beyond-edge · 7 months
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This World Hello Day Beyond Edge encourages to constantly stay in touch with your consumers so that you can answer to their every need.
After all they should say 'You had me at HELLO!'.
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beyond-edge · 7 months
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Life has become so much more complicated in the past decade. Let's turn back time this Children's Day and enjoy the simpler things which make living beyond amazing. That is why we at Beyond Edge, try to keep the complications aside and achieve one goal, to keep our clients smiling.
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beyond-edge · 8 months
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Another proud moment for India..
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beyond-edge · 8 months
Build A B2B Content Marketing Strategy Using Simple 5-Step Approach
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You have been told to create more content to get better results.
You researched a few keywords. 
You assigned the work to writers. 
Finally, you have the content ready.
And you have been advised to sustain this rigmarole for a minimum of 6 months. 
But it's been 12 months…
And all you can hear is absolute pin drop silence!
Despite doing everything, you were hardly getting the results you were waiting for. 
If this is resonating with you, let us tell you a thing, you are not alone. 
Almost 92% of businesses recognize the importance of content marketing and have been doing it. In reality, only 30% of them are getting effective results. 
What are these 30% of businesses doing differently that others are missing out? 
It is not just about having a strategy; every business from startups to enterprises has one. What truly differentiates these successful businesses on social media is their commitment to a customer-centric content strategy. 
Having a mere strategy just for the sake of creating content is not enough. Instead, we need a content strategy that focuses on what the audience wants, their emotions, their lifestyle, their dreams and last but not the least… their needs! 
Although the strategy varies based on your audience and industry, the primary elements remain the same. In this article, we will take you through the simplest and easiest step-by-step process of creating a winning B2B content marketing strategy that helps you get the desired results. 
Step #1: Start with Why?
“Content marketing is not working for us.”
This is what we hear from most of the business owners. One of the major reasons for this is the lack of clear goals. 
Here’s why the foremost thing you should devise is the goal that you want to achieve through content marketing. 
Content marketing has two key purposes. 
To generate traffic and increase brand awareness 
To generate leads and increase sales
Choose what you want to achieve. Of course, you can also choose both. But it’s wise to stick with one goal, at a time as both of them will have quite different strategies. 
For instance, to increase website traffic, your primary focus should be on the top-of-the-funnel keywords that most people are searching for. The drawback of this strategy is that it is not always intended to convert customers. This is where most companies often go wrong with their content marketing strategy. 
They think that targeting top-of-the-funnel keywords will eventually lead to sales. In reality, it hardly or never works. Most people visiting your website might be looking to learn something, rather than buying. 
On the other hand, you should focus on entirely different content production and execution to get more leads and sales. So, it’s essential to define your goals before getting started. Whether you’re in a serious healthcare industry or an exciting AI industry, think about the bigger picture and define your SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals).
Step #2: Find “I want to know this” & “I am Done” Moments of Your Audience 
Here comes the most crucial step— Understanding your audience. 
As discussed earlier, if your goal is website traffic, find out the curiosity-driven questions of your audience. This is what we call “I want to know this” moments. 
When your audience is curious, they immediately want to know more about it. And searches online typing relevant keywords.   
For instance, a medical device manufacturer might say "I want to know what features surgeons want most in a new surgical robot" to develop a product that meets the needs of their target market. Here the major focus is to educate rather than convert. 
On the other hand, if your goal is to generate leads, focus on in-depth pain points related to your service or product, not the surface-level frustrations. And this is what we call the “I am done” moments. 
These moments make your audience say, “I am done. Where is my solution?” These are the moments that drive the audience to act, decide, or make a purchase.  
For instance, email marketing software customers’ pain points might be not being able to generate sales through emails. But their “I am done” moment will be “I've been using this email marketing software for months now, and I'm not seeing any results. My open rates are low, my click-through rates are even lower, and I'm not generating any sales. I'm done with this software. I'm going to try a different one.”
To list out various “I am done” moments, start by asking these two questions:
Why do customers buy from you?
What are your customers' product or service-specific pain points?
Then, filter out various “I am done” moments. 
Once you have a handful of topics, you can later focus on finding related keywords and create content accordingly. 
Step #3: Ideate & Create 10x Content
Start your keyword research once you have the list of topics. If your goal is brand awareness or website traffic, choose high-volume keywords or broad keywords that appeal to a wider audience related to your topics.  
For generating leads and sales, focus on low-volume keywords that are relevant to your previously listed topics. 
Here are a few of the best ways to ideate content:
Talk to various departments who directly or indirectly communicate with your audience
Go to Google Keyword Planner and identify the keywords that are performing well and converting the audience
Use competitor research tools like Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, or SEMrush 
Join social media groups and online communities 
Ask your audience directly through surveys 
💡Pro Tip: Analyze your competition to get a basic idea of what is working for them and what might work for you. But do not completely copy what your competitors are doing as you might be at different stages. Mostly, the things working for 10,000 customer-base companies might not work for startups with little to no customer-base at all.  
