biomend-a · 2 years
tumblr: here's your old blog back. say goodbye to your new one
me: what
tumblr: terminates new blog
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biomend-a · 2 years
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biomend-a · 2 years
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it  all  started  with  a  gunshot  to  the  chest, and then she's  waking up on the cold floor, desperately gasping  for  air, glancing  over  at  a  pool  of  blood  and  a  pair  of  familiar  boots.  alpha  teams'  captain  is  dead,  and  she  can't  help  the  feeling  of  relief  that  washes  over  her,  along  with  a  twinge  of  satisfaction  upon  seeing  his  disemboweled  corpse.  she  stands,  giving  him  one  final  look  before  leaving  the  lab.  she  hopes  every  second  was  as  agonizing  as  the  pain  he  wrought  on  them  all.
betrayal  cut  them  deeper  than  the  sharpest  of  knives,  and  it  hits  rebecca  hard  when  they  land.  that  simmering  rage  comes  to  a  boiling  point  when  they  enter  the  conference  room.  bruised,  bloodied  and  sleep  deprived,  she  stares  daggers  into  one  particular  member  of  alpha  team,  digging  her  nails  into  her palms  before  lashing  out  across  the table. she's pointing  the  finger  at  barry  burton,  the  only  one  alive  who  can  attest  to  his  sins,  but  this  isn't  his  mess  to  clean  up.  he's  not  the  reason  for  bravo  teams'  demise,  and  she  knows  this,  but  she  has  to  find  someone  to  blame,  someone  to  scream  at  until  she  loses  her  voice.  shoulders  quake,  tears  stream  down  her  face  and  she's  pulled  from  the  room.  this  wasn't  his  fault.  he  was  simply  doing  what  he  had  to  in  order  to  keep  his  family  alive.
she  carries  her  rage  silently  after  that,  in  the  countless  hours  of  work  she  puts  into  the  lab,  and  the nights  without  sleep.  it's  in  the  miles  she  runs  through  the  neighborhood,  slamming  her  heels  into  the  pavement  with  each  step,  jaws  clenched,  her  mind  reeling  her  back  to  a  time  she'll  never  forget.  bravo  team  would  still  be  alive  if  they  had  simply  caught  on  to  wesker’s  lies...  the  what  ifs  are  endless,  and  they're  constantly  playing on repeat  when  she  has  a  second  to  breathe.
of  course,  given  enough  time  and   stress,  the  rage  boils  over  again  and  it  can  get  hairy  real  quick.  she’ll  snap  on  the  wrong  person,  say  something  she  can't  take  back,  and  feels immense  guilt  over  it.  rebecca  has  quite  the  temper,  actually.  she's  just  unbelievably  careful  about  when  she  loses  it,  and  where.
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biomend-a · 2 years
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the  ghost.
you  left  them  behind,  but  a  part  of  you  comes  back  at  night.  you’re  in  their  dreams  and  just  outside  their  doorway.  you’ll  haunt  them  forever.  the  people  you  love.  the  people  you  hate.  everyone  who’s  ever  been  afraid  of  you.  they’ll  remember  you r face,  your  hands,  your  eyes  in  the  dark.  you’re  the  reason  they  don’t  sleep  easy.  there  was  no  epilogue  when  you  died,  but  the  whole  story  is  drenched  with  your  requiem.  you  live  on  forever  in  their  memories.  you’ll  always  be  missed,  ghost. 
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tagged by:  @malviral​  (  thank  you  once  again! ) tagging:  you,  the  one  reading  this.
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biomend-a · 2 years
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                                REBECCA’S   HOME   AND   COURTYARD.
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biomend-a · 2 years
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i hope capcom keeps this easter egg
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biomend-a · 2 years
                                             CHARACTER  IN  FIVE  QUOTES 
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tell  us  your  favourite  quotes  from  your  character.  give  us  an  idea  of  who  they  are  with  five  things  they’ve  said.  then  tag  your  friends ! 
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❝  i  can  handle  myself... ❞
❝   i  had  to  fight  and   i  had  to   survive,  no  matter  what  happened.  i'll  prove  i  have  what   it  takes  to  survive.  ❞
❝   if  we  don't   figure  this  out  now,  there  won't   be   little  towns  like  this   for   you  to   drink  your   sorrows  away   in   ever  again.  ❞
❝   i  used   to   be  a  medic  in  the  S.T.A.R.S.  unit  in  raccoon   city.  i  guess,   in  a   way,   i've  always   been  interested  in   medical  science.  then   one   day,  i  decided   to   make   it  my  duty  to   stop   people   from  abusing  it.  ❞
❝   the  difference  is,  he   uses   his  brawn  while   i  use   my  brain.   so   brains   and  brawn  working   together  to  save  humanity... ❞
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tagged by:  @malviral  ( THANK  U <3 )
tagging:  every  last  one  of  yous.
