billystevecamaro · 11 days
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Got the green light to post my contribution to the @harringrovezine Kings of Nowhere! I was so happy to be a part of this zine among so many talented creators ❤️👑
I decided to remake one of my old harringrove art pieces that I did in 8bit✨
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billystevecamaro · 19 days
Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins High and generally, Hawkins and Billy Hargrove - deceased 04.07.1985 - reigning King of the Upside Down
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
"There's always a price."
Thinks Billy standing before the roaring monstrosity. It's not only about the money kind of price, no.
He wanted to be consumed by love –
And he was. Those couple of months that they spent with Harrington before Brimborne, before darkness swallowed Billy whole – they sure were filled to the brim. With love.
And now Billy has to give his life to protect everyone – including him.
"There's always a price."
Thinks Steve standing before a light-gray gravestone on a heartbreakingly warm August evening. The air is golden, summer-scented liquid. Everything is so quiet around,
Serene. Just the gentle sounds of nature – leaves rustling at the tree tops, birds chirping another beautiful day away, and cicadas slowly tuning in their peaceful music.
Gone but not forgotten
Steve has always wanted to be consumed by love – and he was. During those sunny days and hot'n'heavy nights – oh, he was.
So inescapably, giving all of himself and taking back so much more –
He was.
Consumed. Immersed in the feeling of being together with that one person who surprisingly matched Steve's everything.
The razor-edged pain of losing him, slicing Steve's heart away, the disbelief, the there is no sense to it all – that's the price he has to pay.
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
I want Billy to hound Steve to the point where he can't overlook that guy's excessive attention, and then I want Billy to make him addicted to himself
And then I want Billy to have a change of heart and leave Steve hooked and hanging, thirsty for more of this suddenly unattainable Californian asshole
Let Steve drool and Billy be like whatever
A happy end ofc but through thorns ❤️❤️
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
Steve kissing Billy softly on his closed eyelids whispering
I love you so much baby, it hurts, it burns, it turns me inside out, and yet there's nothing else that makes me so goddamn happy
And Billy's trying his hardest to hold back hot stinging treacherous tears behind those closed eyelids thinking Never stop saying those things, never let me go, always hold me tight, always pour love into me
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
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little story snippet under the cut.
"hey," steve greets him with a grin, moving aside to let him in the house like he has dozens of times. within seconds, he clues into the weird tension in the air as billy stays standing on the porch, feet planted. his smile melts away as he looks over billy's face, looking for anything that might give him insight as to why he's so tense. the only one he comes up with is that billy won't look him in the eye, his gaze focused somewhere on steve's cheek. it makes his mouth go dry instantly.
billy's got a fresh cig out and lit, a single thin finger of smoke drifting off of it. steve hates that it makes him look more dangerous. more cool. more addictive.
"what's up?" he asks, his focus narrowing. like nothing else matters, he watches billy tilt to look at the ground, pulling a thick lungful from the cigarette before coming back up to look at him - finally - in the eye.
"max told me something interesting tonight and i just needed to hear it from the horse's mouth." he starts and steve's insides all flop over at the same time, like the world has tilted.
he loses the air in his lungs, staring.
billy's talking and it feels like steve's gonna puke, but he can't look away from him. billy's eyes are dark in the night, almost as dark as his own. they remind him of a shark's, especially when billy finally grins, the tips of his teeth looking sharp as words float out with the smoke.
"so, you date me." he drawls the words out, like they've got all night to talk about this. like billy's belly isn't twisting exactly like steve's right now. "you tell me you love me." a pause and steve has to remind himself to breathe at the lightheadedness that threatens to topple him over. "and then you lie to me about it?" steve doesn't know when his eyes dipped to billy's heart like he could see he heartache for himself, as if it's not printed clear as day on billy's face.
maybe looking at a broken heart would be easier than looking at the heartbreak on his boyfriend's face.
"i didn't lie to you." he doesn't know why he says it quite like that. but it rings true. it wasn't billy he lied to. he finally moves his eyes back up to billy's, hoping he can read the truth that's at the core of him.
he can see the extra eyeliner billy had put on, covering the red that rims his eyes.
billy's an easy crier, and steve watches in horror as his eyes fill with tears, making them glisten. he's got pretty eyes, with naturally long lashes that makes steve's heart twist every time billy looks at him, and the extra wetness only makes them shine prettier, showcasing just how dark they are. he watches as billy's face scrunches up, cheeks flushing up with the tears as his voice cracks, his words barely coming out.
"yes, you—"
steve can't let him continue this line of thinking. he wants to reach for him, but he doesn't know if he could take billy flinching away from him right now, so he opts for standing firm. tall. steady. "you know i didn't." he says, billy's chin wavering in his face. he can't be the reason for billy crying. he would never forgive himself.
steve's told exactly two people that he's been in love with them. one was nancy wheeler when they had been in their sophomore year, and now, billy hargrove.
