey’s voice murmuring, “Sky people have much shame when it comes to mating. It is strange.”
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The water is warm and earthy-smelling, crystal clear as it laps against your skin like wet silk. The hot springs are like an open secret among the Omaticaya, and it had been with great delight that Jake had shown you how to get to them beneath the shelter of an arched cave weeks ago.
Unilpay may not have been like any human alcohol you had ever experienced, but the hangover you had woken up with the next morning was very familiar. Amidst the dull throbbing of your head and the light nausea, you decide that the only thing that could possibly help was a bath.
Now that you’re submerged in the silky hot water of the natural spring, you think that it just might have been the best idea you’ve ever had. Your face is flushed with a light sheen of sweat from the heat of the water, and you have your head pillowed in your arms where you’re half-hanging over one of the moss-covered rocks that line the pool.
It really is beautiful in here. The entire cavern is dimly illuminated by phosphorescent algae growing in the water and along the dampest patches of the walls, glowing a luminous blue. Along the rocky ceiling, it grows and glows like stars. Even the rocks glow a soft shade of green, padded by a soft, cushy sort of moss.
You’re lucky too that you’ve come to the springs so early in the morning. It’s rare to find them empty, and you delight in the fact that you’re able to enjoy the blissful solitude. The only problem is now that you’re alone, there’s no way to escape your thoughts.
The conversation from the night before keeps repeating inside your head, and every time it replays you find yourself sinking lower and lower into the rock you’re laying on. The unilpay must have been really dampening your reactions, because in the light of day the mortification is positively staggering.
Having a conversation about disappointing sex would be one thing, but to have that same conversation in front of Tsu’tey? The most beautiful creature you’ve ever seen in your life? The man already thinks that you’re a demon, and the thought of him sitting there and listening to a conversation about your embarrassingly disappointing sex life makes you want to curl up into a ball and die.
How are you ever going to look him in the eye again? You know that Jake had started that stupid conversation on purpose, just to embarrass you – he knows about your silly little crush, and never fails to poke fun at you when he can.
You’re broken out of your thoughts by the sound of bare feet scuffling against rock, and you blink your bleary eyes open and squint through the curling steam rising from the water.
For a moment, you think that what you’re seeing is a figment of your imagination conjured by the fact that you had just been thinking of him.
But then Tsu’tey keeps stepping forward, approaching the pool of water, and you realise that he is very real and very present.
“Hello, tawtute.” He greets, sounding bizarrely casual. It’s as if he had expected to see you here.
You startle, both at his presence and the fact that he’s actually greeting you. Your brain has stalled a little from his surprise arrival, and so it takes you a long time to comprehend exactly what he could be here for.
It’s only when his long fingers reach for the ties of his tewng that you fully register that you’re both in the hot springs for one reason – a bath.
“Oh!” You blurt stupidly, averting your gaze. Your entire upper body is exposed as you lay across the mossy rock with only your legs submerged in the water, but you’re quick to push yourself off and drop back into the pool in an effort to cover yourself.
Your modesty is wasted on him. The Na’vi are comfortable in their own skin, and nudity isn’t a taboo in their culture in the same way it is for humans. He barely even looks at you as he walks his way into the pool, though you can’t keep your own gaze from trailing back towards him.
The loincloth was the only thing he had removed. The rest of his jewelry remains tied around his neck and forearms, and you glance appreciatively at his narrow waist and the delicate white glowing freckles all over his firm pectoral muscles. He’s not the first Na’vi male you’ve seen nude, but this is the first one you’ve really wanted to see.
His legs are long and lean, and you try not to stare at his thighs as they flex when he wades into the hot water of the pool. Your eyes jump away when they reach the junction of his thighs, but not before catching a glimpse of what he’s packing there.
A little panicked, you duck down into the water until you’re submerged up to your nose, your gaze averted. Nudity may not be taboo to the Na’vi, but it still carries taboo connotations to you, especially considering this is a man that you’re attracted to.
You try to stifle your reaction as best as you can – it would be all too humiliating to have him realise just how you’re looking at him.
“I’m sorry,” You blurt, raising your arms so you can cross them over your chest. “I didn’t know there was anyone else here, but I was just leaving-”
Tsu’tey spares you a glance, though his eyes don’t linger on you. You can’t decide if the lack of attention is reassuring or insulting. 
“Stay.” He grunts, wading further into the centre of the pool, further than you had dared to go. It’s far deeper there, the water lapping steadily at his shoulders. 
He doesn’t say anything further, and so you end up hovering awkwardly in the shallow end of the pool with your back pressed up against the mossy rock you had been laying on. Though Tsu’tey isn’t paying you any attention, you keep your arms pressed tight to your chest in a weak attempt to cover your breasts.
Tsu’tey sighs softly as his shoulders relax in the warm water, one of his hands cupping the back of his neck as he rolls his head on his neck. The cave is quiet, the sounds of the softly bubbling water amplified against the wet rock walls, and you feel terribly self-conscious as you watch him dip himself in the water.
“You left quickly last night.” He says, his quiet voice almost lost amidst the soft sounds of the water.
You blink. It takes a moment for you to understand – he so rarely initiated conversation with you, always preferring to simply watch you in silence as you talked away.
“Oh.” You feel your face grow hot, and attempt to dip even lower in the water. “Right. Sorry about that. Um, Jake loves fucking around like that. He’s not very funny though.”
Tsu’tey hums, though his mouth quirks in amusement. “He is not funny,” He agrees. “But I learned much about human males. I did not realise they were so disappointing.”
“Oh my god.” You mutter faintly, eyes widening. The only thing you can think of that’s more embarrassing than standing in front of Tsu’tey naked is continuing the conversation about your disappointing lovers as you both stand nude in a bath.
Your soft exclamation draws his attention, and this time his eyes linger on your face. 
“Their inability to please you causes you shame?” He wonders.
You almost choke, recoiling a little at that question. Fuck, you always forget how blunt the Na’vi are, and Tsu’tey is even more straight-forward than most. But still, you’ve never spoken to him like this before. Yet here he is, asking you a very personal question indeed.
“I- I guess.” You manage to say, though it comes out a little strained. “I mean- it is a little embarrassing.”
Tsu’tey has hardly blinked as he watches you, and the intensity of his stare makes you unbelievably nervous. It takes everything you have not to fidget as he watches you; it feels as though he’s reading your thoughts right off your face.
Finally, after an impossibly long moment, he grunts dismissively before wading towards the edge of the pool. You watch him go, squinting to see what he’s doing as he reaches for something hidden among the glowing flora growing around the hot springs.
When he pulls back, there’s some sort of glowing flower clasped in his hand. It’s a pretty pink colour, luminous against Tsu’tey’s vibrant blue skin. You watch with interest as he dips it in the water before beginning to rub it along his arms and chest. You can’t see any point to it, and you squint curiously as he massages his skin with the silky petals.
“What is that?” You’re finally brave enough to ask. 
“Yursyulang.” Tsu’tey says, though he doesn’t raise his head to look at you. “The flowers are used to wash.”
You don’t reply, too distracted by the fact that his hands are now dipping lower in the water so he can wash at his thighs. You look away hastily, growing flustered, before turning to take a look at the vegetation growing around the edge of the pool just behind you. 
Sure enough, there are a few of the delicate flowers growing in the crevices between the rocks all around the pool.
You pluck one, peering at it carefully. The petals are a little bit waxy, though when they come into contact with your wet fingers the waxy texture turns oily. The stamen protrudes from between the petals, dropping white pollen all over your fingers.
Experimentally, you swipe the flower over your arm. It leaves an odd trail of oily residue in its wake, and you squint at it in confusion. 
When you look up again, you’re surprised to find that Tsu’tey has stepped much closer to you. You reach up to cover your chest again, startled.
“You are using it wrong.” He says bluntly, reaching for the flower in your hand. “Give it.”
You hand it over without a word, though you can’t figure out what he wants with it. You don’t think you’d be able to argue with him even if you tried.
He steps closer again, and you take a nervous step back. The mossy rock presses against your spine, halting your retreat. Tsu’tey steps forward again, before reaching for your arm.
You let him take it, taking a breath and holding it as his thick four-fingered hand closes around your wrist. Even in the heat of the pool, his touch feels scorching. 
“Like this.” He murmurs, gripping the flower and stroking it softly over the skin of your arm. 
Your mouth goes dry, and you watch with wide and confused eyes as he cups his hand in the water and pours it over the oily residue left by the flower petals. The water causes it to emulsify, turning milky against your skin.
By all rights, that should have been the end of his little demonstration. But to your bewilderment, he just keeps going. He’s more gentle than you would have guessed by his size and scowl, and you feel your already traitorous heart shiver and grow even softer. 
The yursyulang leaves your arm feeling clean but soft, without the usual dried-out feeling you get from soap.
You swallow thickly as his touch glides up your arm and over your shoulder, the silky sensation of the flower on your collarbones making you shiver despite the heat in the pool. 
When Tsu’tey speaks again you jolt, startled as the peaceful quiet of the cave is broken.
“You are too little,” He murmurs, one of his fingers tracing over your collarbone. “It is difficult to reach. Come here.”
