best-women-colleges · 2 years
Education is the first step toward women's emancipation
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According to research, more than 30 girls leave school before the tenth grade. Here are some ways that education might help women in our nation become more empowered.
By definition, empowerment is the act of giving someone the ability to do a variety of tasks or responsibilities, as well as the state of having these abilities.
Empowerment is the process of enabling or approving someone to think, act, perform, and take charge of their personal or professional lives independently, as the word's literal definition suggests. offering the freedom to behave normally, to put it another way.
Even while this assertion is powerful in and of itself, it does not accurately reflect the actuality or lack thereof.
The secret to empowerment is education.
Every civilization contains communities, factions, or groups that are denied or suppressed from exercising their fundamental rights, but these elements share one thing in common, which is that neither they nor some of the "dominant" people of that society are aware of their rights.
However, for a significant portion of human history, women have been the main targets of this denial of fundamental rights in the majority of societies.
Women have historically been on the "far" end of this spectrum when it comes to rights such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and the right to employment and education.
The foundation of all forms of empowerment is knowledge and awareness. Because of the development in education, the tendency to emancipate women's civil and human rights is progressively waning.
However, a sizable portion of societies, cultures, or individuals continue to adhere to this antiquated viewpoint regarding female empowerment or education.
Need for education
The United Nations reports that over 274 regulatory measures supporting gender equality have been implemented by 131 nations. Women's engagement in urban industries has increased in India, yet the situation still seems bleak.
Increased involvement does not imply equitable representation, necessarily. Despite making up over 40% of the agricultural workforce, women only own or control 10% of the land. They are left out of the official economy, which emphasises how exploitative our society is and how it is built on gender bias.
The education of women is still viewed negatively. According to the United Nations, girls' rates of continued enrolment begin to drastically fall after they enter secondary school. Equal numbers of boys and girls are enrolled in secondary education in only 39% of the countries.
Due to the fact that between 35% and 85% of girls in underdeveloped nations are compelled to remain home from school to care for their younger siblings or the household, female student attrition rates are significantly greater than those of male students.
Gender roles contributing to illiteracy
In our society, males are expected to take care of the household's financial needs, while women are expected to shoulder all emotional duties.
The majority of the time, this naturally establishes a hierarchy and veneration of the money creator, which causes domestic violence, primarily against women, which is the main source of frustrations and traumas.
Women can break this social cycle by becoming financially independent and developing the skills necessary to stand beside the opinionated moneymaker. This empowers them to leave the house and pursue their own interests rather than remaining confined to household duties.
The education of women is essential to the nation's overall growth. It is reasonable to think of this education as the creation of 50 percent of a society's or a country's human resources.
This comparison aids in comprehending the significance of female empowerment and education in raising the standard of living at home, abroad, or even inside a nation.
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best-women-colleges · 2 years
Feeling overwhelmed in college – Try these 9 things
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Stress and exhaustion are underrated parts of college life. College  Students face tremendous pressure to perform their best and fight for their place in this competitive world.
Apart from the academic load, peer relationships, and economical reasons, personal factors such as procrastination, biting off more than you chew and disorganisation can be some of the basic factors.
Whether you are feeling overloaded or simply feeling a little stressed, there are plenty of easy things you can do right now to help yourself feel more at ease. There are some things you can do to help you cope with stress levels, along with other issues that may affect your physical and mental health during college . 
With the proper techniques, though, stress can be managed appropriately to keep it from destroying your daily routine. 
Simple time management techniques can help you feel more relaxed and focused. Maintain a fairly stable routine to avoid unnecessary stress, use a timer, in the beginning, to not overdo a task, make a timetable of your classes and assignments, and give yourself a realistic deadline. 
Allowing your mind to concentrate on things that alleviate your stress may benefit your well-being. This could be a walk in the park, watching television for a few minutes, speaking to a friend, or playing a sport. 
Having a healthy outlet to turn to when you are stressed out can help calm the mind and make you clear about how you should proceed with the stressful situation. This can be talking to your college counsellor or a peer or your parents and siblings. 