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
When Hargrove allows himself to slide into romance and feelings and be vulnerable – which is never seldom – he loves touching Steve's beautiful face, tracing his fingers over its wavy lines and the curved shapes. Billy would run his finger along the clean-cut bridge of Steve's nose, guide it along his lush soft eyebrow, the right one, the left one – the wide spread of his eyebrows is like the wingspan of a dark emerald dragonfly, that carelessly flickers over sparkly green grass along the riverside. Steve's eyelids and lashes flutter like fragile butterflies, just as light, just as sorrow-free.
*pieces of
If Billy is a wild, untamed ocean, vast and boundless, beating against the rocks and tirelessly wounding itself, then Harrington is a deep, affluent river.
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
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Some season 2 Billy and Steve <3
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
When Hargrove allows himself to slide into romance and feelings and be vulnerable – which is never seldom – he loves touching Steve's beautiful face, tracing his fingers over its wavy lines and the curved shapes. Billy would run his finger along the clean-cut bridge of Steve's nose, guide it along his lush soft eyebrow, the right one, the left one – the wide spread of his eyebrows is like the wingspan of a dark emerald dragonfly, that carelessly flickers over sparkly green grass along the riverside. Steve's eyelids and lashes flutter like fragile butterflies, just as light, just as sorrow-free.
*pieces of
If Billy is a wild, untamed ocean, vast and boundless, beating against the rocks and tirelessly wounding itself, then Harrington is a deep, affluent river.
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billystevecamaro · 2 months
Billy's camaro Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Steve is fucked.
That's it, this is the end. He's going to die now.
The smell of gasoline is getting stronger, and the heat is beyond unbearable. Steve understands what's going to happen next, how he will die.
Because the car is fire. Just like Billy Hargrove was.
And Steve .. stops fighting it. Stops tugging at the seatbelt, stops trying to unbuckle it. Stops squirming in the seat and trying to open the door.
Remembers how it went at the Byers'. When Billy was mounting him and beating him unconscious. Hit after hit after hit. When Steve gave up fighting because he could not possibly fight that all-consuming wave of rage.
He knows now that if maybe he had said "sorry" at that time, it's possible things would've gone differently. "Sorry I lied about your sister." That's all Steve had to say that night.
And then maybe Billy would've stopped.
Steve puts his hands on the steering wheel again, and although it burns like a motherfucker, he doesn't take them away.
He knows what he has to say. It comes out as a sob.
"I'M SORRY! .. I fucked up!! Listen, I was on drugs. Not that I took them voluntarily, I'd been injected with them against my will. I didn't know what I was doing. I would never. It was a mistake. It was all just a huge fucking mistake. And I'm sorry I did this to you! .. And .. I'm sorry about your owner .. he didn't deserve any of that."
He blurts it all out in one breath and feels tears coming to his eyes. He remembers the moment he had crashed into the camaro so vividly. The bang, the metallic, scraping sound, the triumph - he's played this scene in his mind over and over again. Steve thought he was doing something heroic then.
What a fucking joke.
The true hero? .. There's a tombstone on the real hero's grave. No-one, except their little team, knows what this boy had done, what he had been through.
But Steve knows. He knows now, after months of thinking, and reminiscing, and replaying everything in his mind again and again, months of sleepless nights, of could've should've would've..
They say you can't see big things when you're close to them. You see big things from a distance. From afar.
Steve has had enough distance to see everything.
He's had enough time to think.
It was all wrong.
It was all wrong, he was fucking wrong, and, honestly, all of them were horribly unforgivably wrong.
Even if they had killed Billy, how would it have helped them to fight the mindflayer? Hargrove was just a pawn.
Steve remembers how Billy got out of the burning car, how he didn't even look at Steve, who had just rammed his precious camaro, he didn't look at anyone. He just continued on his death march, through pain, through torture, through loss.
Steve's probably crying now, he can't really tell anymore. His head is floating.
"I'm so sorry.. I know I was so wrong. Let me make up for it, please. Let me make at least something right."
Steve is almost fainting from all the heat and the suffocating gasoline smell.
"I am a friend. I know I wasn't, but now I am. Let me make up for my mistake."
The car is fire.
"I'm not saying that just to save my ass right now. Why would I come here if I didn't want to find you? I'm so fucking sorry.."
Steve can't think straight any more. His mouth is dry, and he's losing his trail of thought. He's slipping, for real, he's falling, he is so full of regret, he's going to burn, he is ...
When Steve opens his eyes, he's still sitting on the driver's seat of the camaro. The sun is shining above them, and it's not .. it isn't hot anymore. The petrol smell is gone too. Steve checks the seatbelt, it's unbuckled and hanging on the side. He touches the wheel, it isn't hot. Steve opens the door, and it does open.
