Faulty Plans
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AN: there may be some errors
Word count: 2.1k
“You were going to let me go”
Okay so maybe your plan to find out if Steve Harrington was in love you wasn’t ethical, but it was happening so that didn’t matter anymore. You and Steve have this unspoken agreement that you both liked each other; well at least you thought that you did. Every time you two were together the brief touches, unusually long glances and cringe worthy flirting made that obvious, right? . But Steve was yet to make a move so maybe you’re over thinking it all. However that didn’t stop you from making a plan that would hopefully reveal his feelings to you. It goes that you get one of the boys you both went to high school with to ask you on a date by any means necessary, then while on your Friday dinner date with Steve and Robin you announce said date, Steve will not be happy and stop you from going on said date and declare his feelings for you. It may not happen as smoothly as you would hope, but optimism makes the world go round.
O’Keeffe’s bar on a Thursday afternoon was relatively quite which made for a boring shift. Sitting behind the bar watching the regulars slowly sipping their drinks made the time go even slower. You needed to leave early if you wanted to get to quarry. Your old high school class was having a get together for their first spring break as college students, although most of them hadn’t gone to college and were just going along to get shit faced. What better opportunity to find a date than with a bunch of drunk guys who have nothing better to do with their lives. Holding your head up on your palm, you hear the bell above the door ring and in steps a younger looking man. Upon further inspection you realise that your luck might be changing, and cheap alcohol and fake flirting at the quarry may not be on your cards tonight. Eric Pine, ex Hawkins high star football player and newly qualified bank teller had taken a seat on a stool at the end of the bar. You walk down and stop in front of him “What can I get you?”, you say smiling at big as you can while twirling a rag between your fingers. He looks up from the bar and nets your eyes, lighting up when he realises who you are “I don’t care Y/N, just make it strong” “Rough night, huh?” you say reaching for the vodka on the shelf behind you “oh you have no idea” he laughs haphazardly. You set the drink down in front of him with a nod “Anything I can help with?” He laughs again and nods down to his glass “yeah just keep these coming and I’ll be right as rain” “whatever you say captain”. After a while of chatting you figure out the cause of Eric’s sadness ,Mallory , his high school sweetheart, has decided that they aren’t working and she can’t “see a forever” in him. “I get that I’m not that exciting guy I was in high school but I was in for the long run Y/N” he looks as if he’s about to cry. “You’re a great guy Eric, I’m one hundred percent certain that you’ll find your forever girl” “You are ?” you place a hand over his “I am , and if it makes you feel any better I don’t think the guy I see as a forever likes me that way so.... yeah love sucks”. Eric looks up from your hands and gives a sympathetic look “Well if he doesn’t he’s an idiot, I mean look at you Y/N, I don’t think I’ve meet a guy who hasn’t liked you that way” you laugh out loud causing some heads to turn “Now you’re just saying things”, he shakes his head, “cross my heart and hope to die”. By last call compliments had been thrown back and forth and you were hopeful of him asking you out. “Hey Y/N what are you doing Saturday?” He smirks, you look up to the ceiling taping it your cheek “uh nothing I don’t think”. You’d never seen Eric smile as wide, not even when Tina announced free booze at her annual Halloween party two years ago, “great maybe we can go out see a movie or get dinner or something and see if we’re each other’s forever”. You laugh and nod “yeah I’d like that”. Phase one of your plan was complete.
Friday evening at 6:30 you pull into Hurley's Burgers and went straight to your regular booth. Steve and Robin were sat beside each other chatting amongst themselves but turned to look as you slid into the seat across from them. They say hey in unison as you place your bag on the seat beside you “hey guys I’ve got news” “oh news, that sounds promising” Robin says arching her eyebrow placing her hands on the table. Steve looks at her in disgust “yeah...no every time Y/N says she’s got news it’s her way of making us do things for her”. You scoff teaching across the table to slap his shoulder “I do not” “uh yeah you do it’s always hey guys I’ve got news you’re cleaning my back yard with me before my parents get home and kill me or hey guys I’ve got news I’m not able to babysit my neighbours kids like I said so... guess which two people just gained a weekend job”. Robin looks from Steve to you “he’s got you there Y/N” you sigh “okay... I may have done that once or twice but this time the only thing you guys need to do is be happy for me”. Steve looks skeptical “whys that?” “Well...” you start “I got myself a date”. Robin laughs in shock while Steve chokes on air sitting up straight in his seat “wow Y/N I never thought I’d see the day” Robin says clapping slowly, Steve stays silent. That’s good right, that he’s speechless?. “Wow thanks you guys it’s so nice having friends that are confident in my abilities to attract men” you say sarcastically. The waitress comes and takes your order and as she leaves conversation turns back to your date. Steve finally speaks “so this date, who’s the lucky guy?” “You guys remember Eric, Eric Pine”. Robin nods “how could we forget he was the talk of the school after Billy and Steve of