bflanddaddy · 3 years
Boyfriend: “Mmmm...my, my, my. You look ever so bothered right now. Bet you want to get fucked by my juicy thick cock don’t cha? Oh no, no, no, no...no. My love, I don’t think you’re quite...READY for it juuuuuust yet~. I want you to squirm a little more and then beg me for that sweet release, hmm, hmm~. Perhaps I should raise the power on that vibrator that’s in your ass. Crank it up to nine you say? Hmm, hmm, my, my aren’t we being adventurous? ...Oh, ho, ho. You look like you’re about to burst down there. I can tell your lil’ man down there wants to explode its delicious liquid for me. Heh, heh...seeing you flinch upon me flicking the tip is so cute. You want me to take it out now? Nuh, uh, uh! You have to say the magic words. Say...‘Please put your holy rod inside of me, master. I crave for you ever so badly for I am a bad boy.’ Do that and I’ll grant your wish. ...So go on...say it. I want to hear it escape from those slutty lips of yours~. ...Heh, heh. Good, now that’s more like it. I’m sure you won’t mind me yanking it out of you roughly would you? Of course not. Now don’t move. ...Ah..there we go. Your hole has managed to widen up rather well. Perfect...now it’s time to put it in. Hmm? You want me to put protection on? Ha, ha, ha, ha...my love. Don’t be silly. Why make sex between us be so dull and boring? Better for us to enjoy each other’s body in more ways than one, don’t you think? You know I prefer to feel your insides with my big dick and hearing you moan as I thrust wildly from within. Now shush. It’s time for this king to mate with his queen. I’m gonna make you come so much ‘til dawn. Mmmm! Nnnn! Yeah...you like that? Bet it feels better going raw than having it covered doesn’t it? Mmmm! Your expression is such a turn on. Even your body twitching with each thrust I’m making is soooo hot~. Hmm, hmm. I love it when you squeak as I firmly pinch those cute lil’ nipples of yours. Yessssss~. Moan louder for me, you’re gonna make me get even harder inside of you. It’ll make the love making even better for the both of us. ...Mmmm! Oh yeah...right there. It’s now further inside you. Am I hitting your favorite spot? Good, because I plan to rough it up so well and make sure my dick will be the only thing you think of every day and night. ...Oh! Oh yes! I’m about to come. I can already feel the heat rising inside of you. I’m about to...give you my all! Let’s come..together. ...Ah...Ah! Aaah!! ...Mmm...damn...did I managed to unload so much into you? Heh, heh...it appears so. Guess I’ve been holding back for quite some time. But at least your stomach and ass is gonna be full of my warm milk for some time, hmm, hmm~. Just remember this...fucking you raw and hard is better than going soft all the way, heh, heh, heh...”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Can you write a long quote about the first time Peter went in raw? Being able to fuck y/n without any protection.
[Ooooo, so dirty yet very naughty...bet your damn ass I will~]
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Can we request quotes? 👉👈
[Sure, I don't see why not :3]
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
[For @sweetiechicauwu]
Cowboy!LandDaddy: “Well howdy, lil’ lady. You must new ‘round these parts huh? Heh, heh, heh. Well..how’s about I buy ya a nice jug o’ beer? This town’s got the best alcohol money can buy, believe me. Here ya go, toots. Make sure you chug it down nice and slow, get use to the taste of it. ...Damn, and here I thought I was the only cowboy that can drink well under the table; I like ya. Where did cha say you were from? Really now...never thought I get to meet a city slicker that can drink with the likes of us. I will say...for someone that grew up in the hustling and bustling of the big apple...you definitely know how to make yerself look damn purdy. C’mon, I’ll take ye back to m’ place. We could snuggle up on the couch and enjoy each other’s company..and who knows? Perhaps I can give ye a good time in the sack, show ye how we cowboys make some good ol’ country style lovin’ in the sheets. Once you have a taste of southern life...ain’t no way ye be going back to the ol’ way of living back home. If you can treat this ol’ man right...I’ll make sure you ride on my wild bronco tonight, hmm, hmm~.”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Boyfriend: “Oo, la, la~. What do we have here? Has my eyes spotted a lonely angel that suddenly fell from Heaven and is now on earth? Well here I am, a lone mortal presenting himself upon your enchanting beauty. Tell me, my dear...are the stories true? That you possess such soft baby skin that can make any human mortal jealous upon gazing at or even lightly stroke a finger on it? ...Mmmm...your ruby lips..they look like you took each rose petal and absorbed their redness to make your mouth become more elegant than ever. And your eyes...oh those beautiful jaded eyes. It’s like I can stare at them forever. ...I want to..hold you and...kiss you. ...Oh my love. I can already feel your warm breath entering in my mouth as we kiss seductively. Even the way your body shakes from the places I touch you---the way you twitch---is turning me on more. Oh how I want to rest my head into your lovely, perky breasts. They look ever so plump and ready for the picking, hmm, hmm~. Come...why don’t we continue back at my place? Tonight, this angel is gonna lose her wings once she loses her virginity to yours truly~.”