biotechserv · 1 year
How To Choose the Right Laboratory Equipment Repair Service?
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Machines cannot be trusted blindly. Yes, they are efficient, effective, and reliable (most of the time). Still, at the end of the day, they are machines that can get damaged, become overloaded, or suffer technical failures and halt lab operations.
Laboratories, which perform crucial operations, and offer healthcare services, cannot afford downtime as it can significantly affect patients and the overall organizational operations.
Thus, you must employ the right laboratory equipment repair service in Los Angeles.
Is it easy? No. When you search for the repair service provider, you will find plenty of them. Still, the crucial matter is to identify one who can offer a timely, effective, and affordable repair service.
Biotechnical Services Inc. is a California-based service provider known for best-in-quality lab equipment repair services. For more information, visit the website now!
Choosing the Right Laboratory Equipment Repair Service
So, here you are. There are two possibilities right now. First, it is your first time choosing a repair service. Second, you tried to choose one but were skeptical about whether it was right.
In both cases, this guide will help you choose the right service provider for laboratory equipment repair in Los Angeles that fits your needs.
Prior Experience
Prior experience is the most coveted factor when it comes to repairing service. There are costly instruments at the service provider’s disposal, and timely repair is crucial. Moreover, there are lives and crucial research dependent on equipment. Thus, a reliable and accurate job can be expected from someone with experience undertaking such jobs.
Sometimes, it is argued that “how new service providers will ever grow if they are not given a chance?” but you cannot risk your instruments. In addition, most businesses today are online, and previous customer reviews can say a lot about their service quality. So, make a sound decision after considering the other points discussed below, along with prior experience.
The Right Fit
Laboratories can also be classified based on their types, such as research labs, hospital labs, physics labs, etc. Thus, every laboratory houses different equipment based on its scope of work. Which type of laboratory do you own or work at?
It is a crucial question because your choice of repair service provider depends significantly on the answer. So, ask the service provider what services they offer. For example, do they only provide repair services or also offer calibration services?
The best advice is to hire a professional laboratory that offers all services in one place. Hiring a team that can offer regular inspection, maintenance, and repair services is beneficial in many ways. In addition, it results in less time wastage in searching for the right professionals for different functions.
Biotechnical Services Inc. is known for offering comprehensive services to laboratories from different industries. It offers everything under one roof, be it repair services, laboratory equipment calibration, or sales of laboratory equipment.
Affordable Pricing
The myth is that the more one charges, the better service one provides.
It is neither right nor wrong. Because there are many repair service providers out there that quote you less initially and then add additional costs to the invoice. Sometimes the costs are as high as 250% of the initial quote.
Then there are service providers who charge an ostentatious amount while offering the same services as a small service provider offers.
In both cases, you are duped. You must discuss the cost breakup with the repair service provider before signing the contract. Even if you receive a too-good-to-be-true quote, discuss it transparently with the service provider first.
Market Reputation
Quality work builds market reputation. In the business world, goodwill is crucial, and a repair service provider who offers quality service enjoys a good market reputation.
Before hiring a repair technician, ask for its reviews and quality of service. You can go to the laboratory website and learn so through customer reviews.
It is a general process, and with increased usage of inline services, you can find most businesses online and learn about their service quality and customer satisfaction level.
It is the first and foremost requirement for hiring a lab equipment repair service in Los Angeles. First, check whether the service provider has A2LA accreditation or not.
A2LA stands for American Association for Laboratory Accreditation which recognizes organizations to offer reliable and quality services.
Check the accreditation certificates of the service provider before signing up for a long-term contract.
Repair or Replacement?
When lab equipment gives away, the first question that must come to your mind is whether you should get it repaired or replaced. Will it offer reliable and accurate results after repair?
Having a professional team onboard comes in handy during such conflicting times. The professionals can have a look at the machine and give you an estimate of the repair costs and whether it is beneficial to repair or replace it.
The following points must be considered when facing such a dilemma.
The effects of repair on future measurements and research.
Possible future downtimes and repair costs
Total repair and maintenance costs over the period of the equipment
The cost of new equipment and its installation, calibration, repair, maintenance, etc.
Remaining shelf life of the existing equipment
Terminal cost of the equipment
How Biotechnical Services Inc. Can Help You?
Biotechnical Services Inc. is known for its quality repair services which it has been providing for 31 years. When you look at the above points and then consider the attributes of Biotechnical Services Inc., you will find that it fits all of the criteria, such as:
It has a team of qualified technicians who have offered their services to various industries, including healthcare, biotech, pharmaceutical, etc.
The company is an accredited service provider that offers all services under one roof, such as lab equipment, accessories, calibration, repair, etc.
Apart from profit-making, we offer services that ensure customer satisfaction through minimum delivery time, affordable costs, and a comprehensive range of products and services.
Our various offices across California, Utah, Nevada, and Arizona show our customers’ confidence in us, which speaks tons for our market reputation.
If you have any more questions, contact our team now!
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/how-to-choose-the-right-laboratory-equipment-repair-service/
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biotechserv · 1 year
Maximizing Efficiency and Safety with Torque Wrench Calibration
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Torque wrenches are an essential tool in many industries that require precise tightening of bolts and nuts. These tools ensure that fasteners are tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications, reducing the risk of mechanical failure and ensuring the safety of workers and equipment. However, like any other tool, torque wrenches need to be calibrated regularly to maintain their accuracy and prevent potential errors.
In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of torque wrench calibration, how it is done, and the benefits of ensuring that your torque wrenches are calibrated regularly.
Biotechnical Services Inc. is the comprehensive calibration service provider you can trust for torque wrench calibration.
Why is Torque Wrench Calibration Important?
A torque wrench’s primary function is to tighten fasteners to a specific level of tension or torque. Accurate torque application is critical to ensuring that equipment operates efficiently and safely. An over-tightened fastener can cause damage to the equipment or even result in a catastrophic failure, while an under-tightened fastener can lead to equipment malfunction or failure.
However, torque wrenches are mechanical tools that can experience wear and tear over time. Exposure to various environmental conditions, such as temperature, humidity, and dust, can also affect their accuracy. Calibration ensures that the torque wrench measures the applied force accurately, giving you confidence that your fasteners are tightened correctly.
Process of Torque Wrench Calibration
Torque wrench calibration involves verifying that the torque wrench accurately measures the applied force. The process involves comparing the torque wrench’s output to a known standard, typically a calibration machine that can measure torque accurately.
Calibration machines apply a known force to the torque wrench and measure the torque applied. This measurement is compared to the torque wrench’s reading, and any differences are recorded. The calibration machine then adjusts the torque wrench until it measures the correct amount of torque.
Calibration is typically performed by a calibration technician with the necessary training and equipment to perform the process accurately. Calibration can be done on-site or off-site, depending on the facility’s requirements and the availability of the necessary equipment.
Benefits of Regular Torque Wrench Calibration
Maximizes Efficiency
Efficiency is critical in industrial processes, and torque wrench calibration plays a significant role in maximizing it. A calibrated torque wrench ensures that bolts and nuts are tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications, which helps to prevent over-tightening and under-tightening. This not only ensures the safety of the equipment and personnel but also helps to minimize downtime and maintenance costs.
Over-tightening can cause bolts to fail prematurely, leading to downtime and maintenance costs. On the other hand, under-tightening can cause bolts to loosen and result in equipment failure, leading to downtime and maintenance costs. By regularly calibrating torque wrenches, companies can ensure that their equipment is operating optimally and minimize maintenance costs.
Maximizing Safety with Torque Wrench Calibration
Safety is a top priority in any industrial process, and torque wrench calibration significantly maximizes it. A calibrated torque wrench ensures that bolts and nuts are tightened to the manufacturer’s specifications, which helps to prevent safety hazards. Over-tightening bolts can cause them to fail prematurely, leading to safety hazards. On the other hand, under-tightening bolts can cause them to loosen, leading to safety hazards.
Calibrating torque wrenches regularly helps to ensure that equipment is operating safely and reliably. A calibrated torque wrench also helps to prevent equipment damage, which can cause safety hazards. By calibrating torque wrenches regularly, companies can ensure the safety of their personnel and equipment and minimize the risk of accidents.
Saves Money
Calibrating your torque wrenches regularly can save you money in the long run. An over-tightened fastener can cause damage to the equipment, resulting in costly repairs and downtime. Under-tightened fasteners can also lead to equipment malfunction or failure, which can result in costly repairs and lost productivity. Regular calibration ensures that fasteners are tightened to the correct torque specification, reducing the risk of damage and downtime, which can save you money in the long run.
Compliance with Standards and Regulations
Many industries have standards and regulations that require equipment to be calibrated regularly. Failure to comply with these standards and regulations can result in fines and legal issues. Regular calibration ensures that your torque wrenches comply with the necessary standards and regulations, ensuring that you avoid legal issues and penalties.
Biotechnical Services Inc. for Torque Wrench Calibration
Calibrating your torque wrenches regularly is essential to maintaining their accuracy and ensuring that fasteners are tightened to the correct torque specification. Regular calibration has several benefits as stated above.
Biotechnical Services Inc. has the required experience and a professional team to offer you the best you deserve.
Contact us today for a quote!
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/maximizing-efficiency-and-safety-with-torque-wrench-calibration/
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biotechserv · 1 year
Weights for Calibrating Balances: Why Is This Necessary?
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Be it factories, large industries, small companies, or any other manufacturing plant, mixing the ingredients in the right quantities is crucial for producing quality goods. In laboratories, it becomes even more important. Imagine creating a 5 mg solution. There is no space for a mistake because it can harm someone’s health and your staff.
There are different kinds of balances and weights in labs. This is because each weight goes through a lot of handling through the daily routine and loses some part of it.
Thus, calibration becomes important in laboratories, and calibration weights are used to calibrate them. This blog will help you learn the importance of calibration weights in Los Angeles and how they are non-disposable during weight calibration.
Biotechnical Services Inc. is known for weight calibration in several parts of California. For accurate calibration, contact us today!
Why Do Balances and Weights Need Calibration?
Scales and weights are used to measure ingredients and chemicals in laboratories. Various mixtures and ingredients are measured, and their quantities are usually tiny, such as a 1 ml solution for an injection or a 0.5 mg tablet.
Thus, laboratories use tiny weights for measurement.
If you have witnessed weights, you will agree that they wear off with time. The daily usage and hazardous environments result in them losing weight over time.
If a 20 kg weight loses 10 grams, it is negligible, but a 1 mg weight can’t afford to lose any of it.
First, they are kept in highly safe environments and used with great care but keeping them intact over time is impossible.
Weight calibration measures the accuracy of different weights and determines whether they are fit for laboratory use. It is only possible with the help of balances.
Read on to learn the importance of standard balances.
What Is Balance Calibration?
Balance calibration is comparing actual weights against standard weights to determine the difference. It is a quantitative comparison to ascertain the true value of weights against the standard ones.
The process of weights calibration requires a weighing scale, standard balances, and actual weights that you use in your laboratory.
What Role Do Weights Play in Calibration?
The entire process of calibration depends on standard weights. Since the actual weights are calibrated against standard weights, the balances are required to be accurate. Unless they are accurate themselves, the entire process of calibration is useless. When inaccurate balances are used, the results can be disastrous as these small weights are of the greatest significance, and ignorance on this front can lead to dangerous consequences.
Experienced calibration laboratories, such as Biotechnical Services Inc., perform weight calibration. It is the responsibility of the team to ensure that they use only authorized standard weights for calibration.
Also, it lies on the shoulders of laboratories to ensure they have an experienced calibration laboratory team onboard to perform regular weight calibration.
Benefits of Balance Calibration
The process of weight calibration and using standard weights highlights the importance of the process, but here are certain benefits that result from the process.
Cost Saving
Cost saving is the first and foremost benefit of using calibrated balances. You cannot use faulty balances as they render products useless and require change. It results in the redundancy of processes and the application of resources. Accurate balances ensure quality production and save costs.
Every laboratory, whether it is a chemical lab or a testing lab, must adhere to the compliance regulations set by authorized regulatory bodies. Using weights for balance calibration regularly is also one of them. Therefore, every laboratory must undergo balance and scale calibration to avoid violating the rules and facing legal and regulatory consequences.
Daily, balances weigh hundreds of weights. So how do you know that the weights you read are accurate? Accurate balances give you confidence so you can rely on the measurements with certainty. Besides, the weights’ reliability and accuracy are paramount in laboratories.
Identification of Defective and Aging Balances
It is only through the help of calibration weights that any defective and aging weights can be identified. Thus, all laboratories must undergo balance calibration using calibration weights in Los Angeles so timely action can be taken.
How Often Should You Calibrate?
It is a common question that must be bugging your mind, as well as how often you should calibrate your balances.
The general answer is that you should calibrate your balances once a year. The time of once a year is considered standard frequency.
But one must not assume that the fact always holds true. The frequency of calibration is defined by the probability of the balances going wrong and what their impact can be. For example, a laboratory that does not use weights above 1 kg is not required to calibrate its bulky weights often. But if the same laboratory uses smaller weights and the laboratory is a Biotech, pharmaceutical, or hospital lab, then the professional calibration lab must determine the calibration frequency.
