birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Fifth day in the Hive, and things are already starting to get interesting. As Akihiko walked back to his apartment that night, a loud announcement rang through the streets – something about love and friendship? It doesn’t make even a lick of sense, but honestly Akihiko is a little interested in finding out what it all means.
He taps his chin, waiting outside for any more announcements to arrive from wherever they were coming from, but to no avail. Instead, a small creature forms right in front of his eyes, and immediately upon looking at it, he can feel a tiny, sad pang in his heart. It reminds him of the feeling when he lost Miki, the feeling when he lost Shinjiro…
Akihiko averts his eyes, not wanting to look at the thing anymore, and instead coincidentally spots Takumi down the road. Maybe he knows something about the announcement earlier.
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“Hey, Takumi!” He jogs up to the younger boy, “Is it normal for weird monsters to show up out of nowhere like that? Something’s not right about those things.”
Takumi’s brooding— his head is filled with nothing but negative thoughts, and he can feel his mood sour by the minute.
As the other boy jogs up to him, Takumi shoots him a dark glare. This was really not the time for questions! The prince felt like he could explode in a burst of negative emotion at any second.
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“What the hell do you think?!” Takumi spits harshly, clenching his fists. “If it was normal, people wouldn’t be freaking out so much!” His voice elevates to a louder level.
He knows he shouldn’t be like this. It was just thoughts, not something to attack his new friend over... It was hard to apologize, but he was still in a right mind to, so...
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“....Sorry... I’m just.. a bit stressed by all this.”
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
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Events did not bode well for Takumi- the small creatures flitting about the streets were putting him in a dangerously bad mood, almost as bad as the Trick or Retreat event, though perhaps in a different way...
He could only think of the loneliness, the times his family had let him down, the abandonment he had felt when Corrin was stolen away, how many times he felt his family would have preferred if it was Takumi stolen instead of Corrin...
The dark and foreboding thoughts are going to be effecting Takumi heavily to the point of a major personality change for any event threads. He will be extremely pessimistic, argumentative, and downright aggressive if provoked. He is also a dark magical boy, and will hinder and even attack any light magical people he comes across.
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Takumi’s squatting on the ground in a wooded area of Sector 6′s park— the air is crisp & clean and the warm sunlight filtering through the trees set his soul at ease, even on mentally unwell days such as these.  His hair is down, long and flowing, and as he slowly ties it back into the intricate ponytail it’s usually worn in, the prince notices something: another man, training in the forest. 
How peculiar. Takumi thought he was the only person who knew of this secluded glade.
Finishing tying up his hair, he strides over to the other boy, a gloved hand on his chin. 
“Hello!” He manages, already starting to feel the anxiety creeping in.
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“I didn’t realize other people trained here! ....Not that I need training.”
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
He nods, smiling a bit. “Yeah, that’s where I live. It’s a nice vacation spot near the Sparkling sea, and lots of fishfolk gather there to sell their wares from their underwater homes. I suppose we aren’t from the same place after all, huh?”
He turns his gaze out towards the crowd before him. He was somewhat disappointed that they were from different worlds, he would’ve loved to show him his hometown. He doubted that it was possible now, but maybe stories about it would do the trick.
“Say, are there seafolk in your world? Or do they not exist altogether?”
“It sounds nice! I can’t imagine living underwater myself.” Takumi admits with a small smile.
“Back in Hoshido, there aren’t any seafolk. I mean, there’s a mythical spirit called the Ningyo, but they’re just for kids’ stories.” 
Resting his hands on his lap, Takumi begins to think of home- there was a lot to tell Niko about, wasn’t there? He wonders exactly what would be best to tell him... Probably some of the actual creatures that exist.
“They’re supposedly extinct now, but a lot of our legends talk about dragons. There was supposedly an entire race called Manaketes, who were dragons who could hide themselves as humans using a special stone!”
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“I’d be doubtful, but I’ve seen Nohrian wyvern riders threaten our borders before, and there are veins of power across the land that only dragons are said to be able to use... so the legendary dragons must’ve existed at some point.”
The prince’s words rung true- something he wasn’t aware of, however, was that his very sister, the one he labeled as a Nohrian traitor and turned his back on, was a Manakete herself. Had he known that, perhaps his view of them may have been different.
