biblxcal-archive · 9 years
Or rather this is a hiatus notice...........
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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 “I’m not a dumbass.”
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“You really look like a dumbass.”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
fightalion is so amazing and i love her to death. she is so talented and her characters are so amazing. she’s really freaking good. She’s german and her english is better then mine. She is just perfect
Omggg somebrokenfate I know that was you ♥
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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“it wasn’t literal.”
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“Don’t say literal things, dumbass.”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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“I was calling you trash. You are the pile of trash.”
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“You didn’t roll into me.”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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 “And right into a pile of trash.”
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“Did you just agree with me?”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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“You look like you rolled out of the trash can.”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
Here we are together, let’s roll the dice just one more time
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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Requested by sylarclouds
Peter and Emma
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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TOP 5: Peter Petrelli looks asked by melaniestryderhowe
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
I thought I was special. I thought I was different. I thought that who I am would save me from life. I was wrong, I was arrogant and I was ignorant as hell. Life hits everyone, no matter how special they are or how special they think they are.
Kivanc Ayla, The Fathers of Hell  (via unionwellstrojans)
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
Now wasn’t that something? Mom had sent him here and for what? To assuage the pain and sorrow and fear that he had felt all those years ago? Being left alone, teeth shattering and cold clawing straight into his marrow? To steal the vengeance that the boy deserved? That Sylar could give him? So that in her end she could have a peace of mind that she didn’t deserve to have?
Like Hell was he going to give into that.
When he thought of his mother he didn’t think of the way he had once thought of her. He didn’t think of the way she would smile at him and Peter as they raced one another through the park. He didn’t think of the world as he had once known it, of the smell his mother always had when she went in to kiss him goodnight. No what he thought of was a hushing voice and the sound of heels walking away.
What are we doing here? Nothing, shh, go back to sleep.
Snow. It was always snowing here.
Slowly he moved towards Peter, looking at that broken expression there on his face and his brows lifted with interest. Now that wasn’t the only reason was here, he couldn’t be here just because of that. He and Peter,  it had always been Gabriel and Peter.
“Tell her that she can see me when she ends up in Hell.”
And there’s a grin that shifts when a loud noise sharply rings through the air. he turns towards the source and then looks back at Peter. An alarm, a crawling darkness lifting in the air around them.
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“But first you need to hide...” he reaches his hand out to Peter, easy look in his eyes. “...brother.”
Evil Wakes
Kill them all. And that should scare them all. That should terrify him completely. But he wasn’t scared. He wasn’t terrified. He was solemn and calm. He stood there looking up at his brother, knowing that it was his brother. Knowing that there was no changing that. He wanted to find answers here. But he wasn’t getting them. His mom hadn’t given him any answers.
He wanted so badly to move towards something good. Something that would change this. But there was no changing it, was there? Something had shattered in Gabriel and broken pieces off. Gabriel had died away and fell away. He wanted to reach for him now. But he couldn’t. He knew now that this wasn’t what he was here for. Had his mom sent him here for answers? Or for another reason? He wasn’t sure.
This wasn’t his brother. This was something else.
But the memories were sharp and real. He felt them through the air, through the words that Gabriel wasn’t saying. But he was talking, wasn’t he? He heard the words loud and clear. Like something was being played in the back of his mind. An old track. And he didn’t feel safe anymore.
But had he ever felt safe here?
He took a step back and looked around. He didn’t see an army. He saw darkness piling on top of darkness. He felt cold but even that was invisible. IN the way that he knew that things remained invisible, only to be felt. He knew so much. But not really. He knew nothing. He knew that.
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“Mom sent me here. I don’t want to do a back and forth go around.”
He didn’t want to go around. He didn’t want to turn back. Turning back took too much effort. Everything inside of him shattered. Everything inside of him broke. Everything inside of him was lost.
