bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
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When your old post unexpectedly gets popular again.
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
if your once true love shows up crying well met and for you to leave your house carpenter husband and your babe behind for long distant shores and riches? thats a demon speaking to u baby
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
Once I saw King of the Hill on someone’s list of irredeemable problematic interests and like… I’m not saying there’s not bad stuff in King of the Hill but the idea of someone getting called out for liking King of the Hill is going to kill me
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
Prove me wrong
@bi-polar-vortex has the most awesome hot take about REM's losing my religion - its not about unrequited love - its about a total vanilla being dragged to an orgy by their partner - thats me in the corner losing my religion
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
does anyone have that video of the two girls on the newshow talking about their kidnapped friend but it’s definitely satirical / from a fake news outlet?
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
if i had to watch this bottle of water get cuckolded then so do you
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
please for the love of god watch this clip from nathan for you
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
demon, after possessing me: now that i have control over y-
me: y'know.. this is actually kind of hot, if you think about it.. romantic, even. in a way
demon: *immediately exorcizes itself*
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
Me whenever I see a corporate ad trying to say “we’re all in this together”:
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
also, Marc Auge’s writing, when he popularized the term non-places (the eerie “placelessness” of standardized environments, increasingly ubiqituous since mid-20th-century post-war supermodernity; the way transit centers, supermarkets, hotels, highways seem oddly placeless and disturbing; how uncanny soulless corporate landscapes are standardized, appearing similar in locations on every continent …). that writing wasn’t just like an idle observation, like “oh neat, these spaces are really weird, like a void, a sort of regional Gothic strangely replicated across the world, the way that signs and ATMs and the cashier-customer relationship are all mediated transactions, corporate places are interesting, hmm.” because he was also straight-up explicitly saying that the soullessness and mediated-by-transaction aspects were deliberately created and enforced by modernity/supermodernity, on purpose, and more specifically created by Euro-American imperialism/hegemony. partially as a way to eliminate difference/variation (a fast-food place looks the same and serves the same food in both the subtropical savanna of Miami and the temperate rainforest of the Seattle area, on opposite corners of a continent). those environments work to displace you from the local landscape, to sever your connection to a regional identity, and instead incorporate people into a wider Financial/Carceral World. and these standardized transit and “customer” environments were designed partially as a way to control people by enforcing relatively new-ish concepts like citizenship, credit scores, licensing, in a way that prevents you from moving without participating in the system (must have driver’s license and pay the toll to use highway; must have passport to use airport; must have cash and/or credit card to use supermarket, etc.), and so then geographic space, all geographic space on the planet, will become inaccessible to you if you break the law, are too poor, are too “deviant.”
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
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Käthe Kollwitz - Inspiration. 1905
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
idk who needs to hear this but when your english teacher asks you to explain why an author chose to use a specific metaphor or literary device, it’s not because you won’t be able to function in real-world society without the essential knowledge of gatsby’s green light or whatever, it’s because that process develops your abilities to parse a text for meaning and fill in gaps in information by yourself, and if you’re wondering what happens when you DON’T develop an adult level of reading comprehension, look no further than the dizzying array of examples right here on tumblr dot com
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
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Lingua Ignota memes are a thing now, apparently.
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
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Every morning, Hank Hill wakes up and drinks a big glass of Respect Women juice
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
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bi-polar-vortex · 4 years
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Bram Stoker’s Dracula Directed by Francis Ford Coppola (1992)
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