bestiesandagents · 3 years
To Hell and Back
Chapter 22: Celebration has been posted.
Rating: Mature Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence Ships: Drowley, Implied Sastiel Characters: Dean Winchester, Crowley, Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Bobby Singer, Gavin MacLeod, Jack Kline, Jody Mills, Rowena MacLeod Chapters: 22/22 Word Count: 55234 Summary: Lucifer was no idle threat – there was a reason Crowley had been sucking up to him all these years. And of course, he had never expected anything until Dean had come along. He really was pretty awesome at ruining things for Crowley, apparently – first his blackmail ring, and now this.
Since getting out of prison, life for Dean Winchester has been interesting, to say the least. He and Crowley have gone from leading a criminal enterprise together to raising a son. He may not exactly like how they got there, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. The problem is, if Lucifer finds out that Crowley has betrayed him, there may be nothing Dean can do to hold onto this new life that he loves.
Tagging: Drowley: @dauntlessdiva, @hekate1308, @supernatural-lover26 Everything: @evansteph, @cosmicallydepressed, @siluthis (Message me to be added to my tags.)
This concludes the third part of this series. I will be getting to some of my neglected requests before I move onto the fourth and final part.
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
To Hell and Back
Chapter 21: Under Arrest has been posted.
Rating: Mature Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence Ships: Drowley, Implied Sastiel Characters: Dean Winchester, Crowley, Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Bobby Singer, Gavin MacLeod, Jack Kline, Jody Mills, Rowena MacLeod Chapters: 21/22 Word Count: 53067 Summary: Lucifer was no idle threat – there was a reason Crowley had been sucking up to him all these years. And of course, he had never expected anything until Dean had come along. He really was pretty awesome at ruining things for Crowley, apparently – first his blackmail ring, and now this.
Since getting out of prison, life for Dean Winchester has been interesting, to say the least. He and Crowley have gone from leading a criminal enterprise together to raising a son. He may not exactly like how they got there, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. The problem is, if Lucifer finds out that Crowley has betrayed him, there may be nothing Dean can do to hold onto this new life that he loves.
Tagging: Drowley: @dauntlessdiva, @hekate1308, @supernatural-lover26 Everything: @evansteph, @cosmicallydepressed, @siluthis (Message me to be added to my tags.)
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
To Hell and Back
Chapter 20: Plea Bargain has been posted.
Rating: Mature Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence Ships: Drowley, Implied Sastiel Characters: Dean Winchester, Crowley, Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Bobby Singer, Gavin MacLeod, Jack Kline, Jody Mills, Rowena MacLeod Chapters: 20/? Word Count: 51031 Summary: Lucifer was no idle threat – there was a reason Crowley had been sucking up to him all these years. And of course, he had never expected anything until Dean had come along. He really was pretty awesome at ruining things for Crowley, apparently – first his blackmail ring, and now this.
Since getting out of prison, life for Dean Winchester has been interesting, to say the least. He and Crowley have gone from leading a criminal enterprise together to raising a son. He may not exactly like how they got there, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. The problem is, if Lucifer finds out that Crowley has betrayed him, there may be nothing Dean can do to hold onto this new life that he loves.
Tagging: Drowley: @dauntlessdiva, @hekate1308, @supernatural-lover26 Everything: @evansteph, @cosmicallydepressed, @siluthis (Message me to be added to my tags.)
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
I’m Still Alive
Sorry I’ve kinda fallen off the face of the earth. I started a youtube channel and pretty much all my creative energy has been going into that. I’m trying to balance my time better, and I’m hoping to be posting another chapter of my current fic very soon. I probably won’t post as frequently as I used to, but I am trying to get back into it.
*If you’re interested, here’s a link to my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjI6lunePnpDGrQl96lc8MQ?view_as=subscriber
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
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My favorite ship from spn, finally got around to drawing them. :’D
I was inspired by this cute fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4800113
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
I did a sastiel playlist guyss, hope yall enjoy it!
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
Sam answering the phone: Hello?
Cas: Sam?
Sam: Yes?
Cas: Sam I am sorry, I think this is what you would call a "booty call."
Sam: A what?
Cas: A booty call, you know when you accidentally call someone when your phone is in your pocket.
Sam: That's not a booty call, that's butt dialing.
Cas: Is there a difference?
Sam: Yes, a big difference. One is about sex the other is an accidental call.
Cas: I see, so if this was a booty call I would get sex, but if it's a butt dial I get a confusing awkward conversation.
Sam: Yes, I guess that's one way to put it.
Cas: This is now a booty call, I'll be in your room shortly. *hangs up*
Dean: Who was calling you about a booty call?
Sam: No one, it was a butt dial.
Dean: Okay, who butt dialed you.
Sam: Someone, you know I'm tired, I think I'm going to go to bed early.
Dean: Okay, I don't want to hear you and Cas being loud, don't wanna scar Jack for life!
Jack: A little too late for that!
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
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Little throwback: Sam and Cas, season 15.
“Like a lost astronaut. Lookin' at you, like a star from a place the world forgot and there's nothing, that I can do... except bury my love for you.”
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
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Sam & Cas + holding hands
4x07 vs 10x17
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
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every sastiel scene [18/???]
Sam playing with the Cas figurine.
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
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every sastiel scene [20/???]