He's free to go.
The first urge is to get out of the car as soon as possible, right this second, and run. It had almost killed him. It had almost fucking burnt him alive.
Steve hurriedly puts one leg out but stops mid-movement. There's no need to be afraid. It's letting him go. He is free to go because it lets him.
So fuck it.
Instead, Steve opens the glove compartment one more time and takes out the Marlboro Reds. Fishes out a cigarette, looks for a lighter. Yeah, it's there, under the map of Hawkins.
Lights up. Inhales. Exhales.
"Listen. I meant every word I said. Let me take you away from here. I can't fix you myself, but I'll find a good place where it can be done."
His mouth is still dry, and the cigarette is awfully bitter, burning his tongue.
He'd kill for a drink of water. Gets out of the car, goes to the beamer, finds a bottle of "Aqua fresh." Drinks half of it and returns back to the camaro, still holding the cigarette.
"I'm gonna go now, but I'll come back tomorrow with a tow truck. We'll take you to a repair shop. I promise everything will turn out fine. Okay?"
Steve's completely nuts, he's talking to the wreck of a car. Still, he feels as if he's saying the sanest shit ever.
He takes out another Marlboro, lights it and fucking misses Billy. The guy he'd never had a decent conversation with.
"Just .. don't go anywhere, please. Wait for me."
Steve does some research. Calls his dad in his office and asks what repair shop is the best one.
"Steven, did you crash the beamer?"
"No, dad. No, I swear, it's for a friend."
Turns out, there is a place here. Old Joe's garage. If it doesn't work out here, dad gives him a couple of addresses in Indianapolis.
Next, Steve calls Family Video.
"Keith, I'm sick. Like, really sick. Passed out in the bathroom in the morning, that's why I didn't come in today. .. Yeah, I need tomorrow off too. .. Yeah, I know. .. I know I'm on thin ice. I'll work double shifts as soon as I'm feeling better. Thanks. .. Okay."
Next is the tow service.
Steve's got a plan.
Next day the camaro is waiting for him right where he left it, at the old junkyard.
"Sweet mother of Jesus! You want us to work with this??" Old Joe is not impressed.
"Look, I understand. But this car is very important to me, so I'm willing to pay .. a lot. Just name the price."
The old man is looking very doubtful.
"If you are really, absolutely sure there's nothing that can be done, I'll just find another place. I need this car up and running."
The mechanic is still looking at the camaro.
"Let me talk to my son.. The kid is better than me. Maybe we can figure something out. The spare parts though.. We'll have to order them from Indianapolis, so it'll definitely take a lot of time. And like you said, money."
"There's no rush. And money is not a problem. Just uh.. be gentle with her."
"Don't need to tell me that. She's a beauty. You know a good car when you see it, son."
It takes three months.
When Steve gets the call that he can finally come pick up the camaro, he's delirious with excitement. He's visited the garage often, wanted to see how certain things were done.
That day he might be imagining stuff, but he gets a feeling that the car is glad to see him too. All fixed and shiny with new paint, it's dazzling.
Steve thanks Old Joe and his son, pays the rest of the money and gets behind the wheel.
The car is .. really something. Sensitive to the touch, wild and very, very fast.
Steve needs to get used to it. Needs to learn all its nuances, its moods.
He does though. Leaves his beamer in the garage at home and starts driving the camaro instead. Has to explain to Max why he is suddenly the new owner of her dead brother's car. She calls him practically every day to take her places. Steve tries to always say yes, he knows that Max loves being in that car. She misses Billy too.
Steve drives it, parks it in his driveway. Takes good care of it. Listens to the engine's rumble as if it's talking to him.
He even kinda ..
Loves it.
Probably, not like Billy did. But Steve can't know. He can't know how Billy loved.
He fucking wishes he did. Did know that.
One November evening Steve's in the kitchen downstairs. He hears some sounds outside. Grabs the bat and carefully opens the door. Takes a peek. No-one. The camaro is standing in the driveway, covered in dew.
He comes out of the house and looks around. Everything is quiet.
Steve has an eerie feeling someone's been here. Or still is here, lurking in the shadows.
He comes closer to the camaro.
Steve's breath catches in his throat.
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Is written on the dewy windshield.
Holy fuck.
Holy fucking hell.
Billy Hargrove is alive.
"Billy ..?"