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Boyfriend: “...No....no, no, no, no, no, no..NOOOOOOOO!!! Why?! Why would you go...and...and make me do this to you?! Do you have ANY IDEA how much you mean to me?! You were my world! You were the ONLY THING---in my life---that I always looked forward to everyday!! How could you do such a thing?! How can you say that you no longer...no longer....LOVE ME ANYMORE?! You never told me what I needed fixing on. You never witnessed all of things I’ve done for you. I took you in when you were broken...I gave you all of the love...all of my attention...just about ANYTHING that you needed from me! And now...you tell me that I was nothing more...than some passing fling?! ....I wondered why you were behaving so suspiciously that day. When you said that you needed to do some things at your workplace every day...every week. ...Heh, heh, heh. ...Oh sweetie...do you not understand how unhappy I am? Hmm?? Do you...really think you have the right to walk away from this? I was the ONLY one who willingly brought you back to my place...to give you a roof over your head; warm, delicious meals every time you come home; hell, I even give you the greatest sex you could have every damn night?! And all of sudden you tell me that there was nothing going on between us?! Oh no, no, no. I don’t think so...not tonight. I’m not letting you get out of here alive. Oh...you scared now? Heh, heh, heh...ha, ha, ha, ha. ...My love...didn’t you know? I’m not the kind of guy who handles...REJECTION! ...Very well. ....Mmmm...you’re not leaving me. You will stay by my side. ...And if I had to hurt you in the process...to make you see the light...so...be it.”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
[This is Matt’s statement on the situation, and again, if you EVER go after Matt to perform a witch hunt on him or anyone else connected to the Your Boyfriend game, I will CALL YOUR ASS OUT AND WILL MAKE IT PUBLIC ABOUT IT! I will not be the first to say that I FUCKING WARNED YOU IF YOU DARE TO PISS ME OFF BY DOING THAT SHIT BEHIND MY BACK!]
[You can take what you will of his statement, and if you wish to forgive him or not but leave with him on good terms, that’s all up to you. As for me, I’ve matured enough to know that if someone is genuine about what they say I will stand by that and forgive them; if not, then fuck ‘em.]
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[Hello everyone, Chesh Kuro here.] [Now normally I use this blog to promote NSFW quotes…but I figured I would let you all know as of now, the VA for Peter in the game Your Boyfriend will be replaced immediately. Let’s just say that uh…his jokes were rather inappropriate and despite being told numerous of times to NOT do that he keeps going at it. It’s mostly joking about a very touchy subject: trans suicide. I only heard about that from the server that I’m in. And let me tell ya…it’s a lot to unpack and I even got confirmation about the replacement VA for him from Fuboo herself. So it was a bit of a blow to me as I never thought something like this will happen…but…it is what it is. I also tried to reach out to Matt to get his side of the story but nothing has come up. Now that I’m typing this up, I just got word that Matt is going to release a statement on his end and will gladly leave the Your Boyfriend community.]
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[So no matter what, I will continue to show support for Fuboo and her game. What Matt has said I will not condone, however, I do believe that he will change and learn to grow as a person further on down the road. I will not show any ill will to him, nor will I ever show any sign of wanting him dead; I sure as FUCK will not be those type of people. Overall, despite the crude humor of his, he is still has a good heart. I know that because he helped me deal with my own personal issue I had last year with a fall out of someone I thought was my friend, who is someone I will not reveal the name to.]
[So whatever happens next, I wish him the best of luck in the next life that will be laid before him. Unlike many of us that will gladly take pleasure in making real life people suffer because it what gives us grand satisfaction in harming people online, you can be damn sure that if I EVER find out about ANY ONE OF YOU WANTING TO SEND DEATH THREATS TO MATT, TO THE PROGRAMMERS OR EVEN FUBOO HERSELF BECAUSE OF IT AND THAT YOU ARE A SICK INDIVIDUAL THAT GETS THEIR ROCKS OFF TO HARASSING OTHERS, OR EVEN WORSE; DOXXING THE FUCK OUT OF ANY OF THEM YOU ARE OFFICIALLY DEAD TO ME AND I WILL NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER FORGIVE YOU FOR IT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!]
