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Hercules (1997)
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1-name/alias: Walden
2-BIRTHDAY: December 15th
3-ZODIAC SIGN: Uhhhhh ????  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4-HEIGHT: 5′1 (and a half)”  The half is very, very important.
5-HOBBIES: Writing. Reading. Cosplaying. Movies. History.
6-FAVOURITE COLOURS: Earth tones and jewel tones? I think that covers everything?
7-favourite book: … If the author is dead, there’s a good possibility I love their work. Examples: Phantom of the Opera, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Pride & Prejudice, Sherlock Holmes, The White Company, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, etc.
8-LAST SONG LISTENED TO: In My Dreams –– Anastasia, the Original Broadway Cast soundtrack
9-LAST FILM WATCHED: The last DVD I watched was BBC’s documentary Royal Cousins at War, but the last actual movie I watched was Anastasia (1956). Are you sensing a theme yet?
10-DREAM JOB: Working as a curator or an archivist.
11-MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL: It’s from the song A Little Wicked by Valerie Broussard. “Beware the patient woman, 'cause this much I know No one calls you honey when you're sitting on a throne” because, after her ex betrays her and up until Hercules changes her mind, Megara is only out for herself.
tagged by; @thetollofthebells  Thanks for thinking of me! tagging; @theroyalmcss @agoodandloyalrussian @apcgee @aflockcfravens @fillescharmxnt
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He watched cautiously as the cup hit the bottom of the basket with a thud, a few droplets spilling onto the high sides of it.  Quasimodo continued to look at it before he realized something was asked of him and he answered quickly.
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“I… Not usually.”  He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had it.  Usually his father would refuse to have it in the house.
Realizing what the offer was, he lightened up slightly, realizing that she was perhaps as uncomfortable as he was… And for some reason, that made the tension he held within his shoulders fall away slightly.
“But, I could too.”
Well, that’s an improvement from a minute ago, isn’t it? She isn’t certain, but she’ll take it.
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“Good answer, kid,” she says with a crooked little smirk as she starts past him and to the door. She swings it open and then looks back to him, one naturally arched eyebrow rising further still.
“Follow me, I guess. There’s the best little coffee shop just down the street from here.”
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                                          so I am doing  e v e r y t h i n g  I can                                               to make sure I never love again
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please, be patient with me
             I’m still learning how to trust
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“It’s how I fill the time when nothing’s happening. Thinking too much, flirting with melancholy.”
— Tim Winton, Breath
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Not knowing quite how to react to the woman’s response, he took a step back from her desk.  While he was usually rather meek, Quasimodo didn’t feel anymore safe than he had before.
“Yes.”  He barely answered in time in response to the name when he saw her demeanor change towards him.
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“Hard time?  Oh, no, nothing like that.”  His hands raised slightly, fidgeting as his eye contact failed.  A bit of a sad smile etched the sides of his lips, knowing what she was asking.  He’d heard it before.  He’d heard most things before.
“N-No, this is just how I look.”
Those strange eyes go a bit wide, almost comically so, and she flounders. She had thought for sure the idiots were giving the kid a hard time and yet… No, instead, she’d just insulted him.
She feels an almost unfamiliar twist in her gut. A stab of something that makes her uncomfortable. Is this… guilt? That’s ridiculous! She couldn’t have known! She’s not a psychic! She tries to show a little concern for somebody else and this is what happens.
Way to go, Meg. Maybe this is why you don’t have any friends.
Or maybe it has to do with your possessive, demanding boss. Or both. It could be both.
A normal, well-adjusted person might apologize.
She’s never claimed to be a normal, well-adjusted person.
She stands instead, dropping the mostly still full coffee cup into the waste bin beside her desk.
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“… You drink coffee, kid? I need a coffee.”
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Having completed the shipment, Quasimodo clutched the bundle of packing slips and order confirmations in his tired hands.  Walking into the building, the cool air felt good after an entire afternoon of unloading box after box from the trucks and he took a moment to just enjoy it before taking a breath to step up to the office door.
He didn’t like to drop off the paperwork, he preferred to stay away from other people all together if he could.  However, it seemed as though his coworkers had figured out that it was very difficult for him to say no to anyone asking anything, and were now taking full advantage of that.
A calloused hand knocked on the door, hearing a female voice answer from the other side.  The sarcasm that dripped in her tone made Quasimodo even more anxious as he turned the knob and looked through the crack in the door.