He lowers himself down to your level, and your eyes follow him as he sits on a stone ledge built into the side of the pool. He gestures at you to come closer, and you follow his direction mindlessly. You spare a brief moment to wonder if you’re imagining this, but you really don’t care – you’re willing to soak up any little bit of attention he’s willing to give you.
You let out a soft noise of surprise when he grips your arm and pulls you up onto the ledge next to him. You hurry to cover your breasts again, despite the fact that he’s made no move to glance down.
“Why do you do this?” He wonders, reaching forward and tugging at your forearm where it’s held tight to your chest. 
“Um-” Your laugh is high-pitched and nervous, and you wince at the sound of it. “Humans aren’t as confident in their bodies as the Na’vi tend to be, I guess.”
He hums, then reaches out and drags the yursyulang across your chest, just over the swell of your breasts. You take a sharp inhale through your nose at the touch, though there don’t seem to be any ulterior motives behind it.
“Your people are strange.” He murmurs, cupping more water and letting it drip over your chest. “You do not like your own bodies, you do not connect with nature, you do not touch each other. It is no wonder that tawtute males are bad lovers.”
“Oh my god,” You roll your eyes, but you think he just might have a point. “Can we stop talking about this?”
Tsu’tey’s mouth twitches, and he tugs at your arm one more time. Reluctantly, you allow your arms to drop. This time, he does look at your tits, and you feel hyper-aware of the way your nipples have firmed up in the steamy air as he touches you.
“I have been thinking about what Jakesully said last night,” He murmurs, gliding his hand lower over the swell of your breasts. “He explained, after you were gone.”
You stare at him, wondering if you were imagining the tension that’s singing between the two of you. Why is he bringing this up now? He had been so quiet last night that you had just assumed he was as disgusted as he usually was around humans. You can hardly believe he’s touching you right now, and voluntarily too, as he brings up the subject again.
“I’m… not altogether sure I want to know what he said.” You admit a little hesitantly.
He chuckles at that, and startles you by closing his hands around your hips and hoisting you up over his lap. You end up sitting with your legs splayed around one of his thighs, your hands pressed against his chest as you grab at him for balance.
You let out a weird warble of surprise as he settles you firmly on his thigh, but he doesn’t seem to notice your bewilderment at all. He’s still acting as though what he’s doing is perfectly normal, and maybe it is.
Maybe you’re the one being weird. Communal bathing is normal among the Na’vi, and you know that it’s considered a type of bonding for them too. Maybe this act of washing you is supposed to symbolise his acceptance of you among the clan? 
“Tsu’tey,” You whisper, your brow furrowing in confusion as he washes your stomach. “What’s happening right now?”
One of his arms winds around your waist, and you melt against him when he drags the yursyulang over the bare skin of your back. His grip is so strong, his hand so large and warm that it makes your thoughts scatter into nothingness.
“You do not like me touching you?” He asks. His voice is a little huskier than usual, but he still sounds unbelievably casual considering the position the two of you are in. 
"That's- no, I don't mean that-"
It doesn't seem as though Tsu’tey is paying the slightest bit of mind to the way you’re getting flustered, because he just gives you a careless little smirk as his head tilts. He moves like a particularly graceful cat, and you shift a little nervously on his thigh.
"No?" His lips are beginning to curve up into a tiny, amused smile as he watches you scramble. "You seem confused."
You take a little breath in a weak attempt to collect yourself. You feel overheated and shivery, your thoughts slow and soupy. Fuck, you’re aroused. It’s the worst time possible to be sitting naked in Tsu’tey’s lap, and you’re just so grateful that the water your lower half is submerged in is covering how you’ve grown slick and sticky.
His gentle touch all over your body in the name of washing is one thing, but when one of his hands slides up into your hair you freeze. 
You may not have been certain about the connotations of bathing, but you know perfectly well what the connotations of him washing your hair is. This is an intimate touch on a level that you’re not sure a human could ever understand – a Na’vi’s hair is especially revered considering the proximity to their neural queue. This is a touch that is usually reserved for family or for mates.
When you glance up at his face, you find that he’s already watching you with those intense amber eyes of his, as though trying to read you for a reaction.
“Tsu’tey?” You ask, your voice wobbling a little. “Is this- I mean, are you-?”
“I have been thinking,” He interrupts, his blunt fingers massaging at your scalp. “About your unworthy human mate.”
“They’re not-” You begin, your eyes fluttering shut as he scratches softly through the roots of your hair. “He’s not my mate.”
Tsu’tey grunts, though he sounds pleased as one of his hands drifts low over your belly with the yursyulang. 
“Good. It does not sound like there are any tawtute males worthy of mating with.” 
You laugh, breathless and a little awkward as you try to pretend that your stomach hasn’t just clenched up like a fist at the feeling of his hand trailing over your navel.
“Well,” Your murmur, a little wryly. “Maybe if human men had to go through a big rite of passage before choosing a mate, they’d be a little more appreciative.”
Tsu’tey’s brow crinkles slightly. “They do not deserve iknimaya. And they do not deserve a mate.”
You laugh again, but this time it comes out strangled and weak. You’re beginning to get far too flustered sitting in his lap like this, but you can’t work up the willpower to clamber off him. Does he even realise that the way he’s touching you is considered sexually intimate for humans? You’re naked for god’s sake.
But then he must realise, you think. He’s washing your hair, and that’s a huge display of intimacy for Na’vi. Is there something you’re missing here?
Then he speaks again, and your doubts are very firmly shattered.
“I want to give you pleasure.” He says. His voice is low and rumbly and quiet, and yet in the quiet of the cave he may as well have been shouting. “Since you have never experienced it with a lover.”
You goggle at him like an absolute moron. Your thoughts have gone utterly, totally blank. It’s like your brain has been shocked into a hard reboot, and you stare uncomprehendingly as his words sink in. He watches you right back, the picture of patience. The only sign of his impatience is the flick of his ear.
Before you can answer, he buries his face into your neck and lays a hot, biting kiss against the sensitive flesh just beneath your jaw. You jerk in his lap, eyes blowing wide at the feeling of his hot, rough tongue and his sharp teeth. 
Oh god, this is actually happening. He’s actually touching you, kissing you, holding you. 
“What about Ninat?” You ask stupidly, then curse yourself. Why the fuck are you bringing up Ninat? Talk about self-sabotage.
Tsu’tey doesn’t even bother to respond immediately. He just takes a hold of your hips and lifts, gathering you into his strong arms effortlessly as he stands in the water. The movement comes as a surprise, and you clutch at him with wide eyes as he turns and settles you down on the same moss-covered rock you had been lounging on beside the pool when he had first come in.
Now that you’re no longer in the hot water, gooseflesh breaks out all over your skin and your nipples firm up obviously. You shiver a little as you watch his eyes drift down over your breasts and linger, before dropping lower over your belly.
“What about her?” He asks at last, though he seems to get distracted by the way your thighs are rubbing together.
You push yourself up to a sitting position on the mossy rock, your fingers curling into the soft vegetation. “Didn’t you say you were courting her?”
“No.” Tsu’tey says bluntly, crawling up onto the rock beside you and situating himself between your legs as he leans in to kiss your collarbones. “I did not say this. I am not courting anybody yet, despite my efforts.”
When his mouth drifts lower over your breasts, you forget your train of thought entirely. His tongue is big and rough as he licks over your nipple. He’s big enough that when he goes to take your breast into his mouth, he covers almost the entire swell of it. 
You push your chest into the wet heat of his mouth with a soft breath, but then he reaches up and pushes you right back down. His strength takes you by surprise, and all you can do is lay there and gasp as he licks at your tits like a man starving.
“Oh fuck.” You breathe, raising your hand to cup the back of his head. Your fingers wind into his braids, clutching at them as he bites unmistakable hickeys into your tits.
Even through your mask, you can tell he smells like the sweet-scented flower he had been using to bathe. The pleasant smell goes to your head, leaving you all hazy and wanting.
When Tsu’tey’s mouth leaves you, you nearly whine out a complaint. He hardly gives you an opportunity to make a sound though, because his hands keep running all over your body. The pads of his fingers trace over your shoulders, his palms coast over your breasts and belly, he grips and gently squeezes at the soft flesh of your thighs.
“Jakesully-” Tsu’tey begins, before pausing. A small frown furrows his brow, and he seems to be struggling with how to phrase his next words. “He courted you? Before he became one of the People?”
The shock of that question causes you to jolt, startled right out of your dazed state of arousal. 
“What?” You almost screech, attempting to sit up. Tsu’tey’s hand closes around your waist, keeping you still, but you still manage to scowl up at him in utter bewilderment. “No, fuck! We’re friends! We’ve always been friends! It’s not like that at all!”
Tsu’tey’s shoulders loosen, as though some tension you hadn’t even noticed he was carrying is beginning to leak away. “Ah. He seemed... familiar with your pleasure. Or lack of it.”
"We talk! Jesus-"
You’re still a little shell-shocked by the question as Tsu’tey returns to pressing kisses down the length of your stomach. Why would he have asked you that? Surely it was obvious that you and Jake were just friends? Neytiri would have struck you down if you were anything more, you were sure. 
You’re so preoccupied with your thoughts that it takes a moment to realise that Tsu’tey has stopped trailing kisses down your belly. Instead he’s come to a halt, and you can feel him staring down between your legs. The sudden interest has your breath catching and your cheeks burning.
