mymixofmuses · 2 months
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mymixofmuses · 5 months
At this point in their relationship, Audrey's video calls to J.C. had become like clockwork. They always had one on Saturday, but often had multiple a week, sometimes daily.
But this week... Audrey hadn't contacted him at all. No video calls, no audio calls, no emails...
The most J.C. had received from Audrey were one word responses through text.
Even when his young sisters were mentioned, Audrey didn't engage.
She knew he must be worried... and finally relented with a video call, but kept her camera off.
"Hello," Audrey greeted without her usual pep, instead sounding disinterested and empty. "Sorry I haven't talked to you recently..."
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mymixofmuses · 5 months
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mymixofmuses · 5 months
"I'm still hurting, kiddo," Audrey admitted. "But they're prescribing me some painkiller for after we leave, so hopefully with that and rest, I'll be better soon. I think we're just waiting on test results now. So, hopefully, not much longer." Audrey let out a sigh. "I'm really sorry this happened, Syd." "It's not your fault," Chloe reminded. "It's not like you put the deer in the road. You're, like, the most careful driver I know."
Syd was initially in the middle of semi-belting (not exactly following the hospital-friendly rule) the lyrics, but as soon as she saw Audrey, she stopped and smiled widely.
"Hi!!" she chirped, the volume of her voice going down considerably. "Are you doin' any better? Are they gonna release you soon? Don't tell me I've..well, we've, gotta spend all our time here...they're nice people, yeah, but...I don't like hospitals."
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mymixofmuses · 9 months
Chloe was caught a little off guard by the volume, but laughed quite heartily anyway. Cool kid! The redhead did her best to keep the child entertained and distracted from what was going on today. A myriad of jams certainly helped with that. Honestly, it could have been Chloe who was most entertained. No matter how often she listened to music, she just became entranced by it sometimes. She danced the best the little space would allow, sang with the most hospital-friendly voice she could muster, and mimed playing the various instruments, which she did know how to play for real. By the time the duo had reached Halestorm's cover of Bad Romance, a soft voice peeked through the music. "Am I interrupting?" Audrey asked, slowly making her way into the room and giving Syd a weak smile. "They're letting me visit for a little bit."
The ten year old's expression perked up a bit at the mention of Ozzy.
"...I have one thing to say." Doing her best impression of the Prince of Darkeness and giving double devil hand signs, she loudly announced: "All aboooooooooooooooooooooooooooard!"
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mymixofmuses · 9 months
(Continued from here.)
Oh good, she wasn't put off! She was pretty cute when she blushed~ Dylan took the piece of paper and curiously looked it over. He wasn't liking the sound of this older sister. No social media either? But, what's this?... Her phone number! "Oh, sweet!" The redhead beamed and promptly dug his smart phone out of his pocket (it had a protective case decorated with yellow smiley faces), putting in the number. Sugar, detecting the excitement in the air, began barking and spinning around with joy. Dylan chuckled as he sent her a text message. "Testing. Dylan here!" @floraluniversal
Lead The Way
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mymixofmuses · 9 months
Lead The Way
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mymixofmuses · 9 months
"Ahh, I won't force ya," Dylan smiled softly. "But I don't think I'd get bored either way. I like it when people get all giddy about their special interests, you know?" He smiled in a way that made his nose and eyes crinkle a bit, getting giddy himself. "My little sister Adelyn is on the autism spectrum. I love it when she gets a new interest and just unloads everything. She's not always the smiley-est person, but boy howdy when she's interested in something," he laughed, "she can't stop!"
He paused a moment, then smiled softly. "If we hang out more, you're bound to cross paths. I think she'd like you a lot!" He was quiet a moment before realizing that might have sounded weird to someone he just met. "Sorry if that was a bit weird. I'm not trying to pressure you into meeting the family or anything. We're just really close and it's hard not to think about them in everyday life."
Stephanie couldn’t help but smile when he said yes to her fruit. She loved sharing the produce  made of her magic with others, but never had anyone to share it with… Though, of course, she wouldn’t tell him it was grown with magic, that wasn’t something he needed to know.
She chuckled softly with the questions being thrown her way, it felt nice to have someone be interested in what she does. Celeste for sure wasn’t…
“ It’s okay! ” she reassured him, “ I never got to talk about this… So, I really don’t mind! And I do have cherries too! As for the space… Hmm… How to explain it…. ”
The girl put her finger on her chin in thought, thinking about how to answer the question. The true answer was that she had a few trees and bushes and just grew whatever she wanted on them with her magic, but she couldn’t admit that… That’s when something she read about not that long ago crossed her mind.
