bigjake-kennedy · 6 years
Do Not Be Fooled This Easter
Happy Easter. It’s April Fools. The irony of Easter sharing the same date as a trivial celebration is only beneficial to produce a light-hearted joke such as, “The Tomb is Empty! The Devil was fooled.” Other than that, there is no substance of comparison or conspiracy of these two celebrations. But for the sake of this rare occasion, I believe there is a connection that can be made.
I decided to intentionally process the resurrection throughout Holy Week. I read all four Gospel accounts of the death, resurrection, and ascension. Each time I meditated on a new thought, processed a reoccurring revelation, or was moved to emotion. Truly, the few passages that fulfill the rest of the biblical text have immense truth and power. This season, I focused on the resurrection—the ascension from death to life—from old to new. Years prior my focus was on the death, the cross, and how my sins are “paid in full by the blood.” Not only does that take away from the paean of celebration, it is a daft analogy to a reciprocal transaction. The death matters and if you need Jesus’ blood to atone for sins, that can matter too! But, the resurrection is more. The resurrection matters much more to our faith than the death. As one of my mentors stated: “When we stop focusing all of our attention on the cross and begin focusing on the tomb, then we will grasp a glimpse of the profound meaning of Jesus’ life.” Our society idolizes the cross; we need the cross to remember the death! However, the cross was only used for one purpose...crucifixion. My faith is more than one dimension. I need the resurrection to understand Jesus’ teachings and how it applies to my daily life.
The resurrection to me:
1. New life
2. Continued trust
The old is gone, the new has come. When Jesus appeared after the resurrection he encountered the disciples stating, “Peace be with you” and “he breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit” (John 20: 21–23). He came in peace to deliver his spirit. Before he would ascend to Heaven, Jesus left his spirit to dwell within us (Pentecost). For me, this spirit is the new life we are called to live following the teachings of Jesus. As he stated, “If you love me, you will obey my commandments: Love God and love others.” Thankfully, there were not specific instructions on how to properly achieve the two, but we still try. These commandments are not to be achieved, they are to instruct us on how to live daily. The resurrection teaches us a new life—the fruit of the spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Jesus fulfilled the promise of death and resurrection so we are able to have life and life to the fullest. How fully are we living our lives of love, joy, peace, etc., if we are focused on death, sins, transgressions, and blood sacrifices? Stop being fooled.
Trust. The resurrection allows me to trust God. I laughed reading the accounts of how the disciples ran to the tomb. They were so urgent to validate the women’s statements that the Lord has risen that they ran to the tomb and frantically asked where Jesus Christ was. The same disciples that were taught the scriptures that the Messiah would suffer and rise on the third day. Yes, those disciples that Jesus consistently loved over and over through all of their faults and doubts. They lacked trust even after he fulfilled his promise, but Jesus still showed grace. He allowed Thomas to touch his wounds, he broke bread with each of them, and returned to fishing with Peter and John. As everyone was urgently seeking the risen Christ, running to the tomb, and having to see Jesus in person, Jesus remained calm; he waited for the weeping Mary, he walked to the upper room, and talked to his followers. We are urgent; Jesus is focused. Stop being urgent and start trusting. Intimate trust produces undoubted faith. When I trust God, the teaching’s of Jesus, and the power of the resurrection, I am able to live a new life with intimate trust in the spirit that dwells in me.
Happy Easter! All the praises!