When you try to close your thighs, his hands clamp firmly around your legs to keep you spread open and still. 
“You have hair here.” He comments, his brow all puckered in bewilderment as he reaches a finger out and drags it through the curls of your pubic hair.
“Yeah.” You say stupidly. You imagine it must look bizarre to one of the Na’vi, who are naturally hairless everywhere except for the thick, glossy hair on their heads.
“What is its purpose?”
You open your mouth, and then slowly close it, then open it again. “I, uh… I don’t know, really. It grows when humans reach puberty.”
He cards a finger through it, eyes sharp and curious. It’s a pretty weak explanation, but Tsu’tey seems satisfied enough with it. 
His touches grow bolder, his fingers moving with purpose down towards your swollen cunt. You had just started to curse yourself for not shaving, but then the pads of his fingers run over the puffy hood of your clit and you moan quietly as your thoughts scatter.
You pleasured little sounds seem to encourage him, because his touches get bolder. His fingers trace over the contours of your cunt, in between the slick folds as though testing to see how wet you are, before returning to your clit again. 
His other hand wanders down towards your legs, and he hooks his fingers around the soft pudge of your thigh. He squeezes lightly, and makes a soft grunt of amusement.
“Are all Sky People so soft?” He wonders, pressing his face into the swell of your tits as his mouth curves up in a smirk.
You don’t even answer, raising your hand to cup the back of his neck in an attempt to keep his head where it is. Your stomach is twisting in excitement and arousal, your chest heaving as you attempt to keep your breath steady inside your breathing mask. God, you want his mouth on your tits again.
He seems to know what you’re thinking, because he lifts his head up to grin at you. You’ve never seen him so expressive before – he’s usually so blank-faced and scowly, so to see his sharp teeth all bared in a wild grin, the skin around his eyes crinkling, nearly takes your breath away.
He kisses your left breast again, his rough-textured tongue rasping over your nipple and making you let out a soft, breathy little whimper.
“You like this.” He murmurs. There’s a little bit of wonderment in his voice, as though he’s pleasantly surprised by your reaction.
“Yeah,” You breathe, a little embarrassed. “It feels good. But- could you-”
He kisses your other tit, nipping gently at the underside of it, before lifting his face to look at you again. That amused expression hasn’t faltered at all, and one corner of his mouth twitches up into a smirk as he watches you struggle to express your desires.
“I will do what you wish,” He murmurs, “But you must tell me first.”
He bows his head and drags his nose up along your breastbone towards your collarbones. His breath tickles at your wet skin, and his plump lips trace little kisses all over you as he goes. He’s so gentle, but his touch feels positively electric and leaves a line of goosebumps breaking out in his wake.
You feel like you’ve been clubbed over the head. You’ve been crushing on Tsu’tey for so long, but never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined a situation like this, with him looming large and imposing between your legs and asking how you want him to please you.
What the fuck? You think wildly, before shoving your confusion aside. Who cares how you got here – you’re going to seize this opportunity with both hands.
“Will you touch me again?” You breathe, reaching down and wrapping your fingers around his large wrist. His hand is still between your legs, though it’s gone still as he waits for you to direct him. “My- my clit, just there-”
His ears twitch, and then he shifts and pushes himself down your body. He only pauses when his head is level with your hips, and you see his nostrils flare as he scents you between your legs.
Though you had asked him to touch you, your legs twitch shut as you try to close your thighs. You want him so badly, but it’s mortifying to see him sniffing at you like that.
He clicks his tongue, and grabs at your thighs to press them open again. He’s so strong, and regardless of how gentle he’s being you don’t stand a chance at resisting him. As soon as he has your legs splayed out wide once again, his head bullies its way between your thighs and keeps you all spread open. 
You can hear him breathing you in, taking deep eager breaths as he snuffles at your cunt before leaning in closer. His breathing sounds positively desperate, as though he’s just short of hyperventilating.
“You smell sweet, tawtute,” He groans, leaning his head against the plushness of your thigh. “I did not expect this.” 
Your clit is aching so hard that it feels like your whole cunt is pulsing between your legs. Honestly, a significant part of you had expected to be manhandled and fucked within an inch of your life after he had declared his intention to please you; that’s what the men you’ve encountered before have considered pleasing you, after all. And while you’re a little terrified to think about the sheer size of the weapon he’s got between his legs, that doesn’t seem to be what Tsu’tey is planning at all.
Instead, he demonstrates an abundance of patience as he spends his time mapping out every inch of your flesh with his hands, pressing kisses all along the inside of your thighs. You shiver under the attention, shuffling a little as you spread your legs wider; your self-consciousness is forgotten in your eagerness to feel his mouth on you properly.
Finally, finally, he nips and kisses his way up to the meeting of your thighs and lays his hot, eager tongue along the heat of your cunt. His tongue is… not particularly soft. It has a rough, almost sand-papery texture, though it’s slick and wet and it feels so, so good against your swollen and over-heated flesh.
“Oh, fuck!” You wheeze, tossing your head back against the squishy moss that coats the rock beneath you. 
When you wiggle a little, trying to encourage his mouth a little higher, his hands grasp at your thighs hard to keep you still.
“Relax, demon,” He rumbles against you, mouth curving up in a sharp grin. “Be patient. You will have your pleasure.”
It’s a different sensation to anything you’ve ever felt before. It’s not the first time you’ve been eaten out, of course. You’ve had partners offer in the past, but it had never done much for you. Your last partner would only do it to get you wet, and then his focus would switch without preamble to getting his cock inside you. You had never experienced a tongue that played between your legs with such obvious relish before.
As your body goes lax against the mossy rock, Tsu’tey rumbles in delight and pulls your thighs up over his shoulders so that his head is bracketed by your plush thighs. You try not to thrash too much, to relax like he’s told you to. He makes it easier when he bars one of his arms over your hips and presses them down, keeping you from squirming.
The action alone makes you a little flustered, and the fact that you now feel like you can barely move an inch has your head swimming.
Tsu’tey continues to lave his tongue against you. It feels much rougher than a human tongue; it reminds you a little of a cat’s. The texture isn’t painful…in fact, it’s kind of mind-blowing. It creates such a glorious friction that it has you squirming despite your best intentions.
“Oh god,” You wheeze as he drags that rough tongue over your sensitive clit, hips jerking out of your control at the sensation of it. “Oh god, yes-”
Tsu’tey seems to take every breath, sigh and whimper as a cue, trying to match his movements to what makes you react the most. Your toes clench uselessly along his back where your legs are still thrown over his shoulders, leaving you entirely powerless in his hold. 
When your breath hitches, he bears down with more intent and it’s too much, too fast. You shudder as an orgasm washes over you, vision whiting out as hot static pleasure radiates from your cunt out into every extremity. The release takes you by surprise, and you can’t stop yourself from whining and moaning and writhing while Tsu’tey keeps you as still as he can, never erring in his ministrations.
He only pulls back when the last shivering aftershock races through your nerves, and even then he only pulls back far enough to press a sloppy kiss to the inside of your thigh.
“That is one.” He murmurs to himself, his chest rumbling in a loud purr. The vibrations shoot right into through your nerves, and you’re oversensitive enough that you shudder mindlessly at the feeling.
You stare wide-eyed at the ceiling of the cave, chest heaving as you catch your breath. You’re still trying to wrap your head around what’s just happened.
“Holy shit,” You breathe, craning your head up so you can look down at him. “I’ve never- I mean, no one else has ever made me come before.”
Tsu’tey is still nuzzling his wide, flat nose into your inner thigh as he takes deep breaths, clearly enjoying the smell of your arousal, but your words draw him out of his relaxed state. He blinks, then frowns up at you.
“You have wasted your time with unworthy males,” He murmurs, his brow furrowed in aggravation. “I will fix this.”
With that, he lowers his mouth to your oversensitive clit and begins to lick at you again. In the same moment, he slides a single finger inside of you. Even one of his fingers is thick, and you let out a sharp, surprised sound, your head tilting back against the cushy moss as your eyes shut tight against the onslaught of sensation as he begins to stretch you out.
You can’t believe he’s still eating your pussy. You had massively underestimated his commitment and his drive, it seems; he isn’t showing any signs of stopping anytime soon. His eyes are closed as he devotes his entire attention to burying his face into your cunt and lapping at your clit. 
It’s almost like he’s trying to smother himself in you, as though tongue-fucking you is infinitely more important than breathing. You just barely catch on to the way his hips are moving; he’s grinding his cock into the spongey moss beneath him, letting out soft grunts into your pussy as he focuses solely on making you feel good.
After that first orgasm, there is no resisting anything he does. His head is between your thighs, his tongue is on your clit. You’re convinced that you’re about to reach heaven, because nothing has ever felt this good in your life.
And then he purrs, and you lose your mind completely. It’s like having the best vibrator in the world, pressed right up into you as he licks you wet and sloppy. 
You come again, squealing. He holds your hips still, making it so you can’t escape the pure onslaught of pleasure and sensation as his tongue rolls up into you, deeper than any human has ever reached before. 
“Two.” He mumbles against your cunt, the word wetly muffled.
This orgasm doesn’t last quite as long as the first one, and soon you’re whimpering, overwhelmed. He doesn’t slow down, but his movements do turn gentle. He adds another finger; you’re wet enough from both your own arousal and from Tsu’tey’s eager mouth that the slide of the second finger is easy, though the stretch still burns a little. 