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
For a moment he was startled. He was uncertain. He stared at Peter and he drew in a breath. He hadn’t been asked to watch him so why was he here? So why would he want to be here? Why was he here at all?
but then he relaxed because that meant then that what he said wasn’t going to be reported to his mom and he was free to do just what he wanted. Easy enough, wasn’t it?
With his brows lightly furrowed he moved his shake and leaned onto the table with a bit of a questioning look.
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“I’m not scared but-” he paused, looking around as if he were keeping a secret. “-why are you here?”
Not The End
‘No, that wasn’t stupid.” he said with a small shake of his head. He wasn’t sure what to say to him. He wanted to give him something to hold onto. He wanted to reach for the kid and let him have something that was worth while. But how? Was he supposed to change this guy? How was he supposed to reach and teach this kid how to live? It didn’t make any sense. But Hiro said that this was going to save them all. That this was going to fix everything.
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“Listen, Gabriel, your mom didn’t pay me to watch you. Someone else sent me here. I don’t want you to get scared though, alright?”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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He knew how far- not far at all. They would be knee deep in shit and blood before they got an escape route carved out but Sylar knew better. He had the ability to push these bodies out of the way and create some kind of parting the red sea imagery. He could do it but that would mean pushing Peter ahead of him.
That would mean saving him again.
Was Sylar even prepared to do it? Did he have it in him? He was the possible cure for the whole damned world, why not Peter too?
“Not far unless I move them. Only thing is you’re going to have to go first, get there and if you make it bring the car closer then I’ll bust my way through these dead ones quick enough.” he swallowed down harshly and uncertainly.
“Think you can make it?”
✞Too Far Gone✞
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He felt each bullet as it entered Sylar’s body. He felt the force and the blood pour out onto him. He felt the heat and the cold. But he was still, not moving until the gunfire stopped. The smell of the rotting bodies was strong in his nose. The pressure of the bodies underneath was heavy and terrible, like he was sinking into the corpses. He got up a bit, shifting to a sitting position when the shooting stopped. Only he knew that it was going to keep going once they saw that they were alive.
He wasn’t going to ask questions, wasn’t going to ask Sylar why he helped him. The question was large and pressing at the back of his mind. It could be asked later. What mattered now was survival. What mattered now was getting the hell out of here. 
He would ask him later. He had the wondering thought if change was possible in hell?
“Only way is to run. But how far do we get with this pile in front of us?”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
He has but he doesn’t understand.Not entirely. No he couldn’t bring himself to understand when he had that much power at his fingertips, not when there wasn’t a virus ravaging the innermost internal parts of his body. Affecting was made him...
His head tilted some curiously as he eyed people. he knew him. was the good ol’ prom king coming back? Was there familiarity glinting in those eyes of his?
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Bracing himself Sylar grinned a little. “Do you?”
There was something off about how Gabriel said it. The way the words came out of his mouth and how he said it. He took in a breath and turned to look at Gabriel. His face came to mind in memories, like a faraway distant thing that played on his mind. Toyed with the strings that held him together.
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“I have.” he said with a small nod of his head. He swallowed harshly and noticed a small tick of something there on his face, there in the words that Gabriel said.
He took a step back. “I do know you.”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
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He takes in a breath because her words hit him somewhere and he drinks them in like he isn’t affected. But he is because  he wants her, needs her even at this point- needs those words  that she lets come from her lips. For you. And it makes him feel like this is what she wanted all along, not anyone else out there,  he was different from anyone else she could find. He could meet any of her wants in any shape or form as long as she allowed it.  just barely he moves back and looks down into her eyes, tongue taking the dryness from his own lips caused by his release of breath.  “Well then- what’s it going to take?”
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biblxcal-archive · 9 years
He smiles at her words and prides himself some on the near sound of breathiness to her tone. He tells himself it isn’t just her imagination, she’s enjoying  this as much as he is. His eyes lift some to meet hers but he proceeds to trace his fingertips along the  soft skin of her leg before replacing his touch with his  lips, letting out a warm breath against her skin. Anything  to gain reaction.
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