Getting down and dirty with your stressors on paper can help shine some light on the things that are stressing you most at this moment. Write down anything that is going through your head that is making you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. 
This kind of self-reflection helps you to identify patterns in the way that you regularly experience stress in your life, and to look at the ways you cope.
Exercise regularly. It may seem unrelated but physical movement has proven to help manage stress in various ways. It boosts your confidence, energy, and mood and pumps your body with endorphins - happiness hormones. 
Meditate regularly. Stillness is important for self-reflection and introspection. Movement and stillness aren’t opposites rather they are synonymous. You may use a free application for guided meditation or join a meditation group or just practice a few minutes of stillness and breathe mindfully. 
A healthy body is a healthy mind and vice-versa. Avoid eating junk food or processed food. Eat clean - fruits, vegetables, healthy cooked meals. Your body's response to nutrition is a big influence on your mind as well. 
Finally, remember to trust others, and to take some time out for yourself when you are feeling down, so stress is never in control. 
If you do not feel you are going to get through your burnout alone, do not be afraid to seek help. Even before you feel the pressure has gotten too much, ask for help. 
A mental health professional can identify your stress triggers, create a mental health plan, and develop strategies for healthier ways to deal with stress. The truth is, you would be better off seeking professional help and taking proactive steps in managing stress instead of suffering on your own and reaching a point of burnout. 
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best-women-colleges · 2 years
Women and Work in India: Trends and Analysis
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Women have proven their grit in being risk-takers and stable employees. However, this has not stopped them from venturing into various fields of work. In fact, their contribution to our country's economic growth is gradually increasing by the day. 
According to Statistictimes, the Indian economy is primarily driven by the services sector, which accounts for almost 53.89% of the total GDP. 
With a projected growth rate of around 7% in the next few years, women's employment in India is also expected to grow significantly. 
Furthermore, with stricter compliance regulations arising for women's safety at workplaces, there is a changing mind frame among the general population about women's employment.
A number of companies have made a conscious effort to hire more women employees, and have also provided flexible work schedules to increase work-life balance but there is a lot more room to improve.
Recent studies and analyses of women's employment
More women are opting to pursue their careers in stereotypically male-dominated domains such as construction, plumbing, and even welding. Whereas, the upper echelons of managerial roles are still considered to be a man’s world.
The Indian government has taken note of these imbalances in the workforce. There is a plan to train women for around 70 “high growth” industries such as construction, mining, and textile. The training will be provided by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) at a cost to the candidates. 
However, according to a survey by Statistica, a fluctuating trend was observed in women's workforce participation in India since 2016. It has surprisingly dipped from 36% in 2021 to a little over 33% in 2022. Whereas, the participation rate of men in the workforce is 67% in 2021, increasing from the previous years.
As a developing nation, net demand for labour may increase sharply in occupations that require a high school diploma or less for men as well as women. In India, especially, women with lower skills in agriculture may experience significant pressures to upgrade their skills, while demand for labour decreases for jobs that require less than a high school diploma. 
Technological advancement and globalisation have actually proved a boon for women's employment and in women colleges  as it has opened the economy for more and more job opportunities that involve more intellectual acumen and skills rather than physical dependence. 
At a micro-level analysis, there is also a divide in women in work between those living in rural areas and urban areas. Surprisingly, as of 2022, the Rate of Labour (LPR) participation stood at around 10% for women in rural areas compared to urban women which is just below 7% (Statistica).
Changing trend of Women's Employment in India
Most articles by valid activists and women support groups expect the year 2020 to be the turning point for women's employment in India. Currently, women account for only about 33% of India’s workforce, which is a surprisingly low number given that women make up more than half of the population (Statistica). But there are signs that more women are looking for jobs. 
India's low labour force participation rates among women are partly attributable to limiting cultural norms regarding female labour, a gender wage gap, increased time spent by women on continuing education  from , and the absence of policies to ensure security and flexible labour supply. 
However, there has been a steady increase of women in the workforce since 2005. This has been driven by an increase in women’s education, as well as an increase in the number of women belonging to the age group of 25 to 34, who are most likely to be married.