His two thick fingers roll inside you, gentle but insistent. Your face screws up as he hits the spongey sweet spot deep inside of you, the sweet heat that blooms throughout your lower belly making your toes curl.
“Tsu’tey,” You choke out, sweat breaking out across your temples as you shudder. “Oh, fuck! Oh god, please, please, please-”
The steady rumbling purr is interrupted briefly by his chuckle. Encouraged by your reactions, his fingers start to rub over your sweet spot so insistently that your breath catches in your chest and your eyes roll back.
When his lips wrap around your clit and he sucks, you let out an honest to god scream as another orgasm slams into you, sending your vision whiting out like static. Tsu’tey seems to like that, moaning happily as you writhe against his face and taking the opportunity to add another finger. 
“Three,” He mumbles to himself, so quietly you hardly hear.
You’re stuffed full and trembling like a leaf, your eyes rolled back and your mouth dropped open as you pant like a moron.
“S’too much,” You moan, your words coming out all slurred and stupid. “Fuck, fuck, Tsu’tey, too much.”
With great reluctance, Tsu’tey pulls his face away from your cunt. He looks utterly debauched. His lips are slick and swollen, drool and slick smeared all over his mouth and chin, his hair all dishevelled from your tugging at it, and a hazy, lusty look gleaming in his eyes.
Fuck, you’ve never seen him look so pleased with himself.
Despite the fact that you’re still shivering from the electric little jolts that keep shooting up your spine from your poor, oversensitive clit, you find yourself anticipating his next move. However improbable, you want more.
Tsu’tey pushes himself up, his large palms coming to rest over your hips as he leans up to lay some more hot, biting kisses against your shoulder.
“You make such lovely noises, tawtute,” He murmurs, his lips dragging over the hot skin at the base of your throat. 
You’re still wide-eyed and short of breath, but you tilt your head back eagerly and loop your arms around his neck. He’s so much bigger than you that it feels as though his entire body engulfs you as he leans over you, and it sends an excited little thrill through you.
“Holy fuck,” You wheeze, your fingers curling into his hair. “Oh my god. I’ve never… shit. I think you’ve just ruined me for human men for life.”
That seems to do wonders for his ego, because he lifts his face from your shoulder so that you can see his stupidly smug expression. His tail is wiggling in the air, a clear sign of satisfaction. God, he’s adorable.
He still hasn’t pulled his fingers out of you, and you sigh stupidly as you feel them curl languidly inside of you. Your thighs are still spread wide, trembling a little from the muscle strain as Tsu’tey settles himself between your legs.
“Tawtute males have nothing to offer.” He says, with an obvious edge of loftiness in his voice. 
You wheeze a laugh, before pushing yourself up onto your elbows so that you can peer down the length of your bodies. Though his body is pressed tight to yours, you can still see the evidence of his arousal hanging heavy between his legs. He’s so hard, and yet he hasn’t made any move to climb atop you and start hammering away at you like you’re used to. It’s a little startling to realise that you kind of want him to.
Tentatively, you reach for his cock. He groans as soon as your fingers make contact with his erection, his head dropping down to rest against your chest.
“You do not have to, demon.” He murmurs, though his voice is strained and his hips rock a little into your grip as though he can’t help it. “I will keep using my mouth until you are satisfied.”
Well, that’s certainly a very enticing offer. You had never experienced anyone use their mouth like Tsu’tey had, so eager and driven and motivated by nothing but getting you off, and you can imagine getting addicted to his mouth with ease. 
Warm fondness blooms in your chest as you look at him all crouched between your legs, brow furrowed as he watches your face. Even with your hand on his dick, he’s not pushing you for anything more. Your crush on him seems to swell, your heart fluttering in time with your pussy as you reach for him.
“Your mouth is very good,” You breathe, a grin beginning to curve your mouth up. “But…”
Tsu’tey lifts his head, his eyes narrowing as his gaze darts all over your face. It’s like he’s trying to read what you want from your expression, to guess what you’re looking for before you can say it aloud. It reminds you of earlier, when he had said that he would do whatever you wanted, so long as you told him what it was.
Your fingers tentatively coast down the length of his stiff cock in an exploratory type of touch. It’s thick, but it feels… manageable. Na’vi cocks seem to follow similar proportions to Na’vi bodies; long, but narrow. That still makes him very thick compared to a human, but it feels only a little larger than an ex-partner you once had that was especially well endowed. Granted, that sex was terrible because he didn't know how to use it, but you’re positive this will be different. This is Tsu’tey, and you’re beginning to trust him whole-heartedly with your body; he certainly seems to know what he’s doing.
“Will you fuck me?” You ask. 
Your voice comes out a little shakier than you had intended, but it's just the nerves getting the better of you. It’s a bold question to be asking, and you’re asking it of Tsu’tey; one of the scariest people you’ve ever met and the one that you’ve been crushing on for months.
He expels a sharp breath of air as though it’s been punched out of him, and his face drops down to push into the curve of your shoulder.
“Yes, tawtute,” He groans, lips dragging against your neck. “I would be very pleased to, if you are sure.”
Your grin turns anticipatory, and then you wrap your hand around his cock and give it a proper stroke. He grunts, his hold on you tightening a little as his body curves around you, his hips humping into your fist.
The sense of power that washes over you is a little startling. Tsu’tey is over nine feet tall and stacked, and yet you have him grunting and groaning as he humps his cock into your tiny fist. He’s so sweet about it too, only taking what you give him and never demanding more. Fuck, it makes you want to give him the world.
His eyes are all scrunched shut, and as your fist twists over the mushroomed head of his cock, an honest to god moan is punched out of his chest, the deepness of the sound vibrating into you beneath him. It’s probably the hottest thing you’ve ever heard in your life, and your legs fall even farther apart in response to it.
Not only is his cock thick and long, but it has little raised patterns along it that seem to mimic the darker stripes across the rest of his skin. The velvety skin of his cock is also dotted with raised little nubs all over, and every time your hand strokes over them, Tsu’tey shivers a little as his ears twitch.
Apparently Na’vi males aren’t meant to be a smooth ride. You feel your clit actually pulse at the thought.
“Tsu’tey,” You gasp, your grip on his cock firming. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my fucking life.”
He lets out a breath, one that sounds like pure anticipation, before rolling off of you. 
You blink, bewildered as he shuffles himself off the rock and away from you. That is absolutely not what you wanted.
“Where are you going?” You ask, trying not to sound miffed.
“Patience, yawntutsyìp.” He says as he reaches for the loincloth he had placed aside when he had first come into the spring.
He sounds amused, which actually helps to settle you. He didn’t appear to have any intentions of leaving you here, wet and loose and ready to be fucked, which was a relief.
You watch him curiously, desperate to know just what it is that he’s looking for. He seems to be rooting around in a little leather pouch tied to his loincloth, though you can’t get a good look at what he’s searching for.
“Tsu’tey-” You start to say, but he straightens up and turns back to you before you can finish.
He moves back to you swiftly, his agility as impressive as ever as he leaps back around the mossy rock you’re all laid over. Within seconds, he’s resituated himself back between your thighs as though he never left, leaning over you and giving you an eager, anticipatory grin.
He looks genuinely excited, and you feel your stomach flip in response. Oh, you’re so fucked. Literally as well as figuratively, you hope.
“What were you-”
You’re interrupted again when he holds up a hand; clasped in it is a bottle that’s bizarrely familiar. For a long second all you can do is blink at it, bewildered.
“Where did you get lube-”
“It will make it better for you, will it not?” He asks, fumbling to snap the bottle open.
Your expression softens, mouth wobbling into a shy little smile, before reaching to open the bottle cap yourself.
“Yeah,” You murmur, watching him dribble the lube over his long, lithe blue fingers. “It will, but where did you get it?”
“I asked for it.” Is all he says, before dipping his fingers between your legs once again.
You abandon your line of questioning with a satisfied sigh, leaning your head back as he fingers you with one hand. Three of his large fingers stretch you wide as his thumb rolls over your clit, moving deftly. With his other hand, he reaches to rub some of the slick and gooey lube over his cock.
“Okay,” You breathe, your hips twitching a little as his thumb rubs smooth circles over the swollen nub of your clit. “Come on, come on, give it to me-”
He breathes a soft snort, his eyes bright and wild as he watches the way your hips move towards him. He seems to be enamoured with the fact that you’re apparently so desperate for him, and if he hadn’t worked you up so much you might be embarrassed about it.
“Patience, little demon.” He rumbles out, lowering his chest so that he’s pressed against you. “You still doubt my ability to please you?”
His chest reverberates against yours as he purrs, and you shiver in delight at the sensation. It feels as though he’s sending vibrations right down into your bones, and you arch your back as you push your breasts into him. 
“No,” You say it with a breathless laugh. “No, I trust you.”
“Good.” He hums, his teeth glinting as he grins.
When the thick head of his cock presses against your slicked entrance, you let your thighs fall open even further. When he starts to press in, all you can manage to do is shut your eyes tight and whimper. 
“Breathe, yawntutsyìp.” He whispers into your ear, his lips brushing over the shell of your ear.
He’s stretched you out well, and you’re loose and relaxed thanks to the orgasms he’s given you already, but he’s still big. He takes it slow and careful, but the stretch still burns and forces all the air out of your lungs. 