[So I’m being serious when I say that if you EVER and I mean, EVER want to go out of your way to enact your own justice towards any party members INVOLVED in the situation I will gladly call your ass out and make sure that you get punished for it. I don’t take kindly to any acts of violence towards anyone that I admire and respect. Do that shit and you will be an enemy to me and that’s a fucking promise I can assure you of that.]
[Anyway, I rambled on long enough. To Fuboo and the Black Shepard Games crew, I pray that you will be healed in this time and to Matt, I want to say that I will be the mature adult here and give you the second chance to learn your ways and do better for yourself down the road. That’s all I’m gonna say. To all of those that love my content, I do appreciate your liking of my craft and know that things will get better down the line. Chesh out.]
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
[Hello everyone, Chesh Kuro here.] [Now normally I use this blog to promote NSFW quotes...but I figured I would let you all know as of now, the VA for Peter in the game Your Boyfriend will be replaced immediately. Let’s just say that uh...his jokes were rather inappropriate and despite being told numerous of times to NOT do that he keeps going at it. It’s mostly joking about a very touchy subject: trans suicide. I only heard about that from the server that I’m in. And let me tell ya...it’s a lot to unpack and I even got confirmation about the replacement VA for him from Fuboo herself. So it was a bit of a blow to me as I never thought something like this will happen...but...it is what it is. I also tried to reach out to Matt to get his side of the story but nothing has come up. Now that I’m typing this up, I just got word that Matt is going to release a statement on his end and will gladly leave the Your Boyfriend community.]
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[So no matter what, I will continue to show support for Fuboo and her game. What Matt has said I will not condone, however, I do believe that he will change and learn to grow as a person further on down the road. I will not show any ill will to him, nor will I ever show any sign of wanting him dead; I sure as FUCK will not be those type of people. Overall, despite the crude humor of his, he is still has a good heart. I know that because he helped me deal with my own personal issue I had last year with a fall out of someone I thought was my friend, who is someone I will not reveal the name to.]
[So whatever happens next, I wish him the best of luck in the next life that will be laid before him. Unlike many of us that will gladly take pleasure in making real life people suffer because it what gives us grand satisfaction in harming people online, you can be damn sure that if I EVER find out about ANY ONE OF YOU WANTING TO SEND DEATH THREATS TO MATT, TO THE PROGRAMMERS OR EVEN FUBOO HERSELF BECAUSE OF IT AND THAT YOU ARE A SICK INDIVIDUAL THAT GETS THEIR ROCKS OFF TO HARASSING OTHERS, OR EVEN WORSE; DOXXING THE FUCK OUT OF ANY OF THEM YOU ARE OFFICIALLY DEAD TO ME AND I WILL NEVER EVER, EVER, EVER FORGIVE YOU FOR IT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!]
[So I’m being serious when I say that if you EVER and I mean, EVER want to go out of your way to enact your own justice towards any party members INVOLVED in the situation I will gladly call your ass out and make sure that you get punished for it. I don’t take kindly to any acts of violence towards anyone that I admire and respect. Do that shit and you will be an enemy to me and that’s a fucking promise I can assure you of that.]
[Anyway, I rambled on long enough. To Fuboo and the Black Shepard Games crew, I pray that you will be healed in this time and to Matt, I want to say that I will be the mature adult here and give you the second chance to learn your ways and do better for yourself down the road. That’s all I’m gonna say. To all of those that love my content, I do appreciate your liking of my craft and know that things will get better down the line. Chesh out.]