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bigjake-kennedy · 7 years
Good Golf Gracious
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bigjake-kennedy · 7 years
Meat Lover...no more
I am in the early stages of a significant lifestyle change. Reverting back to the natural state of our human condition and satisfying the anatomy of our creation, I am now partial vegan. Or, as I like to tout: "plant-based-low-fat eating." Yes, knowingly, I have entered a mini cult by choosing to go "with the grain" instead of against. It started with unexplained fatigued that lingered into my daily activities. I wasn't sleeping well, my diet was poor, and desserts were common...sometimes at breakfast. Basically, my active lifestyle was only activated with Starbucks and a guaranteed 2 hour nap--not healthy. So, I did research. Like every millennial, I resorted to the internet and Netflix to diagnosis my ongoing fatigue. I ruled out all major prognosis; such as, low testosterone, hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue; however, a common theme amongst all health related articles and documentaries is: "processed meat weighs you down." If this theme is evident in my life then my personal motto, "trust the process," is going to kill me. Immediately, as Mark writes about Jesus' response to people and actions, I removed all processed meat from my diet. And to go the extra mile, to eliminate the meat crave, I removed all meat from my diet. I made concessions to fish, as it is a valuable and healthy source of nutrient rich protein...and I will not give up Sushi. Eggs are disputed; however, I believe they are one of the rare food types that satisfies much of the needed nutrients. Boom! Radical change. Just like shaving your head, I did it. I am now in my third week of plant based dieting and I. Love. It. Energy is back. Work has increased. As I am typing, I am sipping a kale smoothie after a 4 mile run. Yes! 4 miles...more miles in one day than all of Spring! My motivation is not a lean, mean rock hard body, it is pure health. I want to feel my best to achieve my best. And the way my life was going, a meat filled diet was weighing me down! The weights are off and I am feeling free. Praise God for the ability to have adaptable bodies. Praise the name that allows us to run after a life that is good, plentiful and satisfying. The journey has just begun! #plantbased #freedomfriday #HeyGod
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bigjake-kennedy · 7 years
Do Not Traffic My Mind
They think they have my mind hypnotized,
while you look with two blind eyes at a culture becoming victimized. 
See your privilege is not prioritized because in your world only a few are civilized.
A world that is now privatized by suppressing the voice that should be recognized; 
And now we hide in disguise knowing groups are disenfranchised. 
Our thinking is paralyzed--not all Muslims should be categorized. As “terrorists,” they are scrutinized.
Now is the time to exercise a way we can empathize: our thoughts should be mobilized, our actions visualized, let us start by saying, “I apologize...”
For our tantalize that has caused so much traumatize.
My friend wants to be nationalized, not patronized by a President who is so polarized. Who will not traffic my language as I verbalize the tears behind my brother’s cries. 
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bigjake-kennedy · 7 years
My Prayer For The Start of The Semester
     As the start of the semester approaches, I am preparing my heart for the Lord’s work through my life to the community and neighbors I encounter. First, I redefined my neighbors: best friends, friends, family, teammates, classmates, believers and non-believers. Any person I have a chance to encounter, I yearn for a heart prepared with love, faithfulness, hope and compassion to meet them where they are at to allow my transformed mind to share the good news of Christ. A fresh read of Romans has really challenged this renewed perspective. Romans 12 is pure truth.
Paul writes, “[we all] have gifts according to the grace given to us, let us use them” (12:6). This means I have gifts and my neighbor has gifts uniquely created for us to use them in service, teaching, exhortation, generosity, zeal, mercy and cheerfulness. I pray earnestly that I can use my gifts, alongside my neighbor’s gifts, to “pursue what makes for peace and mutual upbuilding” (14:19). And, above all, doing this with love! Paul encompasses all works, commandments and faithfulness around one word: love. To our neighbor, “love does no wrong” (13:10) and “you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (13:9). Therefore, I am called to love God’s beloved–my beloved. 
A struggle of mine, and most, is reading, writing and/or speaking of authentically loving my neighbor but I always fall short in action. Paul bestowed a blessing upon us: “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus. that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (15:5-6). I pray. 
I am excited for the spirit flowing and my transformed mind challenging complacency in my life. May the words I write enact a fire of action to begin because “the night is far gone; the day is at hand” (13:12)! 
Come on! Make it Happen! 
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bigjake-kennedy · 7 years
Who is Jesus?
He is the son of the living God; the messiah: anointed one. He is a teacher greater than Moses, the heir of David and the reigning King; King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the ruler of all nations and all hearts...my heart. 