You take a shaky inhale as he works himself into you, somewhat stunned by the steady, inescapable pressure and the impossible feeling of fullness. Your body keeps clenching and relaxing, alternately accepting his girth and seizing up to try and force him out; Tsu’tey takes it as slow as he can manage, attempting to make it as easy for you to take him as possible.
“Oh god, oh god,” You warble, reaching up to cling onto his shoulders. 
Fuck, you feel like you’re on fire. You can’t think of the last time that you were so alight with desire. You ache, a sweet subtle hurt like a pure animal demand to be satisfied.
Your hips spasm towards him, frustrated by his slow pace, but he reaches down and snatches at your hipbones to keep you still.
“Don’t force it,” He whispers to you. You can hear the amusement in her voice, but he strokes his thumbs in circles around your hipbones to soothe you as you struggle with his size. “You can take it; just give yourself a moment.”
His grip on your hips is like steel, and you’re not sure you could move even if you tried. You’ve no option but to do as he says, and you go as still as possible.
“Fuck, your dick is big.” You wheeze, turning your face to the side and squeezing your eyes shut. You can’t quite bear to look at his face, and you’re mortified at the thought of him seeing your expression.
Tsu’tey rumbles what sounds like a chuckle, but his voice is strained again. It seems like taking it slow is a struggle for him too, no matter how cool and collected he seems to be.
It feels like it takes an eternity, but at last Tsu’tey bottoms out – he can’t fit entirely inside of you, but still you’re so stuffed full that you can hardly take a breath.
Tsu’tey has gone still too, and his own breaths are shuddering in and out of him in short bursts. It’s clear he’s in ecstasy, caught up in the tight fit of you, and he takes a moment just to breathe and collect himself as he holds you tight.
“Look at me, tawtute,” Tsu’tey grits out from between his teeth, nuzzling his flat nose along the length of your jaw. “Want to watch you.”
Once you open your eyes you have to blink several times in an attempt to focus on him. His deep blue skin is all dewy from the balmy heat of the hot springs and from a thin layer of perspiration, and the little dots of white sprinkled over his face and chest glow softly. 
Your eyes drop lower, over his wide shoulders and the well-built musculature of his chest and abdomen. Fuck, he’s so pretty.
You shift your hips just slightly, testing how he feels in you. The stretch doesn’t burn anymore, your body having adjusted to the size of him, but you still feel as though you’re being stretched to your limits. 
You bear down a little, flexing your muscles around his cock just to see his reaction. The growl it forces out of him almost takes you by surprise, especially when he rears back so that he’s sitting on his haunches.
In the same move, he uses his grip on your hips to pull you forward so that your ass is resting on top of his well-muscled thighs. It allows him to lift your hips a little, and you realise that this position gives him more control over the angle he can fuck you at.
“Are you alright?” He asks, his expression taut from the effort it’s taking not to move.
“Yes,” You breathe, arching your back so that your ass is pushed further into his lap, your shoulders pressed against the mossy rock you’re laying on. “Fuck yes.”
Finally, finally, Tsu’tey begins to move.
At first, he starts slow. His thrusts feel almost experimental. He’ll move, then adjust his angle and move again. When you feel pleasure rocket up your spine on his next thrust, you let out a gasped moan, tilting your head back and squeezing your eyes shut.
Tsu’tey gives a rumbling purr and leans forward so that he’s all hunched over you, his hands braced over your hips as he pulls you into him. He keeps that same angle as he starts to work himself up to a rhythm, his pace and strength increasing with every movement until he’s finally built up the perfect cadence.
All you can do is writhe underneath him helplessly, taking it. The mossy rock you’re laying on is smooth and slick, and you’re driven up it as he fucks you. The only source of stability you have is him, and his grip on your hips is the only thing that anchors you against his thrusts.
He’s moving with all the power and consistency of a goddamn machine. The rhythm he sets is almost hypnotic, so precise that time starts slipping away from you briefly as you’re caught in the roil of it. You count the seconds in breaths punched out of your lungs, your hands scrabbling uselessly at the wet mossy stone beneath you.
Holy fuck, you think wildly to yourself. Excellent at foreplay, good stroke game, eats pussy.
The three qualities Jake had listed as being important in human mating. Tsu’tey may not have understood the phrase when Jake had first said it, but he is nothing if not thorough and determined. It seems as though he’s making it his goal to embody those qualities as he fucks you.
As he sinks home once more in a smooth, long stroke, you think this might actually be the death of you. You can’t help the litany of moans and garbled half-words that’s pouring out of you. Everything feels so good and so hot. The humidity from the bath, the heat from Tsu’tey’s damp velvety skin where he lets some of his weight lie against you, just enough to make you feel trapped and breathless.
You’re content to just take whatever Tsu’tey deigns to give you… and blessedly, he is a benevolent and considerate partner.
His rhythm still hasn’t faltered, and it’s tearing you down to your very foundations, floor by floor. It feels like a constant assault on every button of yours he could possibly press, all of your senses being assaulted at once. Your free hand forsakes the smooth floor to latch onto Tsu’tey’s wrist, and for the first time, his hips stutter every so slightly before he falls back into that unfailing cadence.
You feel that familiar coil in your stomach tightening, and that’s when you start pleading. You aren't even asking for anything in particular, just a dozen instances of please interspersed with encouragements and hissed praises. 
You can hardly believe it’s possible, but you’re quickly rocketing toward another orgasm, and Tsu’tey’s consistent rhythm is swiftly unraveling you like a spool of yarn. Sweet, hot pressure is building between your legs, stealing your breath and blanking your mind.
You think you may be only seconds from madness when you reach up and clutch at Tsutey’s braids, gasping out a desperate, “Tsu’tey —please-!” 
It’s unintentional, but when you grab his hair you also grab his queue. You don’t pull hard or anything, but it seems as though just tugging at it lightly is enough to garner a reaction.
You had known that the neural queue is the most sacred and sensitive parts of the Na’vi body, but you’re still not expecting the low moan that’s punched from his chest, nor the way the whites of his eyes flash as his eyes roll back in his head a little from what appears to be overwhelming pleasure. That perfect rhythm of his falters for a second, his hips stuttering, but then his big hands squeeze at your ass and he devotes himself even more furiously to fucking you like a machine.
“Careful, tawtute,” He growls, his fingers flexing around the soft swell of your ass. “You can play with my kuru another time.”
His voice contains an element of promise, as though he’s excited about the idea, and it makes you grin a little in turn. You don’t tug at the long braid in your hand again, but you don’t let go of it either – his reaction was too thrilling to abandon your hold on him entirely.
He uses his grip on your hips to pull you further into his lap, lifting your hips up so that he can grind his cock into you at a better angle. The next time he ruts into you has you squealing like a moron. The swollen head of his cock hits against the spongey part inside of you with every thrust, and the little nubs and ridges along his length rub deliciously inside you every time he pulls out.
He keeps grinding against that one spot inside you that makes you feel as though you’re about to shake apart into pieces, your toes curling so hard they nearly cramp up. It’s all so intense, and every time he ruts into you it forces the air from your lungs, but you try to speak anyway, pushing the words out even as they almost catch in your throat.
 “Feels- feels good-!” You moan, one hand clutching at his shoulder as the other holds his queue. “I think I’m– oh fuck, I’m gonna come again, I’m gonna-”
“Yeah?” Tsu’tey pants, leaning forward to lay an eager kiss between your breasts. His hand wanders down from your belly to your pussy, and starts rubbing quick circles into your clit. 
You don’t know how he’s managing to maintain his dexterity, his lithe fingers working your clit and driving you higher and higher as he rubs at you while maintaining those long, smooth strokes of his hips. His breathing is heavy, interspersed with soft little pleasured grunts, but he still manages to hold his strength in place, never moving hard enough to hurt.
The combination of his cock rubbing and grinding against the soft spongey part inside of you and the messy stimulation of your clit has your legs trembling and heat growing rapidly in your belly. It feels like you’re being strung tighter and tighter as your orgasm draws closer, and your breath begins coming in rapid pants. The pressure in your abdomen feels a little different than usual, and you take it as a sign that you’re about to come really hard.
“Tsu’tey,” You choke out, mouth dropping open as your chest heaves. “Oh, fuck-”
It feels like a star exploding inside you when it starts. Your cunt spasms around him, gripping him so tight he has no choice but to slow his hips down, your body squeezing like a vice around his cock. He gives you two more solid strokes to your sweet spot before stilling completely. He lifts your hips up into his lap once more as he settles himself in you, knocking his cockhead into your g-spot and keeping it there so that he can just grind.
With that you cry out, your eyes rolling back and jaw dropping open as sweet release unfurls from your belly and washes over you in a warm wave of pure white. Your pussy grows so hot, warm and wet as the pressure in your cunt builds and crests and culminates in a veritable spray of release from you. 
You feel so overwhelmed, your back arching up in a smooth curve as you practically wail, unable to constrain yourself. You don’t think you’ve ever come so hard in your life, not with your fingers nor your vibrators nor that stupid removable showerhead installed back at the human outpost, and you’re startled by the sheer flood of liquid arousal that gushes out of you around Tsu’tey’s cock.