Biotechnical Services Inc. is an experienced laboratory specializing in understanding your business and assessing your calibration needs so you are always on top.
What if Balances are Inaccurate?
If balances are inaccurate, they are changed as the adjustment is impossible. But there are tolerance limits. Balances can be used in the future if the differences are within tolerance limits.
How Biotechnical Services Inc. Can Help?
Biotechnical Services Inc. is a full-service, ISO-certified calibration laboratory that has an extensive experience of 30 years. We offer calibration services to Aerospace companies, food industry labs, academic labs, Biotech labs, etc., and scale and balance calibration is one of our specialties.
As a lab that has been offering services for decades, we understand the importance of using calibration weights and offer our services in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada.
Contact us today for an accurate balance calibration.
Original blog posted here - https://www.biotechserv.com/weights-for-calibrating-balances-why-is-this-necessary/
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biotechserv · 1 year
The Importance of Instrument Calibration for Accurate Results
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Every laboratory owner and staff are aware of the term calibration. As soon as an instrument or equipment is purchased, its calibration is certain because it is integral to keeping the instruments consistent.
While instrument calibration sounds vital, are you aware of its importance? Why does every instrument go through this elaborate process, and why do calibration laboratories advise you to calibrate your instruments religiously?
But instrument calibration is a non-disposable process which will be further elaborated in this guide.
If you are looking for a professional and experienced calibration laboratory for instrument calibration in San Diego, look no further than Biotechnical Services Inc., which consistently provides the best calibration services in town and around CA.
Contact now!
What Is Instrument Calibration?
A laboratory houses different types of equipment and instruments. All of these various instruments are used in one process or another. For example, they might be important for measuring pressures, temperatures, humidity, weights, mass, etc. While these readings are of utmost importance to the lab, what is the probability that the readings you scribbled on your pad are accurate? How do you ascertain that the instrument is performing accurately?
Another thought that might pop up in your mind is that a tiny difference won’t cause significant damage, but this thought must be banished.
If you work in a testing lab or a chemical lab, you must be well aware of the importance of the accuracy of quantities. Even a drop more can create havoc. Thus, the reliability and consistency of lab instruments for accurate results are ensured with instrument calibration.
Instruments calibration refers to the process of measuring the true value of the instruments against the standard values. For example, a 100-gram weight must weigh 100 grams, but its accuracy is compromised if it weighs only 95 grams. Therefore, standard weight is used to measure its accuracy, which weighs accurately and ensures the accuracy of the instruments under calibration.
In short, it is the process of recording any differences between actual readings against standard readings that are generally accepted.
Which Laboratory Instruments Require Calibration?
Every instrument that produces data for research or production requires calibration. The list includes:
pH meters
Pressure gauges
Centrifuges, etc.
Importance of Instrument Calibration for Accurate Results
Here are some reasons why instrument calibration is important and how the accuracy of results relies on regular calibration.
Proper Upkeep of Instruments
A laboratory houses hundreds of instruments, and it is a huge investment. So, naturally, some instruments are costlier than others. But some instruments, while being small, play a significant role in research. But if these instruments are not calibrated on time, they are worthless because an instrument is useful as long as it is accurate, which is ensured by instrument calibration.
While it is easy to argue that your instruments provide accurate results, reliability can only be assured by proof in calibration certificates. Instrument calibration ensures that the instruments have been calibrated and offer reliable measurements.
Quality Assurance
Different clients have different requirements, and they require quality assurance. Instrument calibration offers quantitative data and records proving that the laboratory adheres to the safety and other regulations to offer the quality needed.
Cost Saving
Instrument calibration sounds like an expense, but it is an investment. It is the upfront cost you pay to avoid legal actions and costly consequences resulting from defective products and results. It also saves your reputation and establishes you as a responsible laboratory. It also ensures long-term customer relationships.
Importance of a Professional Calibration Laboratory
Instrument calibration is not a joke. Today, many instruments come with an automatic calibration switch that calibrates instruments with a mere press of a button. But not all instruments can be automatically calibrated, and you need to employ a professional and experienced calibration laboratory onboard. Read the points below to learn the importance of hiring a calibration laboratory.
Proper Care of Instruments
The multitude of instruments requires customized care and calibration. These are your valuable investments, and you must only entrust the responsibility to the hands of a certified laboratory. They will look after your instruments properly and will help lengthen your instruments’ lives.
Accuracy Cannot Be Compromised
While you can choose a non-certified calibration lab, it must be understood that measurement accuracy cannot be compromised and should not be at any rate. With a non-certified lab, there is a greater possibility of inaccurate calibration, which risks future measurements.
A Wider Range for Instrument Calibration
Certified experienced like Biotechnical Services Inc. have a more comprehensive range of testing equipment for instrument calibration. Also, we offer calibration to different industries, which house various equipment and instruments.
Plus, if you hire a lab that can only calibrate a certain type of instrument, you must hire multiple laboratories. It is a waste of time and resources.
Economic Advantages
Hiring an accredited laboratory for instrument calibration in San Diego is more economical than a non-accredited and non-certified one. Many laboratories often offer you a lesser quote and, later, come up with hidden costs. It is not true that every laboratory that charges you more is trustworthy.
But you must also consider the repair costs in mind, which might be required in case of improper calibration.
Biotechnical Services for Instrument Calibration in San Diego
Biotechnical Services Inc. was formed to offer quality products and services to various industries requiring laboratory equipment, accessories, and calibration services.
Instrument calibration is one of the services we offer. We take pride in the fact that we are an accredited calibration laboratory that has been working for decades and has built a name around California, Arizona, and Nevada. Our area of work extends to multiple cities.
For quality instrument calibration in San Diego, contact us today!
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/the-importance-of-instrument-calibration-for-accurate-results/
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biotechserv · 1 year
What Are the Risks for the Laboratory Instrument Validation Process?
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Medical processes require precision, confidence, and absolute control. There is no room for mistake or ignorance. Therefore, absolute assurance that everything is in order is vital in medical procedures, chemical procedures, laboratory tests, or laboratory instruments.
But it does not mean that there is no risk involved. On the contrary, there is always an inherent risk involved with laboratory instruments and equipment. This is because these laboratory instruments are used for various processes, and each process is significant, no matter how small. Thus, all laboratory instruments are subject to validation.
Only a qualified and professional team is eligible for laboratory equipment validation in San Francisco. Thus, you need Biotechnical Services Inc. on-board to perform timely validation.
What Is Laboratory Equipment Validation?
Laboratory equipment validation is performing various quality checks and ensuring that the installed equipment conforms to the quality standards and is suitable for the desired operations.
From the initial stage of leaving the manufacturer’s place to installation in the laboratory, various instances might affect the installation of lab equipment and instruments.
The Inherent Risk for Equipment Validation
Risk is the combination of the probability of an unwanted event harming the instrument and the extent of that harm. There are different sources of harm, but their extent is different, and it is the job of the validation team to ascertain the potential harms and save instruments from them.
The risk to laboratory instrument validation comes from different areas, such as the staff, the environment, instrument handling, etc., which will be discussed in length in this blog.
Risks During Laboratory Equipment Validation
Biotechnical Services Inc. has an experienced team for laboratory equipment validation in San Francisco, which considers the below risk factors during laboratory instrument validation.
Point of Validation
There are different points in time when laboratory instruments are validated. The first point is the manufacturer’s place. Every instrument undergoes validation after its manufacturing. It is called commissioning, which ensures that an equipment’s design meets the authorized standard.
Though every piece of equipment is designed per the confirmed standards, an equipment’s design may differ. As a result, it poses a great risk to the laboratory once it has been put to use and also poses severe non-compliance risks. Thus, every manufacturer must ensure that each piece of equipment is validated after manufacturing, so problems can be detected in the factory for repairs.
Installation Environment
Every piece of equipment comes with a manual specifying clear installation instructions and a suitable environment in which the equipment will perform the best and offer the correct results. The installation team must adhere to these instructions.
Though, there is also an inherent risk that the equipment suffered any damage during the transit. The first job of the installation team is to ensure that equipment is in good condition.
The laboratories are required to create a suitable environment for the equipment, for example, a flat surface, the right temperature, humidity, availability of required electrical connection, and other accessories which assist in proper functioning.
Most pieces of equipment fail due to non-maintenance of environmental conditions. Therefore, during the installation and future validation, the validation team must ensure the environment is suitable.
Following the manufacturer’s instructions can also save money and time.
Irregular Calibration
Irregular equipment calibration is the most significant risk concerning laboratory equipment validation in San Francisco. Every piece of equipment faces wear and tear over time. The manner of usage and staff training is important in ensuring the equipment’s health. But timely calibration is most vital.
Calibration is the process of ensuring that the equipment offers accurate results. All instruments, such as weighing scales, centrifuges, etc., are subject to calibration. Therefore, the calibration laboratory must prepare a schedule for equipment calibration.
Usually, lab equipment and instruments are calibrated after installation, before undertaking an important project, on client’s demand, or before the equipment calibration period is over.
Every laboratory is required to have a calibration laboratory onboard which can ensure timely calibration; else, the instruments will offer inaccurate results, and the outcomes can be deadly. For example, a medicine can be weighed wrongly, a temperature for a chemical might be recorded inaccurately, and wrong quantities of chemicals can be mixed, which can be fatal to laboratory staff. The risk of equipment qualification is even higher.
How Biotechnical Services Inc. Can Help?
Biotechnical Services Inc. offers laboratory equipment validation services in San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. It has been doing so for the last 31 years and is known for its strict adherence to regulatory policies.
Our team of professionals has extensive experience, which confirms your staff and equipment’s safety. Timely validation is invaluable, and being in the field for decades, we understand it.
Contact us today for more information.
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/what-are-the-risks-for-the-laboratory-instrument-validation-process/
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biotechserv · 1 year
Key Factors To Be Considered When Setting Up a Laboratory Centrifuge
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Every laboratory has a centrifuge. It is one of the most important pieces of equipment in a lab and is used for various purposes in different laboratories. When it comes to a lab, everything must be perfect, from choosing the equipment to its installation.
As a centrifuge’s function is important, so is its installation and calibration. Therefore, some key factors must be considered when setting up a centrifuge.
As a laboratory owner or staff, you hire only the best for centrifuge installation and centrifuge in San Diego to ensure accurate results and your staff’s safety.
What Is a Centrifuge?
Though you know it, knowing what a centrifuge is, won’t hurt.
A centrifuge is a machine that separates fluids based on their density by spinning quickly. Different mediums carry the mixtures and have heterogeneous fluids or particles that a centrifuge separates. It is a common lab equipment in hospitals, testing labs, chemistry labs, etc.
A centrifuge has space for several small vessels or tubes fixed in place. Against the vessel with the mixtures, the centrifuge is counterbalanced with tubes containing the same mass so the rotor does not tip or lose its balance.
Factors To Consider During a Laboratory Centrifuge Installation
Different types of centrifuges are available in the market. For example, there are micro and tabletop centrifuges. But the installation of both types is quite similar.
Suitable Temperature
The first and foremost requirement for centrifuge installation is a suitable temperature. The ideal temperature for a centrifuge is 2⁰C to 35⁰C. In unusual heat, the centrifuge might not work properly.
Besides, every laboratory must have temperature controls to maintain an ideal room temperature. It is especially important during summer as the temperature rises. The presence of chemicals and their different temperatures also affect a centrifuge’s operation. So, read the manual carefully and ensure a suitable temperature.
A Designated Space
Apart from the right temperature, a centrifuge must be placed on a flat surface. If you have permanent centrifuge platforms, it is best. But if not, a table or a bench is required. It should be large enough to accommodate the equipment and its accessories. The surrounding space must be clean and decluttered.
The importance of setting up a centrifuge on a flat surface is due to the high speed of the rotor. It rattles the surface and nearby stuff; thus, keeping the surroundings clutter-free is vital. The centrifuge lid might open due to unusual rattling if the machine is put on an uneven surface.
Other than this, it is important to learn that a centrifuge is meant for indoor use. Therefore, it should not be installed near a window or heat.
Electrical Circuit
Other than the space and temperature, an electrical circuit is a must for the centrifuge, and it should be within close reach of the machine. A centrifuge runs on an A.C. voltage. The rest of the instructions can be found in the centrifuge manual.
Test Run
Once the centrifuge has been set up, a test run is essential. A professional team is responsible for installation and centrifuge calibration in San Diego.
How To Safely Operate a Centrifuge?
So, your centrifuge is ready to be used, but a standard set of procedures must be followed during each operation.
Before using a centrifuge, ensure it is properly balanced on the surface. It also includes checking the buckets and adapters. Each centrifuge tube is counterbalanced by an opposite tube across the bucket. Also, the tubes should not be balanced by volume but by mass. Measure the weight of tubes with their caps on so the weight is accurately measured. As a centrifuge runs fast, it is a non-negotiable prerequisite.
Fix the tubes in buckets tightly and close the lid carefully. The contents of centrifuge tubes are classified into different categories of severity of harm. They can be very harmful.
