biandtired · 1 month
What is even the difference between an Elf and a High Elf?
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biandtired · 5 months
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biandtired · 5 months
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biandtired · 6 months
I just....I just learned that there's a word in the English language...for when you run into someone to hug them with all the enthusiasm and strength you have....I learned that it's called glomp.
My God, English has so many words to describe physical intimacy, I'm in love
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biandtired · 6 months
I promise you, relationship anarchy is a good thing. Tell your friends you love them. Go on dates. Domme them. Take them to weddings. Have a relationship with the sub from the dungeon where she does your taxes or you mow his lawn. Help your neighbor plant begonias and become their honorary granddaughter. Become friends with your partner’s partners. Cuddle with your book club and talk about Polysecure or something, idk.
I don’t care. Just stop expecting every relationship to follow a specific pattern and instead find the beauty you both want in your specific relationship with that other person.
Life is more than the nuclear family and strict pseudo-Christian mythological ideals.
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biandtired · 7 months
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I made a little zine!
You can download and print it yourself for free here
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biandtired · 7 months
PSA that has been given 100 times already but needs to be said again:
The reason you, gen Z queers, need to be kink positive isn't because you support those kinks. It is okay to be disgusted by them, actually.
The reason you need to support kinksters is because "these kinks are disgusting" is the framework the alt-right is using and will continue to use to outlaw you. They don't think you're any different from the guys at Pride in leather puppy suits. They think your ENTIRE EXISTENCE is sexual. They think you holding hands with someone of the same gender, or existing as a trans person at all, is the same as a straight couple playing tonsil hockey in public.
YOU ARE A FETISH TO THEM. That is all you will ever be to the alt-right. They will never see you as human. When they talk about "our children being exposed to sexual perversion" they don't mean BDSM like you think they do. They mean YOU.
The only way to preserve your own existence is to fight for the right of kink to exist, because the instant kink becomes taboo or outlawed again*, rest assured, the alt-right will become MUCH more transparent about just what they think about your existence.
When you harp on about disgusting kinks and how they need to be hidden or outlawed and how they're harmful and everyone who does them is (insert thing here), you are giving the alt-right the tools they will use to imprison you as soon as they have unchecked power to do so.
THAT is why kinksters have been part of the queer community, part of Pride, from the start. Because the only way to keep our community safe is by truly ensuring everyone has unlimited sexual autonomy so long as the activity is taking place between consenting adults. It's just like how abortion-related laws are the lynchpin for all manner of medical autonomy laws.
The queer community can't stand without kinksters and vice versa. Even if you yourself aren't a kinkster and find them disgusting, like it or not, that is just how it is.
*Sodomy was illegal in Texas until 2003 and the law is still on the books, just not allowed to be enforced thanks to Lawrence v Texas, which SCOTUS has said they have an interest in striking down
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biandtired · 7 months
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having an experience
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biandtired · 7 months
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biandtired · 8 months
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biandtired · 8 months
Highlights from the conference room where they nominated contenders for Word of the Year 2023:
• They put Skibidi Toilet on the projector to explain what “skibidi” means.
• Baby Gronk was mentioned.
• We discussed the Rizzler.
• “Cunty” was nominated.
• “Enshittification” was suggested for EVERY category.
• “Blue Check” (like from Twitter) was briefly defined as “Someone who will not Shut The Fuck Up”
• The person writing notes briefly defined babygirl as “referencing [The Speaker]”. He is now being called babygirl in the linguist groupchats.
• MULTIPLE people raised their hand to say “I cannot stress this enough: ‘Babygirl’ refers to a GROWN MAN”
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biandtired · 8 months
Found this on pinterest had to put it here
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Tradwives need to realize the seriousness of the shit they are getting themselves into.
The society isn't all that kind to women.
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biandtired · 8 months
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biandtired · 8 months
"life as a 22 year old mother of 3" "life as a married 19 year old couple" *video of mother daughter and grandma making reference to how they were both moms at like 16* *21 year old girl flex video about how she's a mother of 4* *couple whose entire personality is having 10 kids before turning 30* "married my highschool sweetheart at 18 and now i have 8 kids at age 25" "what i do in a day as a 19 year old housewife"
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biandtired · 8 months
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on her instagram story today (27/01/23) bisan posted a link to a 16 page booklet on common israeli propaganda and how to dismantle it to embolden advocacy for palestine. it includes the “october 7th”, “israel’s right to self defense” and “human shields” talking points to name a few as well as addressing the terminology used to describe palestine and israel and general advocacy advice
download it here
id: a screenshot of wizard_bisan1's instagram story posted 1 hour ago. first is text that says “Hi guys this booklet includes the history of Israhell* Propaganda.. it’s available in Arabic, English, German, Chinese Mandarin.. you can download it and advocate for Palestine”. second is a blue hyperlink reading “link to the booklet”. third is an image of the Advocating For Palestine website showing the front cover of the booklet in english
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biandtired · 8 months
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biandtired · 8 months
>buy impossible burger >look inside >it's possible
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