bigaston · 6 years
Day 2 : Happy Challah Days
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A light, multi-day adventure game about making challah bread for Hanukkah. Create by MBoffin
🎮 Play the game 🎮  - PICO-8 BBS : https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32417 - Itch.io : https://mboffin.itch.io/happy-challah-days
🔗 Link to the creator 🔗 - Twitter : @MBoffin  - Itch.io : http://mboffin.itch.io
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bigaston · 6 years
Day 1 : St. Nick's: Dash Away All!
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Help Santa deliver all his presents before sunrise!  Create by Matt Hughson
🎮 Play the game  🎮 - PICO-8 BBS : https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=32329 - Itch.io : https://mhughson.itch.io/st-nicks-dash-away-all
🔗 Link to the creator 🔗 - Twitter : @matthughson - Itch.io : https://mhughson.itch.io/
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bigaston · 6 years
Day 3 : Winter Golf
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A chilly little golf game starring a gradually-growing snowball. Create by 2DArray
🎮 Play the game 🎮 - PICO-8 BBS : https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=31956 - Itch.io : https://2darray.itch.io/winter-golf
🔗 Link to the creator 🔗 - Twitter : @2DArray - Itch : https://2darray.itch.io/
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bigaston · 6 years
PICO-8 Advent
I’m Bigaston and welcome to the PICO-8 Advent Project! 
During December, this blog will be filled with new and exciting PICO-8 games! I have invited 25 great developers from the PICO-8 community and we have worked hard to make some new games. Each day leading up to Christmas, there will be a new surprise for you! 
Follow this blog to get all the games and announcements! 
Have a nice day and see you on the 30th of November for the next announcement! 
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bigaston · 6 years
Game Off 2018 (2)
Hello! Day 2 of my report for the Game Off 2018!
Today I continue to work on the Pixel Art for my game!
I've create some flowers...
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And some seeds...
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I don't know wich flower can hybrid with other but for now I've some art!
And I've start to write some function to work with some 2D table!
function array(pRow, pCol, pDefault) local tab = {} for row=1, pRow do local tab_col = {} for col=1, pCol do table.insert(tab_col, pDefault) end table.insert(tab, tab_col) end return tab end function access(pRow, pCol, pTab) local col = pTab[pRow] local val = col[pCol] return val end function replace(pRow, pCol, pTab, pVal) pTab[pRow][pCol] = pVal end
It's all for today! I think I'm going to share my advancement everyday! Have a nice day!
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bigaston · 6 years
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Today I walk to talk to you about a new project I start : a game for the Game Off 2018 The theme is hybrid so I'm going to made a farming game where you have to plant some flower and hybrid them to earn more and more money! The first thing I do is to create some tiles and a basic map! I think I'm going to use this place to share my progress! Thanks and have a nice day!
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bigaston · 6 years
Directionnal Plate
Hey everyone!
Last week, my new game Directionnal Plate arrive on Newgrounds and Itch! It’s a little game where you have to find all the flag and push all the crates on button!
The game was made with Puzzlescript, a little web based game engine wich is very easy to use!
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You can play the the game at different places : - Newgrounds : https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/718964 - Itch : https://bigaston.itch.io/directional-plate
And you can find the source code here : https://www.puzzlescript.net/editor.html?hack=f7d5bdcec87cad03c0fdd3dfcafd7d47
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bigaston · 6 years
Let It Charge!
Hey! I’ve create a little game for the 175th One Hour Game Jam with the theme Charge !
Here you have to charge the progress bar! To do that, don’t move! But some enemy try to catch you! Good luck!
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You can play the game on Newgrounds : https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/716481
I like to create this game because it was a long time I havn’t publish anything so, maybe you like this game!
Have a nice week-end and see you soon!
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bigaston · 6 years
What's new?
Last weeks I havn't post anything about gamedev because this is the hollydays and I was with my family. So I just want to post the different news of the last weeks.
Link-ga.me is a new project I've start last mounth. It's a website to combine and share easly the different place where you can find the game. The website is totaly free and ad-free because, for now, I don't use any big host system because all the information about the game is store inside the URL (like the fantastic itty.bitty.site). I've lot of idea to improve the system because for now it's a very basic presentation and basic customisation.
