bhushanpandit · 5 months
Curating Ideal Gatherings: Lessons from Personal Wellness Management Experiences
As I reflect on the pursuit of perfect belonging—authentic connections and meaningful communities—I draw upon not only the profound teachings of Buddha’s Sangha and the wisdom shared by contemporary authors but also my personal experiences as a dedicated yoga practitioner and facilitator of numerous yoga and meditation groups. These experiences serve as vivid narratives that enrich the canvas of…
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bhushanpandit · 5 months
The Quest for Perfect Belongings: Insights Across Diverse Canvases
Welcome to the journey of perfect belongings—a quest for authentic connections and meaningful communities. Inspired by timeless wisdom and contemporary insights, we explore the transformative power of intentional gatherings, mindfulness practices and yoga
The Quest for Perfect Belongings: Insights from Four Influential Books In the pursuit of a meaningful life, the concept of “belonging” holds significant weight. How we find our place in the world, whether in social gatherings or within communities, speaks to our innate need for connection and purpose. This exploration of belonging, drawn from insights found in four influential books—Art of…
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bhushanpandit · 10 months
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
Yoga Asana Benefits
Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, is a gift to your body and spirit. As you arch your back and lift your heart, you evoke the graceful essence of a cobra ready to strike. This asana not only infuses your spine with flexibility but also brings harmony to your entire being.Join us at Divine Yog Commune,[email protected] us to register:+91 96625 10888#DivineYogiCommune #WellnessCommunity…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
Morning Prayers
Sanskrit Morning Prayer – Karagre Vasate Lakshmi MeaningKaragre Vasate Lakshmi with meaningकराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी करमध्ये सरस्वती।करमूले तु गोविन्दः प्रभाते करदर्शनम्॥Transliteration:karāgre vasate lakṣmī karamadhye sarasvatī।karamūle tu govindaḥ prabhāte karadarśanam॥Hindi translation:हथेली के अग्रभाग में देवी लक्ष्मी का निवास है, हथेली के मध्यभाग में देवी सरस्वती निवास करती हैंतथा हथेली के मूलभाग…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
Our Daily Journey In ConsciousnessUnderstanding four states of mind:waking, dreaming, deep sleep and samadhi
There are many meanings and methods of practicing OM Mantra. Below are seven methods that are very useful and can lead to deep experiences of contemplation and meditation.See also : OM Mantra and Seven Levels of Consciousness Index of this web page: OM Method #1. Pulsing repetition OM Method #2. With the flow of breath OM Method #3. As the object called universe OM Method #4. Sound vibration of…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
When Emptiness becomes Fullness
श्री भैरव उवाचऊर्ध्वे प्राणो ह्यधो जीवो विसर्गात्मा परोच्चरेत् |उत्पत्तिद्विअयस्थाने भरणाद्भारिता स्थितिः | २४ | When Emptiness becomes FullnessThe philosophy of Buddha is centered around Nirvana or the Void. References to Void centric meditation techniques were known even before the time of Buddha. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra text speaks of 122 different meditation techniques. A few techniques in…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
From the wave to the cosmic ocean
SUTRAS AS WAVES COME WITH WATER AND FLAMES WITH FIRE, SO THE UNIVERSAL WAVES WITH US. Sri Aurobindo says somewhere that the whole life is yoga – and it is so. Everything can become a meditation. And unless everything becomes a meditation, meditation has not happened to you. Meditation cannot be a part, a fragment. Either it is – and when it is you are wholly in it – or it is not. You cannot…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
Vigyaan Bhairava
Gateway to the Higher Self Let’s talk about your favorite food—maybe a burger; your favorite patty with fresh tomatoes and crisp lettuce, loaded with gooey overflowing cheese wrapped with soft fresh organic buns. Are you drooling already? Have you ever pondered over what happens when you look at advertisements with pictures of tempting food? How does that image draw you to it even when you know…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
Pratipakṣa Bhāvana: Cultivating the Opposite as a Celebration of Our Humanity
A yoga student of mine recently lost a parent. She’s been navigating the situation with remarkable grace and presence. However, the other day when I checked on her after class, she admitted somewhat sheepishly that she was feeling a bit guilty because she was having a really joyful day. It is a truly remarkable part of the human condition that we can feel the deep soul-shaking sadness of…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
Buddha's Wisdom
The Buddhasāsana deals with “seeing”. With “looking.” With ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’ (janami passami). Not with the ordinary, everyday, sensory gaze of a ‘worldling’ (puthujjana). But with the eyes of a Buddha. With Dhamma-eyes (dhammacakku). “Seeing” as it is recommended in the Pārāyanavagga – one of the oldest suttas of the Pali Canon: “Try to see the Buddha in your mind as if it were with your…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
Trailing Through The Woods Of The Gods, Kasar Devi In Uttarakhand
As an approaching Summer vacation, I had been itching to go on a long pending solo trip to one of my favourite states in the country – Uttarakhand.While I have had the fortune of visiting the state a fair amount of times, I was looking for a town/ place that was connected and yet had its own quaint charm.While Mukteshwar, Almora and the adjoining areas seemed most apt, I settled for the hilltop…
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bhushanpandit · 1 year
8 Superpowers from Hanumanji
8 Siddhi There are 8 siddhis mentioned in our ancient scriptures, also known as Ashta Siddhi. The Scriptures also include the abilities gained by the seeker after the attainment of the Ashta Siddhis. The seeker needs to be very disciplined and learn to control the mind as it is not so easy to attain these siddhis. After attaining siddhis, the seeker rises above worldly attachment. Longing for…
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bhushanpandit · 2 years
Chaitra Navratri Importance
Chaitra means the beginning of a New Year. So the New Year begins with nine days of turning inwards; prayer, meditation, and chanting. Recognizing the Divinity in the whole creation, and enlivening that aspect.आपृच्छस्व पुराणम् आमन्त्रयस्व च नवम् आशा-सुस्वप्न-जिगीषाभिः।Transliteration:āpṛcchasva purāṇam āmantrayasva ca navam āśā-susvapna-jigīṣābhiḥ।English Translation:Say goodbye to the old and…
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bhushanpandit · 2 years
Divine Waves of Consciousness - 1
*Divine Waves of Healing Counsiousness* *Namaste Divine Souls* *Shhhhh…..* Can you hear the sound of Silence…. Can you feel this healing sensation around your body … Let’s try again.. But first let’s Thankful to be alive , let’s Thankful for this great body, let’s be thankful for this wonderful mind and it’s vast thinking power, let’s be thankful for this do poewerful feelings we have in…
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bhushanpandit · 2 years
Colours of Divine Faith & Wisdom
The Indian tradition of colour has two branches–1. *The Vairagya* (the ascetic) which keeps things simple, #gyaanyoga and2.*The Grihastha* (the householder) #bhaktiyogaa which features colours to the rainbow. ###################Each Divine Colours signifies well-being, prosperity and good luck. Perhaps that’s why Indian gods are steeped in a tradition of colour symbolism.Why is Krishna as blue as…
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bhushanpandit · 2 years
If you have a Yoga mat, you have a magic carpet. It can fly you to realms where you’ll find untold riches, transport you through the cosmos and into the depths of your own Soul. Healing, empowerment and fulfilling your potential await you. Unfold your magic carpet. Don’t leave it rolled up in the corner. Ride it every morning. Take a trip. Fueled by the power of your breath, guided by the…
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