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Boyfriend: “Hello, darling~. I don’t care how much you beg and plead to be released. I’m the only one in this world that you can ever need in that lonely, miserable life of yours. If anything, I’m a blessing from the Almighty himself if you...think about it, heh, heh~. However...I truly didn’t appreciate you wanting to leave me during our third date the other day. That really broke my heart. I mean...do you know how long I’ve worked so hard on trying to impress you with a lovely dinner date...followed by escorting you to our love nest with us making erotic, passionate love making in the sheets? You truly are a bad girl. And do you know what happens...when bad girls like you try to leave me? You get punished. And I don’t mean in a sexual manner mind you, hmm, hmm, hmm. First...I’m going to slit open your heels so you won’t try to move for some time...and then I’m gonna mark you with a very appropriate word that best describes your overall appearance on that warm...tender...baby smooth skin of yours. Although, heh...it won’t be baby smooth when I’m done with you. After that, I’ll keep you locked up in the bedroom, and I made sure that no one else will be allowed to lock eyes with yours as you lay there helplessly with markings and your dry crimson blood covering all of the parts I’ll be working ever so happily with tonight~. But don’t worry, my love. Once you see that I’m only doing what’s good for the both of us...I’ll make sure that you will never be alone ever again...and that...is a promise~.”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Boyfriend: “Oh my...it appears that your blood has managed to get on me after I continued to pierce your porcelain skin with my new knife. Even the tip has...managed to coat itself with the likes of it. ...A-Aaaah~. ...Oh yesssss~! Mmmmm~! Oh how it feels ever so wonderful going down. Say...would you also like to know what your own blood tastes like as well? Here...allow me to pucker up those lips of yours...and let you savor it? Better yet, I’ll offer my own blood to be mixed in as well. Just need to firmly bite down my lip...and let it combine ever soooo...nicely. ...Mmmm...gotta tell ya, having our salivas mixed in with the naughty crimson red is rather...exciting. Guess you could say we managed to forge our own blood pact in a sense, don’t you think?”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Naga!Boyfriend: “....Mmmmm! ...So, it appears the villagers has offered one of their own to become my next meal. ..Although you are chosen, I do believe they don’t realize that by making you my next meal...I prefer to take my time with them in the hopes that they’ll become my permanent partners in paradise. Sadly, the ones your people constantly give to me always end up either eaten...or basically dead. ...I can only hope you’ll be different. ...Now then...I believe I should inspect every single part of my new prey here, see what kind of human you are. ...Oh my~. Your skin..it feels so soft...so smooth...like that of a newborn. No scars...no blemishes. ...Guess they REALLY need to make sure they pop out nice, good looking stock for me, hmm, hmm. Let’s see if you’re a good kisser. You’ll definitely enjoy having my long tongue work its magic inside of you and also on the outside too~. ...Mmmm....ah, yesssss. Your lips feel so elegant and warm to the touch; even feeling those pristine pearly white teeth against the tip of my tongue is enough to take interest in you. Don’t worry...even though I carry poison in my fangs...I’ll only leave a tiny mark on that cute lil’ neck of yours; wouldn’t want my lil’ doll to succumb to my venom now do we? Hmm, hmm, hmm~. ...There we go. Now that you’ve been marked, let’s see what else you have. Take a good LONG look into my eyes. You will do EXACTLY what I command of you to do, and you will do them accordingly. Now...reveal more of your body, I want to see your bare flesh exposed before your deity. ...Oooooo~! How fascinating. A nice pair of breasts...E cups I take it? You know...every woman that’s ever been in my cave don’t have such big melons like you do. Bet all of the men in your village can’t look away at your beauty. Too bad you won’t be mating with any one of those low lives, now that you serve me. ...Mmmm...yesssss. Moan for me, darling. Moan louder to let those filthy rats from your village know who is your mate. ...Heh, heh, heh. Good...such an obedient human you are. So long as you’re under my spell...you will please me no matter how much you beg for me to release you from it. Now...play with one of your cute lil’ nipples and use your other hand to pleasure yourself down there. I want to see you shiver and squeal in ecstasssssy. Are you enjoying the performance you’re giving me? Good...it pleases me to see my mistresssss be excited for what will come very soon, hmm, hmm, hmm~. Now, now...don’t come just yet. If you do, you will be punished in more waysssss than one. ...Tsk, tsk, tsk. Naughty human. You dare to disobey me...oh what will you ever do to make up for it? Hmm....I’ll show you what happens when someone daressss to disobey. I’ll have to roughly lick all of those fluids off of your slutty body first...and then...take care of opening up your inside with it. Go ahead...moan, let your voice echo through out this cave and carry it to the outside world. To know that the men will be