Brutal Planet
Last mounth I've host my Game Jam, the 2 Colors Game Jam (thanks to all of the participant and all the people who rate some games!) and I've create a game for this jam, Brutal Planet. It's a game where you have to destroy other planet with your planet. You can play this game on Newgrounds and Itch here! And if you want, I've create a Timelaps of the developpement, you can find it here or below !
Logical Gate
I've crate a little game to explore Puzzlescript, a very nice engine to create some cool puzzlegame. This is a very basic game called Logical Gate where you have to solve logical problem with some gates. It's very basic, without lot of levels but I link the principle of this game, and maybe in the future, I'm going to upgrade it! You can find it here!
And it's all ! For now, I work on a little puzzle platformer game with a friend and next Week End is the Ludum Dare 42 so I'm going to create a game for it I think!
Have a nice day!
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bigaston · 6 years
Weekly Recap 3
New sunday and new weekly recap!
What I have doing this week? Not big things but it's not very bad!
What is Pr¨ëss? This is a little tool for speedrunner. With it, you can display the gamepad and witch button is press and the joystick mouvement. This is not a big tool, but it's a nice test for keyboard integration in Love2D. This is not finish for now, I have to add little feature and customisation but you can find it soon on my Github!
Logical Gate
This week I've start a new game on PuzzleScript. In this game you have to use some logical gate (And, Or, Not, Xnot and other) to solve some puzzle. Now, I have 7 levels and different cool idea. I don't know when I finish this game but for now, I work on it when I have the time (I have my exams soon so I don't really have the time to code :/)
20 rates on Ludum
Maybe for you it's nothing, but have 20 rates on my Ludum Dare submition page let me have a mark and a rank at the end of the vote period. And have a mark and a rank is very very nice for have a feedback. And I've a lot of feedbacks on this little game and I see lot of peoples want a bigger version! So, I work on it this summer ! :D
It's all for now! Thanks a lot and have a nice week!
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bigaston · 6 years
Weekly Recap 2
This is a new Weekly Racap :D
What I have doint this week? Not very big games or code, because I have to work for school but, I have make some little peace of code and changement! Let's take a look!
Rush is now free
This is a good news for people who want to play, but why I have modified that? Because there is a bug on the level editor (the only things who are only on the paid version) and I can't correct it because it's a bug of PICO-8 exort :/ The bug is the .exe can't past something on the copyboard but I can on PICO-8. So the solution to have a workable level editor is to upload it on the PICO-8 BBS. And if the only better things of the paid version is free on an other website, I can't continue to sell it. So now you can download Rush for free on Itch!
A little Love2D game
Last week, I want to test the file system of Love2D so I've create a little game on it. I said nothing other to this game, it's just a little puzzle game (it's very hard). So if you want to play, you can download it on my website ! ^^
Danger Zone
And the final things, I've create a little game for the One Hour Game Jam with the theme "Danger Zone". It's just a little PICO-8 games were you have to don't stand on the danger zone. If you want, you can play it on my Website !
This is all for this week! Next week, I'm going to improve Rush, compress it in one cardrige and made the trailer of the game (I've record the part last week). So have a nice day and see you soon!
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bigaston · 6 years
Weekly Recap 1
Hey everybody and welcome to this first Weekly Recap!
What I have doing this week (Okay, the last week, I'm late) ? This is what I want to tell you here!
Ludum Dare 41
The 41st Ludum Dare is my first big Game Jam. I wanted to participate to it because it's a big event and it's cool (I don't have other argument xD). This is a good try, I've learn lot of new things.
I wake up at 2:45 AM (in Europe Time) and I discover the theme...  Combine 2 Incompatible Genres... This is no the better theme for me but I try to made something! I started to made a Puzzle-Clicker-Farming Simulator on PICO-8 but after 3 hours of work, the game was so bad... So I decide to restart from scratch. And because I want some challenge (and I want to change of PICO-8), I start to create a game on Love2D. I want to made a mix between "Explore a phone game" and a dungeon explorer game. But I don't have lot of time (because I've lost time by watch some videos on Youtube and search a new idea), so I just made a minigame compilation.
At the end, I have create a small game, called Notified (because at the start I want to made a notification explore app), with 3 playable minigames.
You can find the game here : Ludum Dare : https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/41/notified Itch : https://bigaston.itch.io/notified Source Code : https://github.com/Bigaston/notified
I've made a little upgrade on Rush, to add the level player on the demo version and on the full version. With that, you can past a level code (you can find some on the website). I have a bug on for export a level on the level editor, and for now, I try to fix it.