The next thing you should do after finding the keywords is create content by choosing relevant formats[Videos, Blogs, eBooks, Infographics, Whitepapers, Guest Posts, etc.]. 
For this, type in the keyword for which you want to create content on a search engine. Check out the top pages. Identify what they covered and analyze what needs to be covered. 
Go to subject matter experts and gather the best possible information your audience wants to know. Lastly, create content filling the content gap. 
💡Tip: Make your content visually appealing by adding relevant images, videos, or infographics to engage the audience. 
Step#4: Content Distribution & Promotion 
A robust content marketing strategy should include all the details on content distribution and promotion. Select the channels you would want to distribute or share your content such as Quora, Reddit, online forums, or related social media handles. 
When it comes to content promotion, you should focus on three categories:   
Promoting to the existing audience through social media and emails 
Promoting to new audiences through paid channels 
Promoting to search engine users through SEO 
The perfect mix and match of these categories ensures short and long-term success. 
Step #5: Track your Content Marketing Efforts 
The content marketing strategy is incomplete without tracking the results through KPIs(Key Performance Indicators). Again it’s important to set the right KPIs based on your goals. 
For brand awareness, KPIs should be page views, clicks, bounce rate, and unique visitors. Whereas for leads and sales, the obvious KPIs would be the number of call bookings, number of people subscribed to email lists, and number of purchases.  
It’s Not How You Create, Instead, It’s How You Present
The content marketing strategy is based on a clear understanding of your target audience, your business goals, and the best way to reach your audience with your message. 
However, the content itself is not what gives you a competitive advantage. It is the ability to create and deliver content in a way that is effective and engaging for your audience.
Imagine that you are a restaurant owner. The food that you serve is your content. But what will give you a competitive advantage is not the food itself. It is the way you serve the food.
For example, you could serve the food on paper plates and plastic utensils. Or, you could serve it on fine china and silverware. The difference in presentation will have a big impact on the customer's experience.
In the same way, a strategic content operation will help you to present your content in a way that is more engaging and effective for your audience. This will give you a competitive advantage over your competitors. 
Whether you want to increase your brand awareness or generate qualified leads, having a strategic content marketing roadmap is essential. 
However, if you are stuck on creating the right strategy and seeking for an extended arm to support and guide you through the entire process, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 89199 89136. We will research your audience, analyze your competitors, and design custom-tailored strategies that will help you reach your desired goals.
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beyond-edge · 8 months
You're almost there!
Need creative designs?
You've got a team of creative experts to build your brand's visual identity.
Looking for marketing solutions?
You've got marketing experts(with 20+ years of functional experience) to develop and execute tailored marketing strategies.
Interested in branding solutions?
You've branding experts right here to create a memorable and unique brand identity.
Whatever you need, just ask, and we're here to deliver it!
Get a comprehensive solution for all your marketing challenges.
Fix your branding & marketing. All you need to do is contact us today. Then, we'll learn about your business, your marketing goals, and finally develop a custom plan to help you achieve them.
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beyond-edge · 9 months
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"Best branding agency"
Yeh Kisne Dhoonda?
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beyond-edge · 9 months
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It's National Live Creative Day, and the creative team is here creating all creative chaos!
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beyond-edge · 9 months
Your website design is not appealing to your audience because of these mistakes.
Whether you want to increase website traffic or generate leads, website design plays a crucial role.
It gives your audience a first and lasting impression of your services or products.
Want to fix these errors?
Contact us today to transform your website design from boring into a stunning masterpiece.
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beyond-edge · 9 months
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Let's celebrate the divine melody of life that goes beyond any edge. Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Janmashtami!
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beyond-edge · 9 months
Here’s how you can build your brand in 5 simple step:
Define Your brand identity
Understand your target audience
Design your brand identity
Implement a content strategy
Leverage right platforms
#beyondedgebusinesssolutions #branding #marketingstrategy #personalbranding #creativebranding #creativebranding #creativeadvertising #startupbuisness
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beyond-edge · 9 months
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HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! From the chalkboard to the digital age, we honour and celebrate pioneers beyond boundaries in shaping the future. Happy Teachers' Day!
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beyond-edge · 9 months
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Your moves inspire, your dedication transforms : a runner-up with royal dreams. Congratulations Praggnanandhaa.
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beyond-edge · 9 months
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Cheers to India's ongoing streak of triumphs!
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beyond-edge · 9 months
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Onam brings us together as your extended team, rowing beyond the edge of celebration. Team Beyond Edge wishes you and your family a very Happy Onam!
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beyond-edge · 10 months
VIP has just landed on the Moon.
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beyond-edge · 10 months
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10 posts!
0 notes
beyond-edge · 10 months
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Beyond Edge, not an advertising and branding agency but it's a place where creativity meets quality.
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