biaaldo-blog · 9 years
[[bia is ded thank u goodbye]]
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
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i: Morning and evening over the Pacific, photographed by GOES-15, Autumn 2014.
Composite of morning and evening crescents, photographed at 0600 and 1200 UTC each day 22nd September-1st October. Evening is on the left, morning is on the right; the west coast of South America is visible, and you can just make out the larger islands in the Caribbean. 
Image credit: NOAA/NASA. Animation: AgeOfDestruction.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
I dare you to flirt with my muse.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia straightened their back and turned around. They sauntered towards Zaira, and leaned in close. "Zaira, I could snap your neck so quickly when you least expect it. I could seduce you and kill you in bed. And I wouldn't bat an eyelash," they mumbled in Zairas ear, before pulling away and giving a toothy grin. They turned and went back to their box.
Photoshop Greaser [closed]
Bia barked a laugh, dropping a box. “I’m the worst person imaginable. I still don’t understand why ya still hang around,” they said. Picking the box back up they brought it down the hall into their bedroom, setting it on their large bed and began picking things up.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia barked a laugh, dropping a box. "I'm the worst person imaginable. I still don't understand why ya still hang around," they said. Picking the box back up they brought it down the hall into their bedroom, setting it on their large bed and began picking things up.
Photoshop Greaser [closed]
Bia looked at them with contempt. “Zaira, why would you entrust such an important decision with a complete stranger? How do you know I’ll be deciding in your best interest? ” They asked, baffled.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia looked at them with contempt. "Zaira, why would you entrust such an important decision with a complete stranger? How do you know I'll be deciding in your best interest? " They asked, baffled.
Photoshop Greaser [closed]
Bia pursed their lips and squinted their eyes. “Yeah I could see you with a bun,” they replied, going back to taking things out of boxes. Really, now that they’d shared that night together Bia just couldn’t seem to shake Zaira. They were like a leech. A cute, friendly, very nice leech.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
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NGC 3621: Far Beyond the Local Group Credit & Copyright: Robert Gendler Absolutely stunning…
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia pursed their lips and squinted their eyes. "Yeah I could see you with a bun," they replied, going back to taking things out of boxes. Really, now that they'd shared that night together Bia just couldn't seem to shake Zaira. They were like a leech. A cute, friendly, very nice leech.
Photoshop Greaser [closed]
“Why does it matter?” They snapped, the mumbled, “Let the past stay in the past.” They heaved a box onto the counter in the kitchen, hanging up pots from the hanging rack, trying to make as much distracting noise as possible.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
"Why does it matter?" They snapped, the mumbled, "Let the past stay in the past." They heaved a box onto the counter in the kitchen, hanging up pots from the hanging rack, trying to make as much distracting noise as possible.
Photoshop Greaser [closed]
“Wow. Is that you in this picture?” Zaira asked, holding the photo closer. It looked so old, but so real. “This looks like a classic 50′s diner.” They chuckled, “You wouldn’t happen to be about seventy years old now would you?”
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia snatched the photo from them, scoffing. "It was just a stupid project I did in high school. Some photoshop, burn the edges a little, violá, aged picture." The snapped out, shoving the picture into a box of keepsakes they'd unpacked. Finally Bia's things had arrived from Galveston and they were ready to settle in to their new apartment. Zaira, of course, decided to be friendly and help. Ugh.
Photoshop Greaser [closed]
“Wow. Is that you in this picture?” Zaira asked, holding the photo closer. It looked so old, but so real. “This looks like a classic 50′s diner.” They chuckled, “You wouldn’t happen to be about seventy years old now would you?”
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia pulled out a cigarette and handed it to Tantum, then lit it. He shoved the lighter and the carton back into the breast pocket of their leather jacket and released a sigh. "So, how d'you plan on getting us outta herr, smarty pants."
Lost again (closed-rp)
Bia stared blankly, then grinned. “Ya think I’m handsome, huh? Thank you friend, I appreciate that, I really do.” They pulled a carton of cigarettes out of their pocket, sticking one in their mouth and lighting it with an ancient lighter. They offered the pack to Tantum. “Want one?”
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
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The Magnificent Horsehead Nebula  Image Credit & Copyright: Data: Giuseppe Carmine Iaffaldano; Processing: Roberto Colombari
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
ϟ Monsters-themed Asks!
Vampire: Someone offers you a chance at immortality. Do you take it, and why or why not?
Werewolf: If you had to spend your life with just one person, who would it be?
Witch: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Ghost: Do you have any regrets?
Frankenstein: Is someone telling you how to live your life, or are you an independent person?
Mummy: If you were to fall into an eternal sleep, do you think anyone would miss you?
Zombie: Do you miss anyone right now?
Faerie: If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
Nymph: What are you like when you’re by yourself?
Mermaid: How far would you go to keep the one you love?
Shapeshifter: What would you change about yourself?
Banshee: If you knew one of your loved ones/best friends had only one day left to live, how would you spend that last day with them?
Siren: If you could make anyone do anything, what would you make them do?
Genie: If you had one wish that would come true and couldn’t be reversed, what would you ask for?
Fury: What is a word/phrase that you dread to hear?
Incubus: What would someone have to do to get in your pants?
Succubus: What’s one thing you can’t live without?
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia pursed their lips and stared them down, then leaned back and crossed their arms. "Do you wanna be friends? Friends buy eachother McDonalds," They said. It was a pretty sound argument, it was perfectly rational in their alcohol soaked brain.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia smiled a little and looked back out the window, taking a drink of their root beer, wrinkling their brows and swallowing hard. "Does McDonald's have free refills?" They then decided to just get up and refill it with Lemonade anyways. When they were seated, they stared long and hard at Zaira. "You're cute. Did you know that?" They asked, taking a swig of their lemonade.
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia grunted and begrudgingly drank their root beer. They scuffed their feet on the floor and stared out the window, which had started to be pelted with rain drops. They looked back at Zaira. "Hey, why're you bein so nice to me anyway? I'm a jerk." I
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biaaldo-blog · 9 years
Bia stared blankly, then grinned. "Ya think I'm handsome, huh? Thank you friend, I appreciate that, I really do." They pulled a carton of cigarettes out of their pocket, sticking one in their mouth and lighting it with an ancient lighter. They offered the pack to Tantum. "Want one?"
Lost again (closed-rp)
Bia pursed their lips. “I don’t really remember, that way I suppose,” they said, pointing to the left. “Everything looks the same to me. It’s dark and there are trees.” They said flatly.
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