The centrifuge must always be operated in the presence of personnel. In case of unusual wobbling or shaking, turn off the machine. Unplug it from the circuit and don’t open it until the rotor has stopped entirely.
Check the tubes carefully before using them. Breakage during the operation can be disastrous. Check them for a crack or any signs of potential breakage.
Clean the centrifuge after every use, and ensure the bucket has no foreign elements.
Always wear protective gear during centrifuge operation and maintain a safe distance.
Centrifuge Calibration in San Diego
Apart from the above tips, centrifuge calibration is a must to ensure safe operation. Consult Biotechnical Services Inc. today and let our experienced team handle centrifuge calibration for you in San Diego, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
Contact us today for more information!
Original blog posted here - https://www.biotechserv.com/key-factors-to-be-considered-when-setting-up-a-laboratory-centrifuge/
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biotechserv · 2 years
IQ, OQ, and PQ Validation: What You Need to Know
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IQ, OQ, and PQ validation is a critical process for laboratory equipment in the biotech industry. It is a component of ensuring accurate results from your lab equipment – whether it’s calibration, repair, or a new installation in San Francisco.
Knowing about the process will help assure that you get reliable data. In this blog post, we’ll explore what they mean, why they’re important, and we’ll also look at how to perform plus how to get assistance with IQ, OQ, and PQ validation in San Francisco.
Table of Contents:
What Are IQ, OQ, and PQ?
Installation qualification
Operational qualification
Performance qualification
Why Are IQ, OQ, and PQ Important?
How Are IQ, OQ, and PQ Performed?
Where Can I Get Help With IQ, OQ, and PQ Validation in San Francisco?
Installation Qualification Operational Qualification and Performance Qualification Validation San Francisco
What is the difference between performance qualification and operational qualification?
What is installation qualification FDA requirements?
What is the difference between SAT and IQ OQ?
What Are IQ, OQ, and PQ?
These three steps form the validation process used in the biotech industry, and are acronyms for Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ).
These requirements are there to make sure the equipment is installed and operated in the way specified by the manufacturer.
Installation qualification
Installation qualification involves verifying that all components have been installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
This entails inspecting parts for physical damage or defects, testing that connections between components are sound, checking that the necessary power requirements are met, confirming that software versions are current, and making sure that safety features are activated.
Operational qualification
Operational qualification verifies that all functions of the equipment operate within established parameters, such as temperature control accuracy or speed accuracy.
This tests if the alarms work properly, enabling operators to safely use the device without risk of harm from incorrect operation or malfunctioning parts.
Performance qualification
Performance qualification evaluates the instrument’s ability to meet its intended performance criteria over a period of time and under different environmental conditions.
This evaluates how well it maintains its performance with minimal maintenance needs, like calibration intervals. All discrepancies identified during this stage must have  corrective actions taken before further use can be authorized.
To confirm safe operation and accurate results each time they are used, IQ, OQ, and PQ should always be performed before using any new laboratory equipment.
By understanding why these qualifications are necessary, we can better understand how to properly implement them in laboratories in San Francisco.
Key Takeaway : IQ, OQ, and PQ are the three steps of the validation process. They confirm that the equipment is installed correctly, operates as expected, and performs as specified by the manufacturer. This guarantees safe operation and reliable results every time they are used.
Why Are IQ, OQ, and PQ Important?
Installation Qualification (IQ) can confirm all safety features are functioning properly, protecting your staff from unnecessary risks.
Operational Qualification (OQ) can identify any potential issues before they become problems during actual use in a laboratory setting.
Performance Qualification (PQ) gives operators confidence that their instruments will continue performing reliably even after long periods of use.
IQ, OQ, and PQ are essential for guaranteeing the safety of laboratory equipment, by understanding them, we can ensure that our laboratory is up-to-date with current standards and regulations.
How Are IQ, OQ, and PQ Performed?
For Installation Qualification (IQ), professionals will be check connections, wire diagrams and other components related to installation.
With Operational Qualification (OQ), they will test functionality of the equipment by running tests such as calibration checks or system performance tests.
For Performance Qualification (PQ), they validate that the equipment meets its intended use by running tests such as accuracy checks or environmental stress tests.
To illustrate, when a new centrifuge is installed in a laboratory setting, an IQ must be conducted to verify that all components have been connected correctly and safety protocols followed.
An OQ then follows to test the functionality of the equipment by running calibration checks or system performance tests.
To finish the process, PQ checks that the equipment meets its intended use through accuracy checks or environmental stress tests with samples run at various speeds.
Now that you know why IQ, OQ, and PQ so important for the accuracy of laboratory equipment. Read on to find out more about where you can get assistance in San Francisco.
Key Takeaway : IQ, OQ, and PQ are essential in the validation process for laboratory equipment to ensure proper operation prior to use. They involve verifying installation, testing functionality, and validating performance against predetermined parameters. Regularly performing these qualifications helps maintain optimal performance levels over time.
When do you use IQ, OQ and PQ?
When it comes to the approval of medical devices by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), manufacturers must adhere to a stringent set of standards to ensure that these products are safe, effective and fit for their intended use.
In the FDA’s regulations 21 CFR 820, subsection 75.a, it states: “Where the results of a process cannot be fully verified by subsequent inspection and test, the process shall be validated with a high degree of assurance and approved according to established procedures. The validation activities and results, including the date and signature of the individual(s) approving the validation and where appropriate the major equipment validated, shall be documented.”
All procedures used by these companies to take their products from early development stages to market must meet FDA standards before any product can be introduced into the marketplace.
Validation applies to every step of the biotech process, including research and development, quality control, manufacture and supply chain management. It is necessary to validate not only the end product, but also all the processes leading up to its completion in order for it to be approved by the FDA for sale or use in clinical trials. Validated processes are also critical when it comes to evaluating safety parameters such as product potency and purity.
Where Can I Get Help With IQ, OQ, and PQ Validation in San Francisco?
Biotechnical Services Inc. in San Francisco is exactly who you need! We provide reliable validation of all types of lab equipment. The results generated by your lab equipment will be as accurate and reliable as possible thanks to the extensive training and experience of our technicians.
We are aware of how critical accuracy is to the success of experiments and tests carried out in laboratories. Depending on the type of instrument being validated, we offer comprehensive validation services that include testing protocols like linearity checks or temperature mapping studies.
At Biotechnical Services Inc., meeting the needs of our customers is always our top priority. As a result, we take great care to deliver high-calibre services to our customers at competitive prices.
Key Takeaway : IQ, OQ, and PQ validation of laboratory equipment is essential for ensuring accuracy, safety and quality assurance. Steps include: installation, functional testing, performance verification and documentation reporting.
What is the difference between performance qualification and operational qualification?
Performance Qualification (PQ) is a process used to verify that laboratory equipment performs as expected and meets the requirements of its intended use. It typically involves running tests with known parameters, such as temperature or pressure, to ensure accuracy and repeatability.
Operational Qualification (OQ) is a process used to verify that laboratory equipment functions properly according to manufacturer specifications. This includes verifying the proper operation of all components, safety features, alarms, and other operational characteristics. OQ also verifies that the equipment can be operated safely by personnel without any risk of harm or injury.
What are installation qualification FDA requirements?
Installation qualification (IQ) is a process required by the FDA to ensure that laboratory equipment is installed correctly and meets all necessary requirements. It involves verifying that the equipment was properly assembled, connected, and calibrated according to manufacturer specifications.
IQ also requires documenting any changes made during installation or setup of the equipment. This documentation must be kept on file for future reference in case of an audit or inspection by the FDA. Additionally, it ensures that laboratory personnel are adequately trained in using the equipment before they can begin working with it.
What is the difference between SAT and IQ OQ?
SAT (Software Acceptance Testing) and IQ OQ (Installation Qualification/Operational Qualification) are two distinct tests used to ensure the quality of laboratory equipment.
SAT is a test that verifies if the software installed on the device meets all requirements, while IQ OQ checks whether or not the hardware components have been properly installed and configured for optimal performance. Additionally, IQ OQ also evaluates how well a piece of equipment functions in its intended environment by testing operational parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow rate etc. In summary, SAT ensures that software works correctly, while IQ OQ verifies that hardware has been properly installed and is functioning optimally.
In conclusion, IQ, OQ, and PQ are important processes for guaranteeing the safety and accuracy of laboratory equipment. It is essential to have these qualifications performed correctly in order to ensure that your laboratory equipment is functioning properly.
If you need help with installation qualification operational qualification and performance qualification validation in San Francisco, Biotechnical Services Inc. specializes in this service and can provide the assistance you need. Contact us today to learn how we can help!
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/iq-oq-pq-validation-what-you-need-to-know/
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biotechserv · 2 years
The Importance of Lab Equipment Validation
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The need for appropriate validation is becoming more and more crucial as laboratory instrumentation develops and becomes more complex. In any scientific or medical setting, the process of validating a lab’s equipment is essential for ensuring accuracy, dependability, and safety.
Biotechnical Services Inc. located in San Diego County and offers comprehensive calibration and validation services to ensure your lab’s instruments are operating properly. We give you the peace of mind that all the equipment is up-to-date with the latest standards set by manufacturers.
Discover why it is so important to validate laboratory equipment, who should perform these tests, and where to find these professional services near you by reading on.
Table of Contents:
What Is Laboratory Instrument Validation?
What Is the Process of Validating Lab Equipment?
Why Is Laboratory Instrument Validation Important?
Who Should Perform Laboratory Instrument Validation?
Where Can I Find Professional Services for Laboratory Instrument Validation in San Diego?
Lab Instrument Repair
How do you validate a laboratory instrument?
What is the difference between validation and verification in laboratory?
What is validation procedure for analytical instruments?
What is single laboratory validation?
What is Laboratory Instrument Validation?
This is the process of ensuring that laboratory instruments are accurate and reliable for use in a laboratory setting. It involves testing, calibrating, and verifying the performance of the instruments to ensure they meet industry standards and regulatory requirements.
For example, a pipette must be calibrated to measure volumes accurately. If it is not properly calibrated, it can lead to inaccurate results, which could have serious consequences for experiments or processes relying on its data. By examining an instrument’s accuracy on a regular basis, validation makes sure it operates as expected over time.
Validation requires careful planning and documentation in order to be effective.
What Is the Process of Validating Lab Equipment?
The first step is determining what needs to be validated based on the intended use of the instrument or system being tested.
Once this has been established, protocols should be developed outlining how tests will be conducted and evaluated against predetermined criteria, such as accuracy limits or acceptable ranges of variation from expected values. This information should then be documented in a report detailing all test results, along with any suggestions.
The most crucial part of this procedure is making sure that tests are consistent so that accurate conclusions can be made about an instrument’s performance over time or under various circumstances.
To accomplish this, laboratories frequently use statistical techniques like capability indices or control charts. This allows them to track changes in their data over time and spot potential problems before they become serious enough to require corrective action.
Each component must pass its own set of tests before being incorporated into the larger system, in order to guarantee consistency between tests and make it possible to draw accurate conclusions.
This includes functionality checks and user acceptance testing (UAT) carried out by qualified personnel who are knowledgeable with the technology concerned and the pertinent laws governing its use in research settings or other fields where precision measurements are crucial.
Finally, validation activities should always include post-implementation reviews carried out on a regular basis to confirm compliance with applicable standards over the course of an instrument’s life.
By doing so, laboratories can maintain confidence in their results while minimizing the risks associated with using outdated equipment or software programs no longer supported by manufacturers.
In order to maximize the efficiency of laboratory operations, It is essential to understand why this validation process is so important.
Key Takeaway: Laboratory instrument validation is a process of ensuring accuracy and reliability, requiring careful planning, protocols, documentation and periodic reviews. It includes testing, calibrating, verifying performance against predetermined criteria, and validating entire systems consisting of multiple components.
Why Is Laboratory Instrument Validation Important?
Without proper validation, data generated from experiments conducted in a laboratory setting may be unreliable or invalid.
This process includes evaluating performance parameters such as accuracy, precision, linearity, range, sensitivity, selectivity, reproducibility, and stability.
In addition to ensuring accurate results are obtained from laboratory instruments, validation can reduce the costs associated with re-testing samples due to inaccurate results caused by faulty equipment or improper calibration of instruments.
In the next section, we will explore who should be responsible for performing laboratory instrument validation.
Key Takeaway: Validation of laboratory instruments is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results. It involves testing the instrument to ensure it meets specifications, calibrating it before use, and regularly performing maintenance checks throughout its lifetime. This can help prevent costly errors due to inaccurate readings or measurements.
Who Should Perform Laboratory Instrument Validation?
It is recommended that laboratory instrument validation be done by a qualified professional with experience in the field of laboratory instrumentation. This ensures that the process is completed properly and efficiently.
A qualified professional should be knowledgeable about how to use and maintain various kinds of instruments used for laboratory testing.
They should also be knowledgeable about the safety protocols or regulations related to the laboratory testing.
They should also possess excellent problem-solving skills, so they can identify any potential issues with the equipment.