struggling with so much pent up sexual tension because of you being dirtied by me will make it all the more victorious on my end. ...Hope you enjoy having more than one dick enter inside that hole of yours because once you have a naga enter you, you’ll be wanting more of it. ....Mmmm...yesssss. Your insides feel warm...and it will slowly take my shape in you. I’ll be the only one to take away your precious virginity, my love. Gyrate those slutty hips of yours, I want to see you indulge yourself on how much you love having two hard, pulsing cocks work from within. ....Ooooo~! Oh yessss, babe. I’m almost there...! Let’s hold you down nice and firmly, have to make sure you receive the entire load of your precious deity’s warm juice. ...Now, my little human...scream! Scream in pleasure! Let your voice bellow out until it falls deathly silent! ....Mmmmm! ...Ha....Ha....heh, heh, heh. Oh yessss. I do believe that you will do me rather well. You belong to me...now...and forever~.”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Boyfriend: “I...I’m ever so sorry, my master. I..I truly didn’t mean to cause so much stress for you. I will gladly do whatever it is you ask of me. ..Oh? You..You want me to wear...that outfit? Um...master, don’t you think it’s rather...revealing? I-I mean, yes! Yes of course I will wear it. Just give me a few minutes to change. ...I don’t know about this, master. It feels rather...ridiculous on me. My nipples are so exposed...and this thong I’m wearing is...u-uh...too tight against this slim body of mine. Can’t you let me wear my previous clothes? Ah! O-Okay, okay, master. ...I’m sorry for making you mad. Here...I’ll get down on my knees and...clean your shoes with my tongue. ...Ha...ha...yes...master. Please...Please smack my bare ass, I’ve been ever so bad. ..Ah! N-No! Don’t use the horse crop! A-Ah! Ah! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for making master mad! I...I can’t say that. Ah! I...I’m a dirty slut! I want my master to fuck me good and hard! Please punish me! Ha...ha...ha...haa. ....What? Where are you taking me? Ah! ...Mmm! Oh god! The dildo you put in me...it-it’s too big! Ah! It...It vibrates too?! Ah! A-Ah! Ah! Noooo! I...I don’t like it. It feels...ah! ...It...It feels weird..! Please..! M-Master, ah! I...I want your dick instead! ...Ah! *hic* Please, no m-m-more! I...I want it out of me. ...Ah! ...I..I’m about to...! What?! What are you---?! Ah! You put something in my urethra!? You..You don't want me to c-come just yet?! Master you...you’re so cruel! Ah! A-Ah! Aaaah! I want to come! Please! ...Ah! ...Oh thank god...that horrid thing is out. ...Ah! Your...Your dick is so huge! ...Mmmm! Ah! My body is shivering...s-so much. I can...feel it mold itself within me. ...Please don’t make say it. ...M-Master...please use me to unload your stress inside. I..I’m your whore, so...do me...as you..will. ...Ah! Ah! ...Master...ah! Oh! It...It’s so good! Ah! A-Ah! Fuck me..! Fuck me good and hard! Pound my inside! I’m your bitch, master! I...I am! Ah! ...I...I wanna come! Please..! I can’t...hold it back...anymore! ...Don’t...Don’t yank it out hard! Ah! Aaaaaah!!! ...Mmmm...oh master~. That...was so amazing.”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Can I have some Honry of maybe doing a Cowboy Don please? ÚwÙ
[Cowboy LandDaddy? ....Yush >3]
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Yandere!TK: “....Heh, heh, heh. Oh uh, hello, darling. I didn’t see you there. What was I doing? Oh nothing, nothing~. I was just uh...preparing something special. Yes, yes, that’s it! ...Something special, just for the two of us. Come, allow me to take you to the dining room. So..do you like the meal I’ve managed to cook up? Good. I made sure that things would go ever so splendid for us. Oh! I almost forgot...heh, heh. One moment~!. ...Here we go, I managed to bring a lil’ ‘special guest’ to attend our lil’ romantic dinner. ..It’s none other than the man that you’ve been sleeping around with behind my back! Doesn’t he look rather stunning with all of the bruises and cuts I’ve created on him? Hmm? Oh don’t look so surprised, babe. You knew fully well what would happen if you so much as dared to fuck around with another man. For fuck’s sake! I...I’ve done so much for you! I’ve treated you with the upmost respect, I always remember to gift you some adorable things from time to time during our relationship together; I’ve treated you like a damn princess!! And...what do I get in return? All I get...is nothing more than a CHEATING WHORE!! I thought you were only interested in me! Someone whom you’ve sworn to stick by his side from beginning to end! But I guess this guy here---this piece of dog shit---is far better than me?! Oh...I bet you like him because he’s got a big dick. Is that it?! Huh?! Is that the only reason you slept with this guy?! ...Well then...maybe I should not only neuter him...but also get rid of the unwanted package he’s got. Here, my good man...allow me to...take care of you. Oh darling...hope you don’t move from that spot of yours. I took care of hiding your phone when you weren’t fully aware of the situation I put both of you in. Might as well make sure that this kind of entertainment doesn’t get ruined by the damn pigs. ...Now hold still, buddy. You will definitely suffer some external bleeding for awhile. But hey, it’s what you get for taking my girl, hmm, hmm~.”