To be continued
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billystevecamaro · 3 months
The idea of Billy on a motorbike is golden and has been recurringly going around. I remember writing a fic about Steve picking up Billy from school on the motorbike that belongs to his dad but his dad never uses it, it's just kept in the garage (red BMW), and also
Young, free and on the bike (a wip)
Billy's driving his black air-ripping beast, Steve riding behind. It's summertime, they are just going for a little slow drive, no helmets, Hargrove promised to be very careful, not to cut corners. Billy's hair is blowing into Harrington's face, the sun is soft and kind, the breeze .. ahh the breeze is amazing, and Steve's sliding his hands up and down his boyfriend's firm chest and belly - he loves touching Billy so much it hurts, he literally hurts on the inside he's so balls deep in love - until his hand goes to the boy's crotch and
Oh lala someone is up and ready.
And Harrington is unapologetically horny for his boyfriend, they both are for each other, it's non-negotiable, so he slides his palm inside Billy's shorts
"Fuck, Steve!" The motorbike jerks but Hargrove's in control
"Shh, stay calm, baby. I just wanna get a little touch, wanna play a bit. You focus on the road."
Billy tries his hardest.
So it's either Steve makes him cum like that, right there on the bike or
Hargrove can't see where he's going, cause Harrington's deft fingers and his wide palm don't really let him see the road, the brain has completely stopped functioning, so he swerves onto a small dirt road and
They fuck in a summer field.
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billystevecamaro · 3 months
If Billy is the wild untamed ocean, then Harrington is a wide affluent river.
At first, Billy thought Steve's like a deep lake, that he wanted to dive headfirst into, but no.
He is a river, ever flowing, always different. Raging and swollen, rapid and swift, and then
Peaceful and slow-moving, with sparkling clearest water.
Luring Billy with its irresistible current, pulling him under, not letting him go.
Hargrove has tried countless times - still is sometimes - to fight, to push against the powerful flow.
He strains all his muscles and moves forward, but
The current cannot be overcome. No matter how hard Billy tries. Envelopes him, runs around his body, through his fingers, tangles his hair,
And takes him with it.
Steve's always so different, at times deep, at times shallow, and the sunshine pierces the crystal rippled waters, making the sand golden and welcoming. His dark hair is like fresh water algae, soft and tying you up, and the eyes .. oh god the eyes are like two abysmal pools of danger, you never know what's hidden in their depth, there can be a violent whirlpool, that you can't get out of alive, or a slimy snag, catching you by your foot and you're doomed to stay caught forever, or some mysterious creature from a fairy tale, putting a magical spell on you
Or just calm and cool, deceptive or true - you'll have to find out.
If Billy is the ocean, then Steve is the river that flows into him, fills him with fresh waters, never lets him dry up
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billystevecamaro · 3 months
Billy and Steve are driving in the Camaro and fighting about something stupid, but neither wants to back down, and Billy's super angry and is flooring the gas, and Steve's pouting and throwing his head back and rolling his eyes, and suddenly Billy pulls over, stops the car and says
Get your dick out, Harrington. I'm so mad at you, I'm gonna fucking make you suffer
Steve's hand goes for the fly as Billy reclines his seat
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billystevecamaro · 3 months
Another party, another locked room
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Are you gonna get down on your knees for me, King Steve?
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Good boy.
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billystevecamaro · 3 months
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New episode
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billystevecamaro · 3 months
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I never wanted a sister.
"Well, I never wanted a brother!"
"Now I don't have one."
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billystevecamaro · 3 months
Wip Tuesday ✨ tagged by the ever-amazing @disdaidal who I miss and think about every day ❤️ thank you so much 🌹
The knife falls out of Tommy's hand as he gets pinned up the wall by the heavy bulk of Hargrove's body.
"Fuck, Harrington! You okay?"
Steve quickly kicks the knife out of the way - under the bed, right, he's not gonna be able to get it from down there,
"Yeah, 'm fine. Christ, Tommy, what the .."
He doesn't get to finish the sentence because
Something ..
Something is happening.
Billy suddenly flies across the room and lands hard on the floor while Hagan ..
Oh my god
He stands tall, taller than Steve has ever seen him standing, there's an evil glint in his eyes and his hands - oh fucking hell, no .. the skin on his hands and all up his arms is a curling pattern of black veins.
"Guess you are not the strongest one now, Hargrove."
Part of Tommy I miss you
Harringrove and tommy, where Tommy has had a crush on steve since forever, and then when billy rolls into Hawkins, crushes on him as well, but never acts on either, cause he's so obviously not a fag. Still, he's jealous out of his mind, especially when he finds out that these two have been secretly fucking, and maybe it's even more than fucking, Steve doesn't share any information with his best friend on that matter (it's definitely more than just sex). Hagan's also canonically dating carol. So Tommy's just a whirlpool of fucked up feelings, until on top of it - he gets flayed and becomes the Mindflayer's right hand and confidant.
Tagging @dragonflylady77 @fizzigigsimmer @thissortofsorcery and anyone who wants to show the world some of their writing 💖
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