They need good communication skills, so they can effectively communicate their findings with other personnel involved in the project.
Knowledge about the quality control standards set forth by regulatory bodies such as the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) or ISO (International Organization for Standardization). These standards help guarantee accuracy and reliability when conducting tests on medical devices or pharmaceutical products.
These professionals must stay up to date on the latest developments in their field so that they can apply them appropriately when performing validations on newer models of lab instruments.
Laboratory instrument validation is a complex and important process that should only be performed by experienced professionals. To find professionals offering these services in San Diego, read the next section.
Key Takeaway: Laboratory instrument validation is a critical process that must be done correctly by a qualified professional to ensure accurate results. This requires knowledge of the instruments, safety protocols, problem-solving skills, and adherence to quality control standards set forth by regulatory bodies such as the FDA or ISO.
Where Can I Find Professional Services for Laboratory Instrument Validation in San Diego?
Biotechnical Services Inc. is the answer. Located in San Diego, we provide reliable and accurate calibration, repair, and validation of all types of lab equipment. Our experienced technicians are highly trained to ensure that the results produced by your lab instruments are as precise and reliable as possible.
Our team of experts have extensive experience with a wide range of laboratory instrumentation, including centrifuges, spectrophotometers, chromatographs, microscopes, incubators, pH meters and more.
We understand how important it is for laboratories to maintain accuracy when conducting experiments or tests. Our technicians will work diligently to make sure that your lab equipment is calibrated correctly according to industry standards.
We offer comprehensive validation services which include testing protocols such as linearity checks or temperature mapping studies depending on the type of instrument being validated.
Customer satisfaction is always our top priority at Biotechnical Services Inc, so we work hard every day to meet our clients’ needs while providing quality service at competitive prices.
Lab Instrument Repair
In addition to providing calibration and validation services for laboratory instruments in San Diego area labs, Biotechnical Services Inc also offers expert repairs if any issues arise during use or maintenance procedures.
Whether it’s replacing parts or troubleshooting software glitches – our team can help get your lab back up-and-running quickly, so you can continue working without interruption.
If you are searching for an experienced partner who can provide professional services for validating your laboratory instruments in San Diego, then Biotechnical Services Inc. is the perfect choice for you.
Key Takeaway: Biotechnical Services Inc. offers comprehensive calibration, repair and validation services for laboratory instruments in San Diego area labs. Our experienced technicians are highly trained to ensure that the results produced by your lab instruments are as precise and reliable as possible, with customer satisfaction always a top priority.
How do you validate a laboratory instrument?
It involves verifying that the instrument meets its specifications, including performance criteria such as precision, accuracy, linearity, range, and sensitivity. This can be done through calibration checks with known standards or by comparing results from multiple instruments.
Maintenance protocols should be followed regularly to maintain optimal performance over time. This ensures that data generated from laboratory instruments is reliable and trustworthy for decision-making purposes.
What is the difference between validation and verification in a laboratory?
Validation and verification are two distinct processes in laboratory settings. Validation is the process of ensuring that a given procedure, method or system produces results that meet predetermined acceptance criteria. It involves testing the accuracy and reliability of a system or process to ensure it meets requirements.
Verification, on the other hand, is the process of confirming that an item or product conforms to its specifications by comparing it against predetermined standards.
What is the validation procedure for analytical instruments?
Validation of analytical instruments is a process used to ensure that the instrument is performing as expected and producing accurate results. It involves testing the accuracy, precision, linearity, selectivity, specificity, and sensitivity of an instrument by comparing its performance with known standards or reference materials.
The validation procedure also includes verifying that all components are working properly and calibrating any parts that require adjustment. This requires documenting all steps taken during the validation process in order to provide evidence of proper functioning for regulatory compliance purposes.
What is single laboratory validation?
Single laboratory validation is the process of verifying that a specific piece of laboratory equipment meets its intended purpose and performs as expected. This involves testing the accuracy, precision, sensitivity, selectivity, linearity, and range of the device to ensure it is suitable for use in a particular application.
Lab equipment validation should be performed by a professional service provider with experience. With our expertise and knowledge, you can trust that your lab equipment will meet all necessary requirements for accurate results.
So if you’re looking for reliable laboratory instrument validation services in San Diego, look no further than Biotechnical Services Inc.
Original Blog posted here - https://www.biotechserv.com/importance-of-lab-equipment-validation/
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biotechserv · 2 years
Calibrate Your Pressure Gauges in San Diego: 8 Things to Consider!
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If you are a biotech professional or laboratory technician in San Diego, it is important to understand the value of pressure gauge calibration. Pressure gauges provide vital information about your experiments and processes, but can become unreliable if not calibrated properly. In San Diego, there are several companies that offer pressure gauge calibration services – so, how do you know which one is right for you?
This blog post will help guide your decision-making process by discussing what pressure gauge calibration is and why it’s important, as well as listing 8 things to consider when choosing a service provider in San Diego for your pressure gauge calibration needs.
Table of Contents:
What Is Pressure Gauge Calibration?
Why Should You Regularly Calibrate Your Pressure Gauges?
8 Things To Consider When Choosing A Pressure Gauge Calibration Service In San Diego
FAQs in Relation to Pressure Gauge Calibration in San Diego
What is the price of pressure gauge calibration?
Who carries out calibration?
How much does calibration cost?
Do I need accredited calibration?
Contact Us For Pressure Gauge Calibration Services
What Is Pressure Gauge Calibration?
Pressure gauge calibration is the process of verifying that a pressure gauge is providing accurate readings and can be used to measure pressure accurately. It involves testing the accuracy of the gauge against a known standard, such as a master gauge or other reference device. Pressure gauges are commonly used in laboratories, industrial plants, and manufacturing facilities to monitor and control various processes. For these systems to operate safely, properly calibrated pressure gauges are crucial.
By calibrating your pressure gauges, you can be sure that they are providing you with an accurate reading, so you can decide how to modify the parameters of your system accordingly. This helps ensure optimal performance from your equipment, while also preventing costly mistakes due to incorrect readings from faulty instruments.
In order to properly calibrate a pressure gauge, it must first be connected to a test stand with an appropriate reference source such as a deadweight tester or another type of instrumentation depending on the application requirements. The gauge under test (GUT) will then measure the pressure changes made by the test stand.
The GUT’s output should match closely with what is expected given its specifications, and any discrepancies should be noted down for further investigation if necessary. When this procedure is successfully finished, it can be concluded that the GUT has been correctly calibrated and is prepared for use in settings where accuracy is crucial.
Why Should You Regularly Calibrate Your Pressure Gauges?
Regular pressure gauge calibration has the following five benefits:
It ensures accuracy by verifying the accuracy of the device against a known standard or reference point. This means that any discrepancies between what is measured and what should be measured can be identified quickly and corrected if necessary.
It reduces errors caused by wear and tear on the instrument over time, as well as any potential drift due to changes in temperature or other environmental factors.
It improves safety when using a pressure gauge, since inaccurate readings could lead to dangerous situations such as overpressure or under pressure conditions in systems being monitored by these devices.
It will maintain their longevity, since proper maintenance can extend their life expectancy significantly compared to neglecting them altogether.
It will save money in the long run, since repairs or replacements may become necessary if they aren’t maintained properly throughout their lifetime of use.
Regular calibration of pressure gauges is essential to ensure accuracy and reliability, so you can trust your readings. Now let’s look at 8 things to consider when choosing a pressure gauge calibration service in San Diego.
Key Takeaway: Calibrating your pressure gauges regularly is essential for accuracy, safety, and longevity. To ensure a quality service provider, look for experienced technicians with ISO 9001 certification.
8 Things To Consider When Choosing a Pressure Gauge Calibration Service in San Diego
Biotech is BIG in California, which is why Biotechnical Services Inc is primarily based in Southern California. We offer our pressure gauge calibration services throughout the state in cities such as San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Our on-site calibration services offer a number of benefits to those in the biotech industry, laboratory technicians, and scientists.
When selecting a service provider for calibration services in San Diego, several factors should be taken into account, such as their experience with similar types of equipment, cost-effectiveness, turnaround time and customer service standards.
When selecting a company for pressure gauge calibration services in San Diego, make sure they have experience working with specific types of instruments and understand how different types work together within an environment such as a lab setting.
The right service provider should be able to provide detailed reports on all aspects of their work, including accuracy tests performed during each visit and results from post-calibration testing if applicable.
Furthermore, they must have certifications from recognized bodies like NIST or ISO 9001:2015 to guarantee quality assurance over the long term without worrying about inconsistencies due to inadequate internal quality control measures.
You need to consider whether they offer post-calibration support services such as repairs and maintenance packages along with calibration itself, so that any damaged components can be replaced quickly and efficiently without having to wait for parts or new units to arrive at your facility from another location.
These can be useful during emergency situations where quick response times could make the difference between success and failure when trying to tackle unforeseen issues arising from sudden breakdowns, etc.
When selecting a pressure gauge calibration service in San Diego, there are several factors to consider. Let’s run through some of the most important factors:
Accuracy is paramount; make sure the provider has experience calibrating different types of gauges.
The experience level of technicians – It’s important to make sure technicians have adequate training and experience with this type of work; otherwise, mistakes could occur during calibration, which would result in inaccurate measurements being taken from the instrument itself.
Cost should also be taken into account when comparing prices between providers.
Location is another important factor; choose a provider located close to your facility for convenience and fast turnaround times.
Certifications from relevant organizations are also beneficial, as they guarantee quality services.
Equipment used by the provider should be up-to-date and suitable for calibrating various types of gauges. It is important that the right test equipment and measurement devices are used.
Reading reviews from previous customers can help you determine the reputation of the company or individual providing these services.
Warranty coverage on their services is something else that needs to be considered before making a decision, as it provides peace of mind knowing that your investment will be protected if anything goes wrong with the job done by them.
Taking these steps will ensure that you get high-quality service every time you use them, which means better accuracy levels when taking measurements as well as peace of mind knowing that everything is functioning correctly within your lab environment.
Key Takeaway: When selecting a service provider for pressure gauge calibration in San Diego, it is important to consider their experience with similar types of equipment, cost-effectiveness, turnaround time and customer service standards. Additionally, they must have certifications from recognized bodies such as NIST or ISO 9001:2015 to ensure quality assurance over the long term. Post-calibration support services like repairs and maintenance packages should also be considered.
FAQs For Pressure Gauge Calibration in San Diego
Who carries out calibration?
Calibration of laboratory equipment is typically carried out by a qualified technician or engineer. The technician will use specialized tools and instruments to check the accuracy of the device, adjust settings as needed, and document any changes made.
Depending on the type of equipment being calibrated, additional steps may be required, such as cleaning or replacing parts. It is important that calibration be done regularly in order to ensure accurate results from experiments conducted with the equipment.
How much does calibration cost?
The cost of calibration for laboratory equipment varies depending on the type and complexity of the instrument. Generally, basic calibrations can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. More complex instruments may require more expensive calibrations due to their intricate design and functionality.
Additionally, calibration costs will also depend on how often the instrument needs to be calibrated as well as any additional services that may be required such as repairs or validation testing. Ultimately, it is important to consult with a professional who specializes in laboratory equipment calibration in order to determine an accurate estimate for your specific needs.
Do I need accredited calibration?
Yes, accredited calibration is necessary for laboratory equipment. It ensures that the equipment is functioning correctly and accurately measuring data. Accredited calibration also helps to ensure that any repairs or adjustments made to the equipment are done properly and with precision. Without proper calibration, it can be difficult to trust the results of tests performed on the equipment, leading to inaccurate readings and unreliable results.
When it comes to pressure gauge calibration in San Diego, it is important to make sure that you are selecting the right service provider. Consider all the factors mentioned above and ensure that you are getting a reliable and accurate calibration for your pressure gauges.
Using Biotechnical Services Inc. for your pressure gauge calibration in San Diego can help keep your laboratory equipment running safely and accurately, so don’t forget to get your gauges calibrated regularly. With proper maintenance and care, you can trust that your pressure gauges will provide accurate readings for years to come.
Original blog posted here – https://www.biotechserv.com/pressure-gauge-calibration-san-diego/
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biotechserv · 2 years
4 Benefits of Upgrading Your Lab Equipment
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In order to guarantee measurement accuracy and staff safety, it is crucial to upgrade your lab’s equipment. In this blog post, we’ll explore 4 benefits of upgrading lab equipment for biotech industry professionals located in San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
You can benefit from increased efficiency, increased productivity, and cost savings that come with having dependable precision instruments on hand by investing in upgraded laboratory tools and their maintenance such as calibration, validation, or repair services. Read on to discover more about how you can benefit from updating your lab equipment.
Table of Contents:
Accurate Measurements
Safety Benefits of Upgrading Your Lab Equipment
How Newer Technology Can Improve Safety in the Lab
The Advantages of Having the Right Equipment for Safety Purposes
Cost Savings
How Investing in Quality Laboratory Equipment Can Lead To Cost Savings Over Time
Increased Efficiency and Productivity
Efficiency and Productivity Benefits of Upgrading Your Lab Equipment
FAQs in Relation to 4 Benefits of Upgrading Your Lab Equipment
What is the importance of using modern laboratory tools?