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Yandere TK please ?
[Hmmm...never worked on that character before, but I can give it a try :3]
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
Yandere!LandDaddy: "...Mmmmm~. Oh yesssss...oh how I love to see that succulent flesh of your slowly get a taste of the cold, sharp blade that I'm about to press against you now. ...Heh, heh, heh...~. I must say...hearing you scream in pain...is such a turn on for me. Aaaaah~. Oh how I LOVE..to have your blood slowly trickle down the knife that I'm holding here. ...Even tasting it is such..a thrill to me. You know love...I did tell you that you would be punished for your sins. I told you countless times...that if you ever try to sleep with another man...I would severely punish you. Now...why did you have to go and do all of that for? You know how much you mean the world to me. ....What a naughty lady you've become. Whoring yourself out to other pests. I really must cause you pain...in order for you to get the point across. But it's okay, babe. I'll make sure that the experience will be slow...and painful. Don't expect me to grant you any kind of mercy because of it. Now...shall we...continue?"
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bflanddaddy · 3 years
(This is a commission for MasaruSuzuka)
Boyfriend: “Oh hello, Pidge. I’m so glad you got the day off today from work. You have NO idea how long I’ve been dying to let you stay with me for quite some time. Hmm, hmm…I know, I know…you have to do what you have to do. But…it gets SOOOOO lonely without my precious babe to comfort this poor, pitiful soul ya know? …Mmmm…I see you’re wearing the adorable pink apron I got for you, and you’re completely exposed right before my eyes. Yummy, yum, yum…hmm, hmm~. Oh honey…you truly know what lights up the fire in me. Hope you don’t mind if I take the initiative. …Heh, heh, heh. I love it when you squeal as my hand works its magic upon your juicy, tender, luscious breasts. To see you flinch as my finger circles around the tip of the nipple…makes me want to tease it even more. …Oh yeah, babe…moan a little louder for me. I want to hear that weak tone creep out of your mouth…aaaah…oh god. The fire within me is getting bigger. …Mmmm…mmph! Your kisses are so wonderful to me. You’ve gotten better at it…that’s good. I want my lover to be good at servicing her man~. …Oh? Are you already feeling weak in the knees as I run my hand down there? Heh, heh, heh…good. It pleases me to see you in such a cute, weak state. Turn around…I want to see your face. ….Ooooo~! Your expression quickly changed after having your body being caressed ever so….tenderly, if you know what I’m saying, heh, heh, heh. …Your mouth looks like it’s in need of something warm…and juicy. Here, darling. Why don’t you put it to good use and…lick daddy’s son up? And don’t forget…if you get the job done right, I’ll make sure you get to enjoy a ‘special’ dessert in the end. ….Mmmm! Oh! …Oh yeah. Keep at it, babe. I love it when you scrape your teeth against my cock. …Oh! Oh god! Yes…Yes…!! Almost…Almost there, babe. …Aaaaaah~! …Mmmm…I told you you would get a ‘special’ dessert there. …Heh, heh…look at you. Having that sticky cream plaster all over that slutty mouth of yours. ….Now it’s time to fill that other hole of yours up. Get into position. …Hmm, hmm. You enjoy moaning as I prepare you, don’t you? You’ll definitely love it when I ram my dick inside you and hit that wonderful, tender spot of yours. I can’t wait to see your expression as you’re about to climax from all the sex we’ll be having~. …There…now you’re ready for me. …Mmmm! Ah! …Oh yeah, baby. Keep moaning for me. Call out daddy’s name, it makes me horny for it. ..Heh, heh. You like that? You like getting smacked on the ass? Here, I’ll do it again. …You love me don’t you? You love it when we do it in the kitchen don’t you? …Mmmm! I’m almost finished, and it looks like you’re about to do the same. …Mmmmm! …Ha…ha…ha…damn. That felt good…did it feel good for you too? ..I’m glad to hear that. I’ll make sure you enjoy having sex with me every chance you get~.”
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