binxrps · 4 years
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Official pics of Evelynn
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binxrps · 4 years
we’re sorry it took too long for us to call back…
Hello and a happy new year to all of you who have stuck with us for so long! as many of you are aware, we have been working behind the scenes to revamp the network, bringing a more efficient, structured directory that will better provide our members’ resources to the community.  It has been six years since we first opened gif pack network in 2014, with a lofty goal to bring a network of gif creators together, along with a cohesive directory to showcase their work. Many of you have seen us grow over the years, and with this growth has come a learning curve when it comes to compiling and sharing the work the members have created. We found that the growing volume of packs was sometimes difficult to keep up with as admins, and that the process that once worked for our fledgling group was no longer efficient for the quickly growing network. We also found that the website itself had difficulty supporting the massive amount of data in the directory. So, we made the decision to create a better, smoother, more efficient directory! 
We are very proud to announce the grand reopening of gif pack network! Join us as we unveil the new structure, and take a look around! 
Below are a few important links and pieces of information that will help you navigate the new gif pack network! 
the directory: hosted on google sheets, we hope that our new directory is easier to navigate and provides followers with important information from each pack including gender, ethnicity, and the footage the packs are from. This is updated not only by the admins, but the members themselves, truly making the network member driven and supported
the members: this is where you can find all of our current members and which ones are available for requests. A huge thanks goes out to @luckycodes, who created this beautiful page for us and has been a great source of support. We are not currently accepting new members, but previous members are encouraged to reapply. Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements regarding new applicants in the near future!
the handbook: this is your guide to the network’s new structure, how to apply, and what being a member entails. it’s a more in depth view on our members responsibilities so you know what you’re getting into before you join
the faq: do you still have questions? please see our faq to answer some of those and find more clarification!
We are also introducing a brand new blog that will work alongside the network. @gpnsupport ! This blog will feature resources for creators, including how to create, color, and post your gifs! This will replace our current chatbox and allow members of the rpc to make gif pack suggestions.
We would also like to take this time to thank the people that make GPN - the many members that continue to provide resources to this community. We are so grateful to every member of the network that has worked alongside us to make the new GPN possible. Thank you for being patient with us as we worked to bring this new iteration of the network to fruition.
To our followers, we are grateful for the support you have shown the creators in this community, and for continuing to follow us through this journey. 
Thank you all for making this community a place we keep coming back to, one that is comforting, inclusive, and creative. Please enjoy the revamped Gif Pack Network, we made it just for you.
- Elly & Binx
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binxrps · 4 years
cut this the fuck out. 
anyone who believes it is, please please let me know when steph ever referred to herself as “queen steph” or ever even referred to herself by name or in the third person? also, she doesn’t use default themes, ever. 
stop trying to drag her name through the mud because you think it’s fun
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binxrps · 4 years
If you aren’t black/latine you shouldn’t be talking about ball culture point blank period let’s push aside the fact that y’all still don’t think bisexual women can use butch and femme (they can!!!) for a second and look at that. Y’all really think you speak over black/latine LGBT people about their culture when you aren’t black/latine yourselves. While using language we’ve told you is antiblack of you to use! You being a POC is irrelevant! You aren’t black! You aren’t latine! You’re more than welcome to block me if you disagree. I’m not here to argue with anybody and that button’s there for a reason. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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binxrps · 4 years
since i am so influential, send me some coins so i can buy yah yah’s book and some smash dlcs
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binxrps · 4 years
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By clicking the SOURCE LINK below, you will find #146 gifs of British actor, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, taken from various interviews. All gifs were made by me and are intended for roleplaying purposes only. Don’t repost or add to gif hunts, don’t use for edits/crackships, don’t remove my watermark, and please do not claim as your own. He is of African-Barbadian descent so please cast accordingly!  Also, please do not edit them in any capacity and do not turn them into gif icons unless you ask first and credit me when posted!!  Please like and/or reblog if you’re using any of the gifs included in the pack.
TW: flashing lights
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binxrps · 4 years
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Hey @callofthe-wyld! Knock this shit off!