What is one advantage of having laboratory equipment and trained personnel?
What improvements can be made to a lab?
Accurate Measurements
Having the right tools and technology can help improve accuracy, reduce errors, and lead to more reliable results. Newer laboratory equipment often has improved features that make it easier to obtain precise readings. For example, digital scales are now available with higher resolution than their analog counterparts, making them ideal for measuring small quantities of materials accurately.
Many modern pieces of lab equipment come with built-in calibration systems that allow users to quickly check the accuracy of their readings without having to send out samples for external testing or calibration services.
The importance of having accurate measurements cannot be overstated when it comes to research and development in the biotech industry. Accurate data is essential for developing new products and processes, as well as troubleshooting existing ones.
Inaccurate results can lead to costly mistakes down the line if not caught early on in the process. Investing in quality laboratory equipment helps ensure that you have access to reliable data at all times, which can save time and money by reducing the need for re-testing or calibration services later on down the road.
Upgrading your lab equipment can help ensure accuracy and precision in measurements, which is essential for successful experiments. Improved safety is another key benefit of upgrading your lab equipment; let’s look at how newer technology can improve safety in the lab.
Key Takeaway: Upgrading lab equipment is essential for accurate measurements and reliable data. Benefits include: improved accuracy, fewer errors, built-in calibration systems, higher resolution readings, and cost savings
Safety Benefits of Upgrading Your Lab Equipment
Upgrading your lab equipment can be a great way to ensure safety in the lab environment. Newer technology can provide improved safety features such as automated shut-off systems and better temperature control, helping to reduce the risk of accidents or injury.
Upgrading your lab equipment with newer technology can bring many benefits when it comes to safety. Automated shut-off systems allow you to quickly turn off power if there is an emergency situation, while better temperature control helps keep hazardous materials at safe levels. Newer models may come with additional sensors that alert users when something is out of range or malfunctioning, providing another layer of protection against potential hazards.
How Newer Technology Can Improve Safety in the Lab
With advances in technology, new pieces of laboratory equipment are designed with enhanced safety features that make them more reliable and easier to use than older models. For example, some modern instruments have built-in alarms that will sound if temperatures become too high or low; this feature helps protect both personnel and valuable samples from harm due to extreme conditions. Other devices may include automated calibration processes, which help maintain accuracy without manual intervention – reducing errors caused by human error or fatigue during long shifts in the lab environment.
The Advantages of Having the Right Equipment for Safety Purposes
The right laboratory equipment not only ensures accuracy but also provides peace of mind knowing that all necessary precautions have been taken for safe operation within a given workspace. By investing in quality products from reputable manufacturers who prioritize user safety above all else, you can rest assured that your team is protected from any potential risks associated with working around hazardous materials on a daily basis.
By investing in quality laboratory equipment, you can also save money in the long run – let’s explore how this can be achieved.
Key Takeaway: Upgrading lab equipment can provide improved safety features, such as automated shut-off systems and better temperature control, helping to reduce the risk of accidents or injury. Benefits include: enhanced safety features; automated calibration processes; alarms that sound if temperatures become too high or low; and investing in quality products from reputable manufacturers.
Cost Savings
By investing in quality laboratory equipment, you will not only get accurate results but also have a longer lasting product that will require less maintenance and repair over time. This means that you won’t have to spend extra money on replacing parts or calibrating outdated technology, which could add up quickly if done regularly.
How Investing in Quality Laboratory Equipment Can Lead To Cost Savings Over Time
When it comes to investing in new lab equipment, it is important to look at both short term and long term savings when making decisions about what type of products would best suit your needs. Quality laboratory products tend to last much longer than their cheaper counterparts, so they may cost more upfront but end up saving you money down the line since they don’t need to frequent replacement or repair like lower quality items do.
Another way that you can save some money while still getting top-notch accuracy from your tools is by taking advantage of any discounts offered by manufacturers, such as trade-in programs where old models are exchanged for newer versions at discounted prices. You may be able to find refurbished models which could offer the same quality and accuracy as new ones but with a much lower price tag.
By upgrading your lab equipment, you can save money in the long run while also increasing efficiency and productivity. Let’s explore how having the right tools can maximize these gains.
Key Takeaway: Investing in quality laboratory equipment can save money in the long run by reducing repair and replacement costs, taking advantage of trade-in programs, and purchasing refurbished models.
Increased Efficiency and Productivity
Benefits of investing in quality laboratory equipment include improved features such as automated processes, faster data processing speeds, and better temperature control. This helps reduce the amount of time spent on tasks while increasing accuracy and reliability of results. Newer technology can help increase safety by providing more accurate readings that are less prone to human error or miscalculations.
The Efficiency and Productivity Benefits of Upgrading Your Lab Equipment
Automated processes allow for quicker analysis times, which leads to faster results being produced with fewer errors or mistakes due to manual inputting from technicians. Faster data processing speeds also mean that information is processed much quicker than before, allowing for more efficient decision-making based on current trends or patterns observed within a dataset.
Better temperature control allows for precise measurements without having to worry about fluctuations caused by external factors like air conditioning systems or open windows near workstations causing inaccurate readings during experiments or tests being conducted within the facility.
Key Takeaway: Upgrading your lab equipment can lead to improved efficiency and productivity gains. Key benefits include: automated processes, faster data processing speeds, better temperature control, increased safety due to more accurate readings, and modern sensors for quicker environmental detection.
FAQs in Relation to 4 Benefits of Upgrading Your Lab Equipment
What is the importance of using modern laboratory tools?
They provide the precision necessary to obtain valid results, allowing researchers to make informed decisions about their experiments. Modern laboratory equipment is designed with safety in mind, helping protect both scientists and technicians from potential hazards associated with working in a lab environment.
Using modern tools can help reduce costs by increasing efficiency through automation and reducing the need for manual labor or calibration of instruments. All these benefits make it clear why modern laboratory tools are so important for any successful research endeavor.
What is one advantage of having laboratory equipment and trained personnel?
Having laboratory equipment and trained personnel ensures that experiments are conducted accurately and reliably. This is because the equipment has been calibrated to ensure accuracy, validated to make sure it meets safety standards, and repaired if necessary for optimal performance.
The trained personnel can also provide guidance on how best to use the equipment in order to get accurate results from experiments. Ultimately, having laboratory equipment and trained personnel allows for more reliable data collection, which leads to better informed decisions in research or development projects.
What improvements can be made to a lab?
Improving safety protocols and procedures in the lab is essential to ensure that all personnel are adequately protected from any potential hazards or risks. This includes implementing proper protective equipment, following standard operating procedures, and providing adequate training for staff members.
Regularly calibrating laboratory equipment can help maintain the accuracy and reliability of results over time. Validation of processes should also be performed regularly to ensure that they are producing accurate results as expected.
Keeping up with maintenance and repair of laboratory equipment can help prevent costly breakdowns in the future while ensuring optimal performance when needed most.
Investing in new technology such as automated systems or robotics can increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve overall productivity within the lab environment.
Creating a culture of continuous improvement and feedback within the lab can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that processes are always up-to-date with best practices.
With the right laboratory equipment in place, you can be sure that you are getting reliable results with fewer errors. Whether it’s in San Diego, Los Angeles or San Francisco – having the right lab equipment is essential for success. Investing in upgraded lab equipment now will pay off later, as it offers numerous benefits such as those mentioned above.
Upgrading your lab equipment is an essential step to ensure the accuracy and safety of your research. With Biotechnical Services Inc., you can take advantage of a range of services, such as laboratory equipment calibration, validation and repair, which will help keep your instruments in top condition.
Our team has extensive experience providing professional solutions that increase efficiency while saving time and money – so why wait? Upgrade today with Biotechnical Services Inc. for reliable results every time!
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/4-benefits-of-upgrading-your-lab-equipment/
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biotechserv · 2 years
What Are The Key Technologies Used in a Laboratory?
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If you need laboratory equipment in San Diego, you can contact Biotechnical Services Inc. This article looks at the key technologies you’ll find in a lab.
What Is a Laboratory?
A laboratory is a place where scientific research or experimentation is conducted. It is equipped with specialized equipment and materials for conducting experiments and analyzing results. You can find laboratories in different fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics, and engineering. As you’d expect, they are in schools, specialized institutions, and hospitals, among other places.
What Is the Purpose of a Laboratory?
The purpose of a laboratory is to provide a controlled environment where scientific research and experimentation can be conducted. Laboratories are used to test hypotheses, develop new technologies and processes, and advance scientific knowledge.
Scientists and researchers can control variables and carefully observe and measure the results of their experiments to draw conclusions and make discoveries. They also play a critical role in developing new products and technologies, such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and consumer products. In addition, they are used to perform quality control and testing to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these products.
Key Technologies Used in a Laboratory
There are many technologies used in laboratories in San Diego. They range from analytical to automation and robotics. Let’s look at them.
Analytical Instruments
The purpose of analytical instruments is to measure and analyze the properties of substances or materials to understand their composition, structure, or behavior.
They can measure various properties, including chemical composition and physical properties (such as density, melting point, or refractive index). They also measure structural properties (such as atomic or molecular structure). Here are laboratory equipment in San Diego used for analytical purposes:
A spectrometer is a tool that measures the properties of light, such as intensity, wavelength, or frequency, by breaking it down into its various parts. It is used to identify the chemical composition of a substance by analyzing the spectrum of light it absorbs or emits.
They are different types of spectrometers, including:
Mass spectrometers
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers
Optical spectrometers
Uses of spectrometers range from space exploration, characterization of proteins, respiratory gas analysis, and monitoring dissolved oxygen in freshwater,
Chromatography is a technique used to separate the components of a mixture based on their physical and chemical properties. It involves dividing the mixture into two phases, one stationary and the other moving, allowing the mixture’s components to partition the two phases based on their affinity for each stage.
It allows the components of the mixture to be separated and analyzed individually. As you’d expect, researchers and scientists in San Diego use chromatographs to achieve the separation.
They are used to determine the concentration of a substance by measuring the volume of a reagent required to react with it. They are used in titration, a method used to identify the presence or absence of specific substances in a mixture and determine the concentration of those substances. It is used to understand the chemical makeup of a sample and can provide important information about the properties and behavior of the substances present.
X-Ray Diffractometers
An X-ray diffractometer is a scientific instrument used to study materials’ atomic and molecular structure. It works by firing a beam of X-rays at a sample and measuring the diffraction of the X-rays as they pass through the sample.
The diffraction pattern produced can be used to determine the arrangement of atoms in the sample and identify the chemical bonds present.
Other analytical instruments include pH meters, refractometers, atomic absorption spectrophotometers, and infrared spectrophotometers.
Laboratory Software
Different software types are used in Laboratories in San Diego, each managing a complex process. Let’s look at some of the most common:
Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)
An electronic lab notebook (ELN) is a digital tool that replaces traditional paper notebooks used in research and development (R&D) processes. It provides a more organized and efficient way to document and share experimental results and procedures.
It allows lab staff to search, share, collaborate, and organize data. An ELN can help researchers have a better overview of their data and improve their work’s reproducibility and transparency.
Laboratory Information Management System (LMS)
It is a software tool used to track and manage information related to samples and their analyses in a laboratory setting. It is often used in routine analytical laboratories to process and analyze samples.
A LIMS system can help to organize and track sample information and metadata. It can perform analyses and present the results of those analyses. It uses several tools and technologies, such as barcode scanners, label printers, and integrations with other databases to facilitate the transfer of data between systems.
Laboratory Data Management System (LDMS)
It is a software tool used to track and manage information related to samples and their analyses in a laboratory setting. In addition to storing research data, a LIMS also stores relevant metadata, which makes the data searchable and easier to organize.
Other important features of a LIMS may include access control, electronic signatures, audit trails, lifecycle management, and collaboration tools to facilitate sharing and working with others.
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Software
Process analytical technology (PAT) is a software tool that helps to manage online control systems and adjust production parameters as needed to improve quality and efficiency. By using PAT, biotechnology companies can more effectively monitor and control the production process, leading to higher-quality products and enhanced efficiency.
Other software you can find in a lab in San Diego includes laboratory execution system (LES), automation scheduling software, and chromatography data management system (CDMS).
Microscopes and Imaging Equipment
They are tools used to capture and analyze images of objects or samples. They include microscopes, scanners, cameras, and imaging software. Imaging equipment is often used in conjunction with microscopes to enhance the resolution and contrast of the captured images and allow for digital analysis and manipulation of the data.
Application of the equipment includes the following:
Polymer science
Materials science
Semiconductors, and more.
Laboratory Automation and Robotics Instruments
It is laboratory equipment in San Diego designed to serve a specific purpose, either by automating a task or helping a human technician or staff member complete a task more efficiently. Thanks to advancements in microcomputer science, microelectronics, and micromechanics, researchers have been able to develop laboratory robots.
Lab automation uses specialized equipment and software to perform laboratory processes with minimal human input. Automation can be applied to a single step of an experimental process or automate the entire workflow from start to finish.