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“I-I’ve brought the paperwork from the shipments.”  He announced, voice meek as he tried his best to blend into the walls.  Walking forward, his gaze was mostly towards the floor, not wanting to meet the woman’s eyes.  Quasimodo held out the papers to her once he’d reached the edge of her desk.  “I think all of them are there, b-but one of the drivers left without giving us one.”
When he practically tiptoes into the room, Meg heaves a sigh, rolling her eyes. Honestly. How ridiculous. But she pays it––and him––no more mind than that. She simply continues to idly swirl her coffee with the straw, as though she still had some intention of drinking it.
She doesn’t. He’d gotten it for her. An apology for leaving her with all the work today.
It wasn’t much of an apology.
And then the workman begins to stammer his way through an explanation about the papers––she takes them from him without so much as a glance when he offers them to her––and everything is going along just fine until he says one of the drivers neglected to give them one of the papers.
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“Oh, let me guess!” she exclaims, at last looking up though not yet at him but off to the side. 
“It was that complete jackass Jean, wasn’t it? One of these days, when I catch him, I swear–”
And then her strange almost violet-colored eyes fall on him, and they go wide before narrowing, her brow furrowing.
“They giving you a hard time, kid?” she questions, apparently under the impression that the kid had been roughed up.
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I know not everything needs my commentary but if I don’t speak I will literally die…
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with all due respect--which is none--
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a plotted starter for @thetollofthebells
He had given her strict instructions this morning. See to the office work until close while he was out for the day. He has business meetings to go to––likely with those shady people with whom he starts the deals and expects her, on occasion, to close them––and he wouldn’t have the time to be bothered with any of it. If something comes up, don’t call him. Just handle it. That’s why he keeps her around, isn’t it?
Among other reasons, she had said under her breath with just the slightest note of bitterness. 
He had laughed.
He had left.
She had been blissfully alone for most part after that, aside from the odd workman coming in to drop off paperwork for the day.
Which is exactly what she supposes is to happen again when she hears a knock on the door.
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“It’s unlocked. If you’re a workman, hurry it up, I don’t have all day. If you’re here to rob the place, feel free to come in and take whatever you like. You won’t get any trouble from me,” she says in the most deadpan of voices, her head propped up on one hand as she resumes staring into her cold cup of coffee.
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The Topeka Daily Capital, Kansas, July 17, 1906
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Sentence Starters: Loneliness and Distrust
“I don’t belong anywhere.”
“I can’t take the loneliness anymore.”
“It feels like everyone just forgot I exist.”
“Maybe I’m meant to be alone.”
“I probably won’t be coming back.”
“I have no one to go to.”
“How can I trust you?”
“You betrayed my trust!”
“I can’t trust anyone, not anymore.”
“I wonder how I could rely on people back then.”
“I feel like there’s no one for me.”
“Loneliness is cold, and I’m freezing.”
“Why don’t you leave just like everyone else?”
“You say that, but how can I tell you’ll keep your word?”
“I did all those things… Why do you still trust me?”
“You expect me to trust you after what you did?
“After everything you said, how could you?!”
“I gave you your chance, and you used it to stab me in the back.”
“I’ve been alone for so long…”
“I just want someone to lean on.”
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Les Misérables  {Sentence Starters}
“I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I’m living.”  
“Why regret what cannot be?”
“Sitting flat on your bum doesn’t buy any bread.”
“How can I live when we are parted?”
“I dreamed that love would never die.”
“A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now.”
“You’re no grander than the rest of us.”
“Now my friends are dead and gone.”
“Just as well they never see the hate that’s in your head.”
“One more day standing about, what is it for?”
“Look down, look down. Don’t look ‘em in the eye.”  
“All my life, I’ve only been pretending.”  
“Glad to do a friend a favor. Doesn’t cost me to be nice.”  
“Listen to me! There is something I must do.”
“Every word that he says is a dagger in me!”
“There was a time, then it all went wrong.”  
“Thinks he’s quite a lover but there’s not much there.”
“Still I say, there’s a way for us.”
“These are words he’ll never say, not to me.”
“But nothing gets you nothing. Everything has got a little price!”
“I might have guessed your little secret.”
“My life was a war that could never be won.”
“Will you stand up and take your chance?”
“At the end of the day you get nothing for nothing.”
“God knows how I’ve lasted living with this bastard in the house!”
“I’m so afraid of failing you.”
“Who cares about your lonely soul?”
“You’ll pay me first what I am due.”
“Is there a world you long to see?”
“What can I do? It pays a debt.”
“How was I to know that so much hope was held inside me?”
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