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Anyone wanna rp? :]
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Bhreagh began her walk in the windy afternoon on the Savannah. She had been feeling a bit lonely ever since she hasn't seen Hamaru in awhile. She was beginning to miss lion interaction. She hopped up onto a few boulders to get a good view. But she didn't see anything interesting. Continuing on she decided to grab a drink at the watering hole and head back to the big tree new the dense jungle. As she made her way there. She noticed there was a lion under the tree. She kept walking towards the tree, more so to see exactly who this lion was instead of actually wanting to go rest under the tree.
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Alright guys... I've thought about this a lot
I've decided that it's time to say goodbye to Ehon :o
I loves him as a character but I'm just not feeling the "connection" with the character anymore :o I've deiced also that I have been sucking greatly at being active >.< 
So, I'm going to create a new character [still keeping Bhreagh active if I can] 
Sorry guys :o
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Thinking about getting rid of this account and my other one...
I wanna make another character. I have a great idea for it. Thoughts?
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I'm great as always. I'm especially good because I'm next to a beautiful lioness :3
Bhreagh gave a chuckle before saying "You're a flirt." She turned and grabbed a drink before siting back down.
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Hey Miss Perfect :) how are you on this fine evening?
Bhreagh heard a slightly familiar voice and turned to face the lion it came from. Bhreagh smiled a bit before answering. "Fine and yourself?" She sat down and flicked her curly tail around herself.
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Bhreagh smiled, I'm the light it because clear that she was practically blind in her right eye. She flicked her tail. She noticed that Tama had stared at her longer than normal. But by now she was used to longer stares. She wasn't the most attractive lioness in the world, and her features were interesting. They simply caught lions attention. She smiled at the fact Tama was friendly. "I don't mind Sharing." He said with a flick if her curly tail. "I mean, if you've been here since being a cub it's only fair." She finished with a small friendly shrug and a smile.
Bhreagh looked up at the lioness with a smile. “Hi, I hate to bother you but, you seem to be on my resting rock.” Bhreagh said as sweetly as she could Trying not to anger the lioness, however, she wasn’t worried about a fight. She just wasn’t in the mood. She had never...
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Bhreagh looked up at the lioness with a smile. "Hi, I hate to bother you but, you seem to be on my resting rock." Bhreagh said as sweetly as she could Trying not to anger the lioness, however, she wasn't worried about a fight. She just wasn't in the mood. She had never seen this lioness before. She walked around to the front of the rock and flicked her curly tail. She jumped an put her front paws on the side of the rock, keeping her back paws on the ground. She wanted to get a better look, even though this might give her a disadvantage if the lioness decided to attack her. "The Names Bhreagh." She said, trying to keep conversation going in order to prevent a territorial attack.
Bhreagh had been walking through the open land for awhile, coming back from a restful day under her tree. She decided to head on back to her rock for a mind day nap. She trotted along happily. Thinking about how happy she was to be back in the pride lands. She thought...
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Bhreagh had been walking through the open land for awhile, coming back from a restful day under her tree. She decided to head on back to her rock for a mind day nap. She trotted along happily. Thinking about how happy she was to be back in the pride lands. She thought about the lion she had met in her travels. The tall blonde lion that she met. He was a rogue that was from a pride similar to hers. But there was something different about him. He had saved her for starters. But everything seemed different now that they had gone separate ways. They weren't mates, although she wished he had come with her. But she missed having him around. Bhreagh reaches her rock, only to see something that made her stop in her tracks. It was another lioness. On HER resting rock. This simply won't do. She thought to herself. She straightened her back and walked up to the lioness there. Looking at the lioness from behind, she cleared her throat in order to get the lionesses attention.
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Bhreagh chuckled again at all his questions. "Yes I was a Princess. But not anymore. I wasn't around when my father died so the second royal family took my place. And I wasn't treated much differently, you see, there are two royal families in my pride. And we get treated like the rest of the people. At the end of a kings or queens rein. The pride choses between the royal families next in line." She said with a sweet smile, flicking her curly tail around her as she sat down again. "I never liked the idea of ruling. I was told I would be a better ruler than the current king. But I don't believe it." She said, the doubt showing in her voice.
Bhreagh yawned as she awoke in the middle of the night. She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the sky. She thought of her father, and her best childhood friend,…
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Bhreagh looked around. Her vision not great, but her smell intense. She could almost sense a good kill she looked towards a heard of Zebra. She saw three possible targets. They were strong animals, but taken by surprise would be an easy take down. And he knew it. Within an instant she had a plan. But she turned to Hamaru to ask, "How many should we kill? I know we can take down three. But that might be too much food." She said with a sweet smile on her face. Never taking her eyes away from the prey.
Bhreagh chuckled, she had missed her old friend. And had smiled at his compliment. She looked around for prey, even tho she couldn’t see them, she could smell them. “Yeah let’s go for a hunt !” She said bouncing off Hamaru and with a skip in her step raised her rump in the...
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Bhreagh chuckled, she had missed her old friend. And had smiled at his compliment. She looked around for prey, even tho she couldn't see them, she could smell them. "Yeah let's go for a hunt !" She said bouncing off Hamaru and with a skip in her step raised her rump in the air and giggled as she bounded towards the smell, making sure Hamaru was following. She said "oh man I missed this place, it's so beautiful, and the food is so much better." She said with a smile.
Bhreagh gave him a funny look before saying “Because you’re so nice, nope.” He gave a chuckle as she sat on his tummy. She giggled and flicked her tail in Hamarus face, tickling his nose. “Besides, you’re the old fart.” She said giving him a cheeky smile, showing her...
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Bhreagh chuckled slightly inward at how alarmed Fujo was. "We were a warrior pride, so we got into wars a lot, however one pride over powered us. My father the king died as well. What's left of the pride has gathered to the north. I decided not to go with them." She said as she stood to her feet and dipped her feet into the water and took a quick drink.
Bhreagh yawned as she awoke in the middle of the night. She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the sky. She thought of her father, and her best childhood friend,…
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Woahh...you're so beautiful.
Bhreagh was just finishing a meal when she heard a stranger come from behind, she licked her lips clean and turned to face the voice she had just heard. The lion before her was unlike anything she'd ever seen. But she tried not to make him uncomfortable. He looked around, making sure his comment was truly directed at her. "Me?" She questioned, as she blinked twice out of habit. Her half blind eye slightly a different shade then the other. "Well, um, thank you that's very sweet of you." Bhreagh never got such a wonderful comment, nor does she ever blush, but this time she felt her cheeks burn slightly.
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Bhreagh opened her eyes slowly and sat up. She looked at the small leopon in front of her. She slowly decided to lay backdown, facing her. "I don't have to speak if that's what you'd like." She said giving a small laugh. Her grey eyes seemed almost blue against the small pond in front of her, however the eye she was slightly blind still had its usual grey tint in it. She flicked her curly tail quickly before answering, "I don't believe so, if we had it was brief." She said with a smile. She forgot herself if they had met, and her appearance had changed so much on her recent travels, that even if they had met before, she would probably never recognize her.
(Taken place in the Jungle)
Sab hurried quickly through the dense undergrowth, keeping her head tucked tightly towards her chest so the branches didn’t scratch her eyes. She made...
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