Laboratory automation improves efficiency and accuracy in the laboratory, reduces the risk of error, and increases the reproducibility of results. There are several types of automation in a lab. They include the following:
Pre-analytical automation
Analytical automation
Post-analytical automation
Benefits of Technology in Laboratories
● Reduces Injuries
Manual labeling laboratory equipment in San Diego can often lead to hand and finger strain. It can lead to tingling and numbness in one’s hand. With automation, you can avert this risk, reducing injuries in the lab.
● Reduces Cost
Using lab automation can reduce the need for many lab technicians. As such, you reduce expenses, allowing you to invest in other laboratory departments.
● Eliminates Human Errors
Since there are many steps in keeping track of research samples, human error is inevitable. Lab automation can help reduce these errors and increase efficiency in the lab.
● Saves Space
Most lab automation equipment come in a compact design, enabling you to save space.
● Enhanced Data Analysis and Management
Data analysis and management software can help scientists organize, analyze, and interpret data from laboratory experiments. It can improve the accuracy of results and make it easier to identify patterns and trends in the data.
● Remote Access to Data and Equipment
The increasing use of technology such as cloud-based solutions, remote monitoring, and virtual reality has allowed for the remote access of lab data and equipment, increasing the collaboration among researchers and making it more accessible for training.
● Greater Sensitivity
Mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and X-ray crystallography can detect and analyze samples at very low concentrations, allowing scientists to see previously unknown compounds or study previously unknown properties of known compounds.
As you can see, technology plays a critical role in modern labs, providing many benefits, such as greater sensitivity. Some key technologies are advanced analytical instruments and automation. These technologies have significantly increased the capabilities of laboratories.
Biotechnical Service Inc. is a leading dealer in laboratory equipment in San Diego. You can reach us via our contact channels if you need technology incorporation in your lab.
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/what-are-the-key-technologies-used-in-a-laboratory/
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biotechserv · 2 years
The Importance of Knowing When to Buy Used Lab Equipment
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Knowing when to buy used lab equipment in San Diego can be daunting. This article highlights all you need to know about purchasing pre-owned lab equipment. Here is the breakdown.
What Is Lab Equipment?
Lab equipment is the collection of various devices, containers, and other apparatus necessary for conducting experiments and procedures in different laboratory settings. These tools are crucial for performing syntheses and analyses and are exposed to harsh chemical and physical conditions.
As a result, laboratory instruments must be able to deliver precise measurements, have a long lifespan, and ensure the user’s safety. Lab equipment must be of high quality and built to last to meet the rigorous demands of laboratory technology.
Why You May Consider Buying Used Lab Equipment in San Diego
Buying new lab equipment is a capital-intensive exercise. And if you’re operating with limited resources, purchasing new equipment may not be feasible. Fortunately, Biotechnical Service Inc. can help you source used lab instruments in San Diego.
Using pre-owned lab equipment can significantly reduce the cost of outfitting your facility. It is possible to save a huge percentage compared to buying new equipment. You can even purchase small items, such as test tubes, at a lower cost if you opt for used equipment.
While most people assume only poorly funded labs buy used equipment, large labs also opt for used ones, especially when they cannot find specific models in their local market. The option also eliminates the need to acquire knowledge of operating new equipment.
Importance of Knowing When To Buy Used Lab Equipment
Knowing when to purchase pre-owned lab instruments in San Diego can help you avoid common mistakes that lab owners make. 
Enables You To Acquire the Right Equipment
Before acquiring used lab equipment, you need to identify what you need. If you can do without it, there’s no need to buy another. Besides, purchasing the right instrument comes with numerous benefits, such as:
Improved accuracy and precision
Increased efficiency 
Enhanced capabilities 
Reduced contamination risk
Compliance with regulations
In short, having the right lab equipment can help to improve the quality and accuracy of your research or experimentation.
Helps Reduce Expenses
Often, laboratories in San Diego want to acquire new equipment to stay up-to-date with advancements in the industry. However, if you are cash-strapped, you can opt for a secondhand model to save money while maintaining the industry advancement momentum. 
Allows You To Take Advantage of Discounted Prices
You can decide to buy used instruments from auctions. They often sell equipment at a throwaway price, which is an advantage to any lab owner. Besides, online-specific suppliers sell used equipment at a discounted price. As such, you can wait for such time-limited chances to buy many instruments at half the normal retail price.
Benefits of Buying Used Lab Equipment in San Diego
So, what are the advantages of working with used instruments in your San Diego lab? Let’s find out.
Saves You Money
The most obvious advantage of purchasing pre-owned laboratory equipment is cost savings. By buying equipment that has been previously used, laboratories can acquire equipment that they may not have been able to afford otherwise, thereby enhancing their capabilities.
In addition, when a laboratory lacks the financial means to purchase a machine outright, obtaining a moderately priced pre-owned instrument through financing is a more reasonable option than acquiring a brand-new one.
They Are of High Quality
A common misconception about pre-owned equipment is that it is of poor quality. Although some suppliers may offer subpar equipment, this is not the case with our equipment as they are of high quality.
The equipment undergoes thorough refurbishment to operate as if they are from an OEM factory. The refurbishment process includes thoroughly examining cleaning and essential maintenance work.
Saves You Time 
Manufacturers that create new laboratory equipment often have a significant lead time, sometimes stretching beyond six weeks. It is not feasible for most laboratories, especially those in the Biotechnology industry. 
Acquiring secondhand equipment eliminates this waiting period, enabling laboratories to resume operations promptly.
Reduces Depreciation 
The new instrument will probably lose value far more quickly than the used equipment. Depreciation is when an item you’ve purchased for your company loses value. When you write off parts over time rather than deducting the cost of used equipment from your normal taxes, you can better manage your finances because you have greater control over how much money is written off annually.
What To Consider When Buying Used Lab Equipment
Before buying used lab equipment in San Diego, here are some factors you need to consider:
Previous Setting 
If the laboratory equipment was utilized in a healthcare setting or manufacturing plant, it likely experienced heavy usage, indicating it may be in disrepair. If it was, however, used in an academic or startup setting, it might have less wear and tear. 
Previous Maintenance and Servicing 
If possible, find out the instrument’s maintenance and servicing schedule in its previous setting. Ask the supplier or owner if they have the maintenance report, which indicates the instrument’s repair track record. If the servicing and maintenance were frequent, you could be sure it would serve you for an extended period. Otherwise, find another vendor. 
Serial Number and Year of Manufacture
Obtaining this information will give you a more comprehensive understanding of its maintenance history and insight into the potential future cost of servicing. The OEM can help you check the serial number hence knowing the instrument’s age and history.
Reseller’s Source 
There are many places to source used lab equipment in San Diego. As such, you need to inquire where they got it from. Is the individual or business selling the device obtain it through a liquidation sale, dissolution of a company, or auction?
Having this knowledge can help you understand why the equipment is being sold. It means you can avoid purchasing poorly performing instruments. 
Certification and Calibration
Make sure the lab equipment is certified and calibrated to be used safely and accurately. Some lab equipment may require certification from a third-party organization or manufacturer.
Return Policy and Warranty 
Check the seller’s return policy to make sure you can return the equipment if it doesn’t meet your expectations. Also, inquire if the seller is providing any warranty on the used equipment, and if not, if they could provide any service/repair on demand.
Where To Find Used Lab Equipment
There are many places you can find pre-owned lab equipment in San Diego. Here are the most common.
Online Scientific Supply Retailers 
Many online retailers are selling used lab equipment, including Biotechnical Services. We sell high-quality pre-owned lab instruments at an affordable price. We got you sorted if you need incubators, liquid handlers, or a micro-centrifuge. 
Local Classifieds
Check your local classifieds, such as those in university or science journals, for used lab equipment listings.
Manufacturers and Distributors 
Some manufacturers and distributors also sell refurbished or pre-owned equipment. These can be a good option if you want a specific make and model.
Lab Equipment Auctions
Several auction houses, like Rabin Worldwide, Quibids, etc., specialize in selling used laboratory equipment and often have a wide selection and competitive prices.
Trade Shows
Some scientific and laboratory trade shows can be great places to find used lab equipment and networking opportunities with other scientists and equipment dealers.
Before buying any used lab equipment, research the seller and the equipment carefully to ensure that you get a quality product at a fair price. It would help if you also inspect the equipment in person or ask for detailed photos and a detailed condition report before purchasing to avoid potential issues.
Buying used lab equipment can be a cost-effective solution for many research and laboratory settings. However, it is important to carefully consider the condition and functionality of the equipment before making a purchase.
Investing in a reputable supplier with a history of providing high-quality used equipment is crucial. It is where Biotechnical Services Inc. comes into play. We are a leading seller of used lab equipment in San Diego. Contact us to learn more about our pricing.
Original article posted here – https://www.biotechserv.com/the-importance-of-knowing-when-to-buy-used-lab-equipment/
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biotechserv · 2 years
Best Methods for Thermometer Calibration
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Thermometers are essential tools for measuring temperature in a variety of applications, including medicine, food processing, and scientific research. However, it is important to ensure that thermometers are accurately calibrated to ensure reliable and accurate temperature readings.
If you are looking for thermometer calibration in Los Angeles, here are some of the best methods for calibrating thermometers:
Methods for Thermometer Calibration
● Ice point method
This method involves measuring the temperature of ice in water at a temperature of 0°C (32°F). To do this, fill a container with ice and water, and then insert the thermometer probe into the mixture.
The thermometer should read 0°C (32°F). If it does not, the thermometer can be adjusted by the difference between the actual reading and the expected value.
The benefits of this method include the following:
Easy to perform: The ice point method is a simple and straightforward method that can be easily performed in any laboratory or field setting. It does not require any specialized equipment or materials, making it a convenient and cost-effective option for calibrating thermometers.
Wide temperature range: The ice point method can be used to calibrate thermometers over a wide temperature range, from very cold temperatures to relatively warm ones. This makes it a versatile method that can be used for calibrating a variety of thermometers.
High accuracy: The ice point method is a highly accurate method for calibrating thermometers, with an error margin of less than 0.1°C (0.2°F). This level of accuracy is sufficient for many applications, such as food processing, scientific research, and medical use.
Reproducibility: The ice point method is a reproducible method, which means that it produces consistent results when performed multiple times. This is important for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of temperature measurements.
Easy to understand: The ice point method is easy to understand and explain, making it a suitable option for training and teaching purposes. It can be used to introduce the concept of calibration and the importance of accurate temperature measurements to students and professionals.
● Boiling point method
The method involves measuring the temperature of boiling water at a temperature of 100°C (212°F). To do this, fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Insert the thermometer probe into the water, and the thermometer should read 100°C (212°F). If it does not, the thermometer can be adjusted by the difference between the actual reading and the expected value.
Benefits of boiling point calibration method are as follows:
Accurate: The boiling point of a substance is a fixed and well-defined temperature, making it an ideal reference point for calibrating a thermometer.
Wide temperature range: The boiling point of a substance can be used to calibrate a thermometer over a wide range of temperatures.
Easy to use: The boiling point method is relatively simple and easy to use, making it a popular choice for calibrating thermometers.
Repeatable: The boiling point of a substance remains constant, making the boiling point method a reliable and repeatable way to calibrate a thermometer.
Widely available: Many substances have well-defined boiling points that can be used to calibrate a thermometer, making the boiling point method widely available.
● Comparison method
This method involves comparing the thermometer being calibrated with a reference thermometer that has been calibrated using one of the above methods.
The thermometer being calibrated is inserted into a substance with a known temperature, and the temperature is compared to the reading on the reference thermometer.
If the readings do not match, the thermometer being calibrated can be adjusted by the difference between the two readings.
Some of its benefits include the following:
It is relatively simple and easy to perform: The method involves comparing the temperature readings of the thermometer being calibrated with those of a known reference thermometer.
It is accurate: The reference thermometer used in the comparison method should be calibrated to a high level of accuracy, so the comparison method can produce highly accurate results.
It can be performed with a wide range of temperature ranges: The comparison method can be used to calibrate thermometers over a wide range of temperatures, including both low and high temperatures.
It is flexible: The comparison method can be used to calibrate a variety of different types of thermometers, including digital and analog thermometers.
It does not require specialized equipment: The comparison method does not require any specialized equipment, making it accessible and affordable for many laboratories and other facilities.
It is relatively fast: The method can be performed relatively quickly, depending on the number of temperature points being tested.
It can be performed on site: The comparison method can be performed on site, without the need to send the thermometer to a specialized calibration laboratory.
● Dry block calibrator
This method involves using a device called a dry block calibrator, which consists of a heating element and a temperature sensor.
The thermometer being calibrated is inserted into the calibrator, and the calibrator is heated to a known temperature. The thermometer’s reading is compared to the temperature of the calibrator, and any differences can be used to adjust the thermometer.
Here are the benefits of using a dry block calibrator.
Accuracy: Dry block calibrators are highly accurate and can provide a reference temperature with an uncertainty of less than 0.1°C. This means that the thermometer being calibrated can be more accurate after being calibrated with a dry block calibrator.
