bimbosminder 3 days
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I have to admit, there were a few nervous butterflies in my stomach, but for the most part, I felt determined. I felt righteous anger boiling up in me. My fiancee and I had a big fight last night, and I made the decision that it was over. We were finished. On some level, I was throwing away the last four years of my life, but on the other hand, we just were not going to gel in the long term.
I had my life together. We moved out here because I had a job opportunity, some old guy looking for someone to take over his practice. When we met, I knew that Josh was still figuring stuff out; that was fine. Its just, I thought by now, he would have figured some stuff out. It wasn't much of a fight to get him to move out with me. He mostly did freelance work, and could do everything from home.
I tried to let him handle his own life. I knew he had some savings, some inheritance he got from his great-uncle. If he was living off those savings in lulls between paying gigs, well, that was his business.
But I had found out that he hadn't had a paying client for months. He was too busy learning a new skill. I don't understand why he thought hypnosis was suddenly going to be a rainmaker for him. I mean, honestly, how much money can a hypnotist really make? We had a knock down drag out fight. He decided that he was going to stay at a hotel for a few days while we thought some things over.
I think he HAS been over to the house since then though. When I woke up this morning, a number of his shirts weren't hanging up in the closet where they usually were. Before, I thought maybe he was just having trouble finding direction in his life, but this really peeved me. He'd rater break in in the middle of the night WHILE. I. WAS. SLEEPING. instead of taking the chance seeing me and actually discussing our issues? That was a little boy's response to this kind of conflict.
No, this was the final straw. I got dressed and started walking to the motel that he was staying at. Its a small town, and it was only a few blocks. No reason to get in my car just for that. Some of the old timers gawked at me. They've probably never seen me this determined before. I could feel goosepimples on my flesh. It must have been colder this morning than I realized. No matter, my fiery determination would keep me warm.
Some old lady yelled out "Whore!" driving by in her husband's pick-up. I looked around. There was nobody around. Sad to see someone old obviously having some sort of dementia related episodes that she's yelling slurs at me, but one problem at a time.
I arrived at his motel and started banging on door #13 until he opened up. "Rebecca," he said in a low, hushed tone.
"We need to talk," I said, pushing past him. I was fucking shocked to see that he had company over in his room. Maura, another lawyer in my office, was laying on the bed, wearing only a bathrobe. She seemed to be sleeping on his bed. The TV was on,a pink and green spiral spinning endlessly on the screen.
"Josh, what the fuck?" I nearly screamed at him.
"Shh," he said in the same low hushed tone, "My sweet surrender doll, its okay." I nearly bit his finger off when he shushed me. With his right hand, he grabbed the top of my head, and forcibly shifted me so I was staring at the TV screen.
Sweet Surrender Doll he called me. Why did those words echo in my head. Sweet Surrender Doll, Sweet Surrender Doll, Sweet Surrender Doll.
"Sweet Surrender Doll, you're slowly drifting down, drifting down."
"No... I'm not... I'm... I'm determined," I said. Sweetsurrenderdoll sweetsurrenderdoll continued to echo in my head.
"You're very determined, Becca," he agreed. It felt nice that he agreed, that we agreed. "You're determined because you want to be happy, you need to be happy."
"I want to be happy," I said, trying to retain my grasp on my anger. Josh, he wasn't going to let me be happy, that's why I had marched here.
"You knew that coming here would make you happy, Becca," he intoned. I slowly nodded, being careful to keep the spiral in the center of my vision. I had seen the spiral before, hadn't I?
"Happy," I mumbled. I had trouble keeping my jaw closed. It just kept going and going, and I could feel it start to grow and pulsate. I wanted to be happy, I needed to be happy. The spiral could make me happy.
"I've been hypnotizing you for months, remember?" he snapped his fingers. I had seen the spiral before! Every night, he'd barely rouse me and show me the spiral, and I would drift down for him. I was his sweet surrender doll.
I could feel my muscles give way as he talked to me. "Feel the sense of calmness tingle as it moves through you, starting at your toes. Feel the tension slowly work itself out as you focus on your feet and your ankles. Every muscle relaxes, moving upward and upward, feel the tension in your calves and your thighs drift away." I laid back on the bed.
"... and up through your shoulders and down your arms. And you can feel the happy calmness pass over you. Your eyes are starting to drift down. You can't keep your eyes open, my sweet surrender doll. You know that you're determined to be happy, and my hypnosis can make you happy. You know that you need this feeling, that you crave it. Your brain needs my hypnosis. You're determined to be my sweet surrender doll"
My eyes fluttered shut as I fell deeper and deeper, next to Maura. I was his sweet surrender doll. I would come to him when he told me.
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bimbosminder 6 days
Alright, so in the mind control authors discord that I'm in, someone posted a comic, and wanted to know what the genre was called, and I naturally called it bimbofication. (I'm not going to post the whole comic, but you can read it at https://slushe.com/Fiddlestix .)
