bettybraithwaite · 9 years
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Are you trying to get rid of me?
I don’t know, it’s still early, isn’t it?
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
I didn’t know I’d signed myself up to more.
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Now that sounds like quitters talk to me.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
I don’t think I’m going out again today. I’m exhausted.
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Just a tad, wouldn’t want to go out looking completely out of sorts.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Do I? Oops.
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You have red lipstick on your teeth.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Well what I mean when I say why would anyone want children, is any children at all, whether they be ones that look like them or not.
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What I mean when I say vain… It derives from their need to produce little versions of themselves. Trust me, a lot of parents have had kids just because they thought their kids would look better than the ones they could have saved from abusive parents, or long term adoption shelters.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Hardly a good way of staying vain if you put your body through that. They’re just irritating.
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Either because they’re vain, or they just want to have beautiful little sprogs of their own.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Why would anyone want children?
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
hi guys just a heads up that I’ve asked for a hiatus on Betty indefinitely until I’ve sorted my head out where she’s concerned, figured some things out and refound my muse for her etc etc. I’m sorry to everyone I replied to during the Gatsby event that I replied that once and then just disappeared on it.
In the meantime I’ve got a lot of free time on my hands and anyone who wants to plot any of the babies please hmu, Finn’ll be quiet for a couple of days while Melissa and I smooth over some things regarding Wren because she’s obviously really important to him (I mean and Dirk but Dirk’s not codependent and needy like Finn). He and Betty are still down for plotting, and hopefully will be back properly really soon, and the other three are around for things right now!
(P.S. I’m still carrying on conversations with Finn I don’t thiiiiink I owe any there at the moment, but if I do kick me, and if you have a conversation with him don’t feel like this is saying I wanna drop it because I don’t!)
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
I suppose the issue would be that if too many people beat the house, there’d be a loss to the whole charity thing.
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Pity we aren’t playing for money.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
I think that’s a great reason to pick a drink. If you’re not sure what you want, then what better way to make the decision?
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Well I think I ought to go with the Mary Pickford, if only because we share half a name. That seems a good enough reason to learn to make a drink, wouldn’t you say? 
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Is it any good?
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Southside, I think?
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
As well?
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Erm, no, the tip jar is not for me. S’for charity as well.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Betty’s dress, hair, shoes, nails
Deirdre’s dress and hair but just tied up like that no hair piece, shoes
Finn’s suit. No he’s not matching Liv. Yes his tie’s all wonky and his shoes are his old school shoes and falling apart and he’s shit at this dressing up thing.
Dirk’s suit
I don’t even know if Jack’s there, I clearly talk to people I ship with hi Mira is Emme there, if she is Jack is and he’s wearing this and his tie and all does match Emme’s dress
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
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Just checking.
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
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How odd. Do you suffer with a lack of confidence in other areas of your life, as well?
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Men like that are so malleable, though.
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Malleable? You do realise they’re supposed to be stiff, right?
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bettybraithwaite · 9 years
Not particularly, no.
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Well, what’s the matter, Lupin? In all the years of parties at school, I’m not sure I remember seeing you resort to smoking.
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