You were kicked out of Corinth Bay for activity reasons! I personally didn’t want to interact with you bc you godmod like crazy and you tend to make people really uncomfortable, but god damn are my friends sick of you. This is one of at least three messages you’ve sent people in Corinth Bay following being kicked out, and the fact that you’re trying to slander the RP to current members is FUCKING SHITTY. I now also know you’re sending people discord messages with the same thing, trying to poach them from Corinth Bay. I know you did this after you got kicked out of empire-rp years ago and even threatened to sue them for slander?? Or??? idk??? Shane blocked you, my dude. He doesn’t want anything to do with you.
I’m also assuming you’re sending these sorts of messages to members of other supernatural rps, bc that was what you did after you got kicked out of empire. 
Keep your racist, misogynist, plagiarized RP away from my friends. They’re all blocking you for a reason.
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binxrps · 4 years
So… Did y’all forget that Melanie Martinez was accused of rape, which she responded to with ‘you didn’t say no’ (which as we all know, doesn’t equal consent), and then her fans pressured her accuser into saying that the rape allegations were wrong, and then she had the audacity to make a DISS TRACK ABOUT HER ACCUSER, including the lyrics ‘now you’re trying to kill my name for some fame’, or did we all just decide to conveniently forget all of that in favor for the gross DDL/G aesthetic :/
And that’s not even talking about her romanticizaton of mental illnesses that she doesn’t have!
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binxrps · 4 years
September 23 is Bi Visibility Day and like every year, bivisibilityday.com collects information about bisexual evens around the globe that celebrate it!
Bad news is that because of corona virus, this year there are way less events
Good news is that a lot of events take place online and are thus more accessible to people who don’t live in bigger cities (check out the list of evens by country here) + there are going to be four new bi publications released!
Whether you join one of the events or celebrate on your own, I hope everyone has a wonderful day ❤️💜💙
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binxrps · 4 years
Whether you believe bisexuality was inclusive of nonbinary people in the 1960s, or whatever the latest debate is, the fact is that the bi community has spent the majority of the last decade trying to make it clear that bisexual means or should mean much more than just “attraction to men and women”, and there has been very, very little push back from within the bi community. The general consensus is that the word “bisexual” should be infinitely broad and inclusive, no matter what the etymological root is. Bisexuals do not want “bisexual” to be limited.
The only people desperately trying to reinforce the idea that “bisexual means 2 genders” are people who do not identify as bisexual. 
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binxrps · 4 years
Idk who needs to hear this but non-Native people who want to build a communist or socialist state to replace Canada & the US are just as colonialist as their capitalist counterparts.
If the movement doesn’t prioritize returning governance to Indigenous people it’s just colonizing but a little to the left
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binxrps · 4 years
I know I'm literally always asking for money but I'm literally always poor as shit. We need money for the light bill, gas bill and money to get our chimney cleaned. That comes out to around $450, which I know is a lot to ask but! Whatever!
As usual, white people following me can do their part by giving $30 each; shalomies and other spicy whites can pay anything from $10-$15 bc solidarity
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binxrps · 4 years
שנה טובה! 🍎🍯
Wishing all my Jewish followers a happy, healthy, and sweet new year this Rosh Hashanah! 💛
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binxrps · 4 years
I don’t want to deal with stress anymore. I want to be a trophy wife smh
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binxrps · 4 years
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please unfollow me if you support caity lotz. actually block me
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binxrps · 4 years
Hot take but lesbians and bi women aren’t different levels of wlw
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binxrps · 4 years
i truly wish this hellsite wasn’t to black and white, especially when it comes to politics. you seriously need to understand what nuance is, especially when it comes to such topics.
we should be able to coexist in a world where people rightfully criticize RGB because whether liberals like it or not, she held archaic beliefs and helped pass discriminatory policies so telling poc (particularly black people, i see y’all!) to shut up and stop being disrespectful is not a good look! 
and! guess what! people can also be upset about her death and worried about their future given how republicans are the scum of the earth that look for every upcoming opportunity to make people’s lives miserable via politics so calling people dumb for caring and being upset is also bad! sadly this woman was one of the most “progressive” people out there in a land of conservative sharks. i think we can discuss that while also discussing her wrongs, but this needs to be done in a respectful manner. 
stop treating this like a fucking stan war and stop being antisemitic. 
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