course” Steve shakes his head “you don’t remember him?” You say shocked. Steve again shakes his head “no I remember him alright, I  just thought you had better taste you know, you’re going on a date with the douche bag of the century” you laugh “ you’re one to talk Steve” “hey I’ve changed, I can guarantee he hasn’t”. This time it’s your turn to shake your head “ that’s where you're wrong, he was really sweet and funny and you know what I don’t care what you think Steve, this is first guy in so long that’s shown any interest in me so I will enjoy my date with him on Saturday regardless of what you think. You both sit in silence, Robin stirs her drink, and the sound of ice hitting glass fills the awkward air. You start to stand “I’m going to use the bathroom, you coming Rob?” She nods “yeah sure” she stands and slides out past Steve. When you reach the bathroom Robin stands arms across her chest staring at you “what?” you snap. She rolls her eyes “I think I should be the one asking you that, a date, what the fuck Y/N I thought you like Steve?” You sigh “I do” “then why are you doing this”. You hoist yourself up into the sink “I have a plan” “never good” Robin says following pursuit and sitting next to you on the sinks “I thought that if I got a date , Steve would realise his feelings for me and try to stop it or something, I don’t know but I guess that was stupid, look at us now”. Robin places her hands on your shoulders and shakes them a little “oh my god Y/N, do you really think he’s not head over heels in love with you” “ Robin you’re just a romantic, if he did he would have said something, pulled me aside and told me instead of arguing”. Robins jumps off the sink and stands in front of you “that is his way of pulling you aside” “whatever you say Rob I’m going to pee see you out there”. You walk into a stall, and as you close your door you hear another one open with a cream and long sigh being let out by the girl. The rest of the dinner is quiet with the odd bit of small talk but other than that no mention of the date arises. You leave earlier than usual and sleep the pain away.
 Saturday evening comes quickly; you sit in your living room staring at the phone on the wall. Maybe Robin was right maybe Steve does feel the same and he’ll realise what happened yesterday was a mistake and he’ll rush to phone to call and tell me to cancel my date because he loves me. The digital clock flashes 6:59 and your hope is gone Steve was never going to call who are you kidding. A beep from outside brings you back to reality, you pick up your coat and bag and leave the house to go to some fancy restaurant you’d rather not be at.
 Fast forward an hour later and you’re walking up Steve’s drive way with tears building in your eyes and shoes in your hand. You just couldn’t do it, how could you when Steve lived 5 blocks away and you knew he was sitting home alone probably watching Risky Business for the 300th time. You made it to Eric’s car before telling him you suddenly felt so sick and proceeded to fake nearly throwing up, he helped you back to your house and told you to call him when you’re feeling better to reschedule. You wait until you know he’s long gone before you leave your house to begin your trek to Steve’s. You knock on the door and step back onto the porch. The door swings open and there he is your forever, wearing an old Hawkins high T-shirt and a pair of striped pyjama bottoms and a stupid look on his face. He looks you up and down and before he can speak you push past him and wait for him I’m the living room. When he enters she start to talk “Y/N wha” you cut him off “you were going to let me go” the tears are start to fall “What?” Steve’s confused as he steps forward and reaches out in an attempt to heal your arm before you pull away. “You were going to let me go” “Y/N I’m really confused right now”. You throw yourself onto his couch “I guess it’s my own fault, I mean I saw it for myself yesterday” Steve sits beside you this time you let him touch you “Is this about me yelling at you yesterday, if it is I’m sorry Y/N, you know how I get” you sigh lying back in the couch cushions but not enough that you couldn’t look at him “it’s not that Steve”. He’s even more confused now “look Steve I had this crazy idea that you might like me just as much as I like you and when I told you about the date yesterday I wanted you to tell me not to go because you like me and then you didn’t so I thought, well maybe he’ll call before I leave and tell me not to go, but you didn’t you were letting me go so I was wrong...my plan failed ...you don’t like me”. Steve sits in silence just like the day before except this time he’s looking at you with his mouth hanging slightly open, you turn away from him and face the window. “You’re right Y/N I don’t like you” you laugh “geez thanks Steve way to kick a girl when’s she’s down” he pulls at your arm and you turn to face him “I don’t like you Y/N, I love you”. Now it’s your turn to stare at him in silence mouth hanging open “you what?” “I love you” he says it with so much confidence you don’t know what to do. Steve resolves that issue though and leans in for a kiss, when you finally pull apart you whisper “I love you too, Steve” “I know”. You push him backwards onto the couch “Hey don’t get too cocky” “you love it” “I still can’t believe you were going to let me go” “look I was never the brightest bulb” “You’re not wrong” now it was his turn to push you back onto the couch, starting the night of making up for lost time.
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I’m back
Going to be posting on here again. No one probably remembers me but yeah im back. Quarantine is making me do some things. 
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