He is love. His love and his resurrection for our life. And life to the fullest. He is our promise of eternity, but now, he is with us. God with us: Immanuel. Jesus is the perfect Adam, the suffering servant and the sacrificial lamb. No words can adequately describe him, but we try...
Pure. Blameless. Perfect. Compassionate. He meets us where we are, extends a hand and calls us by name, tenderly, to follow him. We follow because he is the way, the truth and the light! He shines.
Jesus is our lasting joy—pure joy. He is my friend, my teacher, my soldier, me shield, my rock and redeemer. Above all, he is my Savior. Who is Jesus? Hope. 
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bigjake-kennedy · 8 years
We Are Humans
We are humans, imperfect humans. Humans that are apathetic to life outside their own, I ask where is your heart? Humans that chose not to love their neighbor as oneself, I ask where is your soul? Humans that refuse to listen to the crus of hurting brothers and sisters, I ask where are your ears? Humans that are blinded to the injustice that plagues this nation, I ask where are your eyes? Humans that degrade one another for not meeting an unattainable standard, I ask where is your mind? Humans that remain SILENT when they hear, see, pray, think, and empathize with it all, I must finally ask...Where is your voice? We are humans that have a voice! So, Voice Up! And as humans, we can do better!
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bigjake-kennedy · 8 years
My First and Last Last
It all started with my first tee shot during the practice round—a dead top that dribbled about 50 yards off the tee down Hogan’s Ally. We had the pleasure of playing with one of the multi-millionaire members who owned a small, 10000sqt house and a candy apple red Porsche that he only drives five weeks of the year. So, that was a really good conversation started, exclaiming to this member that I am one of the better collegiate golfers on the team that just topped his first shot. Moving forward to the tournament rounds. My first tee shot was a slightly better than the practice round, finding air for only a hundred yards before the brand new, out-of-the-sleeve ball was scuffed by the South Carolinian state tree. Little did I know that tee shot was first of many poorly thought-out and under executed golf shots. I was on the course for 10 hours, 36 holes, 166 shots, and 12 provisionals. It was almost comical, pleading for my ball to find land or hit a tree to remain in bounds. Hole after hole it was something; “woe is me.” Needless to say, my mind, back, heart, and body were exhausted. Yet, I realized there is beauty in the midst of even the ugliest moments, and yes, my swing, putting stroke, and short game were hideous. The beauty was my mom was there every step (21 miles to be exact) of the way. She is the real trooper. I am sure she prayed at least 166 times, because Lord knows every stroke was a prayer. My mother tracked the beautiful, Hilton Head terrain and watched her baby battle for 10 hours, and she always had an encouraging, yet “get your shit together” smile every time I glanced her way. The most beautiful moment was my final day; I had given up. I just came off a routine triple that resulted in the dreadful, “you have to make a hole-in-one to break 80.” Well, I didn’t make a hole-in-one, nor did I break 80, but I walked off that last hole satisfied. My mama wouldn’t let me quit. She reinstated why I play golf, how great of son I am, and that God and her still love me the same, whether I win or finish last (even thought it is easier to love in prosperous times). That was all I needed. After my final putt dropped, a sweaty kiss from mom, two cheeseburgers, and six cookies later, I was able to realize “it is finished.” The past three rounds do not define who I am. I was in sole possession of last place, something up to this point in my life I have never achieved. It is humbling to scroll to the very bottom of the leaderboard and see a SMOG (sexy man of God) like me anchoring down the field. After this tournament, I can only find humor and realize I have a long journey before I return healthier, stronger and a better golfer. Come April you will read a post about my triumphant conference performance.