“We also have pegasi and kitsune in Hoshido. And I dunno if this is true or not, but apparently there are werewolves in Nohr.”
Takumi thinks to himself for a moment. He had rambled on for far too long, hadn’t he? Hopefully, Nikolai didn’t think less of him.
“Oh! But uh, my uh... ‘sister’...” Takumi frowns for a minute. That wasn’t really the right word, since he could never really accept someone not of his own blood as his family, but... “she can control water with the sound of her voice. Not exactly merfolk, but it’s something, right?”
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
“Yeah, it’s the only possible explanation…I’ll tell you what I mean by that once we sit, follow me!” He begins to walk through the crowd, looking back and making sure that Takumi is still behind him every once in a while. They come upon an empty bench, Niko sits down and gestures for him to sit with him.
“So, I’ve noticed that everyone in this city seems to hail from some place I’ve never heard of, and depending on who they either have never seen or used technology, or they’ve come from someplace with stuff I’ve never heard of before. Like….uh, have you heard of Barrier city?”
“Hm.... Yeah, I’ve noticed that too!” Takumi explains, tapping a fist on his open palm.
“I met a samurai talking about this country called ‘Japan’... I thought it was possible it was simply Hoshido from the future, from how he spoke of the culture, but...” The prince ponders it for a moment, raising his hand to his chin and stroking a gloved thumb over his lip in thought. 
“Anyways, nope, haven’t heard of this ‘Barrier City’. Is it a city where you’re from?” 
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
TAGGED BY: stolen~
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1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? “Prince Takumi of Hoshido, and don’t you forget it!”
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? “That... is my real name. I don’t know about other countries, but at least where I come from, it’s not common to have a fake name.”
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? “It was bestowed upon me by my.. late father, Prince Sumeragi. No one’s ever taught me the kanji, unfortunately, so I can’t tell you exactly what it means.... How embarrassing!”
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? “I’m not ‘taken’ by anybody! I don’t have time for that kind of stuff right now.”
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? “Uh, I’m really good with a bow? Yeah. Really good— I can outshoot everyone I know! So don’t challenge me, okay?”
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? “They’re brown. Can’t you see them?”
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? “I don’t know what you mean by ‘dying’ hair- it’s not a custom or technology in Hoshido.”
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? “Yeah. My older brother and sister, Ryoma and Hinoka, and my little sister, Sakura! ....And the traitor, I guess, even if they haven’t been around for a long time.”
“I don’t consider them family, though. They abandoned us.”
10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. “Those who betray their family and country are worse than anything! How could you do that?”
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES OR ACTIVITIES YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? “I like hunting. There’s not a lot of places to hunt in Hive City, though.”
12. HAVE YOU EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? “I’ve hurt Hinoka’s feelings before, going on about some stupid garbage about how I didn’t need her help.... N-not that I needed it, of course!”
13. HAVE YOU EVER… KILLED ANYONE? "No. I’d love to put some holes in some Nohrians, though!”
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? “What kind of question is this? Anyway, I’d probably be something pretty majestic. Maybe like the Kinshi? Way better than those cruddy Nohrian wyverns.”
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. “I..! I don’t have any bad habits!”
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? “....My brother Ryoma. ....D-don’t tell him I said that, though!”
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? “That’s none of your business!”
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? “I got taught a lot of things from tutors growing up. Us royals have to be educated, you know.”
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? “I’m not so sure. I have a lot of things on my plate that aren’t carrying on the family line. Ask me when I’m older, I guess.”
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? “My little sister Sakura is one of my biggest fans! She always supports me in everything I do, and goes to me for advice... Which is good, because I’m definitely someone to look up to! ...Oh, and I met someone from the future, who said I became a legend, sooo...!”
22. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? “Anything warm and practical! And traditional, of course- I need to show my Hoshidan pride.”
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? “No, not currently. Why does it matter?”
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? “Like, in a game? An archer, obviously.”
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? “My retainers are probably my closest friends- but they aren’t here with me. Recently.. I’ve made friends with an older boy, named Nikolai.”
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? “We.. don’t have that in Hoshido. I’ve seen it where I work, but I’ve never tried it personally.”
27. FAVORITE DRINK? “I like hot tea! It’s great for soothing my nerves... not that I ever get nervous.”
29. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE? “Oh, I love Hoshido! It’s the most amazing country in the world! ...I can’t wait to go back home.”
31. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? “Does it really matter? I can do both just fine!”
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? “....Why are you asking me this, again?”
34. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? “Camping’s pretty nice. I used to go out camping with Hinata and Oboro a lot! Of course, the bugs got annoying, but everything else about it was fun.”
35. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER? “Yes! you’ve wasted too much of my time, y’know!”
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
updated my rules page & here’s a twitter drop!
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Niko was happier now than he’s been in quite some time, something about Takumi made him happier beyond words. He lightly squeezed his old friend, just happy to reunite with someone he knew in the city. It all faded when Takumi made the effort to wriggle free, after he had hugged him back. There was something bothering him, and the happy light in his eyes faded as he took a step back. Perhaps he overstepped boundaries? Takumi didn’t seem too fond of contact before….
“Yeah, I feel the same way.” He rubs the back of his head, now feeling very awkward. “Well, maybe it’s only possible here? Getting to see an old friend does make the current situation a little less bleak, in my opinion.”
Oh man, had he upset Nikolai? ‘Way to go, asshole.’ Takumi mentally berated himself, ‘This is why no one wants to be your friend.’ The prince lets himself scowl to himself for a moment before taking note of the other’s statement.
“You think it’s possible we’re from different universes entirely?” That would explain a lot of things- he remembered Niko had little to no knowledge of the feud between Hoshido and Nohr, and had never even heard of either country...
“If so, that’d be.... insane.” Takumi finds himself at a lack of words just trying to explain his feelings towards the issue.
He puts a hand on his chin, and the other on his hip, considering for a moment.
“How about we find somewhere to sit and talk? I’m pretty interested in this theory.”
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
It’s easy to lose yourself in a crowd, and that was exactly what Niko aimed for. His mind was racing with all kinds of worries about home, he was only just reunited with his friends…he had grown overwhelmed by them all, and went for a walk to clear his thoughts. He was quickly swept into the crowd and walked among them, not focused on where he was walking…when he ended up bumping into zomeone. He was snapped out of his daze, and before he could even apologize he was swept off to the side.
He looked down at whoever did it, brows furrowed in confusion. Did he recognize this person….? They seemed so familiar to him, but their name eluded him. When they addressed him by his name, he remembered.
An old friend of his who he previously thought had disappeared from the city was back before his very eyes. His eyes grew wide and a grin began to spread across his face as he suddenly leaned down to scoop him up in an elated hug.
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“So it really is you!” Takumi gasped out- so there was at least one good thing about coming back here, after all! He finds himself crushed in the others strong arms as the taller boy scoops him up. Normally, being touched like this would be far too personal of contact, but in the moment, Takumi couldn’t bring himself to be angry. 
He returns the hug slowly- something about the other boy, and the deep bear hug almost reminded him of Ryoma... The pain of remembering he again would be separated from his family shot through him and his light smile turned to a discouraged frown as he wiggled out of the others arms.
“It’s... good to see you.” He says after clearing his throat- they were friends, sure, but he musn’t show a lack of composure..
“Though, I wish it could be under better circumstances.” He says with a small, sad chuckle.
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Takumi can’t help but be annoyed. He yet again finds the memory of how he got here all but lost and the greetings from what he has known to be called a “TV” all too familiar- the haunting smile on the scientist’s face as he greets Takumi with a ‘welcome back’ only serves to infuriate him more. He pushes his way out into his newly assigned sector- much worse than his previous one. It stinks, for one, it’s crowded, and he can only compare it to what he imagines Nohr must be like beyond it’s city walls.
Today was a very bad day indeed.
And then, bump!-- someone crashes into him, most likely pushed by the crowd.
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“Hey, hey, watch where you’re going, you-”
The prince cuts himself off as he swerves around to face his not-quite assailant, eyes burning with rage.
“N...Nikolai?” He asks cautiously, eyeing the pale figure up and down. His memories of the city before are only foggy, but he could never forget such a face. His eyes mellow out and though he’s suspicious, he grabs the other by the wrist and pulls him off to the side of the busy crowd.
“Is that... really you?”
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
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starter call! may not get to all of them, but lms for a starter!