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biomend-a · 2 years
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❝   objectively,  there's  nothing  wrong  with  cannibalism,  but  morally  speaking  it's  𝙽𝙾𝚃  okay  to  eat  your  friends,  or  strangers  for  that  matter...  especially  if  they’re  alive.  besides,  i  don't  think  i'd  be  all  that  appetizing  to  be  honest  with  you...  if  that's  what  you  were  thinking... ❞
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“     If  the  consumption  of  humans  is  abhorrent —  then  why  is  their  flesh  most  delightful  and  pleasurable ?     ”
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biomend-a · 2 years
𝙱𝚁𝚄𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚂  𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙺𝙴  𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙸𝚁  𝙲𝙻𝙰𝙸𝙼  like  storm  clouds  in  the  pale  sky,  their  imprints  a  visual  reminder  of  a  not  so  distant  past.  an  echo  of  survival,  of  blood  𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙾𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙶  in  shades  of  black  and  blue  beneath  the  surface,  filling  in  the  marks  left  behind  by  malevolent  ghosts.  each  cut,  scratch  and  contusion  has  a  story,  but  she  doesn't  pry  just  yet,  not  until  the  wound  has  had  time  to  heal,  scab  over,  then  eventually  fall  off,  shedding  the  skin  of  trauma  layer  by  layer,  ounce  by  precious  ounce.
she  turns  off  the  television  with  a  weary  sigh,  wrapping  jill's  arm  in  gauze,  her  gaze  full  of  worry.  the  hotel  room  has  seen  better  days,  spattered  in  stains  from  carpet  to  ceiling,  the  stench  of  cigarette  smoke  hanging  in  the  air  like  an  𝚄𝙽𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴  guest...  clinging  to  their  hair  and  clothes.  it  could  be  worse.
                                                 '  it  could  always  be  worse.  '
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❝  all  done.  you'll  be  good as new  in  a  few  days,  that  should  be  just  enough  time  for  us  all  to  reconvene. ❞  spoken  softly  as  if  it  were  an  afterthought,  she  lies  back  onto  the  broken  mattress  springs,  staring  at  the  stains  and  cracked  stucco,  desperately  trying  to  escape  from the  𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙴  they've  been  thrown  into; knowing  deep  down  it's  only  just  begun.
❝   when  i  heard  the  news  i  assumed  the  worst.  i  thought  you  were  -  ❞  the  words  teeter  on  the  edge  of  rebecca's  tongue,  but  they  don't  come  out.  instead,  she  leans  forward,  breathing  out  the  thought  with  a  𝚁𝙴𝙻𝙸𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙳  expression.  ❝  i'm  glad  you're  okay...  despite  the  circumstances. ❞  despite  the  fact  they  may  not  survive  the  fall  of  umbrella,  it's  well  worth  the  risk.  it’s  worth  every  invaluable  sacrifice.
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@jilltm​  /  plotted  thing.
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biomend-a · 2 years
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WARNING:  this  group  contains  scenes  of  explicit  violence  and  gore.
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biomend-a · 2 years
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#𝙱𝙸𝙾𝙼𝙴𝙽𝙳.   ❝   i  used  to  be  a  medic  in  the  S.T.A.R.S.   unit  in  raccoon  city.  i  guess,  in  a  way,  i've  always  been  interested  in  medical  science.  then  one  day,  i  decided  to  make  it  my  duty  to  stop  people  from  abusing  it.  ❞
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biomend-a · 2 years
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tucked  behind  a  french  style  cottage  is  rebecca's  courtyard  full  of  roses,  lavender,  rosemary,  hydrangeas,  and  larkspur.  she  goes  there  to  find  much  needed  repose,  basking  in  the  rays  of  sun  that  flitter  through  each  petal,  the  warmth  like  a  gentle  hug  from  a  long  lost  friend.  in  the  center  of  her  courtyard  by  a  cherub  fountain  is  a  plaque  with  a  list  of  names  on  it.  It's  in  memoriam  of  bravo  team,  and  when  she's  alone  in  this  garden,  she  feels  closest  to  them  all.  sometimes  she'll  talk  to  herself,  the  plants,  and  nature  as  if  they  were  all  listening.  she's  not  religious,  but  she  likes  to  think  that  so  long  as  their  memory  lives  on,  so  will  they.  
thanks  to  kenneth,  she  knows  that  quality  in  gardening  is  crucial.  from  soil  to  pot,  root  care  and  pruning,  whenever  she's  planting  something  new,  she  hears  his  voice  plain  as  day,  telling  her  the  ins  and  outs  of  each  beautiful  flower,  and  how  to  adequately  care  for  them.  every  now  and  then,  she'll  sit  by  the  fountain  with  a  book  in  hand,  looking  up  at  the  skies  with  an  inquisitive  expression,  wondering  how  different  life  might  be  if  teammates  didn't  have  to  be  replaced  by  flowers  and  plaques;  wondering  if  their  sacrifice  meant  anything  at  all...  and  would  they  be  proud  of  the  woman  she's  become?  she  lets  out  a  sigh  then,  closing  her  book  for  the  time  being.  the  negative  thoughts  dissipate  like  a  cloud,  and  she's  soon  nodding  off  beneath  her  sun  hat,  at  peace  in  her  sanctuary  of  lost  (  but  never  forgotten  )  friends.