This is all for now, I don't have made lot of new things but I want to share with you my current work. Thanks for reading my bad english and have a nice day!
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bigaston · 6 years
Tweetcart #3 : Rainbow line
-- #pico8 #tweetcart #tweetjam -- rainbow line (press x to activate)
t,ct={},{} for i=0,128 do add(ct,i%14+1) end ::_:: cls() if(btn(5))add(t,10) for i=1,#t do line(t[i],0,t[i],128,ct[t[i]]) t[i]+=1 end del(t,128) flip() goto _
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▶ https://twitter.com/Bigaston/status/986168389709238272
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bigaston · 6 years
Tweetcart #2 : Color Circle 2
-- #pico8 #tweetcart #tweetjam -- color circle 2
a,c,s,v,f,x,m,l=0,cos,sin,circ,circfill,64,128,flr ::_:: cls(l((a+4)%15)) f(20*c(a),x,20*s(a),l(a%15)) f(m-20*-c(a),x,20*-s(a),l((a+1)%15)) f(x,20*-s(a),20*c(a),l((a+2)%15)) f(x,m-20*s(a),20*-c(a),l((a+3)%15)) a+=.01 flip() goto _
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▶ https://twitter.com/Bigaston/status/983319383786377216
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bigaston · 6 years
Tweetcart #1 : Color Circle
-- #pico8 #tweetcart #tweetjam -- color circle  a,c,s,v,f,x=0,cos,sin,circ,circfill,64 ::_:: cls(flr((a+4)%15)) f(x,x,20*s(a),flr(a%15)) f(x,x,20*-s(a),flr((a+1)%15)) v(x,x,20*c(a),flr((a+2)%15)) v(x,x,20*-c(a),flr((a+3)%15)) a+=0.01 flip() goto _
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▶ https://twitter.com/Bigaston/status/983284076630167552
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bigaston · 7 years
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Post du soir! Une petite image pour vous présenter mon prochain jeu de jam qui sortira je pense ce WE ^^ Ça serra un jeu à la AdVenture Capitaliste mais avec du gamedev au milieu! Je vous ferrais un post plus long demain je pense. Sur ce, bonne soirée!
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bigaston · 7 years
Le retour de Ko-Fi!
Après de longues semaines de réflexions, j'ai décidé de réouvrir ma page Ko-Fi. En gros, c'est un système de dons à la Tipeee ou Patreon sans contreparties. Car c'est là que ça coinçais. Pour un Patreon ou Tipeee, je savais pas quoi proposer. Je suis pas suffisament productif pour proposer des jeux exclusifs, pas suffisament bon pour que le code source des jeux vaille le coup, pas graphiste pour pouvoir proposer des dessins, cartes ou croquis. Donc je suis parti là dessus.
Autres avantages, Ko-Fi utilise Paypal pour le payment, donc ils se font de manière sécurisés et Ko-Fi ne gère pas du tout ça (en gros, vous passez directement par mon compte Paypal). Ensuite, il n'y a pas de commissions. Donc si vous donnez 3€, je reçois 3€. 3€ car c'est là qu'est le système de Ko-Fi, vous offrez des cafés d'une valeur de 3€. Vous pouvez aussi en mettre plusieurs, ou laisser un petit message.
Un des trucs qui m'a décidé à faire ça est le fait que je ne suis plus dans l'affiliation Twitch (enfin, je suis encore dedans mais je n'utilise plus les Subs ni les bits). Je n'avais donc plus de plateforme de donation (sauf Itch pour les quelques achats de jeux ou donations). Et mes amis m'ont bien fait comprendre que je n'obligeais personne à aller dessus et à donner, et que c'était à chaque personne de se faire un avis sur mon taff (car je le trouve naze perso ><).
Il y a aussi un petit fil de messages, où vous pouvez en laisser un message si vous me supportez (je crois, je découvre encore) et où j'essayerais de vous répondre (si je peux). J'y posterais aussi les jeux qui sortent (pas ceux en developpement).
Enfin voilà! Si l'envie vous prend et que vous voulez donner un petit quelque chose pour soutenir mes jeux et mon travail, vous pouvez visiter cette page!
☕ https://ko-fi.com/bigaston
Dabisous à vous et à la prochaine!
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