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“ I do live in a rather isolated area, but not a farm. We do have a rather sizeable garden and I’ve tried my hand at combination trees! Have you heard of them? ” she smiled, though it was a bit of a lie, it was the closest explanation she could give to the truth, “ I-It’s also called a fruit cocktail tree! You take a part of a fruit tree and graft it onto another fruit tree. ”
A small twinkle could be seen in her eyes as she explained, clearly passionate about her gardening. “ M-most of my garden is full of flowers, so these trees are a cool way to save on space.
While Dylan smiled through the whole entire explanation, he also looked as though he’d been asked to calculate the most complex trigonometry equation. …combination trees… “I’ve… never heard of that,” the redhead laughed. “You aren’t just pulling my leg, are ya? Am I really that out of the loop with plants? I mean, I did okay with those Punnett Squares about peas in school, but… this is outta my league here.” He blinked a few times. While he played the fool, he was more intelligent than many would expect. He liked learning. “Tell me more!”
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mymixofmuses · 10 months
Chloe didn't know quite what Syd was thinking, nor Derek's earlier manipulation, but she had an inkling the mood was turning sour. She cocked her head a moment, trying to read Sydney's expression, and tried to give a reassuring smile. "We can talk about something else if you want? Maybe that was a bit too intense... I do have Ozzy on here," she gestured to her iPod. "How about Crazy Train?"
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mymixofmuses · 10 months
“…Well, maybe not stuck, cuz…um…you are kinda cool. …I mean, Audrey is too, but…” Syd started to trail off as her brain hopped to another topic.
“…You got any Ozzy on your music thing? Ooo! Or maybe we can tell each other stories of, like, cool stuff we’ve done! Like…um…hm. You ever had a chance to punch someone in the gut? Is it true that they puke if you do? ‘Cos I did it once to someone 'cos they were pickin’ on my little sister, but they didn’t.”
Syd was an…odd duck. But to her, it was an important question.
Chloe chuckled. “Oh, now we really gotta let Audrey go. As capable she is of kicking ass, she doesn’t like the violent stuff. That’s not a problem for me though~” “That’s right. Byyyyyye, Sydney.” Chloe allowed a moment for Sydney to say goodbye before she ended the call. Another chuckled from the musical redhead. “They don’t always puke when you hit ‘em in the stomach, but it can happen; trust me. That Derek asshole who was here? We kicked the shit out of him. He threw up when I kicked him in the stomach... Oh, just so you know, Audrey didn’t take part there. It was me, my brother Joey, and my cousin Aiden. Joey tried to talk some quote-unquote sense into me, but even he couldn’t stand the guy and joined in when he started talking shit about Audrey.”
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mymixofmuses · 11 months
“But I’ve got the collar off! That’s gotta count for something!”
She was about to get a bit more whiny, until Audrey mentioned the Chloe thing. “I mean yeah, I am…she told me about her patches an’ stuff, an’ we listened to music, but…what else is there to do when you’re in A+E? Besides gettin’ stuck with stuff and gettin’ some ‘night night juice’. …At least that’s what one'a the med guys called it…”
“Not a lot, which is why you should stick with Chloe,” Audrey reiterated. “She’s the most excitement you’ll find here.” “Yeah, Audrey’s not really up to entertaining right now, so you’re stuck with me.”
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mymixofmuses · 11 months
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I represent myself with a Pallas’ Cat because I feel them fitting for me with their feline traits, seemingly grumpy face, and more stocky appearance. I am in my early thirties and still figuring out how to function with my autism and other conditions. I am constantly aiming to improve myself even if it is in small increments. I know I will always have my limits, but I am hoping to learn how to reach my personal best. If I had to pick my most positive trait, it would probably be my creativity. I started drawing from the moment I could grasp a crayon and simply never stopped. I’m primarily self taught and may not be the best, but I really enjoy it and think I’m decent at it. In addition to drawing, I like to write, even if it doesn’t always make its way to paper. While I do make fan content, I also have original characters and stories all my own. As such, I do enjoy collaborative story writing in the form of roleplaying. When it comes to interacting with me, there are some things you should know. -Communicate clearly. As someone with autism, I have difficulty picking up on social cues and other subtleties. -Tell me when I mess up. I want to improve, but I don’t know what I don’t know. Odds are, if I come across as rude or uncaring, I am completely unaware of it. Let me know so I can address it and move past the issue. -If you’re not up to talking to me at the moment, simply let me know. Maybe establish an “I can’t talk right now” safe word to use in these situations. I am autistic. I know what it’s like to not have certain socialization in you. If I’m only met with silence for a long time, I will assume that my message hasn’t gone through or you’ve simply forgotten to respond. Odds are I will send another message to check and I don’t want to come across as pestering if you simply don’t want to talk for whatever reason. Favorites Music- Rock, Pop, Punk, Dance, Metal, (many different kinds)
Genres- Horror, Slasher, Comedy, Animation
Video Games- Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Banjo-Kazooie Animals- Cats, Dogs, Hermit Crabs Cartoons- Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Comedy- Austin Powers, Ace Ventura Horror- A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream Animated Movies- The Lion King, The Emperor’s New Groove
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mymixofmuses · 11 months
The girl sucked in some air through her teeth. On one hand, that was a pretty logical reason as to why. On the other, she got the brunt of the damage…
“I mean…I s’pose that makes sense. …Do you know what room they have you in? Maybe I can spring loose and see ya.”