You’ve heard of squirting before, of course, but you had always thought it was just some unrealistic thing in porn. But the way Tsu’tey’s cock is bullying its way inside of you, grinding away at that spongey spot that makes your knees shake makes it feel as though not squirting would be the bigger challenge. You writhe beneath him, clutching him tight as you shake apart on his cock. It feels like your orgasm goes on forever, your whole body shuddering around him as everything goes white and hazy.
By the time you finally start to come down from your high, you feel as though your brain has been goddamn liquefied. It feels as though you’re hearing in colour, your skin sweat-slick and hot as your muscles tremble from the sheer onslaught of sensation.
Tsu’tey is still working his hips inside of you, prolonging the lingering waves of pleasure that keep jolting down your spine. You can’t believe he’s still going, moving like a fucking machine, his thrusts still calculated and steady to break you down.
“Amazing, yuey,” He whispers to you, his voice rough and gritty. “So beautiful like this.”
The compliment is unexpected, and you wheeze a surprised breath when he lets go of your hips and leans forward so that his entire large body is caging you in against the rock beneath you. His chest presses against your own, squishing your breasts, his hands coming to plant beside your head to support his weight.
“Oh, god,” You arch away from him a little, beginning to grow overwhelmed and oversensitive from the way his cock is lighting up every damn nerve in your pussy, the way he presses you so firmly into the mossy rock. “Holy fuck, Tsu’tey, fuck-”
He buries his face into your neck, and you can feel him grin against your throat. He’s so fucking proud of himself, self-satisfaction is practically radiating off him in waves.
You remember the way he had reacted before when you had pulled on his kuru, and your fingers tighten just a little around the smooth hair protecting it. Even that minor bit of pressure has him groaning softly into your shoulder, sharp teeth scraping against your bare skin.
You adjust your grip on the glossy braid, holding it close to the skull before tugging gently. His reaction startles you – he roars, the sound reverberating through you and shaking you to your bones. His eyes roll back once more, his mouth dropping open in a look of genuine surprise as pleasure seems to blindside him.
You feel heat filling you, and realise that his cum must be spilling out of you and mixing with the slickness of your own release between your legs. His fists clench hard in the moss by your head, his loud snarl tapering off into a low moan as he keeps humping his hips into you, pace sloppy and uneven.
He’s murmuring away to you as he shivers against you, his voice low and rough as he sighs in unmistakeable delight. It’s all in Na’vi, and while your grip on his language is decent, your brain is far too fried to be translating anything right now.
“What?” You mumble tiredly, your arms looping lazily around his neck as he begins to drop his weight onto you.
His hips finally begin to roll to a stop as he grows too sensitive to continue, though he keeps his face pressed carefully into your shoulder.
“Such a sweet thing,” He murmurs to you, one hand coming to rest on your hip and squeezing you there softly. “Better than I could have imagined. Are you okay, tìyawn?”
“Mmm.” Is all you can manage, head still spinning as you struggle to regain your wits. 
Even with your thoughts all slow and soupy and stupid, you can feel the way Tsu’tey tenses all of a sudden over you. You blink, confused by his sudden change in demeanor, and look up at him to find that he has raised his head to look over at the entrance to the hot springs.
“What?” You mumble, bringing your hands from his neck to stroke down over his shoulders. The muscles shift under your fingertips, hard and defined beneath the smooth velvet of his skin. The feeling of it distracts you, and you feel your cunt flutter around his spent cock despite your exhaustion.
He grunts softly at the feeling of you trembling around him, but his attention is still focused on the cave entrance. You had forgotten, so caught up in lust and the insane novelty of Tsu’tey wanting you, that the hot springs were a public amenity that was used often among the Omaticaya.
So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise when a young man steps around the corner, already undoing the tie to his loincloth. If anything, you think you should probably be surprised that someone hadn’t walked in on you earlier.
Tsu’tey bares his teeth in a snarl, a deep growl erupting out of his chest at the sight of this newcomer. He doesn’t look familiar to you, but judging by his lack of hair ornaments and bare waist, he appears to be a young warrior in training.
“Out.” Tsu’tey snarls, his expression nothing short of dangerous.
The young Na’vi takes one look at the two of you, eyes wide and shocked, before turning on his heel and swiftly disappearing back the way he had come.
An exhausted, mildly hysterical giggle escapes you. You think you should probably be embarrassed, but you’ve just been fucked six ways to Sunday and you can’t drum up the energy to care. 
One thing has surprised you, however; you had expected Tsu’tey to be ashamed on some level. Not necessarily of being caught in a compromising position like this, but of being caught in this position with a Sky Person. He’s a prideful man and an important figure within the clan, and you know he guards his reputation carefully. But he doesn't seem embarrassed at all; just annoyed and oddly protective, considering he's lowered his body over yours to cover you from prying eyes.
“Fuck,” You sigh, digging your fingers into his chest in an attempt to catch his attention. “Is that… is that bad? That he saw?”
You’re unsure if this was meant to be kept a secret or not, but Tsu’tey just makes a face at you as though you’ve asked him a very stupid question.
“No. The village will know soon anyway.”
That is an oddly ominous statement that your fucked-out mind can’t quite make sense of, so you elect to just ignore it. 
You’re distracted anyway by the way Tsu’tey shifts above you, his cock still overwhelmingly big even as it begins to soften inside of you. You think you’d like to keep it inside you forever, filling you up and igniting that sweet ache between your thighs, but Tsu’tey has other ideas.
His hands pet soothingly down your flank as he pulls out, his chest vibrating with a calming purr when you hiss in discomfort as his cock finally leaves you. There’s a sting between your legs as a dribble of cum begins to leak out of you now that he’s no longer plugging you up, and your face scrunches up into a little grimace of discontent.
You don’t think you’ve ever felt this empty in your whole life, and you find yourself clenching down on nothing as you shiver.
“Did I hurt you, oeyä vrrtep?” He wonders, his hands tracing soft and gentle patterns over your skin.
His concern warms you, and you smile tiredly at him. “Only the good kind.”
That doesn’t seem to appease him at all. A frown creases the skin of his brow, and he pulls back so that his chest is no longer pressed tight against yours. You let out a small noise of protest, but it seems that he’s too busy checking you over to hear it.
“I did not intend to hurt you at all.”
“You’re big, Tsu’tey,” You point out, pushing his hands away when he attempts to pull back and peer between your legs. “Of course it hurt a little. But I liked it. Fuck, couldn’t you tell? I squirted all over you.”
That finally seems to placate him, if only because it soothes his male pride. His expression softens, his mouth tugging into a soft, smug smile, and he leans forward to gather you into his arms.
You squeal a little as he lifts you, exhausted muscles aching as you scramble to wrap your arms around his neck. He’s so strong, and you feel your cheeks grow warm as he lifts you so effortlessly.
“Squirt.” He repeats with relish, clearly enjoying the new word he’s just learned. “Is that what you call it?”
You just snort and push your face into his chest in an attempt to hide your expression. “Don’t ever tell Jake about this.”
You can feel the gentle rumble of his laugh deep in his chest, and you close your eyes and hide a smile of your own. He has such a lovely laugh; you don’t hear it nearly often enough. 
Tsu’tey takes great pains not to jostle you as he clambers back into the pool of water with you, holding you close to his chest as the hot water envelops the two of you. It’s soothing against your aching muscles, and you hum a satisfied little sigh against Tsu’tey’s chest as he strokes his big palm down the length of your spine.
“Why not?” He wonders, though you can hear the playful smirk in his voice anyway. “I must thank him, anyway.”
“What for?”
“He has been giving me advice on human courting.”
Your brain, already slow after the many excellent orgasms he has given you, takes a very long time to process that statement. Even after the words manage to sink in, you wonder if you had heard him properly.
You straighten up in his arms, pulling your masked face away from his chest so that you can stare at him. He stares right back at you, his expression calm and earnest as though he hasn’t just completely upended all of your expectations.
“Courting.” You repeat, all of his actions beginning to rewrite themselves in your head. The careful bathing, the washing of your hair, the insistence on being a good lover by human standards. The fucking pet names that you barely understood.
Holy fuck.
“Yes.” Tsu’tey says simply. He doesn’t seem to notice the way you’re gaping at him in starry-eyed bewilderment. “I thought a human mating display would be the best place to start.”
You’re still staring at him, though your confusion is beginning to grow. “Human mating display?”
Tsu’tey just nods, using a palmful of hot water to carefully wash between your legs. When you hiss a little and try to pull away, he lets out a soft little rumble of apology.
“Jakesully tells me that displays of sexual prowess are important in human courting.” Tsu’tey murmurs, and his chest puffs out a little. “I have proved myself, have I not?”
“Oh my god.” You breathe, squeezing your eyes shut. 
That dick. Trust Jake to bend the truth in an attempt to solve your sexual frustration. You knew that he knew that you fancied Tsu’tey (he’s been forced to listen to you wax lyrical about his abs many times), but you certainly didn’t expect him to take things into his own hands like this. From showing you the hot springs to orchestrating that conversation about good lovers to telling Tsu’tey that fucking you good is a human courting custom, to the fucking lube, Jake has been planning this whole damn thing.
You don’t know whether you want to kill Jake or to send him flowers.
One of Tsu’tey’s big hands curls around your back as he holds you close, dipping down into the soothing hot water with you balanced in his lap. He’s gotten so affectionate, his flat nose nuzzling against your temple as he reaches for a yursyulang to rub over your bare back.