The increasing rate of education among women is steadily proportional to their increase in employability. While only around a third of women with a high school education are in the workforce, the number rises to nearly half among women with a bachelor’s degree and even higher among those with a postgraduate degree.
The changing face of women's employment in India is evident. The shift toward a more liberal approach is beginning to show, and the number of women in the workforce is expected to grow significantly in the years to come fighting adverse situations.
Let us all take an obligation together today to boost female labor participation in the workforce, to achieve higher levels of growth and development for India, which is both more inclusive and sustainable.
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best-women-colleges · 2 years
Choosing a major to graduate in : what to consider?
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As with every student in college, it is going to be your time to pick a major. Before committing to a course, take some time to review the classes that you will need to take and complete in order to graduate. Before choosing a major and a career path that likely requires a post-secondary degree, be sure that you are ready to commit to this additional time and financial commitment. Depending on what major and career path you want to pursue, grad school may be in your future. 
If you have a very specific long-term career goal that usually requires a particular type of college degree at the undergraduate level (such as engineering, teaching, or nursing), you will need to pay extra attention when choosing your major and school when you are still in high school. 
If you do your research and think about job prospects, you will find the college major that is a great match. If your main purpose in college is to get a higher return on investment, then one of the top college majors might be a great fit. 
If financial aid is a primary concern, research majors that can help you afford college. Choosing one of the ten highest-paying majors in college might sound like a great idea, but that is not your only choice to foot the bill.    
While not something you need to do right away when you start college, your major does impact what classes you take, how long you stay in school, which students and professors you hang out with, your prospects of getting into graduate school, and eventually, your career. 
For many students, their personal and professional interests offer the best insights into choosing a major in college. Many students are admitted to medical and law schools with multiple majors, and many professionals are admitted to pursue careers not directly related to their undergraduate major.
At the least selective schools, there are sadly far more students who are pursuing majors based on careers, because there is not such a robust alumni network, nor are there many contacts in the professions for every major. Students from selective schools are also likely to go on to graduate studies, giving them more time to focus on a major that is a good fit. With most majors, the student learns a broad set of skills that transfer to a broad set of careers. Your major gives you a comprehensive field of study in one topic, likely qualifying you to enter the profession of your choice or for graduate school in that same field, or one closely related.
You will take the majority of your classes in your major, typically 12 to 15 of a total of 40 classes in your bachelors degree. Your major is the area of study that you will be focused on for your entire collegiate career, so pick something you are interested in. Your major is the subject that you specialise in during college, such as psychology or business. The major you are majoring in will dictate which classes you are required to take, whom you associate yourself with, and possibly even the jobs you eventually land in life.    
Your interests are a great way to help you decide which major to pick at university. If you think that one major may be a great fit, but you do not have any experience in that field, consider taking some classes in that field first to determine whether or not you actually enjoy or are even able to excel in the subject. Remember, not every major is offered at every school, so if you are committed to a college, you will want to check out the majors listed on that school's website. If you are interested in a major that requires many classes, or classes limited to students of that major, it is best to apply early.   
Some colleges will let you include an expected major in your college application (though "Undecided" is often an option), but will not ask you to make your final declaration until later. Most colleges do not require you to declare your major until sophomore year, and waiting until later can avoid any trouble with switching majors. Generally, in most four-year colleges, you will not need to declare your major before your junior year. According to the College Board, you typically have until the end of your second year in college to decide on a major (but depending on your school, that deadline can vary).
Keep in mind that some fields and programs (such as most pharmacy programs) require you to commit early to ensure that you are able to take all of your required classes and graduate in a timely manner. If you are considering going to medical school, or if you are interested in fields such as nursing, physical therapy, or engineering, it is best to declare your major early. If you plan on going into fields like engineering or computer programming, you will want to pick a major that will give you the necessary soft skills for that job. If you plan on getting a professional degree after college, such as an M.D., you may need certain courses, or prerequisites, under your belt.
Typically, one-third to one-half of the courses you take in college will fall within or related to your major. Clicking on an A major will bring up the description and list of courses required to graduate. In addition to the common university requirements, you will take a bunch of courses from the discipline you choose, like Chemistry, Comparative Literature, or Political Science.
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