Cas is trying to warn Sam and Dean about Gabriel and who he really is, but is vanished away before he can do so. The subtle look shared between Sam and Cas here alerts Sam to the fact that the two know each other more personally than just by reputation. Sam and Cas are now able to pick up on each other’s cues and body language more than before.
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
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every sastiel scene [21/???]
Lucifer’s current vessel, Nick, has started to decay, unable to sustain the Archangel for long. Lucifer needs Sam to do it, as he remarks to Cas. But Cas is not having it. He steps up closer to Lucifer, almost stepping into the Holy Fire that would crisp him to the bone, and declares that he will not let Lucifer take Sam, under any circumstances. Even if he has to fight Lucifer himself to prove it.
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
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Some Drowley-
I just reached season 12 and finally sat down to do some fan art.
Crowley could nOT control Deanmon 
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
You and I Go Hard
(Yes, I hear the innuendo. It was an accident, but you know what? It makes me giggle so I’m leaving it.)
Pairing: Crowley/Dean Words: 1290 Rating: Mature Tags: Angst, Crowley King of Hell, Demon!Dean, Sexual Content (but not really explicit) Summary: Crowley confronts Dean. Dean pushes back, Crowley tries to put him in his place. Things escalate.
(Can be read independently, but belongs to my A Howl at That Moon Crowley/Demon!Dean ficlet series) 
“Out.” Crowley snarled at the crowd of gaping demons that surrounded them.
They scattered from the throne room
He stood and strode across the room to Dean. “You do realize - even your moronic brain must - that the only reason every demon in Hell isn’t trying to kill you is me, and I only have that power for so long as they don’t get it in their god-forsaken heads that they can buck against me!”
Dean looked way too pleased with himself, far too satisfied with the way he had burrowed under Crowley’s skin. As Crowley stood fuming, Dean circled him slowly. “They shouldn’t buck against you. It’d be stupid.” He sat, draping himself across the throne and hanging one leg over the arm of it, grinning at Crowley. “But I am not them, and I don’t give a fuck.”
Crowley pursed his lips together. “You’re in…my chair,” he said with way more calm than he felt.
Dean smirked up at him. “Oh yeah?” He sat up and leaned forward. “Whatcha gonna do about it?”
Crowley saw red. He snapped his fingers, and they were no longer in the throne room but in some unoccupied beach villa - a summer home for people who had more money than they knew what to do with. They had good taste though, so Crowley came here sometimes to get away.
Dean landed in a heap with a satisfying thump.
Dean looked up, agitated. Good. It was nice to get under Dean’s skin for once. “Crowley, what the hell?” he sputtered.
Crowley sneered at him. “You were in my chair.” He watched as Dean stood. “Also, I figured I’d get us a bit of privacy where we can talk, because you seem to have forgotten where it is you stand in this relationship.” Crowley was seething but managed to control it.
Dean paced towards him. “Where I stand?”
“Don’t go toe-to-toe with me, squirrel. You don’t have what it takes.”
Dean shoved him against the wall and pressed against him, hand around his throat. His voice came out a growl. “Prove it.”
Crowley slipped from Dean’s grasp and appeared behind him. Who did this…this…child think he was?!
Dean spun around wide-eyed.
“King,” Crowley sneered. “I don’t care if you’re Dean Fucking Winchester. I don’t care that you’re a demon now. I don’t care if you bear the Mark of Cain.” He stepped forward, into Dean’s space, his voice growing louder. “I don’t care if you’re a bloody Knight of Hell! I am the KING!” He blasted Dean against the wall. He’d been patient. Hell, he probably should have killed Dean ages ago…but the bloody pest would have just come back anyway.
Keep reading
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
I know I’ve kind of fallen off the face of the earth. You’d think that being quarantined, I’d be on tumblr and writing more, but my anxiety has just been through the roof and just haven’t had the energy. I’ve gotten on some meds and am trying to regain control of my life, so hopefully I’ll be posting/writing more regularly. I know I have a fic request waiting for me, which I will definitely get to after I get caught up on my Just Business fic series - I’ve loved writing this series and creating my own AU world, but I’m also really looking forward to finishing it, so that I can turn my attention to all the other fics on my to write list. So yeah, this is just a PSA to say sorry for disappearing, but I’m back now. Hopefully I’ll be getting another chapter posted this week.
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
theladyofsupernatural WAY over analyzes a Sastiel scene: The “sexually intimate” moment in 15x13
I know it’s been a while, all apologies, but we actually had a good Sastiel moment last night.
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I absolutely love the progression of Castiel’s facial expressions through this. He goes from concerned about them going to Hell
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To narrowing his eyes at the mention of Ruby
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To extreme surprise
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He looks almost sad here. It reminds me of when Uriel referenced Sam having sex with Ruby in 4x10. I was going to do a whole post on this but it fits here.
This is Castiel’s face after Uriel says that Sam has been screwing Ruby:
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There’s a surprising amount of sorrow in his eyes when he thinks about it, so much so that he has to close them to deal with it.
Cut back to the present
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His expression is a combination of skepticism, annoyance, and a tiny bit of vulnerable hurt.
Then Sam is just like
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“Are you really still jealous about that?”
Even Dean is like
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“Why would you bring that up?”
The point is, Castiel is totally giving off a jealous boyfriend vibe, and I’m here for it.
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bestiesandagents · 4 years
okay but
they could’ve just had cas say 
“the demon you were working with”
instead they had cas focus on the fact that sam was sexually intimate with her
I’m not saying Sastiel
but Sastiel. 
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