“I have pleased you?” He asks, lips brushing over your jaw. “More than the other tawtute?”
“Yes,” You sigh, unable to help it. “Yes, fuck. It was so good.”
The noise he makes is pure satisfaction, his arms looping tight around your waist as he holds you up in the water. 
“You accept, then?” He asks, his big honey-coloured eyes gazing at you expectantly. “My advances?”
You had thought your reactions were obvious, but still you grin. “Are you being serious?”
“I am always serious.” He says simply, as though he can’t understand the meaning of your question. 
“I thought you didn’t like Sky People.” You say, an edge of insecurity creeping into your voice. “I thought you hated us.”
“I do hate Sky People.” He grumbles, his face falling into a little scowl even as one of his large palms coast down the length of your spine. “But I do not hate you.”
It feels a little like a dream, but you can’t help the shy grin that’s growing across your face. His eyes are sharp and intense, and he watches every shift of your expression like a hawk as though he’s trying to read your thoughts right off your face.
“I will be courting you in the tradition of my People, also,” He adds, as though he’s worried you need convincing. The idea is laughable. “I have a bracelet that I have woven for you, but I wished to prove myself in the tradition of your people first.”
Oh fuck, that’s so sweet. How can such a big and terrifying man be so generous and tender?
“Jakesully has approved already,” Tsu’tey continues, his tone turning cautious. “But I need to hear your answer.”
Fucking hell, he’s already asked Jake for permission? For a moment you feel a little indignant, before you remember that your friend is Olo’eyktan now, and that Tsu’tey is probably obliged to ask his clan leader if he can pursue someone outside of his own clan, nevermind someone not even his own species.
“You really mean this.” You breathe, your grin turning a little disbelieving. “Fucking hell. Yes. Obviously the answer is yes.”
Tsu’tey’s expression is carefully controlled, but he can’t seem to stop his mouth from settling into a smug grin and his eyes from brightening in clear delight. 
“Good. This is good, tawtute.” He murmurs, reaching up to brush some of your damp hair away from your face. “I will prove to you my ability as a potential mate, yawntutsyìp. Both in my tradition and yours.”
You return his grin, biting at your lip as he returns his attention to washing you with the same careful reverence from earlier. Is it really possible that you’ve hit the jackpot like this? That all the time you’ve been looking at Tsu’tey, he’s been looking back?
Flowers, you think hazily as you shut your eyes and lean into his chest. I’m definitely sending Jake flowers.
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berryberrybunny · 1 year
If your reqs are still open, could you do
8) “Don’t argue. Just do it.” with Din Djarin/Mandolorian?
Tysm <33
I’m weak just thinking about this tbh. Your wish is my command 💕
Din Djarin x GN!Reader drabble
Warnings: feisty frustrated mando, dub con⚠️, SMUT (oral m receiving), lil degradation lil praise
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Batting your eyelashes wouldn’t melt his heart or expose his soft side for you, not this time. Especially as he practically dragged you back to the Crest from the village you’d settled in for the day, his tight grip rubbing your arm raw. You stumbled over your own feet through the brush of the forest, trying to keep up with him. You’d teased him one too many times today, and he’d had enough. Biting your lip in anticipation, you could only fantasize of how bad he wanted to use you.
Din didn’t even make it inside the ship before he turned to you, and pushed you down to your knees, right into the damp grass.
“Someone’s eager today, hm?” You smirked, finding so much arousal and amusement in his body language.
“Enough” He scolded, his frantic hands working to unfasten the clasp of his pants. You tried to help, but his stiffened cock was already freed by the time you’d raised your hands.
“I dont know, Mando, you seemed pretty frustrated with me earlier. You sure you want me to suck your cock?” You raised your brows, hesitating to touch him, starving him even further.
“Don’t argue, just do it” He growled coldly, commanding you to take him into your mouth, “and I don’t want to hear another word from you. Make good use of that mouth of yours”
Happily, you obeyed, but still teased him with the pace, moving slowly to wrap your lips around the tip of his throbbing length. He clenched his fist, which you only noticed from your peripheral vision. The frustration was evident, but you only found it to be more fun.
“Kriff, Y/N, stop teasing” He groaned.
Deciding to release him from such frustration, you suddenly pushed him to the back of your throat, feeling his cock fill every inch of your mouth. Din threw his head back, a gruff, low, animalistic moan escaped him, which gave you butterflies. You moaned around him in response, feeling an ache form suddenly between your legs.
To tend to your ache, your hand found it way to your arousal, and began rubbing yourself to find relief.
“Look at you, can’t even help touching yourself can you?” He condescendingly scoffed, a smirk coming through in his tone, “does my cock in your mouth really turn you on that much, sweetheart?”
Looking up the length of his body as you kneeled in front of him, your eyes pierced his visor, wanting to stare deep into his soul as you moved your mouth up and down his entire length. His size was impressive, and tears began slowly forming in your eyes with every time you had him fully fitted against your tongue, the tip pressing your throat.
“Fuck, just like that” He praised, finally letting you know that you were doing good.
His hand weaved into your hair, subtly pushing on the back of your head, giving you no choice to stop as you brought him close to his orgasm. You savored the feeling of being used by him, and feeling as though you existed just to please him turned you on.
As you increased your pace, his grip on your head tightened, and he groaned deeply and breathlessly, letting you know he was getting close.
“I’m going to fill that pretty little mouth of yours, cyar’ika” Din whimpered, his hold on you began to falter.
The motions you created against your own pleasure picked up now, tipping yourself closer and closer to the edge. Delicate noises came from deep within you as your orgasm burst open, sending vibrations over his cock as he reached his climax. Your pleasure made you slow down only slightly, and in response, Din pressed your head back down, overwhelming your senses while you rode out your high.
You felt his release coat your tongue as he spat profanities through his modulator, working through the peak of his pleasure and the relief of his pent up frustration. You choked on him, another tear now falling from your eye as you obediently swallowed all of his cum.
“You tease me like that again, and I’ll show you a real punishment” Din promised, taking hold of your chin and pushing your face up to meet his gaze. You shivered in excitement.
436 notes · View notes
berryberrybunny · 1 year
Hi, I love ur writing!! Do u think it would be possible for you to do a sub Hunter x dom fem reader where the reader like,, gags him with his own bandana and ties him up? I have a very specific itch that needs scratching 😭 if not, dw!! Thx for your time :)
Tied Up In Red***
Hunter X Fem!Reader
word count: 2.4k
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Sometimes, you and Hunter like to experiment in the bedroom so what happens when you get an itch to do something a little daring?
warnings: NSFW 18+ only. Minors will be banned. Explicit sexual content. Smut, dom!reader, sub!hunter, swearing, slight edging, cockwarming, p in v sex, oral (male receiving), use of gags and constraints so slight bondage. Aftercare, established relationship. Female reader.
More Hunter Works
Prompt Works - requests are closed.
NSFW under the cut
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As you and Hunter stepped into the hotel room, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The two of you had been looking forward to this moment for weeks, finally having some time alone together with nobody to bother either of you. As soon as Hunter closed the door behind him, neither of you could fathom what was about to happen.
Without a word, Hunter took your face in his hands and leaned in for a long-awaited kiss. It was deep, passionate and one that conveyed all the longing and desire that had been building up between you two. You melted into his embrace, already moaning into his mouth as his hands roam down your body, gripping you in all the right places.
“Can’t believe we’re finally alone,” he groans quietly against your lips, his hand caressing over your rear as he snakes you closer.
You grin against him, trying not to mewl at his touch already but maker, your boyfriend was irresistible. “I know,” you smirk, biting at his lower lip playfully as he begins to back you up against the door that just closed, his armored chest pressing against you roughly. “Do you know how hard it is for me to keep my hands to myself and not rip your clothes off when the others are around? I love them but Maker, I can never get you alone for a minute.”
Hunter’s erection pressed against the confines of his pants harshly, the need to be in you indescribable. “Well we’re all alone now, aren’t we? Be a good girl and take my clothes off.”
Something in you shifted in that moment. You’re staring up into his eyes, absorbed and completely intoxicated and you just wondered, what they would look like pleading and wanting to be fucked.
“No,” you say softly and in a split second Hunter is tilting his head at you and cupping your cheek.
“What’s wrong? Was that too much, my mesh’la?” His words are soft and sincere, another sign to tell you that you were always in safe hands.
You chew along your lip until a smirk starts to grow. “I want you to strip for me.”
There’s a brief flicker of confusion in his eyes but then, he saw the twinkle of mischief in yours. “As my lady commands.” He chuckles softly, letting go of your waist before he begins to peel back his armor and throwing it carelessly onto the ground around you both.
“And your clothes.” You ordered, finding your voice as you were mesmerised by the sight of him obeying your commands, slowly starting to strip away his clothes too.
Hunter not once took his eyes off you. Even when he was in the complete nude, aside from his bandana, none surprisingly, his eyes bore straight into your own, liquid pools of gold that had you pulling down your pants.
The moment you began to take off your shirt, that was the only time he looked away from your eyes, now enraptured by your breasts. And once the bra was gone, he became enraptured by your nipples that were already stiff.