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Niko didn’t usually visit these kinds of places….but it seemed new and it had caught his attention. He wasn’t much of a tea drinker sure, but he definitely loved sweets! So here he was, with tea and a cake. He noted that Takumi was there too, and his mood immediately got better. He was always happy to see a friend, he wondered what he was doing here. So here they were now, sitting with tea.
“Oh, I don’t usually drink tea….but this place caught my attention, I heard the sweets were good. So here I am! What’re you doing here?” He started to nibble on his cake, eyeing him expectantly.
Takumi takes a sip of his tea, listening to Niko explain himself.  It seemed that Niko wasn’t fully aware of how things worked here, but Takumi was happy to explain.
“Ah, I work here. I’m a host, here to entertain guests and give them a good time- I was assigned to your table, today, actually!”
Takumi takes a small nibble of a cookie- he isn’t that fond of it, however, and sets it back down on his plate. 
“So, uh... how was your day?” The prince feels a bit awkward putting up the royal front he was supposed to at work in front of someone he knew, so he opts to talk normally instead.
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Takumi looks over his new coworker; he had met her once before, and he had actually rather liked her! He smiles softly and trots on over to her side.
“Hey, Morgan.” says the prince, resting a hand on his hip. “I see you work here too! What a pleasant surprise.”
He gestures to a table and uncaps the water bottle he had received from Kaoru on his last break, taking a seat. 
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“I didn’t think being a hostess would really suit you.” Then again, what did he know- he had only talked to her once and it was mostly just stroking his own ego.. He internally punches himself for the somewhat rude statement; it was far too late to take it back now. “I’m sure you’ll do great though..!” he tacks on as some sort of compensation.
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Lady Elsa had mentioned that some of the princes were of actual high social standings. Compared to them, Kaoru must seem like a fraud, a fake, a child wearing their father’s fancy suit. To avoid them would be something the old Kaoru Seta would be dead set on. However, the prince would not be fazed by such an intimidating background.
At first, she was eager to speak with him and learn more of the reality of princes. However, joining him had changed his demeanor. He was not like the prince tending to customers. It’s almost as if…
…it was an act.
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Kaoru’s smile softened. 「Good work.」 She placed an unopened water bottle, originally for her, close to him.  「I’d like to talk. It’s important to get to know your coworkers, correct? What better time than now?」
Oh man, she really wanted to get to know him? Takumi couldn’t help but feel a twinge of insecurity- he wasn’t exactly at his best right now, especially not with the waves of terror that had been pushing through the city the last couple weeks. 
He would just have to put up a front then, of being stronger than he felt. He had to make sure she saw him as something special, like he was so determined to be. 
“Thanks,” he takes the compliment, gladly, “you too, though.”
“If we want to get to know each other, isn’t it better to start off with names? I’m Takumi.”
He pauses for a second, before remembering he had to make himself seem impressive. 
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“Prince Takumi of Hoshido, that is! .....What about you?”
Geez, he’s feeling really awkward.
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
Downtime at work was pretty common, thank the gods. Sitting at a table near a window, Takumi took pleasure in the small amount of peace between patrons. He was always an anxious fellow and he quite liked that he could simply sit down and breathe for a while.
That is, until one of his coworkers approaches him. He isn’t quite sure of her name, or anything about her really... She takes a seat at the same table as him and Takumi can feel all his peace and serenity crumbling, being quickly replaced by anxiety. 
“Oh, hi.” He says awkwardly, way different than the prince persona he had been putting on for customers earlier.
“Did you... want something?”
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
"Ah, Nikolai. What a pleasant surprise.” Takumi says with a small smile, taking his seat at the tea table.
He sits tall and gazes over the selection of snacks on the table- tea-time surely was a different experience in whatever world Elsa was from. Usually, he’d be sitting on the floor with green tea, not at a table with black tea and cookies of varying shapes and sizes- and thats not to mention the small slice of cake Niko had ordered!
His demeanor is markedly different from the angry and anxious prince that Nikolai was more used to- this was a job and Takumi was to act like the royalty he was- he wasn’t about to mess up here!
“What brings you here? I’d have assumed tea isn’t really your thing.” He asks, pouring himself and the other a cup of tea. Takumi doesn’t ask the other if he wants sugar, despite the small container of it sitting next to the teapot- that was still new to him, too.
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birthrightings-blog · 7 years
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IG: @jennuinely_
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