Speed: Calibrating a thermometer with a dry block calibrator is generally faster than using other methods, such as ice point calibration or liquid baths.
Versatility: They can be used to calibrate a wide range of thermometers, including thermocouples, RTDs, and thermistors.
Ease of use: The calibrators are easy to use and require minimal setup. They also do not require the use of any hazardous materials, making them safer to use than some other calibration methods.
Cost-effectiveness: Dry block calibrators are generally more cost-effective than other methods, especially when considering the time and effort required for calibration.
Repeatability: They can provide repeatable results, making them ideal for use in quality control and other applications where consistent results are important.
Convenience: Dry block calibrators are portable and can be used in a variety of locations, making them convenient for field use or for use in labs with limited space.
It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for calibrating thermometers, as different thermometers may have different requirements and procedures.
Regular calibration of thermometers is necessary to ensure accurate temperature readings and maintain the reliability and integrity of temperature measurements.
Why You Should Calibrate Thermometers Regularly
Thermometer calibration in Los Angeles is important because it ensures that the thermometer is providing accurate and reliable temperature measurements. Temperature measurements are often used in a variety of applications, including scientific research, industrial processes, and quality control.
If a thermometer is not accurately calibrated, the temperature measurements it provides may be inaccurate, which can lead to errors in the results of these applications.
Calibrating a thermometer also helps to maintain its accuracy over time. Thermometers can drift or become less accurate due to a variety of factors, such as changes in temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions.
Calibrating a thermometer regularly helps to ensure that it continues to provide accurate temperature measurements.
In some cases, such as in the pharmaceutical or food industries, regulatory agencies may require that thermometers be calibrated regularly to ensure the accuracy of temperature measurements.
Calibrating a thermometer can also be important in safety-critical applications, such as monitoring the temperature of hazardous materials or critical equipment. Inaccurate temperature measurements in these cases could have serious consequences.
In summary, calibrating a thermometer is important to ensure that it is providing accurate temperature measurements, maintain its accuracy over time, and meet regulatory requirements or safety standards.
Why You Should Work With a Los Angeles Calibration Company
Expertise: Thermometer calibration companies have specialized expertise and experience in calibrating thermometers. They have the necessary equipment and knowledge to accurately calibrate thermometers to meet the specified standards and requirements.
Accuracy: They use advanced equipment and techniques to ensure the accuracy of their calibrations. This can help to ensure that the thermometers being calibrated are providing accurate temperature measurements.
Convenience: Working with a thermometer calibration company in Los Angeles can be convenient because they handle all aspects of the calibration process, including transportation, setup, and documentation. This can save time and resources for the company using the thermometers.
Compliance: Some industries, such as the pharmaceutical and food industries, have strict regulatory requirements for the calibration of thermometers. Working with a thermometer calibration company can help to ensure that these requirements are met and that the thermometers being used are compliant.
Documentation: Thermometer calibration companies typically provide documentation of the calibration process and the results, which can be useful for quality control and regulatory purposes.
Do You Need Thermometer Calibration?
Calibrating your thermometers is as easy as using the above methods. However, we recommend consulting a calibration expert or company.
Working with a thermometer calibration company can provide expertise, accuracy, convenience, and compliance to help ensure the accuracy and reliability of temperature measurements. And this is what Biotechnical Services Inc. affords you. We offer the best thermometer calibration in Los Angeles. Contact us to learn more.
Original Source - https://www.biotechserv.com/best-methods-for-thermometer-calibration/
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biotechserv · 2 years
Lab Equipment for Regulated Industries: Qualification and Validation
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Regardless of your company’s industry, lab equipment validation in San Francisco is required to ensure tests and experiments are accurate and consistent. This article looks at best practices, why validation is important, and more. But first, what is lab validation?
What Is Lab Equipment Validation?
Lab equipment validation is the process of verifying that a piece of laboratory equipment is performing according to its intended specifications and is suitable for its intended use. This process is important because it ensures that the results produced by the equipment are accurate, reliable, and consistent.
Steps for Lab Equipment Qualification and Validation
There are several steps involved in lab equipment validation, including:
Defining the Intended Use of the Equipment
Defining the intended use of a piece of lab equipment involves identifying the specific types of measurements or experiments that the equipment will be used for, as well as the range of operating conditions under which it will be used. 
This information is important because it helps to determine the performance specifications for the equipment and the testing methods that will be used to validate it.
Some factors to consider when defining equipment use include sample types, operating conditions, types of experiments, and user requirements.
Establish Performance Specifications
Establishing performance specifications for a piece of lab equipment involves identifying the acceptable range of performance for the equipment based on its intended use and the requirements of the specific application. 
This information is important because it helps to determine the testing methods that will be used to validate the equipment and the criteria that will be used to assess its performance.
Some aspects to consider when establishing performance specifications include user requirements, regulatory and industry standards, intended use, and manufacturer’s specifications.
Test the Equipment
This involves using various methods, such as standard test procedures or customized testing protocols, to evaluate the performance of the equipment. This may include verifying that the equipment is accurate, precise, and repeatable, as well as testing its stability, linearity, and sensitivity.
Methods used to test lab equipment include the following:
Standard test procedures: Many regulatory agencies and industry organizations in San Francisco have established standard test procedures for evaluating the performance of specific types of lab equipment. These procedures may include tests for accuracy, precision, linearity, stability, and other characteristics.
Customized testing protocols: In some cases, it may be necessary to develop customized testing protocols to evaluate the performance of the equipment. These protocols may be based on the intended use of the equipment, the user requirements, or the specific characteristics of the samples being analyzed.
Verification using reference materials: One way to test the accuracy of a piece of lab equipment is to use reference materials or standards that are known to have a specific value. By comparing the results obtained using the equipment to the known value of the reference material, it is possible to assess the accuracy of the equipment.
Validation using real samples: Another way to test the performance of a lab equipment is to use real samples that are representative of the types of samples that the equipment will be used to analyze or test. By comparing the results obtained using the equipment to known values or accepted standards, it is possible to assess the accuracy and reliability of the equipment.
Document the Results
It is creating a validation report that summarizes the testing results and demonstrates that the equipment is suitable for its intended use. The report should include details on the testing methods used, the results obtained, and any discrepancies or deviations from the performance specifications.
Review and Approve the Validation
The validation report should be reviewed and approved by a qualified individual, such as a laboratory manager or quality assurance specialist, to ensure that it meets all relevant regulatory and industry standards. Biotech Services, Inc. offers lab equipment validation in San Francisco. If you need this service, feel free to contact us. 
Maintain the Equipment
Once the equipment has been validated, it is important to maintain it in good working condition to ensure that it continues to meet the performance specifications. 
This may involve performing periodic calibration and maintenance, as well as documenting any changes or repairs made to the equipment.
Here are best lab equipment maintenance practices
Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations: Most lab equipment come with a user manual that includes information on how to care for and maintain the equipment. It is important to follow these recommendations to ensure that the equipment is used and maintained properly.
Perform periodic calibration: Calibration is the process of adjusting the equipment to ensure that it is accurate and precise. It is important to calibrate lab equipment according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and any relevant regulatory or industry standards.
Clean and store equipment properly: Proper cleaning and storage of lab equipment can help to extend its lifespan and ensure that it continues to perform well. This may involve cleaning the equipment after use, storing it in a clean and dry environment, and protecting it from physical damage.
Keep accurate maintenance records: It is important to keep accurate records of all maintenance activities, including calibration, repairs, and any other work performed on the equipment. This information can be used to identify any potential problems with the equipment and to schedule future maintenance.
Follow safety procedures: It is important to follow all safety procedures when using and maintaining lab equipment to protect yourself and others from potential hazards. This may include wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, following proper handling procedures, and following all warning labels and instructions.
Lab equipment validation is an important part of quality control in the laboratory and is typically required by regulatory agencies and industry standards. 
It helps to ensure that the results produced by the equipment are accurate and reliable, which is essential for making informed decisions and producing high-quality products or services.
Benefits for Lab Equipment Qualification and Validation
There are several benefits to validating lab equipment, including:
Improved Accuracy and Reliability of Results
By ensuring that the equipment is performing according to its intended specifications, validation helps to ensure that the results produced by the equipment are accurate and reliable. This is essential for making informed decisions and producing high-quality products or services.
Compliance With Regulatory and Industry Standards
Many regulatory agencies and industry organizations require lab equipment to be validated to ensure that it meets certain performance standards. Validation helps to ensure that the equipment is compliant with these standards and can be used in regulated environments.
Increased Confidence in the Equipment
By demonstrating that the equipment is suitable for its intended use, validation helps to increase confidence in the results produced by the equipment. This is particularly important in scientific research, where the accuracy and reliability of the results are critical.
Improved Efficiency and Productivity
Validated equipment that is performing according to its intended specifications is likely to be more efficient and productive than equipment that is not properly validated. This can help to reduce the time and resources needed to complete experiments and analyses.
Reduced Risk of Errors and Rework
By ensuring that the equipment is accurate and reliable, validation helps to reduce the risk of errors and the need for rework. This can help to save time and resources and improve the overall quality of the work being performed.
Why Do You Need To Work With a Lab Equipment Validation Company
There are several reasons why it may be beneficial to work with a validation company to validate your lab equipment:
Expertise and Experience
Validation companies typically have a team of experts who are trained and experienced in evaluating the performance of lab equipment. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on the best methods for validating the equipment and ensure that the validation process is conducted according to relevant regulatory and industry standards.
Objectivity and Impartiality
Working with a validation company can help to ensure that the validation process is objective and impartial. This is important because it helps to ensure that the results of the validation are unbiased and that the equipment is being evaluated based on its intended use and performance specifications, rather than any personal or organizational bias.
Time and Resource Savings
Validation can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if you are not familiar with the relevant standards and procedures. Working with a validation company can help to save time and resources by allowing you to focus on your core business while the validation experts handle the details of the process.
Independent Verification
By working with a validation company, you can obtain an independent verification of the performance of your lab equipment. This can help to increase confidence in the equipment and the results it produces, which is particularly important in regulated environments or when working with external clients or partners.
Overall, working with a validation company can provide a number of benefits when it comes to validating your lab equipment. It can help to ensure that the process is conducted efficiently and effectively, and that the results are accurate and reliable.
As you can see lab equipment validation and qualification enables you to achieve accurate and reliable test results. We recommend consulting companies offering lab equipment validation in San Francisco such as Biotechnical Services, Inc. for optimal results. 
Original Source: https://www.biotechserv.com/lab-equipment-for-regulated-industries-qualification-and-validation/
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biotechserv · 2 years
5 Key Advantages of Buying Used Laboratory Equipment
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Many laboratory owners shy away from sourcing used lab equipment in San Diego. This article highlights the benefits and what you need to consider before buying them. Let’s look at the benefits first.
5 benefits of buying used lab equipment
Saves you money
Let’s face it, buying new lab equipment is capital-intensive and might derail one from opening a laboratory. On the other hand, buying used lab equipment in San Diego is cost-effective since you don’t have to pay a premium. In fact, you might save 50% to 70% of the initial price of the equipment.
Besides, buying used lab equipment allows you to refurbish, enabling you to add new components at a discounted price. And if you are on a budget, getting second-hand equipment is the ideal way to kick-start your laboratory business. As time goes on, you can upgrade to new ones for improved productivity.
Saves you time
Ordering new lab equipment can take weeks or months, like in other industries. It is because manufacturers have to create new ones from scratch. Unfortunately, labs don’t have much time to waste, given the tight deadlines they have to meet. As such, opting for used laboratory equipment enables you to cut back the wait time.
Furthermore, installing used lab equipment is easier and less time-consuming since you only need to liaise with the previous owner or supplier.  It is unlike new equipment that require the manufacturer’s input and intense staff training before it can commence operation.
More investment opportunities
Since buying used lab equipment in San Diego is cost-effective, you can use the extra amount to invest in other areas. For example, you can buy more equipment, diversifying the research scope of your laboratory. It can allow you to engage in more experiments and research programs. Besides, it can enable you to hire and retain more staff since you have the financial capability.
And as you’d expect, training your staff will be seamless, not to mention upgrading your laboratory. If you were to purchase new equipment, you’d not enjoy such investment opportunities since it is money intensive.
Reduced waste
Buying new lab equipment has an enormous environmental impact than you might think of. Generally, when lab equipment becomes outdated or breaks, they end up in landfills across the country. And as you’d guess, there’s environmental pollution due to incineration. In addition, the plastic components do not decay, harming the soil’s quality.
By buying used equipment, you are promoting sustainability, which reduces carbon footprint. If all laboratories in San Diego were to exercise buying used lab equipment, it would have a great positive environmental impact.
Reduced depreciation
New lab equipment depreciates faster than used equipment. Depreciation is the reduction in the value of an asset over time. With used equipment, you don’t calculate depreciation like a new one. Instead, you write off parts over time. As such, you will have better control over the amount to write off annually.
With it comes better financial management. And since used equipment are bought at a reduced price, the depreciation is minimal. Moreover, the resale value of used instruments often stabilizes for 12 months or more. It means you can replace it with a new one without losing much of your investment.