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And the person who posted this, said no, its clearly not bimbofication, because she doesn't end up blonde, and there's no explicit reduction of IQ. I say, its transformation story where the main character becomes hotter, ditzier and obsessed with sex, its a bimbofication story.
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bimbosminder 19 days
you are being erotically mind controlled to give us your credit card numbers and their date of expiration. follow the light back and forth. also the three digit code on the back. deeper and deeper
Nice try, but I'm not falling...... falling... f-for... 馃槈
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bimbosminder 22 days
I am inordinately proud of this silly little chyoa chapter
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bimbosminder 23 days
I feel bad that I went 4 months without updating this story, but I did update it.
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bimbosminder 2 months
sorry sir mix-a-lot, in this house, we like them bimbos, even those knock-kneed bimbos looking like hoes.
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bimbosminder 2 months
*cough* yes, a new chapter for the story on mcstories. I'll probably post it to Ao3 sometime next week.
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bimbosminder 2 months
I am going to have to make up a story about this if anyone asks, but when I found out that Joe Biden was dropping out, I was in a mind control authors' discord, trying to come up with stupider ideas for bimbofication stories.
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bimbosminder 3 months
I'm a very innocent man. For years, I'd see porn stars/onlyfans girls post shit "I'm in Miami April 9th through 14th, and New York the 20th through 27th" and I thought they were looking for photographers, and I only realized in the last year that they were advertising escorting.
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bimbosminder 3 months
Damn, this was really good. I was really good at this once.
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bimbosminder 3 months
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"Good morning, Master!"
"Good morning, uh..." He rubbed his aching head. Her face was dimly familiar and she was definitely his type but last night was mostly a blur.
"Susie, Master. Breakfast is almost ready, if you like pancakes. But I can make something else if you don't."
"No, thank you, Susie," he said, waving his hand vaguely. "Pancakes will be fine."
He sat down at the table and found a freshly-poured glass of orange juice sitting almost exactly where he would've put it himself. As he watched her toss and dish up the pancakes, bits and pieces slowly came back to him.
"You were with that big group at the bar, right? Someone's birthday or something."
"That's right, Master," Susie said over her shoulder. "A girls' night out for my friend Ellie's 23rd. I'm sure we made a very tempting target for... for whatever it was you did to us."
"Hmm." He pictured them all as he took a sip. A group of beautiful young women under his mental control. No wonder it had turned into a wild night. "Did I bring back any of the rest?"
"No, Master. Most of them had partners waiting at home or other things to do in the morning and you thought... umm... well, I persuaded you they weren't worth the hassle."
"You persuaded me?" he asked incredulously as she laid a syrup-laden stack in front of him.
"You'd had an awful lot to drink, Master. And I was the designated driver so I was thinking clearly. I mean, we were all thinking about how best to please you, of course. But the other girls weren't very good at it."
He tucked in. It was good. Very good.
"Mmm. And did I command you to do all this before I went to bed last night?"
"Well... No, Master. Not exactly. Not specifically. You just told me not to leave in the morning and, since I was up early, I thought that I should make breakfast naked because... that's the sort of thing a slave should do, isn't it? I've never been one before."
He looked over at her, the eager but slightly desperate smile on her face, standing at attention with her hands behind her back and her body on display. Realisation dawned.
"But you've always wanted to be a slave, haven't you? An obedient, brainwashed slave, with no concern except making your master happy."
She nodded slowly, blushing for the first time all morning. "Yes, Master."
He smiled. He didn't normally keep girls around for long but...
"Better get yourself some breakfast too, Susie. You've got a busy day ahead of you."
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bimbosminder 4 months
Hypno kink isn't as big on here as it used to be. So I'm making a new "follow post." If you're seeing this and you'rea hypno/mind control blog, hit the like button, check out the responses, and let's get back in touch with one another.
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bimbosminder 4 months
y'know, all those picture captions, and no one ever got on my case for using comic sans. Has the internet's obsession/hate fest for Comic Sans died down?
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bimbosminder 4 months
Hey look at that, I got a new story on mcstories. Look it here
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bimbosminder 4 months
oddly enough I am having an easier time writing right now than I've had in years. There should be a first part of 2 or 3 part story on MCstories in their next update from me.
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bimbosminder 4 months
I published that last story I wrote on mcstories, which I'm not going to lie, I feel kind of proud of that.
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bimbosminder 4 months
Just to be clear, I haven't posted anything there that hasn't been posted here yet. I'm not sure if I will. I think, my plan is, outside of the stuff like CHYOA (which mostly requires the set up of CHYOA) or my comics on hypnopics-collective, nothing will only be posted in only one spot.
hey, fyi, I'm starting to also post my longer stuff on A03.
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