berrycdx · 3 months
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Arawak and Venezuela a longggggg time ago.... (this art is not mine)
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berrycdx · 3 months
Aph Honduras
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Name: Carlota Ana Ramirez Garcia
● The names of Ramirez and Garcia were chosen by her after independence.
● Her name means ¨free man¨ in French which means a romantic and airy spirit.
● Race: mestizo. (so the same thing with Nicaragua, the spanish influence was greater. sadly, most of the indigenous culture of honduras has died off, which is kind of sad :()
Physical Appearance
● She has soft features, she has defined jaw and almond eyes, brown color, full lips and a greek nose, and curved eyebrows.
● Her skin color is a caramel color, her hair is medium length, a little more longer than shoulder length , light brown color.
● Hourglass body type, her shoulders and her hips line up with each other.
● Height: about 5´5 (165 cm)
● Weighs about 140 kg.
● She is a very Stubborn woman, really stubborn.
● Sometimes, she may not make a good impression in public, but if you get to know her better it is a completely different story.
● She is a little immature sometimes.
● Regardless of all of that, she is actually very productive and is very lively.
● Honest person, and Competitive. Very. also a little clumsy.
● She can sometimes be a childish person which annoys her brothers a lot.
Mini facts
● She has weird food craves, like onions and chocolate?
● She has glasses, but she never wears them, she says it makes her look old..(funny because nations don't age.)
● She has a pet rat, she found it injured on a random street while walking home.
● She hates strawberries??
● A little of a tsundere..
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berrycdx · 4 months
I feel like hispanics arent talked about enough (expect mexico.) in the hetalia fandom, like.. there is so much history about them, idk if its Just me? (Yall if you have any headcanons for them let me know i havent heard of them in a while..)
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berrycdx · 4 months
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So this is Mr. Nicaragua cuz why not...(THIS ART IS NOT MINE IS FROM MY FRIEND.)
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berrycdx · 4 months
You can call me abi i guess
Just dont be rude🤷‍♀️ (i dont have much rules..)
Ocs i have: (i alr have a lot of info about them)
● Guatemala - Flor Torres itzel Canek
● Venezuela - Dolores (still thinking about her last names.)
● Nicaragua - Azariel Perez Cruz Grote
● Honduras - Carlota Ana Ramirez Garcia
Ocs that do not belong to me: (latin hetalia basically but only for the designs.)
● Colombia - Catalina Gomez (more to be added.)
● Argentina - Martin Hernandez (more to be added.)
Ocs am currently working on:
● El Salvador
Countries that i havent started yet:
● Chile
● Uruguay
● Paraguay
● Costa rica
● Panama
● Guyana
● Peru
● Bolivia
● Belize
● Mexico
● Haiti
● Dominican republic
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berrycdx · 4 months
Aph Nicaragua :0
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Name: Azariel Perez Cruz Grote
- The name of Azariel has a hebrew origin which means ¨the one who dominates the waters.¨ and ¨god is at my help.¨
- Perez and Cruz are names he adapted from the Spanish influence in his country and took as his last names.
- Grote is a name from the Chorogetas, an indigenous tribe from Nicaragua, it means ¨Fire¨ in their language.
- Nicaragua is known as the nation of ¨water and fire¨ so i thought it would be cool to put names that meant that.
Race: Mestizo, this was obvious, his culture had a lot of influence from the spanish people. (for those of you who don't know what mestizo is, it means a mixed race between indigenous people and europeans.)
Physical appearance
– He has a straight nose, brown eyes, downward eyebrows, medium- sized lips, a long neck, and has little beard growing.
- His hair is a light brown color, a wavy texture, and is also puffy.
- He has a small figure by the looks of it, even though he is tall, like 1,77cm, his image doesn't help him.
- He weighs approximately about 70 Ib, an average weight for his hight.
- He thinks that he is funny but he isn't. (sorry Nica)
- He tries to be respectful but sometimes he cant control what he says..
- He is very extroverted but sometimes he can get a little off. (which rarely happens)
- He gets humbled quickly by some of his brothers.
- He is very kind to old people, he understands them, and he finds peace in them.
Mini facts
- he is allergic To cats
- he Writes poetry That doesn't make Sense at all..
- When you are on A sleep over with him you may want to Close his bedroom door and your door because he snores SO LOUD.
- Gets scared easily, (they once told him a llorona Horror story, big mistake..)
- He DOES NOT know how to flirt. (U probaly dont want to date him, dont do it.)
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berrycdx · 4 months
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A full body image of Guatemala..
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berrycdx · 4 months
If I could draw I would be unstopabble like I WANT TO DRAW HETALIA OCS SO BADDDDD UGHHH.
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berrycdx · 4 months
Aph Guatemala :)
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Name: Flor Torres Itzel Canek
- I think Antonio (Spain) gave her the name of flor. She chose the name Torres as her last name after independence. (flor means “flower” in spanish.)
- Canek is a Mayan surname which means “sky star.” It was used a lot in the indigenous community, and it is still used today.
- Itzel is her middle name, It means “evening star” It is the evolution of the name of the Mayan goddess Ixchel, the goddess of medicine, textile work, the moon, childbirth and love.
Race: indigenous
- She is of mayan origins, but she is not mestiza, since her culture has survived and adapted over the years.
- I am not saying that she did not have any Spanish influence, of course she did, like any hispanic country, but it was not as big as in some other countries. (like Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Colombia, ect.)
Physical appearance
- Her body type is inverted triangle, her shoulders and upper body are larger than her lower body.
- She has a toasted brown skin, her eyes are small, and she also has a fleshy nose. (chubby cheeks also :0)
- She is pretty short, like 5´1 at least (lmaoo) . I think some of her siblings tease her because of her height.
- She has medium to long hair, and it's also a really dark color, almost black, she does a lot of hairstyles too.
- She weighs approximately 140 Lbs (63 kg) she has a little bit of belly fat here and there but nothing else.
- She is super duper sweet, a bread of god, you can't tell me otherwise.
- She is pretty quirky, makes some jokes about stuff but she doesn't go overboard.
- Her siblings sometimes go looking for her if they need tips or just some wise words, after all, I see her as a wise person.
Mini facts about her
- She knows how to knit, she is an expert.
- She likes to braid hair :0
- She speaks a second language, which is the Mayan language. (this one was probably very obvious)
- Working on learning English. (Girly doesn't know english :( )
- She cooks very often, she cooks on special occasions, for fun, or for people Who visit.
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berrycdx · 4 months
So a headcanon i came up With: nations have no belly bottons, sinse they werent born the "Human way" they dont have that scar.
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berrycdx · 4 months
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So I always wondered how would central american countries look like if they were in hetalia so me and my Friend got to work and she drew her: she is guatemala, so I came up With some headcanons :)))
So guatemala's real name is flor, she is from Mayan tribe, and no, she is not mestiza. I feel like she might be older than México, (maybe mexico's older sis??) sinse I see México as a tough woman I feel like she might be the oposite, sweet, calmed, quiet, she gets along with her brothers and sisters, and she is also very wise, her siblings go looking for her if they need any tips or just some wise words.
(Idk how to picture her relationship with spain)
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