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biomend-a · 2 years
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| aggressive | ambitious | antisocial | bitter | bloodthirsty | brazen | callous | cannibal | calculating | capricious | careless | cold | compulsive | covetous | cowardly | cunning | cynical | deceitful | devious | domineering | envious | exploitative | greedy | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | indolent | insidious | insolent | irreverent | jaded | kidnapper | liar | lustful | machiavellian | manipulator | materialistic | megalomaniac | mercurial | misanthropic | murderer | obsessive | opportunistic | over-critical | over-emotional | patronizing | petty | proud | ruthless | resentful | sadistic | sarcastic | self-indulgent | selfish | serial killer | stoic | spiteful | torturer | two-faced | touchy | traitorous | unclean | unforgiving | unhinged | unpredictable | unscrupulous | vain | vengeful | volatile | wrathful
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tagged by: @terrorgone  ( tysm for tagging me!!! <3 tagging: @metaltod , @sseizonsha , @antiibow , @squarecranks , @biovaliant , @bioresilient , @biosurvive , @malviral​, 
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biomend-a · 2 years
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biomend-a · 3 years
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the man that I am?
the things that I've done?
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biomend-a · 3 years
🐝  *  ―  𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒.   (  all  of  these  are  taken  from  the  movie  ‘heathers’  released  in  1989.  feel  free  to  adjust  to  better  fit  your  muses.  )
❛  i’m really sorry i couldn’t make it to your birthday party last month.  ❜ ❛  heck , i’d probably skip my own birthday party for a date.  ❜ ❛  fuck me gently with a chainsaw.  ❜ ❛  doesn’t it bother you that everyone in the school thinks you’re a piranha ?  ❜ ❛  they all want me , as a friend or a fuck.  ❜ ❛  come on you jerk. you know you used to have a sense of humor.  ❜ ❛  that’s the stupidest question i’ve ever heard.  ❜ ❛  did you have a brain tumor for breakfast ?  ❜ ❛  so tonight’s the night. are you excited ?  ❜ ❛  everybody’s life’s got static. is your life perfect ?  ❜ ❛  you’re just so hot tonight. i can’t control myself.  ❜ ❛  i just wanna get laid.  ❜ ❛  what’s your damage ?  ❜ ❛  you were nothing before you met me !  ❜ ❛  monday morning , you’re history. i’ll tell everyone about tonight.  ❜ ❛  just saying , it’s not hard to end a life.  ❜ ❛  i guess i don’t know what the hell i’m talking about.  ❜ ❛  i know exactly what the hell you’re talking about and you’re right , you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.  ❜ ❛  let’s just grow up , be adults , and die.  ❜ ❛  is that a ‘no’ in your lingo ?  ❜ ❛  we both said a lot of things we didn’t mean last night.  ❜ ❛  how the hell’d you get in here ?  ❜ ❛  i can’t believe it. i just killed my best friend.  ❜ ❛  i’m just a little freaked , all right ?  ❜ ❛  you got what you wanted , you know.  ❜ ❛  it’s one thing to want somebody out of your life. it’s another thing to serve them a wake-up cup of drano.  ❜ ❛  that’s good. have you done this before ?  ❜ ❛  what are you smiling at ?  ❜ ❛  did that sound bitchy ?  ❜ ❛  i’m sure your friends are happy to hear that.  ❜ ❛  i’d like to know just what i did.  ❜ ❛  hey listen , my bonnie-and-clyde days are over.  ❜ ❛  does this answer your question ?  ❜ ❛  you believed it because you wanted to believe it.  ❜ ❛  can’t you see this is a special moment ?  ❜ ❛  don’t even talk about that stuff !  ❜ ❛  i don’t know how to talk to you.  ❜ ❛  our relationship’s moving fast , i know , but i have real , real respect for you.  ❜ ❛  what do you want from me ?  ❜ ❛  some people just don’t matter. why should those who do carry their weight ?  ❜ ❛  i’m sorry you felt you had to put yourself through all that shit.  ❜ ❛  i guess i picked the wrong time to be a human being.  ❜ ❛  what are you trying to do ? kill me ?  ❜ ❛  hey now , if you were happy every day of your life , you wouldn’t be a human being , you’d be a game show host.  ❜ ❛  don’t talk to me like that.  ❜ ❛  [name] , why can’t you just be a friend ? why are you such a megabitch ?  ❜ ❛  i don’t get it ! you were wrong ! i was right !  ❜ ❛  wait a … you’re not listening ! i’m not on your side …  ❜ ❛  what in the hell do you think i’m doing ? taking out her tonsils ?  ❜ ❛  i loved you. sure , climbed up here to kill you , but first i was going to try and get you back.  ❜ ❛  you think just because you started this thing , you can end it ?  ❜ ❛  you really fucked me up , [name].  ❜
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biomend-a · 3 years
rebecca doesn't curse often but when she does it's almost always a long drawn out murmur under her breath when she thinks no one else is listening. oh, and her favorite curse word is "shit" by the way.
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