“Oh beautiful…” he says slowly, dampening his lower lip but as he reaches out to take a hold of your waist, you slap his hand away.
He looks back to you, seeing the small smirk on your lips. “No touching.”
Hunter lets out a deep breath, feeling his feet guide towards you as you beckon to follow him to the bed, sheets crisp and clean and just waiting to get ruffled.
You stop at the foot of it and look at his scarf that he had tossed carelessly across the room just moments before, swiping it up in your hands as you turn to look at him. “Hunter?”
“Yes?” He replies just as quietly as you, voiced laced with lust.
“Can I tie you up?”
Your words alone made his cock twitch excitedly, not even having to use his words as he nodded his head vigorously. There was a weight on your shoulders, a little nervous that you could possibly be taking things too far. Though judging by his reaction, he had clearly been longing for this for a long time now.
Pleasantly surprised, you step toward him and trace your hands up his bare and muscular chest. “Just what I wanted to hear,” you muse playfully, eyes twinkling in delight, “be a good Sergeant and lay down on the bed for me.”
Hunter, whose hands were constantly twitching to touch your skin, obeys you and lays down on the bed, head sinking against the pillow. He sighs softly at the feeling of a comfy bed below him, enveloping him in comfort. But as he looks up at you, his lips momentarily part as he feels the bed sink and sees you crawling towards him, nude body brushing against his own before you take his scarf and create makeshift cuffs as you loop the fabric between his wrists and the headboard.
His chest is heaving, excited at what you were doing to him. Seductively, you leaned in close to his ear and whisper, “is this okay? Is this what you want, handsome?”
Hunter melts as he feels the warmth of your breath tickle against his ear, followed by the touch of your lips as you speak. “Gods, yes, please.” He groans in want, eyes following you as you begin to move off him and start from the bottom.
There’s a fire in your eyes as you nestle between his legs, trailing your lips up his strong calves to his thighs that made him shake and grip tightly onto his constraints. Each kiss, each bite sent a wave of pleasure up to his cock that was just begging to be kissed.
You see his chest rise and fall heavily, face almost as red as the tip of his cock that was standing nice and erect just for you. “You’ve got such a pretty cock, Hunter.” You purr, earning a small whimper in reply. That was new. And very satisfying.
“T-touch it, please.”
There’s a pout on your lips but he knew it was one of mockery. “Aw, do you need to be relieved?”
He nods frantically, cock flexing at the possibility of having your pussy or mouth wrapped around it. Smirking, you ignored him. You move your lips to his other thigh, kissing the inner side of his skin all the while Hunter tried breathing through it but his senses were in overdrive.
The smell of your arousal followed by the sound of your beating heart was sending him wild and the look in your eyes made him want to snap himself free from the bed and pin you down, smothering you in all he can give. But he resisted, you wanted to take control and he was not going to stop you from doing what you wanted to him. “Such a tease.”
“Stop with the huffing, Sergeant. Or I may just leave you unsatisfied.” Naturally, he huffs at your response and let’s his head fall back agaisnt the pillow again, eyes fluttering closed as he focuses on the touch of your hands and lips that run up and down his legs. But, after a few more minutes of mewling for your touch, his eyes shoot wide open at the sudden sensation of something warm, wet and hard circling his cock.
“F-fuck!” He grunts through gritted teeth, sitting up again to see your pretty mouth wrapped around him.
You groan against his member, chuckling almost as you pull away with a resounding pop, saliva stringing from your lips to his tip. “No swearing.” You scold him.
“Can’t help it, you’ve always been fantastic with your mouth.” He bites his lower lip, sighing as you start to kitten-lick at his sensitive head. Your tongue was so warm that when it slithered down his length, his hips jerked to meet your touch but the second he did, you pulled away and tssked at him.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop.” He whines feverishly, knuckles turning white as he grips his scarf. “Please keep touching me. It’s been too long, I need to cu-.”
His pleas are silenced by a thick fabric being stuffed in his mouth and his eyes widen in both surprise and lasciviousness. If his heart was beating before it wasn’t anymore as you physically gagged him with his own bandana.
“Goodness Hunter, you sure like to whine when you don’t get what you want, don’t you? Hopefully this will keep you quiet.” This side to you was so different and judging by the look on his face, you were ticking all the boxes. His eyes are blown yet eyelids heavy with lust that makes the coil in your stomach twist in delight. You begin to pump against his length with your hand and despite his gagged mouth, his moans were still noisy and desperate.
He cranes his head to look at his cock in your hands and he had never seen a more beautiful sight than you sat naked between his legs, both hands moving up and down agaisnt him.
“Do you need this?” You whisper, head tilting to the side as you both lock eyes and he nods enthusiastically.
“Yes, yes I need it.” His speech is muffled which gives you a little bit of a naughty thought.
“No, you don’t need it?” Your hands let slip from his cock, his length now aching and on the edge of release that you now cruelly denied him off. He looks down his body to his cock, seeing it seeping and then up to you. You smile innocently at him and place your hands on either side of his thighs. “What’s wrong?”
“Fuck me.”
You heard him, very clearly but seeing him writhe underneath you, just as you had done several times with him when he edged you was a whole lot of fun. “Leave you?”
Hunter let’s out a loud and needy whine, loving but hating this little game you were playing with him. “Fuck me!” He grunts louder against the cloth, hips jerking as an insinuation.
“Ohhhh,” you muse in a teasing tone that was driving Hunter wild, “why didn’t you say so?”
Hunter could only watch in awe as you crawled further up his body, your breasts pressing against his cock with the movement until your soaked pussy hovered above him.
When you lower yourself, his tip breaching your entrance you gasp whilst he groans at how tight you were. His hands went limp in his constraints and his head lolled back in delight as he finally got what he desired.
“Maker,” you gasp out, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he stretches you out perfectly, “forgot how good this feels.”
Your facade briefly fades, ready to absolutely submit yourself to your boyfriend but the mere second you feel him begin to rut against you, your eyes flash with mischief and your hands place firmly to his chest. “Nuh-uh,” you tut at him, feeling his hips flatter beanth you and stop their begging movements, “who said you could fuck me? It’s me who is fucking you.”
Hunter's blood sizzles at your words and he helplessly lays there as you teasingly begin to do… nothing. Just sit there. “My pretty,” he groans through the fabric between his teeth, “please move.”
Cockwarming has always been a fantasy of yours, seeing him beg and whimper beneath you sent a flurry of tingles up and down your body and straight to your pussy that was in desperate need of being fucked. But you wanted to drag this on for a little longer if you could.
“Patience, Hunter.” You sigh softly, chewing on your lower lip as you feel every vein and ridge of his cock pulse inside of you. “I’ll move when I’m ready.”
You watch as he gets out a laugh of exasperation, eyes knitted tightly shut. “Such a minx.”
Minutes pass and the pleasure that was now torturing you both became unbearable. You grind against him, legs already spasming which starts to make your movements frantic and disjointed. Hunter groans heavy through his gag, the sensation of your wet pussy sloshing over his cock was giving him the stimulation he had been dying and begging for.
“K-keep going,” he rasps, forehead dripping in sweat, “I’m close.”
You found yourself laughing softly, tilting your head down at him as you maintain your rhythm. “Who said, ugh fuck, who said I was gonna let you cum?”
Hunter almost faints at your words, the thought of you edging him both exciting and excruciating. “I’ll do anything for you,” he whimpers, eyes pleading yet filled with desire, “please let me cum.”
“Well since you asked so kindly,” you rode against him harder, your hands now gripping onto the headboard of the bed that slammed against the wall with every drive.
You begin to pant and gasp before letting out a loud cry that was long and somewhat pitiful as both yours and his orgasms overtakes. Your thighs collapse and your head falls to his chest, body shaking against him and you almost cursed at the fact Hunter couldn’t wrap his arms around you to steady yourself. A white light scolds your vision and very slowly you began to see colour and shapes again.
“You okay?”
A small laugh parts your lips at Hunters gentle reassurance yet still having his mouth gagged. You pull his bandana free from his mouth, watching him unclench his jaw before he asks again, “you okay?” He asks, voice a lot more clear.
“Y-yeah,” you sag completely spent and before you roll off him and flop to the other side of the bed, you free his hands thag instantly wraps around you.
“Was that okay?” You whisper, face nuzzling into his neck as your cheeks burn at the realisation what you had just done.
Hunter smiles lazily, a wave of tiredness overriding him but you feel him nod. “Perfect. You must do it again to me someday.”
You blink and look up at him through your lashes, chin resting on his shoulder. “Really?”
“Really. But, I think it’s only fair that next time I return the favor.” He breathes seductively down your ear, running soothing circles into your back as you let out a soft moan at the thought of him tying you up one day.
“Come on,” he says after a while of taking in each other's scents and touch, sitting up and practically dragging you up into his arms as he begins to carry you across the room, “let’s get a bath and get my little minx all cleaned up.”
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tags and those who wanted to be tagged: @clone-lover @incognito-lezbean @cocolinagoodnight @that-one-potato-girl @pandulce135 @chaosjedimasterk @edlix @roguethe0tter r @hunterswife99 @thenonsensebatch
@nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka a @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease e @megafrost4 @theroguesully @equalityforcats @mustluvecho @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @chxpsi @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur r @rintheemolion @seriowan @agenteliix @kaminocasey @hotpinkplastoid
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