Meghan Markle - The Enigma
Meghan Markle – The Enigma
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On 19th May 2018, the world watched with bated breath an American divorcée got married to her prince without him having to abdicate the throne or break ties with his family. For those of you living on the moon – we are talking about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The picture-perfect wedding was marred with controversy from the beginning. In the lead up to the wedding, the father of the bride had…
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The Perils of "Believe Her"
The Perils of “Believe Her”
If in May 2020, there’s one thing getting worse by the minute, besides the coronavirus death tally, it’s Alexandra Tara Reade’s account of what happened with her during her tenure as a staffer in US Senator Joe Biden’s office. The success of the MeToo and TimesUp has led a new slogan to waft in the air and settle on surfaces – “believe women” for far too long than it should’ve been allowed, much…
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Trump's LYING is a PROBLEM:
If you excuse Trump for his lying while voting for his agenda, let me ask you:
"How do you make certain his campaign promises aren't empty lies and that he will follow up on them?"
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To all Trumpers, a critical warning before the 2020 elections:
If you vote for a presidential nominee's agenda excusing his character flaws, don't be certain he'll do the ethically correct thing. There are many circumstances that are uncertain unforeseen and uncalled for that require a president to take action. A candidate should be more than just capable to make campaign promises and adept and analytical enough to deal with surprise emergency situations. If you excuse Trump for his lying while voting for his agenda, let me ask you:
"How do you make certain his campaign promises aren't empty lies and that he will follow up on them?"
Don't give a politician power to screw you over. Voting for policy matters but only when moral character is a fit for the office of the president of the USA.
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The Anti-Criticism Squad of Bollywood
The Anti-Criticism Squad of Bollywood
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There is a new adversary in Bollytown – criticism. A new phenomenon called criticism has emerged in Bollywood to add to the woes of its principal actors and actresses. But fear not, it’s been well tackled by all who have learnt well to dodge the criticism coming their way and to nip it in the bud. In the name of a difference of opinion and right to hold an independent opinion, much has come to…
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The Anti-Criticism Squad of Bollywood
The Anti-Criticism Squad of Bollywood
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There is a new adversary in Bollytown – criticism. A new phenomenon called criticism has emerged in Bollywood to add to the woes of its principal actors and actresses. But fear not, it’s been well tackled by all who have learnt well to dodge the criticism coming their way and to nip it in the bud. In the name of a difference of opinion and right to hold an independent opinion, much has come to…
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Stalking: Stuff Bollywood Fairy Tales Are Made Of
Stalking: Stuff Bollywood Fairy Tales Are Made Of
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Kabir Singh, the short-tempered genius university topper surgeon from the eponymously titled film released a few weeks back, has become a raging success and another poster boy for promoting obsessive lover-boyesque behaviour propagated in broad daylight by Bollywood masala films. Besides earning staggering amounts of money at the box office, the film has also earned the wrath unanimously of film…
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If all we need to look for is complete and blind acceptance of a country and it’s administration as a defining characteristic of patriotism or allegiance to one’s country, no institution will ever evolve. No new articles would ever be introduced into our Constitutions and no new laws would ever get debated in the halls of the Congress President Trump leads. Be grateful to the Patriots who lost their lives fighting in the American revolutionary war because if they decided to emigrate elsewhere, having been unhappy with the British colonisation of the present-day USA, President Trump would never have a country to precise over in the first place. As the president, Mr Trump is supposed to protect and preserve fiercely the legacy of the founding fathers. It would be a good point to start by reading the second stanza of the US Declaration of Independence penned by Thomas Jefferson which starts as follows:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
United States Declaration of Independence
Gandhi famously said “Be the change you wish to see in the world” and by being a racist divisive political figure, President Trump makes America racist again. History stands testament to the fact that whenever a nation adhered to racist, nationalist policies and abused powers to oppress people of colour, it never earned the country or its policymakers any glorious reviews.
For those who perceive the tweets as a victory and the progressive congresswomen as anti-nationalist and un-American, it is valid to question whether they are an American themselves when they fail to comprehend, follow, advocate and adhere to the principles which paved the groundwork for the foundation of a nation of immigrants �� the USA. I leave my readers with the words of Mark Twain:
“Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government when it deserves it.”
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This weekend President Trump’s neither out of character nor out of the blue Twitter rant grabbed everyone’s attention and Twitter feeds. Several articles, every single Democrat and some Republicans have come out since condemning the president’s racist rhetoric. People kept offering different views on what the President said and the impact his words might have. Democrats presented a unified front to confront the President on what they deemed to have been racist comments directed at four young women of colour in the progressive caucus who have come to be collectively known as “The Squad”. A few daring Republicans mustered the courage to call in question the President’s remarks which they labelled in no uncertain terms “dangerous, divisive, disgusting, destructive, demeaning and disunifying” – that is anything wrong and offensive enough to not suit the moral code of conduct the president of the United States and the leader of the free world should be adhering to but not offensive enough to be classified unequivocally as racist. Most republicans sided with their president in condemning the progressive liberal leftist squad of Democratic Congresswomen as “Socialists, Communists, anti-Semitic and un-American” while not addressing the foul language enveloping the message. In all this of this back and forth between the two sides – Trump and those who oppose him, we all forgot to critically analyse his words for what they truly meant and to perhaps ponder whether they make sense coming from a president who screams from pulpits his desire to Make America Great Again.
Here is what a reasonable analysis of his tweets word for word tells us. Let’s have a look, shall we?
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This weekend President Trump’s neither out of character nor out of the blue Twitter rant grabbed everyone’s attention and Twitter feeds. Several articles, every single Democrat and some Republicans have come out since condemning the president’s racist rhetoric. People kept offering different views on what the President said and the impact his words might have. Democrats presented a unified front to confront the President on what they deemed to have been racist comments directed at four young women of colour in the progressive caucus who have come to be collectively known as “The Squad”. A few daring Republicans mustered the courage to call in question the President’s remarks which they labelled in no uncertain terms “dangerous, divisive, disgusting, destructive, demeaning and disunifying” – that is anything wrong and offensive enough to not suit the moral code of conduct the president of the United States and the leader of the free world should be adhering to but not offensive enough to be classified unequivocally as racist. Most republicans sided with their president in condemning the progressive liberal leftist squad of Democratic Congresswomen as “Socialists, Communists, anti-Semitic and un-American” while not addressing the foul language enveloping the message. In all this of this back and forth between the two sides – Trump and those who oppose him, we all forgot to critically analyse his words for what they truly meant and to perhaps ponder whether they make sense coming from a president who screams from pulpits his desire to Make America Great Again.
Here is what a reasonable analysis of his tweets word for word tells us. Let’s have a look, shall we?
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