You get days like this one 2... 19 Jan 2019: How I feel today... Don't let it break you
You get days like this one 2… 19 Jan 2019: How I feel today… Don’t let it break you
Most of these days I feel like shit! It sounds rediculaus, but it is true… why cant i just live with the pain like its not there? why cant i just be me? whatever that statement means anyway… because who am i? am i the tragic story that every body tells at a funeral? or am i the feel good story everybody tells when their trying to portray a message to their friends?
i hope it is the latter….
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Why am I here...? (for you)
Why am I here…? (for you)
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The past year I have been on a spiritual journey with life changing affects, which only could have happened if my life played out exactly as it did…
It’s my last entry, so it might become a mini novel.
It’s difficult to describe how I’m feeling right now, I know physically my body is impaired, that’s a fact and I’m okay with that, but mentally I have been working so freeking hard to get better…
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Jesús is beautiful 🖤 Be free Lil one 🌍 ☸️⚧♾️ #capetownfibrochick https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTv_E3p5RJ/?igshid=18i1gprf5y97k
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Jesús is Free https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTvXZPpWax/?igshid=1vorfdusha1wa
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Jesús still Chilling🐛➡️🦋 #metamorphosis #pupa #butterfly #symbolism #healthnotwealth #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #spiritualhealth #emotionalhealth It might be a moth🤷 https://www.instagram.com/p/CDS86hmp-6K/?igshid=19ulhx30kpt70
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Revelation's Revelation @diebronkerk @realdonaldtrump @our_da https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRtjjbpJTh/?igshid=8z4d0gj85n0n
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I incourage the unity of the world, the South Africans across the world and the lovers of South Africa to bombard social media with this image (not my work, got permission for us all to use) and use these hash tags to do so, and to spread it over ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS! WE NEED TO MAKE THE WORLD, MEDIA, INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENTS EXPLICITLY AWARE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING! #freesouthafrica #safesouthafrica #moveonemillion #SAcitizensunite #refusetobethemuse #anciscorrupt #ancsoldsatochina #directelections #forgotten #covidisacoup (at South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOxVDKJKeS/?igshid=kw53whz17wwm
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A thank you note
Dear Everyone,
I don’t completely know whom was all part of “extracting God” plan, but it worked!
So thank you, 7.7 billion times over!
To Mister Stan Lee, whom lives within me… The greatest Honour go’s to you my friend!
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Work work work
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Hey Peeps,
Today is a topic of most people’s lifes … Work
Now I do not care if you are the richest man like Jef Bezos, or the “President” of the USA like Donald Trump or a Gary Rom or a Heinie and you think your shiny or Leandi and you think you’re funny or a Gaga or even Royalty. This applies to 7.7 billion of us ALL!!
Your money, beauty, status will NEVER bring you Eternal life never!…
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Spiritual Warfare
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Hey Peeps,
I’m going to start with a few things.
Nr1, I can not spell to save my life so I rely on auto correct, Google and when I write on my laptop I rely on word ect to let me know when something is wrong. I have a subtle form of disleksia, I’ve known it for years but tried to hide it behind lazy learning. It’s weird but for me being told I’m lazy was already part of my being that this…
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Sayings like the Devil is in the detail, becomes meaningless once you’ve said enough…
But we must never forget, that there is always a flip side to such things, as well with Fibro, when we see it as Evil brooding we can also see that Good is stirring it….
This is EVOLUTION PEOPLE, I saw it in Gagas new photos and lately in my own face, body stronger, due to exercise, jaws squared due to teeth…
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This was never about Fibro, or Mental illness or Autoimmune disease, this was about Seeds Satan has planted and let it grow! You dumb Shit, and you thaught making me ashamed of nr 12 that was with my Husband Renier KOTZE, won’t let me tell this part or the fact that I lied to myself in writing the last bit only on the 31st Of December 2019!
Fuck you!
12. I tried to commit suicide twice in…
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14. Yeah this is Fibromyalgia, but for me it was never about Fibro....
14. Yeah this is Fibromyalgia, but for me it was never about Fibro….
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It was a fight that is as old as the bibles of this world, good vs bad, right vs wrong, God vs Satan for a little Girls soul that was WON by the Former.
See what I didn’t, tell you in 13 was what happened the next morning, I fell down a set of stairs on my arse for the 3rd time in a year and THAT is where the FIBRO Started.
I did what I did out of desperation and evil came knocking around every…
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Love thy Neighbor as thy love thy self #pollyamory
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One thing I can’t understand is Jealousy…
Because of insecurities, absolute bull shit my friend, get the fuck over it!
Since when can’t a man and a woman or any sex for that matter love each other as if they were family or your best friend?!
I’ve experienced it recently, and offcourse it was taken out of context and made into a sexual thing, bla bla whe!
I have been hurt by humans to the…
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Why I am an Omniest
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I truly, in my deepest side of my soul believe That there are truth in all religions, it’s to find them is where the tricks start, Like Tracy Chapman sings in Telling Sories ” there is fiction in the space between”
There is a reason why we are all different and speak different LANGUAGES and have different skin tones, don’t you think HE hid the TRUTH in all religions… He said test all but keep the…
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This is a warning!!
What Nitchze, or however you spell his name, said that day, was not about the religion, it was about the industrial revelution , BUT he said it and therein lies the problem…
What we SAY matters!!!
What we think Satan can not touch!!
So do not SAY, what you do NOT mean and if it is in ANGER, PLEASE do not mean what you say, and go ASK for FORGIVENESS… this is…
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Aaaaand the Jungle is Officially in Flowering Mode #cannabis #organic #medicine #healingtakestime #cannabisheals #growyourown #capetownfibrochick #fibromyalgia #brokenmind #letsbreakthestigma #bebrave #bestrong #beauthentic #bebold #begoodtopeople #begoodtoyourself #natureheals (at Zevenwacht, Kuils River) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzfcVNWpBIQ/?igshid=l4oqusrm575t
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