Things to consider when buying used lab equipment
Overall condition
It is arguably the chief aspect you should consider. You don’t want to buy equipment that will break down after a few months of use. As such, you should avoid buying equipment with noticeable tear and wear. If outside repair and maintenance are required, it signals that it requires more monitoring on the inside.
Before buying the equipment, you should ask if it is refurbished. If so, it indicates that a professional technician repaired the equipment, replacing parts as needed. You should also consider the equipment’s age. If it is over ten years, it indicates that it is outdated and the manufacturer no longer supports it.
Well, it’s no doubt you should consider pricing when shopping for used lab equipment in San Diego. Often, the higher the price the higher the quality. While this is true, it is not always the case. Consider buying from another vendor if you get a price too good to be true.
On the other hand, if a company is offering a raw deal, consult other companies and suppliers. If possible, don’t let the pricing be an indicator of quality. Otherwise, you might overpay for low-quality equipment.
Supplier’s integrity
The marketplace is awash with many rogue equipment suppliers, and it is not uncommon for labs to fall prey to such criminals. When shopping for used equipment, ensure to research each supplier. Look at customer reviews and testimonials. If possible, you can visit their warehouses or stores to uncover their operations.
A genuine supplier in San Diego will not hide anything from their clients. In addition, most reliable suppliers will seek long-term partnerships with their customers. To run a successful lab, you need a dependable equipment supplier who can also provide repair and maintenance services. Also, ensure their processes and standards are compatible with your company’s vision.
Warranties and guarantees
Every lab should protect its equipment with a warranty. Most resellers offer basic warranties. And since lab work takes time and precision, ensure the warranty is at least 90 days. Ensure to go through the warranty so you can know what it covers. Most guarantees will cover minor problems; as such, it is ideal to invest in an extended warranty. While doing so, ensure to abide by your budget.
Service records
While it is unlikely to find service records for smaller lab equipment, a supplier of more complex equipment should provide service and calibration records. They should also provide the equipment history and use.
If calibration history is missing, but the item has always been under a manufacturer service contract, it should also be possible to obtain calibration history via the instrument serial number.
Used vs. new lab equipment: How to choose the most ideal
If you are torn between used and new lab equipment, here are the top things to consider.
Type of equipment you need
Like buying any equipment or asset, you need to consider your needs before purchasing lab equipment. Consider the brand or model plus the essential features for your lab’s progress. It will help you determine whether new or used lab equipment in San Diego will be an ideal option.
Find out your vendor options
Lab equipment sellers range from manufacturers, and online sites, to third-party suppliers. As you’d expect, buying directly from a manufacturer means investing in new equipment. The best part is that they often come with warranty and service contracts. In addition, since they are more knowledgeable about the equipment, they can offer better support.
On the other hand, third-party suppliers often sell used equipment from various brands. As such, you have the freedom to compare prices and features. Moreover, suppliers will allow you to choose between basic and extended warranty and service contracts.
Ask for demonstrations
Before settling for specific equipment, ask for a demonstration. It allows you to see how the equipment will fit your laboratory needs. You’ll also gauge their ease of use, ensuring you pick the best option.
Generally, most, if not all, manufacturers will provide demos for new equipment. That said, you should request a demo from a third-party supplier. It will allow you to gauge the equipment’s performance and help build trust.
Consider associated costs
You should also consider the expenses you will incur when using the equipment. Most new equipment will have a monthly fee, such as servicing price. On the other hand, it might be daunting to find supplies for used lab equipment might be daunting. It means it will cost you more in the long run.
You should also consider the cost of replacement parts. Replacement parts for new equipment are expensive but more durable, while those for used equipment are cheaper but not as durable.
Compare the cost of ownership
Buying new equipment will see you spend more money upfront, and there might be fewer problems during the first few years. As such, the maintenance cost will be minimal. Furthermore, the warranty will cover most of the issues you will encounter.
Conversely, if you buy used lab equipment, you will spend less money upfront, but you may spend more on parts and repairs over time. Therefore, it is prudent to compare the cost of ownership so you don’t spend more than buying new equipment.
There are many benefits with used lab equipment, from saving you money and time to increasing investment opportunities. As such, do not hesitate to purchase used lab equipment in San Diego. If you want quality equipment, you can always consult Biotechnical Services Inc.
Original blog posted here - https://www.biotechserv.com/5-key-advantages-of-buying-used-laboratory-equipment/
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biotechserv · 2 years
SARTORIUS MSU1202S-000-D0, 1200G X 10MG, PAN SIZE 8.1 X 8.1IN
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Fast stabilization time
Module design
User configurable and custom designed to meet changing applications
Meets advanced Pharma compliance including user/password management for security, audit trail function logs and integrated alibi memory
Q-guide enables tasks and work
Electrically conductive coating on glass panels of draft shield
RS-232 and USB communication
Easy cleaning by removing glass doors
Underweigh hook included
Choice of display
MSE – large LCD display and easy menu system
MSU – monochrome graphic display, positive click on keys to activate functions, Ethernet and SD card reader
MSA – TFT color touchscreen, Ethernet and SD card reader options
The Cubis modular system offers you a choice of display and control units, weighing modules and draft shields. Customize your Cubis by combining any number of these modules to achieve the best laboratory balance for your application.
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biotechserv · 2 years
Lab Maintenance Tips for Manufacturers and Owners of Lab Equipment
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Are you looking for practical lab equipment maintenance tips? This article shares tips that you can apply today. Maintaining lab equipment comes with many benefits, such as improved productivity. So, which are these tips? Let’s find out.
Benefits of maintaining your lab equipment
●      Reduced downtime
Unexpected downtimes from equipment breakdown can cause a project to derail and damage research samples. Not completing a requirement can be expensive in an industry where valuable data is at risk.
Downtimes can impair your laboratory’s productivity, meaning there’ll be a loss of revenue, hence reduced profit margins. Regular lab equipment maintenance will minimize downtime, and one can identify problems before they occur.
●      Reduced repair costs
While it is prudent to perform equipment repairs occasionally, regular maintenance can reduce the scale and scope of repairs. Besides, it can provide a detailed record of your equipment’s performance history and future needs. As such, you can make an informed decision about whether to repair or replace your equipment.
●      Improved lab productivity
Keeping your lab instruments in the best shape will help you concentrate on crucial lab tasks such as running experiments. Your lab team won’t have to worry about the condition and performance of the instruments. It also enables the troubleshooting team to identify issues before they cause significant problems proactively.
●      Improved lab equipment longevity
Another benefit of maintaining your instruments is that they will serve you for an extended period. And this can reduce costs significantly since you won’t require regular repairs and replacements.
●      Increased access to resources
It is especially beneficial if you collaborate with a lab maintenance contractor. You’ll have their expertise, knowledge, network, and tools at your disposal.
While not an exhaustive list, these are some of the benefits of lab equipment maintenance. Biotech Services is a lab equipment maintenance contractor that can help improve your lab’s efficiency and productivity. Contact us today to place a service request.
Lab maintenance tips for manufacturers and owners of lab equipment
Now that you know the benefits of proper lab equipment maintenance let’s look at tips to achieve this.
●      Follow equipment manuals and operation protocols
As you’d expect, lab equipment are manufactured for specific roles. Using them for procedures beyond their capabilities can cause damage, significantly, when misused for extended periods. To avoid such scenarios, you should read and follow the accompanying manuals.
Ensure to check their capacities and features. If you are using digital lab equipment, get well-versed with the various danger and warning symbols on the screen. It can help you identify when the equipment malfunctions or is not in the proper operational condition.
Likewise, you need to follow operation protocols to avoid overstepping the scope and function of the equipment at hand. For example, if an instrument is susceptible to overheating, allow sufficient time to cool to prevent damage.
Ensure your lab staff undergoes thorough training to use the equipment efficiently and follow the operation protocols seamlessly. Damage caused by inappropriate equipment use might void the warranty, forcing you to buy new ones.
●      Routine decontamination and preventive maintenance
Ideally, most lab equipment are susceptible to tear and wear, which affects their efficiency. And in a lab setting, equipment must be in excellent condition to provide accurate and reliable results. Keeping these equipment clean and well-maintained helps prevent malfunction resulting in error-free experiment results.
Taking such measures can also bolster the lab equipment’s longevity. The best part? Cleaning and decontaminating lab equipment after use does not need the input of a third-party service provider.
Here are different ways to decontaminate lab equipment:
Heat sterilization: It involves using wet or dry heat. Wet heat is the more dependable of the two and is used to decontaminate biohazard wastes. Dry heat is less efficient and requires more time. You can use it to decontaminate impermeable non-organic surfaces.
Liquid disinfection: Some of the liquids used are acids, alkalis, alcohols, and ketones. The effectiveness of this method depends on contact time, organisms, and concentration. Ensure to follow instructions before using liquid decontaminating chemicals.
Vapors and gases: This is one of the most efficient decontamination methods. One should use it in closed systems under controlled conditions for optimal results. Some popular compounds are paraformaldehyde, ethylene oxide, and hydrogen peroxide, which decontaminate bulky equipment, biosafety cabinets, and animal rooms.
Radiation: Here, you can use the ionizing or non-ionizing method. While the ionizing method destroys microorganisms, it is not an ideal option for lab equipment. Non-ionizing uses ultraviolet (UV) radiation to kill microorganisms in water, air, and solid surfaces. It is used primarily to maintain good air hygiene in labs and animal rooms.
●      Calibrate your equipment regularly
Equipment calibration ensures your instruments are working correctly. It can be done by configuring it with another tool. Well-calibrated equipment should have results within the acceptable accuracy range.
You can also use standard values to ascertain the equipment’s accuracy. The result should be within acceptable standards and traceable to protocols from major agencies such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The calibration frequency is also crucial. You can consult the equipment manufacturer to follow the pre-set schedule. However, you should be able to calibrate them when you notice inconsistent accuracy.
Some of the popular calibration methods are:
Pressure calibration: It is ideal for equipment that monitor has and hydraulic pressure. Popular equipment includes transducers, barometers, digital pressure gauges, and digital indicators.
Temperature calibration: It is carried out in controlled environments on equipment that monitors temperature levels. These instruments include infrared meters, dial thermometers, and data acquisition systems.
Flow calibration: A flow sensor is a device that measures the linear, nonlinear, volumetric flow or mass of a gas or liquid. For accurate readings, one needs to perform periodic flow calibration on equipment such as laminar flowmeters, turbine meters, and thermal mass flowmeters.
Electrical calibration: It verifies the accuracy of equipment that measures electrical parameters such as capacitance and frequency. They include multi-meters, data loggers, and electrical meters.
Mechanical calibration: Mechanical equipment are susceptible to shock from accidental drops and sudden changes in atmospheric conditions. As such, regular calibration is needed. In controlled environments, you should calibrate mass, dimension, volume, torque, and force.
●      Evaluate the equipment’s performance
Another crucial lab equipment maintenance tip is occasionally evaluating your equipment’s performance. It helps bolster performance and identify system and hardware issues. With efficient lab equipment, you can increase your lab’s productivity. Some of the performance metrics you can use during evaluation include:
Turnaround time: Turnaround time is a crucial factor when acquiring lab equipment. Knowing how fast it responds and delivers results can help you gauge whether it is in perfect working condition or faulty. As you’d guess, a low turnaround time indicates your instrument has performance issues.
Uncertainty analysis: When documenting the application results of your equipment, ensure to assign a quantified estimate of uncertainty. It shows the reliability and confidence of the documenting process. As such, a lower uncertainty level signals higher quality in results and vice versa.
Equipment failure and interval analysis: Lab equipment are susceptible to periodic shortcomings over time. Predicting equipment failure can help you better prepare and take proactive actions, such as having a backup ready.
To predict when the equipment will fail, you need to perform interval analysis, which allows you to document the occurrence of equipment failure. It, therefore, enables you to develop strategies to prolong the intervals.
●      Refurbishing lab equipment
Another cost-effective lab equipment maintenance tip is to refurbish your instruments. It helps you bring old equipment back to life, improving efficiency and accuracy. Instead of buying new equipment, you can replace some old components with more recent and more robust parts.
Refurbishing your lab equipment can also entail disassembling equipment parts and cleaning and lubricating them thoroughly. You can also recalibrate precision parts and replace faulty components. In the end, you’ll have a more efficient and effective lab instrument.
●      Maintaining a conducive lab environment
A conducive lab environment improves your staff’s morale and helps maintain well-functioning lab equipment. Storing your equipment prevents breakage due to poor handling and accidents due to chemical spills.
Besides, having a clean lab can help improve results accuracy. Having unclean instruments can contaminate samples leading to inaccurate results and false measurements. Having a well-kept laboratory will also improve workplace efficiency and productivity.
Ending Takeaway
As you can see, maintaining lab equipment as a lab owner or manufacturer is as easy as following the above tips. If you want professional lab equipment maintenance, you can reach us via our contact channels.
Original Source - https://www.biotechserv.com/lab-maintenance-tips-for-manufacturers-and-owners-of-lab-equipment/
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