big-teeth-archive · 9 years
Moving Blogs
I can be found at @big-teeth go follow me there! :3
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
Moving Blogs
I can be found at @big-teeth go follow me there! :3
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
Moving Blogs
I can be found at @big-teeth go follow me there! :3
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
Moving Blogs
I can be found at @big-teeth go follow me there! :3
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
Moving Blogs
I can be found at @big-teeth go follow me there! :3
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
I’m so glad that these fish were given a chance to thrive and live great lives, but please make sure to add that buying fish from a store is NOT rescue. It is perpetuating the terrible situations. The only reason Petco/Petsmart/chain pet stores sells fish in horrible little cups is because people buy them. Whether its because they don’t know any better or because they feel like they are saving the fish, Petco still gets the money from them and turns around to get more fish in little cups.
It is same situation as people “rescuing” (read: buying) dogs from backyard breeders. There is still a profit being turned, which encourages more abusive practices.
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Before And After A Bowl: Rescue Stories
These are all bettas I have rescued in the past from pet stores or neglectful owners. Bettas are not disposable animals and under the right conditions develop into beautiful healthy animals, even if they were abused.
Unfortunately many of these fish have since passed away as they aged or developed other problems. Some of them, like the crowntail above, had compromised immune systems from living in squalor.
Bucket the veil tail, saved from someone who had him left in his care. He wanted nothing to do with the fish and let his bowl (which is unacceptable for a betta to live in period) become a stinking green slime. I took him in and he lived with me in his own 10 gallon for a while before succumbing to an internal infection a year later brought on by his inability to fight off infections easily. This is because, I suspect, of his past environment.
Spaghetti Sassquash the crowntail. From the same person who had Bucket in his care. Same story. Fish dumped on him, didn’t want it. He lived with me for a while as well before succumbing to a reoccurring eye infection and inability to fight it off.
Valentine the double tail. He is still alive and with me, though old (2 and change) and full of tumors. He has lived in 2-5 gallons tanks by himself and recovered beautifully from his neglect in a Petsmart. His terrible fin rot, lethargy, thinness, and color loss was all because of living in a cup at a pet store for too long and, I suspect, not having his water cleaned.
Plague my beautiful veil tail. He was rescued at the same time/place as Valentine and was recovering amazingly as well until an unfortunate freak heater malfunction killed him. I will always mourn the loss of this fish, he was one of my all time favorites.
Marshmallow, a fish I rescued many years ago while I was still in high school. Clamped and lethargic he was living in a Petco until I got him. He lived out his life in a divided 20 gallon and eventually died of dropsy at the age of 2.
All of these fish recovered when given clean water, nutritious foods, and a spacious environment. That’s all. That is all anyone had to give them for them to thrive but they were denied that.
Betta Myths Debunked
Betta Care Sheet
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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Harlequin Stagwing: These agile creatures cast dragon-shaped shadows as they dart through the sky.
i decided to do a pic of my peryton. please fullview this! tumblr is horrible at displaying wide images
(also here’s some of the lineart because it got kinda lost in the coloured pic)
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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wats a good angle we just dont know
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
someone: gen v had bad pokemon
me: You God Dammed Fool
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
if your absence doesn’t affect them, your presence never mattered
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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Here’s to 20 glorious years of Pokemon!
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big-teeth-archive · 9 years
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Lovely Fantasy Artwork by Jessica Albert~
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