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bigjake-kennedy · 8 years
Why I Try
Our bodies naturally draw towards things that intrigue us. Our senses embrace these things and we have the urge to want that. However, you can't just want--you have to act; you have to try. When I try a lot of times I fail. The glorious thing about failure is we at least gave it a try. See, the beauty of trying is we either fail or succeed. What motivates us is succeeding. We can fail 100 times, but each one is justified in our success. I am nervous. I am new. I am worried. I will fail, but I will try. I will be somebody. I will be a difference maker. So, the next time you say, "Why should I even try?"....remember why you started. Remember what gave you the spark to try. Take that mentality and be great.
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bigjake-kennedy · 8 years
It was like a thief in the night.
I awake and begin combing it over to the right.
To watch a hairline that was so dominant and strong, 
Retreat, in hiding, like it did something wrong.
From a flowing swoosh like President JFK.
to, now, a Trump-like toupee--my hair is not okay.
When I shower, I shed.
I dry off and count the losses from my head.
I pray Biotin can somehow stop the receding,
And save everyone from my pleading.
They say, “It’s stress,” well all can see.
My hair, my hair why have you forsaken me?
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bigjake-kennedy · 9 years
My Heart is Heavy
My heart is heavy. Gram, you were not just a grandmother. To me you were that of no other. As grandchildren, your nerves we did rattle; Causing you to threaten us with your paddle. I would hide my candy all throughout the house And frighten you by saying I just saw a mouse. I even tried playing golf using your cane. It's a wonder how you never went insane. From hiding your purse and using all your lotion. To fighting with my brothers and you nervously watching the commotion. Through all this you stilled loved me in my childish days. Because becoming a man was my next phase. My heart is heavy Years had passed and gramps was gone I started coming over so you would not feel alone. Nights I would spend and days I would stay Just to reassure myself that you were ok. I gave you my time and you can only guess How much you gave me in happiness I thank you for the love you would always share That's why hearing this news was so hard to bear. The news that your path had come to an end. And you are spending eternity in heaven I do not weep for I know where you are Seeing now you and Gramps are my guiding stars. I praise God for blessing me for 18 years, With a Gram that is worth crying these tears. A gram that I will never, never part For her memory will always remain in my heart. They say Love is lasting and time is brief Love is real and time a thief. Gram gave everyone a love that was true And with an open heart, Gram I will always love you. As the tears break my eyelids levee. For you Gram, my heart is heavy.
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bigjake-kennedy · 10 years
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What an experience to have this basketball legend, David Thompson, at GWU to speak for Fields of Faith. Inspirational message of success, failure, and repentance.
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bigjake-kennedy · 10 years
Man's Best Friend
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 I once sat on this rock contemplating life and the deep depression I endured after my wife passed. I found you lost when I was lost. From the moment I gave you my sorrow, you gave me your heart. People have come and gone, but you have stayed, and carried me on. A horse, you're not, but what great ride it has been. As your days fade and come to end, remember you are my best friend. 
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bigjake-kennedy · 10 years
In That Time... Sept. 8
In that time when everyone had equal rights.
Everyone…equal rights?
Wrong—We were born in the era of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
In that time to love the same sex one would perish in hell.
Those that would rather put their lives up for sale,
Than deal with the malarkey that once rang the Liberty Bell.
For now only time will tell;
When lovers can be unionized as female to female and male to male.
Society is a prejudice, never-ending trail.
Many have tried to fight, and many continue to fail.
As they wait, hateful words they inhale,
But standing tall to one day prevail, 
Hoping behind the black curtain legislation will unveil.
Yet, none in Congress are worthy to go into detail
About this weight of gay-marriage that is breaking the scale,
Or the train that is going to derail.
For what does our society entail? 
In this time the right in “rights” is waiting to exhale.
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bigjake-kennedy · 10 years
Response: King's On Writing
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Wherever or however one writes/reads one must lose themselves in the task. One must have a telepathy between the reader and the writer, embellishing themselves in what they are doing. Writing seems senseless, but senseless writing, is not writing. One can express their thoughts with ink and render new thoughts with reading. Some say it's a lost art, if treated that way-- it is, but neverthless reading and writing is an art. Therefore, we are all artists. 
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