“I do, but you’re not visiting me until you have a clean bill of health, kiddo. Besides, aren’t you having fun with Chloe? She could tell you about a lot of cool stuff.”
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mymixofmuses · 11 months
Stephanie couldn’t help but smile when he said yes to her fruit. She loved sharing the produce  made of her magic with others, but never had anyone to share it with… Though, of course, she wouldn’t tell him it was grown with magic, that wasn’t something he needed to know.
She chuckled softly with the questions being thrown her way, it felt nice to have someone be interested in what she does. Celeste for sure wasn’t…
“ It’s okay! ” she reassured him, “ I never got to talk about this… So, I really don’t mind! And I do have cherries too! As for the space… Hmm… How to explain it…. ”
The girl put her finger on her chin in thought, thinking about how to answer the question. The true answer was that she had a few trees and bushes and just grew whatever she wanted on them with her magic, but she couldn’t admit that… That’s when something she read about not that long ago crossed her mind.
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“ I do live in a rather isolated area, but not a farm. We do have a rather sizeable garden and I’ve tried my hand at combination trees! Have you heard of them? ” she smiled, though it was a bit of a lie, it was the closest explanation she could give to the truth, “ I-It’s also called a fruit cocktail tree! You take a part of a fruit tree and graft it onto another fruit tree. ”
A small twinkle could be seen in her eyes as she explained, clearly passionate about her gardening. “ M-most of my garden is full of flowers, so these trees are a cool way to save on space.
While Dylan smiled through the whole entire explanation, he also looked as though he’d been asked to calculate the most complex trigonometry equation. ...combination trees... “I’ve... never heard of that,” the redhead laughed. “You aren’t just pulling my leg, are ya? Am I really that out of the loop with plants? I mean, I did okay with those Punnett Squares about peas in school, but... this is outta my league here.” He blinked a few times. While he played the fool, he was more intelligent than many would expect. He liked learning. “Tell me more!”
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mymixofmuses · 11 months
Hug! -mymixofmuses (Dylan and/or Audrey!)
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them.
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When spending more time with her two new friends, Stephanie certainly didn't expect things to get emotional, yet somehow...They did. She couldn't even remember what crazy chain of thought got them to the point of sharing their deep issues and traumatic past events. They didn't even know each other that well and yet here they were, listening to and understanding of each other.
The girl tried to keep a lot of her own issues to herself when it was her turn to talk, however, as she spoke, it just kept coming and the tears began pouring out soon after.
She talked about how lonely she was, she talked about Ash and how trapped and lost she felt without him... Stuff that she didn't even allow herself to think about on most days.
And just as she realised that she may have gone on for a little too long and was about to apologise, she felt a kind warmth envelop her from both sides as the two redheads sandwiched her in a tight hug, doing their best to comfort the girl.
Steph couldn't believe what was happening. These two were from Earth, they didn't even know her that well - they had no idea of her world, her magic, or anything surrounding her life... And yet they showed her such kindness, kindness that was a precious rarity in the life of a universal. For some reason that she couldn't comprehend, they cared.
Sitting there in the group hug, the girl couldn't help but start laughing, Dylan and Audrey joining her, telling her it was okay.
For the first time since the loss of Ash, it didn't feel so lonely... For the first time since the loss of Ash, she had friends who would care.
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mymixofmuses · 1 year
Syd’s ears perked up a bit at the sound of the familiar voice. 
“Hiiiiiiiiiiiii.” she chirped. Not exactly sensing that Audrey still may not be 100%, she started piling on the questions.
 “Are you okay? You sound like you got some of the same stuff that I got…did you? They’re not gonna make you stay overnight, are they? I’ve had to before ‘cos of ‘nuh-moan-ya’ (pneumonia), and it’s okay, but having to listen to all the beeps and gettin’ blood taken and stuff sucks…”
“Nooo, no,” Audrey tried to laugh, but it hurt and she let out a small whine. “I haven’t been given any sort of pain killer. They may later though. Probably for the best so I can accurately tell them what hurts. I don’t think I’ll have to stay overnight. Just another test or two, maybe.”
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mymixofmuses · 1 year
“…Yeeeeeah. Can we?”
As long as she could hear her voice, that’d make things a little better.
Chloe nodded and dialed up her cousin, placing the call on speaker and placing the phone between her and Syd. “Hello?” Audrey spoke a bit weakly. “Yooooo! Someone wants to talk to yoouuu!”
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